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-Crea una descripción del pueblo o ciudad donde

-Ser capaz de dar una imagen de palabras de su casa
o una habitación específica en ella.
-Utilice el idioma inglés para proporcionar o
solicitar una dirección.
Yo vivo en san pedro sula la capital industrial de honduras ya que aquí están situadas las
empresas más importantes que son la generadora de empleo del país, En la ciudad puede
tomar un tour que parte del Parque Central, visitando la Iglesia Catedral en honor a San
Pedro Apóstol, y a corta distancia la Plaza Típica, donde encontrará comidas típicas y
artesanías, y el cercano Museo de Antropología. La ciudad también cuenta con un teatro
maravilloso, donde se puede disfrutar del talento nacional e internacional. Su vida nocturna
ofrece algo para todos los gustos y paladares.
 Create a description of the town or city where you live.
R// I live in San Pedro Sula, the industrial capital of Honduras, Also the most
important companies that are the generator of employment in the country are
located here. In the city you can take a tour starting in the Central Park, visiting
the Cathedral Church in honor of Saint Peter Apostol, and a short distance from
the downtown, where you will find typical food and crafts, and the nearby Museum
of Anthropology. The city also has a wonderful theater, where you can enjoy
national and international talent. Its nightlife offers something for all tastes and

 -Be able to give a word picture of their house or an specific room in it.

R// My bedroom is not very big. It has a low ceiling, pink walls and a small
window at the back, I have a wardrobe next to the window. There is also a double
bed, a very old desk, and a light blue bedside table. My desk is always neat and
tidy. I have a printer next to my desk lamp, but I keep everything else in the

 -Use the English language to provide or ask for an address.

R// to get to my home you must take the morazon boulevard and from
the continental packinghouse turn right until you reach some yellow bars
then turn left to report with the security officer "Andalucia ", then you
continue straight and turn right in the fourth passage. i same side you
find my home between a blue house and a white

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