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COMMON COLD - acute viral infection of the upper respiratory Physical examination

tract in which the symptoms of rhinorrhea and nasal obstruction are  erythema and swelling of the nasal mucosa with purulent
prominent. nasal discharge.
 headache,myalgia, and fever are absent or mild. To differentiate from common colds:
Etiologic agent- most commonly rhinovirus. 50 % of infections.  persistence of nasal congestion
May also be caused by adenovirus, parainfluenza and influenza and  rhinorrhea (of any quality)
corona virus. And also RSV  daytime cough ≥10 days without improvement
Pathogenesis:  severe symptoms of temperature ≥39°C (102°F) with
 Direct hand contact- self-inoculation of one’s own nasal mucosa purulent nasal discharge for 3 days or longer
or conjunctivae after touching a contaminated person or object  worsening symptoms either by recurrence of symptoms
 Inhalation of small-particle aerosols that are airborne from after an initial improvement or new symptoms of fever,
coughing nasal discharge and daytime cough.
 deposition of large-particle aerosols that are expelled during a Diagnosis: mainly based on history
sneeze and land on nasal or conjunctival mucosa  persistence of nasal discharge and cough for more than 10
Repeated infections: due to antigenic diversity and short lived days
mucosal IgA and short incubation period before immune memory  severe symptoms with fever > 39 deg
activates  purulent discharge by 3-4 days
 Bacteria in maxillary sinus in 70%
Pathogenesis:  Chronic sinusitis- persistent respiratory symptoms of more
 infection of the nasal epithelium is associated with an acute than 90 days
inflammatory response characterized by release of a variety  Sinus aspirate culture is the only accurate method of
of inflammatory cytokines and infiltration of the mucosa by diagnosis
inflammatory cells.  Viral upper respiratory tract infections are characterized by
 Infected cells release cytokines, such as interleukin-8, that clear and usually nonpurulent nasal discharge, cough, and
attract polymorphonuclear cells into the nasal submucosa initial fever; symptoms do not usually persist beyond 10-14
and epithelium days, although a few children (10%) have persistent
Clinical manifestations: vary with age symptoms even at 14 days
 Infants- fever and nasal discharges predominates Acute pharyngitis
 Symptoms occur after 1-3 days of viral infection  inflammation of the pharynx, including erythema, edema,
 1st symptom is sore throat followed by obstruction and exudates, or an enanthem (ulcers, vesicles).
rhinorrhea  related to environmental exposures, such as tobacco smoke,
 Cough in 2/3 of patients and usually after nasal symptoms. May air pollutants, and allergens; from contact with caustic
persist for 1-2 weeks after resol’n of other symptoms substances, hot food, and liquids; and from infectious
 Other symptoms of a cold may include headache, hoarseness, agents
irritability, difficulty sleeping, or decreased appetite. Etiologic agent:
 Physical findings are usually limited ot the upper RT Viral: RSV, coronavirus, influenza, parainfluenza, adenovirus, CMV,
 Increased nasal secretions in the course of the illness and change rhinovirus, HSV
in color of secretions does not mean bacterial super infection but  Most viral infections are mild: rhinorrhea and cough
due to PMNs accumulation. symptoms
 Nasal cavity – swollen, erythematous  HSV- ulcerating lesions and Gingivostomatitis
 Abnormal middle ear pressure; Anterior cervical throughout anterior pharynx, high fever and cannot
lymphadenopathy or conjunctival injection noted tolerate oral fluids; can last up to 14 days
Laboratory:  Herpangina (enterovirus)- affect posterior oropharynx,
 Routine lab is commonly not indicated unless severe infection is throat pain, fever
suspected  Adenovirus- pharyngoconjunctival fever; pharyngitis tends
 Bacterial culture: streptococcus or pertussis to resolve within 7 days but conjunctivitis may persist for
up to 14 days.
Sinusitis: GAS- asymptomatic carriage or acute infection
Due to common colds and some from bacterial invasion. Paranasal  Incubation of 2-5 days; fever and sore throat
sinus is usually sterile and controlled by ciliary clearance  pharynx is red, the tonsils are enlarged and often covered
 Maxillary(4 y.o)and ethmoid sinus are present at birth but only with a white, grayish, or yellow exudate or blood-tinged
ethmoid sinus is pneumatized. Sphenoid develops 5.yo and  petechiae or “doughnut” lesions on the soft palate and
frontal by 7-8 years. posterior pharynx and the uvula may be red and swollen.
Etiology:  strawberry tongue- white to red
 S. pneumonia, H. influenza in acute  Enlarged tender cervical lymph nodes
 SAU, B haemolytic strep cultured in chronic  Headache, abdominal pain, vomiting
Pathogenesis:  Fine, red popular rash (sandpaper rash) from face then
 Acute bacterial sinusitis typically follows a viral upper generalized
respiratory tract infection.  Rash blanches with pressure on skin creases
 MRI evaluation of the paranasal sinuses demonstrates Criteria developed for adults and modified for children by McIsaac:
abnormalities (mucosal thickening, edema, inflammation)  history of temperature >38°C
of the paranasal sinuses  absence of cough
Clinical manifestations:  tender anterior cervical adenopathy
 Nonspecific complaints, including nasal congestion,  tonsillar swelling or exudates
purulent nasal discharge (unilateral or bilateral), fever, and  age 3-14 yr.
cough McIsaac score ≥4 is associated with a positive laboratory test for
 Less common: halithosis, periorbital edema, hyposmia GAS in less than 70% of children with pharyngitis
Throat culture- gold standard

Upper airways:
 Inflammation involving the vocal cords and structures
inferior to the cords is called laryngitis, laryngotracheitis,
or laryngotracheobronchitis
 inflammation of the structures superior to the cords-
 croup refers to a heterogeneous group of mainly acute and
infectious processes that are characterized by a bark like or
brassy cough and may be associated with hoarseness,
inspiratory stridor, and respiratory distress
 Croup typically affects the larynx, trachea, and bronchi.
 Usually caused by viral infections parainfluenza 1,2,3
(75%), associated with croup include influenza A and B,
adenovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, and measles.
 3mo – 5 years; late fall and winter
 Hib is the main cause of epiglottitis before the onset of
vaccination. Now, s.pneumonia, s.pyogenes, SAU are the
usual causes.
Croup (Laryngotracheobronchitis)
 Viruses typically cause croup, the most common form of
acute upper respiratory obstruction
 upper respiratory tract infection with some combination of
rhinorrhea, pharyngitis, mild cough, and low-grade fever
for 1-3 days before the signs and symptoms of upper
airway obstruction become apparent.
 “barking” cough, hoarseness, and inspiratory stridor.
 Lowgrade fever can persist, although temperatures may
occasionally reach 39-40°C (102.2-104°F); some children
are afebrile
 Agitation and crying aggravates coughing
Physical examination can reveal a hoarse voice, coryza, normal to
moderately inflamed pharynx, and a slightly increased respiratory
 Croup- steeple sign; typical subglottic narrowing of PA
Acute Infectious Laryngitis
 Virus cause most cases
 characterized by an upper respiratory tract infection during
which sore throat, cough, and hoarseness
Spasmodic Croup
 occurs most often in children 1-3 yr of age and is clinically
similar to acute laryngotracheobronchitis, except that the
history of a viral prodrome and fever in the patient and
family are often absent.
 Evening or night time
 child awakens with a characteristic barking, metallic cough,
noisy inspiration, and respiratory distress
 afebrile
 following day patient seems well
 more of allergic reaction to viral antigen rather than direct
 pathogenesis unknown

Hypersensitivity Pneumonia
Reactive airway induced asthma

Expected findings
Diagnostic work up

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