Police Intelligence and Secret Service

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According to Government - Commission Task Force - It means the collection, processing,
collation, interpretation, evaluation and dissemination of information, with references to national
security. In certain context, it may also mean the network or the system for the collection,
collation, interpretation, evaluation, processing, and dissemination of information. “The term as
used here doesn’t include any police powers or authorities, any investigative function other than
those involve in the collection of information nor any function involved in the enforcement of
laws, orders, or regulation.
According to Military Terminologies - Intelligence is the end product resulting from the collection,
evaluation, analysis, integration and interpretation of all available information which my have
immediate or potential significance to the development and execution of plans, policies and
programs of the users.
According to Police Parlance - The end product resulting from the collection, evaluation,
analysis, integration and interpretation of al available information regarding the activities of
criminal and other law violators for the purpose of affecting criminals and other law violators for
the purpose of affecting their arrest, obtaining evidence, and forestalling plan to commit crime.
Functions of Intelligence in General
Today all counties have their intelligence services. They maybe different in their organization,
efficiency and method but they all have the basic functions such as:
the collection or procurement of information
the evaluation of the information which then become intelligence
the dissemination of intelligence to those who need it.
counter intelligence or negative intelligence, which is dedicated to the concealment and
protection of one’s own information from the adversary intelligence operation. It is a defensive
function of intelligence.
a. Universality of application - it should apply to as many phases and aspects of intelligence as
possible. It should guide not only the production of intelligence but also the concomitant
activities essential to the process as well as the organization and the thought and actions of the
individual composing it.
b. It must be broad - it should form the basis for a formulation of corollary and subsidiary guides.
c. It must be important, indeed essential, to intelligence- if a guide is truly important and
essential, then its violations should bring its own immediate penalties.
a. There exists an essential unity between knowledge and action; that knowledge enhances the
effectiveness of action – and minimizes the chances of error.
b. “The knowledge requirements of decision-making are complex and beyond the capacities of
anyone necessary to meet there requirements.”
1. Objectivity - in intelligence, only the well guided succeed. It is a basic intelligence concept
that there must be unity between knowledge and action. It follows therefore that intelligence
should interact and condition the decision. Intelligence must be adapted to the needs of the
decision; it is both giver and taker. Action or decision is planned by knowledge and guided by it
at every step.
2. Interdependence - Intelligence is artificially subdivided into component elements to insure
complete coverage, eliminate duplication and to reduce the overall task or manageable sizes.
Nevertheless, each subdivision remains as essential part of unity; contributes proportionately to
the end result; possesses a precise interrelationship; and interacts with each other so as to
achieve a balanced and harmonious whole.
3. Continuity - Intelligence must be continuous. It is necessary that coverage be continuous so
that the shape of what happens today could be studied in the light of what happened before,
which in turn would enable us to predict the shape of things to come.
4. Communication - Intelligence adequate to their needs must be communicated to all the
decision makers in manner that they will understand and form that will permit its most effective
5. Usefulness - Intelligence is useless if it remains in the minds, or in the files of its collectors or
its producers. The story must be told and it must be told well. The story must be convincing and
to be convincing it must not only be plausible or factual but its significance must be shown.
6. Selection - Intelligence should be essential and pertinent to the purpose at hand. Intelligence
involves the plowing through a maze of information, considering innumerable number of means
or of picking the most promising of a multitude of leads. The requirement of decision-making
covers very nearly the entire span of human knowledge. Unless there is selection of only the
most essential and the pertinent, intelligence will go off in all directions in one monumental
waste of effort.
7. Timeliness - Intelligence must be communicated to the decision maker at the appropriate time
to permit its most effective use. This is one of the most important and most obvious, for
Intelligence that is too soon or too late are equally useless. Timeliness is one principle that
complements all the others.
8. Security - Security is achieved by the measures which intelligence takes to protect and
preserve the integrity of its activities. If intelligence has no security, it might be as well being run
like a newspaper to which it is similar.
General Activities in Police Intelligence
1. Strategic Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity which is primarily long range in nature with
little practical immediate operation value.
2. Line Intelligence – it is an intelligence activity that has the immediate nature and value
necessary for more effective police planning and operation.
3. National Intelligence - it is the integrated product of intelligence developed by all the
governmental branches, departments concerning the broad aspect of national security and
policy. It is concerned to more than one department or agency and it is not produced by single
entity. It is used to coordinate all the activities of the government in developing and executing
integrated and national policies and plans.
4. Counter-Intelligence – phase of intelligence covering the activity devoted in destroying the
effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of info against espionage,
subversion and sabotage.
5. Undercover Work – is an investigative process in which disguises and pretext cover and
deception are used to gain the confidence of criminal suspects for the purpose of determining
the nature and extent of any criminal activities that maybe contemplating or perpetuating.
Functional Classification of Police Intelligence
1. Criminal Intelligence – refers to the knowledge essential to the prevention of crimes and the
investigation, arrest, and prosecution of criminal offenders.
2. Internal Security Intelligence – refers to the knowledge essential to the maintenance of peace
and order.
3. Public Safety Intelligence – refers to the knowledge essential to ensure the protection of lives
and properties.
Forms of Intelligence
1. Sociological Intelligence – deals with the demographic and psychological aspects of groups
of people. It includes the population and manpower and the characteristics of the people, public
opinion – attitude of the majority of the people towards matter of public policy and education.
2. Biographical Intelligence – deals with individual’s personalities who have actual possession of
3. Armed Force Intelligence – deals with the armed forces of the nation. It includes the position
of the armed forces, the constitutional and legal basis of its creation and actual role, the
organizational structure and territorial disposition, and the military manpower recruitment and
Order of Battle
4. Geographical Intelligence – deals with the progress of research and development as it affects
the economic and military potential of a nation.
A. Strategic Intelligence – as defined earlier, it is an intelligence data that are not of an
immediate value. It is usually descriptive in nature, accumulation of physical description of
personalities, modus operandi. It does not have immediate operational value but rather long
range that may become relevant to future police operations.
B. Line Intelligence – It is the kind of intelligence required by the commander to provide for
planning and conduct tactical and administrative operation in counter insurgency. This pertains
to knowledge of People, Weather, Enemy and Terrain (PWET) used in planning and conducting
tactical and administrative operation in a counter insurgency.
Intelligence information to be determined in Line Intelligence are:
People - living condition of the people, sources of income, education of the people, government
livelihood projects, extent of enemy influence to the people
Weather – visibility, cloudy, temperature, precipitation (rain), wind
Enemy - location of the enemy, strength of the enemy, disposition, tactical capability, enemy
Terrain - relief and drainage system, vegetation, surface material, man made features. There
are military aspects of terrain which includes cover and concealment, obstacle, critical key
terrain features, observation and fields of fire, and avenues of approach.
C. Counter Intelligence (CI) - this kind of intelligence covers the activity devoted in destroying
the effectiveness of hostile foreign activities and to the protection of info against espionage,
subversion and sabotage. Hence, the three activities of CI are: protection of information against
espionage; protection of personnel against subversion; and protection of installations and
material against sabotage.
Counter Intelligence is also known as Negative Intelligence - a generic term meaning three
different things;
Security Intelligence – means that the total sum of efforts to counsel the national policies,
diplomatic decisions, military data, and any other information of a secret nature affecting the
security of the nation form unauthorized persons. It is an effort to deny information to
unauthorized persons by restricting to those who are explicitly authorized to possess it.
Counter-Intelligence - counter intelligence is the organized effort to protect specific data that
might be of value to the opponent’s own intelligence organization. Some of its functions are:
Censorship – of the following: correspondence, broadcast, telecast, telephone conversations,
telegrams and cables, etc., prevention of the dissemination of any information that might aid an
opponent; maintenance of files of suspect; surveillance of suspects; mail reading, wire tapping
and recording; infiltration of the enemy intelligence organized to procure information about its
method, personal, specific operations and interest.
Counter-Espionage - In counter-espionage, negative intelligence becomes a dynamic and active
effort. Its purpose is to investigate actual or theoretical violation of espionage laws, to enforce
those laws and to apprehend any violators.
Five Categories of CI Operation
1. Military Security – it encompasses the measures taken by a command to protect itself against
espionage, enemy operation, sabotage, subversion or surprise.
2. Port Frontier and Travel Security – has to do with the application of both military and civil
security measures for CI control at point of entry and departure, international borders or
3. Civil Security – it encompasses active and passive CI measures affecting the non-military
nationals permanently or temporarily residing in an area under military jurisdiction.
4. Censorship – it is the control and examination of the civil, national, armed forces, field press,
and POWs.
5. Special Operations – counter subversion, sabotage and espionage
Counter Intelligence (CI) Operation
1. Counter Human Intel (HUMINT) – seeks to overcome enemy attempts to use human sources
to collect information or to conduct sabotage and subversion which includes CI special
operations, liaison, counter security, and CI screening.
2. Counter Imagery Intel (IMINT) - includes action taken to determine enemy SIGINT and
related enemy weaknesses, capabilities and activities. These actions include surveillance radar,
photo thermal and infrared systems. Successful counter – IMINT operations rely heavily on
pattern and movement analysis and evaluation of the enemy.
3. Counter Signal Intel (SIGINT) – determine enemy SIGINT and related enemy weaknesses,
capabilities and activities, assess friendly operations to identify patterns, profiles and develop,
recommend and analyze counter measures.
The single most important part of intelligence activity is the understanding the intelligence cycle
because MISSION, which is the core of the cycle, serves as the foundation of all intelligence
operations. Every operative must therefore place into mind the following phases of the cycle:
PHASE 1 - Planning the Collection Effort
This phase of the cycle involve the determination of the requirements of intelligence. It is
concerned with identifying the so called Essential Element of Information (EEI) - an item of
intelligence or information of the characteristics of the area of operations and the enemy, which
the commander feels he needs before he needs before he can reasonably arrive at a decision.
With this, the intelligence officer must have a thorough knowledge of the available sources of
information, the collecting agencies and type of info the latter can provide. He must understand
the operations of the command in order to provide the particular Intel required for success. He
must have a thorough knowledge of the tactics, organizations, and characteristics of the enemy
and be especially competent in the fields of acquisition of operations.
Categories of Intelligence Requirements
In relation to use
a. Executive – are those information required by executive, governmental and military
commanders; the executive requirements are the basis for decisions and national policy
b. Contributory – information required to complete the staff process – make staff plans and
estimates that contribute to the decision and policy making.
c. Operational – additional intelligence required in planning and carrying out effectively the
decision or policy announced. Decisions and policy require implementation.
d. Collateral – higher or adjacent echelons of the government or military establishment may
require info.
In relation to type
a. Basic – are general reference materials for use in the planning regarding the enemies, area
of operations, capabilities – static comprehensive.
b. Current – are information which are temporary in nature and narrower in scope.
c. Estimative – are those that determine the future courses of action; required by the executives
to plan future military operations and policies.
PHASE 2 - Collection of information
This phase of the cycle is concerned with identification of the collecting agency, the formulation
of procedures on the manner of collecting the information in conjunction with the plans as
achieved in phase one.
Selection of Collecting Agencies
a. List all available sources; exploit the collecting agencies.
b. Collection will be assigned in accordance with capabilities;
c. Collection directives prepared once the proper collecting agency has been selected to exploit
a particular source;
d. Collection directives do not limit the activities of the collecting agency;
e. Criteria for the selection of collecting agency; suitability, capability, confirmation, timeliness
and balance.
Purpose of the Collection Plan
a. To insure logical and orderly analysis of the intelligence requirements.
b. To establish a workable collection scheme based on the analysis of the intelligence
c. To provide definite and precise directives to collecting agencies.
d. To avoid possibility of omission, conflict or unnecessary duplication of collection effort.
Steps in Developing a Collection Plan
a. List the requirements in the order of priority
b. Break the requirements into indication – any evidence of actual or potential enemy activity or
characteristic of an area of operation enemy activity or characteristic of an area of operation,
habitual activities – need experience.
c. Fit those indications into existing situations – critical clues, security measures, attack,
defense, etc.
d. Basis for development for specific collection directive - designed to exploit to the fullest the
collection directive; guide doesn’t limit.
e. Selection of Collecting Agencies – criteria for selection – suitability, capability, confirmation,
timeliness and balance. Designation of particular time and place that the required information is
to be reported.
Factors in choosing Collection Agent
In choosing collection agents, they must be selected according to their capability – agents
placements or access to the target; multiplicity – more agents; and balance ¬– the number of
agents needed per operation.
a. Methods of Collection – collection of information can be done through overt method (open
system) or covert method (secret/clandestine).
b. Collecting Agencies – depending on the type of operation, the collecting agency could be
Government Agencies, Intelligence units, or Organizations
c. Trade Crafts – includes the use of photography, investigations / elicitation / interrogation,
surveillance, sound equipment, surreptitious entry – keys and locks, use of an artist,
PHASE 3 - Processing the Collected Information
This phase of the cycle is concerned with the examination and collation of all collected
Steps in Processing Raw Information
1. Collection – organization of raw data and information into usable form; grouping similar items
of information so that they will be readily accessible.
2. Recording – is the reduction of info into writing or some other form of graphical representation
and the arranging or this info into writing or some form of graphical representation and the
arranging of this into groups of related items.
Police log book and Journal
Intel-work Sheet - Intel Files
Situation Maps - Rouges Gallery
Modus Operandi Files
3. Evaluation – examination of raw information to determine intelligence value, pertinence of the
information, reliability of the source and agency, and its credibility or truth of information.
Evaluation is the determination of the pertinence of the info to the operation, reliability of the
source of or agency and the accuracy of the info. Evaluation determines the following:
Pertinence - does it hold some value to current operation? Is it needed immediately?
Reliability – judging the source of info of agency
Credibility – truth of info. Is it possible for the reported fact or event to have taken place? Is the
report consistent within itself? Is the report confirmed or corroborated by info from different
sources or agencies? If the report does not agree with info from other sources which one is
more likely to be true?
The Evaluation Guide
1- CONFIRMED by other sources A- COMPLETE RELIABLE T- Direct Observation by
Comdr/Chf of Unit
2- PROBABLY TRUE B- USUALLY RELIABLE U- Report by DPA or Resident Agent
4- DOUBTFULLY TRUE D- NOT USUALLY RELIABLE W- Interrogation of Captured Enemy
5- IMPROBABLE E- UNRELIABLE X- Observation of gov’t/civilian employee
6- TRUTH can not be judged F- REALIBILITY cannot be judged Y/Z- Documentary
4. Interpretation – it is establishing the meaning and significance of the information. It involves
the following activities:
Analysis – shifting and isolating those elements that have significance in light of the mission or
national objective.
Integration – combining the elements isolated in analysis and known information to form a
logical picture or theory.
Deduction – the formulation of conclusions from the theory developed, tested and considered
valid – determination of effort and meaning of the information.
PHASE 4 - Dissemination and Use of Information
This phase of the cycle refers to the activities of transferring the processed information to the
proper users, most particularly the authority that requires the activity. Processed information can
be disseminated through annexes, estimates, briefing, message, reports, overlays, and or
The criteria that must be observed in dissemination are:
1. Timeless – must reach the users on time to be of value. It must be disseminated in
accordance with the urgency and must reach the user in sufficient time to be use.
2. Propriety – the message must be clear, concise and complete, as well as in the proper form
for the receiver to readily understand its contents. It must be disseminated to the correct user,
presented in a form that lends itself to immediate use and distributed by the most effective
means appropriate to both time and security requirements.
Methods of Dissemination
1. Fragmentary orders from top to bottom of the command
2. Memorandum, circulars, special orders
3. Operations order, oral or written
4. Conference – staff members
5. Other report and intelligence documents
6. Personal Contact
Who are the users of intelligence?
1. National leaders and military commanders – formulation of national policies.
2. Advisors and Staff – preparations of plans and estimates
3. Friendly nations or other branches of the armed forces.
4. Processor – basis for evaluation and interpretation.
5. Head / chairman of an organization
6. Any person with authority for purposes of planning.
Information refers to all evaluated materials of every description including those derived from
observation, reports, rumors, imagery, and other sources from which intelligence in produced.
Information is a communicated knowledge by others obtaining by personal study, investigation,
research, analysis, observation.
Two General classifications of sources of information:
1. Open Sources – 99% of the information collected are coming from open sources.
2. Close Sources – 1% of information are collected from close sources.
Overt Intelligence – is the gathering of information or documents procured openly without regard
as to whether the subject or target become knowledgeable of the purpose
Open Sources: Includes information taken from
Enemy activity
POW and Civilians
Captured documents
Map - Weather, forecast, studies, report - Agencies
Covert Intelligence – is the secret procurement of information, which is obtained without the
knowledge of the person or persons safeguarding vital intelligence interest.
Close Sources: Include information which maybe taken through:
Casing and
Surreptitious entry
Employment of technical means (Bugging and Tapping device)
Tactical Interrogation - Observation and Description (ODEX)
Informant Net – It is a controlled group of people who worked through the direction of the agent
handler. The informants, principal or cutouts supply the agent handler directly or indirectly with
Intel information
Informants (Asset) – people selected as sources of information, which could be voluntary, or in
consideration of a price.
Informant – refers to a person who gives information to the police voluntarily or involuntarily
with out any consideration
Informer – those who give information to the police for price or reward
Types of Informants
1. Criminal Informant – an informant who give information to the police pertaining to the
underworld about organized criminals with the understanding that his identity will be protected
2. Confidential Informant – is similar to the former but he gives information violate of the law to
includes crimes and criminals
3. Voluntary Informant – a type of informant who give information freely and willfully as a
witness to a certain act
4. Special Informant – those who gives information concerning specialized cases only and it is
regarded a special treatment by the operatives (ex. teachers, businessmen)
5. Anonymous Informant – those who gives information through telephone with the hope that
the informant can not be identified
Sub-type of Informant
1. Incidental Informant – a person who casually imparts information to an officer with no
intention of providing subsequent information
2. Recruited Informant – A person who is selected cultivated and developed into a continuous
source of info
Categories of Recruited Informants:
1. Spontaneous or Automatic Informant – Informants who by the nature of their work or position
in society have a certain legal, moral or ethical responsibilities to report info to the police
2. Ordinary (out-of-their-will) Informants – Informants that are under the compulsion to report
info to the police
3. Special Employee – informants who are of a specific operational nature
Other Classification of Informant
Other terms related to people who gives information are Automatic Informant, Penetrating Agent
, Infiltrating Agent , Full time Informant , Rival – Elimination Informant, False Informant,
Frightened Informant, Self- aggrandizing Informant, Mercenary Informant , Double Crosser
Informant , Woman Informant , Legitimate Informant.
Common Motives of Informants
People give information to the police due to various reasons. Their motives include reward,
revenge, fear and avoidance of punishment, friendship, patriotism, vanity, civic-mindedness,
repentance, competition, and other motives.
1. Selection – it is particularly desirable to be able to identity and recruit an informant who has
access to many criminal in-group or subversive organization. Wide access is probably the single
most important feature in the consideration of recruiting the potential informant
2. Investigation – the investigation of the potential informants that has tentatively identified as a
“probable” must be as thorough as possible. It must establish possible existing motives as to
this person might assist the police Intel community. Failure to do so will deny this office who
must perform the approach and persuasion phase with little more that a guess. If necessary,
conduct complete background investigation (CBI)
3. Approach – approach must be done in a setting from which might include pleasant
surroundings, perhaps a confidential apartment, completely free form any probability of
compromise, preferably in an adjacent city or a remote area foreign to the informants living
4. Testing – the testing program should begin, of course, with the limited assignment, with a
gradual integration into the more important areas. The occasional testing of an informant should
continue through the entire affiliation
Intelligence Operations is the result of intelligence planning, planning is always ahead of
operation although an operation can be made without a plan, it is usually due to sudden and
inevitable situations but definitely this is poor intelligence management.
The 14Operational Cycles
1. Mission and Target –
a. Infiltration – the insertion of action agent inside the target organization
b. Penetration – recruitment of action agent inside the target organization
2. Planning
3. Spotting
4. Partial Background Investigation (PBI) or Complete Background Investigation
5. Recruitment - the only qualification of an agent is to have an access to the target
6. Training
7. Briefing
8. Dispatch
9. Communication - technical method like telephone/radio, non-technical method like personal
meeting, live drop or dead drop
10. Debriefing
11. Payments – depends upon the motivation of informant
a. Regulatory - pay no bonuses
b. Supplemental - income that is enough to ease his financial worries
12. Disposition – involve activity on rerouting, retraining, retesting, termination
13. Reporting
14. Operational Testing
1. Cover - the means by which an individual group of organization conceals the true nature of its
acts and or existence from the observer.
2. Cover story – a biographical data through fictional that will portray the personality of the agent
he assumed, a scenario to cover up the operation
3. Cover Support – an agent assigned in target areas with the primary mission of supporting the
cover story.
Types of Cover
1. Natural Cover – using actual or true background
2. Artificial – using biographical data adopted for the purpose
3. Cover with in a Cover – justification of existence
4. Multiple Cover – any cover you wish.
Organizational Cover – is an account consisting of biographical which when adopted by an
individual will assume the personality he wants to adopt
Undercover Assignment – is an investigative technique in which agent conceal his official
identity an obtain information from that organization
Special qualifications include knowledge of the language, area background regarding events,
knowledge about the custom and habits, physical appearance, and must be an artist.
Factors considered in Selecting Cover Story
1. Mutual Point of Interest
2. Justification of presents
3. Previous and permanent address
4. Efficiency of role and freedom from the movement
5. Means of communication
6. Social and financial status
7. Optional alternate plan
8. Safe departure
Selecting Action Agents
1. Placement – location of prospective agent with respect to the target
2. Access – it is the capability of a prospective agent to obtain the desired info for the Intel
organization or to perform to Intel collection mission in the area.
Primary Access – it is the access to the desired info
Secondary Access – it is the access to the desired info through a principal source where the
latter has the direct access
Outside Access – the agent is employed outside the target and merely monitor info from a third
person who is monitoring info n the area
CONTROL – authority to direct the agent to carryout task or requirement on behalf of the
clandestine organization in an acceptable manner and security
Two Categories of Control
1. Positive Control – is characterized by professionalism and rapport like:
a. Agent motivation
b. Psychological control
2. Negative Control – characterized by threat and it include the following:
a. Disciplinary Action – includes verbal reprimand for poor performance or insecure actions
withholding certain material rewards, reduction of agents salary or in extreme situation the
threat of terminating professional relationship
b. Escrow Account – control of an agent by putting hi salary in a bank to be withdrawn only after
a fulfillment of a condition
c. Blackmail
Surveillance is a form of clandestine investigation which consists of keeping persons, place or
other targets under physical observation in order to obtain evidence or information pertinent to
an investigation. Surveillance of persons is called Tailing or Shadowing, Surveillance of place is
called Casing or Reconnaissance, and Surveillance of other things, events, and activities is
called Roping.
Considerations in Surveillance Planning
Pre-Surveillance Conference – a conference held among the team members, the police
intelligence unit before surveillance is conducted.
Surveillance Plan – a plan established the as required according to type of personnel, and the
general and specific instructions for surveillance.
Area Target Study – refers to the area of operation of surveillance activities.
Surveillant – a person who conducts surveillance with includes only observations.
Stakeout or Plant – is the observation of places or areas from a fixed point.
Tailing or Shadowing – it is the observation of a person’s movement.
Undercover Man – it refers to a person trained to observe and penetrate certain organization
suspected of illegal activities and later reports the observation and information’s that proper
operational action can be made
Liason Program – the assignment of trained intelligence personnel to other agencies in order to
obtain information of police intelligence value. (Agencies like the press, credit agencies, labor
unions, telephone companies)
Safehouse – is a place, building, enclosed mobile, or an apartment, where police undercover
men meet for debriefing or reporting purposes.
Drop – any person is a convenient, secure and unsuspecting place where police undercover
men meet his action agent for debriefing or reporting purposes.
Convoy – an accomplice or associate of the subject used to avoid or elude surveillant.
Decoy – a cover supporting the surveillant who can become a convoy whenever surveillant is
Contact – any persons whom the subject picks or deals with while he is under observation and
identifies the observer.
Made – when subject under surveillance becomes aware that he is under observation and
identifies the observer.
Lost – when the surveillant does not know the whereabouts of his subject or the subject had
eluded the surveillance.
According to Intensity and Sensitivity
1. Discreet –subject person to be watch is unaware that he is under observation
2. Close – subject is aware that he is under observation varied on each occasions
3. Loose – applied frequently or infrequently, period of observation varied on each occasion
According to Methods
1. Stationary – this is observation of place usually a bookie stall, a gambling, joint, a residence
where illegal activities are going on (fixed position)
2. Moving – surveillance follow the subject from the place to place to maintain continuous watch
of his activities
3. Technical – this is a surveillance by the use of communications and electronic hardware’s,
gadgets, system and equipment
Special Equipment (Technical Supports)
1. Camera with telephoto lens
2. Moving Picture camera
3. Binoculars
4. Tape recording apparatus
5. Wire taping device
6. Other instrument – miniaturized one-way radio
Methods available to employ in Surveillance
Ordinarily, the methods are surveillance of place, tailing or shadowing (1-2-3 man shadow),
undercover investigation, special methods includes: wire tapping - concealed microphones -
tape recorder -television - electric gadgets
Essential Requirements and Appearance in Surveillance
In the actual process of operation, the agent is advised to be of general appearance, has no
noticeable peculiarities in appearance. Agent should not wear inconspicuous jewelry or clothing,
nothing about him to attract attention. He must have perseverance and able to wait for hours.
Alertness, resourcefulness, and being versatile and quick-witted are his weapons.
Basic Preparations in Surveillance
1. Study the Subject – name, address, description, family and relatives, associates, character
and temperament, vice, hobbies, education, others
2. Knowledge of the area and terrain – maps, national and religious backgrounds,
transportation, public utilities
3. Subversive Organization - history and background, biography of the official, identity and
background of members and former members, method of identification employed by the
members, files and records, nature, location and accessibility, meeting
4. Cover Story – the scenario must be appropriate to cover up operation and avoidance of
identification of mission.
Counter Surveillance – the conduct of operation is coupled with counter intelligence measures
such as window shopping, use of convoys and decoys, stopping immediately on blind corners,
getting out immediately on public conveyances, retracing, entering mobile housing
Casing is the term use in the police organization while reconnaissance is used in military terms.
Casing or reconnaissance is the surveillance of a building place or area to determine its
suitability for Intel use or its vulnerability in operations. It aids in the planning of an operation by
providing needed information. It assists the agent handler to install confidence in his agent
during briefing phase by being able to speak knowingly about the area of operation. Casing is
also considered a security measure because it offers some degree of protection for those
operating in an area unfamiliar to them.
Method of Casing
1. Personal Reconnaissance – the most effective method and will produced the most info since
you know just what you’re looking for.
2. Map Reconnaissance – it may not sufficient but it can produce a certain amount of usable
3. Research - much info can be acquired through research
4. Prior Information – your unit and of the unit will have file report that they may provide you with
5. Hearsay –info usually gain by the person operating in the area and performing casing job
Observation – a complete and accurate observation by an individual of his surroundings an
encompasses the use of all the major sense to register and recognized its operational or Intel

Psychologist estimate that approximately 85% of our knowledge is gathered through sight, 13%
from sense of hearing and only 2% through the three other senses
Psychological Processes for accurate observation
Attention – consist of he psychological process involve in becoming aware of an existence of
Perception – involved in the understanding this fact of awareness
Report – involved in identifying the name in one own mind and some fact which has been
perceive, narrated and identified
Two Devices in the conduct of Elicitation
Approach – process of setting people to start talking
Probe – to keep the people taking incessantly
Types of Approach
1. Flattery – people are susceptible to praise so use this weakness as a way of approaching the
subject for elicitation.
a. Teacher – Pupil Approach – the subject is treated as an authority then solicit his view point
and opinion on a subject matter.
b. Kindred Soul Approach – the subject is placed in a pedestal having some specialized quality
then flatter him/her by showing enough concern for his/her welfare to pay special attention to his
c. Good Samaritan Approach – is the sincere and valid offers of help and assistance are made
to the subject
d. Partial – disagreement Approach – seek to produce talking by the word “I’m sure if I fully
2. Provocative Approach – discover a wide range of conventional gambits
a. Teaser Bait Approach – the elicitor accumulates the sources of knowledge about a particular
subject to tempt the subject to give his/her views.
b. Manhattan from Missouri Approach – the elicitor adopts an unbelievable attitude above
anything. He questions all statements and oppositions.
c. Joe Blow Approach – is “I” know the answer to everything” approach. The elicitor adopts the
attitude of being approachable of any field.
d. National Pride Approach – nature propensity of al persons to defend their country and its
Types to Probe
1. Competition Probe – this is effective when used in connection with the teacher pupil approach
2. Clarity Probe – used to elicit additional information in an area which the response is clear
3. High Pressure Probe – it serves to point out contradictions in what the subject has said
4. Hypothetical Probe – presents a hypothetical situation and to get he subject to react to the
hypothetical situations
Purposes of Elicitation
1. To acquire info which is unbelievable through other channel
2. To obtain info which although unclassified in not publicity known
3. To provide source of info
4. To assist various individuals
It is a means of using descriptive terms in relation to the personal features of an individual and it
can be briefly described as a world description or a spoken picture. (Anthropometry - no two
human beings has the same body measurement)
Identification Methods
1. Branding and mutilation
2. Parade system with portrait parle
3. Fingerprint method
Several method of acquiring descriptive ability
1. Learns the meaning of the numerous words used in describing the various features of the
2. Study and practice the description of the features, such as the eyes, hair or the nose as hey
appear on several different persons.
3. Learning a definite order of proceeding from one picture to another
Methods of obtaining descriptive information
1. Close observation of the person and accurate recording of the terms describing the features
2. Information describing through interviews of witnesses
3. Examination of observation of photographs and sketches
4. Examination of records
Information needed: Domestic Background, Personal Habit, Business History, Social or
Business Associates, Medical History, Educational Background, Family History
The need for obtaining information of the highest degree of credibility taken on the minimum of
time can be through interrogation which varies and dependent entirely on the situation. In
tactical interrogation, familiarization of the following is necessary:
Interrogation – the systematic asking of questions to elicit information in the minimum of time.
Interrogator - person who does the questioning.
Interrogee – any person who is subjected to the interrogation process in any of its forms and
Suspect – any person believed to be associated with prohibited activity
Source – a person who for any reason submits information of intelligence interest usually on a
voluntary basis
Provocateur – an individual from enemy forces who is deliberately introduce in our custody with
a specific mission of causing some unfavorable action or reaction on our part.
Screening – initial examination of an interrogee to determine the extent of his knowledge of
persons, places, things or events in which we are interested.
Formal Interrogation - the systematic attempt to exploit to an appropriate depth those are of he
interrogee’s knowledge which have been identified in the screening process
Debriefing – the interrogation of a friendly interrogee who has information at the direction of or
under the control of the friendly intelligence service.
Interview – Similar to a debriefing although it is less formal and the interrogee is not necessarily
under the control or employment of he respective intelligence service
Interrogation Report – an oral or written statement of information by the questioning f an
Techniques of Approach – the purpose is to gain the cooperation of the source and induce him
to answer questions which will follows.
1. The “Open Techniques” – the interrogator is open and direct in his approach and makes no
attempts to conceal the purpose of the interrogator. It is best employed when the interrogee is
cooperative. It is frequently used at the tactical level where time is a major interrogator.
2. The “Common Interest” Technique – the interrogator must exert effort to impress the
interrogee of their common interest. The interrogator must look for he point out the real
advantages the interrogee will receive if he cooperates
3. Record File (we know all technique) – the interrogator prepare a file on the source listing all
known information (record should be padded to make it appear to be very extensive). The
information must contain the life history of he interrogee to include his activities and known
associates (Party- bio-data of the interrogee is important). The “we know all” s used in
conjunction with the record file. During the approach, the interrogator may ask the interrogee
about a subject, if he refuses to cooperate, the interrogator may provide the answer in order to
impress him that the interrogator knows him very well (all is known).
4. Exasperation – Techniques (Harassment) – effectively employed against hostile type
interrogee. The interrogator must be alert because the interrogee may fabricate information to
gain relief from irritation (monotype). Subject Interrogee is placed in a longer period of
interrogation without rest or sleep. The interrogator permits the source to go to sleep and
subsequently awaken for another series of questioning (this is done repeatedly). After many
repetitions, the interrogee will be exasperated and will finally cooperate hoping that he can be
allowed to rest or sleep. Ask a question, listen to a reply and then ask the same question
repeatedly (use a tape recorder if possible). The purpose is to bore the interrogee thoroughly
until he begins to answer questions freely to end the harassment.
5. Opposite Personality Technique – also known as “Mutt and Jeff”, “Threat and Rescue”, “Bud
Guy – God Guy’, “Sweet and Sour”, “Sugar and Vinegar”, “Devil and Angel”. Use of two (2)
interrogators playing opposite roles.
6. Egotist Techniques (Pride and Ego) – usually successful when employed against an
interrogee who has displayed a weakness or a feeling of insecurity. You may reverse the
technique by complimenting the interrogee in hopes of getting him to admit certain information
to gain credit. Described him as the best person, superior or comrade.
7. “Silent” Technique – employed against nervous or the confident type of interrogee. Look out
the interrogee squarely in the eye with sarcastic smile (force him to break eye contact first). He
may ask questions but the interrogator must not answer. Patience is needed until the
interrogator is ready to break silence.
8. “Question Barrage” Technique (Rapid Fire Questioning) – intended to confuse the interrogee
and put him into a defensive position. The interrogee become frustrated and confused, he will
likely reveal more than he intended, thus creating opening for further questioning.
Understanding National Security
National Interest - Each nation, regardless of creed or form, has their national interest to protect
and to advance. For national interests, people would willingly go to war to succeed of perish.
What then is national interest? National interest has been defined in many ways. But for our
purposes, we take the context of national interest to mean the general and continuing end for
which a nation acts. The term “national interest” is used to refer to the general concept of
national security and well-being. National are what the decision-making body in government
determines which beliefs, matters or dictates of conscience are important to the maintenance of
the nation. To secure or support national interest, certain objectives may be set by a nation.
And what are the Philippines national interests? Invariably, our national interest includes self-
preservation, freedom and independence, territorial integrity, political stability, and socio-
economic welfare. National Principles and Polices - From our national interests, national
principles and polices are derived. These are:
a. That our country shall be a Republican State
b. That the defense of the state shall be the concern of all citizens.
c. That we, as a people, renounce war to further our national interests.
d. That our government shall promote social justice.
e. That as a matter of concept, civilian authority is supreme at all times over the military. This
concept is actualized when the President assumes at the same time the position of the
Commander-in-Chief of the AFP.
National Strategy - In furtherance of our national principles and polices, the leaders of our nation
are then able to formulate our strategy.
National Power - How may a nation measures ones power? The elements of national power are
numerical strengths and character of population, cultural development and character of
government, geographical location, resources, economic development and military potential.
The degree to which a nation is strong or deficient in these elements is normally a measure of
its national power.
The components of National Power are: Political Strength, Economic Strength, Cultural
Strength, and Military Strength. Political strength stems from the character of the people and
from the type and stability of the government and the soundness of its foreign policy. Economic
strength stems from a combination of factor such as geographic location, climatic conditions,
supply of natural resources, industrial capacity, internal and external communication systems,
international trade, and the size, health and technical competence of the population. Cultural
strength stems from the national unity, the social and moral fiber of the people and the things
they believe in, and from the nature and vigor of national institutions-political, social, religious,
educational, scientific and cultural. Military strength is the ability of a nation to exert pressure by
armed force in furtherance of national policy. It consists of the strength of all the armed forces in
combination with other elements of national power, depending heavily on natural resources,
economic strength, a broad base of war industries and a vigorous population, military strength is
influenced by the number and quality of the nation’s military, economic, and political alliances.

Cdt:Mr.Seso 😉

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