Combining Beam Elements With CAD Solid Models Tutorial

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Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial

Crank Assembly Model

Part Number 4710.549

Revision 15.000
June 2004
June 29, 2004

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Copyright © 2004 ALGOR, Inc.

All rights reserved. This publication may not be reproduced in any form, by any method, for any purpose, either in part or in
its entirety, without the expressed written permission of ALGOR, Inc.

This publication describes the state of ALGOR software at the time of its printing and may not reflect the software at all
times in the future. This publication may be changed without notice. This publication is not designed to transmit any
engineering knowledge relating specifically to any company or individual engineering project. In providing this publication,
ALGOR does not assume the role of engineering consultant to any user of this publication and hereby disclaims any and all
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This document has been designed to be printed on the customer's local computer and printer. ALGOR cannot be held
responsible for any errors incurred in the printing of this document.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 2
Files List for this Tutorial
In addition to this document file, the following file is referenced in the tutorial:


This file is available in the Tutorials\Models subdirectory of the installation directory.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 3
Tutorial Conventions
To make this tutorial easy to use, the following conventions will be employed. For the command conventions, the item (or an
example of one) that you need to perform is noted in bold on the left. To the right of the item is a short description of the
action and/or results of the action.

User Input Notation Conventions

algframe Type "algframe" using the keyboard. Text that you need to type is noted in bold type using a Courier

<Esc> Press the <Esc> key. Some of the other keys expressed in this manner are <Enter>, <Tab> and the
function keys, for example <F9>.

<Ctrl>-c Press <Ctrl> and the letter "c" simultaneously. Keys to be pressed at the same time are shown with a
hyphen between them.

"Enclose" Select the "Enclose" command. The names of pop-up menus, options and buttons are bold-faced,
enclosed in quotation marks and shown as they are on the screen.

"Selection: Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Shape" pull-out menu. Select the "Point"
Shape: Point" command. Commands in sequences are separated by colons.

Mouse Use the mouse to click on the specified location. FEMPRO is designed for a two-button mouse. Where
"click" or "left-click" is used, you should press the left mouse button. "Right-click" means you should
press the right mouse button. If you have a three-button mouse, you will not use your middle button
for ALGOR software.

In the tables throughout this tutorial, input instructions for using toolbars and pull-down menus are in the two left columns.
Descriptions or more detailed instructions are given in the right column. For example:

"Selection: Shape: Point" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Shape"
pull-out menu. Select the "Point" command to enter point
selection mode.

Other Notation Conventions

sd3.dmit, an .esx file Filenames and file extensions are lowercase with the filename in italic.

filename.doc Filenames that are user-supplied are in bold, lowercase italics.

\model directory Directory names will appear in Courier type and be followed by the term "directory". (The directory
where the ALGOR software is stored is usually referred to as the installation directory).

FILE pull-down menu Pull-down menu names are shown in uppercase characters.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 4
Crank Shaft Assembly Model
In this tutorial, we will introduce you to ALGOR software's capabilities for Linear Static Stress analysis. The example
demonstrated in this tutorial shows how to set up and analyze a three-dimensional (3-D) model of a crank assembly.

You will perform the following steps:

I. Setting up the Model – Retrieve the supplied model archive file, which contains a meshed model. Add beam
elements, specify data needed for a Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis including the analysis type,
element type, element definition, applied loads, boundary conditions and analysis parameters; check the model
geometry and validate using the Results environment.

II. Analyzing the Model – Analyze the model using the Static Stress with Linear Material Models processor.

III. Reviewing the Results – Examine the stress results graphically with the Results environment.

I. Setting up the Model

In this phase, you will retrieve a supplied model archive file, named CrankAssembly.ach, which contains a meshed model.
You will add beam elements to the model. You will specify all data needed for a Static Stress with Linear Material Models
analysis including the analysis type, element type, element definition, applied loads, boundary conditions and analysis
parameters. Then, you will check the model geometry and finite element data using the Results environment to verify that
the model is ready for analysis.

1. Problem Description

A crank assembly is designed to support a 500 lbf-in moment and a 50lbf force on the knob. The assembly consists of a
shaft, arm, and a knob. The arm and knob are made of aluminum (6061-T6) and the shaft is made of steel (ASTM-A36).
The assembly is fixed at the end of the shaft.

Figure 1 shows a diagram of the crank shaft assembly. The goal of the Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis is
to determine stresses in the assembly due to the simultaneous loading:

Figure 1: Diagram of the Crank Assembly

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 5
2. Retrieving the Supplied Model Archive File

In this section, you will use FEMPRO to retrieve the supplied model archive file, CrankAssembly.ach.

Starting FEMPRO

Start FEMPRO from the Windows taskbar.

"Start: Programs: ALGOR V15: In the Windows taskbar, press the "Start" button. Select the
FEMPRO" "Programs" pull-out menu and select the "ALGOR V15" pull-
out menu. Select the "FEMPRO" command.

FEMPRO will now appear with the "New" dialog active.

"Cancel" Press the "Cancel" button to close the "New" dialog.

In FEMPRO, you have a variety of tasks available to you. You can start a new model, choose an existing model and perform
any complete engineering analysis. Help information is available by accessing the HELP pull-down menu and selecting the
"Contents" command. This will access the ALGOR User’s Guide.

Retrieving the Supplied Model Archive File

Retrieve the supplied model archive file from the Tutorials\Models directory. This archive file contains a meshed
model of the crank shaft assembly. (To learn more about meshing, see the InCAD tutorials on the motor bracket model).

"File: Archive: Retrieve…" Access the FILE pull-down menu and select the "Archive" pull-
out menu. Select the "Retrieve…" command (see Figure 2). The
"Extract Archive" dialog will appear.

Figure 2: Retrieving the Archive File

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 6
Mouse Use the "Look in:" drop-down box navigate to the
Tutorials\Models directory, which is where the archive file
is stored.
"CrankAssembly" Click on the CrankAssembly.ach file.
"Open" Press the "Open" button.
Mouse Specify the archive restore location in the "Browse for Folder"
"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept the location. The meshed model
will be displayed in the FEA Editor environment (see Figure 3.)

Figure 3: Meshed Model in the FEA Editor Environment

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 7
3. Specifying Model Data in the FEA Object Editor

In this section, you will specify all data needed for Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis including the analysis
type, element type, element definition, applied loads, boundary conditions and analysis parameters. You will note that in the
lower left corner of the screen, the analysis type has already been set to Static Stress with Linear Material Models.

Specifying Material Information

By default, the solid mesh engine has set the element type to brick elements with the default element definitions. We are
going to accept the defaults and change the material types.

Specify the material properties for Part 1, the crank shaft (the green part).

Mouse In the tree view, right-click on the "Material" heading for Part 1.
"Modify Material…" Select the "Modify Material…" command. The "Element
Material Selection" dialog will appear.
"Steel (ASTM-A36)" Highlight the "Steel (ASTM-A36)" option in the "Select
Material" section. (See Figure 4.)
"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept the material property choice.
The selected material will be shown in the tree view.

Figure 4: Element Material Selection Dialog

Specify material properties for Part 2, the crank arm (red) and Part 3, the crank knob (yellow). The material properties can be
specified for both parts at once because they share the same material, the same element type and the same values for the
element definition.

Mouse Click on the "Material" heading for Part 2.

<Ctrl>-Mouse Holding down the <Ctrl> key, right-click on the "Material" field
for Part 3. See Figure 5.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 8
Figure 5: Material Properties for Parts 2 and 3

"Modify Material…" Select the "Modify Material…" command. The "Element

Material Selection" dialog will appear.
"Aluminum (6061-T6)" Highlight the "Aluminum (6061-T6)" option in the "Select
Material" section.
"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept the material property choice.

Adding Engineering Elements

Add beams to transfer a moment. These beams will be used to simulate the rotation of the knob.

Mouse Click on the part 1 heading in the tree view.

<Ctrl>-Mouse Holding down the <Ctrl> key, right-click on the part 2 heading.
"Hide" Select the "Hide" command. See Figure 6.

Figure 6: Hiding Parts 1 and 2

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 9
Hide the rest of the surfaces in Part 3.

Mouse Click the + next to the "Surfaces" heading for Part 3 in the tree
Mouse Click on the "Surface 1" heading for Part 3.
<Shift>-Mouse Holding down the <Shift> key, click on the "Surface 9" heading
for Part 3.
<Ctrl>-Mouse Holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on the "Surface 5" heading
for Part 3 to remove it from the selection set.
Mouse Right-click on the heading for one of the selected surfaces in the
tree view.
"Hide" Select the "Hide" command. See Figure 7.

Figure 7: Hiding Surfaces on Part 3

"View: Orientation: XZ Back" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and select the "Orientation"
pull-out menu. Select the "XZ Back" command. See Figure 8.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 10
Figure 8: XZ Back Viewpoint

Adding beams to the model.

"Geometry: Elements: Line…" Access the GEOMETRY pull-down menu and select the
"Elements" pull-out menu. Select the "Line…" command.
"Single Line" Activate the "Single Line" checkbox in the "Define Geometry"
dialog. This will let us create individual line segments. See
Figure 9.

Figure 9: Adding the First Line

Mouse Click on a point near the center of the circle.

Mouse Click on a point near the edge to the left. See Figure 10.

Repeat the previous two steps, adding lines from the center point to the right, top, and bottom edges.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 11
Figure 10: Beams Added in 4 Directions

"Use Relative" Activate the "Use Relative" checkbox in the "Define Geometry"
Mouse Click on the center point of the beams.
1.5 <Enter> In the "DY" field, type "1.5" and press <Enter>.
Mouse Click on the X at the upper right corner of the "Define
Geometry" dialog.
"View: Orientation: Isometric" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and select the "Orientation"
pull-out menu. Select the "Isometric" command. The model
should like Figure 11.
Mouse Click on the heading for part 1 in the tree view.
<Ctrl>-Mouse Holding down the <Ctrl> key, click on the heading for part 2 in the
tree view.
<Ctrl>-Mouse Holding down the <Ctrl> key, right-click on the heading for part 3
in the tree view.
"Show" Right-click in the display area and select the "Show" command.

Figure 11: Model with All Beams Added

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 12
Specify the element type for part 4, the beam structure.

Mouse In the tree view, right-click on the "Element Type" heading for
part 4.
"Beam" Select the "Beam" command.

Specify the element type for part 4, the beam structure.

Mouse In the tree view, right-click on the "Element Definition" heading

for part 4.
"Modify Element Type…" Select the "Modify Element Definition…" command. The
"Element Definition" dialog will appear.

Figure 12: Beam Element Definition Dialog

Mouse Click in the field for Layer 1.

"Cross-Section Libraries…" Press the "Cross-Section Libraries…" button.
"Round" Select the "Round" option in the drop-down box in the upper-
right corner. See Figure 13.

Figure 13: Selecting a Round Cross Section.

1 Type "1" in the "Radius" field.

"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept these cross sectional properties.
"OK" Press the "OK" button to exit the "Element Definition" dialog.

Define the material properties.

Mouse In the tree view, right-click on the "Material" heading for part 4.
"Modify Material…" Select the "Modify Material…" command. The "Element
Material Selection" dialog will appear.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 13
"Aluminum (6061-T6)" Highlight the "Aluminum (6061-T6)" option in the "Select
Material" section.
"OK" Press the "OK" button to accept the material property choice.

Constraining the Model

Apply nodal boundary conditions

"View: Orientation: YZ Right" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and select the "Orientation"
pull-out menu. Select the "YZ Right" command.
"Selection: Shape: Rectangle" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Shape"
pull-out menu. Select the "Rectangle" command.
"Selection: Select: Vertices" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Select"
pull-out menu. Select the "Vertices" command.
Mouse Draw a rectangle enclosing the left edge of the model. See Figure

Figure 14: Selecting Nodes

Mouse Right-click in the display area.
"Add: Nodal Boundary Conditions…" Select the "Add" pull-out menu and select the "Nodal Boundary
Conditions…" command.
"Fixed" Press the "Fixed" button to completely constrain the selected
"OK" Press the "OK" button.

Apply a moment to the beam.

"Selection: Shape: Point" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Shape"
pull-out menu. Select the "Point" command.
Mouse Click on the vertex on the very end of the beam extending from
the face of the knob. The selected vertex will be highlighted with
a magenta dot. See Figure 15

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 14
Figure 15: Selecting a Point at the End of the Beam

Mouse Right-click in the display area

"Add: Nodal Moment…" Select the "Add" pull-out menu and select the "Nodal
Moment…" command.
500 In the "Magnitude" field, type "500". See Figure 16.
"Y" Under the "Direction" subheading, select the "Y" radio button.
"OK" Press the "OK" to apply the moment.

Figure 16: Setting Moment Properties

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 15
Apply a surface force to the top of the knob.

"Selection: Select: Surfaces" Access the SELECTION pull-down menu and select the "Select"
pull-out menu. Select the "Surfaces" command.
"View: Orientation: Axonometric" Access the VIEW pull-down menu and select the "Orientation"
pull-out menu. Select the "Axonometric" command.
Mouse Use the mouse to right click on the top surface of the knob. It
should turn magenta in color and a menu should appear. See
Figure 17.

Figure 17: Selecting the Top Face of the Knob

"Add: Surface Force…" Select the "Add" pull-out menu and select the "Surface
Force…" command.
50 In the "Magnitude" field, type "50".
"OK" Press the "OK" button to apply the surface force.

Figure 18: Applying a Surface Force

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 16
4. Checking the Model

Now that all element types, element definitions, material items and analysis parameters have been specified, the model can be
checked to determine whether the geometry and finite element information is valid and ready for analysis.

"Analysis: Check Model" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and select the "Check
Model" command. A "Model Validation" dialog will appear
indicating that the software is verifying the geometry and finite
element data. Once the check has been completed, the model will
be loaded in the Results environment. On your own, you can use
the features of the Results environment to further check the model
by examining the nodes, elements, loadings and boundary
conditions. (For more information about using the Results
environment to examine models, see the "In-depth Results
Evaluation" or "Presentation of Results" tutorial).
"Tools: FEA Editor" After you are finished checking the model, access the TOOLS
pull-down menu and select the "FEA Editor" command to return
to the FEA Editor environment.

The model is now ready to be analyzed with the Static Stress with Linear Material Models processor.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 17
II. Analyzing the Model
In this phase, you will analyze the crank-shaft assembly model with the Static Stress with Linear Material Models processor.

1. Analyzing the Model with the Static Stress with Linear Material Models Processor

Analyze the model using the Static Stress with Linear Material Models processor.

"Analysis: Perform Analysis…" Access the ANALYSIS pull-down menu and choose "Perform
Analysis…." The "ALGOR Structural – Static Stress with
Linear Material Models" dialog will appear. The software will
verify the geometry and finite element data and then the analysis
will begin to run automatically.
"OK" Press the "OK" button to dismiss the message informing you that
the current sessions of the Results environment will be closed.

Figure 19: Analysis in Progress

After the analysis is completed, the model will be loaded in the Results environment.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 18
III. Reviewing the Results
In this phase, you will use the Results environment to view the Static Stress with Linear Material Models analysis results.

1. Using the Results Environment to View Analysis Results

Previously, you used the Results environment during the analysis setup to check the crank shaft assembly model. Now you
will use the Results environment again, this time as a tool to look at the results obtained from the Static Stress with Linear
Material Models analysis. You will view stress results and rotate the model. Then, on your own, you can experiment with
other capabilities.

Examining Results in the Results Environment

The model is displayed in the Results environment. Examine the analysis results.
"Results Options: Displaced Model Access the RESULTS OPTIONS pull-down menu and select the
Options…" "Displaced Model Options…" command.
"Show Displaced Model" Activate the "Show Displaced Model" checkbox.
20 Type "20" in the "Scale Factor" field for a smaller displacement
Mouse Click on the "X" at the upper right corner of the "Displaced
Model Options" dialog. The model will be displayed in its
displaced form, with the calculated displacement exaggerated for
display. The original shape of the model is displayed as a line
drawing for comparison. The model should now appear as Figure

Figure 20: Examining von Mises Stress Results in the Results Environment

On your own, you are welcome to continue to use the Results environment to further examine the analysis results.

Congratulations! You have completed the Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial.

Combining Beam Elements with CAD Solid Models Tutorial, Revision 15.000—printed locally from files supplied electronically. 19

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