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Rana Sakthi Durga



Chapter: 2 Human Reproduction


1. Define cortical granules.

2. What is Gastrulation?
3. Define spermatid?
4. What is Germinal vesicle?
5. What is External fertilization?
6. What is morula?
7. What is Blastema?
8. Define corpus cardiacum.
9. Define three phases of menstrual cycle.
10. Define Seminiferous tubules.
11. What is Graffian Follicles.
12. What is ovulation? In which day of menstrual cycle it takes place?
13. Scrotum act as a thermo regulator for spermatogenesis why?
14. At what stage of development are the gametes formed in new born male and female?
15. Expand the acronyms a) FSH b) LH c) hCG d) hPL
16. What is inhibin? State its functions.
17. Mention the importance of the position of the testes in humans.
18. What is the composition of semen?
19. Name the hormones produced from the placenta during pregnancy.
20. Define gametogenesis.

Three mark questions:

21 What is epididymis?
22 What is known as “Let-Down” reflex?
23 Draw the diagrammatic representation of spermatogenesis.
24 Mention the differences between spermiogenesis and spermatogenesis.
25 How is polyspermy avoided in humans?
26 What is colostrums? Write its significance.
27 Placenta is an endocrine tissue. Justify.
28 Draw a labeled sketch of a spermatozoan.

S.Durga Lecturer in Zoology, Aruparthapuram, Puducherry.

29 Describe the structure of the human ovum with a neat labeled diagram.
30 Give a schematic representation of spermatogenesis and oogenesis in humans.
31 Explain the role of oxytocin and relaxin in parturition and lactation.

Five mark questions:

32. Write an essay on menstrual cycle?

33. Explain the role of hormones in the maintenance of human male fertility.
34. Write an account on Oogenesis.
35. Write an essay on Spermatogenesis.
36. Briefly explain the placental and hormonal regulation of pregnancy in mammals.
37. Give an account on acrosomal reaction and activation of ovum.
38. Give a brief account on hormonal regulation of pregnancy.
39. The following is the illustration of the sequence of ovarian events in a human female.
a) Identify the figure that illustrates ovulation and mention the stage of oogenesis it
b) Name the ovarian hormone and the pituitary hormone that have caused the above
mentioned events.
c) Explain the changes that occurs in the uterus simultaneously in anticipation.
d) Write the difference between C and H

S.Durga Lecturer in Zoology, Aruparthapuram, Puducherry.

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