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Rana Sakthi Durga



Chapter: 5 Molecular genetics

Two mark questions:

1. What is operons? How many operon group are present in E.coli.

2. Name the parts marked A and B in the given transcription unit:

3. A low level of expression of lac operon occurs at all the windows for treatment of various
4. Disorders. Justify the statement.
5. Why the human genome project is called a mega project?
6. Why tRNA is called an adapter molecule?
7. Name the anticodon required to recognize the following codons: AAU, CGA, UAU, and
8. If the coding sequence in a transcription unit is written as follows:
9. 5’TGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGCATGC3’ Write down the sequence of mRNA.
10. Differentiate between exons and introns.

Three mark questions:

11. Write the significance and benefits of HGP.

12. Given reason: Genetic code is universal.
13. Differentiate Leading stand and lagging strand
14. Differentiate Template strand and coding strand.
15. Mention any two ways in which single nucleotide polymorphism (SNPs) identified in
human genome can bring revolutionary change in biological and medical science.
16. State any three goals of the human genome project.
17. In E.coli, three enzymes β- galactosidase, permease and transacetylase are produce in
the presence of lactose. Explain why the enzymes are not synthesized in the absence of
18. Distinguish between structural gene, regulatory gene and operator gene, regulatory
gene operator gene.
19. What are the three structural differences between RNA and DNA?
20. How is the two stage process of protein synthesis advantageous?

S.Durga Lecturer in zoology, Arumparthapuram, Puducherry.

Five mark questions:

21. Write short notes on the structure of tRNA.

22. Write about the methodologies of HGP.
23. Explain the transformation experiment of Avery,
24. Satellite DNA forms the basis of DNA finger printing. Explain?
25. Describe the principle and applications of DNA finger printing.
26. Describe DNA finger printing.
27. From their Examination of the structure of DNA, What did Watson and Crick infer about
the probable mechanism of DNA replication, coding capability and mutation?
28. a) Identify the figure given below
b) Redraw the structure as a replicating fork and label the parts.

c) Write the source of energy for this replicatin and name the enzyme involved in this
d) Mention the difference in the synthesis of protein, based on the polarity of the two
template strands.
29. Why did Hershey and Chase use radioactively labeled phosphorous and sulphur only?
Would they have got the same result if they use radioplabelled carbon and nitrogen?
30. Explain the formation of a nucleosome.
31. It is established that RNA is the first genetic material. Justify giving reasons.
32. Explain the mechanism of replication.
33. Explain the transcription process.
34. Draw and explain the structure of t RNA.
35. Explain in the detail about lac operon model.

S.Durga Lecturer in zoology, Arumparthapuram, Puducherry.

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