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Brandi Hardin

(A.K.A. Rebekka Hardin)

11870 Trissino Hts.
Peyton, Colorado
(Postal Code 80831)
Phone: (719) 291-8541

July 19, 2021

Sheriff Jason Mikesell

1400 US Highway 24 
PO Box 27
Divide, CO 80814 
(719) 687-9652

Dear Sheriff Jason Mikesell,

I am writing you for the purposes of requesting your assistance with obtaining my
Colorado Drivers License, absent a Social Security Number. I have never been assigned a SSN.
My dad spoke to you almost two years ago (Prior to COVID19) about this, along with what I
would need copies of, to attach to my letter required explain my beliefs.

Sheriff, I apologize that my Letter is more along the lines of a Thesis. Furthermore, while I could
go on and on for hundreds of pages citing and referencing the facts, the law and history of these
matter, I have reserved much, of the facts, events, and realities herein for the sake of
consolidating it all into the shortest possible amount of space and words, while still conveying
the seriousness and reality of these matters.

I believe I have included everything you mentioned to my dad regarding what I would need (See:
list of attached Exhibits at the end herein). If I am missing anything, please feel free to contact
me and I will do my best to get whatever it is that you need, as soon as possible.

It is my understanding from my dad that you need a letter from me explaining why my family
and I have always had objections (Religious Objector(s)) to me or my younger sister voluntarily
requesting/accepting a Social Security Number. It has mostly to do with what is stated in the
Bible, more than for reasons of any specific religious denominations practices.

Moreover, it has to do with me getting poisoned and becoming very sick prior to my third
birthday. I had suddenly developed a huge tumor under my right arm and was very pale and you
could tell I was sick by just looking into my eyes. My parents thought I was dying of some
cancer and it hit them very hard.

My parents were continually woken up by the sound of me gasping for air night after night.
More times than not, in the short time it took for my parents to get to me, I was already blue; and
the attacks would happen only when I was asleep in my room at night and my parents asleep in

After taking me to specialist and a whole lot of testing, the tumor in my lymph nodes was later
surgically removed and I began to get better over time, but I still have the lifelong effects of the
irreparable damages to this day.

Then at some point later on, my dad was researching something and came across the following
information and photographs, to wit:

“Child victims of Nazi experimentation show incisions where axillary lymph nodes had been
surgically removed after they were deliberately infected with tuberculosis at Neuengamme
concentration camp. They were later murdered.[30]”

Once my dad found this, as you can imagine, he was very angry and to my understanding, it was
at some point after that, when my dad began studying and researching for hours upon hours
every single day and night, regarding everything to do with the NAZIS! My dad researched and
researched non-stop.

Now seeing as there is a history of these NAZIS and their collaborators, such as those in the
KKK, et al., doing these things, with extreme prejudice, such as plundering, poisoning, maiming,
murdering and doing so with an absolute hatred for the Jew’s! This has all been recognized by
my dad, whom began researching everything he could find on what was done to the Jew’s by the

My dad was very confused for a while, as to why this was done to me, nor against our entire
family unit, when nobody we are aware of in our families are Jewish. Yet, nobody that we had
ever known of, in our lives, in our family, nor our extended family have ever claimed to be Jews
or ever openly practicing Judaism.

Then, one day during my dad’s research, he was looking in a book, which listed pages of Jewish
names. That was the day when he realized for the first time in his life, that his mother (our
grandmother’s) maiden name (Moses) and her mother’s (our great-grandmother’s) maiden name
(Davidson) were both Jewish names; and not Christian names. Based upon the research my dad
has found and shared with me, the fact that my brother was murdered in the womb, doesn’t
change, nor kill ones bloodline with regards to the first born son, because if my blood is Jewish,
then the first born/eldest daughter (not the son) is heir and her last name becomes the last name
of the man that she marries. It is all the complete opposite of how Christians chart heads of
families, heads of house, etc. (See: "The Shetar's Effect on English Law—A Law of the Jews
Becomes the Law of the Land" (See: THE GEORGETOWN LAW JOURNAL [Vol.
71:1179]) (

the-Land )

My dad says that there are list out there which show entire family bloodlines alive today, who
believe their families have always been Christians and who don’t actually know that prior to
WWII, they were Jews, forced to become Christians or else die. So, they became Christians and
were told they were safe and that all those bad NAZIS were prosecuted and sentenced to death in
the Nuremburg War Crimes Tribunal.

Then my dad found a few references to these matters which actually evidenced how old this
hatred for the Jew’s actually goes… way back in history. The Hermit of Slalamanco found this
answer in an ancient documents of the kingdoms of Spain and I quote it for the reader below:
1492 – With Jews facing increasing unpopularity in Spain due to their usurious practices, they are
told by the King of Spain to become Christians or face expulsion.  Chemor, the Chief Rabbi of Spain,
wrote to the Grand Sanhedrin, which had its seat in Constantinople, for advice on what to do.   His
reply which can be found on pages 156 – 157 of the book, LaSilva Curiosa, by Julio-Iniguez de
Medrano, published Paris, Orry, 1608, was found in the archives of Toledo by the Hermit of
Salamanca, amongst the ancient records of the kingdoms of Spain.  It is reproduced here:
“Beloved brethren in Moses, we have received your letter in which you tell us of the anxieties and
misfortunes which you are enduring.  We are pierced by as great pain to hear it as yourselves. The
advice of the Grand Satraps and Rabbis is the following:
1.     As for what you say that the King of Spain obliges you to become Christian: do it, since you
cannot do otherwise.
2.     As for what you say about the command to despoil you of your property: make your sons
merchants that they may despoil, little by little, the Christians of theirs.
3.     As for what you say about making attempts on your lives: make your sons doctors and
apothecaries, that they may take away Christians’ lives.
4.     As for what you say of their destroying your synagogues: make your sons canons and clerics in
order that they may destroy their churches.
5.     As for the many other vexations you complain of: arrange that your sons become advocates and
lawyers, and see that they always mix in affairs of State, that by putting Christians under your yoke
you may dominate the world as be avenged on them.
6.     Do not swerve from this order that we give you, because you will find by experience that,
humiliated as you are, you will reach the actuality of power.
(Signed) Prince of the Jews of Constantinople.”

So, how could this have been happening in Houston, Texas, where my mom, my day, my sister I
were all born, over 60 years after the Nuremburg trials? Then my dad found, at least in part, the
answer to that question in his research, which evidenced that the best doctors and scientist were
not actually executed for their war crimes, but were rather split up between the US and the

The NAZIS which were brought to the United States, were brought to Houston, Texas and would
further their NAZI research for the United States Government; and they worked out of NASA
Space Center under OPERATION PAPER CLIP. Then later on, when I was about seven years
old, my parents were again poisoned.

This time it was done with a three chemical cocktail while my sister and I were visiting our
grandmother, which included “Phenol”, and was realized via certain lab test results obtained
through flame ionization testing on a glass vial found on my families property after my parents
woke up three days after being murdered in their bed, via death by lethal injection.

This matter ended up before the Chief Judge of the 3 rd Circuit Court of Appeals in Pennsylvania,
who were investigating Senior Federal District Court Judge, James F. McClure, for his part, in
the “Out of Court, Summery Judgment Executions” of my parents, via “lethal Injections” in
criminal collusion with the United Nations Security Council; and their foreign agents &
mercenaries admitting to my dad’s investigators whom were dispatched from Texas, based upon
the lab test results and investigative findings led them to the U.N. Headquarters, where again,
U.N. Foreign Agents stated:

“Yes, we hit them, but it’s documented, we were authorized… WE HAD A GREEN LIGHT!”

The Chief Federal Judge of the 3rd Circuit Court of Appeals, whom the Department of Justice
instructed my dad to file with, dismissed my dad’s case over eight months after my dad filed it.
At the same time dismissed the investigation for the purposes of removing Senior Federal
District Court Judge, James F. McClure from the bench.

The Chief Judge said that my dad should not be upset about the case being dismissed, because in
reality my dad got what he requested (i.e.) the subject judge under investigation for purposes of
his removal, passed away during a routine medical procedure four months prior to the dismissal
of the removal proceedings.

As for the involvement of the United Nations and its Security Council’s involvement, along with
their foreign mercenaries? That became the subject matter of the International Criminal Court
(I.C.C.) in the Hague, Netherlands, when my dad became the first man in the history of the
International Criminal Court to file War Crimes Charges with the international tribunal under
“The ROME STATUTE”, absent any Member Nation State, or an International Organization
filing the case on his behalf, to wit:

During that same time frame, my dad asked the licensed and practicing experts to please tell him
in writing what “Phenol” is; and what it is used for; and how it could have been used on my
parents in their home in Texas? When the opine came back saying historically it has been used
by the Germans and the German NAZIS, before, during and after WWII, my dad was totally

The opine further stated that the NAZIS used “phenol” for murder and for mas-euthanasia

After receiving the opine, my dad became tirelessly relentless in his studies and research into
why our entire family, man, woman and children were wanted dead so badly; and by whom?
Moreover, the one thing I have figured out is that it must be something to do with who I am,
because they have been trying to murder my family and myself, since before I was three years
My dad figured out that the NAZIS, contrary to what history evidences, were not prosecuted, nor
had the “last living NAZI” been brought to justice. He knew this because, what he figured out
was that the highest NAZI authorities in existence, were also actually the highest authorities in
the Catholic Church, today known as the VATICAN II Church.

The Clergymen, know this and they also know that they continually utilize and have long
practiced NAZISM, regardless of what other names or titles, which they are disguised under, to

In fact, the Pope prior to the current Pope Francis, was Ratzinger and when Ratzinger was a
young teenager, he was already in the Clergy and actually travelled with the German NAZI
Military and would pray with them and for their victory in the War; and in the many battles
thereof. So, there is no doubt that NAZI perpetrators, slipped away and have long evaded
justice! Furthermore, there is no doubt that they are WWII NAZI War Criminals which are most
certainly still alive, to wit:

Ratzinger during WWII.

Ratzinger as a young man, was already getting groomed for the NAZI Party and he was throwing
that sign in his old age too as seen here above. While committing Treachery and Perfidy, by
falsely claiming Italy and Vatican City were not actively engaged in the World Wars and that
they were Nuetral’s. Hmm… The best liar’s in existance, but the evidence screams to their
perjury, Treachery, Perfidy, Prohibited High Crimes, Grave Breaches and War Crimes!

And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls,
having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication: …” (See:Revelation 17:4)

The Harlot/Prostitute who lays with the Kings of the earth!


Look at him throwing his TERRORIST gangster sign, with Horns (or SIGN of an Ancient Terrorist
Group, Corporation, Organization or Association)… This is done by their initiates as a SIGN amongst
themselves, but is fitting to show the whole world just exactly who he really is? Look closely, because
he literally:

“has blood on his hands”!

Ratzinger, prior to becoming Pope was a clergy lifer! He marched/traveled with and Prayed for Hitler’s
NAZI SS Officers, their armies of mercinaries, their underlings to be victorious, while busy torturing,
plundering, poisoning, exterminating and euthonizing US, et al., all over the earth! (Not just 6-8 Million
Jew’s individually, but collectively along with all those who died all over the earth and out of all nations,
which adds about 160 Million, so collectively, totalling about 168 Million people died just in WWII).
The NAZIS who got away and out of the country(s), did so via Ratzingers “Rat Lines” (church-to-church,
state-to-state, nation-to-nation).

So, when stating, literally has blood on his hands, isn’t just referencing the blood which one can be seen
on his hands, but rather, the blood of millions killed by the NAZIS, while literally in Ratzingers allegedly
divine aid, support and interveneing presense and daily prayers and the Roman Catholic Church would
rings all their church bells at certain times continually so that the Church can collect additional funding
from its congregations members, to help further support the VICTORY of Hitler and his Military
machine. Hmmm?

If the reader is simply refusing to believe or accept the validity of these facts, then we go further for their
sakes and offer supporting photographic images to further support the evidene and statements

made herein, because each picture is worth a thousand words, to wit:

The above photos needs no further explanations, for they are self authenticating, regarding their
thefts, pillaging, extortions, bribing and mass murder!

(The Pope in his Santa Clause Suit getting his hand held & ring kissed)

Now, it is so important that the reader understand, just exactly who these people associated with
the HOLY SEE, really and truly are! This is important because the whole earth has been
victimized by the NAZIS!

These same NAZIS, are said to have been defeated, then tried, then sentenced to death and all
their wealth, property and patents, et al., seized! This has been clearly documented by the United
States Alien Property Custodian Records.
(See: )
That is all delusional powerful suggestion and hypnotism, which creates false illusions in your
minds! Because, as shown and evidenced herein, the NAZIS are alive and well, and are
furthermore, now being worshipped by the nation/states of the whole world!!! In short, not
merely the American Nation, but the whole earth is living for and working for:


The next secret NAZI picture shows how high in the Texas Government that these NAZIS have
infiltrated; and then you realize that they are actually in places and positions of authority
everywhere within the State and Federal Government levels, to wit:

Ex-Texas Governor and Ex-President of the United States, George W. Bush

Once one understands all that the Bush family has done against both, the People of the several
states and against the Nation as a whole and they know this. These facts were further admitted
into evidence and showing that history repeats itself, when Prescott Bush, the father of George
H.W. Bush and grandfather of George W. Bush, funded both sides of World War II through their
UBC Bank. Prescott Bush was considered “Hitler’s Angel”, due to all the Operations that
Prescott’s UBC financed for Hitler. The Bush family have always been traitors to the American
people for decades, even admitting it; to wit:

“Sarah, if the American people had ever known the truth about what we Bushes have done to this
nation, we would be chased down in the streets and lynched.”
(George Bush Senior speaking in an interview with Sarah McClendon in December 1992)


“Union Banking Corporation

A corporation in the US. Founding member and one of its seven directors was Prescott Bush. The banks
assets were seized by the United States government on October
4 KB (368 words) - 02:20, 31 October 2020


“The Union Banking Corporation (UBC) was a banking corporation in the US. Founding member and

one of its seven directors was Prescott Bush.[1] The banks assets were seized by the United States
government on October 20, 1942 during World War II under the U.S. Trading with the Enemy
Act and Executive Order No. 9095.”


“According to an October 5, 1942, report from the Office of Alien Property Custodian,

Union Banking was owned by Bank voor Handel en Scheepvaart N.V., a Dutch bank.
The memo from August 18, 1941, states "My investigation produced no evidence as to
the ownership of this Dutch bank."[2]
The Dutch bank was alleged to be affiliated with United Steel Works,[relevant?  –  discuss] a
German company. Fritz Thyssen and his brother, Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, had the
Dutch bank and the steel firm as part of their business and financial empire according to
the government agency. Fritz Thyssen resigned from the Council of State after November
9, 1938 Kristallnacht, was arrested in 1940, and spent the remainder of the war in
a sanatorium and in concentration camps.[citation needed] The APC documents say "Whether
any or all part of the funds held by Union Banking Corporation, or companies associated
with it, belong to Fritz Thyssen could not be established in this investigation." [3][4][5][6]
 The assets were held by the government for the duration of the war, then returned
afterward; UBC dissolved in the 1950s.”

Prescott Bush


In office November 4, 1952 – January 3, 1963

 War seizures Nazi assets


1. ^ "Documents: Bush's Grandfather Directed Bank Tied to Man Who Funded Hitler". October
17, 2003. Retrieved March 16, 2019.
2. ^ "Image: Bush%20Documents0008.jpg, (1271 × 2098 px)". Archived from the original on July 11,
2012. Retrieved 2015-09-01.
3. ^ "Image: Bush%20Documents0014.jpg, (1271 × 2123 px)". Archived from the original on July 13,
2012. Retrieved 2015-09-01.
4. ^ Campbell, Duncan (September 25, 2004). "How Bush's grandfather helped Hitler's rise to power". The
Guardian. London. Retrieved 2010-05-26.
5. ^ "Records of the Office of the Alien Property Custodian". U.S. National Archives and Records
Administration. Retrieved 2008-10-01.
6. ^ "Vesting Order Number 248". Federal Register (7 F.R. 5205).
7. ^ "Hitler's Angel has 3 millions in N.Y. Bank" (PDF). Washington Post possible copyright violation.

Now, anyone who investigates these matters, will find that others, share in this hatred for Jew’s,
Nigger’s, Kikes, Gypsies, retards, disabled, et al., … but most of all, more than anything, they
hate Jew’s and Niggers… and those are not my words, I am quoting the members of the KKK.
Sheriff, I was wondering if you know about the KKK’s powers and authorities in the State of

I would like to take this opportunity to share some of their history here in Colorado with you via
a recent Denver Post publishing dated June 6, 2021. (See: )
You may be surprised to see the membership logs in Colorado from the 1920’s and continuing.
(See: )

Did you know that the Colorado Sun also published on these matters in May of 2021, Ku Klux
Klan membership records made public in Denver on this History. Colorado has digitized 1,300 pages
of original Ku Klux Klan membership records from 1924 through 1926. (See:

16 ) The Colorado Gazette also published on
this matter in May 2021, even with a historical photo, to wit:

The Colorado Gazette states, in part, as follows:

“The historical society has digitized 1,300 pages of Klan ledgers containing more than 30,000
entries — including names, addresses and other personal information about KKK members and
affiliates in Denver and other areas in the state. The ledgers were made public in 1990, but were
digitized just last year and made available online in 2021.” (See:
of-ku-klux-klan-s-presence-in-state-as-historians/article_25bcc1ce-aaaf-11eb-8f25-775d8d4a6d19.html )

In April 2021, the Denverite also published on the matter and stated:

“There were about 107,000 white men living in Denver in 1920. Documents suggest close to 30,000 of
them were registered members of the Ku Klux Klan.” (See:
published/ )

An excerpt of a KKK membership ledger, dating to the 1920s, that History Colorado published
online in its entirety. History Colorado

So, if 1/3rd or more of every household in Colorado are secretly, above all, Jew Haters, then can
you see that my life, my liberty, my freedom, my safety, my security and that of my families,
which includes my younger sister (Abigail Hardin)lives, which are already in jeopardy?
Moreover, can you imagine the danger I/we would be in if this 1/3 rd or more, could access
everything about me/us via my/our Social Security Numbers, being a push of a button away from
the tips of their fingers?

This is why I am requesting your help, for both me and my younger sister in obtaining State
I.D.’s, absent a Social Security Number, for good cause shown.

As I continue herein, I will quote the subject and its source; and as seen above, I will also
provide photographic evidence for your better clarification, along with the web links to the
sources. My personal conclusions were confirmed for me upon my reading of Revelation 14:9-
11, because the penalty, if I am wrong, is nothing like the penalty if I am right in my
understanding and belief. If I am right, I will avoid God’s wrath as described in Revelation
14:9-11, which states as follows:

“9 And the third angel followed them, saying with a loud voice, If any man worship the beast and his
image, and receive his mark in his forehead, or in his hand,

The same shall drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is poured out without mixture into the
cup of his indignation; and he shall be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy
angels, and in the presence of the Lamb:

And the smoke of their torment ascendeth up for ever and ever: and they have no rest day nor
night, who worship the beast and his image, and whosoever receiveth the mark of his name.”

Moreover, if you didn’t catch the severity of that, God placed it under the verses of 9-11, as if to
say if you don’t get it, then understand my sign, because it’s an EMERGENCY that you
understand this!

Many Bible scholars say that 666 is the number of his name; and for those who accept the “Mark
of the Beast” or “The Number of his name” is the severest warning found in the entire Bible, yet
we find there is a massive number of interpretations on what the mark of the beast is. Most
people believe that 666 is the mark of the beast but note closely that Revelation 13:17 says:

“And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number
of his name.”

Did you notice that the mark of the beast is different from the number of his name being 666,
which is the number of a man? The day will come when all people will pay homage to the beast,
rather via, the mark, the name, or the number. This doesn’t mean that the government will
someday say:

“Do you want the mark, the name, or the number?”

Prior to that in Revelation 13:16-18, it states:

“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right
hand, or in their foreheads: 17 And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the
name of the beast, or the number of his name. 18 Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding
count the number of the beast: for it is the number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore
and six.”

Revelation 19:20 states:

“He deceived them that had received the mark of the beast”

The word translated “count” in the verse eighteen above means to count, compute, calculate or
reckon (according to multiple dictionaries). So 666 is the number of a man’s name; and
Revelation says that this man is the head of this antichrist beast power.

Since the beast power is the Papal Church, it is not hard to work out who the most prominent
man of this system is. The Pope wears a triple tiered crown which signifies he is the king of
Heaven and Earth and Purgatory.

This of course is obviously wrong. There is a King of Kings and Lord our Lords. He is King of
Heaven and King of Earth and since there is no purgatory, that then one can go to the Bishop of
Rome. (See: Revelation 17)

On the original crown are inscribed the words in Latin, the Papal title “VICARIUS FILII DEI”,
which means “Vicar of Christ” or Substitute for Christ, which is synonymous with Antichrist,
i.e., assuming the power of God on earth. The literal meaning of each word of this Papal title is
as follows: VICARIUS - substituting for, or in place of, FILII - means son and DEI - means

Now that this has been figured out by the layman, they now deny that this was ever a Papal title
but the evidence, although it is no longer blatantly obvious, does still exist. Here is one of their
very own quotes.


“What are the letters supposed to be in the Pope’s crown, and what do they signify if anything?”


“The letters inscribed in the Pope's mitre are these: Vicarius Filii Dei, which is the Latin for
Vicar of the Son of God. Catholics hold that the Church which is a visible society must have a
visible head. They say Christ, before His ascension into heaven, appointed St. Peter to act as His
representative. Upon the death of Peter the man who succeeded to the office of Peter as Bishop
of Rome, was recognized as the head of the Church. Hence to the Bishop of Rome, as head of the
Church, was given the title ‘Vicar of Christ.’

Therefore, when a man is crowned the pope, he is given the official title of Vicarius Filii Dei,
which means Vicar of the Son of God. So, it is therefore proven that the referenced number of a
man, and that number is 666, can only be one man i.e., The Sovereign Pontiff, or the Pope,

whose official title of Vicarius Filii Dei, and in the native Latin tongue as below shown, the
number of a man and the number of his name, and the number is 666, to wit:

V= 5 F= 0 D= 500
I= 1 I= 1 E= 0
C= 100 L= 50 I= 1
A= 0 I= 1
R= 0 I= 1
I= 1
U= 5
S= 0
112 + 53 + 501= 666

Latin, of course, is the official language of the Papacy, and therefore we would expect to find the
Roman numerals adding up to his number. It is surprising why so few in this enlightened
generation are unaware of the Bible prediction.

One of the most amazing facts is that you can do this in the Latin, in the Hebrew, or in the Greek.
They will all add up to the same number, and the number is the number of a man and the number
is 666. Now to the last point of identity, the "Mark of the beast"!

I think that by doing this, it will help you to better understand my belief’s; and the sources which
confirmed for me, my firmly held belief that the Social Security Number is the Biblical “MARK
shown above.

One of the first things one must recognized is that much of the Bible, is written in symbolisms,
signs and the like. Keeping this fact in mind, let us quote for the record what they say regarding
the ‘MARK’, and let us do so, using their own words.

God says to keep the sabbath holy, for a perpetual remembrance; and God say’s that is how to
recognize God’s people, for they will keep the Sabbath Day (Saturday) holy. But the Anti-
Christ, always seeking ways to change the everlasting laws of God, to wit:
“Of course the Catholic Church claims that the change [Saturday Sabbath to Sunday] was Her Act…
and the Act is a MARK of Her Ecclesiastical Authority in Religious things.” (H.F. Thomas, Chancellor
of Cardinal Gibbons)
“Sunday is our MARK of Authority… The Church is above the Bible, and this transference of
Sabbath Observance is proof of that fact.” (Catholic Record of London, Ontario – Sept. 1, 1923)

“Protestants do not realize that by observing Sunday, they accept the authority of the spokesperson
of the Church, the Pope.” (Our Sunday Visitor, February 5, 1950)

“The Catholic Church … By virtue of Her Divine Mission, changed the day from Saturday to
Sunday.” (The Catholic Mirror, Official Publication of James Cardinal Gibbons, Sept. 23, 1893)


“You may read the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and you will not find a single line authorizing
the sanctification of Sunday. The Scriptures enforce the Religious observance of Saturday, a day
which we [The Catholic Church] never sanctify.” (Cardinal Gibbons, in faith of our Fathers 92 ND

So, again, how does this all tie in to the Social Security Number? To help the Sheriff understand
my answer to that question, I will quote further legal citations, along with Congressional
citations which are applicable.

The evidence presented herein more than evidences my beliefs, for which I have and will
continue to take it further, showing the “Who, What, When, Where, Why” and how I arrived at
the House of the 5 “W’s”; and to cite the authorities supporting my belief’s, while at the same
time answering any questions which you may have regarding where I came about the
information, etc. I believe that all the information which no doubt shows a clear pattern of the
use of 666, and a clear pattern tying back to the Roman Papacy, today known as the VATICAN
II Church.

I understand that there are some out there which would take all I have presented herein and claim
all of it to be a series of mere coincidences, which began with her dad being a Terrorist; and
maybe never think of it again. But I don’t believe it to be mere coincidences, because there are
patterns that are too methodical, which is why I believe the many alleged coincidences are
actually conformations of the same facts. Fact, being that rather one is an “Alien Hunter”, “Jew
Hunter”, or claiming to be “Hunting Terrorist”, the “game tags” are all the same!


Starting in the beginning of the “Social Security Act of 1935” (See: Statutes at Large: Pub.L.
74–271, 49 Stat. 620, enacted August 14, 1935 ); it was to provide for general welfare, a social
insurance programs for the older retired workers, to wit:
“The Social Security Act was signed into law by President Roosevelt on August 14, 1935. In addition to
several provisions for general welfare, the new Act created a social insurance program designed to pay
retired workers age 65 or older a continuing income after retirement.” (See: )

Congressional Debates regarding the passage of the SSA, were openly voiced on the record by
certain Congressmen, Ministers and the like, whom were openly apposed to the Social Security
Act. Some of the reasons for voicing stated their reservations were because they felt that it
would eventually become biblical mark of the beast.

Others were apposed to the act because they felt the number being used to identify people for the
purposes of rather one would, or would not receive benefits, along with the fact that it is based
upon voluntary submission could eventually become the number of the beast as described in the
prophesy described in Revelation, the last book of the Bible. Whereby one must of their own
free will, fill out, notarize and submit this request for a Social Security Card/Number via the SS-
5 Form; and eventually fulfilling biblical prophecy regarding the MARK of the Beast, or the
number of its name, and the number is 666!

As reluctant as they may have been, the Social Security Act was passed into law in 1935. Then a
short four years later, the malicious true intent of those behind the passage of the Social Security
Act of 1935 was already manifesting itself. That is to say by the passage of the “Social Security
Amendment Act of 1939” found in the United States Statutes At Large, Chapter 666
Then again we find a legal citation that has to do with every single child of a divorcing family
(The Majority) under the guise of the Public Health and Welfare, to wit:

“Title 42 - THE PUBLIC HEALTH AND WELFARE, Sec. 666 - Requirement of statutorily
prescribed procedures to improve effectiveness of child support enforcement”
(See: )

I have found that there are patterns in history which, in one way, shape, form, sign, or another, it
somehow keeps coming up in the most important of subject matters, but always leading back,
somehow to the Pope (the antichrist). Another one of those instances goes all the way back to
King John pays to the Pope annually, 1,000 Marks, the equivalent TO 666 BRITISH POUNDS
STERLING, along with an oath of fealty, then he and his heirs, get to PRETEND to be king over
his own kingdom… so long as that debt is paid, and oath of fealty retaken annually. So that
could change with the turn of any given year.

"Here is wisdom. Let him that hath understanding count the number of the beast. for it is the
number of a man; and his number is Six hundred threescore and six. Revelation 13:18.

This number (666) has long been found wherever the Pope (the VICOR of Christ, the

Sovereign Pontiff, et al) can be found, or the affairs which the Pope is involved in. For example,

most don’t know what the Pope ever had to do with the Magna Carta. However, I would first

like to show you, the mention of the Magna Carta, as stated by Alexander Hamilton in Federalist

Papers No. 84:

“It has been several times truly remarked that the bills of rights are in their origin, stipulations
between kings and their subjects, abridgments of prerogative in favor of their privilege, reservations
of rights not surrendered to the prince. Such was Magna Carta, obtained by the barons, sword in
hand, from King John. Such were the subsequent confirmations of that charter by subsequent
princes. Such was the Petition of Right assented to by Charles the First in the beginning of his reign.
Such, also, was the Declaration of Right presented by the Lords of Commons to the Prince of Orange
in 1688, and afterwards thrown into the form of an act of Parliament called the Bill of Rights. It is
evident, therefore, that, according to their primitive significance, they have no application to
constitutions, professedly founded upon the power of the people and executed by their immediate to
their primitive signification, they have no application to constitutions, professedly founded upon the
power of the people and executed by their immediate representatives and servants. Here, in
strictness, the people surrender nothing; and as they retain everything they have no need of
particular reservations. “WE THE PEOPLE of the United States, to secure the blessings of liberty to
ourselves and our posterity, do ordain and establish this constitution for the United States of

America.” Here is a better recognition of popular rights than volumes of aphorisms which make the
principle figure in several of our States bills of rights and which would sound much better in a
treaties of ethics than in a constitution of government.”

Also see below for further clarification, to wit:

“Britain is owned by the Vatican. (Treaty of 1213) … Fearing that he would be threatened with papal
support for a French invasion of England, in 1213 King John made peace with representatives of Pope
Innocent III (1161–1216).  At a meeting outside Dover, John placed England and Ireland under the
lordship of Rome. From this time onwards, the Pope would be England’s feudal overlord, receiving an
annual tribute of 1000 marks (£666). 

“King John (r. 1199–1216) is best remembered for granting Magna Carta in June 1215, although he
sought its annulment almost immediately. The youngest son of Henry II (r. 1157–1189), John
succeeded his brother, Richard I who is known as Richard the Lionheart (r. 1189–1199), as King of
England in 1199. His reign was marked by a string of unsuccessful military campaigns, a prolonged
struggle with the Church and the baronial rebellion which led to Magna Carta.

John exploited his feudal rights to extort money from the barons: he set taxes at very high levels, he
enforced arbitrary fines and he seized the barons’ estates. John used this income to fund his expensive
wars in France, but still he failed to hold together the empire created by his father.

John was an efficient and able administrator, but he was also unpredictable and aggressive. He
disregarded justice when dealing with opponents, regularly taking hostages and imposing ruthless

His conflict with the Church led to his excommunication. The annulment of Magna Carta by  Pope
Innocent III in August 1215, at John’s request, led to a renewal of the baronial revolt which was still
raging when John died in October 1216. (See: )

Further information about the life of King John can be found via the Oxford Dictionary of National


(Bull of Innocent III - Taking England under his protection - OCTOBER 3, 1213)
At a meeting outside Dover, John placed England and Ireland under the lordship of Rome. From this time
onwards, the Pope would be England’s feudal overlord, receiving an annual tribute of 1000 marks (£666).
See more at:


(Bull of Innocent III - Taking England under his protection, becoming OVERLORD of England and
CROWN – Pope reaffirming superiority as Overlord of present and future feudal kingship’s & future
Crown pretenders - APRIL 21, 1214) 
See more at:


The Pope nullified the Magna Carta, forever. The Great Charter of Liberties, supposed to be the fount of
all the Liberties of Man. (See: The papal bull annulling Magna Carta was issued by Pope Innocent III
(1161–1216) on 24 August 1215. It was written by a scribe in the papal chancery; and is authenticated by
the leaden bulla (seal) of the Pope.  

(Bull of Pope Innocent III - Nullifying The Magna Carta - Dated August 24, 1215.)
“The papal bull annulling Magna Carta forever. Being issued by Pope Innocent III (1161–1216) on 24
August 1215. It was written by a scribe in the papal chancery; and is authenticated by the leaden bulla
(seal) of the Pope.  
See more at:  The papal bull annulling Magna Carta ( )

Even with regards to a cashless worldwide economic system, again leads us back to the beast and
the number 666! The technology for a cashless worldwide economic system is already in place.
For example, there is a gigantic, three-story supercomputer located in Belgium called the
B.E.A.S.T. (an acronym for: Brussels Electronic Accounting Surveillance Terminal). This
system records all worldwide electronic fund transactions using such instruments as “debit”
cards, and bank transfers. The final goal is to force everyone to “buy” or “sell” with a plastic
card or some other device, bypassing the use of cash. Willard Cantelon, who has firsthand
knowledge of the advancement of this type of system, revealed in his book New Money or none:

“Computer scientists are working on a master plan to assign numbers to every individual on earth.
The number could be used for trading purposes-buying and selling. The report suggests that a digital
number could be laser tattooed on the forehead or on the back of the hand. This international mark
could do away with all currency. No number could buy or sell without having an assignment of a
digital mark.”

A consumer would “load” money onto the card before using it, probably through a bank
automatic teller machine. The card could be loaded repeatedly. Other authorities that have
primary research knowledge of this developing cashless economic system reveal that the current
“debit” card many people are now using contains an eighteen-digit code in the magnetic strip.

The first three numbers are 666 (the international number activating the Belgium computer),
110 (the national number for the United States), the three-digit local telephone area code,

and finally the nine-digit social security number. Many who use these cards are already
entangled with the predecessor and the upcoming fulfilment of prophesy that is thousands of
years old!

This is all further evidenced, along with the true undisclosed intent in another military manual
titled: “Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars Operations Research Technical Manual TM-
SW7905.1”, which states in part:

“Eventually every individual element of the structure comes under computer control through a
knowledge of personal preferences, such knowledge guaranteed by computer association of consumer
preferences (universal product code – UPC – zebra stripe pricing codes on packages) with identified
consumers (identified via association with the use of a credit card and later a permanent “tattooed”
body number invisible under normal ambient illumination)”. (See: Silent Weapons For Quiet Wars
Operations Research Technical Manual TM-SW7905.1)

Now, with all this being evidenced, I don’t believe anyone who looks into the matters evidenced
herein could argue to the contrary… at least, not in good faith. The reality of the situation as
evidenced by anybody who wants to travel by airplane, or on a train, or to travel in an
automobile, have a Government, state issued I.D./identification with ones identification
information and photo on the I.D., and without this I.D. one cannot enter DMV’s, get library
cards, open up utility accounts, rent an apartment, nor buy a home, or even open a bank account.
However, if one can’t work without providing such I.D.; and a copy of their Social Security Card
with their assigned number or mark, then how could one do any of those things just mentioned,
when they are all secondary to one’s ability to work.

Because absent work, none of the others such as buying, selling or trading, opening bank
accounts, or the like, could ever take place. For a lack of better words, it is impossible to come to
the table empty handed.

Today they say, well you have to understand, that the SSN is how people are identified one from
another. My Objection to this “understanding” is the fact that it is in direct conflict and is totally
contrary to the very purpose and intent for which the Social Security Act was originally created.

The very reasons for which the “act” was created, was to provide welfare social Insurance for the
poor. However, the SSN was originally intended for one purpose: tracking a worker’s lifetime
earnings in order to calculate retirement benefits after age 65. Not as a requirement for one to
prove their identity for the purposes of obtaining a driver’s license.

Furthermore Sheriff, I don’t want to be another added burden on the public welfare system. I
was raised to believe that my family and I should sustain ourselves; and should never become a
further burden/weight on the peoples shoulders, of the society in which we live.

I was raised with the teachings and understanding that my family and I should always work to
sustain our own family and ourselves. But I know that one of the required elements of getting
the original Social Security Act passed in 1935, was that the specific language had to be stated;
and it even required the language to be placed upon the cards themselves.

An SSN is also typically the first piece in building an identity profile that can be used for more
elaborate crimes like insurance fraud. In addition to being unique and widely available, the vast
majority of SSNs were assigned according to a publicly-available formula. Because it was never
intended to be used for identification — the SSA added the disclaimer "FOR SOCIAL
SECURITY PURPOSES NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION" to the card in 1946, then removed
it in 1972 during a redesign — this was never anticipated as being a problem.

Sheriff, I have watched my parents endure great hardships, for example when my father’s union
family insurance suddenly stated that they could no longer pay for any of my, or my little sisters
future dental costs, until my parents provide them with a social security number for both of us.
This problem came up over and over again throughout our lives while growing up; and in many
different ways and my dad has always said the same speech to my sister and I, basically saying:

“Look, the Social Security System and its number is a lifelong contract that you can’t undo, or
simply cancel later on… because you changed your mind. He explained that once a Social Security
Number is assigned to you that it is forever, and can never be assigned to anybody else, not even after
you die, because at that time, the number goes into the “Death Master Files”

He always tells us how contract law says that for one to enter into a valid and legally binding
contract, you must be of lawful age of majority; and able to read it, understand it, question it, and

sign the contract for yourself and how others cannot enter into contracts for you, nor can anybody
force you into any contract against your will. How such a Contract would be null and void because
there was no required element of a “Meeting of the minds”, because everything written in it,
becomes binding on you after that, for life. He always says that he believes that is something that
nobody should decide for you, nor minors until they are of legal age to lawfully enter into, or become
a lawful party to a valid and legally binding contract.

He always tells us that if we were too young to be trusted to make the responsible observations and
the right choices or decisions for yourself, which is required to travel down the roads, or to drink
alcohol responsibly, then how in the world could the same minor be capable of understanding the
terms, obligations and responsibilities of a life-long contract; and how you are bound to perform
under those obligations and how there are consequences to a party breaching that contract…”

Sheriff, due to my parents firmly held belief, as described above, they never wrote off their
children on taxes, as all the parents have whose children do have an SSN. Again, I don’t believe
that it can be argued that the SSN is required today, for one to buy, sale, trade, to work, to travel,
to have a banking account, to have insurance policies, or even to have your own telephone…
unless one willfully accept the number, which is upon their hand (Voluntary submission of the
SS5 Form) with your signature (hand), or upon their head; and if someone can have a bounty on
their head, then this SSN is certainly a mark or number upon ones head.

I have went over the things which apply only to the pope and 666 and for this part I will present
the choices and meanings of the different crosses. The passage which ties this entity together has
to do with two rivers. The River Thames

First, let us touch upon rather the RED crosses on the many Boundary Dragon(s) shields and
then ask ourselves rather they are a “sign” of the Christ, the Anti-Christ, or other? To help us
answer this question and now that we have some sample pictures showing you the Dragon’s
surrounding the old City of London boundaries, can you tell me, are those RED Crosses on those
shields standard crosses (with equal sides), or upright crosses (Christ), or upside down/inverted
crosses (Anti-Christ or for Peter/also called: Satan)?

Yet the Pope and the Roman Catholic, or Mother Church of ROME, known today as the
VATICAN, hide this connection to the inverted cross; and what the Catholic Church professes to
believe behind closed doors, which is herein evidenced below:

“Inverted Cross

A cross that is upside down, with the short end pointing toward the bottom.

Commonly believed to be a satanic symbol, it is actually the opposite; According to legend, St.

Peter requested that he be crucified in a different way than Jesus Christ, because he felt that he didn't
deserve to die in the same manner as his lord, so the Romans raised his (Peter’s) cross with him upside

That's right, every so-called Satanist who wears the inverted cross is actually showing humility and
unworthiness before Christ.
Some have posed the question: “If the inverted cross is an anti-Christian symbol, why the hell is it carved
on the back of the pope's throne?”

So, are the Boundary Dragon(s) shields a sign of the Christ, the Anti-Christ, or other?
Furthermore, while the Pope, et al., claim to have no affiliation with the Satanic Church (Even
though they both use the same horns SIGN and the Upside down/inverted cross).

One would naturally think that the Boundary Dragons could only be representative of one or the
other church, RIGHT? Rather on its face, or behind the scenes! Yet, who is in control, of the
City of London.
The sign’s are vast, but suffice it to say, one of the surest sign’s, are the proximate 34 Dragons
located around the City of London boundaries.

With all the tearing down of London walls over the years, all the new construction and high-rise
buildings, much has changed over the past couple hundred years in London. One of the things
saved though were two dragons, and they were moved to Embankment and erected as boundary
marks for the City. The date was a convenience, as the government was redrawing local
government boundaries in 1963, so the City decided to mark its boundaries in physical form.

Over the next few years a number of half-size replica dragons were erected around the City, and
they’re still there in varying states of repair.



The dragons are all painted silver, with details of their wings and tongue picked out in red. The
dragon stands on one rear leg, the other lifted against a shield, with the right foreleg raised and
the left foreleg holding a shield which bears the City of London’s coat of arms, painted in red
and white.

The stance is the equivalent of the rampant heraldic attitude of the supporters of the City’s
arms. NOTE: it did not say right arm raised in a NAZI styled Solute! Well folks, now you will
know where Hitler came up with his world-famous solute!

There is an odd rumor that they are griffins, but they are officially Dragon Supporters — in that
they are a) dragons, and b) supporting the shield. The sword in the crest is the badge of the
Patron Saint of the City of London, St Paul.

Let’s walk around the city taking a look.

The River Thames, which runs through London in England is in fact the hub from where all
Commerce over the whole earth is controlled.

I say that because the same two church’s, are the only two entities who use inverted crosses,
along with the Hand Gesture or gang sign (Horns Sign) with their hands.

I usually answer that question with a question, to wit: “I don’t know, Why do you suppose Jesus
stated to Peter: “Get behind me SATAN?” (Matthew 16:23), to wit:

“23 Jesus turned and said to Peter, “Get behind me, Satan! You are a stumbling block to me; you do
not have in mind the concerns of God, but merely human concerns.”


They say that these two entities are not associated, but I have noticed they throw the same gang
signs! Look at the statue in the Satanic Church above; and then look at the pictures of the Popes
below, throwing the same signs!

Furthermore, we also see the raised Right-Hand gesture being made by all the Boundary Dragons
in the City of London! It should also be stated here that even if the excuse was given that all the
dragons are actually holding their shields upside down and that is why it looks like that.

My response would be 1) so they admit to the intentional placement of hidden SIGN(S) of an

inverted cross by holding the shield(s) upside down; or 2) so they admit that the crushed shield
was used to intentionally display a SIGN (or many signs) publicly of inverted crosses.

Either way, they are still signs leading back to the Inverted cross of the Pope in recognition of
Peter, or the rendering of homage to Peter., whom Jesus (the one whose powers and authorities
on earth they claim to be exercising) called Peter: “SATAN” to his face, which only makes the
Non-Affiliation arguments of today’s VATICAN and the Satanic Church/Church of Satan, along
with the inverted cross that much more harder for one to believe the arguments that these two

churches really are not affiliated! That would be like having two identical twins and claiming
they really are not related!

That is against everything I have ever been taught by my parents, or by the bible growing up.
The question with regards to the question of rather the Pope has superior authority to dictate over
nations has been well documented, to wit:

“If the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed, he must be obeyed.”
[Bened. XIV, De Sgn Dioec., lib., ix, c vii, n 4. Prati., 1844].

“Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers.”
[Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44].

“Hence, the jus nationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the United
States; may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff.” [Elements of Ecclesiastical Law, Volume I,
pages 53 and 54]. [This passage is saying that the government has no authority to abolish or change
ecclesiastical law in America and that only the Pope has the power to do that].

The Pope's laws are obligatory on everyone. (See: Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4.
Prati, 1844) (Syllabus, prop 28, 29, 44);


“The Pope can abolish any law in the United States.” (Elements of Ecclesiastical Law Vol. 1 53-54
(1877 Ed.))

“…there is no doubt that the Holy See and the civil governments, may be annulled by the Pope.”
(Pgs. 51-52, Par. 105)

“Q. “What is meant by American Cannon Law?”
“A. By the national eccl. law of this country we understand the various derogations from the “jus
commune,” or the different customs that exist among the churches in the united States, and are
sanctioned by the authority of the Sovereign Pontiff. We say,” are sanctioned by the Roman Pontiff
“, for as we’ve seen, no national law can become legitimate except by at least the tacit or legal”
consent of the Pope. Again, the “Jus particulare” of a nation always remains subject to the authority
of the Holy See in such manner as to be repealable’ at any time by it. Hence, the jus nationale, or the
exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in the U.S., may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign
Pontiff.” (Art. II, Pgs. 52-53, Par. 106)


“The national cannon law or exceptional ecclesiastical laws and customs may legitimately obtain in
the U.S.; as elsewhere, is beyond doubt.” (Pg. 54., Para. 109) (See: Elements of Ecclesiastical Law
Vol. 1 (1877 Ed.))

“Convinced that the principles of religion contribute most powerfully to keep nations in the state of
passive obedience which they owe to their princes, the high contracting parties declare it to be their
intention to sustain in their respective states, those measures which the clergy may adopt with the aim of
ameliorating their interests, so intimately connected with the preservation of the authority of the princes;
and the contracting powers join in offering their thanks to the Pope for what he has already done for
them, and solicit his constant cooperation in their views of submitting the nations.” (See: Article (3),
Treaty of Varona (1822))


Therefore, the Sovereign Pontiff should nevertheless, insist on his law being observed and must be obeyed.
Bened. XIV., De Syn. Dioec, lib, ix., c. vii., n. 4. Prati, 1844.


“Pontifical laws moreover become obligatory without being accepted or confirmed by secular rulers.” (See:
Syllabus, prop. 28, 29, 44);


“Hence, as stated above, the jus rationale, (Federal Law) or the exceptional ecclesiastical laws prevalent in
the United States, may be abolished at any time by the Sovereign Pontiff.” (See: Elements of Ecclesiastical
Law, Vol. I 53-54)

Now then, let us present the Papal Bull of 1302, known as the Unam Sanctam, wherein Pope
Boniface VIII asserts papal authority over the King, whose power was temporal, using the
argument that the office of the Church is more spiritual and thus, divine. He bases his assertion
on the idea that papal office was conferred onto Peter by Christ and then passed on to his
successors. In those days, the Church had financial and moral support from the people who
believed the priest could save them from hell. And so the kings had no choice but to submit.
The Unam Sanctam was never effectively rebutted and stands as law today simply because the
people have not rebutted it.
(See: )

The Unam Sanctam provides the foundation for several other papal decrees that have resulted in
the Vatican legally owning the world; Yes, literally!
(See: )

In June of 1452, Pope Nicholas V issued a papal bull called Dum Diversas which relegated
"unbelievers" to perpetual slavery. "We grant you [Kings of Spain and Portugal] by these present
documents, with our Apostolic Authority, full and free permission to invade, search out,
capture, and subjugate the Saracens and pagans and any other unbelievers and enemies of
Christ wherever they may be, as well as their kingdoms, duchies, counties, principalities, and
other property [...] and to reduce their persons into perpetual servitude."  

In January 1455, the same Pope issued the bull, Romanus Pontifex as a follow up to Dum
Diversas  allowing Catholic nations to further explore and seize lands and enslave current non-
Christian inhabitants. (See: )

In May 1493 another papal bull issued by Alexander VI, Inter Caetera, decreed that once a land

was seized by a Christian nation, another Christian nation could not seize or establish dominion
over it. (See: )

Together, the 1452, 1455, and 1493 Papal Bulls form the justification for the Doctrine of
Discovery and the global slave trade. Vatican explorers were encouraged to take over
indigenous lands and enslave their people. Further, the Doctrine of Discovery became a concept
in International Law and was upheld in a series of United States Supreme Court decisions.
According to Wikipedia, under the Discovery Doctrine, "...title to lands lay with the government
whose subjects travelled to and occupied a territory whose inhabitants were not subjects of a
European Christian monarch."  

Then came the work, which I believe the Pope, et al., used in the theft of every legal title deed
and land Patent to the whole world/earth; and did so via a Papal Bull issued and titled: Cestui
Que Vie Act of 1666 wherein the Pope declared everyone in the world dead at sea until they
could prove otherwise; meanwhile, the Vatican deems itself lawful owner of all the worlds assets
under the Global Estate Trust.

It is precisely and directly to do with this document. Furthermore, to this day, inhabitants of the
Continental United States are considered legal fictions, as represented by our all capitalized
name (i.e. JOHN DOE) on Social Security cards, driver's licenses, birth certificates, utility bills,
etc., as a direct result of the pope and this document: Cestui Que Vie Act of 1666 !

The Jesuits, et al., are the Terrorist VATICAN assassins, who vow to overthrow our free
Government of the People, By the People and For the People. The problem is that they believe
they should murder every single human on earth who doesn’t share in the Catholic Religion, as
evidenced by their Jesuit Extreme Oath, to wit:

Extreme Oath of the Jesuits:

"I, _ now, in the presence of Almighty God, the Blessed Virgin Mary, the blessed Michael the
Archangel, the blessed St. John the Baptist, the holy Apostles St. Peter and St. Paul and all the saints
and sacred hosts of heaven, and to you, my ghostly father, the Superior General of the Society of

Jesus, founded by St. Ignatius Loyola in the Pontificate of Paul the Third, and continued to the
present, do by the womb of the virgin, the matrix of God, and the rod of Jesus Christ, declare and
swear, that his holiness the Pope is Christ's Vice-regent and is the true and only head of the Catholic
or Universal Church throughout the earth; and that by virtue of the keys of binding and loosing,
given to his Holiness by my Savior, Jesus Christ, he hath power to depose heretical kings, princes,
states, commonwealths and governments, all being illegal without his sacred confirmation and that
they may safely be destroyed.

Therefore, to the utmost of my power I shall and will defend this doctrine of his Holiness' right and
custom against all usurpers of the heretical or Protestant authority whatever, especially the Lutheran
of Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and the now pretended authority and churches of
England and Scotland, and branches of the same now established in Ireland and on the Continent of
America and elsewhere; and all adherents in regard that they be usurped and heretical, opposing the
sacred Mother Church of Rome.

I do now renounce and disown any allegiance as due to any heretical king, prince or state named
Protestants or Liberals, or obedience to any of the laws, magistrates or officers. I do further declare
that the doctrine of the churches of England and Scotland, of the Calvinists, Huguenots and others of
the name Protestants or Liberals to be damnable and they themselves damned who will not forsake
the same. I do further declare, that I will help, assist, and advise all or any of his Holiness' agents in
any place wherever I shall be, in Switzerland, Germany, Holland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway,
England, Ireland or America, or in any other Kingdom or territory I shall come to, and do my
uttermost to extirpate the heretical Protestants or Liberals' doctrines and to destroy all their
pretended powers, regal or otherwise.
I do further promise and declare, that notwithstanding I am dispensed with, to assume my religion
heretical, for the propaganda of the Mother Church's interest, to keep secret and private all her
agents' counsels from time to time, as they may entrust me and not to divulge, directly or indirectly,
by word, writing or circumstance whatever; but to execute all that shall be proposed, given in charge
or discovered unto me, by you, my ghostly father, or any of this sacred covenant.

I do further promise and declare, that I will have no opinion or will of my own, or any mental
reservation whatever, even as a corpse or cadaver (perinde ac cadaver), but will unhesitatingly obey
each and every command that I may receive from my superiors in the Militia of the Pope and of
Jesus Christ.

That I may go to any part of the world withersoever I may be sent, to the frozen regions of the North, the
burning sands of the desert of Africa, or the jungles of India, to the centers of civilization of Europe, or
to the wild haunts of the barbarous savages of America, without murmuring or repining, and will be
submissive in all things whatsoever communicated to me. I furthermore promise and declare that I
will, when opportunity present, make and wage relentless war, secretly or openly, against all heretics,
Protestants and Liberals, as I am directed to do, to extirpate and exterminate them from the face of
the whole earth; and that I will spare neither age, sex or condition; and that I will hang, waste, boil,
flay, strangle and bury alive these infamous heretics, rip up the stomachs and wombs of their women
and crush their infants' heads against the walls, in order to annihilate forever their execrable race.

That when the same cannot be done openly, I will secretly use the poisoned cup, the strangulating
cord, the steel of the poniard or the leaden bullet, regardless of the honor, rank, dignity, or authority
of the person or persons, whatever may be their condition in life, either public or private, as I at any
time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or Superior of the Brotherhood of the Holy
Faith, of the Society of Jesus. In confirmation of which, I hereby dedicate my life, my soul and all my
corporal powers, and with this dagger which I now receive, I will subscribe my name written in my
own blood, in testimony thereof; and should I prove false or weaken in my determination, may my
brethren and fellow soldiers of the Militia of the Pope cut off my hands and my feet, and my throat
from ear to ear, my belly opened and Sulphur burned therein, with all the punishment that can be
inflicted upon me on earth and my soul be tortured by demons in an eternal hell forever!

All of which, I, _, do swear by the Blessed Trinity and blessed Sacraments, which I am now to
receive, to perform and on my part to keep inviolable; and do call all the heavenly and glorious host
of heaven to witness the blessed Sacrament of the Eucharist, and witness the same further with my
name written and with the point of this dagger dipped in my own blood and sealed in the face of this
holy covenant."

(He receives the wafer from the Superior and writes his name with the point of his dagger dipped in
his own blood taken from over his heart.)


"You will now rise to your feet and I will instruct you in the Catechism necessary to make yourself
known to any member of the Society of Jesus belonging to this rank.

In the first place, you, as a Brother Jesuit, will with another mutually make the ordinary sign of the
cross as any ordinary Roman Catholic would; then one cross his wrists, the palms of his hands open,
and the other in answer crosses his feet, one above the other; the first points with forefinger of the
right hand to the center of the palm of the left, the other with the forefinger of the left hand points to
the center of the palm of the right; the first then with his right hand makes a circle around his head,
touching it; the other then with the forefinger of his left hand touches the left side of his body just
below his heart; the first then with his right hand draws it across the throat of the other, and the
latter then with a dagger down the stomach and abdomen of the first. The first then says Iustum; and
the other answers Necar; the first Reges. The other answers Impious." (The meaning of which has
already been explained.) "The first will then present a small piece of paper folded in a peculiar
manner, four times, which the other will cut longitudinally and on opening the name Jesu will be
found written upon the head and arms of a cross three times. You will then give and receive with him
the following questions and answers:

Question —From whither do you come? Answer — The Holy faith.

Q. —Whom do you serve?

A. —The Holy Father at Rome, the Pope, and the Roman Catholic Church Universal throughout the

Q. —Who commands you?

A. —The Successor of St. Ignatius Loyola, the founder of the Society of Jesus or the Soldiers of Jesus

Q. —Who received you? A. —A venerable man in white hair.

Q. —How?

A. —With a naked dagger, I kneeling upon the cross beneath the banners of the Pope and of our
sacred order.

Q. —Did you take an oath?

A. —I did, to destroy heretics and their governments and rulers, and to spare neither age, sex nor
condition. To be as a corpse without any opinion or will of my own, but to implicitly obey my
Superiors in all things without hesitation of murmuring.

Q. —Will you do that? A. —I will.

Q. —How do you travel? A. —In the bark of Peter the fisherman.

Q. —Whither do you travel? A. —To the four quarters of the globe. Q. —For what purpose?

A. —To obey the orders of my general and Superiors and execute the will of the Pope and faithfully
fulfill the conditions of my oaths.

Q. —Go ye, then, into all the world and take possession of all lands in the name of the Pope. He who
will not accept him as the Vicar of Jesus and his Vice-regent on earth, let him be accursed and

I want to quote from the Translators therein, so that the reader will better understand the photos
that are presented below. I purchased my own copy of an “AUTHORIZED 1611 King James
Bible”. They are not easy to find, nor cheap if you want a well-kept copy.

In my Authorized 1611, there are many pages under the Title: “The Translators”.
Under that title, I found some very interesting comments of which I will share below.
Specifically, let us examine page xiv of “The Translators”, wherein it states God’s judgment
and reprimand, to wit:

"If they say, it was one Popes private opinion, and tat he consulted only himself; then wee are able to
goe further with them, and to a-uerre, that more of their chief'e men of all sorts, even Their owne
Trent-champion Paiua& Vega, and their owne Inquisitors, Hieronymus abOleastro, and their own
Bishop IhdorusClarius, and their owne Cardinal Thomas d VioCaietan, doe either make new
Translations themselves, or follow new ones of other mens making, or note the vulgar Interpretor for
halting; none of them feare to dissent from him, nor yet to except against him. And call they this
anuniformetenour of text and judgement a-bout the text, so many of their worthies disclaiming the
now recieved conceit? Nay, we will yet come nearer the quicke: doth not their Paris-edition differ
from the Louaine, and Hentenius his from them both, and yet all of them allowed by authoritie? Nay,
doeth not Sixtus Quintus confess, that certain Catholikes ( hemeanethcertaine of his owne side ) were
in such an humor of translating the Scriptures into latine, that Satan taking occasion by them,
though they thaught of no such matter, did strive what he could, out of so uncertaine and manifold a
varietie of Translations, so to mingle all things, that nothing might seeme to be left certaine and
firmin them &c? Nay furtyher, did not the same Sixtusordaine by an inviolable decree, and that with
the counsell and consent of his Cardinals, that the Latine edition of the olde and new Testament,
which the Council of Trent would have to be authenticke, is the same without controverie which he
then set forth, being diligently corrected and printed in the printing house of Vatican? Thus Sixtus in
his Preface before his Bible. And yet Clement the eight his emmediate successor, publisheth another
edition of the Bible, containing in it in-finite differences from that of Sixtus, ( and many of them
waightie and materiall) and yet this must be authentike by all means. ..."


“Truly(good Christian Reader) wee never thought from the beginning, that wee should neede to
make a new Translation, nor yet to make of a bad one a good one, (for then the imputation of Sixtus
had bene true in some sort, that our people had benefed with gall of Dragons instead of wine, with
whey instead of milke : ) but to make a good one better, or out of many good ones, one principall
good one, not iustly to be excepted against; that hath been our indeavour, that our marke. To that

purpose there were many chosen, that where greater in other mens eyes then in their owne, and that
sought the truth rather then their owne praise.

Again, they came or were thought to come to the worke, not exercindicausa (as one faith) but
exercitati, that is, learned, not to learne : For the Chiefe overseer and ___ under his Maiestie, to
whom not only we, but also our whole Church was much bound, knew by his wisedome, which thing
also Nazianzen taught so long ago, that it is a proposterous order to teach first and to learn after, ___
yea chat _______ to learne and practice together, is neither commendable for the workeman, nor safe
for the worke. Therefore such were thought upon, as could say modestly with Saint Heirome, Et
HebreumSermonem ex parte didicimus, & in Latino pene' abipsisincunabulis&c. detritisumus. Both
we have learned the Hebrew tongue in part, and in thee Latine wee have beene exercised almost from
our verie cradle.”


“And in what sort did these assemble? In the trust of their own knowledge or of their own sharpeness
of wit, or deepeness of judgment, as it were in an arme of flesh? At no hand. They trusted in him that
hath the key of David, opening and no man shutting ; they prayed to the Lord the Father of our
Lord, to the effect that S. Augustine did; O let thy Scriptures be my pure delight, let me not be
decieved in them, neither let me decieve by them. In this confidence , and with this devotion did they
assemble together; not too many, lest one should trouble another; and yet many, left many things
haply might escape them. If you aske what they had before them, truely it was the Hebrew text of the
olde Testament, the Greeke of the new. These are the two golden pipes, or rather conduits, where-
through the olive branches emptie themselves into the golde. Saint Augustine calleth them precedent,
or original tongues; Saint Heirome, fountaines. ...” (The AUTHORIZED 1611 King James
Bible, at page xiv of (The Translators))

I would like to say that the evidence of these matters are evidenced in government documents,
that have been first certified as accurate and true, which makes them “Summary Judgment
Evidence” (Evidence of the best kind). As you have seen herein, my belief’s are based upon
facts and evidence, not mere hear say, nor can they be written off as mere unsubstantiated Idiot
Patriot Arguments.

In Closing, I pray that your honorable Sheriff of Colorado will not only accept my Thesis
explaining the reasons for my objections and belief’s; and why my family and I, for good cause
shown, may be religious and/or conscientious “Objector(s)”. Including why my family and I
would have the firmly held belief that the SSN is a direct interconnecting tool, forcing all to
accept the Mark of the Beast (Sunday in lieu of Saturday Sabath), or the number of his name;
and the number is 666. Thus, further evidencing its direct and singular applicability to the
antichrist and who that antichrist (there has been many) actually is, by the connection of
the number, and by title (Vicarius Filii Dei); and his followers admissions on the record.

I furthermore, promise and swear, that everything stated herein is accurate and true to the best of
my knowledge and belief. Wherefore, I Brandi Hardin (A.K.A. Rebekka Hardin) pray that the
Honorable Sheriff will have understanding of what my family and I have personally experienced,
suffered, even endured; and find in favor of this request, for good cause shown herein; and
granting my humble request for said Sheriff’s help to obtain a Colorado Driver’s License in
absence of the normally required production of one’s Social Security Number, via the Card it is
issued on.

I would like to sincerely thank you in advance for your time and consideration regarding this

Kind Regards,

/s/ Brandi Hardin

(A.K.A. Rebekka Hardin - Preferred Spiritual Name)


1) High School Graduation Diploma;

2) Texas Birth Certificate



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