Bulletin OF THE American Museum OF Natural History: Published

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Volume 86


NEW YORK: 1947

ALBERT E. PARR, D.Sc., Director RICHARD ARCHBOLD, Research Associate
WAYNE M. FAUNCE, Sc.B., Vice-Director and ARTHUR S. VERNAY, Field Associate
Executive Secretary WILLIAM D. CAMPBELL, Field Associate
HAROLD E. ANTHONY, D.Sc., Dean of the Council
of the Scientific Staff BIRDS
CHARLES M. BOGERT, A.M., Secretary of the ROBERT CUSHMAN MURPHY, Sc.D., Chairman
Council of the Scientific Staff JOHN T. ZIMMER, D.Sc., Curator
G. EVELYN HUTCHINSON, M.A., Consultant in ERNST MAYR, Ph.D., Curator of the Whitney-
Biogeochemistry Rothschild Collections
JAMES P. CHAPIN, Ph.D., Associate Curator
CHARLES E. O'BRIEN, Assistant Curator
H. L. C'HAPIRO, Ph.D., Chairman, Curator of DEAN AMADON, B.S., Assistant Curator
Dhysical Anthropology ELSIE M. B. NAUMBURG, Research Associate
MvARGARET MEAD, Ph.D., D.Sc., Associate Cura- CHARLES K. NICHOLS, Research Associate and
tor of Ethnology Honorary Librarian
BELLA WEITZNER, Associate Curator of Ethnology JEAN DELACOUR, Lic.Sci., Research Associate
JUNIUS B. BIRD, Associate Curator of Archae- CHARLES VAURIE, D.D.S., Research Associate
ology WILLIAM H. PHELPS, B.S., Research Associate
GORDON F. EKHOLM, Ph.D., Assistant Curator of
ERWIN H. ACKERKNECHT, M.D., Dipl. Ethn., As-
sistant Curator CHARLES M. BOGERT, A.M., Chairman and Cu-
JAMES A. FORD, M.A., Assistant Curator of North rator
American Archaeology JAMES A. OLIVER, Ph.D., Assistant Curator
CLARENCE L. HAY, A.M., Research Associate HARVEY BASSLER, Ph.D., Sc.D., Research Asso-
MILO HELLMAN, D.D.S., D.Sc., Research Associ- ciate
ate JOHN A. MOORE, Ph.D., Research Associate
RALPH LINTON, Ph.D., Research Associate
FRANZ WEIDENREICH, M.D., Research Associate C. M. BREDER, JR., Sc.D., Chairman and Curator
FREDERICK H. OSBORN, Honorary Associate JOHN T. NICHOLS, A.B., Curator of Fishes
A. R. CAHN, Ph.D., Field Associate tor of Fishes and Museum Secretary for In-
ternational Game Fish Association Affairs
MAMMALS JOHN C. ARMSTRONG, A.B., Assistant Curator of
HAROLD E. ANTHONY, D.Sc., Chairman and PRISCILLA RASQUIN, A.B., Scientific Assistant
Curator WILLIAM BEEBE, Sc.D., Research Associate in
CHILDS FRICK, D.Sc., Honorary Curator of Late Fishes
Tertiary and Quaternary Mammals CHRISTOPHER W. COATES, Research Associate in
G. H. H. TATE, D.Sc., Curator Fishes
GEORGE G. GOODWIN, Associate Curator DANIEL MERRIMAN, Ph.D., Research Associate in
T. DONALD CARTER, Assistant Curator Oceanography
JOHN ERIC HILL, Ph.D., Assistant Curator FRANK J. MYERS, Research Associate in Rotifers
ate in Parasitology GEORGE GAYLORD SIMPSON, Ph.D., Chairman and
A. L. TREADWELL, Ph.D., Sc.D., Research Asso- Curator of Fossil Mammals and Birds
ciate in Annelids EDWIN H. COLBERT, Ph.D., Curator of Fossil
LIBBIE H. HYMAN, Ph.D., Sc.D., Research Asso- Reptiles, Amphibians, and Fishes
ciate in Invertebrates NORMAN D. NEWELL, Ph.D., Curator of Histori-
H. E. CRAMPTON, Ph.D., Sc.D., Research Associ- cal Geology and Fossil Invertebrates
ate in Mollusks FREDERICK H. POUGH, Ph.D., Curator of Physi-
VAN CAMPEN HEILNER, M.S., Field Representative
MICHAEL LERNER, Field Associate cal Geology and Mineralogy
ROSWELL MILLER, JR., C.E., Field Associate OTTO H. HAAS, Ph.D., LL.D., Associate Curator
WYLLYS ROSSETER BETTS, JR., Field Associate of Fossil Invertebrates
BOBB SCHAEFFER, Ph.D., Assistant Curator of
Fossil Vertebrates
MONT A. CAZIER, Ph.D., Chairman and Associate sistant
Curator HORACE ELMER WOOD, 2ND, Ph.D., Research
C. H. CURRAN, D.Sc., Associate Curator Associate in Fossil Mammals
WILLIS J. GERTSCH, Ph.D., Associate Curator ERICH M. SCHLAIKJER, Ph.D., Research Associ-
CHARLES D. MICHENER, Ph.D., Associate Curator ate in Fossil Reptiles
MARGARET L. Guy, Scientific Assistant LOUIS HUSSAKOF, Ph.D., Research Associate in
HERBERT F. SCHWARZ, M.A., Research Associate Fossil Fishes
ERNEST L. BELL, Research Associate J. BROOKES KNIGHT, Ph.D., Research Associate
CYRIL F. DOS PASSoS, LL.B., Research Associate in Fossil Invertebrates
T. D. A. COCKERELL, Sc.D., Research Associate ARTHUR K. MILLER, Ph.D., Research Associate
ALFRED E. EMERSON, Ph.D., Research Associate in Fossil Invertebrates
E. IRVING HUNTINGTON, Research Associate
HERMAN T. SPIETH, Ph.D., Research Associate
WILLIAM P. COMSTOCK, B.A., Research Associate BROOKS F. ELLIS, Ph.D., Chairman and Curator
ANGELINA R. MESSINA, M.A., Associate Curator
ELEANOR S. SALMON, Ph.D., Scientific Assistant
JOHN ERIC HILL, Ph.D., (Assistant Curator of MAYNARD P. WHITE, Ph.D., Research Associate
Mammals), Temporarily in Charge STANLEY G. WISSLER, M.A., Research Associate
J. HOWARD MCGREGOR, Ph.D., Research Associ-
ROBERT R. COLES, Associate Curator
LESTER R. ARONSON, Ph.D., Acting Chairman FRED RAISER, Scientific Assistant
and Associate Curator CATHARINE E. BARRY, Scientific Assistant
T. C. SCHNEIRLA, Sc.D., Associate Curator SHIRLEY I. GALE, B.S., Special Lecturer
ALBERT P. BLAIR, Ph.D., Assistant Curator EDWARD H. PRESTON, Special Lecturer
A. MARIE HOLZ, M.A., Scientific Assistant HUGH S. RICE, A.M., Research Associate
WILLIAM ETKIN, Ph.D., Research Associate
BARBARA BOGGS, Honorary Associate
ROY CHAPMAN ANDREWS, Sc.D., Honorary Direc-
BARNUM BROWN, Sc.D., Curator Emeritus of Fossil
HENRY K. SVENSON, Ph.D., Chairman and Cura- Reptiles
tor S. H. CHUBB, Associate Curator Emeritus, Com-
CLARENCE L. HAY, A.M., Honorary Curator parative Anatomy
CHARLES RUSSELL, Ph.D., Associate CLYDE FISHE.R, Ph.D., LL.D., Honorary Curator,

Department of Astronomy and the Hayden Emeritus of Fossil Reptiles

Planetarium NELS C. NELSON, M. L., Curator Emeritus of
WILLIAM K. GREGORY, Ph.D., Sc.D., Curator Prehistoric Archaeology
Emeritus of Fishes and of Comparative Anat- WILLIAM L. SMITH, M.D., Instructor Emeritus,
omy Department of Education
E. W. GUDGER, Ph.D., Honorary Associate in WILLARD G. VAN NAME, Ph.D., Associate Curator
Fishes and Librarian of Dean Memorial Li- Emeritus of Recent Invertebrates
brary HERBERT P. WHITLOCK, Curator Emeritus of
RoY WALDO MINER, Ph.D., Sc.D., Curator Emer- Mineralogy; Research Associate in Jade
itus of Invertebrates CLARK WISSLER, Ph.D., LL.D., Curator Emeri-
CHARLES C. MooK, Ph.D., Associate Curator tus, Department of Anthropology
Separates of the vanous articles were mailed and also placed on sale in the American
Museum Library on the following dates.
Art. 1 October 10, 1945
Art. 2 November 12, 1945
Art. 3 November 19, 1945
Art. 4 April 25, 1946
Art. 5 April 30, 1946
Art. 6 May 8, 1946
Art. 7 May 24, 1946
Art. 8 August 26, 1946

Scientific Staff . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ii
Dates of Publication of Separates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vi
Article 1. Supraspecific Groups of the Pelecypod Family Corbulidae. HARoLD E.
Article 2. Notes on Pleistocene and Recent Tapirs. GEORGE GAYLORD SImnsON. . . 33
Article 3. The Sexual Behavior of Anura. 2. Neural Mechanisms Controlling Mating
in the Male Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens. LESTER R. ARONSON AND G.
KINGSLEY NOBLE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
Artide 4. Intraspecific Variation in, and Ontogeny of, Prionotropis woollgari and
Prionocyclus wyomingensis. Ono HAAS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Article 5. Hypsognathus, a Triassic Reptile from New Jersey. EDWIN HARRIS
COLBERT .......................... . 225
Artide 6. Pareiasaurs versus Placodonts as Near Ancestors to the Turtles. WILLIAM
KINGGREGORY ....................... . 275
Article 7. Temperature Tolerances in the American Alligator and their Bearing on
the Habits, Evolution, and Extinction of the Dinosaurs. EDWIN H.

Article 8. Amphibians and Reptiles of the Rio Chucunaque Drainage, Darien,

Panama, with Notes on their Life Histories and Habits. C. M. BREDER,
JR............................. 375.

Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 437

New taxonomic names are printed in heavy-faced type. Other taxonomic names below the grade of subgenus
are, for the most part, not included unless their taxonomic status is changed in this volume.

Acrocodia, 40, 80 Atelopus varius glyphus, 409

Aetosaurus, 266 Azara, 26
Agalychnis callidryas, 417
Agina, 12, 26 Basiliscus basiliscus, 428
Aistopoda, 320 Bicorbula, 6, 15
alata, Prionotropis woollgari, 156, 162, 167, 179, Bogert, Charles M.
196, 198 See Colbert, Edwin H., Raymond B. Cowles,
Alligator, 242 and Charles M. Bogert
mississipiensis: Experiments on temperature Bothriolepis, 320, 321
tolerances, 377-364 Bothrocorbula, 5, 13
Alligators (see Crocodilians) Bothrops atrox, 429
Aloidis, 7, 12, 26 Brachycephalidae, 405
Ameiva ameiva praesignis, 428 Bradysaurus, 297
festiva, 428 Branchiosaurus, 313
leptophrys, 428 Breder, C. M., Jr., Amphibians and Reptiles of
Ammonites graysonensis, 150, 151 the Rio Chucunaque Drainage, Darien,
percarinatus, 150, 151, 153, 158 Panama, with Notes on their Life Histories
serrato-carinatus, 200 and Habits, 375-436
texanus, 219 Bufo coniferus, 394
vespertinus, 219 haematiticus, 393
woollgari, 147, 150 marinus, 394
Amphibia, 393 typhonius alatus, 393
Amphichelydia, 296, 306 Bufonidae, 393
Amphiuma, 320
Anapsida, 316 Caecilia elongata, 393
Anapteris, 6, 18 ochrocephala, 393
Anguidae, 429 tentaculata, 393
Anisocorbula, 6, 14 Caestocorbula, 6, 20
Anisorhynchus, 15, 26 Caestocorbulinae, 6, 20
Ankylosaurus, 320, 321 Caiman fuscus, 431
Anolis capito, 427 Captorhinus, 246, 289, 290, 312
frenatus, 427 Caryocorbula, 6
lemurinus, 427 Caryocorbulinae, 5
limifrons, 427 Caudata, 393
poecilopus, 427 Centrolene fleishmanni, 418
tropidogaster, 427 Chelone, 285, 287, 289, 290, 292, 294, 296, 307
Anomoiodon, 260 Chelonia, 297, 319-321
liliensterni, 260 Chelonidae, 285, 296
Antiarchi, 320, 321 Chelydosauria, 281
Anticorbula, 27 Chelydra, 296, 297, 300, 303
Anura (see Frogs) Chelys fimbriata, 296
Apoda, 393 Chilonyx, 285
Archelon, 320 Chironius carinatus, 429
Archosargus, 316 Clepsysaurus, 266
Aristodesmus, 259 Cnemidophorus lemniscatus lemniscatus, 428
rtitimeyeri, 259 Colbert, Edwin Harris, Hypsognathus, a Triassic
Aronson, Lester R., and G. Kingsley Noble, The Reptile from New Jersey, 225-274
Sexual Behavior of Anura. 2. Neural Mech. Colbert, Edwin H., Raymond B. Cowles, and
anisms Controlling Mating in the Male Charles M. Bogert, Temperature Tolerances
Leopard Frog, Rana pipiens, 83-140 in the American Alligator and their Bearing
on the Habits, Evolution, and Extinction of fitzingeri, 404
the Dinosaurs, 327-374 gaigei, 404
Colubridae, 429 latidiscus, 405
Conodectes, 281 lutosus molinoi, 405
copei, Tapirus, 64, 66-70, 72 ockendeni, 405
Corbula, 5, 7 Elginia, 321
Corbulamella, 6, 19 Empedias, 281
Corbulamellinae, 6, 19 Empedocles, 281
Corbulidae, 5, 7 Emys, 292
Corbulinae, 5, 7 Engystomops pustulosus, 397
Corbulomima, 5 Enyalioides heterolepis, 428
Corbulomya, 23, 26 Equus cf. complicatus, 70, 71
Corburella, 26 Erodina, 26
Cordylus, 244 Erodona, 27
Cotylosauria, 232, 237, 245, 258, 261, 271, 281, 282 Eunotosaurus, 282, 300, 318
Cowles, Raymond B. excelsus, Tapirus, 70-80
See Colbert, Edwin H., Raymond B. Cowles,
and Charles M. Bogert Frogs
crassa, Prionotropis woollgari, 153, 157, 161, 163, Behavior, history of experimentation, 91-94;
173, 185, 197 brain, major nuclear masses of, 98-104;
Crocodilia, 429 mating pattern, normal, 97, 105-106; oper-
Crocodilians ated males, 105-136; operative technique, 95
Temperature experiments, 333-364
Crocodylus acutus, 429 Gekkonidae, 426
Crossopterygii, 319 Geomyda annulata, 431
Crotalidae, 429 punctularia melanosterna, 431
Cryptobranchus, 313, 321 Glyptodon, 320, 322
Cryptodira, 290, 296, 297, 316, 322 Gonotodes fuscus, 426
Cuneocorbula, 6, 17 Gregory, William King, Pareiasaurs versus Placo-
Cuspicorbula, 6, 17 donts as Near Ancestors to the Turtles, 275-
Cypraea caputserpentis, 319 326
Grippina, 27
Dendrobates auratus, 407 Guianadesma, 27
Dermochelys, 285, 296, 319
Diadectes, 246, 249, 281, 282, 285, 287, 289-292, Haas, Otto, Intraspecific Variation in, and
294, 297, 303, 305-307, 309-312, 319 Ontogeny of, Prionotropis woollgari and
Diadectidae, 281 Prionocyclus wyomingensis, 141-224
Diadectomorpha, 237, 258, 261 Harlea, 27
Dinosauria, 321 Henodus, 282, 287, 315, 316, 318, 320
Dinosaurs chelyops, 282, 321
Bearing of temperature tolerance experiments Hexacorbula, 5, 13
on habits, evolution, and extinction of, 365- Himella, 27
370 Holcoscaphites warreni, 155
Diploglossus monotropis, 429 Hyla leucophylleta, 417
Dipoloceratidae, 219 phaeota, 416
Dipsas viguieri, 429 rosenbergi, 409
Dissorophidae, 281 sordida, 417
Drymobius rhombifera, 429 subocularis, 417
underwoodi, 416
Echinosaura palmeri, 428 Hylidae, 409
Edentata, 320, 321 Hypsognathus, 232, 233, 237, 238, 240, 242, 244-
Elapidae, 429 257, 259, 264-266, 270, 271
Elasmognathus, 40 fenneri, 232, 233, 237, 259
elegans, Prionocyclus wyomingensis, 200, 202-
204, 207, 211, 215 Iguana iguana iguana, 428
Eleutherodactylus brederi, 405 Iguanidae, 427
bufoniformis, 404 Imantodes cenchoa, 429
diastema, 405 Inoceramus, 151
intermedia, Prionotropis woollgari, 154, 157, 158, Otocoelidae, 281, 319
- 161, 163, 174, 185, 197 Otocoelus, 281, 320, 321
Ischypterus, 269 Owenetta, 260, 261
rubidgei, 260
Koiloskiosaurus, 254, 259
coburgensis, 259 Pachydon, 6, 21
Kotlassia, 290, 313, 321 Pachydontinae, 6, 21
Panamicorbula, 6
Labidosauris, 312 Paraplacodus, 282, 316
Labyrinthodon riitimeyeri, 259 Pareiasauria, 296
Labyrinthodontia, 320, 321 Pareiasauridae, 281
Leimadophis epinephelus epinephelus, 429 Paraeiasaurus, 322
Lentidiinae, 6, 23 Parelephas jeffersonii, 71
Lentidium, 6, 23 Pariotichidae, 281
Lepidoblepharis peraccae, 426 Parmicorbula, 6, 21
sanctaemartae fugax, 426 Pervinquieria, 219, 220
Leptodactylus bolivianus, 401 cf. romeri, 147, 200, 201, 219
melanonotus, 401 wintoni, 220
pentadactylus, 402 Pervinquierinae, 219, 220
poecilochilus, 401 Phrynosoma, 244, 254, 265
Leptodeira annulata annulata, 429 Phyllobates pratti, 407
Leptopleuron, 232, 238, 240, 242, 244, 250-252, talamancae, 405
254, 258, 270 Physoida, 6, 18
lacertinum, 258 Placochelys, 282, 316, 318, 319
Limnoscelis, 307, 311, 312 Placodontia, 320, 321
Limulus, 319 Placodus, 316, 317
Loricata, 281 Pleurodira, 296, 297, 316, 322
Lutianidae, 316 Pliocercus euryzonus euryzonus, 429
Podocnemis, 296
Mabuya mabouya mabouya, 428 Polychrus marmoratus, 427
Macrochelys, 292, 296, 318 Potamomya, 28
Matamata, 296 Potamotrygon, 318
Mating (see Frogs) praecox, Prionotropis woollgari, 155, 156, 159, 162,
Megatapirus, 40, 66 166, 178, 193, 198
Metoicoceras, 151 Prionocylus, 147, 156, 200, 217, 219
Microtheledon, 259 woolgari, 150
parvus, 259 wyomingensis, 147, 200-205, 209, 215, 217, 219,
Micrurus mipartitus, 429 221
Moloch, 265 wyomingensis elegans, 200, 202-204, 207, 211,
Mortoniceratinae, 219 215
Myocephalus, 259 wyomingensis robusta, 201-204, 208, 213, 215
crassidens, 259 Prionotropidae, 147, 219, 220
Mystriosuchus, 266 Prionotropis, 147, 151, 201, 217, 219
branneri, 221
Noble, G. Kingsley graysonensis, 150, 151
See Aronson, Lester R., and G. Kingsley Noble percarinatus, 151
Norops auratus, 427 woolgari, 150
Notocorbula, 6, 13 woollgari, 147, 150-157,160,163, 170, 181, 197,
Nycteroleter, 260, 262, 271 217,219,220
ineptus, 260 woollgari alata, 156, 162, 167, 179, 196, 198
Nyctiphruretinae, 260 woollgari crassa, 153, 157, 161, 163, 173, 185,
Nyctiphruretus, 238, 240, 244, 245, 249-254, 197
256, 257, 260-262, 271 woollgari intermedia, 154, 157, 158, 161, 163,
acudens, 260 174, 185, 197
woollgari praecox, 155, 156, 159, 162, 166, 178,
Oedipus colonneus, 393 193, 198
complex, 393 woollgariregularis, 154, 158, 162, 165, 176, 189,
Ostomya, 27 198
woollgari tenuicostata, 155, 159, 166, 177, 191, Sphargis, 285, 296
198 Sphaerodactylus lineolatus, 426
Procolophon, 238, 240, 242, 244-247, 249-259, Sphenodon, 247, 250
262, 264, 271 Spilotes pullatus pullatus, 429
baini, 258 Spondylolestes, 260
cuneiceps, 258 rubidgei, 260
griersoni, 258 Symbranchus, 393
laticeps, 258
minor, 258 Taeniodon, 28
platyrhinus, 258 Tapirella, 40, 41, 56, 59, 80
sphenorhinus, 258 Tapirus, 41, 56, 59, 65, 66, 80
trigoniceps, 258 "americanus (?) fossilis," 65
Procolophonia, 282 augustus, 40
Procolophonidae, 237, 244, 254, 258, 261, 264 bairdii, 40, 41, 56, 57, 59, 66, 68, 70, 72-80
Procolophoninae, 258 californicus, 67, 68, 70
Propappus, 284, 306, 307, 309 copei, 64, 66-70, 72
Prostherapis inguinalis, 405 dowi, 40, 41, 56
Protapirus, 52 excelsus, 70-80
Pseudemys orrata, 431 haysii, 63-67
Pseudosuchia, 281 haysii californicus, 67, 69
Psittacosaurus, 285 indicus, 40, 56-59, 70, 73, 74, 77, 80
Pterichthys, 321 merriami, 66, 69, 70
Pteromya, 28 roulini, 50, 56, 57, 59, 72, 74, 80
tennesseae, 64
Raleta, 28 terrestris, 40, 42-51, 56-59, 65-68, 70, 72-79
Rana palmipes, 420 veroensis, 56-68, 70, 72-75, 80
pipiens (see Frogs) veroensis sellardsi, 58
warschewitschii, 421 Teiidae, 428
Ranidae, 420 Telerpeton, 232, 238, 250-252, 258, 270
regularis, Prionotropis woollgari, 154, 158, 162, elginense, 238, 258
165, 176, 189, 198 Temperature
Reptilia, 426 Experiments on crocodilians, 333-364
Rhinochoerus, 40 Temucorbula, 28
Rhinochelys, 296 Tenuicorbula, 6, 14
Rivulus, 393 tenuicostata, Prionotropis woollgari, 155, 159, 166,
robusta, Prionocyclus wyomingensis, 201-204, 177, 191, 198
208, 213, 215 Terrapene canaliculata, 71
Rutiodon, 266 Testudinata, 281, 282, 321, 431
Testudo, 292, 306, 307, 309, 310
Salientia, 393 tabulata, 433
Distribution in Rio Chucunaque basin, 421; Texanites, 219
voices, 423-425 Thecadactylus rapicaudus, 427
Sauria, 426 Thelegnathus, 259
Sauropterygia, 282 browni, 259
Saurosphargis, 318 parvus, 259
Saxicava, 12 Tiza, 6, 22
Scaphites, 151 Tomala, 29
Schloenbachia woolgari, 150 Triassochelys, 285, 287, 289, 290, 292, 296, 297,
Scincidae, 428 300, 303, 306, 307, 309, 310, 316, 320-322
Sclerosaurus, 238, 240, 244, 251, 254, 259 Trionyx, 318
armatus, 259
Scutosaurus, 284 Ursirivus, 6, 15
Semicorbula, 6, 25
Seminotus, 269 Varicorbula, 6, 12
Serpentes, 429 Vokes, Harold E., Supraspecific Groups of the
Seymouria, 246, 253, 290, 313, 321 Pelecypod Family Corbulidae, 1-32
Simpsoc, George Gaylord, Notes on Pleistocene
and Recent Tapirs, 33-82 Xenodon rabdocephalus, 429
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n 0:0 0 ;: CORB0ULIDAE 0: 5:

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;.$ ;0 vHAROLD E. VOEES .

NEW .. . . ..1945

Geologist, Geological Survey
United States Department of the Interior

Volume 86, article 1, pages 1-32, plates 1-4

Issued October 10, 1945

DURING THE COURSE OF A STUDY, under the Corbula or are obviously related to that
auspices of the American Museum of Natural genus. Of these, 20 have been rejected, and
History and the John Simon Guggenheim 21 are considered valid as supraspecific
Memorial Foundation, on the stratigraphy names. One homonym is here renamed, and
and paleontology of the Lebanon Moun- one new genus is described.
tains, Republic of Lebanon, in western Asia, The study has been based solely upon the
the writer obtained a large fauna from the type species of each of the proposed groups.
locality near Abeih, which has been referred Wherever possible, actual specimens have
to by Whitfield (1891) and subsequent au- been examined; where this could not be done,
thors as the "Olive Locality." The study of the study was based upon the original illus-
this fauna revealed seven species of corbulid trations, together with such subsequent fig-
pelecypods differing among themselves to a ures as were considered authentic. In two
degree that was, in most cases, considered to cases it has been possible to supplement these
be of more than specific importance. This fact illustrations with specimens of species consid-
led to a review of the supraspecific groups of ered by the original author as being closely
the family Corbulidae and to certain rather related to, or synonymous with, the type spe-
unexpected conclusions which it seems desir- cies. The summary of characters given in the
able to record. following discussion is based wholly upon this
While it has been customary to refer all material. Congeneric species have not been
relatively small, globose, inequivalved, con- considered, since the amount of latitude per-
centrically ornamented, and posteriorly ros- mitted in the definition of the limits of each
trate pelecypods to the genus Corbula, sensu group is a matter that is subject to consider-
lato, a considerable number of names have able personal interpretation. As a result, how-
been proposed for groups which were, when ever, each group has here been treated as of
distinguished, considered to be of subgeneric equal rank, and no distinction as to generic
or sectional rank. In the preparation of this or subgeneric level has been made. The ex-
report, more than 50 names were considered, amination of a large number of species will
which have been referred at one time or an- undoubtedly show intergradation between
other to the genus Corbula or to the family some of the groups, and some will certainly
Corbulidae. Within this group, however, prove to be of subordinate rank. Limitations,
there are a number of names that were both of time and of the original purpose of the
placed there by but one or two authors, study, have precluded any such examinations
which clearly do not belong there and have at this time.
been referred to other families by subsequent This paper is published with the permission
students. Omitting these, there were found of the Director, Geological Survey, United
in the literature 42 names of groups that had States Department of the Interior.
more or less validly been referred to the genus

As a result of this study, the following ten- Corbula Lamarck, 1799; Corbulomima, new
tative assignment is proposed for the valid genus.
supraspecific groups examined.
SUBFAMILY CORBIULINAE Left valve with a projecting chondrophore,
valves usually subequal, and normally more or
No chondrophore in the left valve, the less rostrate. Cretaceous (probably Jurassic)-
resilium being received in a pit on the hinge Recent.
plate. Cretaceous and Recent. Bothrocorbula Gabb, 1873; Hexacorbula
Olsson, 1932; Notocorbula Iredale, 1930; Vari- spoon-shaped lamella. Cretaceous.
corbula Grant and Gale, 1931; Caryocorbula Corbulamella Meek and Hayden, 1857.
Gardner, 1926; Panamicorbula Pilsbry, 1932;
Anisocorbula Iredale, 1930; Bicorbula Fischer, SUBFAMILY PACHYDONTINAE
1887; Tenuicorbula Olsson, 1932; Ursirivus, Valves tending to be twisted and distorted,
new name; Cuneocorbula Cossmann, 1886; with the ligamental area so twisted that the
Cuspicorbula Olsson, 1928; Anapteris Van resilium was attached to the lateral, rather
Winkle, 1919; Physoida Pallary, 1900. than to the dorsal, face of the "chondro-
SUBFAMILY CAESTOCORBULINAE phore." Oligocene and Pliocene.
Pachydon Gabb, 1868; Tiza De Gregorio,
Valves discrepant in shape, the left being 1890.
more equilateral and less rostrate than the
right; with an accessory siphonal plate pos- SUBFAMILY LENTIDIINAE
terior to the left valve, which fits into the Shell small, essentially tellinid in external
rostrum of the right. Interior of the left valve shape. The right valve lacking a hinge plate,
with a projecting chondrophore. Cretaceous with the cardinal tooth seated on a subum-
and Eocene. bonal thickening projecting from the interior
Caestocorbula Vincent, 1910; Parmicorbula of the valve. ?Miocene-Recent.
Vokes, 1944. -Lentidium Cristofori and Jan, 1832.
Shell very small, valves subtrigonal, lack- Semicorbula Cossmann, 1909. Known oiily
ing both posterior rostrum and umbonal from a single right valve which has a well-
ridge. Posterior adductor seated on raised, developed nymph plate.
FAMILY CORBULIDAE FLEMING defined (with regard to genera) as "(1) a
SUBFAMILY CORBULINAE bibliographic reference, or (2) a definite cita-
CORBULA LAMARCK, 1799 tion of an earlier name for which the new
Plate 1, figures 1-5 name is proposed, or (3) the citation or
designation of a type species." All these in-
Corbula BRUGUIPRE, 1797, Tableau encyclop6- volve a text, and there is no text accompany-
dique et methodique des trois regnes de la nature, ing plate 230 in Bruguiere's work; hence the
vol. 1, pl. 230. Nomen nudum.
Not Corbula "Bolten" Roeding, 1798, Museum generic name Corbula is not available as here
Boltenianum, p. 184 (not validly proposed; see proposed.
Opinion 1, International Rules of Zoological The next use of the name Corbula came in
Nomenclature) (=Asaphis Modeer, 1793). 1798, in the Museum Boltenianum (p. 184).
Corbula LAMARCK, 1799, Mem. Soc. Hist. Nat., Here the name is used for 14 species, none of
Paris, p. 81. which is referable to the Corbula of Bru-
Aloidis MEGERLE VON MtYHLFELDT, 1811, guiere. In this work, however, while there are
Gesellsch. Naturf. Fr. Mag., 5 Jahrb., p. 67 bibliographic references given for some of the
(monotype Aloidis guineensis Megerle von Miihl- species included, there is no reference, de-
feldt = Corbula sulcata Lamarck).
scription, or type designation' that would
TYPE (BY SUBSEQUENT DESIGNATION, serve to validate the generic name as pro-
SCHMIDT, 1818): Corbula sulcata Lamarck. posed, and it, too, must be considered as not
Recent, coast of Senegal. available.
The generic name Corbula was first used by Lamarck in 1799 (p. 89) used the generic
Bruguiere as the heading of a plate on which name Corbula and referred to Bruguiere's
were 18 figures representing six different spe- plate, adding, however, a short description
cies. No specific names were employed, but of the genus, thus validating it. He did not,
the figures are clear and well illustrate the however, refer any species to the genus and
species concerned. These have subsequently gave no names for the forms figured by Bru-
been identified as follows (see Gardner, 1928, guiere. Thus Corbula Lamarck, 1797, is one
p. 226): of the genera covered in Opinion 46 of the
la-c. Corbula sulcata Lamarck International Rules, being a genus "for
2a-c. An undetermined bivalve, probably a Chama which no species was distinctly named in the
3a-c. Corbula porcina Lamarck. "Not identified Original Publication."
with assurance. Possibly a varietal form In 1801 he referred five species to the
of C. gibba (Olivi) from the Mediter- genus, three of them, C. sulcata, C. mar-
ranean; more probably an exotic; cf. C. garitacea, and C. gallica, having been figured
acutangula Rissel, from the Red Sea" by Bruguiere. However, he did not select or
(Gardner, loc. cit.)
4a-d. Corbula nucleus Lamarck [ C. gibba (Olivi)] in any way indicate a type for the genup, and
5a-c. Corbula gaUlica Lamarck all five species were thus available as geno-
6a-b. Corbula margaritacea Lamarck [-Anatina syntypes for subsequent selection as the
trapezoides Lamarck] genotype.
These excellent figures have led to the It has been pointed out by Stewart (1930,
widespread acceptance of the generic name p. 286) that the first such type designation
Corbula and to its being credited to Bru- was that of Schmidt in 1818 (pp. 77, 177)
guiere. As shown by Winckworth (1930, p. who designated Corbula sulcata as type of
15), however, Corbula Bruguiere is a nomen 1 Winckworth (March 13, 1930) designated Corbula
nudum. Under Article 25 of the International anomala "Bolten" as the type, a designation which
Rules of Zoological Nomenclature, a name to makes Corbula "Bolten" Roeding a synonym of Asaphis
be available has to be "accompanied by an Modeer, 1793. In the same year (June 27, 1930) Iredale
indication, or a definition, or a description," (p. 404) designated Corbula rosea as type of Corbula
"Bolten," an action which would also serve to reduce
and under Opinion 1, an "indication" is the name, if it were valid, to the synonymy of Asaphis.
Corbula Lamarck. Unfortunately, however, of C. sulcata may be disregarded, and this is
Schmidt designated three species as types on here accepted as the type species.
an earlier page (p. 57). Grant and Gale (1931, DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell
p. 420, footnote 1) suggest that, because of is large and heavy, the valves unequal, the
this, Schmidt's designations "may be dis- right being larger than the left. Both valves
regarded" and the designation by Children are sharply rostrate with a prominent keel ex-
(1823, p. 301) of C. nucleus Lamarck [= C. tending from the umbo to the posterior ven-
gibba (Olivi)], may be accepted. This species tral margin, and another of lesser strength
was not, however, available for designation, extending to the dorsal side of the posterior
not being one of the original genosyntypes. end, the area between the two keels being
(The name C. nucleus was not proposed by conspicuously concave on both valves but
Lamarck until 1818, p. 496.) Despite the bearing an additional median groove on the
earlier lapsus by Schmidt, there are no valid left. The sculpture is concentric, that on the
grounds upon which his later designations right valve consisting of coarse, rounded

Corbula sulcata Lamarck. Recent. Senegal. No. 154904. X1.9.
1. Exterior of right valve, topotype, A.M.N.H. 18. Interior of right valve, same specimen as
No. 33847: 1. X1.5. figure 17. X2.
2. Dorsal view of same specimen. X1.5. 19. Interior of left valve, same specimen as
3. Left side of same specimen. X1.5. figure 16. X 2.
5. Interior of right valve of this specimen. 20. Exterior of left valve, same specimen as
X1.55. figure 16. X2.
5. Interior of left valve, topotype, A.M.N.H. Hexacorbula hexacyma (Brown and Pilsbry).
No. 33847: 2. X 1.6. Miocene.
Notocorbula vicaria Iredale. Recent. Sydney 21. Interior of left valve, hypotype, U.S.N.M.
Harbor, Australia. No. 559499. X2.8.
6. Exterior of right valve. Reproduction of 22. Exterior of left valve, same specimen as
Iredale's original figure, plate 65, figure 3. X1.6. figure 21. X2.8.
7. Dorsal view of conjoined valves. Reproduc- 23. Dorsal view of left valve, same specimen as
tion of Iredale's original figure, plate 65, figure 9. figure 21. X2.8.
X1.5. Bothrocorbula viminea (Guppy). Miocene. Bow-
8. Exterior of left valve. Reproduction of Ire- den, Jamaica.
dale's original figure, plate 65, figure 4. X 1.5. 24. Exterior of left valve. Reproduction of
9. Interior of right valve. Reproduction of Ire- Woodring's figure, (1925), plate 26, figure 7.
dale's original figure, plate 64, figure 9. X 1.5. U.S.N.M. No. 115648. X2.3.
10. Dorsal view of left valve to show chondro- 25. Exterior of right valve. Reproduction of
phore. Reproduction of Iredale's original figure, Woodring's figure, (1925), plate 26, figure 5.
plate 64, figure 8. X 1.2 (?). U.S.N.M. No. 115648. X2.3.
Varicorbula gibba (Olivi). Recent. Zetland, 26. Interior of left valve. Reproduction of
British Isles. Woodring's figure, (1925), plate 26, figure 8. Same
11. Exterior of right valve, hypotype, U.S.N.M. specimen as figure 24. X2.3.
No. 172150. X2. 27. Interior of right valve. Reproduction of
12. Interior of right valve of same specimen. Woodring's figure, (1925), plate 26, figure 6. Same
X2. specimen as figure 25. X2.3.
13. Dorsal view of same specimen. X 2. Anisocorbula macgillivrayi (Smith). Recent.
14. Interior of left valve of same specimen. X 2. South of New Guinea.
15. Left side of same specimen. X2. 28. Exterior of right valve of holotype. Repro-
Caryocorbula alabamiensis (Lea). Eocene. Clai- duction of Smith's original figure, plate 10, figure
borne, Alabama. 8. X1.5.
16. Dorsal view of left valve, topotype, 29. Interior of right valve of holotype. Repro-
U.S.N.M. No. 154904. X2. duction of Smith's original figure, plate 10, figure
17. Exterior of right valve, topotype, U.S.N.M. 8a. X1.5.

. .i

_ , ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~4
~ -S.

6 7



- ,f
.~ 19

_ ,i ::26


2 :~~~ 4


5 6 7 8

9 I0 12





22 26
OTT 25

ridges separated by interspaces of approxi- almost equivalved, proportionately more
mately equal width, while that of the left elongate and somewhat compressed.
valve consists of low ridges, overlapping The interior of the right valve is grooved
shingle-like toward the umbo. The umbos for the reception of the margins of the left.
are moderately inflated and prominent, con- The hinge of the right valve is marked by an
spicuously capped by the. nepionic valves, anterior socket-like area into which is re-
which differ from the adult valves in being ceived the thickened, dentiform, anterior

Panamicorbula inflata (C. B. Adams). Recent. 14. Dorsal view of right valve, same specimen
Paitilla Mangrove Swamp, near Panama City. as figure 13. X3.9.
1. Exterior of right valve, topotype, A.N.S.P. 15. Interior of right valve, same specimen sa
No. 155409. X1.6. figure 13. X3.9.
2. Interior of right valve, same specimen as 16. Exterior of left valve, hypotype, U.S.N.M.
figure 1. X1.6. No. 326895. X3.9.
3. Interior of left valve, same specimen as Cuspicorbula busera Olsson. Eocene. Restin,
figure 1. X1.6. Peru.
4. Dorsal view, same specimen as figure 1. 17. Exterior of right valve of paratype. Repro-
X1.6. duction of Olsson's figure, plate 11, figure 5.
Corbulomima nuciformis new genus, new species. X2.2.
Aptian, Cretaceous. Abeih, Lebanon Mountains, 18. Exterior of right valve of paratype. Repro-
Republic of Lebanon. duction of Olsson's figure, plate 11, figure 6.
5. Interior of left valve, holotype, A.M.N.H. X2.3.
No. 25932: 1. X2. 19. Exterior of left valve of same specimen as
6. Interior of right valve, paratype, A.M.N.H. figure 18. Reproduction of Olsson's figure, plate
No. 25932: 2. X2. 11, figure 7. X2.3.
7. Conjoined valves viewed from left, paratype, 20. Ventral view of conjoined valves of holo-
A.M.N.H. No. 25932: 3. X2. type. Reproduction of Olsson's figure, plate 11,
8. Dorsal view of same specimen as figure 7. figure 8. X2.5.
X2. Corbulamella gregaria (Meek and Hayden).
Tenuicorbula tenuis lupina Olsson. Miocene. Cretaceous. South Dakota and Wyoming.
Que. Tucillal, Peru. 21. Anterior view of conjoined valves, hypo-
9. Exterior of right valve, holotype of variety. type, A.M.N.H. No.9433/1:1. X10.
Reproduction of Olsson's original figure, plate 14, 22. Interior of left valve, Reproduction of
figure 10. -X2. Meek's figure (1876), plate 17, figure 13d. X4.7.
12. Conjoined valves viewed from left, para- 23. Exterior of right valve of holotype. Repro-
type of variety. Reproduction of Olsson's original duction of Meek's figure (1876), plate 17, figure
figure, plate 14, figure 7. X2. 13c. X4.7.
Tenuicorbula tenuis (Sowerby). Recent. Panama 24. Conjoined valves of holotype viewed from
Bay. the left. Reproduction of Meek's figure (1876),
10. Exterior of right valve. Reproduction of plate 17, figure 13a. X4.7.
Li's figure, (1930), plate 5, figure 38, of his Cor- 25. Posterior view of conjoined valves of holo-
bula glypta. Columbia Univ. No. 22098. X1.2.1 type. Reproduction of Meek's figure (1876), plate
11. Exterior of left valve, same specimen as 17, figure 13b. X4.
figure 10. Reproduction of Li's figure, (1930), plate 26. Exterior of right valve, same specimen as
5, figure 38A. X1.2.1 figure 21. X10.8.
Cuneocorbula biangukata (Deshayes). Eocene. Physoida physoides (Deshayes). Recent. Medi-
Paris Basin, France. terranean coast of Algeria.
13. Exterior of right valve, hypotype, U.S.N.M. -27. Exterior of right valve. Reproduction of
No. 326895. X3.9. Deshayes' original figure, plate 22, figure 4. X5.
28. Hinge of left valve. Reproduction of portion
1 Li (1930, pl. 5) indicates that this figure is "X.75," of Deshayes' original figure, plate 22, figure 5.
but the dimensions of the specimen as given by Li 29. Hinge of right valve. Reproduction of por-
(p. 264) and by Pilsbry (1931, p. 431) clearly indicate tion of Deshayes' original figure, plate 22, figure 5.
that the illustration is of greater magnification. X5.
dorsal margin of the left; the right cardinal hinge of the right valve consists of a large,
is moderately heavy, slightly recurved dor- triangular cardinal tooth, with a correspond-
sally, the resilial pit is deep, extending dorsad ing socket present in the left. The posterior
under the tip of the umbo, and a small but adductor muscle is received on a small plat-
well-developed posterior lateral tooth is form-like projection extending from the pos-
found immediately behind this pit. The terior-dorsal surface of the valve, the "plat-
hinge of the left valve consists of the thick- form" having a spoon-shaped concave surface.
ened anterior dorsal margin, mentioned Pallial line and pallial sinus were not seen.
above; immediately posterior to it there This peculiar form is corbuloid in all its
is a deep socket for the reception of the right characteristics, except for the fact that there
socket. The ligament is received in a deep are no special structures in either valve for the
resilial pit located posterior to the socket reception of the resilifer. In this character it
and separated from it by a thin septum; somewhat resembled the fresh-water genus
posterior to this pit there is a prominent left Pachydon Gabb. (See below.) In the present
posterior cardinal which is adjacent and fused group the area on the right valve, which is
to the posterior dorsal margin of the valve; grooved for the reception of the posterior
the posterior lateral of the right valve is re- margin of the left valve, seems to be some-
ceived in a narrow pit on the posterior dorsal what broader immediately behind the cardi-
margin of the left. The adductor scars are nal tooth than would be required solely for
moderately prominent, slightly impressed, the valve margin, and the groove extends to a
the posterior more so than the anterior; the point immediately above the cardinal tooth.
pallial line is obscure, more prominent pos- This is the position which is normally oc-
teriorly at the broad, shallow, pallial sinus. cupied by the resilial pit; and apparently the
DIMENSIONS: Topotype, A.M.N.H. No. resilifer was received at this point, below the
33847: 1; length, 24.6 mm.; height, 18.4 mm.; area occupied by the margin of the left valve,
diameter, right valve, 8.4 mm.; left valve, with no special structures being developed for
7.5 mm.; both valves, 14 mm. Recent, Sene- its reception; this is essentially the condition
gal. to be observed in Pachydon and to some ex-
Topotype, A.M.N.H. No. 33847:2; left tent in Tiza De Gregorio. The cardinal socket
valve, length, 22.6 mm.; height, 16.8 mm.; in the left valve is relatively more elongated
diameter, 7.2 mm. Recent, Senegal. posteriorly than would be required for the re-
The presence of a posterior lateral tooth on ception of the right cardinal tooth, and it
the right valve and of a posterior cardinal seems most probable that the resilifer fitted
tooth on the left, together with the absence into the posterior area of this socket. This
of a chondrophore in the left valve, sharply differs from Pachydon and Tiza in which the
separates this form from the great majority left valve bears a pseudo-chondrophore-like
of species which have in the past been re- swelling of the valve margin, but it is some-
ferred to this genus. what similar to the condition noted in Cor-
CORBULOMIMA, NEW GENUS bula, sensu stricto, except that there is no
evidence in the present species suggesting the
Plate 2, figures 5-8 presence of the thin septum which separated
GENOTYPE: Corbulomima nuciformis, new the residial pit from the cardinal socket in C.
species. Cretaceous, Aptian of Abeih, Leb- sulcata.
anon Mountains, Republic of Lebanon. Corbulomima nuciformis, new species
shell is moderately small and inequivalved, Plate 2, figures 5-8
with the right valve larger than the left. HOLOTYPE: A.M.N.H. No. 25932: 1; left
Both valves are marked with a posterior valve, length, 9.5 mm.; height, 7.8 mm.; di-
umbonal ridge extending to the posterior ameter, 4.6 mm.
ventral margin, and ornamented with mod- PARATYPE: A.M.N.H. No. 25932:2; right
erately strong concentric ribs. valve, length (slightly incomplete), 8.2 mm.;
The inner margins of the right valve are height, 7.7 mm.; diameter, 5 mm.
grooved for the reception of the left. The PARATYPE: A.M.N.H. No. 25932:3; both
valves, length, 10.5 mm.1; height, 9 mm.; di- Cuneocorbula of Dali and authors. (Not of Coss-
ameter, 9 mm. mann, 1886.)
The important characters of this species TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor-
have been given above in the generic diagno- bula alabamiensis Lea. Claiborne, Eocene,
sis. The valves are strongly inflated and give Atlantic and Gulf coastal plains from South
the shell a rounded, ball-like appearance sug- Carolina to the Rio Grande River.
gestive of a small nut. The concentric sculp- DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell
turing consists of moderately heavy ribs is of moderate size, slightly inequivalved.
separated by interspaces of approximately Both valves are acutely keeled posteriorly,
equal width; the umbos are prosogyrate, not and both are concentrically rugose.
strongly inflated in comparison with the rest The internal margins of the right valve are
of the valve, and are closely approximate. grooved for the reception of the edge of the
Due to the fact that the margins of the left left. The right cardinal tooth is moderately
valve fit into the right, the dorsal edges of the heavy, upcurved at the tip; the adjoining
valve tend to project slightly in front of the resilial socket is deep and very broad, with
umbo, while, correspondingly, the umbo of an inconspicuous ridge margining it dorsolat-
the right valve tends to project slightly over erally. The left valve has a relatively broad
the margins of that valve. chondrophore which is, posteriorly, continu-
Internally, the peculiar features of the ous with the dorsal margin of the valve, being
hinge will serve to separate this species from separated from it by a low ridge. The dorsal
any of the corbuloid forms whose hinge char- side of the chondrophore bears a well-devel-
acters have been described. An examination, oped median ridge. The anterior cardinal
however, of the hinge characters of "Corbula" socket is long, somewhat open above. Muscle
aligera Hamlin (1884, p. 38, pl. 4, fig. 6a, b, c, scars are prominent, thickened, somewhat
d), which occurs in association with the pres- rugose; the pallial line is simple, and the pal-
ent species, shows that it, too, is to be referred lial sinus short, scarcely defined.
to Corbulomima. However, it differs greatly in DIMENSIONS: Topotype, U.S.N.M. No.
its external appearance, being relatively quite 154904; right valve, length, 19.1 mm.; height,
compressed and possessing extremely promi- 11.2 mm.; diameter, 5.3 mm. Eocene, Clai-
nent, almost alately-projecting, posterior um- borne, Alabama. Burns collection.
bonal ridges. Topotype, U.S.N.M. No. 154904; left
LOCALITY AND HORIZON: This species is valve, length, 17.3 mm.; height, 8.7 mm.;
known only from the collections made at the diameter, 5.3 mm. Eocene, Claiborne, Ala-
"Olive Locality" on the hill slope northwest bama. Burns collection.
of the village of Abeih, and approximately
500 yards west of the Aleih-Abeih road, in the PANAMICORBULA PILSBRY, 1932
Lebanon Mountains, Republic of Lebanon.
The fossils are found on the terraces of the Plate 2, figures 1-4
olive groves in the Aptian sandstones a short Panamicorbula PILSBRY, 1932, Nautilus, vol. 45,
distance above the contact with the Neo- p. 105.
comian continental deposits. (Vokes, 1941, TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor-
p. 1722.) bula (Panamicorbula) inflata (C. B. Adams).
CARYOCORBULINAE, NEW SUBFAMILY Recent, Mazatlan to Peru, in brackish water.
Through the kindness of Dr. Pilsbry I have
been permitted to examine and figure a pair
Plate 1, figures 16-20 of valves of this species from the Zetek collec-
Caryocorbula GARDNER, 1926, Nautilus, vol. 40, tion of the Academy of Natural Sciences of
p. 46; GARDNER, 1928, U. S. Geol. Surv. Prof. Philadelphia. This specimen is, presumably, a
Paper 142E, 230.
p. part of the lot studied by Pilsbry when he
LThe right valve being larger than the left, the proposed the name Panamicorbula.
length and height measurements indicated above are DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell
those of the right valve; the left has a length of 9.2 mm. is moderately large, thin, highly inflated and
and a height of 8.3 mm. gibbous, and not rostrate, being subequilat-
eral with the umbos situated approximately been derived from some caryocorbulid form,
halfway between the anterior third and the differing principally in the loss of the rostrate
middle length of the shell. The valves are al- posterior prolongation, the greatly increased
most equal in size, the right being slightly inflation of the shell, the thinness of the shell
larger than the left with its dorsal, anterior, itself, and, correlated with this latter feature,
and ventral margins grooved for the reception the development of the tooth-like lateral but-
of those of the left valve. The thinness of the tresses to the dorsal grooves of the right
shell has resulted in the formation of a slightly valve.
thickened ridge along the dorsal margin into VARICORBULA GRANT AND GALE, 1931
which the groove is impressed. The side of
this dorsal ridge ventral to the groove is Plate 1, figures 11-15
slightly projecting, especially at a point about Varicorbula GRANT AND GALE, 1931, San Diego
halfway along the anterior side, and less so, Soc. Nat. Hist., mem. 1, p. 420, footnote 1.
near the posterior end of the posterior side. Corbula, sensu stricto, of authors, including
These projections were interpreted by Pilsbry Gardner 1926, 1928; Grant and Gale, 1931. (Not
as representing lateral teeth, a conclusion of Lamarck, 1799.)
with which the writer is in disagreement, be- Aloidis of authors. (Not of Megerle von Mtihl-
lieving them to represent only slightly thick- feldt, 1811.)
Agina of authors. (Gray, 1847.) (Not Agina
ened buttresses designed to aid in holding the Turton, 1822 =Saxicava.)
unusually inflated left valve in position.
Both valves bear a moderately prominent TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor-
posterior angulation extending from the um- bulk gibba (Olivi). Recent, west coast of
bone to the posterior ventral margin, and Europe and the Mediterranean Sea.
their surfaces are sculptured by low, incon- This group has represented Corbula, sensu
spicuous, rounded concentric ribs which are stricto, to those authors who have followed
set closely together and are somewhat irregu- Children's (1823, p. 301) designation of Cor-
lar and unequal in development. Under the bula nucleus Lamarck [ = Corbula gibba (Olivi)]
microscope a few radial striae are to be seen as type of the genus Corbula. The acceptance
just anterior to the posterior umbonal angu- of Schmidt's earlier designation of C. sulcata
lation. left this group without a name until Grant
The hinge of the right valve consists of a and Gale, in a footnote, tentatively' proposed
relatively small cardinal tooth situated just the name Varicorbula.
anterior to a deep but relatively small resilial DIAGNOSTIC CHARACTERS: The shell is rela-
pit. The hinge of the left valve is quite tively small. The valves are unequal, the right
reminiscent of that of Caryocorbula Gardner, being larger, relatively higher, more inflated,
bearing a small, but relatively broad chondro- and obtusely rostrate posteriorly; the left
phore which is, posteriorly, continuous with smaller, transversely elongate, and not ros-
the dorsal margin of the valve, from which it trate posteriorly. The sculpture is discrepant,
is separated by a shallow groove. The dorsal that of the right valve consisting of con-
side of the chondrophore is bipartite, the an- centric ribbing, that of the left composed of
terior portion being convexly rounded up- faint, widely spaced radials and of concentric
ward, the posterior portion concave. The two growth striae, which occasionally, toward the
areas are separated by a pronounced ridge. ventral margin, become sufficiently coarse to
The muscle scars are of moderate size, simulate a concentric sculpturing.
rounded, and inconspicuous; the pallial line The margins of interior of the right valve
is simple and the pallial sinus scarcely defined. are grooved for the reception of the sharp
DIMENSIONS: Topotype, A.N.S.P. No. edge of the left. The right cardinal tooth is
155409; length, 17.6 mm.; height, 13.6 mm.; moderately strong, subtriangular in section,
diameter, both valves, 10.9 mm.; right valve, being ridged above; the resilial pit is narrow,
5.8 mm.; left valve, 5.8 mm. Paitilla Man-
grove Swamp, near Panama City. James 1 "In case a new name is needed for the gibba group,
Zetek collection. we propose Varicorbula with Corbula gibba (Olivi) as
figured by Bucquoy, Dautzenberg, and Dollfus for the
Panamicorbula seems probably to have type" (Grant and Gale, 1931, p. 420, footnote 1).
deep, extending up under the umbone. The lunule occupying the anterior half of the hinge
left valve has a moderately projecting chon- area. Immediately posterior to the lunule is a
drophore which bears its posterior side a
on deep cardinal socket that curves up under a
dentiform swelling that appears to fit into long, narrow, chondrophore-like projection of
the posterior edge of the resilial pit of the the posterior-dorsal valve margin present im-
right valve. The muscle scars are of moderate mediately anterior to the dentiform process.
size, but slightly impressed. The pallial line is Adductor scars are relatively large and promi-
obscure, with the pallial sinus scarcely de- nent, situated on the thickened valve mar-
fined. gins. The pallial line is not sharply defined;
DIMENSIONS: Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No. the pallial sinus is obsolete.
172150; length, 14.3 mm.; height, 12 mm.; DIMENSIONS (FIDE WOODRING, 1925, P.
diameter, right valve, 5.3 mm.; left valve, 190): Topotype; length, 17.5 mm.; height,
4.2 mm.; both valves, 9.1 mm. Recent, Zet- 12 mm.; diameter, right valve, 4.8 mm. Mio-
land, British Isles. Jeffrys collection. cene, Bowden, Jamaica.
If the right valve measured is the same
BOTHROCORBULA GABB, 1873 specimen as shown in Woodring's illustra-
Plate 1, figures 24-27 tions, plate 26, figures 5, 6, these are X2.35
Bothrocorbula GABB, 1873, Proc. Acad. Nat.
rather than X2, as indicated.
Sci. Philadelphia, for 1872, p. 274. HEXACOR2BULA OLSSON, 1932
TYPE (BY MONOTYPY): Corbula viminca Plate 1, figures 21-23
Guppy. Miocene, Bowden, Jamaica. Hexacorbula OLSSON, 1932, Bull. Amer. Paleont.,
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell vol. 19, no. 68, p. 140.
is moderately large, thick, and heavy, trans- TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor-
versely elongate-ovate and strongly rostrate bula hexacyma Brown and Pilsbry. Gatun
posteriorly with prominent posterior umbonal formation, Miocene of Panama.
ridges extending to the posterior ventral The only important character distinguish.
margin of both valves. The right valve is ing Corbula hexacyma Brown and Pilsbry
slightly larger than the left. The sculpture of (1913, p. 518, pl. 26, fig. 4) from Bothrocorbula
both valves consists of coarse, concentric viminea (Guppy) (1866, p. 293, pl. 18, fig. 11;
waves which are suppressed before attaining see Woodring, 1925, pl. 25, figs. 5-8) is the
the umbonal ridge. Both the waves and the complete absence of the deep lunule so char-
interspaces between them are marked by fine, acteristic of the latter species. As has been
concentric striae which are continuous across pointed out by Woodring (1925, p. 189) and
the umbonal ridge and on the posterior slope. by Olsson (1932, p. 140), there is considerable
A few fine, distant radial threads are present variation in the strength of the lunule in
in the interspaces between the concentric Bothrocorbula, and in B. synarmostes Dall it is
waves but are absent on the posterior slope. "very small and easily overlooked" (Olsson,
A deeply excavated lunular pit is present im- p. 140). The writer has, therefore, consider-
mediately in front of the umbones, being able doubt as to the necessity for this name.
wider and much more prominent in the left DIMENSIONS: Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No.
valve than in the right. 559499; left valve, length, 7.2 mm.; height,
The ventral margins of the right valve are 4.6 mm.; diameter, 2.4 mm. Gatun formation,
grooved for the reception of the left. The right Miocene, Panama Canal Zone.
cardinal is large and triangular, its tip being NOTOCORBULA IREDALE, 1930
strongly curved dorsally. The right ligamen-
tal pit is broad, extending somewhat above Plate 1, figures 6-10
the cardinal and is bounded below by a low Notocorbula IREDALE, 1930, Rec. Australian
ridge, which, posteriorly, serves to form the Mus., vol. 17, no. 9, p. 404, pl. 64, figs. 8, 9, pl. 65,
anterior margin of an inconspicuous pit into figs. 3, 4, 9.
which fits a small dentiform projection from TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Noto-
the margin of the left valve. This is the only corbula vicaria Iredale. Recent, New South
tooth-like structure on the left hinge, the deep Wales. Type from Sydney Harbor.
Iredale, in proposing this name, stated: "If Smith's original description and figures (1885,
Corbula Brugui6re be disregarded the name p. 30, pl. 10, fig. 8-8b):
will disappear, and I, therefore, introduce DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell
Notocorbula, with N. vicaria Iredale as type, is large, very long, compressed, onlyslightly in-
for the southern Australian species with the equivalved but very inequilateral and deeply
cardinal tooth keeled, a feature I have not truncate posteriorly, "terminating in an acute
seen remarked upon elsewhere." Although the point." A sharp keel extends from the umbo
present writer's conclusions do not indicate to the posterior ventral margin. The median
that the name Corbula will disappear, the area of both valves is marked by a well-de-
generic name Notocorbula is accepted since the fined, broad depression resulting in a definite
genotype, as figured by Iredale (no specimens sinus in the ventral margin. Sculpture- con-
have been available for examination), differs sisting of concentric ridges, weaker behind
in a number of characters from, and is clearly the posterior keel, and of "numerous, exces-
not congeneric with, the type of Corbula. sively fine radiating lines, which are minutely
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell granular, especially conspicuous in the grooves
is large, the right valve inflated, with the in- between the costae."
ternal margins grooved for the reception of The margins of the right valve are grooved
the flatter left valve. The umbones are ap- for the reception of the edges of the left, and
proximate, inflated, relatively low and con- in old specimens the margins of the left valves
spicuously capped by the nepionic valves are minutely denticulated all around, with
which are normally more elongate than the the grooves of the right valves correspond-
adult. Both valves are rostrate posteriorly, ingly pitted. The pallial line is sinuous with
produced into a short "snout"; with a strong the sinus in the valve margins, and the pallial
umbonal keel extending to the posterior ven- sinus is obsolete. The muscle scars are moder-
tral margn, and a relatively weaker keel ex- ately large, not thickened. The hinge has not
tending to the dorsal side of the posterior been described, but judging from the illustra-
margin, the area between the keels being tions, the right cardinal is small and narrow,
markedly concave. Sculpture is discrepant, trending diagonally so that the ventral ex-
with concentric ribbing strong on the right tremity is distinctly posterior to the anterior
valve and relatively weak on the left, which one.
is marked by a few, unequally spaced radial DIMENSIONS (FIDE SMITH): Type; length,
elevations. 26 mm.; height, 13 mm.; diameter, both
The right valve has a strong "keeled" an- valves, 9 mm. Recent, south of New Guinea
terior cardinal, and a resilial pit which ap- in 28 fathoms.
pears to be relatively small; the left valve, a
large, peculiarly bipartite chondrophore. The TENUICORBULA OLSSON, 1932
adductor scars are unusually large and well Plate 2, figures 9-12
defined, the pallial line is sinuous, and the Tenuicorbula OLSSON, 1932, Bull. Amer. Pale-
pallial sinus small, almost vertical. ont., vol. 19, no. 68, p. 141.
23 mm.; height, 17 mm.; diameter, both TYPE SPECIES (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNA-
valves, 14 mm. Recent, Sydney Harbor, New TION): Corbula tenuis Sowerby. Recent, Ma-
South Wales. zatlan to Peru, fide Olsson.
ANISOCORBULA IREDALE, 1930 Corbula tenuis Sowerby is a very rare spe-
cies, and I have been unable to examine any
Plate 1, figures 28, 29 specimens. The following diagnosis is given
Anisocorbula IREDALE, 1930, Rec. Australian by Olsson:
Mus., vol. 17, no. 9, p. 404. DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: "Shell
TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor- unusually thin, inequilateral, subequivalve;
bula macgillirayi Smith. Recent, south of posterior side contracted with a strong, cord-
New Guinea in 28 fathoms. Challenger Sta- like posterior keel, defining the posterior area
tion 188. which is more coarsely sculptured than the
The following diagnosis is based upon rest of the valve surface; a smaller secondary
of the
keel in the middle, defines an escutcheon-like of the valve margin. The dorsal interior for the
area; no lunule; posterior side obliquely trun- right valve is obscurely grooved recep-
cate and bicarinate at the end; hinge normal tion of the left. Muscle scars are relatively
with a strong cardinal tooth in right valve, small and not sharply delimited; a broad,
the ligament pit notch-like, small and seem- very shallow pallial sinus is present.
ingly passing internally beneath the beaks; in DIMENSIONS: Hypotype, A.M.N.H. No.
the left valve, a grooved posterior cardinal; 16717/1:1; right valve, length, 40 mm.;
diameter, 12.8 mm. Eo-
external sculpture of fine, concentric threads height, 32.7 mm.;
coarser on the posterior area." cene, Anvers, France.
It is most probable that the so-called Hypotype, A.M;.N.H. No. 16717/1:2-; left
"4grooved posterior cardinal" of this diagnosis valve, length, 32.3 mm.; height, 24.4 mm.;
represents the chondrophore. Olsson gives no diameter, 8.4 mm. Eocene, Anvers, France.
dimensions for the species, but a specimen URSnRIVUS, NEW NAME
dredged from Panama Bay, which was de-
scribed by Li (1930, p. 264, pl. 5, fig. 38, 38A) Plate 3, figures 6-10
as Corbula glyptal and has been referred by Anisorhynchus Conrad MS, MEEK, 1871,2 in
Pilsbry (1931, p. 431) and by Olsson (1932, Hayden, F. V., Preliminary report of the United
p. 142) to Corbula tenuis, has the following States geological survey of Wyoming and portions
dimensions, accordi-ng to Pilsbry: length, 24 of contiguous territories, p. 293.
mm.; height, 13.3 mm.; diameter, 10.5 mm. Anisorhyncus CONRAD, 1874, Proc. Acad. Nat.
Sci. Philadelphia, for 1874, p. 27 (error for Ani-
BICORBULA FISCHER, 1887 sorhynchus).
Not Anisorhynchus Schoenherr, 1842, Gen. et
Plate 3, figures 1-5 Spec. Curc., vol. 6, pt. 2, p. 308 (Coleoptera).
Bicorbula FISCHER, 1887, Manuel de conchyli- TYPE (MONOTYPE OF A nisorhynchus): Cor-
ologie et de pal6ontologie conchyliologique, p. bula (Potamomya?) pyriformis Meek. Cre-
1123. taceous, Bear River group, Wyoming.
Corbula, sensu stricto, of Dall and authors. (Not
of Lamarck, 1799.) Meek was in considerable doubt as to the
"propriety of retaining Mr. Conrad's section
TYPE, (BY MONOTYPY): Corbula galiica Anisorhynchus, as subgenerically distinct
Lamarck. Eocene, Lutetian-Bartonian, Paris from Corbula" (1876, p. 243; see also 1871,
Basin, France. p. 293, and 1877, pp. 172, 173). It is evident
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell that he was not able to compare his specimens
is large, inequivalved, with the right valve with Corbula sulcata, which he correctly con-
larger and higher than the left. The posterior sidered to represent the type of the genus
keel is obsolete, more prominent on the left Corbula, otherwise he would not have- stated
than on the right valve. Concentric sculpture (1871, p. 293) that "it agrees almost exactly,
is suppressed and feeble with an obscure in its hinge, muscular, and pallial impressions,
radial striation on the left valve. with Corbula . . . and we have almost nothing
The right hinge is reduced, with a promi- left but its Ncaera-like form, and brackish
nent anterior cardinal. The resilial pit ex- water habits, to separate it from Corbula;
tends far behind the base of the cardinal to while some marine species, such as C. akae-
a thickened area immediately under the
strongly curved opisthogyrous umbone, the formistsl of Gabb, present almost exactly the
same form."
tip of which is protected by a thin callus pro-
jecting forward from above the cardinal. The In later publications (1876, pp. 240-244), Meek
notes this date as 1872. However, his personal copy of
left valve has a long, slender, projecting, up- this paper bears the notation, in his handwriting, "Ap.
curved chondrophore. The anterior cardinal 1871." Furthermore, a footnote on page 292 states that
socket is deep, open posteriodorsad, but a portion of the paper, including that in which this
closed anteriodorsad by a rugose projection name is proposed, was "printed in pamphlet form. . .
on the 18th February, 1871." I have not seen a copy of
1 In his description, Li has obviously wrongly oriented this pamphlet.
his specimen, so that the anterior and posterior ends are 3Stanton (1896, p. 1040, pi. 64, figs. 6, 7) has noted
reversed. that "Corbula" alaeformis Gabb (1869, p. 177, pl. 29,
A close examination of a large number of and weaker umbonal ridge is normally, but
topotypes of "Corbula" pyriformis and their not always, present and extends to the pos-
comparison with the types of other corbulid terior ventral margin. Both lunule and
groups indicate that there are several char- escutcheon are larger and more prominently
acters which serve to distinguish this form. developed in the right valve than in the left.
Because the name Anisorhynchus is preoc- The surface of both valves is ornamented by
cupied in Coleoptera, the new name Ursirivus coarse concentric ridges which tend to be
is proposed, in allusion to the fact that "C."' most regularly spaced near the umbo and to
pyriformis is, with the exception of two occur- become coarser and more unequally spaced
rences in the Dunvegan Cretaceous of Alberta toward the median part of the valve, some-
(MacLearn, 1926, p. 118), known only from times becoming obsolete toward the ventral
the Bear River group of the Upper Creta- margin.
ceous of Wyoming and Idaho, where it is ex- The interior margins of the right valve
ceedingly abundant. have an inconspicuous posterior dorsal groove,
A second species clearly referable to this a broad, shallow, ventral groove, and a rather
genus has recently been described (in MS) by heavy internal ridge immediately posterior to
Dr. L. W. Stephenson from the fauna of the the resilial pit for the reception of the mar-
Lewisville formation of Texas. This is of par- gins of the left valve. The hinge of the right
ticular interest, since it is associated with a valve consists of a large, triangular cardinal
typically marine fauna, whereas the Bear tooth, obscurely striated and curved slightly
River fauna represents fresh- to brackish- upward. Immediately posterior to this tooth
water types. there is a deep resilial pit, which is broad and
The form described by Greeve (1938, pp. extends somewhat dorsad of the posterior
24-27, pl. 8, figs. 6, 7, 9-17, 20; text figs. 2, 3) side of the cardinal. The left hinge has a
from the Neocene of Iquitos, Peru, as Aniso- broad cardinal socket, which is widely open
rhynchus (?) jeanneti Greeve is in no way re- dorsad, and a relatively narrow, moderately
lated to this genus. It is somewhat remini- elongate chondrophore, which, because of the
scent of Tiza De Gregorio, although clearly width of the shell area adapted for fitting un-
not referable to that genus. Unfortunately, der the margins of the right valve, does not
the original illustrations are very poor, and project very greatly beyond the actual mar-
it is not possible to diagnose the group at gin of the shell. The anterior and posterior
the present time. edges of the chondrophore are delimited by a
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell strong ridge, and a third, weaker ridge marks
is large for the family, moderately thick, the center of the structure. Muscle impres-
elongate, subpyriform, and nearly equivalved, sions are not prominent, the anterior being
the right valve being but slightly larger than generally somewhat more strongly defined
the left. The umbos are anterior, situated ap- than the posterior. The pallial line is not
proximately at the anterior third of the length sharply impressed, but exhibits a shallow,
of the valve, but are somewhat variable in rounded sinus.
position and are strongly inflated. The an- DIMENSIONS: Topotype, U.S.N.M. No.
terior and central portions of the valve are 103717; right valve, length (incomplete),
strongly inflated and gibbous; posteriorly the 37 mm.; height, 25.6 mm.; diameter, 14 mm.
valves become compressed, narrowed, and (When complete, the valve was probably
produced to form a long rostral "snout." An- about 42 mm. long.) Bear River, near the
terior to the umbos is a large, prominent, and mouth of Sulphur Creek, Wyoming.
deep, though not sharply defined, lunular de- Topotype, U.S.N.M. No. 103717; left
pression; posteriorly there is an equally prom- valve, length (incomplete), 34.5 mm.; height,
inent and deep escutcheon which is delimited 32 mm.; diameter, 16 mm. Bear River, near
by a strong umbonal ridge extending to the the mouth of Sulphur Creek, Wyoming.
posterior end of the dorsal border. A second Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No. 103716; both
valves, length, 32.4 mm.; height, 22.2 mm.;
fig. 63) actually has a taxodont hinge. He refers it to diameter, 21.6 mm. Seven miles above Evans-
"Leda." ton, Wyoming.
The large size (an incomplete topotype is 326895; right valve, length, 9.5 mm.; height,
48 mm. long and probably exceeded 50 mm. 5 mm.; diameter, 1.6 mm. Eocene, Chenay,
when complete), the deep lunule and escutch- Paris Basin, France.
eon, the pronounced pyriform shape of Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No. 326895; left
both valves, and the presence of a small but valve, length, 6.8 mm.; height, 3.4 mm.;
definite pallial sinus are all distinctive char- diameter, 1.3 mm. Eocene, Chenay, Paris
acters of this group. Basin, France.
CUNEOCORBULA COSSMANN, 1886 The collections available for study con-
tained no specimens with right and left valves
Plate 2, figures 13-16 in association, and it was not possible to
Cuneocorbukz COSSMANN, 1886, Ann. Roy. Soc. make any observations relative to the pro-
Malac. de Belgique, vol. 21, p. 49 (p. 37 of sepa- portionate size of the two. It is believed, how-
rate). ever, that they are approximately equi-
Not Cuneocorbula Dall and authors (=Caryo- valved.
corbula Gardner).
DALL, 1898): Corbula biangulata Deshayes. Plate 2, figures 17-20
Eocene, Paris Basin, France. Cuspicorbula OLSSON, 1928, Bull. Amer. Pale-
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell ont., vol. 14, no. 52, p. 99 (p. 53 of separate), pl.
is small, thin, elongate, and markedly biros- 11, figs. 5-8.
trate. The umbos are moderately prominent, TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor-
anterior, not strongly inflated, and sharply bula (Cuspicorbula) busera Olsson. Restin
defined posteriorly by a strong, sharp, um- formation, Eocene, Restin, Peru.
bonal ridge which extends to the posterior DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: "Shell
ventral margin. A second such ridge extends small or medium-sized, solid, inflated, coarsely
to the posterior dorsal margin, the area be- sculptured and with the posterior extremity
tween the two ridges being strongly concave. strongly contracted and rostrate; the anterior
The surface is ornamented by feeble, irregu- and central portion of the valves is strongly
lar, concentric ribs which generally do not convex or inflated, oblique, with a deep, wide,
cross the umbonal ridge onto the posterior chordate lunular area in front and below the
slope. beaks; the posterior end is strongly con-
Anterior and posterior dorsal margins of tracted into a short, rostrate portion by a
the right valve are feebly grooved for the re- deep sinus, directed towards the left from the
ception of the margins of the left. The right central and anterior part of the shell, and the
hinge consists of a prominent, triangular car- general form of the shell is strongly sugges-
dinal tooth, which is elongate anteriorly, the tive of a Cuspidaria; the right valve is
posterior edge being almost vertical. The slightly larger than the left and less [more]
resilial pit is deep, elongate posteriorly, and strongly sculptured; sculpture of the right
tends to curve dorsad under the umbo to a valve consists of about 10 or 12 coarse, con-
point almost above the cardinal. The left centric ribs separated by wide interspaces,
hinge consists of an anterior cardinal socket and these ribs are continued across the pos-
followed by a projecting chondrophore which terior sinus to the posterior extremity; on the
is relatively thin and peculiarly "roof- umbos, this sculpture is generally much finer;
shaped," being angulate above. The anterior the sculpture of the left valve is similar to the
slope of this chondrophore is parallel to the right but finer; interior concealed" (Olsson,
anterior-dorsal slope of the valve and is 1928, pp. 99, 100).
deeply grooved for the reception of the resili- DIMENSIONS (FIDE OLSSON1): Length, 13
fer; the posterior slope is parallel and ad- mm.; height, 9.5 mm.; diameter, 9.25 mm.
jacent to the posterior-dorsal margin of the
valve and is smooth. Muscle scars and pallial 1 These are dimensions given by Olsson in his text.
line are inconspicuous. A small pallial sinus However, they are not the dimensions of the types, as
seems to be present. indicated in his plate descriptions; here the holotype is
said to have a length of 10.5 mm., and the two "co-
DIMENSIONS: Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No. types" are indicated as being 11.5 and 10 mm. long. It
I have not been able to examine representa- 11 mm.; height, 7 mm. Recent, Mediter-
tives of this species. In the absence of any ranean Sea off the coast of Algeria.
knowledge as to the nature of the hinge, it is
not possible to indicate the relationships of ANMAPTERIS VAN WINKLE, 1919
this peculiar form. The- deep constriction in Plate 3, figures 11-14
the posterior region and the deep, wide, chor- Anapteris VAN WINKLE, 1919, Bull. Amer.
date lunular area, which unfortunately is not Paleont., vol. 8, no. 33, p. 7; VAN WINKLE, 1921,
shown in the illustrations, seem to be en- ibid., vol. 8, no. 36, p. 9.
tirely distinctive. TYPE (BY MONOTYPY): Anapteris regals
Van Winkle. St. Maurice beds (upper Nan-
PHYSOIDA PALLARY, 1900 jemoy), Eocene, Newcastle, Virginia.
Plate 2, figures 27-29 The type and only known species of this
Physoida PALLARY, 1900, Jour. de Conch., vol. group is a most peculiar form. I have not been
48, p. 409. able to examine actual specimens, but on the
basis of the original descriptions and illustra-
TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor- tions, supplemented by enlarged photographs
bula physoides Deshayes. Recent, Mediter- of the original specimens kindly furnished by
ranean Sea off the coast of Algeria. Mrs. Palmer, I am able to give the following
I have seen no specimens of the type spe- diagnosis:
cies of this genus, and the following diagnosis DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell
is based upon the excellent description and is relatively large, thick, and apparently
illustrations given by Deshayes (1844-1848, somewhat inequivalved; the umbos low, ap-
p. 234, pl. 22, figs. 4-6). proximate, and not strongly inflated. The
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: Shell right valve is slightly convex, the left flat
small, fragile, and transparent, resembling a with the posterior end reflexed outwardly.'
minute Anodonta in external appearance. The Both valves have a sharp posterior umbonal
surface appears to be smooth and polished, carina extending to the sharply angulate pos-
but under magnification shows a number of terior ventral margin. "Surface [of the left
transverse striae and irregular growth lines. valve] ornamented with prominent concentric
A low, posterior, umbonal ridge extends to lines which extend from the umbonal ridge to
the posterior ventral angle of the valves. The the anterior end, where they terminate in a
right valve is slightly larger and a little more peculiar manner as though the anterior end
convex than the left. had been broken; on the posterior portion of
The hinge of the right valve consists of a the shell anterior to the umbonal ridge where
moderately prominent, strongly curved cardi- the lines merge into the ridge, a separation of
nal tooth, with a large, shallowly excavated the lines occurs giving place to very short,
resilial pit immediately posterior to it. The equally prominent surface markings. Just an-
hinge of the left valve consists of a dentiform terior and parallel to the umbonal carina is a
projection on the cardinal margin, which fine channel; the prominent lines posterior to
forms the anterior side of a deep, triangular the umbonal ridge extend almost vertically to
socket for the reception of the cardinal tooth the dorsal margin" (Van Winkle [Palmer],
of the right valve. The chondrophore is situ- 1919, p. 7). The sculpture of the right valve is
ated immediately behind this socket. It is de- similar to that of the left except that the con-
scribed as being flattened and triangular in centric lines do not show the peculiar an-
shape. terior terminations and extend to the dorsal
The muscle scars are relatively small; the margin without interruption.
pallial line is simple, with very little indica-
tion of a sinus. 1 It is probable that there is a corresponding inward
DIMENSIONS (FIDE DESHAYES): Length, flexure of the right valve, as in the case of many of the
corbulid groups, and that the "intimation of a gape"
(Van Winkle [Palmer], 1919, p. 7) is a suggestive rather
may be that these dimensions are those of the largest than an actual condition. The material available to me
specimen in the collections. The diameter is apparently does not permit any definite statement regarding this
that of conjoined valves. feature.
Internally, the anterior limit of the body sarily analogous, structure on the posterior
chamber is marked, in the left valve, by a dorsal margin of the right valve does repre-
well-defined, raised ridge. A considerable por- sent the same type of flare. In a personal com-
tion of the valve extends dorsally and, in munication dated January 17, 1944, Mrs.
smaller amount, anteriorly from this ridge to Palmer writes:
form a peculiar wing-like flare; this is the "Whether the 'wings' are pathologic or not
portion of the exterior of the valve, which is not clearly apparent. Some pathologic
is marked by the unusual termination of the cases as Venus tridocnoides (Miocene) and
concentric sculpture. No such termination is Athketa tuomeyi (Eocene) are obviously so.
apparent on the anterior end of the right These (Anapteris) shells do not have that
valve; instead there is a coarsening and thick- definite pathologic appearance. They rather
ening of the posterior dorsal margin of the look to me as though it was a feature of in-
valve, a structure not apparent on the left stability. It obviously varies in the amount of
valve. development and certainly is not confined to
The anterior dorsal margin of the right either valve."2
valve is grooved and slightly thickened in-
ternally for the reception of the sharpened CORBULAMELLINAE, NEW SUBFAMILY
margins of the left; the posterior dorsal mar- CORBULAMELLA MEEK AND HAYDEN, 1857
gin is similarly thickened, and the ventral Plate 2, figures 21-26
margin appears to have been grooved. Corbulamella MEEK AND HAYDEN, 185 7, Proc.
The hinge of the right valve consists of a Acad. Nat. Sci. Philadelphia, for 1857, p. 143.
moderately strong, triangular cardinal tooth,
with, posteriorly, a broad, sunken, resilial pit TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Cor-
which undercuts the umbo and extends in a bula ? gregaria Meek and Hayden. Mon-
narrowing curve to a position immediately tana group, Upper Cretaceous, "Yellowstone
dorsad to the cardinal. In the left valve there River, Montana Territory."
is a deep cardinal socket followed posteriorly Meek's types of this interesting little spe-
by a projecting chondrophore whose surface cies have been stored for the duration of the
is marked by "a narrow, short posterior war and were not available for this study. It
groove: the anterior groove is slightly marked, was not possible to secure an adequate prepa-
in some cases practically obsolete" (Van ration of the hinge structures from the ma-
Winkle [Palmer], 1919, p- 7). The pallial line terial available, and in the following diagnosis
is moderately prominent; the pallial sinus the details of that critical area are taken from
short and only very slightly sinuous. Meek's description (1876, pp. 246, 247).
left valve, length, 17 mm.; height, 9.5 mm.; is very small, subtrigonal, and rather strongly
diameter, 2.7 mm. St. Maurice (upper Nan- inflated. The valves are unequal in size, the
jemoy), Eocene, Newcastle, Vi-rginia, first right being larger and more convex than the
lanthina expedition collection. left. The umbos are inflated, approximate,
Syntype, P.R.I. No. 1392; left valve, and slightly prosogyrous, with that of the
length, 14 mm.; height, 7.7 mm.; diameter, right valve being higher and more prominent
2 mm. Same locality and collection. than the left. There is no evidence of any
Topotype, P.R.I. No. 296; right valve posterior umbonal ridge, the surface of the
(broken), length, 15 mm.; height, 8 mm.; valves being broadly convex and ornamented
diameter, 2.2 ± mm. Newcastle, Virginia, with microscopic concentric lines.
first Ianthina expedition collection. The ventral margin of the right valve is
It is to be noted that the characteristic grooved for the reception of the margin of the
wing-like flare is present on the anterior end left.' The hinge of the right valve consists
of the left valves only, unless the somewhat 2 Mrs. Palmer interprets the posterior dorsal structure
similar, but, in the writer's opinion, not neces- on the right valve as being a wing-like flare strictly
analogous with that of the left valve.
1 Palaeontological Research Institution, Ithaca, New 8 It is believed that the anterior and posterior dorsal
York. margins of the right valve are also grooved, but the evi-
of an anterior cardinal tooth followed, pos- Parmicorbula has been proposed for this
teriorly, by a "comparatively large cartilage- group. Thus, siphonal plates are now known
pit under the beak" (Meek); that of the left in eight species, a fact which, together with
valve appears to be more slender than that the nature of the plates themselves and the
of the right and consists of an anterior cardi- manner of their emplacement, clearly indi-
nal socket, followed, posteriorly, by a pro- cates that Gardner (1926, p. 44; 1928, p. 227)
jecting chondrophore which is "larger and was in error in interpreting the structure ob-
more prominent" than the cardinal tooth of served by Vincent as being either foreign to
the right valve. the shell or due to some phenomenon of
"The anterior muscular impression is nar- breakage.
row-ovate, faintly marked and placed near I have not been able to study specimens of
the border; the posterior impression has the Caestocorbula henckeliusiana (Nyst), the fol-
same form, and appears to occupy nearly or lowing diagnosis being based upon specimens
quite the whole surface" of a "very prominent of "Corbula" ficus Brander from Wemmel, a
spoon-shaped process" which projects, as a species which Vincent considered to be synon-
small platform, into the interior of the valve ymous with C. henckeliusiana.
along its posterior dorsal side. DIAGNOSIS: The shell is relatively small
The pallial line is moderately well im- and very inequivalved. The right valve is
pressed, the pallial sinus shallow "and appar- larger than the left, more inflated and pro-
ently a little angular" (Meek). duced posteriorly to form a prominent rostral
DIMENSIONS: Hypotype, A.M.N.H. No. "snout"; its surface is sculptured by coarse
9433/1:1; both valves, length (slightly in- concentric ribs. The left valve is almost equi-
complete posteriorly), 2.6 mm.; height, 2.5 lateral sub-triangular in outline, not produced
mm.; diameter, 2 mm. Upper Cretaceous, posteriorly, but bearing a prominent posterior
Belle Fourche River, South Dakota. umbonal ridge. The surface is ornamented
with concentric ribbing which is finer than
CAESTOCORBULINAE, NEW SUBFAMILY that of the right valve; occasional traces of
CAESTOCORBULA VINCENT, 1910 radial ornamentation may also be observed.
Plate 4, figures 1-4 The dorsal margins of the right valve are
Caestocorbula VINCENT, 1910, Ann. Soc. Roy. strongly grooved for the reception of the mar-
Zool. Malac. de Belgique, for 1909, vol. 44, p. 141. gins of the left. The posterior dorsal margin
along the rostrum of the right valve is sharply
GENOTYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): bent laterally to meet the dorsal margin of a
Corbula henckeliusi Nyst (error for C. hencke- small, separate siphonal plate which served to
liusiana Nyst). Eocene, sables de Wemmel, protect the left side of the siphons in place of
Belgium. a rostrum from the left valve.
The writer (Vokes, 1944) has recently dis- The siphonal plate' has the form of an
cussed this genus in some detail, noting that oblique trapezium, with the more oblique
the peculiar type of siphonal plate found by angle at the anterior dorsal corner, which lies
Vincent (1890, p. vii; 1910, p. 140) in his against the posterior dorsal side of the left
specimen of "Corbula" henckeliusiana Nyst valve. The surface bears a distinct oblique
(1836, p. 4, pl. 1, fig. 8a, b; 1844, pp. 63, 64, median ridge that extends diagonally across
pI. 2, fig. 3a, a', b, b') also occurred in "Cor- the plate from the acute dorsal angle to the
bula" elegans Sowerby (1827, p. 139, pl. 572, broader posterior ventral one. The surface is
fig. 1; see Woods, 1908, pl. 34, fig. 28a) and in ornamented by raised lamellar growth lines
"Corbula" crassiplica Gabb (1860, p. 394, pl. that are chevron shaped and parallel to the
68, fig. 25). In addition, five species are known posterior and ventral margins of the plate.
in which the rectangular type of plate noted
by Vincent (1910, p. 141) in "Corbulk" regul- 1 The specimens of "Corbuka" ficus available lack the
biensis Morris occurs. The generic name siphonal plate. This description is based upon Vincent's
figure, together with that of Woods (op. cit.), and upon
more than a dozen specimens of C. crassiplica Gabb,
dence available does not permit a conclusive statement from the Ripley formation at Coon Creek, Tennessee,
regarding this condition. in which the plates were observed by the writer.

The right cardinal tooth is triangular, rela- structure are sharply bent laterally to receive
tively large, and heavy, and the resilial pit is between them the similarly bent margins of a
prominent and elongate, extending dorsad small, rectangular siphonal plate. The ex-
slightly above the posterior side of the cardi- terior of this plate is marked by a shallow,
nal tooth. The left hinge consists of an an- inconspicuous, median groove, and by growth
terior cardinal socket followed posteriorly by lines which run transversely across it. Inter-
a moderately broad, projecting chondrophore. nally, there is a low median ridge complemen-
The muscle scars are slightly thickened and tary to a similar ridge trending parallel to the
rugose; the pallial sinus is extremely well de- length of the rostrum of the right valve.
veloped for the family Corbulidae, broad and The hinge, muscle impressions, and pallial
rounded. sinus are similar to those of Caestocorbula.
DIMENSIONS: Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No. DIMENSIONS: Topotype, A.M.N.H. No.'
13070; right valve, length (slightly incom- 25933:1; length, 21.1 mm.; height, 14.6 mm.;
plete posteriorly), 13.6 mm.; height, 10.5 diameter, both valves, 11 mm.; length, left
mm.; diameter, 5.2 mm. Eocene, Wemmel, valve, 16.5 mm.; height, left valve, 12.2 mm.
Belgium. Topotype, A.M.N.H. No. 25933:2; right
Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No. 13070; both valve, length, 17.5 mm.; height, 12.9 mm.;
valves (juvenile), length (slightly incomplete diameter, 6.5 mm.
posteriorly), 7.6 mm.; height, 5.2 mm.; di- Topotype, A.M.N.H. No. 25933:3; juve-
ameter, 3.7 mm. Eocene, Wemmel, Belgium. nile specimen, both valves, length, 7.1 mm.;
height, 4.4 mm.; diameter, 3.6 mm.
Plate 4, figures 5-10 PACHYDON GABB, 1868
Parmicorbula VOKES, 1944, Amer. Jour. Sci., Plate 4, figures 11-15
vol. 242, pp. 619, 621, pl. 1, figs. 7-18. Pachydon GABB, 1868, Amer. Jour. Conch., vol.
"Corbula" neaeroides Blanckenhorn. Aptian, Anisothyris CONRAD, 1871, Amer. Jour. Conch.,
Cretaceous, from Abeih, Lebanon Moun- vol. 6, p. 196.
tains, Republic of Lebanon. Pachyodon (Gabb, emend.) MEEK, 1876, Re-
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell port of the United States geological survey of the
is of moderate size, moderately inflated, and territories (Hayden), vol. 9, p. 240.
very inequivalved. The right valve is larger Not Pachyodon von Meyer, 1838, N. Jahrb. f.
than the left, more inflated, and produced Min., p. 414 (Mammalia).
posteriorly to form a prominent rostral Not Pachyodon Stutchbury, 1842, Ann. Mag.
"snout"; its surface is ornamented by coarse Nat. Hist., vol. 8, p. 481 (Mollusca).
Not Pachyodon Agassiz, 1846 (emend. for Paxy-
concentric ribs that die out before reaching don Schumacher, 1816), Nomenclatoris zoologici
the rostrum so that the latter is generally index univeralis, p. 275 (Mollusca).
relatively smooth. The left valve is almost Not Pachyodon Costa, 1856, Atti Accad. Pon-
equilateral, not produced posteriorly, but taniana, vol. 7, no. 1, p. 38 (Pisces).
bearing a moderately prominent posterior Not Pachydon Broun, 1881, Manual of the
umbonal ridge; the surface is marked by con- New Zealand Coleoptera, pt. 2, p. 705 (Coleop-
centric ribbing, which is generally finer than tera) (=Phorostichus Broun, 1882).
that on the right valve. Occasionally there TYPE (BY SUBSEQUENT DESIGNATION,
are traces of radial ribbing present. The dor- MEEK, 1876): Pachydon obliqua Gabb. Pebas
sal margins of the right valve are grooved for beds, Pliocene, Amazon Basin, Brazil.
the reception of those of the left, and just Although the original orthography of this
within the ventral margin there is a linear de- name may not meet with the full approval of
pression. The left valve rested against the etymologists, there seems to be, under Ar-
inner side of this depression. ticle 19 of the International Rules, no need
Both the posterior dorsal and ventral mar- 1 In the original publication (Vokes, 1944) the cata-
gins of the right valve are constricted at the logue numbers assigned to these specimens were er-
anterior end of the rostrum, and along that roneouslystated tobe 16403/4:1, 16403/4:2, 16403/4:3.
for its emendation, as was done by Meek the remnant of the typical corbuloid resilial
(1876, p. 240). In its original form it is fully pit. The left hinge consists of a deep, rugose,
available for the group of species to which it cardinal socket which is strongly buttressed
is attached, but in its emended form it is sev- anteriorly by a heavy ridge, and of the
eral times preoccupied, twice within the Mol- "chondrophore" which is essentially but an
lusca. The substitute name Anisothyris elongate nymph-like swelling on the posterior
Conrad is superfluous. dorsal margin of the valve from which it is
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell separated only by a long, narrow groove. The
is moderately large, inequivalved, the right face of this "chrondrophore" is broadly
larger and somewhat more inflated than the grooved for the attachment of the resilifer.
left; umbos anterior, subspiral,1 projecting in This groove is not on the dorsal face of the
advance of the anterior margin of the shell. structure as in most corbuloid groups, how-
The moderately well-developed umbonal ever, but instead faces laterally directly into
ridge, more prominently developed on the the "socket" of the right valve.
left valve than on the right, tends on both The interiors of the valves, within the mod-
valves to bifurcate a short distance behind erately prominent pallial lines, are granu-
the umbo and to continue as narrow, moder- lated and rugose. The pallial sinus is broad,
ately sharp ridges separated by a raised but shallow, and somewhat irregularly developed.
slightly concave surface to the posterior mar- The anterior adductor scar is deeply im-
gin. The anterior ridge forms the posterior pressed, very rugose, moderately large and
ventral angulation, and the posterior one reniform; the posterior scar is moderately
reaches the valve margin at about the middle large, slightly impressed and is smooth.
of the posterior end, which is, however, not DIMENSIONS: Topotype (?), A.M.N.H. No.
sharply delimited from the posterior dorsal 12661/1:1; both valves, length,2 12.3 mm.;
margin. The surface of the valves is marked height, 14.2 mm.; diameter, 10.3 mm. (The
with a low, inconspicuous, concentric orna- left valve, being smaller, has a length of
mentation most strongly developed immedi- 11.1 mm., a height of 11.9 mm., and a di-
ately anterior to the posterior umbonal ridge ameter of 4.6 mm.; diameter of right valve,
but elsewhere so submerged as to permit the 5.9 mm.) Pliocene (?) Pebas beds, upper
valve to have a superficially polished appear- Amazon River near Pebas, Brazil. Orton col-
ance. lection.
The inner margins of the right valve are TIZA DE GREGOR1o, 1890
finely grooved for the reception of those of
the left. The hinge of the right valve consists Plate 4, figures 16-22
of a large, broad, projecting, and dorsally Tiza DE GREGORIO, 1890, Ann. de G&ol. et
curved rugose cardinal tooth, with a narrow, de Pal6ont., livr. 8, p. 234.
elongate, socket-like depression curving up TYPE (BY MONOTYPY): "Corbula"? (Tiza)
from a position posterior to the tooth to a amara De Gregorio (=Corbula alta Conrad,
point immediately above it. This depression 1850, pl. 1, fig. 3; not Conrad, 1849, pl. 12,
terminates in a minute, roofed pit which figs. 33-35 = C. aliformis Conrad, 1866). Oli-
trends anteriorly. The socket serves for the gocene, Mint Springs formation, Vicksburg
reception of the nymph-like "chrondrophore" group, Vicksburg, Mississippi.8
of the left valve as well as for the attachment
of the resilifer whose anterior end seems to 2 The shape of the valves is such as to permit consider-

have terminated in the tiny pit which may be able uncertainty as to the exact position from which to
take the measurements. As a matter of convenience,
I Judging from the figures given by Conrad (1871, pl. these measurements were taken parallel to, and per-
10), and from such specimens as are available, the ex- pendicular to, the greatest width of the large cardinal
treme anterior position of the umbones and their coiled tooth.
or subspiral nature are features of but specific impor- ' When De Gregorio described his "Corbula? (Tiza)
tance among the eight or more species of this genus amara," he said (1890, p. 234, pl. 37, figs. 12-14): "J'ai
recognized in the Pebas fauna. In P. ovatus (Conrad), beaucoup de doute en 6gard I leur provenance," etc.
for example, they are situated but slightly in advance The illustrations leave no doubt that he had specimens
of the anterior third of the length and are not markedly of the Vicksburg form, an Oligocene rather than an
coiled. Eocene species.
DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: The shell adductor scar to a point directly below the
is relatively large and exceptionally inequi- anterior ventral edge of the posterior adduc-
valved, the two valves differing so greatly tor, where it turns at a sharp right angle
from each other in size and shape as to have proceeding in a short, straight line to that
little or no resemblance. There is also great muscle area. Other than this there is no evi-
variation in the proportions of the same dence of a pallial sinus.
valve, the height: length ratio of specimens in DIMENSIONS: Topotype, U.S. N.M. No.
the collection varying from 1:0.86 to 1:1.28. 9552; right valve, length, 23 mm.; height,
The right valve is relatively heavy and is 18 mm.; diameter,1 8.3 mm. Vicksburg group,
twisted laterally so that the umbo projects Vicksburg, Mississippi. Heilprin collection.
above the left valve. The surface of the valve Topotype, U.S.N.M. No. 136859; right
is smooth, except for rather coarse concentric valve, length, 15.3 mm.; height, 17 mm.;
growth rugae. Two relatively low posterior diameter, 7.7 mm. Vicksburg group, Vicks-
umbonal ridges extend to the dorsal and ven- burg, Mississippi. C. W. Johnson collection.
tral corners of the short, straight, posterior Topotype, U.S.N.M. No. 136859; left
ventral margin. valve, length, 17.9 mm.; height, 12 mm.;
The anterior and posterior dorsal margins diameter, 3 mm.2 Vicksburg group, Vicks-
of the right valve are grooved for the recep- burg, Mississippi. C. W. Johnson collection.
tion of those of the left. The hinge consists of
a large triangular cardinal tooth with a very LENTIDIINAE, NEW SUBFAMILY
broadly triangular resilial socket posterior to LENTIDIUM CRISTOFORI AND JAN, 1832
it. The dorsal portion of this socket tends to Plate 4, figures 23-27
extend up to, and often is slightly excavated Lentidium CRISTOFORI AND JAN, 1832, Cata-
under, the umbone. Anterior to the cardinal logus in IV sectiones divisus rerum naturalium
there is a relatively broad area of smooth .. ., sect. 2, p. 8; Mantissa Test., p. 4.
hinge plate upon which rests a similar area Corbulomya NYST, 1844, MWm. Cour., Acad.
of the hinge plate in the left valve. Posterior Roy. Sci. de Belgique, vol. 17, p. 59.
to this area in the latter there is a moderately TYPE (BY SUBSEQUENT DESIGNATION,
deep cardinal socket. The "chondrophore" DALL, 1898): Lentidium maculatum Cristofori
consists of a thickened raised area on the and Jan = Corbula mediterranea Costa. Re-
hinge plate. It is bordered anteriorly by a cent, Mediterranean Sea.
narrow raised ridge, and posteriorly by a nar- DIAGNOSIS OF THE TYPE SPECIES: Shell
row groove followed by a narrow raised area
at the junction with the posterior dorsal, small, thin, and translucent, elongate trape-
flange-like margin of the valve. zoidal, and somewhat tellinoid in appearance,
Externally, the left valve has a strikingly inequivalved, the right valve being larger
donaciform outline with a short, broadly than the left. The umbos are low, approxi-
rounded anterior and a produced posterior mate, and central in position; that of the
area. The most striking feature is the pres- 1 Owing to the peculiar lateral twisting of the right
ence of a broad, flange-like projection along valves of this species it is difficult to state a true diame-
the posterior dorsal margin at right angles to ter of the valves. That which is given above is measured
the main area of the valve. There -are two at right angles to a line extending from the umbo
posterior umbonal ridges, as on the right through the midlength of the shell; a diameter measured
at a right angle to the length of the shell will be much
valve, but the dorsal area of the valve is less, though perhaps a truer expression of the true infla-
sharply deflected along the line of the anterior tion of the valve. In topotype U.S.N.M. No. 136859,
ridge. The valve is not inflated, and the umbo this latter diameter is 5.2 mm., and in U.S.N.M. No.
is small, low, and distant from the margin in 9552, it is 6.4 mm.
2 Here, as in the right valve, it is difficult to state the
compensation for the extreme overhang of true inflation of the valve, that given above bearing the
that of the right valve. same relationship to the umbo as the diameter given for
The muscle scars of both valves are rela- the opposite valve. The peculiar posterior dorsal flange
tively small and slightly excavated. The pal- on the left valve protrudes considerably beyond this
lial line is moderately well impressed and pro- line, and a measurement through the widest extension
of this area gives a diameter of 5.9 mm. for this speci-
ceeds in a broad curve from the anterior men.
right valve projects very slightly in front of chondrophore. This chondrophore is a bi-
the inner margin of the valve, while that of partite structure, the anterior half being
the left is correspondingly behind the valve grooved for the reception of the resilium, the
margin. Two low, rounded, and inconspicu- posterior half bearing a ridged, tooth-like
ous ridges proceed from behind the umbo, one process which projects but little less than the
extending to the posterior ventral margin, anterior, resilium-bearing portion of the
and the other to the posterior dorsal margin; structure.
the surface of the valve between these two The muscle scars are small and impressed,
ridges bears a shallow concavity. The surface the pallial line is also impressed, and the
of both valves is ornamented with fine, pallial sinus is broad and shallow.
rounded concentric ridges separated by inter- DIMENSIONS: Hypotype, U.S.N.M. No.
spaces of unequal width. 202031; both valves, length, 7.8 mm.; height,
The anterior dorsal and the ventral mar- 4.9 mm.; diameter, 2.5 mm.; diameter, right
gins of the right valve are grooved for the valve, 1.8 mm.; diameter, left valve, 1.3 mm.
reception of the left. The posterior dorsal Recent, Genoa, Italy. Jeffrys collection.
margin bears a well-developed ridge just in- I have not seen Cristofori and Jan's work
side the valve margin against which the cor- and have accepted the citation as of Dall
responding margin of the left valve closes. (1898, p. 838). According to Bucquoy, Daut-
There is no true hinge plate in the right valve, zenburg, and Dollfus (1896, p. 587) the de-
the single cardinal tooth projecting from a scription in Cristofori and Jan is too imperfect
subumbonal thickened area of the interior of to allow any certainty as to the species which
the valve. This tooth is vertically elongated, they were describing. These authors, there-
triangular, and thickened ventrally, but does fore, refer "Corbula" mediterranea Costa to
not project beyond the valve margin. Im- the genus Corbulomya Nyst (1844, p. 58),
mediately posterior there is a broad, socket- type, Corbula complanata Sowerby. I have
like resilial pit which curves upward well into seen only right valves of this form, which is
the tip of the umbo. The left valve has a considerably larger than Lentidium mediter-
small, narrow hinge plate. On the anterior ranea but has identical hinge characters, and,
end of this structure is a small, cardinal-like therefore, I agree with most previous authors
process, which appears to be a dentiform pro- in considering Corbulomya a synonym of
jection from the valve margin. Immediately Lentidium. If this latter name be abandoned
posterior there is an elongate-triangular as a nomen dubium, the name Corbulomya is
socket for the right cardinal, bounded pos- available.
teriorly by the anterior edge of the projecting

Bicorbula gallica (Lamarck). Eocene. Paris No. 103717. X1.5.
Basin, France. 8. Interior of right valve, same specimen as
1. Exterior of right valve, hypotype, A.M.N.H. figure 7. X 1.5.
16717/1:1. X1.5. 9. Interior of left valve, topotype, U.S.N.M.
2. Interior of right valve, same specimen as No. 103717. X1.5.
figure 1. X 1.5. 10. Dorsal view of left valve, same specimen
3. Dorsal view of left valve, hypotype, as figure 9. X1.4.
A.M.N.H. No. 16717/1:2. X1.4. Anapteris regalis Van Winkle. Eocene. New-
4. Exterior of left valve, same specimen as castle, Virginia.
figure 3. X1.5. 11. Exterior of left valve of syntype, P.R.I.
5. Interior of left valve, same specimen as No. 1392. X4.3.
figure 3. X1.6. 12. Interior of left valve, same specimen as
Ursirivus pyriformis (Meek). Cretaceous. figure 11. X4.3.
Wyoming. 13. Hinge of right valve, hypotype, P.R.I.
6. Dorsal view of conjoined valves, hypotype, No. 296. X5.5.
U.S.N.M. No. 103716. X31.5. 14. Exterior of right valve, same specimen as
7. Exterior of right valve, topotype, U.S.N.M. figure 13. X3.7.


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VOL. 86, PLATE 4







INCERTAE SEDIS fore it will be necessary to rely on the original
SEMICORBULA COSSMANN, 1909 description for its diagnosis. This is as fol-
Semicorbula COSSMANN, in Cossmann and Pey- lows:
rot, 1909, Act. Soc. Linn6enne Bordeaux, vol. "Coquille irreguliere, inequilaterale, fine-
63, p. 186. ment striee; c6te anterieur attenu6 et sinu-
TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Semi- eux, c6te posterieur largement arrondi;
corbula nadali Cossmann and Peyrot. Terti- crochet prosogyre, peu saillant; valve droite
ary, Aquitanian, of France. portant une forte dent 3, contigue a une fos-
I have been unable to examine any speci- sette destinee a loger la dent 2, plus une
mens of this genus, which was erected by fossette chondrophore oblique et courte sous
Cossmann on the basis of a single unique le crochet, enfin au-dessus d'elle, une nymphe
valve. The original illustrations are too small longue et peu saillante qui est separee du
to be of value in interpreting the form, there- bord supero-post6rieur par une fine rainure

Caestocorbula henckeliusiana (Nyst). Eocene. 14. Anterior view of conjoined valves, same
Wemmel, Belgium. specimen as figure 11. X1.9.
1. Vincent's figure of left side of conjoined 15. Conjoined valves viewed from left, same
valves with siphonal plate in position. specimen as figure 11. X2.1.
Caestocorbulaficus (Brander). Eocene. Wemmel, Tiza aliformis (Conrad). Oligocene. Vicksburg,
Belgium. Mississippi.
2. Exterior of right valve, hypotype, U.S.N.M. 16. Exterior of right valve, topotype, U.S.N.M.
No. 13070. X2. No. 9552. X 1.5.
3. Interior of right valve, same specimen as 17. Dorsal view of left valve, topotype,
figure 2. X2. U.S.N.M. No. 136859. X 1.6.
4. Conjoined valves, viewed from left, imma- 18. Interior of right valve, same specimen as
ture specimens, hypotype, U.S.N.M. No. 13070. figure 16. X 1.6.
X2. 19. Exterior of right valve, topotype, U.S.N.M.
Parmicorbula neaeroides (Blanckenhorn). Cre- No. 136895. X1.6.
taceous. Abeih, Republic of Lebanon. 20. Interior of left valve, same specimen as
5. Interior of right valve, topotype, A.M.N.H. figure 17. X1.45.
No. 25933: 2. X 1.5. 21. Exterior of left valve, same specimen as
6. Exterior of right valve, topotype, A.M.N.H. figure 17. X 1.45.
No. 25933: 1. X1.55. 22. Dorsal view of right valve, same specimen
7. Conjoined valves, viewed from left, showing as figure 16. X1.55.
siphonal plate in position, immature specimen, Lentidium mediterranea (Costa). Recent. Genoa.
topotype, A.M.N.H. No. 25933: 3. X4. Italy.
8. Conjoined valves, viewed from left, same 23. Exterior of right valve, hypotype, U.S.N.M.
specimen as figure 6. X 1.55. No. 202031. X4.0.
9. Dorsal view of conjoined valves, same speci- 24. Interior of left valve, same specimen as
men as figure 6. X 1.55. figure 23. X6.0.
10. Posterior view of specimen shown in fig- 25. Interior of right valve, same specimen as
ure 7. Note the siphonal "tube" formed by the figure 23. X4.0.
rostrum of right valve and the siphonal plate. 26. Conjoined valves, viewed from left, same
X6. specimen as figure 23. X4.0.
Pachydon obliqua Gabb. Pliocene (?). Upper 27. Dorsal view of conjoined valves, same
Amazon River, near Pebas, Brazil. specimen as figure 23. X4.0.
11. Interior of right valve, topotype (?), Pteromya crowcombeia Moore. Triassic (Rhae-
A.M.N.H. No. 12661/1:1. X2.1. tic). Beer-Crowcombe, England.
12. Interior of left valve of same specimen as 28. Exterior of left valve. Reproduction of
figure 11. X2.2. Moore's original figure 22. X 1.3.
13. Exterior of right valve of same specimen as 29. Exterior of right valve. Reproduction of
figure II. X2. Moore's original figure 23. X 1.3 (?).
impressions musculaires tres inegales; pas de opposee et qu'il n'y a pas de trace de sinus;
sinus palleal. mais la presence d'une nymphe qu'on ne
"Quoiqu'il soit temeraire de fonder un peut confondre avec une lamelle laterale
nouveau Genre de P6lecypodes sur une seul nous decide a considerer comme posterieur
valve tres ambigue, nous ne pouvons classer le c6te le plus large et comme anterieur celui
cet echantillon dans aucun des groupes con- qui est plus attenue, contrairement a ce qui
nus de la famille Myacidae. M6me la determi- se passe chez les Corbulidae rostrees. Dans ces
nation du c6te anterieur donne lieu a quel- conditions, il y aurait une autre anomalie
ques hesitations, puisque la dent est encadree dans la forme des impressions musculaires,
de deux fossettes, dont l'une peut-aussi l'anterieur etant etroite et allongee, la posteri-
bien que l'autre-servir a loger une dent eure grande et arrondie."

The following names, applied to groups been earlier used by Schoenherr in Coleop-
which at one time or another have been tera, has been here replaced in the Corbulidae
referred to the family Corbulidae, have been by Ursirivus, new name. (See p. 15 above.)
rejected as members of that group during
the course of this study: AZARA D'ORBIGNY, 1839
Azara D'ORBIGNY, 1839, Voyage dans l'Amm&
"AGINA TURTON," GRAY, 1847 rique M6ridionale, Pal6ontologie, pl. 7 (text, 1842,
p. 161).
Agina Turton, GRAY, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc.
London, pt. 15, 191. p.
TYPE (BY MONOTYPY): Azara labiata
(= Mya labiata Maton).
Gray cited Agina Turton as a member of A synonym of Erodona Daudin, in Bosc,
the Corbulidae, giving Mya inaequivalvis as 1802. (See below.)
the type. However, Agina, as proposed by
Turton (1822, p. 54), was monotypic, with CORBBULOMYA NYST, 1844
Mya purpurea as the sole species. This is a Corbulomya NYST, 1844, MWm. Cour., Acad.
Saxicava, and Agina is a synonym of that Roy. Sci. de Belgique, vol. 17, p. 59.
genus. Gray's erroneous inclusion of the
genus in the Corbulidae was, however, ac- TYPE (BY SUBSEQUENT DESIGNATION,
cepted by a number of authors. HERRMANNSEN, 1847): Corbula complanata
This is a synonym of Lentidium Cristofori
and Jan, 1832. (See p. 23 above.)
Gesellsch. Naturf. Fr. Mag., 5 Jahrb., p. 67. CORBURELLA LYCETT, 1850
TYPE (BY MONOTYPY): Aloidis guineensis Corburella LYCETT, 1850, Ann. Mag. Nat. Hist.,
Megerle von Muihlfeldt (= Corbula sulcata ser. 2, vol. 6, p. 422.
This is an exact synonym of Corbula La- bula curtansata Phillips. Corallian, Jurassic,
marck. (See p. 7 above.) of Yorkshire, England.
This is a synonym of Tancredia Lycett,
ANISORHYNCHUS CONRA, IN MEEK, 1871 1850 (see Cox, 1929, pp. 571-573), and is
Anisorhynchus Conrad MS, MEEK, 1871, in not a member of the Corbulidae.
Hayden, Preliminary report of the United States
geological survey of Wyoming and portions of "BRODINA DAUDIN," GRAY, 1847
contiguous territories, p. 293. Erodina Daudin, GRAY, 1847, Proc. Zool. Soc.
TYPE (BY MONOTYPY): Corbula (Pota- London, pt. 15, p. 191.
momya ?) pyriformis Meek. This is an evident lapsus for Erodona
The generic name Anisorhynchus, having Daudin, in Bosc (see below).
ERODONA DAUDIN, IN Bosc, 1802 The hinge characters of both right and
Erodona DAUDIN, in Bosc, 1802, Histoire na- left valves, together with the well-marked,
turelle des coquilles, vol. 2, p. 329. rounded, and ascending pallial sinus, clearly
TYPE (BY MONOTYPY?): Erodona mac- ally this genus with Spheniopsis Sandberger,
troides Bosc (fide Dall, 1898, p. 836, who adds 1863 (type, Spheniopsis scalaris Brown, Oli-
"but named on pl. 6, fig. 1, Mya erodona"). gocene, Germany).
Dall (1898, p. 836) gives a reference to HARLEA GRAY, 1842
Daudin's work as "Mem. Moll. Vers. et Hariea GRAY, 1842, Synopsis of the contents of
Zooph.? 1800," while Fischer (1887, p. 1123) the British Museum, 44th ed., p. 78.
gives the name as "Erodona Daudin in Bosc,
1802," and Neave (1939, p. 289) states In the forty-fourth edition of the "Synopsis
"Erodona (Daudin MS.) Bosc, 1802." I have of the contents of the British Museum," Gray
been unable to locate a copy of Daudin's proposes three names: Harlea, Raleta, and
work, so give it as above. Tomala, giving a brief diagnosis of each, but
I am quite uncertain as to the systematic not designating types or assigning any species
position of this group, which has long been to them. Later, in his famous "List of the
included in the Corbulidae. The hinge of the genera of recent Mollusca, their synonyma
right valve is very similar to that of Spheni- and types" (1847, p. 192) he indicates, as
opsis Sandberger, 1863 (type species of the type of each, "Corbula, n. sp." All three are,
family Spheniopsidae), and consists of two therefore, nomina nuda. (See Iredale, 1913,
thin cardinals which border a prominent, tri- pp. 294-309.)
angular, resiliar pit.1 But in the latter genus OSTOMYA CONRAD, 1874
the left valve lacks a hinge plate and is Himella H. ADAMS, 1860, Proc. Zool. Soc. Lon-
edentulous except for margined grooves don, vol. 28, p. 203.
which receive the cardinal lamellae of the Not Himella Dallas, 1852, List of the...
right valve, the resilium being received under hemipterous insects in the . . . British Museum,
the beaks. In Erodona, there is a well-defined, vol. 2, pp. 379, 404 (Hemiptera).
projecting chondrophore which is, however, Not Himella Grote, 1874, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
broader and heavier than that in most Philadelphia, for 1874, p. 200 (Lepidoptera).
Corbulidae. Ostomya CONRAD, 1874, Proc. Acad. Nat. Sci.
Although this group is somewhat inter- Philadelphia, for 1874, p. 30.
mediate in character between the Corbulidae Anticorbula DALL, 1898, Trans. Wagner Free
and the Spheniopsidae, I do not believe that Inst. Sci., vol. 3, pt. 4, p. 839 (new name for
it is to be referred to the former family. The Himella H. Adams, 1860, not Dallas, 1854).
Guianadesma MORRISON, 1943, Nautilus, vol.
members of this genus are confined to the 57, no. 2, p. 49.
fresh and brackish waters of South American
late Tertiary and Recent faunas. It may well TYPE SPECIES (BY MONOTYPY): Ostomya
be that careful studies will result in their papyria Conrad. Pebas beds, Pliocene, upper
being allocated to a separate family, and that Amazon River.
their apparent relationship to both of the It is difficult to understand Dall's reference
above families will be held to be superficial. of this group to the Corbulidae, for, aside
from the possession of an internal ligament,
it seems to differ entirely from this group.
Morrison considered that his genus Guiana-
Grippina DALL, 1912, Nautilus, vol. 25, p. 128. desma (type, by original designation, G. sinu-
TYPE (BY ORIGINAL DESIGNATION): Grip- osum Morrison) was probably to be inter-
pina californica Dall. preted as a rather aberrant member of the
Lyonsiidae. It is quite possible that he is
1 Dall (1898, p. 839) considers that these are not correct in this interpretation. There can be
cardinal teeth, even though there are sockets in the left no doubt that Guianadesma sinuosum and
valve for their reception. He interprets them as the
turned-up edges of the hinge plate bordering the resilial Ostomya fluviatilus (Adams), the monotype
pit and adds that there is "no well-defined cardinal of Himella and therefore of Anticorbula, are
tooth or laterals." congeneric.
In recent correspondence, Dr. Pilsbry of The hinge of this form is entirely unknown,
the Academy of Natural Sciences of Phila- and its systematic position is, therefore,
delphia, to whom I am indebted for the loan wholly conjectural. Stoliczka (1870, p. xv)
of the specimens of A.fluviatilis studied during considered it to be a synonym of Corbula,
the preparation of this report, stated that he adding, "Except for its thin structure this
believed that Anticorbula is a synonym of shell does not appear to differ from Corbula."
Ostomya Conrad, 1874 (monotype, 0. papy- According to Moore's original description,
ria, from the Pebas Pliocene of the upper however, it is widely gaping posteriorly, a con-
Amazon River). I have seen no specimens of dition which does not occur among the
0. papyria, but judging from Conrad's Corbulidae, and the writer is, therefore, in-
original description and poor figures that clined to agree with Richardson and Tutcher
interpretation seems quite justified and is (1916, p. 51) in placing it among the Myidae.
accepted here. I have since noted that Pils- RALETA GRAY, 1842
bry and Olsson (1935, p. 21) have referred
"Himella" fluviatilis to Ostomya. Raleta GRAY, 1842, Synopsis of the contents of
the British Museum, 44th ed., pp. 78, 91.
POTAMOMYA SOWERBY, 1835 This is a nomen nudum. (See remarks under
Potamomya SOWERBY, 1835, Mineral conchol- Harlea Gray, 1842.)
ogy, systematic index, vols. 1-6, vol. 6, p. 241.
According to Sykes (1906, p. 193), the Taeniodon DUNKER, 1848, Palaeontographica,
"Systematic index" to volumes 1 to 6 of vol. 1, no.4, p. 179, pl. 25, figs. 1-3; PHILLIPI, 1897,
Sowerby's "Mineral conchology" was issued Zeitschr. Deutschen Geol. Gesellsch., vol. 49, no.
August 1, 1835. This antedates the appear- 3, p. 442, pl. 16, fig. 5, 5a-c.
ance of the second volume of the first edition
of the "Conchological manual" (1839, p. 88) TYPE (BY MONOTYPY): Taeniodon ellipticus
in which Potamomya appears as a nomen Dunker. Liassic, Halberstadt, Germany.
nudum, but which is usually given as the This peculiar little genus, which has a
place where the name was originally pro- somewhat tellinoid shell, is characterized by
posed. having an anterior cardinal in the right valve
The species listed in the "Systematic in- that is sharply directed anteriorly, and
dex" as being referred to this genus include with a distinct "cartilege pit" behind the beak
Mya plana Sowerby (1814, pl. 76, fig. 2), in the left valve. Dunker thought that the
Mya subangulata Sowerby (1814, pl. 76, ligament was partly internal, partly external;
fig. 3) which is listed as Mya plana var. sub- Phillipi showed that it was wholly internal.
angulata, and Mya gregaria Sowerby (1822, Stoliczka referred the genus to the Cor-
pI. 363). These species are from marine upper bulidae, apparently as a subgenus of Corbula,
Eocene and Oligocene strata of England, but with the statement (1871, p. 480): "The
seem quite similar to Erodona mactroides genus is evidently closely allied to Corbula,
Bosc, the type of the genus Erodona, of which and still more so to Quenstedtia....." Phillipi
Potamomya is generally considered to be a (1897, p. 442), after a study of additional
synonym. In any event, the genus does not specimens, concludes that the genus is unique
belong in the family Corbulidae as here and not related to any other fossil group. I
interpreted. have not been able to examine any specimens,
and, as the published figures are inadequate
PTEROMYA MOORE, 1861 to permit any conclusions being drawn from
Plate 4, figures 28, 29
them, I follow Phillipi and reject this genus
as a member of the Corbulidae.
Pteromya MOORE, 1861, Quart. Jour. Geol. Soc.
London, vol. 17, p. 505. TEMUCORBULA OLSSON, 1932
TYPE (BY SUBSEQUENT DESIGNATION, Temucorbula OLSSON, 1932, Bull. Amer. Pale-
STOLICZKA, 1870): Pteromya crowcombeia ont., vol. 19, no. 68, p. 244.
Moore. Triassic, Rhaetic, Beer-Crowcombe, This is obviously a typographical error for
England. Tenuicorbula Olsson, 1932.
TOMALA GRAY, 1842 This is a nomen nudum. (See remarks under
Tomala GRAY, 1842, Synopsis of the contents Harlea Gray, 1842.)
of the British Museum, 44th ed., p. 91.

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22-26. 63, pp. 73-293, text figs. 1-28, pls. 1-7,
BRUGUIMRE, J. G. maps A-C..
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tacees a coquilles bivalves. Paris, vol. 1, idae, with descriptions of several British
pp. 85-132, pls. 96-286. Upper Jurassic species, and of a new
G. F. DOLLFUS ser. 10, vol. 3, pp. 569-594, pls. 13, 14.
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1822-1824. Lamarck's genera of shells. Quart. tens adumbrationem oryctognosiae at-
Jour. Sci., Lit., Arts, vol. 14, pp. 64-86, que prodromum faunae et florae Italiae
pls. 3, 4 (October, 1822); pp. 298-322, superioris. Parma and Milan. [Not seen.]
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52, pls. 2, 3 (April, 1823); pp. 216-258, 1898. Contributions to the Tertiary fauna of
pls. 7, 8 (July, 1823); vol. 16, pp. 49-79, Florida, with especial reference to the
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Philadelphia, ser. 2, vol. 1, pp. 111-134, dant les ann6es 1840, 1841, 1842. Paris,
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1866. On the Tertiary Mollusca of Jamaica. MEEK, FIELDING BRADFORD, AND FERDINAND
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HAMLIN, CHARLES E. of fossils, collected by Dr. F. V. Hayden
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D-L. London, Zoological Society, pp. 1- Aufstellung, Behandlung und Aufbe-
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1836. Recherches sur les coquilles fossiles de lich der Conchylien-Sammlungen, nebst
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1844. Description des coquilles et des poly- Vergleichung der sechs besten und neu-
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de Belgique, vol. 17, pp. 1-675; atlas, bekannten Conchylien angehange ist,
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