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BHIS/EXAM 2021/Term I/SR/XI/01

Billabong High International School, Noida

Syllabus Synopsis (Term I, Periodic Test I and II)
Grade XI(Humanities)

English Reading Comprehension
Note making and Summarising
● Notice Writing
● Poster Making
● Advertisement
● Letter Writing
● Article
● Report
● Speech
● Debate
Grammar: Integrated
Literature: (Book- Hornbill)
Ch1: The Portrait of a Lady
Ch2: We are not afraid to die, If we can all be together.
Ch3: Discovering Tut: The Saga Continues
Ch4: Landscape of the Soul
Ch 5: The Ailing Planet

1. A Photograph
2. The Laburnum top

Ch 1: The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
Ch2: The Address
Ch3: Ranga’s Marriage
Ch4: Albert Einstein at School

Reading: Comprehension.
Periodic Test I Writing skills:

• Notice
• Poster
• Letter
• Debate
Integrated grammar
(Book- Hornbill)
Ch1: The Portrait of a Lady
(Book- Snapshots)
Ch 1: The Summer of the Beautiful White Horse
Poem: A Photograph

Periodic Test II Reading: Comprehension, Note-making, summarising

• Poster Making
• Notice
• Advertisement
• Letter Writing
• Article
• Speech
Integrated grammar
English Literature: (Book- Hornbill)
Ch2: We are not afraid to die, If we can all be together
POETRY: The Laburnum Top
Ch2: The Address

Chapter 1: What is psychology?

Chaptern : Methods of Enquiry in Psychology
Chapter 3: The Bases of Human Behaviour
Chapter 4:Human Development
Practical 1 : Stroop effect

Periodic Test I What is psychology?

Methods of Enquiry in Psychology

Periodic Test II The Bases of Human Behaviour.

Human Development

1. From the Beginning of Time
2. Writing and City Life
3. An Empire across Three Continents: The
Central Islamic Lands; Nomadic Empires
4. The Three Orders
5. Changing Cultural Traditions

Periodic Test I From the Beginning of Time

Periodic Test II An Empire Across Three Continents; The Central

Islamic Lands, Nomadic Empires
Part A:Indian Constitution at work
Political Science
Chapter 1: Constitution
Chapter 2: Election and Representation
Chapter 3:Legislature
Chapter 4:Executive
Chapter 5:Judiciary
Chapter 6:Federalism
Chapter 7:Local Governments

Part B:Political Theory

Chapter 8:Political Theory:An Introduction
Chapter 9: Liberty
Chapter 10 :Equality
Chapter 11:Justice

Periodic Test I
Chapter 1: Constitution

Periodic Test II Chapter 2: Election and Representation

Unit 1: introduction to microeconomics
Economics Unit 2:consumer equilibrium and demand
Unit 3:producer behaviour and supply
Unit 4:form of market
Unit 5:introduction to statistics
Unit 6:collection, organization,presentation of data
Unit 7: statistical tools and interpretation

Periodic Test I Unit 1: introduction to microeconomics

Unit 2: consumer equilibrium and demand

Periodic Test II Unit 4 :introduction to statistics

Unit 5: collection, organization and presentation of

Chapter 01: Sets

Mathematics Chapter 02: Relations and Functions
Chapter 03: Trigonometric Functions
Chapter 04: Principle of Mathematical Induction
Chapter 05: Complex Numbers & Quadratic Equations
Chapter 06: Linear Inequalities
Chapter 07: Permutations and Combinations
Chapter 08: Binomial Theorem
Chapter 09: Sequence and Series

Periodic Test I Chapter 01: Sets

Chapter 02: Relations and Functions

Periodic Test II Chapter 03: Trigonometric Functions

Unit 1: Changing Trends & Career in Physical

Physical Education.
Education Unit 2: Olympic Value Education
Unit 3: Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle
Unit 4: Physical Education & Sports for CWSN
Unit 5: Yoga
Unit 6: Physical Activity & Leadership Training
Unit 7: Test, Measurement & Evaluation
Unit 8: Fundamentals of Anatomy, Physiology &
Kinesiology in Sports

Unit 9: Psychology & Sports
Unit 10: Training and Doping in Sports

Unit 1: Changing Trends & Career in Physical

Periodic Test I
Unit 2: Olympic Value Education

Unit 3: Physical Fitness, Wellness & Lifestyle

Periodic Test II
Unit 4: Physical Education & Sports for CWSN

Information Part A: Employability skills

Technology Unit 2- Self Management Skills
Unit 3 : ICTSkills-III

Part B: Vocational Skills

Unit -2 : Networking And Internet
Unit-5: Fundamentals of Java
Unit-4: RDBMS
Relational Database Management System

Part B: Vocational Skills

Periodic Test I
Unit -2 : Networking And Internet

Periodic Test II Part A: Employability skills

Unit 2- Self Management Skills
Unit-5: Fundamentals of Java

Hindi आरोह पस्ु तक - गद्य खंड –
अध्याय-1. नमक का दारोगा
2. ममयााँ नसीरुद्दीन
3. अपू के ढाई साल
4. विदाई संभाषण

आरोह पस्ु तक - काव्य खंड –

अध्याय-1. कबीर के दोहे
2. मीरा के पद
3. पथिक
4. िे आाँखें

वितान पुस्तक –
अध्यायीय गाययकाओं में बेजोड़: लता मंगेशकर
2. राजस्िान की रजत बद ूाँ े

जनसंचार माध्यम और अमभव्यक्तत-(व्याकरण )

1.जनसंचार माध्यम
2.पत्रकाररता के विविध आयाम
3.शब्दकोश,संदभभ ग्रंिों की उपयोगी विथध और पररचय
5 .क्स्ियत / घटना लेखन
6. औपचाररक /अनौपचाररक पत्र
7. व्यािहाररक लेखन

Periodic Test I आरोह भाग-1(पािय पुस्तक) गद्य खंड अध्याय-1. नमक

का दारोगा- 10 अंक
जनसंचार माध्यम और अमभव्यक्तत-(व्याकरण)- अपठित
गद्यांश- 5 अंक
शब्दकोश,संदभभ ग्रंिों की उपयोगी विथध और पररचय- 5अंक

आरोह भाग-2 गद्यखंड अध्याय-2.ममयााँ नसीरुद्दीन- 5 अंक

Periodic Test II आरोह पुस्तक- काव्यखंड–अध्याय-1. कबीर के दोहे - 5 अंक
अपठित गद्यांश- 5 अंक
अपठित काव्यांश- 5 अंक

Ch 1 - Introduction HEFS: Evolution of the discipline
Home Science and its Relevance to quality of life.
Ch 2 - Understanding the Self.
a. ‘Who am I’?
B. Development and Characteristics of the
Self(Development characteristics and needs of
c. Influences on Identity

Ch 3- Food, Nutrition, Health and Fitness

Ch 4 - Management of Resources
Ch 5- Fabric Around us
Ch 6 -Media and Communication Technology
Ch 7-Effective Communication Skills
Ch 9 - Relationships and interactions with ‘Significant
a. Family
b. School Peers and Educators
c. Community and Society

Ch 10 - Concerns and needs in diverse contexts:

a. Nutrition, Health and Hygiene
b. Resources Availability and Management

Ch 1 - Introduction HEFS: Evolution of the discipline

Periodic Test I and its Relevance to quality of life.
Ch 3- Food, Nutrition, Health and Fitness

Periodic Test II
Ch 2 - Understanding the Self.
Ch 4 - Management of Resources
Unit 1 Introduction to business operations
Business Unit 2 Business environment
Administration Unit 3 Products and services
Unit 4 Types of organization
Unit 5 Formation of Partnership firm and joint stock

Unit 1 Introduction to business operations

Periodic Test I
Unit 2 Business environment

Periodic Test II Unit 3 Products and services

Unit 4 Types of organization

Painting Ch-1 The Elements and principles of art
Ch-2 Pre-Historic Rock painting
Ch-3 Art of Indus valley
Ch-4 Buddhist, Jain and hindu Art
Ch-5 Ajanta

Ch-1 The Elements and principles of art

Periodic Test I
Ch-2 Pre-Historic Rock painting

Ch-3 Art of Indus valley

Periodic Test II Ch-4 Buddhist, Jain and hindu Art
Ch-5 Ajanta

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