Mayang Detailed Lesson Plan

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:
A. Define friction.
B. Identify the four types of friction.
C. Understand the importance of friction.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: Friction
B. Materials: Cartolina , manila paper, cut-out letters, and sample pictures.
C. Reference:
D. Strategy: Visualization, Interactive, and cooperative learning.
E. Value focus: Awareness

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

1. Preliminary Activities/Drill
a) Prayer
 All rise and let us pray. - Amen!
b) Greetings
 Good morning class! - Good morning Teacher Mariel!
c) Arranging of chairs
 Before you’ll be taking - Okay maam!
your seats, arrange
your chairs properly
and kindly pick up
some pieces of papers
under your desks.
d) Checking of attendance - None maam!
 Who’s absent today?
2. Review
Before we will start, what was our  It’s all about ….
topic last meeting?

Very good! Now let’s proceed.

3. Motivation
 Before we will start. Let’s have a game
called “Word Puzzle.”
 Group yourselves into five and after
that, I’ll be handing the cut-out letters
for you to construct.
 Your task is to construct the word
correctly and paste it on the board.
 Whoever finished the puzzle first, will
be having an additional point for their
quizzes. Got it?  Yes maam!
 Are you ready? On my count! In 3,.. 2,..
1,. Goooo!
 (All groups have constructed their  (The students participated in the
word.) game.)
 What word you got group 1?
 Very good! How about group 2?
 Very good! How about group 3?  Friction
 And groups 4 and 5?  Static
 Sliding
 Very good class! All of you who  Rolling and Fluid
participated will be having 20 points
for their quizzes.  Thank you maam!

 Do you have any idea what you have

 No maam!
 For this morning, this will be our topic.
About friction.
4. Presentation/Discussion
 (The teacher presented her visual aids
for her discussion.)
 Our topic for today is all about friction.
Friction is a resistance force that slows
down or prevents motion.
 Everybody read the definition of  Friction is the force that opposes
Friction. motion between any surfaces that
are in contact.
 Very good! Imagine when you are - Yes maam!
climbing a tree. The gravity pulls you
but with the help of your hands and
feet, you were able to prevent from
falling. That force that you exerted in
your hands and feet is called Friction.
 Now let’s move on to the types of
 Everybody read the four types of - 1. Static Friction
friction. Namely? - 2. Sliding Friction
- 3. Rolling Friction
- 4. Fluid Friction

 Now read their definitions. - 1. Static friction acts on objects

when they are resting on a surface.

- 2. Sliding friction is friction that acts

on objects when they are sliding
over a surface.

- 3. Rolling friction is friction that acts

on objects when they are rolling
over a surface.

- 4. Fluid friction is friction that acts

on objects that are moving through
a fluid.

 For example, of static friction for

example, if you are hiking in the
woods, there is static friction between
your shoes and the trail each time you
put down your foot. Without this static
friction, your feet would slip out from
under you, making it difficult to walk.
In fact, that's exactly what happens if
you try to walk on ice. That's because
ice is very slippery and offers very little
 For example, you use sliding friction
when you write with a pencil. The
pencil “lead” slides easily over the
paper, but there's just enough friction
between the pencil and paper to leave
a mark.
 Rolling friction is much weaker than
sliding friction or static friction. This
explains why most forms of ground
transportation use wheels, including
bicycles, cars, 4-wheelers, roller skates,
scooters, and skateboards.
 Fluids include liquids and gases. If
you've ever tried to push your open
hand through the water in a tub or
pool, then you've experienced fluid
friction. You can feel the resistance of
the water against your hand.

 Any questions? - No maam!

 Now what is the importance of - No maam!

friction? Anyone? Any idea?
 The importance of friction is that, it is a
resistance force that slows down or
prevents motion, it is necessary in
many applications where you might
want to hold items or do things and
prevent slipping or sliding.
 Got it?
 Very good. - Yes maam!
5. Application

6. Generalization
 Okay class, what is friction again?  Friction is the force that opposes
 Very good! motion between any surfaces that
are in contact.
 What are the four types of friction?  1. Static Friction
 2. Sliding Friction
 3. Rolling Friction
 4. Fluid Friction

 What is the importance of friction?

 It helps to prevent the life on earth,
example by burning asteroids.
 Very good! Now lets have a quiz.

IV. Evaluation
Test I:
Define friction (5pts)

Test II:
____1. A friction that acts on objects that are moving through a fluid.
____2. A friction that acts on objects when they are resting on a surface.
____3. A friction that acts on objects when they are sliding over a surface.
____4. A friction that acts on objects when they are rolling over a surface.

Test II:
Essay (5pts)
In your own point of view, what is the importance of friction?

V. Remarks
80% of the pupils will pass the test.
VI. Reflection
No remedial needed.

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