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Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................................................... 1
IMPORTANCE OF LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURE ....................................................................................... 1
TYPES OF PLANTS ON THE BASIS OF GROWTH HABIT ............................................................................ 2
LOCATION................................................................................................................................................ 3
CLIMATE .................................................................................................................................................. 3
IDENTIFICATION OF PLANT ..................................................................................................................... 4
1. Japanese maple tree ....................................................................................................................... 4
2. Snake plants .................................................................................................................................... 5
3. Hydrangea ....................................................................................................................................... 7
4.Lotus................................................................................................................................................. 8
5. Indian Crape Myrtle ...................................................................................................................... 10
Conclusion ............................................................................................................................................. 11
Bibliography .......................................................................................................................................... 12

List Of Figures
Figure 1: Central Park, New York ............................................................................................................ 1
Figure 2:Landscape Garden .................................................................................................................... 2
Figure 3:climate of Kathmandu Valley .................................................................................................... 3
Figure 4: Japanese Maple ....................................................................................................................... 4
Figure 5: Japanese Maple Bonsai ............................................................................................................ 5
Figure 6:Snake plant ............................................................................................................................... 5
Figure 7:Use of Snake plant in Landscape .............................................................................................. 6
Figure 8:Hydrangea ................................................................................................................................. 7
Figure 9: Hydrangea macrophylla blooms can be blue, red, pink, light purple, or dark purple. The
color is affected by soil pH. ..................................................................................................................... 8
Figure 10:Lotus in Peace Stupa, Lumbini ................................................................................................ 9
Figure 11:Crape Myrtle in Landscaping ................................................................................................ 11
The definition of landscape architecture by the American Society of Landscape Architects
(ASLA) is “the science and art of design, planning, management and stewardship of the land.
Landscape architecture involves natural and built elements, cultural and scientific knowledge,
and concern for resource conservation to the end that the resulting environment serves a
useful and enjoyable purpose.

The principles of landscape design include the elements of unity, scale, balance, simplicity,
variety, emphasis, and sequence as they apply to line, form, texture, and color. These
elements are interconnected.

Figure 1: Central Park, New York


Landscape architecture is about creating great cities, streets, parks and public spaces –
ones that inspire healthy living and wellbeing while protecting natural environments and
people. Landscape architecture is about creating safe, sustainable and resilient landscapes,
landscapes that evolve but endure over time.

 protecting natural areas (and the environment); enhancing biodiversity

 building healthy and vibrant communities
 addressing climate change (managing the impact of climate change and using natural
system to reduce the global warming trend)
 green infrastructure (including green streets and green roofs and active transportation)
 contributing to the economy

1| P a g e
Plants are all unique regarding physical appearance, structure, and physiological behavior.
Aside from that, they also vary in their habitats, tolerance, and nutrient requirement.

If we consider plants, based on their height, some are too short while some are too tall to
climb. Besides the height, stem thickness, delicacy also variesWith these things in
considerations plants can be divided into

1. Trees
2. Shrubs
3. Herbs
4. Grasses
5. Vines
6. Ferns
7. Algae and mosses

Figure 2:Landscape Garden

2| P a g e
The Kathmandu Valley is known for the moderate climate and home to the different species
of flora and fauna.The valley is surrounded by the forest and is flourished by the Bagmati
watersheds. This place is at the elevation range from 1100 t 2700m above the sea level.

• Kathmandu, Nepal is at 27°42'N, 85°22'E, 1337 m (4386 ft).

• It has humid subtropical hot summer climate that is mild with dry winters, hot humid
summers and moderate seasonality.

• The annual mean temperature is 18.3 degrees Celsius (64.9 degrees Fahrenheit). Average
monthly temperatures vary by 14.5 °C (26.1°F).

• This indicates that the continentality type is oceanic, subtype truly oceanic. In the winter
time records indicate temperatures by day reach 19.7°C (67.4°F) on average falling to 2°C
(35.6°F) overnight.

• In spring time temperatures climb reaching 27.3°C (81.2°F) generally in the afternoon with
overnight lows of 11°C (51.8°F).

• During summer average high temperatures are 28.3°C (83°F) and average low temperatures
are 19.3°C (66.8°F).

•Come autumn/ fall temperatures decrease achieving average highs of 26°C (78.8°F) during
the day and lows of 12.3°C (54.2°F) generally shortly after sunrise.

• Total annual Precipitation averages 1343 mm (52.9 inches) which is equivalent to

1343litres/m² (32.94 Gallons/ft²)

Figure 3:climate of Kathmandu Valley

3| P a g e
1. Japanese maple tree
Scientific Name:Acer Palmatum
Genus:Acer L.
Species: Acer palmatum Thunb. – Japanese maple

Acer palmatum is a deciduous shrub or small tree reaching heights of 6 to 10 m (20 to 33 ft),
rarely 16 meters (52 ft), reaching a mature width of 4.5 to 10 meters (15 to 33 ft) often
growing as an understory plant in shady woodlands. It may have multiple trunks joining close
to the ground. In habit, its canopy often takes on a dome-like form, especially when mature.

Figure 4: Japanese Maple

Cultivation and Uses

Japanese Maple has been grown in temperate areas around the world since the 1800s but had
been cultivated in Japan for centuries.Today numerous cultivars are readily available
commercially and are a popular item at garden centers and other retail stores.They are the
popular choices for the bonsai. They also add a pop color to the landscape.

4| P a g e
Figure 5: Japanese Maple Bonsai

2. Snake plants
Scientific Name: Dracaena trifasciata

Common name: snake plant, mother in law tongue

Figure 6:Snake plant

5| P a g e
It is an evergreen perennial plant forming dense stands, spreading by way of its
creeping rhizome, which is sometimes above ground, sometimes underground. Its stiff leaves
grow vertically from a basal rosette. Mature leaves are dark green with light gray-green
cross-banding and usually range from 70–90 centimetres (2.3–3.0 ft) long and 5–6
centimetres (2.0–2.4 in) wide, though it can reach heights above 2 m (6 ft) in optimal

Cultivation and Uses

Like some other members of its genus, D. trifasciata yields bowstring hemp, a strong plant
fiber once used to make bowstrings. It is now used predominantly as an ornamental plant,
outdoors in warmer climates, and indoors as a houseplant in cooler climates. It is popular as a
houseplant because it is tolerant of low light levels and irregular watering; during winter it
needs only one watering every couple of months. It will rot easily if overwatered.
The NASA Clean Air Study found D. trifasciata has potential to filter indoor air, removing 4
of the 5 main toxins involved in the effects of sick building syndrome. However, its rate of
filtration is too slow for practical indoor use.
Cultural significance
In its native range in Africa, a yellow-tipped cultivar is associated with Oya, the
female Orisha of storms. In Nigeria, it is commonly linked with Ogun, the Orisha of war, and
is used in rituals to remove the evil eye.[19] In Brazil, its common name Espada de São
Jorge links it to Saint George, who by syncretism is also associated with Orisha Ogun

Figure 7:Use of Snake plant in Landscape

6| P a g e
3. Hydrangea
Scientific Name: Hydrangea macrophylla

Common Name: Hydrangea,

Local Name: Haansraaj,Sugandharaaj

Figure 8:Hydrangea

Hydrangea macrophylla, also called bigleaf or French hydrangea, typically has either pink or
blue flowers, although a few cultivars have white flowers. Flower color is determined
indirectly by the soil pH, which affects the availability of aluminum in the soil. In acid soils,
the flowers will be blue, but in alkaline soils, the flowers will be pink. Aluminum is available
to the plant in acid soils. Research has determined that the actual mechanism of color
variation is due to the presence or absence of aluminum compounds in the flowers. For blue
flowers, maintain a soil pH between 5 and 5.5.


In climates where Hydrangea macrophylla flowers, place in a mixed shrub border or at the
back of a flower bed. Its rich foliage and large size make it a wonderful background for white
or light-colored flowers, even tall-growing perennials and annuals. In warm climates H.
macrophylla is good for adding a splash of early summer color to shady areas and woodland
gardens. Minimal pruning is recommended for most prolific flowering. Flowers are easily air
dried and are long lasting.

7| P a g e
Figure 9: Hydrangea macrophylla blooms can be blue, red, pink, light purple, or dark purple. The color is affected by soil

Scientific Name: Nelumbo nucifera

Common name:Lotus,
Local name:Kamal

8| P a g e
Nelumbo nucifera, also known as Indian lotus, sacred lotus, or simply lotus, is one of
two extant species of aquatic plant in the family Nelumbonaceae. It has a very wide native
distribution, ranging from central and northern India (at altitudes up to 1,400 m or 4,600 ft in
the southern Himalayas), through northern Indochina and East Asia (north to the Amur
region; the Russian populations have sometimes been referred to as "Nelumbo komarovii"),
with isolated locations at the Caspian Sea. Today the species also occurs in southern India,
Sri Lanka, virtually all of Southeast Asia, New Guinea and northern and eastern Australia,
but this is probably the result of human translocations. It has a very long history (c. 3,000
years) of being cultivated for its edible seeds, and it is commonly cultivated in water
gardens. It is the national flower of India and Vietnam.

Cultivation and uses

The Sacred Lotus grows in water up to 2.5 m (8 ft) deep. The minimum water depth is about
30 cm (12 in). In colder climates, such a low water level, which heats up more quickly, is
helpful for better growth and flowering. Lotus germinates at temperatures above 13 °C
(55 °F). Most varieties are not cold-hardy. In the growing season from April to September
(northern hemisphere), the average daytime temperature needed is 23 to 27 °C (73 to
81 °F) In regions with low light levels in winter, the sacred lotus has a period of dormancy.

Use in water treatment

Nelumbo nucifera shows high potential for usage in wastewater treatment removing polluting
compounds and heavy metals. It is able to grow in variable water conditions and in low light
intensity. Various studies show the successful use of N. nucifera to counteract
water eutrophication
Human consumption
Different parts of lotus are consumed in different way in different countries. Rhiizomes,
stems and seeds are consumed as vegetable, Pips of the flower as tea in Korea, China etc.
Cultural and religious significance
Nelumbo nucifera is the species of lotus that has historical cultural and spiritual significance.
It's a sacred flower in both Hinduism and Buddhism, representing the path to spiritual
awakening and enlightenment. It was also an important symbol in ancient Egypt, where it
represented the path from death to rebirth to the afterlife

Figure 10:Lotus in Peace Stupa, Lumbini

9| P a g e
5. Indian Crape Myrtle
Scientific Name: Lagerstroemia indica

Common name: Crape myrtle

Local name: Asarey

It is an often multi-stemmed, deciduous tree with a wide-spreading, flat-topped, rounded, or

even spike-shaped open habit. The tree is a popular nesting shrub for songbirds and wrens.
In the United Kingdom, Lagerstroemia indica has gained the Royal Horticultural
Society’s Award of Garden Merit
The bark is thin and about 2mm. thick, smooth, pinkish-gray, and mottled, shedding each
year. Leaves are also shed each winter, after spectacular color display, and bare branches re-
leaf early in the spring; leaves are small, smooth-edged, circular or oval-shaped, and dark
green changing to yellow and orange and red in autumn.
Flowers, on different trees, are white, pink, mauve, purple or carmine with crimped petals,
in panicles up to 9 cm (3+1⁄2 in). Flowers give way to 6-capsuled, brown dehiscent fruits.

Lagerstroemia indica is frost tolerant, prefers full sun, and will grow to 6 m (20 ft) with a
spread of 6 m (20 ft). The plant is not picky about soil type but does require good drainage to
thrive. Once established it is also quite drought-hardy, though it benefits from the occasional
deep watering during the summer months.

10| P a g e

It is one of only a few trees/shrubs to offer brilliant color in late summer through autumn, at a
time when many flowering plants have exhausted their blooms. In arid climates, it requires
supplemental watering and some shade in the very hottest areas. The plant must have hot
summers to flower successfully; otherwise, it will show weak bloom and is more vulnerable
to fungal diseases.

Figure 11:Crape Myrtle in Landscaping

The moderate climate of Kathmandu valley is suitable for the large ranges of floras. With the
global export and import, different exotic plants now can be seen in the Kathmandu Valley.
This assignment has given us the opportunities to explore the flora that can be grown in the
valley that can further help in the upcoming projects and help in extending the knowledge
about the vegetation. This project has helped in the study of different foliage, flowers, and
variation of plants that can add colors, height harmony, unity in the landscape design.

11| P a g e
American Society of Landscape Architects. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Britannica. (n.d.). Retrieved from (n.d.). Retrieved from United states Department of Agriculture.

Oregon state university,college of Agricultural Sciencw. (n.d.). Retrieved from

Qing Lana Luo, M. V. (n.d.). Oklahoma State University. Retrieved from

Stellenbosch University Botanical Garden. (n.d.). Retrieved from

United States Department Of Agriculture. (n.d.). Retrieved from

van Gelderen, C. (1999). Maples for Gardens: A Color Encyclopedia.

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