Hemodynamic Monitoring and Support - CCM - 2021

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Hemodynamic Monitoring and Support

Jean-Louis Vincent, MD, PhD,
KEY WORDS: arterial pressure; blood lactate; cardiac output; fluid FCCM1
responsiveness; microcirculation; oxygen delivery; pulmonary artery catheter Alexandre Joosten, MD, PhD2,3
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Bernd Saugel, MD4

ritically ill patients are carefully and closely monitored to assess the
nature and severity of their disease process and to assess the need for
and impact of different therapies. All organs can be monitored, some
more easily than others, with hemodynamic monitoring of the cardiovascular
system being the most frequent. Hemodynamic monitoring techniques have
progressed immensely since the very early days of intensive care and perhaps
particularly over the past 50 years, moving from the very earliest, bulky sphyg-
mographs to measure arterial pressure, to invasive catheters to assess cardiac
output, to the more recent development of noninvasive, digital monitors pro-
viding continuous values of multiple hemodynamic variables. Concepts have
also changed as we move from global macrohemodynamic monitoring toward
a more regional, microcirculatory perfusion approach and from maximal mon-
itoring for all, to a much more individualized approach. Here, we will briefly
review these changes.


From Pressures to Blood Flow
Monitoring of a patient’s hemodynamic status initially concentrated on meas-
uring arterial pressure. The fundamental hemodynamic principle that pressure
is determined by flow and vascular tone (or vascular resistance) soon became
evident and had a major impact on the development of hemodynamic moni-
toring. As technology advanced, the ability to perform more advanced hemo-
dynamic assessment enabled better description and characterization of the
different types of shock (hypovolemic, cardiogenic, distributive, and obstruc-
tive) as proposed by Weil and Henning in 1979 (1, 2). A clear separation was
identified between shock with high systemic vascular resistance (SVR) (hypo-
volemic, cardiogenic, obstructive) and shock with low SVR (distributive), but
it became apparent that the vascular resistance concept had major limitations.
First, physiologically the line on a graph representing the relationship between
intravascular pressure (on the y-axis) and flow (on the x-axis) does not start
from the origin, as pressure is still positive in the absence of flow. Second, va-
sopressor therapy targeting an increase in SVR may result in an increase in
arterial pressure but also a reduction in blood flow. Third, septic shock is not
Copyright © 2021 by the Society of
always associated with low SVR. These observations were the basis for the his- Critical Care Medicine and Wolters
torical separation of septic shock into “cold” and “warm” types, possibly related Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights
to different types of organism—Gram+ve and Gram-ve—in particular (3), but, Reserved.
although still sometimes used in pediatric shock, these distinctions are not DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000005213

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Vincent et al

reliable. Patients with circulatory shock often present to the peripheral circulation, getting closer to the
with a combination of several different types of shock; cells. Tissue oxygen consumption (Vo2) varies with
for example, in septic shock, cardiac output can be lim- a patient’s clinical condition (inflammatory response,
ited by hypovolemia and/or sepsis-related myocardial body temperature, mechanical ventilation, to name
depression. In patients with acute respiratory failure, a few), and it is essential that sufficient oxygen can
the effects of high airway pressures on right ventricular be delivered to meet differing cellular needs. Oxygen
function can further complicate the hemodynamic delivery (Do2) is determined by cardiac output and
pattern (4). Hence, the concept of characterizing shock the arterial oxygen content. The concept of providing
according to vascular resistance lost popularity, and we supranormal amounts of oxygen to avoid the so-
have rather stayed focused on the primary variables of called “oxygen debt” was promoted in the early 1990s
pressures and cardiac output. by Shoemaker (8, 9) to prevent complications in
high-risk surgical patients. However, the excess treat-
The Importance of Cardiac Output ments (e.g., fluids and inotropic therapy) necessary to
achieve the marked increase in Do2 could be harmful
The first measurements of cardiac output, using indicator in some patients. This was illustrated in a study by
dilution techniques, were complicated and cumbersome Hayes et al (10) in 1994 using massive doses of dobu-
(5) but helped us recognize the large variability in car- tamine to achieve the Do2 goal.
diac output that can exist in patients. The development of The pendulum therefore shifted toward a more
the balloon-tipped pulmonary artery catheter (PAC) by personalized approach, considering the needs of in-
Swan et al (6) in 1970, just before the Society for Critical dividual patients by using appropriate monitoring. A
Care Medicine was founded in 1971, revolutionized our first strategy consisted of constructing individual Vo2/
approach to the monitoring of cardiac output enabling Do2 curves. Such an approach may make sense be-
the simpler pulmonary artery thermodilution technique cause physiologic studies have clearly shown the pres-
(7). The PAC had the additional benefit of enabling mul- ence of a Vo2/Do2 dependency phenomenon in shock
tiple hemodynamic variables (pulmonary artery pres- states (11, 12). Furthermore, the fall in Do2 below a
sures, pulmonary artery occlusion pressure [PAOP], critical value (the so-called Do2crit) is associated with
SVR and pulmonary vascular resistance, core body tem- an abrupt increase in blood lactate levels (Fig. 1). The
perature, mixed venous oxygen saturation [Svo2]) to be clinical application of the experimental data was nicely
measured and monitored simultaneously. illustrated in the observation by Ronco et al (13) in
Measurement of the central venous pressure (CVP) 1993 that the same relationship can be documented in
had been introduced in the late 1960s, and already patients who die following withdrawal of life-support.
provided information on hemodynamic status, no- However, the individual construction of Vo2/Do2 dia-
tably on right heart filling pressures and thus guid- grams in patients has several difficulties. First, it could
ance for rapid fluid administration. However, the lead to spurious Vo2/Do2 relationships because of the
CVP does not correlate well with blood volume, as it presence of so-called “mathematical coupling of data,”
reflects right ventricular function and venous compli- in which cardiac output, hemoglobin concentration,
ance as well. Use of the PAC helped understand the and arterial oxygen saturation (Sao2) are present on
differences between the CVP and the pulmonary ar- both axes of the graph. To avoid this, it was suggested
tery wedge or occlusion pressure, which reflects left- that Vo2 be determined by indirect calorimetry, but
sided filling pressures. Interpretation of the pressure this does not really provide a “measured” Vo2 just a
waveforms was also promoted, enabling assessment of value estimated using another technique and is prone
different conditions affecting the cardiac cycle. to other technical limitations (14). Second, the Vo2 can
change quite rapidly with changes in patient condition
The Concept of Oxygen Delivery/Oxygen or environmental factors.
Consumption Relationships and the The relationship between Vo2 and Do2 essentially
Importance of Svo2
represents oxygen extraction (the ratio of Vo2/Do2) or
Over the years, the emphasis in hemodynamic moni- more simply the Svo2 when Sao2 is close to 100%. The
toring has moved progressively from the central use of the PAC enables easy collection of mixed venous

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A suggested approach to interpreting S(c)vo2 is

given in Figure 2. Svo2 can decrease in the presence
of decreased arterial oxygen content (due to hypox-
emia and/or anemia), an inadequate cardiac output or
a significant increase in Vo2 (e.g., during exercise). It
thus became evident that a cardiac output value cannot
be correctly interpreted without a simultaneous Svo2
measurement and vice versa. Importantly, just as a low
cardiac output does not need to be corrected in every
case, a low Svo2 should not be corrected in every crit-
ically ill patient. This was documented in a large ran-
domized controlled trial (RCT) by Gattinoni et al (16),
in which bringing cardiac output and Svo2 to normal
values did not influence mortality rates.
The observation that S(c)vo2 was low at the time
of diagnosis of septic shock in many patients despite
traditionally expected to be normal or high following
initial resuscitation, led Rivers et al (17), in 2001, to
propose to rapidly (in 6 hr) restore the Scvo2 to at least
70% in the early resuscitation of such patients. The
so-called “early goal-directed therapy (EGDT)” was
achieved by more aggressive fluid resuscitation and
more than three times more patients receiving a blood
transfusion compared with control patients. Applied
in 130 patients versus 133 in the control group, EGDT
was associated with substantially and significantly
lower mortality, from 46.5% to 30.5%. This single-cen-
Figure 1. The relationship between oxygen consumption (Vo2) ter study stimulated strong interest but also some crit-
and oxygen delivery (Do2). A, Blood lactate levels increase icism. Three large multicenter RCTs published in 2014
abruptly when Do2 falls below a critical value (Do2crit). Please note
and 2015 (18–20) were unable to reproduce the results
that Vo2 does not fall to the same extent as Do2 below Do2crit,
indicating that oxygen extraction can still increase, although to a
but were not true comparator studies of the original
much lesser extent. B, The same concepts can be represented by
a cardiac output/oxygen extraction diagram.

blood from the tip of the catheter in the pulmonary

artery. Reference Svo2 values in acutely ill patients may
be a bit lower than the normal value of 75% in healthy
humans, because the hemoglobin value in the critically
ill is usually lower. Measurement of central venous ox-
ygen saturation (Scvo2) through a central venous cath-
eter has been proposed as a surrogate for Svo2, but is
only an approximation, as venous saturations are not
the same in the superior and the inferior parts of the
body, and this relationship can be altered by the clin-
Figure 2. Interpretation of mixed (central) venous oxygen
ical situation (15). Hence, Scvo2 can only be consid-
saturation (S(c)vo2). In ovals: things to do—in italic: treatment to
ered as a gross approximation of Svo2. Nevertheless, consider. CO = cardiac output, PEEP = positive end-expiratory
Scvo2 can still provide valuable information to guide pressure, Sao2 = arterial oxygen saturation, Vo2 = oxygen
patient management. consumption.

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study by Rivers et al (17), notably including patients concentrations reflect the balance between production
who were less severely ill and most of the patients in and clearance (primarily by the liver), the term “lac-
the EGDT group had normal S(c)vo2 values at the start tate clearance” is not appropriate to describe lactate
of the EGDT strategy (21). Hence, application of this kinetics (32). Development of rapid bedside analyzers
strategy cannot be considered as evidence-based, but it has simplified measurement of lactate concentrations.
does not invalidate the importance of S(c)vo2 in inter- Treatment based primarily on lactate kinetics (33) has
preting hemodynamic status in patients who do not been attempted but this approach is not entirely con-
improve promptly (22). vincing, because the changes in lactate concentrations
The addition of the venoarterial Pco2 (VAPco2) gra- are slow (31). Hence, the assessment of serial blood
dient may be useful in the presence of persisting he- lactate levels is considered as helpful to assess the re-
modynamic alterations when the Svo2 is normal or sponse to therapy rather than to precisely guide it (24).
high. In these conditions, an increased VAPco2 gra-
dient greater than 6 mm Hg may indicate that periph- The Importance of Peripheral Perfusion
eral blood flow is still inadequate (23).
The attempt to selectively increase the regional blood
Blood Lactate Concentrations flow to some organs has led to increased interest in
monitoring regional blood flow, but this is difficult in
In shock, falling tissue oxygen concentrations result in the clinical setting. Measurements of blood flow in the
anaerobic metabolism with the increased formation of hepatosplanchnic circulation are possible but quite
lactate, making blood lactate concentration a useful invasive (34). Gastric tonometry became popular in
index of altered tissue perfusion (24). This recognition the 1990s. This minimally invasive technique assesses
was an important step in the evolution of hemody- gastric mucosal perfusion via a modified nasogastric
namic monitoring. Based on the fundamental stud- tube equipped with a balloon including some saline or
ies of Huckabee on the relationship between pyruvate even Co2. Monitoring of critically ill patients using this
and lactate (25–27), Broder and Weil (28) proposed in technique was shown to decrease mortality in a study
1969 that excess lactate should be measured to assess published in 1992 (35), but the existence of many arti-
the role of “oxygen debt” in prognostication of shock facts leading to inconsistent results led to this approach
states. The concept of oxygen debt was challenged, being abandoned. More recently, measurements of ure-
however, as it is more relevant to the field of strenuous thral perfusion have also been proposed (36). Studying
exercise, and the measurements of pyruvate are too the peripheral blood flow to the extremities could be
complex and cumbersome to become routinely used valuable. Joly and Weil (37) proposed already in 1969
in clinical practice. Numerous articles have focused on to monitor the toe temperature, but this strategy is
the pathophysiology of lactic acidosis in septic shock, limited in the presence of peripheral arteriopathy. The
emphasizing that hyperlactatemia is not due only to assessment of skin perfusion has been pursued by dif-
cellular hypoxia, but other cellular derangements can ferent techniques, from the simple capillary refill time
be involved (24). Nevertheless, blood lactate concen- (38) to the more complex use of Doppler techniques
trations are well-established as an index of the severity (39). Assessment of peripheral perfusion has been, and
of shock (29) and hyperlactatemia (> 1.5–2 mmol/L) will remain, an important component of the clinical
as a marker of poor outcome. evaluation of the critically ill.
The concept of measuring serial blood lactate con-
centrations over time to monitor patient response to The Importance of the Microcirculation
treatment and evolution soon emerged. In early stud-
ies in the 1980s, blood lactate concentrations were Restoring and maintaining adequate tissue oxygen-
shown to decrease by 10% over one hour in the most ation is the ultimate goal of hemodynamic resuscita-
straightforward patients with circulatory shock who tion and management. Estimation of Do2 includes the
responded to fluid administration (30). Further stud- components cardiac output, hemoglobin, and Sao2,
ies confirmed that a rapid decrease in lactate con- but this neglects not only the distribution of cardiac
centration is associated with a better prognosis in output to the various organs but also distribution
various groups of critically ill patients (31). As lactate within the organs. Several methods exist to explore

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the microcirculation (40), including laser Doppler TABLE 1.

that measures RBC speed in small tissues, intravital Some Hemodynamic Strategies That Have
microvideo-surface microscopy applied directly on Been Studied in Randomized Controlled
organs, microvideo-surface microscopy by orthogonal Trials in Critically Ill Patients But Failed to
polarization spectral or sidestream darkfield imaging, Show a Reduction in Mortality
and nail capillarovideoscopy. For clinical practice, one Strategy References
needs the devices to be reliable and reproducible, easy
to use, and which provide data that are easy to inter- In critically ill patients (in general)
pret by most medical and paramedical staff (41).   Higher vs lower mixed venous Gattinoni et al (16)
Handheld vital microscopy assessing the sublingual  oxygen saturation targets in
critically ill patients
microcirculation has been the most widely studied
  Higher vs lower cardiac output Gattinoni et al (16)
approach and has enabled persistent microcirculatory   in critically ill patients
alterations to be depicted in critically ill patients with
  Higher vs lower hemoglobin Hébert et al (50)
sepsis (42). The time course of these changes has been   targets for blood transfusion
associated with organ dysfunction and mortality (43)   The pulmonary artery catheter Sandham et al (48),
and microvascular changes are frequently observed Richard et al (51),
even after global variables have normalized (43, 44). Harvey et al (52)
This approach has been used to assess the effects of var-   Colloids vs crystalloids Myburgh et al (53),
ious interventions on the microcirculation, including Annane et al (54)
the titration of vasopressor support (45). Whether In septic patients (in particular)
these measurements can be used to adjust treatment   Vasopressin administration Russell et al (55),
such that they have an impact on patient outcome re- Gordon et al (56)
mains to be proven.   Higher vs lower hemoglobin Holst et al (57)
  targets for blood transfusion
The Move Toward Less Invasive Techniques   Higher vs lower arterial Asfar et al (58)
  pressure targets
Decreasing Use of the PAC. The use of the PAC has   Early goal-directed therapy Yealy et al (18),
decreased worldwide over the last 2 decades. One ar- Peake et al (19),
gument to support this trend was that RCTs have not Mouncey et al (20)
consistently shown a reduction in mortality asso-   Levosimendan administration Gordon et al (59)
ciated with the use of PACs (46–48). However, a re-
duction in mortality has not been shown with other PAC-derived monitoring, PAC-derived variables re-
monitoring techniques (Table 1), such as the electro- main of value in certain complex patients, particularly
cardiogram or pulse oximetry (49), for example, but those with severe cardiorespiratory failure (60).
these are still widely used. Gastric tonometry was The Development of Echo-Doppler. It is beyond
shown to influence mortality (35), and yet this tech- the scope of this review to discuss the echo-Doppler
nique has been abandoned. Furthermore, a monitor- technique in detail. Echo-Doppler, first developed in
ing technique can only improve outcomes if the data the 1950s but only becoming more widely used clin-
generated can be used to influence management in ically in the 1970s (61), was initially reserved for use
a way that can reduce mortality. Hence, the negative in cardiology, but the development of simplified, more
observations from the RCTs suggest that PAC-derived mobile devices and availability of training programs
measurements cannot influence patient management around the globe have enabled echo-Doppler to be
and/or that the changes in management do not influ- used routinely in many ICUs. It is not necessary to be
ence mortality. The reduced use of the PAC in recent an expert in echo-Doppler to use it in the management
years is likely explained more by the greater availability of critically ill patients; knowledge and expertise can
and use of echo-Doppler techniques and other newer, be relatively limited, covering just the necessary basics
less invasive hemodynamic monitoring techniques. to perform a so-called focused cardiac ultrasound
Although these newer devices have reduced the use of (62); cardiologists can still be called if more complex

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evaluations are needed. Echocardiography can differ- are not reliable enough for routine use in critically ill
entiate between the different types of shock (2) and se- patients.
rial examination can be used to monitor response to
Availability of Less Invasive Methods for Cardiac ADMINISTRATION OF KEY THERAPEUTIC
Output Measurement. Other indicator dilution meth- INTERVENTIONS IN SHOCK
ods to measure cardiac output were developed to avoid As proposed by Weil and Shubin (68) many years ago,
the need for a PAC (Fig. 3), including transpulmo- the patient with shock should be managed according
nary thermodilution and lithium dilution (63–65). to the Ventilate, Infuse, Pump approach. Each of these
However, a (central) venous catheter is still required management components requires close and specific
for indicator injection and an arterial catheter to detect hemodynamic monitoring.
changes in indicator temperature or concentration.
Pulse wave analysis, which uses a mathematical anal- Ventilate
ysis of the arterial blood pressure waveform to estimate
cardiac output, has also been proposed (66, 67). With It may not seem intuitive that hemodynamic manage-
pulse wave analysis, cardiac output is estimated continu- ment requires an initial focus on ventilation, but an
ously, with a rapid response time; it can therefore be used adequate oxygen supply is essential to restore an ade-
to assess fluid responsiveness during, for example, a fluid quate Do2. The use of invasive mechanical ventilation
challenge maneuver or a passive leg raising test. However, can decrease the oxygen demand of the respiratory
estimation of cardiac output using pulse wave analysis muscles, thus facilitating achievement of adequate tis-
relies on theoretical assumptions and measurement per- sue Do2. Optimal timing of endotracheal intubation
formance is limited in patients with rapid changes in is thus an important part of the resuscitation process.
vasomotor tone, either spontaneous or drug-induced.
Different pulse wave analysis devices—invasive, min-
imally invasive, and noninvasive—are available for this Fluid administration remains an essential component
purpose, and may use external, internal, or no calibra- of the management of all forms of shock. Initially re-
tion to calibrate the estimated cardiac output values (66). served for hypovolemic states, and to some extent
Each has benefits and limitations, but detailed discussion septic shock, fluid administration is also essential in
is beyond the scope of this article (Table 2). cardiogenic shock, because the vasoconstrictive state
Other less invasive methods for cardiac output results in extravasation of fluid into the interstitium.
monitoring, including noninvasive pulse wave analysis Hence, management of cardiogenic shock using pru-
(e.g., finger cuff method), pulse wave transit time, Co2 dent fluid administration has become a standard, even
rebreathing, thoracic bioimpedance and bioreactance, when cardiogenic lung edema is present (69).
How much fluid should
be given has been a topic
of intense discussion.
Attempts to predeter-
mine the amount of fluid
required have been un-
successful in all subsets
of patients. Hence, the
amount of fluid to be given
should be guided by ap-
propriate and adequate
hemodynamic monitor-
ing in individual patients.
Monitoring arterial pres-
Figure 3. Timeline showing the development of some techniques to measure or estimate cardiac output sure alone may be sufficient

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Advantages and Limitations of Techniques for Cardiac Output Determination
Method Advantages Limitations

Pulmonary artery Clinical reference method Invasiveness, catheter-related major complications

 thermodilution Additional variables: cardiac Sources of error including the temperature and volume
filling pressures and mixed of the injectate, timing of indicator injection during
venous oxygen saturation respiratory cycle
Measurement error in patients with intracardiac
shunts and tricuspid valve abnormalities
Transpulmonary indicator dilution
 Thermodilution Good performance Invasiveness, complications associated with central
Additional variables: volumetric preload venous and (femoral) arterial catheters
variables, extravascular lung water and
pulmonary vascular permeability index
  Lithium dilution Good performance Invasiveness
Response time
Not available everywhere
Minimally invasive No external calibration Depends on impeccable blood pressure waveform quality
pulse wave Beat-to-beat continuous monitoring Stroke volume algorithms based on theoretical assumptions
Operator independent Marked alterations or rapid changes in systemic vascular
Plug and play (easy to set up) resistance make cardiac output estimations unreliable
(e.g., in patients with shock)
Additional variables: stroke volume
variation/pulse pressure variation
Transesophageal Beat-to-beat continuous cardiac Operator dependent
Doppler output monitoring Probe not fixed: frequent need for repositioning
Sedation and mechanical ventilation required
Assumes constant distribution of arterial blood flow
between the upper and lower parts of the body
Depends on the correct estimation of the diameter of the aorta
Finger cuff method No external calibration Not reliable in presence of finger edema and poor
(noninvasive pulse peripheral perfusion
wave analysis) Beat-to-beat continuous cardiac Poor performance, especially in the presence of
output monitoring vasoconstriction
Operator independent
Plug and play (easy to set up)
Additional variables: SVV/PPV
Pulse wave No need for calibration Not reliable in the presence of arrhythmia
transit time Operator independent Not reliable if vasoconstriction
Plug and play (easy to set up) Does not provide SVV/PPV
Thoracic bioimpedance No calibration Unreliable in many cases of arrhythmia, electrical
and bioreactance interference, internal or external pacemakers, movement
(motion artifacts), anatomic shunts, pleural and pericardial
effusions, foreign bodies in the chest, pulmonary edema
Operator independent Electrode positioning (interference with some
Plug and play (easy to set up) surgical sites)

PPV = pulse pressure variation, SVV = stroke volume variation.

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when vascular tone is well preserved, but in septic responsiveness), the increase in stroke volume is very
shock the cardiac output may increase much more transient, and appropriate monitoring must be used to
than the arterial pressure (70), so that a cardiac output ensure any change is identified reliably.
measurement is desirable. Although a low CVP can in- Type of Fluid and Blood Transfusions. A compre-
crease confidence that fluid administration will be safe, hensive discussion on the different effects of different
a single CVP measurement is not a reliable indicator colloids and crystalloids (albumin or hydroxyethyl
of fluid requirements (71). Changes in CVP during starch, saline or balanced solutions) is beyond the
the administration of a fluid bolus provide more use- scope of the present review, but fluid choices remain a
ful information about the tolerance to fluids. The ben- highly controversial topic.
efit (increase in cardiac output) versus risk (of edema Transfusion strategies have also evolved with time.
formation) of fluid is the basis for the fluid challenge When a patient should be transfused remains a matter
technique, in which a relatively small amount of fluids of debate. There is no doubt that the maintenance of he-
(usually around 200 mL) is given over a relatively short moglobin levels greater than 10 g/dL resulted in excess
period of time (usually around 10 min) while carefully transfusions, but the pendulum may have swung too far
monitoring safety limits (72). in the other direction following RCTs showing similar
In patients treated with controlled mechanical ven- outcomes when transfusions are given only when hemo-
tilation, the effects of intermittent positive pressure globin falls less than 7 g/dL (57). A recent review of the
ventilation on preload and stroke volume were pro- available data indicated that blood transfusion may in-
posed to detect fluid responsiveness. If mechanical crease Vo2 in critically ill patients (79), and there is now
ventilation induces respiratory variations in stroke broad consensus that the decision to transfuse should
volume (SVV) or in arterial pulse pressure (PPV), it not be based on a hemoglobin level alone but also on
is more likely that the patient is preload-dependent. other factors, including patient age, hemodynamic
During fluid administration, the decrease in PPV in- status, and cardiovascular comorbidity (80). A reason-
versely correlates with the increase in cardiac output able approach today would be that blood transfusion
(73). However, first introduced in the late 1990s, these can be safely withheld when the hemoglobin is above
dynamic measures of fluid responsiveness based on 9 g/dL and should be given when hemoglobin is below
cardiopulmonary interactions have their limitations. 7 g/dL; decisions to transfuse should be individualized
PPV is only reliable in mechanically ventilated patients when the hemoglobin is between these two values.
who are profoundly sedated (no spontaneous breath-
ing) receiving a relatively large tidal volume, with Pump
modestly altered lung compliance, and no right ven- Various vasopressor agents have been proposed, in-
tricular failure, intra-abdominal hypertension, or se- cluding norepinephrine, dopamine, phenylephrine,
vere arrhythmias. Conditions for its use are usually metaraminol, mephentermine, and others, but norep-
met during surgical interventions, where goal-directed inephrine is now established as the initial vasopressor
fluid management strategies based on such indices of choice (81). Importantly, administration of vaso-
(PPV or SVV) have been shown to reduce postopera- pressors can decrease blood flow to nonvital organs,
tive complications (74); however, in the ICU, very few in particular to the kidneys. The pharmacology of do-
patients fulfill optimal conditions (75, 76). Additional pamine was particularly appealing for its use as a va-
tests that rely on the dynamics of PPV have been pro- sopressor, because dopaminergic receptors are more
posed, including the positive end-expiratory pressure numerous in the splanchnic and renal circulations.
or the tidal volume challenge (77). However, the administration of low-dose dopamine,
A passive leg raising test was proposed as an alter- although initially promoted by MacCannell et al (82)
native method (78), avoiding, in principle, the fluid in the 1960s, was later shown not to be associated with
bolus of a fluid challenge. However, there are two key renal protective effects in patients with shock (83). The
limitations: one is that the test may represent a stim- use of dopamine has been shown to be associated with
ulus in the unsedated patient, resulting in an adren- higher mortality rates than norepinephrine in shock
ergic response regardless of the fluid status; the other is states (81, 84) and use of dopamine as a vasopressor
that if there is a positive response (i.e., indicating fluid has been largely abandoned.

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50th Anniversary Article

The place of other vasopressor agents remains unde- to impact the field of hemodynamic monitoring in
fined. The risk with these agents is a decrease in cardiac shock. New tiny, flexible noninvasive sensors that can
output. Vasopressin has been widely used without ev- be attached to the skin or items of clothing are already
idence of clinical benefit. Benefit may be found when available and can provide continuous monitoring of
vasopressin is administered early to prevent capillary multiple variables (94). These values can be transmitted
leakage, but the risk is that it may decrease blood flow, wirelessly to central computers or systems or to health-
especially in the hepatosplanchnic and the coronary care workers’ smartphones or smartwatches. Artificial
circulations. Hence, close hemodynamic monitoring is intelligence will increasingly be used to interpret such
required to ensure that cardiac output is well preserved signals and suggest or even start appropriate therapy.
(85). Similarly, administration of selepressin, a vaso- There is already renewed interest in clinical automa-
pressin derivative, was not found to be beneficial in a tion with automated closed-loop control systems (95).
study where cardiac output was not monitored (86). The integration of feedback control systems and arti-
Angiotensin II has been reintroduced as a vasopressor ficial intelligence into medical device systems has the
(87), but its indications are not well defined. potential to improve adherence to prescribed treat-
Although in the past, vasopressor therapy was initi- ment regimens and protocols, and enable rapid adap-
ated only when it was considered that the patient was tation to new or changing therapeutic strategies. In the
not responding to fluids, more recent studies have indi- future, it is likely that personalized titration of drugs
cated that arterial hypotension should be avoided in all will be administered by automated systems using data
cases. Even transient hypotension can be associated with previously gathered from patients with similar demo-
an increase in organ failure (88) or mortality (89) and graphics and disease patterns. These systems would be
early norepinephrine administration to restore arterial able to more accurately predict the response of a given
pressure seems to have beneficial effects on outcomes patient to specific drugs and use these predictive mod-
(90). The optimal arterial pressure target in shock states els within their treatment protocols, thus facilitating a
has been a topic of intense investigation (58, 91), but personalized medicine approach. Echocardiography
no globally acceptable ideal value has been identified probes will also become even smaller and even more
because arterial pressure targets should be personalized widely available and used. Although costs remain high
taking into account various factors, including, among at present, these will decrease as such tools become
others, history of chronic hypertension, current disease more widespread. However, further study needs to de-
process, and hemodynamic status (92). termine how best such innovations can be used in the
Dobutamine has been considered as the inotropic critically ill to improve outcomes before they become a
agent of choice in case of myocardial failure. Initially
routine presence on our ICUs.
considered as inappropriate for use in septic shock, it
has found a place when response to fluids is limited.
Since optimization of hemodynamic variables is usu- CONCLUSIONS
ally considered as standard of care, conduct of a large
Hemodynamic monitoring and management have
RCT to evaluate the potential benefit or harm of dobu-
improved greatly in critical care and perioperative
tamine would be difficult.
medicine over the past 50 years. Monitoring tech-
Although their long half-life is not particularly de-
nology has evolved to enable very invasive devices to
sirable, phosphodiesterase inhibitors (like milrinone)
be replaced by much less invasive (and even totally
and levosimendan can find a place in the management
noninvasive) equipment—even though we may lose
of cardiogenic shock, but their vasodilating effects have
some accuracy. Simultaneously, our whole approach to
limited their place in the management of septic shock.
There is no place for routine administration of any ino- monitoring has shifted from using a few static, single
tropic agent in these patients, even levosimendan (93). measures to a functional, dynamic, and multivari-
able approach. Hemodynamic monitoring in the ICU
needs to include more than simply blood pressure,
The Future of Hemodynamic Monitoring
heart rate, and urine output. Furthermore, any var-
Medical and scientific technology continues to ad- iable on its own provides relatively little information
vance at an extraordinary pace, and this will continue of a patient’s hemodynamic status, particularly in the

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Vincent et al

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