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Barranquilla - atlántico
Exercise in class”
Rewrite these sentences in passive voice “

1. A.V : I clean the room every day..

P.V: The room is cleaned by me every day

2. A.V: Tom bought a nice present yesterday….

P.V : A nice present was bought by Tom yesterday.

3. A.V : Ann will sing a beautiful song …

P.V : A beautiful song will be sung by Ann…

4. A.V : Ben repaired my computer yesterday…

P.V : My computer was repaired by Ben yesterday.

5. A.V : My sister is making a tasty cake now

P.V : A tasty cake is being made by my sister now …

6. A.V: We have bought the tickets to the concert

P.V : The tickets have been bought by us to the concert

7. A.V : Helen teaches French at school

P.V : French is taught by Helllen at school

8. A.V : They grow strawberries every year

P.V: Strawberries are grown by them every year
9. A.V: Tim sent an SMS to his friend.
P.V: a SMS was sent by tim for his friend

10. A.V: She has written a test today.

P.V: the test was weitten tpday

11. A. V: they visited that museum yesterday

P.V : that museum was visited for them

12. A.V : I am watching a football match now

P.V : they match being wached by me now

13. A. V : Pam has found the keys in the table

P.V : The keys has found in the table by pam

14. A. V: Mona is washing the clothes now

P.V : The clothes being wached by mona now.

15. A.V: You have made a lot of mistakes

P.V : a lot of mistakes have made you

16. A.V: Bill will bring sándwiches

P.V: the sándwiches will be brought by bill

17: A.V : They attend lectures every day

P.V : the lectures are attended every day by them

18. A.V : We are meeting the relatives now

P.V : The relative being met by us now

19: A.V : He will copy this text

P.V : this test will be copied by him

20. A.V : He has bought a new car

P. V : a new car has bought by him

21. A.V : We are playing volley- ball now

P.V : volley- ball being played by us

22. A.V : Our teacher explained the rule

P.V : The rule was explained by our techer

23. A. V : She translates the text every day

P. V : the text is translates every day by her

24. A.V : She is watching a comedy film now

P.V : A comedy film being washed for her now

25. A.V : He put he candle on the table

P.V : The candle is put in the table for him

26. A.V : Pam has bought a new ring recently

P. V: Recently a new ring has bought by pam

27. A.V : He will correct the mistake

P.V : the mistake will be corrected by him

28. A. V : I have got a beautifull present

P.V : a beautifull present have got by me.

29. A. V : The cat droppeed the base yesterday

P.V : the vase was dropper by the cat yesterday
30 . A. V : I am playing the piano now
P.V : The piano is played for me now

31. A. V: He has turned off the TV set

P.V : the TV set has turnet off by me

32. A. V : We receive e – mails every day

P.V : Every day receved e- mail us

33. A. V :Nick is eating an ice-crean now

P.V : an ice- cream being eaten by Nick

34. A.V : She will lend money to her friend

P.V : the money will be lended by she to her friend

35. A.V : I visit parís every year

P.V : Paris is visited every year by me

36. A. V : He has already prepared the report

P.V : The report has olrady prepared by him.

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