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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Editorial 01 – 05 – 2021 Example: The teacher did not punish the penitent
1. Peril (noun) – risk, danger, hazard
students who wrote a letter apologizing to the substitute
Example: Everyone knows drinking poison is an act
for their poor behavior.
that will put your life in peril.
Antonyms: Penitent x callous, hard, remorseful
Antonyms: Peril x calm, quiet, serenity
7. Sundry (adjective) – miscellaneous, varied,
2. Pathos (noun) – poignancy, tragedy, sadness
Example: The pathos of the movie caused me to leave
Example: My grandmother decided to open a sundry
the theater with tears in my eyes.
store where people could buy an assortment of goods.
Antonyms: Pathos x glee, happiness, softness
Antonyms: Sundry x same, homogeneous, uniform
3. Vigour (noun) –energy, spirit, exuberance
8. Surmount (verb) –conquer, overcome, master
Example: All Party members and the people as a
Example: The motivational speaker led Jim to believe
whole are full of vigour.
he could surmount any personal issues.
Antonyms: Vigour x lethargy, torpidity, apathy
Antonyms: Surmount x help, fail, surrender
4. Evasive (adjective) –escaping, dodging, eluding
9. Fragile (adjective) –delicate, frail, brittle
Example: The detective felt the suspect was being
Example: My grandmother has extremely fragile
evasive when he hesitated with his answers.
health so she sees her doctor once a week.
Antonyms: Evasive x direct, straight, shortest
Antonyms: Fragile x sturdy, tough, durable
5. Entangle (verb) –tangle, capture, catch
10. Contempt (noun) –disdain, scorn, disrespect
Example: His tactics were to entangle the opposition
Example: The parents of the murder victim showed a
in a web of parliamentary procedure.
great deal of contempt for their child’s killer.
Antonyms: Entangle x untwist, detach, extricate
Antonyms: Contempt x respect, admiration, esteem
6. Penitent (adjective) –repentant, contrite,
11. Topple (verb) – fall, drop, plunge
Example: Placing the bowling ball onto the flimsy

table caused it to topple over onto the floor.

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Topple x ascend, up rise, increase Antonyms: Precocious x backward, slow, late

7. Respite (noun) –break, pause, interval

Editorial 03 – 05 – 2021 Example: Gardening is the perfect hobby for those

1. Agony (noun) – distress, pain, misery
who need respite from hectic city life.
Example: The wounded police officer who was shot
Antonyms: Respite x advance, beginning, censure
five times is in agony.
8. Repression (noun) –restraint, control, inhibition
Antonyms: Agony x comfort, contentment, ecstasy
Example: The strict rules of the boarding school
2. staggered (adjective) – amazed, stunned,
served as a repression for students.
Antonyms: Repression x expression, aid, allowance
Example: The coach staggered his players in the
9. Abomination (noun) –evil, horror, outrage
back field.
Example: The politician saw the other party as an
Antonyms: Staggered x clear, oriented, alert
abomination and despised the group with all of his
3. Beleaguer (adjective) –harassed, aggravated,
Antonyms: Abomination x benefit, delight,
Example: A lack of funds is going to beleaguer the
school district and cause several school closures.
10. Tortuous (adjective) – twisting, curving,
Antonyms: Beleaguer x assist, aid, help
4. Rigged(adjective) – provided, prepared, equipped
Example: The tortuous large intestines could stretch
Example: Election officials have rigged up speakers
out to be five feet long if they were unraveled from the
to provide voters with music.
human body.
Antonyms: Rigged x undecided, open, pending
Antonyms: Tortuous x straight, direct, simple
5. Coercive (adjective) –forceful, power, strong
11. Menial (adjective) –boring, humble, dull
Example: A coercive individual will use threats and
Example: I do not mind doing menial kitchen work
violence to make other people obey him.
until I become a professional chef.
Antonyms: Coercive x gentle, soft, humane
Antonyms: Menial x elevated, noble, skilled
6. Precocious (adjective) –advanced, forward,

Editorial 04 – 05 – 2021
Example: The music teacher was surprised to see the 1. Stifle (verb) – throttle, strangulate, suppress

precocious toddler correctly playing the violin.

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Example: The children tried to stifle their laughter Example: The professor will take his family on a long

during class but couldn’t hold back their giggles for vacation during his hiatus.

long. Antonyms: Hiatus x continuation, closure, juncture

Antonyms: Stifle x encourage, allow, begin 7. Sober (adjective) – depress, discourage, daunting

2. Incumbent (noun) – occupant, officer, holder Example: The woman’s expression was sober and

Example: The incumbent city councilman barely sensible because she was generally a calm person.

retained his seat in the election. Antonyms: Sober x blind, wasted, hammered

Antonyms: Incumbent x optional, voluntary, 8. Complacent (adjective) –smug, conceited, proud

discretionary Example: Picky eaters are never complacent unless

3. Obliterate(adjective) – devastated, ruined, you fully cater to their tastes.

wrecked Antonyms: Complacent x reserved, humble,

Example: The general’s plan is to obliterate the modest

enemy’s military runways so their fighter planes cannot 9. Ardent (adjective) – passionate, fervent, intense

launch an aerial attack. Example: Melissa has always been an ardent

Antonyms: Obliterate x create, generate, produce supporter of the city’s community theater.

4. Tarnish (verb) – corrode, deteriorate, stain Antonyms: Ardent x cool, impassive, disloyal

Example: The once shiny door knob has been touched 10. Debacle (noun) – disaster, failure, collapse

so much that it now has only a dull and lifeless Example: The exact cause of the debacle will

tarnish. probably never be determined.

Antonyms: Tarnish x brighten, polish, clean Antonyms: Debacle x success, smash, attainment

5. Resentment (noun) – grudge, irritation,

animosity Editorial 06 – 05 – 2021

1. Stern (adjective) – harsh, stringent, strict
Example: Deep resentment existed between the two
Example: Bill warned his drunken brother that the
rival players who had hated each other for many years.
punishment for drunk driving is extraordinarily stern.
Antonyms: Resentment x contentment, affection,
Antonyms: Stern x lenient, amenable, flexible
2. Shun (verb) –avoid, rebuff, dismiss
6. Hiatus (noun) – interval, break, interlude
Example: More discriminating visitors now tend

to shun the area.

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Shun x accept, admire, allow 9. Unflagging (adjective) –tireless, persistent,

3. Empirical (adjective) –practical, observed, staunch

pragmatic Example: The persistent reporter was unflagging

Example: Our data is based on empirical evidence and refused to give up on the story.

collected in numerous studies. Antonyms: Unflagging x inconstant, changing,

Antonyms: Empirical x notional, speculative, flagging

unproved 10. Redound (verb) –backfire, recoil, rebound

4. Ravage (noun) –Destroy, ruin, wreck Example: The monetary donation to the school would

Example: The mobster swore he would ravage the redound to the benefit of the students.

man’s family if he testified against him in court. Redound x start, begin, commence

Antonyms: Ravage x assist, bear, construct 11. Snide (adjective) – disparaging, sneering, hurtful

5. Covert (noun) –secret, clandestine, private Example: The snide comments from Harold’s’

Example: The spy went to great lengths to make sure mother-in-law offended not only him but also his

his enemies would not discover his covert plans. family.

Antonyms: Covert x overt, open, public Antonyms: Snide x gentle, kind, lovable

6. Astound (verb) –astonish, amaze, surprise

Example: The taste of the wonderful dessert is sure to Editorial 07 – 05 – 2021

1. Embargo (verb) – bar, prohibition, interdict
astound anyone who likes chocolate.
Example: The United States embargo against trade
Antonyms: Astound x clarify, calm, bore
with North Korea has created tension between the two
7. Ebullient (adjective) – Exuberant, elated, buoyant
Example: My aunt is an ebullient woman who can
Antonyms: Embargo x assistance, help, permission
always see the rainbow through the clouds.
2. Aftermath (noun) –consequence, result, outcome
Antonyms: Ebullient x apathetic, depressed, down
Example: The avalanche’s aftermath required
8. Amity (noun) –goodwill, cordiality, benevolence
extensive resources including rescue and clean-up
Example: The amity between the two neighbours led
them to share food supplies during the harsh winter
Antonyms: Aftermath x cause, occasion, reason
3.Bandwagon (noun) – drive, crusade, push
Antonyms: Amity x malevolence, animosity, enmity

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Example: You can expect to see the female activist Example: The mediator made a conciliatory

riding any bandwagon associated with gender statement which helped the two parties find common

inequality. ground.

Antonyms: Bandwagon x hesitation, disinterest, Antonyms: Conciliatory x stubborn, refusing,

irresolution fighting

4. Accentuate (verb) –stress, point out, emphasize 9. Wheedle (verb) –coax, cajole, entice

Example: The spray used by the forensics team will Example: Credit card companies try to wheedle

accentuate any blood specks that might be at the money out of their customers by rewarding them with

crime scene. credit increases.

Antonyms: Accentuate x minimize, downplay, Antonyms: Wheedle x disgust, dissuade, offend

lessen 10. Vapid (verb) – boring, dull, insipid

5. Pivotal (adjective) – vital, crucial, important Example: The vapid entertainment did not hold the

Example: The fighter planes gave pivotal assistance children’s attention

to the ground forces that were surrounded by the Antonyms: Vapid x exciting, pungent, sharp


Antonyms: Pivotal x trivial, inessential, secondary Editorial 08 – 05 – 2021

1. Bravado (noun) - boasting, bluster, audacity
6. Ferocity (noun) – violence, cruelty, brutality
Example:An excellent example of bravado is a
Example: The fighters were throwing punches with
mockingbird chasing a cat away from its nest.
such ferocity that the referee had to stop the fight in
Antonyms: Bravado x modesty, fear, restraint
the third round.
2. Assail (verb) –attack, assault, charge
Antonyms: Ferocity x calm, peace, apathy
Example: Someone hacked into my computer and now
7. Onus (noun) – responsibility, duty, obligation
all kinds of junk email and spam constantly assail my
Example: It is the onus of the applicant to completely
fill out the application materials.
Antonyms: Assail x defend, compliment, exonerate
Antonyms: Onus x advantage, aid, benefit
3. Vile (adjective) –disgusting, horrible, awful
8. Conciliatory (adjective) - Appeasing, pacific,
Example: The vile banker seemed to take great
pleasure in foreclosing on the homes of elderly people.

Antonyms: Vile x upright, noble, pleasant

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

4. Nugatory (adjective) –Trivial, insignificant, Example: Abraham Lincoln’s Emancipation

Frivolous Proclamation declared freedom to slaves in the south.

Example: Jim’s nugatory comments contributed Antonyms: Emancipation x slavery, bondage,

nothing to the class discussion. confinement

Antonyms: Nugatory x consequential, important, 11. Convene (verb) –call, summon, assemble

major Example: The country leaders will convene in hopes

5. Reticent (adjective) – reserved, silent, quiet of agreeing upon a new trade policy.

Example: I was nervous because all three of the judges Antonyms: Convene x cancel, stop, dispel

were reticent during my performance.

Antonyms: Reticent x garrulous, chatty, voluble Editorial 10 – 05 – 2021

1. Fatal (adjective) – lethal, dead, mortal, final
6. Brazen (adjective) –forward, insolent, defiant
Example: A fatal crash during the blizzard claimed
Example: The thieves were brazen enough to leave a
the lives of two prominent senators.
mocking note for the investigators.
Antonyms: Fatal x harmless, wholesome, healthy
Antonyms: Brazen x meek, timid, diffident
2. Scourge (noun) - affliction, curse, misfortune
7. Alacrity (noun) –eagerness, zeal, ardor
Example: The Odyssey is an epic poem that tells of the
Example: The boy jumped up and down with alacrity
trials of Odysseus as he tries to survive one scourge
as he inched closer to the candy store.
after another on his ten-year journey at sea.
Antonyms: Alacrity x apathy, lethargy, reluctance
Antonyms: Scourge x blessing, benefit, boon
8. Prudent (adjective) –wise, sagacious, sensible
3. staggering (adjective) – astonishing, surprising,
Example: My prudent uncle pays for everything with
cash so he will not build up a pile of debt.
Example: The stock’s staggering fall in value has
Antonyms: Prudent x unwise, rash, foolish
damaged many retirement accounts.
9. Entrench (verb) – establish, install, lodge
Antonyms: Staggering x predictable, expected,
Example: He was off-task early on but vowed to
entrench himself in his studies as the deadline neared.
4. Intervention (noun) – interference, involvement,
Antonyms: Entrench x dislodge, destroy, discourage
10. Emancipation (noun) – release, freedom,
Example: Thanks to early intervention therapy the
cancer has not spread throughout my body.

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Intervention x retreat, surrender, Antonyms: Furious x calm, pleased, delighted

withdrawal 10. Plaintive (adjective) –doleful, mournful,

5. Triumphant (adjective) –proud, jubilant, sorrowful

rejoicing Example: There was a plaintive cry from a crushed

Example: The triumphant graduates could not wait passenger in the rear of the bus.

to celebrate their achievements. Antonyms: Plaintive x glad, blissful, happy

Antonyms: Triumphant x despondent, sorrowful,

unhappy Editorial 11 – 05 – 2021

1. Relent (verb) – lost, failed, succumbed
6. Corporal (adjective) – physical, material, tangible
Example: We will not relent until justice is done and
Example: Shooting someone is sure to cause him or
our nation is secure.
her a great deal of corporal suffering.
Antonyms: Relent x harden, advance, ascend
Antonyms: Corporal x nonmaterial, spiritual,
2. Negotiation (noun) – discussion, arbitration,
7. Reverberant (adjective) – resonant, sonorous,
Example: They signed the treaty after several years
of negotiation.
Example: Large halls ideal for music can be
Antonyms: Negotiation x refusal, disagreement,
too reverberant for the spoken word.
Antonyms: Reverberant x quiet, inaudible, silent
3. Cumbersome (adjective) – awkward, clumsy,
8. Constraint (noun) –restraint, embarrassment,
Example: The assignment was so cumbersome that
Example: We protested the constraint on freedom
Rani had to hire six temporary workers to assist her.
imposed by the communists.
Antonyms: Cumbersome x compact, manageable,
Antonyms: Constraint x allowance, confidence,
4. Stumble (verb) –stagger, blunder, struggle
9. Furious (adjective) – raging, mad, infuriated
Example: She needed practice walking in high heels
Example: The prospective cadet was furious with
for her wedding day as she managed to only stumble
himself for oversleeping and disqualifying himself from
around in them.
the academy.
Antonyms: Stumble x continue, move, walk

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

5. Aftermath (noun) – consequence, result, outcome Editorial 12 – 05 – 2021

1. Lineage (noun) – descent, ancestry, extraction
Example: The avalanche’s aftermath required
Example: Our family was ecstatic to learn about our
extensive resources including rescue and clean-up
royal lineage and how we descend from kings and
queens of antiquity.
Antonyms: Aftermath x antecedent, cause, reason
Antonyms: Lineage x Issue, progeny, conclusion
6. Obligation (noun) – duty, responsibility, charge
2. Flagged (verb) – waved, signalled, beckoned
Example:An obligation of being an employee is
Example: He said the issue had been flagged up at
following standard operational procedures.
previous meetings and should not come as a surprise to
Antonyms: Obligation x imprudence, negligence,
Antonyms: Flagged x increased, enhanced, grew
7. Resolute (adjective) – intent, resolved, committed
3. Impediment (noun) – barrier, constraint,
Example:Diane sat immovable and resolute on the
porch swing as she waited for Blake to apologize.
Example: My broken wrist is the impediment
Antonyms: Resolute x irresolute, unsure, weak
preventing me from finishing my new novel.
8. Draconian (adjective) – drastic, severe, harsh
Antonyms: Impediment x advantage, benefit,
Example: The book is based on the true story of a
seventeenth century draconian ruler who brutally
4. Skirmish (noun) –Fight, battle, conflict
killed anyone who disagreed with him.
Example: Several players got into a skirmish
Antonyms: Draconian x calm, mild, amenable
following the first play of the game.
9. Pioneer (noun) – developer, founder, innovator
Antonyms: Skirmish x accord, agreement, calm
Example: The computer pioneer was one of the first
5. Stockpile (noun) – store, hoard, stock
people to visualize a mobile computer.
Example: The coupon queen keeps a large stockpile
Antonyms: Pioneer x cease, complete, destroy
of laundry detergent stacked toward the ceiling in her
10. Ravage (verb) – destroy, ruin, wreck
laundry room.
Example: The mobster swore he would ravage the
Antonyms: Stockpile x disperse, divide, scatter
man’s family if he testified against him in court.
6. Scrutiny (noun) – inspection, search, survey
Antonyms: Ravage x aid, remake, assist
Example: The detectives hope the suspect will confess

while under investigative scrutiny.

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Scrutiny x negligence, ignorance, neglect Antonyms: Jeopardy x safety, security, assurance

7. Onslaught (noun) – attack, assault, charge 3. Semblance (verb) –appearance, front, façade

Example: The musician received an onslaught of Example: Life at last returned to some semblance of

hate mail after he cancelled his tour. normality.

Antonyms: Onslaught x retreat, withdrawal, Antonyms: Semblance x back, character, difference

recession 4. Avarice (noun) –greed, covetousness, rapacity

8. Intrigue (noun) –conspiracy, scheme, collusion Example: The greedy banker’s avarice led him to

Example: The intrigue surrounding the latest funnel company funds into his personal account.

political scandal has created some interesting tabloid Antonyms: Avarice x benevolence, generosity,

articles. bounty

Antonyms: Intrigue x honesty, openness, reality 5. Circumvent (verb) – dodge, avoid, evade

9. Contempt (noun) –disdain, disrespect, scorn Example: The computer hacker knew he would have

Example: John’s prejudice causes him to feel to circumvent the firewall in order to access the

contempt for people who do not speak English. bank’s funds.

Antonyms: Contempt x respect, admiration, regard Antonyms: Circumvent x follow, keep, obey

10. Ambiguous (adjective) – unequal, vague, 6. Litigate (verb) –accuse, appeal, charge

confuse Example: Sneha decided to litigate for lost wages after

Example: It is impossible to assemble a bed frame she was fired without cause.

with ambiguous instructions Antonyms: Litigatex agree, accept, embrace

Antonyms: Ambiguous x obvious, clear, equal 7. Disparity (noun) –difference, discrepancy,


Editorial 14 – 05 – 2021 Example: The disparity between the giant’s height

1. Exacerbate (verb) – aggravate, worsen, inflame
and the dwarf’s height is obvious.
Example:My headache started to exacerbate when
Antonyms: Disparity x agreement, congruity,
my daughter played her loud music.
Antonyms: Exacerbate x calm, help, mitigate
8. Egalitarian (noun) –Equal, free, equable
2. Jeopardy (noun) –risk, peril, danger

Example: People who drive when they are intoxicated

put their lives and the lives of others in jeopardy.

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Example: The law was written to impose the Antonyms: Attune x destroy, hurt, ruin

egalitarian principle that men and women should be 4. Credence (noun) –Faith, belief, truth

treated as equals. Example: The outcome of the experiment gave

Antonyms: Egalitarian x Unequal, disparate, unfair credence to the theory that plants grow quicker when

9. Denounce (verb) – censure, condemn, attack exposed to classical music.

Example: Management was quick to denounce the Antonyms: Credence x doubt, denial, fear

hard work done by the union representatives. 5. Wreaked (verb) –Exacted, extracted, imposed

Antonyms: Denounce x applaud, endorse, Example: The United Nations has estimated that the

compliment havoc wreaked by climate change could create up to

10. Fanatical (adjective) –enthusiastic, passionate, 50 million refugees.

fervent Antonyms: Wreaked x abolish, end, eliminate

Example: He was a fanatical and not very competent 6. Storming (adjective) – energetic, forceful,

golfer and a member of the Royal Bucks Club. aggressive

Antonyms: Fanatical x lethargic, tolerant, unexcited Example: He had not slept since storming out of her


Editorial 17 – 05 – 2021 Antonyms: Storming x withdrawal, obedience,

1. Earmark (verb) – reserve, designate, label
Example: We will earmark twenty percent of tax
7. Engulf (verb) – Swamp, overwhelm, Inundate
dollars gained from the duty for new roads and water
Example: The lava will begin to engulf the
abandoned city in six hours.
Antonyms: Earmark x ignore, neglect, reject
Antonyms: Engulf x dry, drain, neglect
2. Consort (noun) –partner, companion, associate
8. Pulverize (verb) – crush, ground, grind
Example: The kidnapper’s consort will release the
Example: The culinary students will use a grinder to
hostage as soon as the ransom is delivered.
pulverize the fresh herbs.
Antonyms: Consort x boss, stranger, superior
Antonyms: Pulverize x create, yield, loss
3. Attune (verb) –adjust, adapt, accommodate
9. Abrogate (verb) –revoke, repudiate, abolish
Example: Many musicians have to attune their
Example: A good father would never abrogate his
instruments before playing to get the exact sound that
parental responsibilities.
they want or need.

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

Antonyms: Abrogate x allow, approve, institute Example: Kate’s flair for creating stunning floral

10. Raucous (adjective) –harsh, jarring, strident arrangements has made her the number one florist in

Example: The atmosphere became the area.

increasingly raucous. Antonyms: Flair x inability, failure, lack

Antonyms: Raucous x soft, low, gentle 6. Regress (verb) –descend, recede, revert

Example: We need to make progress towards equality

Editorial 18 – 05 – 2021 for all and not regress into an age of endless civil
1. Optimism (noun) - confidence, anticipation,
rights violations.
Antonyms: Regress x improve, progress, advance
Example: My optimism allows me to believe I will
7. Annihilate (verb) – destroy, demolish, ruin
recover from this severe illness.
Example: The boxer hopes to annihilate his
Antonyms: Optimism x unhappy, dejection, despair
opponent during the first round of the match.
2. Susceptible (adjective) – vulnerable, exposed,
Antonyms: Annihilate x construct, raise, build
8. Apprehension (noun) –anxiety, fear, worry
Example: Many young children get the flu vaccine so
Example: Most people feel apprehension prior to
they will be less susceptible to the virus.
entering a situation they know they could be injured in.
Antonyms: Susceptible x immune, unaffected,
Antonyms: Apprehension x confidence, unconcern,
3. Extricate (verb) – extract, remove, withdraw
9. Restitution (noun) –compensation,
Example: The little kitten did not know how to
remuneration, redress
extricate himself from the string of tape.
Example: The reasoning behind restitution is to
Antonyms: Extricate x embroil, involve, attach
make the wrongdoer responsible for any loss or harm
4. Protract (verb) –prolong, extend, lengthen
he may have caused.
Example: The committee voted to protract the
Antonyms: Restitution x penalty, fees, debt
discussions of an amendment to their mission
10. Antipathy (noun) – hostility, hatred, animosity
Example: The teenagers expressed their antipathy
Antonyms: Protract x advance, complete, finish
for the school by vandalizing the gym.
5. Flair (noun) – talent, gift, ability
Antonyms: Antipathy x liking, affinity, rapport

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

6. Hobble (verb) – limp, falter, stagger

Editorial 19 – 05 – 2021
1. Fury (noun) – violence, Ferocity, force Example: The old witch used a cane to hobble about

Example: The car salesman let out his fury by the inside of her cave.

bludgeoning several new vehicles with a bat. Antonyms: Hobble x stride, continue, free

Antonyms: Fury x mildness, peace, serenity 7. Contend (verb) – compete, fight, contest

2. Sedition (noun) – agitation, incitement, Example: The environmentalists contend the marine

fomentation ecosystem is being destroyed at an alarming rate

Example: The newspaper editor was accused of because of human pollution.

sedition when he encouraged his fans to rise up Antonyms: Contend x abandon, agree, comply

against police officers. 8. Concomitant (adjective) – attendant, associated,

Antonyms: Sedition x calm, obedience, harmony collateral

3. Juncture (noun) – time, moment, point Example: The disappearance of the turtles in the

Example: No one can predict who will win the election backyard appeared to be concomitant with Mr.

at this juncture Blackstone’s application of the new fertilizer.

Antonyms: Juncture x advantage, blessing, Antonyms: Concomitant x unrelated, accident,

solution independent

4. Convene (verb) – call, summon, assemble 9. Lucrative (adjective) – profitable, fruitful,

Example: An informant told the federal agents where productive

the drug lords were going to convene for a huge drug Example: The wealthy businessman was constantly on

buy. the lookout for lucrative ventures that would help him

Antonyms: Convene x divide, dispel, disconnect become even wealthier.

5. Acrimony (noun) – animosity, resentment, Antonyms: Lucrative x failed, hopeless, futile

hostility 10. Fiasco (noun) – crises, catastrophe, disaster

Example: A very public display of acrimony is not Example: The president must accept some blame for

usually part of the relations between this country and this economic fiasco.

the United States. Antonyms: Fiasco x advantage, agreement, benefit

Antonyms: Acrimony x amicability, fellowship,

affinity Editorial 20 – 05 – 2021

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May Month Editorial Vocabulary – 2021

1. Stubborn (adjective) – obstinate, obdurate, Example: The frantic team continued to scramble to

adamant make a goal but came up short at the end.

Example: My stubborn father refuses to learn how to Antonyms: Scramble x dawdle, crawl, amble

navigate the internet. 7. Belligerent (adjective) – aggressive, hostile,

Antonyms: Stubborn x flexible, inclined, giving contentious

2. Profound(adjective) – wise, deep, learned Example: My brother was always belligerent and

Example: The speaker’s profound words made me ready to fight

think about my future. Antonyms: Belligerent x calm, peace, amicable

Antonyms: Profound x foolish, ignorant, simple 8. Conspicuous (adjective) – obvious, clear, evident

3. Aberrant (adjective) – abnormal, anomalous, Example: Hunters wear camouflage so they appear

irregular less conspicuous around the animals

Example:An aberrant growth of body cells is often a Antonyms: Conspicuous x unnoticed, obscure,

symptom of cancer hidden

Antonyms: Aberrant x normal, common, typical 9. Confiscate (verb) – appropriate, attach, seize

4. Convalescent (adjective) – Recuperation, Example: The teacher is going to confiscate all

recovery, improvement mobile phones before passing out the exam

Example: Convalescent children are difficult to keep Antonyms: Confiscate x offer, abdicate, surrender

in bed. 10. Beacon (noun) – beam, lamp, light

Antonyms: Convalescent x failing, worsening, weak Example: The lighthouse is a beacon for ships lost in

5. Concomitant (adjective) – accompanying, the night.

attendant, associated Antonyms: Beacon x darken, obfuscate, dim

Example: The disappearance of the turtles in the

backyard appeared to be concomitant with Mr. Editorial 21 – 05 – 2021

1. Invoke (verb) – solicit, entreat, implore
Blackstone’s application of the new fertilizer
Example: The celebrity will invoke assistance from
Antonyms: Concomitant x accidental, chance,
the police to keep stalkers away from his property.
Antonyms: Invoke x answer, give, reply
6. Scramble (verb) – hurry, run, race
2. Perturb (Verb) – Upset, worry, disturb

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Example:Loud music tends to perturb my elderly 8. Charisma (noun)- charm, allure, appeal

grandparents. Example: The politician earned a lot of female votes

Antonyms: Perturb x calm, compose, quiet because of his winning smile and charisma.

3. Capricious (adjective) – fickle, impulsive, erratic Antonyms: Charisma x repulsion, horror, awfulness

Example: You need to settle down and stop being so 9. Deterrent (noun) – impediment, obstacle,

capricious hindrance

Antonyms: Capricious x stable, constant, steady Example: My daughter views the loss of cellphone

4. Gratification (noun) –pleasure, delight, privileges as a cruel deterrent against having bad

happiness grades.

Example: Telling someone thank you through a simple Antonyms: Deterrent x encouragement, lure,

note is an inexpensive form of gratification. motivation

Antonyms: Gratification x dissatisfication, 10. Penchant (noun) – inclination, bent, leaning

discontent, control Example: Hackers have a penchant for breaking into

5. Prodigious (adjective) –huge, enormous, massive secure areas.

Example: The magician held the audience’s attention Antonyms: Penchant x antipathy, dislike, hate

with several prodigious tricks

Antonyms: Prodigious x small, tiny, diminutive Editorial 22 – 05 – 2021

1. Contestation (noun) – dispute, disagreement,
6. Perfunctory (adjective) –casual, indifferent,
Example: Contestation on shortcoming of
Example: The beauty queen waved so often that her
traditional grads theory induced exploring logic point of
greeting was simply perfunctory.
the generalized-grads theory.
Antonyms: Perfunctory x thorough, detailed,
Antonyms: Contestation x peace, quiet, assent
2. Assuage (verb) –calm, ease, relieve
7. Arbitrary (adjective) – random, erratic, aimless
Example: You could assuage the crowd by being less
Example: Emily made an arbitrary decision to drive
tense and more humorous with your character.
across the country
Antonyms: Assuage x annoy, incite, aggravate
Antonyms: Arbitrary x organised, regular,
3. Sanguine (adjective) –confident, optimistic,

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Example: The bank manager did not feel sanguine Antonyms: Premeditated x willing, imprudent,

about recovering the loan. ignorant

Antonyms: Sanguine x gloomy, doleful, sorrowful 9. Buoyant(adjective) – floating, light, thin

4. Scandalous (adjective) –shocking, disgraceful, Example: Nothing could interfere with Jenna’s

outrageous buoyant mood on her wedding day.

Example: Senator Sill refused to answer the reporter’s Antonyms: Buoyant x sullen, depressed, dull

question about his scandalous behavior last month. 10. Havoc (noun) –devastation, destruction, damage

Antonyms: Scandalous x acceptable, decent, Example: The protestors created havoc when they

innocuous started to break store windows.

5. Retrograde (adjective) – backward, reverse, Antonyms: Havoc x building, construction, erection


Example: The racist group is promoting retrograde Editorial 24 – 05 – 2021

1. Intransigent (adjective) – obstinate, obdurate,
steps to bring segregation back to our schools.
Antonyms: Retrograde x forward, direct, improving
Example: People have a hard time getting along with
6. Devious (adjective)– scheming, deceitful,
Ben because he is such an intransigent leader.
Antonyms: Intransigent x flexible, agreeable,
Example: Everyone expected the mean wrestler to do
something devious to his opponent during the match.
2. Indigenous (noun) –original, local, ancient
Antonyms: Devious x ingenuous, innocent, blunt
Example: The class of students enjoyed learning about
7. Entangle (verb) –tangle, twist, knot
unusual animals that are indigenous and found
Example: Bureaucracy can entangle ventures for
naturally in the wild in North America.
Antonyms: Indigenous x migratory, alien,
Antonyms: Entangle x detach, disconnect, free
8. Premeditated (adjective) – deliberated,
3. Angst (noun) – anxiety, fear, dread
intended, intentional
Example: Karen waited in angst for the teacher to
Example: The politician came up with his
score the test she had to pass in order to graduate.
premeditated campaign to destroy his rival over a
Antonyms: Angst x calmness, ease, composure
year ago.
4. Blight (noun) –fault, flaw, defect

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Example: The way that the board has restricted the 10. Complicit (adjective) – deceitful, scheming,

freedom of creativity of the workers has put blight on adept

the general morale of the company Example: Search engines and advertisers have

Antonyms: Blight x boon, blessing, favour become complicit in the same self-delusion.

5. Affluent(adjective) – opulent, rich, wealthy Antonyms: Complicit x clear, honest, open

Example: Only affluent families could afford the top-

dollar price tags attached to the homes in that Editorial 25 – 05 – 2021

1. Perseverance (noun) – dedication, diligence,
Antonyms: Affluent x indigent, poor, destitute
Example: The disabled young man’s perseverance
6. Forgo (verb) –relinquish, yield, surrender
allowed him to complete the marathon.
Example: The actress decided to forgo the after-party
Antonyms: Perseverance x irresolution, hesitance,
and go home to her sick daughter
Antonyms: Forgo x win, assert, claim
2. Ominous (adjective) –baleful, menacing, sinister
7. Flounder (verb) – struggle, thrash, squirm
Example: The warning sounds of an ominous storm
Example: The new swimmer had to flounder in the
made us run for cover.
deep end until the lifeguard dragged him to safety.
Antonyms: Ominous x auspicious, promising,
Antonyms: Flounder x idle, succeed, deliver
8. Oust (verb) – expel, eject, evict
3. Generosity (noun) –munificence, charity, liberty
Example: Environmental specialists would prefer to
Example: The generosity of our sponsors allows us
oust herbicides because they can cause health
to feed two hundred homeless people a day.
problems and diseases to many people
Antonyms: Generosity x cruelty, brutality,
Antonyms: Oust x allow, accept, give
9. Nascent (adjective) –budding, incipient,
4. Latent (adjective) – dormant, concealed, hidden
Example: The detective asked the lab technician to
Example: Online dating has gone from a nascent idea
search the room for latent fingerprints.
to an established concept that helps millions of people
Antonyms: Latent x manifest, active, functioning
find love.
5. Defection (noun) –desertion, revolt, rebellion
Antonyms: Nascent x mature, ripened, grown

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Example: The unilateral defection of some localities Example: Mark argued for restoring his country’s lost

altered the incentives of other localities. sovereignty.

Antonyms: Defection x harmony, loyalty, enough Antonyms: Sovereignty x submission, control,

6. Emaciation (noun) –attenuation, atrophy, subjection


Example: Refugees who had hidden in the woods Editorial 26 – 05 – 2021

1. Precision (noun) – accuracy, exactness, veracity
came to the camps in rags and emaciation.
Example: At the head of the precision was a man
Antonyms: Emaciation x corpulence, bulk,
clad entirely in gold plate mail with a crimson cape
flung around his shoulders.
7. Deception (noun) –betrayal, deceit, duplicity
Antonyms: Precision x imprecision, neglect,
Example: The bible urges men to live lives free of
deception and trickery of any kind
2. Improbable (adjective) –doubtful, dubious,
Antonyms: Deception x fidelity, honest, loyalty
8. Extortionate (adjective)-excessive, exorbitant,
Example: Finishing the season with no losses seems
improbable at this point.
Example: The rent prices in the high rise apartment
Antonyms: Improbable x probable, certain,
complex skyrocketed from average to extortionate
when the property value went up.
3. Fortify (verb) –envigorate, invigorate, strengthen
Antonyms: Extortionate x reasonable, inexpensive,
Example: Storm shutters a good way to fortify your
windows and prevent hurricane damage.
9. Dubious (adjective) –doubtful, uncertain,
Antonyms: Fortify x debilitate, demoralize, reduce
4. Phenomenal (adjective) –exceptional,
Example: The teacher was dubious of adhira’s
remarkable, unique
homework excuse
Example: The opera singer’s phenomenal
Antonyms: Dubious x certain, convinced, positive
performance earned her a lengthy standing ovation.
10. Sovereignty (noun) – supremacy, domination,
Antonyms: Phenomenal x usual, ordinary, common
5. Dignified (adjective) - formal, noble, solemn

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Example: They were looking for a dignified member Antonyms: Abeyance x continuation, action, revival

of society to hold the respected alderman position.

Antonyms: Dignified x improper, degrading, bad

6. Mawkish (adjective) – sentimental, emotional,

Editorial 27 – 05 – 2021
1. Radical (adjective) – fundamental, basic, innate
Example: The star’s mawkish poem at her mentor’s
Example: The conservative church leaders were not
funeral was so insincere that most of the guests rolled
interested in hearing any radical religious ideas.
their eyes.
Antonyms: Radical x superficial, minor, inessential
Antonyms: Mawkish x calm, dry, rational
2. Imprudent (adjective) –careless, reckless, unwise
7. Buoyant(adjective) – floatable, light, resilient
Example: The teenager did not understand how her
Example: Jim was buoyant after he received a job
imprudent actions affected other people.
offer during his first interview.
Antonyms: Imprudent x prudent, discreet, wise
Antonyms: Buoyant x heavy, dense, down
3. Incursion (noun) –foray, invasion, raid
8. Imbecile (noun) –idiot, dullard, simpleton
Example: The invading troops were ordered to retreat
Example: The teacher was reprimanded for referring
during the deadly incursion
to one of her students as an imbecile because he
Antonyms: Incursion x retreat, withdrawal,
constantly asked silly questions.
Antonyms: Imbecile x genius, intellectual, master
4. Scintillating (adjective) – bright, brilliant,
9. Reprimand (noun) – rebuke, castigation, censure
Example: The comedy show’s ratings have dropped
Example: The policeman’s warning was my
because the sketches are not as scintillating as they
reprimand for speeding in rainy weather.
once were.
Antonyms: Reprimand x praise, citation,
Antonyms: Scintillating x dull, insipid, lackluster
5. Exaggerate (verb) – overstate, embellish, amplify
10. Abeyance (noun) – Suspension, moratorium,
Example: Pinocchio tends to exaggerate and stretch
the truth just so he can draw attention to himself.
Example: Jane’s cancer has returned after being in
Antonyms: Exaggerate x understate, compress,
abeyance for nearly two years.

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6. Banish (verb) – expel, eject, exile Example: The National Guard was sent into the town

Example: The warden is going to banish the to dispel the violent protests.

disruptive prisoner to an isolation unit Antonyms: Dispel x assemble, cluster, collect

Antonyms: Banish x accept, admit, embrace 3. Tandem (noun) – pair, couple, double

7. Bicker (verb) – argue, dispute, fight Example: Soldiers march in tandem because to fall

Example: Parents are often annoyed when their out of line would be a demerit.

children bicker over silly things Antonyms: Tandem x each, independent, individual

Antonyms: Bicker x agree, accord, assent 4. Flaunt (verb) –parade, exhibit, display

8. Repentant (adjective) – regretful, contrite, Example: Eric loves to flaunt his flashy clothes

remorseful because he thinks that he is super cool.

Example: The little boy was quite repentant for Antonyms: Flaunt x conceal, hide, cover

hitting his sister and apologized many times. 5. Exasperation (noun) –infuriate, anger, annoy

Antonyms: Repentant x praise, delight, joy Example: Bill watched in exasperation as the coach

9. Innate (adjective) –inherent, natural, intrinsic refused to put his son in the game.

Example: Few people can see the innate value of Antonyms: Exasperation x delight, pleasure, calm

cotton until is converted into a finished product like a 6. Volatile (adjective) –unpredictable, variable,

jacket or a blanket fickle

Antonyms: Innate x acquired, learned, affected Example: Law enforcement officers are taught how to

10. Reinstate (verb) – restore, renew, return survive in volatile environments.

Example: Marc will reinstate his bookkeeper due to Antonyms: Volatile x constant, stable, steady

her stellar work history. 7. Whittle (verb) – carve, fashion, cut

Antonyms: Reinstate x destroy, kill, damage Example: The number of kittens quickly began to

whittle once their video went viral.

Editorial 28 – 05 – 2021 Antonyms: Whittle x build, destroy, develop

1. Rummage (verb) – search, ransack, rifle
8. Slender(adjective) – lean, thin, delicate
Example: The dog will rummage through the
Example: The girl was able to slip her slender hand
garbage for food when it gets hungry.
right under the door frame and retrieve the keys.
Antonyms: Rummage x arrange, calm, cover
Antonyms: Slender x fat, chubby, corpulent
2. Dispel (verb) – dismiss, banish, eliminate

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9. Wit (noun) – banter, humor, drollery 5. Incitement (noun) – provocation,

Example: The author’s wit makes the novel a encouragement, motivation

humorous and smart read. Example: The Palestinians will pledge to prevent

Antonyms: Wit x dullness, gravity, sobriety terror and incitement and disarm all militias.

10. Ridicule (verb) –deride, taunt, scorn Antonyms: Incitement x deterrent, impediment,

Example: The boys constantly worked to ridicule hindrance

their sister for her imaginary tea parties. 6. Incessant (adjective) – constant, continual,

Antonyms: Ridicule x praise, admire, extol perpetual

Editorial 29 – 05 – 2021 Example: My sister's incessant phone conversation

1. Underpin (verb) - support, bolster, sustain
with her boyfriend may never end.
Example: He said the partnership process
Antonyms: Incessant x occasional, intermittent,
must underpin competitiveness as the core element of
any possible new agreement.
7. Conspicuous (adjective) – obvious, evident,
Antonyms: Underpin x weaken, damage, impair
2. Formidable (adjective) –intimidating, terrifying,
Example: The football coach found the quarterback’s
absence conspicuous during the big game.
Example: Growing tomato crops during a severe
Antonyms: Conspicuous x obscure, hidden,
drought proved to be formidable for one farmer.
Antonyms: Formidable x encouraging, comforting,
8. Callous (adjective) – heartless, ruthless, hard
Example: I examined a small callous on the middle
3. Alliance (noun) –union, association, league
finger of my left hand
Example: We formed a neighborhood alliance to
Antonyms: Callous x compassionate, sensitive,
plan events in our community.
Antonyms: Alliance x disassociation, break, breach
9. Invincible (adjective) – secure, impregnable,
4. Wrath (noun) –anger, fury, indignation
Example: The man earned the wrath of an entire
Example: The team proved it was not invincible
nation when he assassinated the president.
when it lost the last game of the season.
Antonyms: Wrath x delight, happiness, pleasure
Antonyms: Invincible x weak, vulnerable, beatable

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10. Gearing (verb) – equipping, outfitting, furnishing Antonyms: Embrace x free, relax, relinquish

Example: The organization is gearing up for a 6. Indigent (adjective) – destitute, poor, needy

convention in May. Example: The billionaire laughed when someone

Antonyms: Gearing x refusing, rejecting, unfitting confused him with an indigent homeless man.

Antonyms: Indigent x rich, affluent, opulent

Editorial 31 – 05 – 2021 7. Obliterate (verb) – eradicate, destroy, cancel

1. Requisite (noun) – essential, must, need
Example: The general’s plan is to obliterate the
Example: We cannot complete your payroll request
enemy’s military runways so their fighter planes cannot
without the requisite forms.
launch an aerial attack.
Antonyms: Requisite x extra, luxury, indulgence
Antonyms: Obliterate x create, generate, make
2. Fervent (adjective) –ardent, intense, passionate
8. Embezzlement (noun) – fraud, stealing, theft
Example: The hot topic spurred a fervent debate
Example: He was subsequently charged and sentenced
between the two political parties
in absentia to 22 years in prison for embezzlement
Antonyms: Fervent x cool, impassive, frigid
Antonyms: Embezzlement x compensation, pay,
3. Menace (verb) –danger, risk, hazard
Example: The weeds invading my vegetable garden
9. Deterrent (noun) – impediment, obstacle,
are a huge menace.
Antonyms: Menace x assistance, comfort, delight
Example: Detention acts as a deterrent for students
4. Astute (adjective) - canny, penetrating, shrewd
who would otherwise misbehave at school.
Example: The kid who could program Websites was
Antonyms: Deterrent x incentive, encouragement,
more astute than the kid who always picked his nose.
Antonyms: Astute x dull, slow, ignorant
10. Ludicrous (adjective) – absurd, ridiculous,
5. Embrace (verb) – hold, clasp, strain
Example: The children were expected to embrace the
Example: The gigantic yellow hat looked ludicrous
situation and make the best of it even if they didn’t
on the man’s tiny head.
enjoy working in the garden.
Antonyms: Ludicrous x sensible, grave, logical

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