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Lesson 3: Computing the Mean of a Discrete Probability Distribution

• Number of Spots

Consider rolling a die. What is the average number of spots that would appear?

Steps Solution
Construct the probability distribution for the Number of Spots P(X)
random variable X representing the number of 1 1/6
Spots to appear 2 1/6
3 1/6
4 1/6
5 1/6
6 1/6
Multiply the value of the random variable X by Number of P(X) X *P(X)
the corresponding probability Spots X
1 1/6 1/6
2 1/6 2/6
3 1/6 3/6
4 1/6 4/6
5 1/6 5/6
6 1/6 6/6
Add the results obtained in Step 2 ∑X*P(X)= 21/6 or 3.5

• Coffee Shop items

The probabilities of that customer will buy 1,2,3,4 or 5 items in a coffee shop are 3/10,1/10,1/10,
2/10 and 3/10 correspondingly. What is the average of the items that a customer will buy?

Steps Solution
Construct the probability distribution for the Number of Items P(Z)
random variable Z representing the number of 1 3/10
items that a customer will buy 2 1/10
3 1/10
4 2/10
5 3/10
Multiply the value of the random variable Z by Number of P(Z) X *P(Z)
the corresponding probability ITEMS Zs
1 3/10 3/10
2 1/10 2/10
3 1/10 3/10
4 2/10 3/10
5 3/10 8/10
1 3/10 15/10
Add the results obtained in Step 2 ∑X*P(X)= 31/10 or 3.1

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