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Presentation of Results Tutorial

3-D Motor Mount Assembly Model

Part Number 6000.522

Revision 2.14
December 2003
December 17, 2003

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Copyright  2003 ALGOR, Inc.

All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose, either in part or in
its entirety, without the expressed written permission of ALGOR, Inc.

This publication describes the state of ALGOR software at the time of its printing and may not reflect the software at all
times in the future. This publication may be changed without notice. This publication is not designed to transmit any
engineering knowledge relating specifically to any company or individual engineering project. In providing this publication,
ALGOR does not assume the role of engineering consultant to any user of this publication and hereby disclaims any and all
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This document has been designed to be printed on the customer's local computer and printer. ALGOR cannot be held
responsible for any errors incurred in the printing of this document.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 2
Files List for this Tutorial
In addition to this document file, the following files are referenced in the tutorial:


These files are available in the Tutorial\models directory.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 3
Tutorial Conventions
To make this tutorial easy to use, the following conventions will be employed. For the command conventions, the item (or an
example of one) that you need to perform is noted in bold on the left. To the right of the item is a short description of the
action and/or results of the action.

User Input Notation Conventions

algframe Type "algframe" using the keyboard. Text that you need to type is noted in bold type using a Courier

<Esc> Press the <Esc> key. Some of the other keys expressed in this manner are <Enter>, <Tab> and the
function keys, for example <F9>.

<Ctrl>-c Press <Ctrl> and the letter "c" simultaneously. Keys to be pressed at the same time are shown with a
hyphen between them.

"Enclose" Select the "Enclose" command. The names of pop-up menus, options and buttons are bold-faced,
enclosed in quotation marks and shown as they are on the screen.

"Selection: Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Shape" pull-out menu. Select the "Point"
Shape: Point" command. Commands in sequences are separated by colons.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the specified location. FEMPRO is designed for a two-button mouse. Where
"click" or "left-click" is used, you should press the left mouse button. "Right-click" means you should
press the right mouse button. If you have a three-button mouse, you will not use your middle button
for ALGOR software.

In the tables throughout this tutorial, input instructions for using toolbars and pull-down menus are in the two left columns.
Descriptions or more detailed instructions are given in the right column. For example:

"Selection: Shape: Point" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Shape"
pull-out menu. Select the "Point" command to enter point
selection mode.

Other Notation Conventions

sd3.dmit, an .esx file Filenames and file extensions are lowercase with the filename in italic.

filename.doc Filenames that are user-supplied are in bold, lowercase italics.

\model directory Directory names will appear in Courier type and be followed by the term "directory". (The directory
where the ALGOR software is stored is usually referred to as the installation directory).

FILE pull-down menu Pull-down menu names are shown in uppercase characters.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 4
Structural Results Evaluation and Report Generation:

3-D Motor Mount Assembly Model

In this tutorial, we will introduce you to FEMPRO's capabilities for presenting the results of an analysis.

1. Problem Description

A motor mount assembly is designed to hold a 15-pound motor. The assembly consists of a left bracket, a right bracket and a
knuckle shaft. The brackets are made of aluminum (6061-T6) and the shaft is made of steel (ASTM-A36). The motor is
mounted to the brackets with bolts. The assembly has a tension force due to the output of the motor.

For the Steady-State Heat Transfer analysis that was done previously, there was a convection load applied to the mount due
to the air around the mount. Applied temperatures of 150 degrees Fahrenheit were applied to the mount where the motor
would be in contact with the mount due to the bolts.

For the Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis, traction loads were applied where the motor was bolted to the
mount through holes on the brackets. Nodal forces were applied where the motor was bolted to the mount through slots on
the brackets. The ends of the shaft were fully fixed.

Figure 1 shows a diagram of the motor mount assembly. The goal of the Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis
was to determine stresses in the motor mount assembly due to:
 the dead weight load of the motor resting on the mount;
 the force of the motor output acting on the mount; and
 the thermal-stress on the mount from the motor heating up.

Figure 1: Diagram of the Motor Mount Assembly

First, you will retrieve a supplied model archive file, named LinearResults.ach, which contains the model and results of a
previous analysis. You will then launch the Superview IV Results environment and will inspect the model and results.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 5
2. Retrieving the Supplied Model Archive File

In this section, you will use FEMPRO to retrieve the supplied model archive file, LinearResults.ach.

Starting FEMPRO

Start FEMPRO from the Windows taskbar.

"Start: Programs: ALGOR V14: In the Windows taskbar, press the "Start" button. Select the
FEMPRO" "Programs" pull-out menu and select the "ALGOR V14" pull-
out menu. Select the "FEMPRO" command.

FEMPRO will now appear with the "Open" screen active.

"Cancel" Press the "Cancel" button to close the "Open" screen.

In FEMPRO, you have a variety of tasks available to you. You can start a new model, choose an existing model and perform
any complete engineering analysis. Help information is available by accessing the HELP pull-down menu and selecting the
"Contents" command. This will access the ALGOR User’s Guide.

Retrieving the Supplied Model Archive File

Retrieve the supplied model archive file from the Tutorials\Models directory. This archive file contains a meshed
model of the motor mount. (To learn more about meshing, see the InCAD tutorials on the motor bracket model).

"File: Archive: Retrieve…" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Archive" pull-
out menu. Select the "Retrieve…" command (see Figure 2). The
"Extract Archive" screen will appear.

Figure 2: Retrieving the Archive File

Mouse Use the "Look in:" drop-down box to navigate to the

Tutorials\Models directory, which is where the archive file
is stored.
LinearResults.ach Click on the LinearResults.ach file.
"Open" Press the "Open" button.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 6
Mouse Specify the archive restore location in the "Browse for Folder"
"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept the location. The meshed model
will be displayed in the FEA Editor environment (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Meshed Model in the FEA Editor Environment

3. Transferring the Model to the Superview IV Results Environment

In this section, you will send the model to the Superview IV Results environment where you can review the model setup and
the results of the analysis.

"Tools: Superview" Access the TOOLS pulll-down menu and select the "Superview"
command. The model will be transferred to the Superview IV
Results environment as shown in Figure 4. The von Mises stress
contour will be displayed on the model.

Figure 4: Motor Mount in Superview IV Results Environment

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 7
4. View the Displaced Shape

The motor mount model can be viewed in its displaced form (in which displacements are usually exaggerated for clarity), and
that displaced view can be displayed on top of an outline of the model in its original shape. To view the displaced bracket, do
the following:

"Results Options: Displaced Model Access the RESULTS OPTIONS pull-down menu and select the
Options" "Displaced Model Options" command.
"Show Displaced Model" Activate the "Show Displaced Model" checkbox.
25 Type "25" in the "Scale Factor" field.
Mouse Press the "X" button at the upper right corner of the "Displaced
Model Options" screen to dismiss it
"View: Enclose" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and select the "Enclose"
command. The screen should look like Figure 5.

Figure 5: Displaced Model

5. Save an Image of the von Mises Stress on the Displaced Model

Save this image to be used in the results report:

"File: Export: Image" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Export" pull-out menu.
Select the "Image" command to save an image of the current stress
<Enter> As the message bar at the bottom of the screen instructs, press <Enter> to
select the entire display area as the area to be saved as the image.
Sample Type "Sample" as the filename. You can leave the file type as .bmp.
"Save" Press the "Save" button to save the image under this name.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 8
6. Create an Animation

In this section you will create an animation of the deflection automatically using the Superview IV Results environment.

"File: Export: Animation" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Export" pull-
out menu. Select the "Animation" command
"Save" Press the "Save" button to create an animation with the default
"Yes" Press the "Yes" button to preview the animation file. The
animation will be opened in your default animation viewer.
"File: Exit" When you are finished viewing the animation, access the FILE
pull-down menu and select the "Exit" command to return to the
Superview IV Results environment.

7. Report Generation

In this section you will create a HTML report automatically using the ALGOR Report Wizard.

"Tools: Report" Access the TOOLS pull-down menu and select the "Report"
Mouse From the ACTIONS menu, select the “Report Wizard”
command. The screen shown in Figure 6 will appear.

Figure 6: First Page of the Report Wizard

Motor Mount Design Type "Motor Mount Design" in the "Project Name" field.
Analysis of Motor Mount Type "Analysis of Motor Mount under static and thermally
under static and thermally induced stress" in the "Project Description" field.
induced stresses
Your Name Type your name in the "Created By" field..
Your Department Type your department name in the "Department" field..
"Next" Press the "Next" button to advance to the second screen of the
report wizard. See Figure 7.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 9
Figure 7: Second Screen of the Report Wizard

John Doe Type the name of the person who checked the model in the
"Checked by" field.
Design Department Type the name of the department of the person who checked the
model in the "Department" field..
"Comments" Click on the "Comments" field.
Analysis Passed Type any comments in the "Comments" field.
"Next" Press the "Next" button to advance to the third screen of the
report wizard. This screen allows you to enter data from the
database and processor. See Figure 8.

Figure 8: Third Screen of Report Wizard

"Next" From the third screen, you can select different sections that you
want to include or exclude from the report. Press the "Next"
button to include all of the defaults to the report. Figure 9 shows
the fourth screen.
"Include User Defined Appendix Section" Activate the "Include-User Defined Appendix Section"
checkbox. This will allow you to attach image files, avi’s and
VRML files to the appendix of the report.
"Add…" Press the "Add…" button.
"Browse" Press the "Browse" button.
"sample.bmp" Click on the file "sample.bmp".
"Open" Press the "Open" button to accept this image.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 10
Von Mises Stress Contour Type "Von Mises Stress Contour" in the "Title" field.
"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept this appendix,
"Add…" Press the "Add…" button.
"Browse" Press the "Browse" button.
Movie Files (*.avi) Select the "Movie Files (*.avi)" option in the "Files of type"
drop-down box.
"MotorMount.avi" Click on the file "MotorMount.avi".
"Open" Press the "Open" button to accept this animation.
Deflection Animation Type "Deflection Animation" in the "Title" field.
"OK" Press the "OK" button.

Figure 9: Fourth Screen of the Report Wizard

"Next" Press the "Next" button. The fifth screen will allow you to publish the
report to a web address or ftp address and to customize the appearance.
Figure 10 shows the fifth screen.

Figure 10: Fifth Screen of the Report Wizard

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 11
"Finish" Press the "Finish" button. This will automatically bring up the report. If
you scroll down to the bottom, you will see the image and the animation
that you added.
"File: Close" Once you are finished examining the report, click on the FILE menu and
select "Close" to exit the model.

Congratulations! You have completed the Results and Report Generation Tutorial.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 12

Mechanical Event Simulation (MES) with Linear Material Models Results: Creating .AVI

3-D Piston Assembly

Animation files, in either bitmap or .avi formats, can be created for any model, but are particularly useful in Mechanical
Event Simulations, where the results vary over time. The following tutorial guides the user through the creation of an .avi
file used to display the results of an analysis of a moving piston.

1. Problem Description

A piston assembly consists of a piston, an arm and a crank. Pin joints connect the piston to the arm, the arm to the crank and
the crank to a mechanism that imparts rotation. The piston assembly is made of Aluminum (6061-T6).

Boundary conditions are applied to:

 the skirt of the piston, to constrain it except for translation in the Y direction
 surfaces of the crank, to constrain them from translation in the X direction, and rotation about Y and Z axes.

Figure 1 shows a diagram of the piston assembly. The goal of the MES/LM analysis is to determine motion and stresses in
the piston assembly due to the rotation of the crank.

Figure 1: Diagram of the Piston Assembly

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 13
2. Retrieving the Supplied Model Archive File

In this section, you will use FEMPRO to retrieve the supplied model archive file, RefinedMeshMotorMount.ach.

Starting FEMPRO

Start FEMPRO from the Windows taskbar.

"Start:Programs:ALGOR V14: In the Windows taskbar, press the "Start" button. Select the
FEMPRO" "Programs" pull-out menu and select the "ALGOR" pull-out
menu. Select the "FEMPRO" command.

FEMPRO will now appear with the "Open" screen active.

"Cancel" Press the "Cancel" button to close the "Open" screen.

In FEMPRO, you have a variety of tasks available to you. You can start a new model, choose an existing model and perform
any complete engineering analysis. Help information is available by accessing the HELP pull-down menu and selecting the
"Contents" command. This will access the ALGOR User’s Guide.

Retrieving the Supplied Model Archive File

Retrieve the supplied model archive file from the Tutorials\Models directory. This archive file contains a meshed
model of the piston. (To learn more about meshing, see the InCAD tutorials on the piston model).

"File: Archive: Retrieve…" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Archive" pull-
out menu. Select the "Retrieve…" command (see Figure 2). The
"Extract Archive" screen will appear.

Figure 2: Retrieving the Archive File

Mouse Use the "Look in:" drop-down box to navigate to the

Tutorials\Models directory, which is where the archive file
is stored.
MESResults Click on the MESResults.ach file.
"Open" Press the "Open" button.
Mouse Specify the archive restore location in the "Browse for Folder"

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 14
"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept the location. The meshed model
will be displayed in the FEA Editor environment (see Figure 3).

Figure 3: Meshed Model in the FEA Editor Environment

3. Transferring the Model to the Superview IV Results Environment

In this section, you will send the model to the Superview IV Results environment where you can review the model setup and
the results of the analysis.

"Tools: Superview" Access the TOOLS pull-down menu and select the "Superview"
command. The model will appear in the Superview IV Results
environment as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4: The Piston in Superview

Using the load case controls, review various stages of the mechanical event:
"Results Options: Load Case: Middle" Access the RESULTS OPTIONS pull-down menu and select the
"Load Case" pull-out menu. Select the "Middle" command to
view the middle time step. Notice that the piston has moved off
the left-hand edge of the screen.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 15
"View: Orientation: YZ Right" Access the VIEW menu and select the "Orientation" pull-out
menu. Select the "YZ Right" command.
"Display Options: Plot Settings…" Access the DISPLAY OPTIONS pull-down menu and select the
"Plot Settings…" command.
Mouse Click on the "Legend Properties" tab.
"Upper Left" Select the "Upper Left" radio button in the "Position" section.
Mouse Click on the "Range Settings" tab.
"Automatically calculate value range" Deactivate the "Automatically calculate value range" checkbox.
0 Type "0" in the "Low" field.
40 Type "40" in the "High" field.
"OK" Press the "OK" button.

4. Creating an .AVI animation

In this section, you will use the Superview IV Results environment to animate the piston model and record that animation to
an .avi format file. You may want to use the "View: Zoom" and "View: Pan" commands to position the model so that it will
not leave the field of view during the animation.

"File: Export: Animation" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Export" pull-
out menu. Select the "Animation" command.
"Save" Press the "Save" button. The analysis replay will be compiled as
the file piston.avi.

View the analysis replay.

"Yes" Press the "Yes" button when asked if you want to view the

Figure 5: Analysis Replay

This tutorial only covers creation of an .avi file using the default settings. .Avi’s may also include the stresses in the model,
as calculated at each frame of the simulation, with user controllable legends and display thresholds. The user can also
specify the frame rate, animation size (screen resolution), and speed of the animation. For more information on advanced
display features such as these, see the Results section of the Algor User’s Guide.

Congratulations! You have completed the Results and Report Generation Tutorial.

Presentation of Results Tutorial, Revision 2.14—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 16

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