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ean, C824 test cope 01245020 FORM TP 2010032 JANUARY 2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 02 — General Proficiency FREE RESPONSE 2% hours 14 JANUARY 2010 (a. 1. Answer ALL questions in Sections I and IV. 2. Answer ONE question in EACH of Sections 1 and III. DO NOT TURN THIS PAGE UNTIL YOU ARE TOLD TO DO SO. = Copyright © 2008 Caribbean Examinations Council ®, = All rights reserved. = 01245020/JANUARY/F 2010 -2- SECTIONI DIRECTED SITUATIONS ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Write in SPANISH the information required for EACH of the situations given below. Do NOT write more than ONE sentence for each situation. For some situations, a complete sentence may NOT be necessary. Do NOT translate the situations given, Do NOT use abbreviations. DO NOT WRITE EACH ANSWER ON A DIFFERENT PAGE, YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Your mother has written you an e-mail giving you some advice while you are in Caracas studying Spanish. What does your mother write? 2. You are spending Christmas holidays in Puerto Rico. You send an e-mail to your best friend expressing your opinion about Christmas in Puerto Rico. What do you write? 3. Youare applying toa college overseas and must submit a statement expressing the reason you have selected that particular college. What do you write? 4, Youneed to see the school’s counsellor. Write an e-mail requesting an appointment to see him/her, 5. Your Spanish class is planning a trip to a Spanish-speaking country. Write the e-mail you send to your teacher stating why you will not be able to go on the trip. 6. Your school is participating in an inter-school football competition but your school team is not doing well. A supporter sends an e-mail encouraging the players to do better. What does the message say? 7. You were very rude to your father this morning and you are now ashamed of your con- duct. Write the e-mail you send to his office. 8. You take a phone message for your sister about a change of plans for the weekend. What message do you write? 9. You send an e-mail to your aunt who lives overseas reminding her of a promise she made to you last week. What does the e-mail say? 10. Youhave received your end-of-term report and are disappointed about a particular grade. What do you write in a note to the teacher? Total 30 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/JANUARY/F 2010 -3- SECTION I LETTER/COMPOSITION Using ONE of the following outlines asa guide, write in SPANISH a letter OR composition of NO MORE THAN 130 — 150 words. Use the tense or tenses appropriate to the topic which you have chosen. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER LETTER ‘You took part in a competition and won a monetary prize. Write a letter to your friend, who lives in Panama, informing him/her of the good news. You must include (i) what the competition was about Gi) how you were informed that you had won (iii) how you reacted to the news (iv) what you plan to do with your prize. (Do NOT write your real name and address, but include the date in SPANISH and use the appropriate beginning and ending.) Total 30 marks OR COMPOSITION Write a composition about a surprise party you have planned for a special friend. Be sure to include (i) why the friend is special to you (ii) where and when the party will take place (iii) some fun activities you have organized (iv) the biggest challenge in planning the party. Total 30 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/IANUARY/F 2010 -4- SECTION III CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT/CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE, Use the cues provided to complete EITHER an announcement OR a dialogue in SPANISH. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. EITHER CONTEXTUAL ANNOUNCEMENT Use the following information to write an announcement of about 80 - 100 words in SPANISH. A business in your school community has offered the students of your school the opportunity for holiday employment as tour guides. Interested persons must be 16 years or older and be knowledgeable about places of interest in their country. Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the announcement to be made in your school newsletter. (®) What the offer is (ii) Age requirements for interested persons ii) What knowledge interested persons need to have (iv) Hours and period of employment (v) How one can take advantage of this opportunity ‘Total 20 marks OR CONTEXTUAL DIALOGUE Using 80 — 100 words on the INSERT provi your teacher, giving your responses. ied, complete the dialogue between you and ‘You are assisting your teacher to organize an end-of-year activity for the graduating class Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. (i) The type of activity (ii) Asuitable date Gil) Choice of venue (iv) The people who should be invited (vy) A gift to be presented to the principal Total 20 marks GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE 01245020/JANUARY/F 2010 SECTION IV READING COMPREHENSION ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. Read the following selection carefully. Do NOT translate, but answer the questions in ENGLISH. Be sure to identify by number the question to which your answer refers. YOU WILL BE PENALISED FOR DISREGARDING THESE INSTRUCTIONS. Lucita’s Birthday Gift Anteayer Lucita cumplié diecisiete aitos. Su abuela le regalé una caja inmensa de chocolates que Lucita decidié llevar a la escuela para compartirlos con sus compafieros. En laescuela, Lucita dejé la caja de chocolates sobre una mesa y fue a clases hasta el mediodia. Después de clases Lucita fue por la caja de chocolates, pero no estaba donde la habia dejado. Se enfadé y comenzé a llorar. Inmediatamente se le acercé su amigo Domingo quien le pregunté qué le pasaba, Lucita le conté su problema. Domingo habia ofdo a dos muchachos, Lucas y Alkino, planeando hacerle una broma a ella: iban a esconder la caja de chocolates. Domingo pens6 que podia ayudar a su amiga a recuperar su regalo, Sin decir nada, Domingo fue inmediatamente en busca de Lucas y Alkino. Les encontré en la cafeteria con el regalo de Lucita, Estaban para salir cuando Domingo agarré la caja y cor- ri6 répidamente para devolvérsela a Lucita, Pobre Domingo! En el camino se tropez6 con el guardia de la escuela quien acababa de hablar con Lucita y sin hacerle preguntas le Ilevé directamente a la oficina del director. Use complete sentences to answer, in ENGLISH, the following questions based on the selection you have just read. I When did Lucita celebrate her birthday? (1 mark ) 2. How old was Lucita? (mark ) 3. What gift did Lucita receive and from whom? (3 marks) 4. Why did Lucita take her gift to school? (2 marks) 5. What did Lucita observe at the end of class? (2 marks) 6. How did Lucita react? (marks) 7. What information did Domingo have? (3 marks) 8. Where did Domingo go? (mark ) 9, What was Domingo’s reaction when he saw Lucas and Alkino? (2 marks) 10. Why did the guard react in the way that he did? (3 marks) Total 20 marks END OF TEST test cope 01245020 FORM TP 2010032 JANUARY 2010 CARIBBEAN EXAMINATIONS COUNCIL SECONDARY EDUCATION CERTIFICATE EXAMINATION SPANISH Paper 02 - General Proficiency Section III - Contextual Dialogue Centre number .......... Candidate number .........++ Using between 80 — 100 words, complete the dialogue between you and your teacher, giv- ing your responses. You are assisting your teacher to organize an end-of-year activity for the graduating class. Responses to ALL of the cues listed below MUST be included in the completed dialogue. (The type of activity (ii) Asuitable date Gil) Choice of venue (iv) The people who should be invited (v) A gift to be presented to the principal Attach this INSERT to your answer booklet. Profesor: {Qué actividad podemos organizar para los estudiantes que van a graduarse? Ta: seeseneeee Profesor: Me parece una buena idea. Pero tenemos que pensar en una noche apropriada para esta actividad, Ta: Profesor: Puede ser, pero muchos padres normalmente tienen algo para sus hijos después de Ja ceremonia de graduacién, Ta: GO ON TO THE NEXT PAGE, 01245020/JANUARY/E 2010 Profesor: Profesor: Profesor: Ta: Profesor Ta: Profesor Profesor: -2- Tienes razén, Lo importante es informarles con tiempo, asi que esa noche quede libre. {Cual es el restaurante favorito de los estudiantes? Es un buen restaurante. Sirven comida muy sabrosa alli, Hablaré con el du para que nos dé un buen precio. Ademas de los estudiantes ja cules profesores debemos invitar? {Solamente a ellos? ;Por qué no invitamos a los otros también? Seguro. El director ha mostrado interés en el bienestar de los estudiantes y merece ser reconocido. {Qué le podemos regalar? Tii si sabes lo que le gusta. Lo discutiremos con los otros estudiantes mafana en la reunién. jNo olvides la reunién mafiana a las 4:00 p.m. en nuestro salén de clase! Hasta mafana. Total 20 marks 01245020/JANUARY/F 2010

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