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Done by Russayev Timur

Stage 2

Part G
Pro’s Con’s
General availability of solar energy. Expensive cost of solar batteries.
Favourable capital investment for many years forward. There are no experts working in the field of solar
Ecologically more purely any of kinds of energy
accessible to the person.
Energy of the sun is inexhaustible and free

Part H

Topic: Solar energy. Use of alternative energy.

• Topic Sentence: Presumes to begin us of solar batteries, despite their expensive cost.

• Background Information: Solar energy carrier is radiation. It consists of visible light beams and invisible ultra-
violet and infra-red radiation.

• Thesis Statement: The sun is a basic energy source on the earth. Energy of the sun not only is inexhaustible and
free, but also is ecologically purer than any of kinds of energy accessible to the person.

Topic Sentence: General availability of solar energy.

Supporting Details

1. All corners of the earth receive solar energy. The quantity of this energy received daily, depends on a
geographical position and environmental conditions, but its practical use is possible everywhere.

Paragraph 2

Topic Sentence: Simple development of the electric power.

Supporting Details

1. That the electricity arrived in the socket it is necessary to extract coal or oil, to take them to power station, to burn
air oxygen, to receive steam, to pass it through the steam turbine to electrogenerators, a tax through the transformer
in a high-voltage transmission line in consumption areas, through transformers to lower pressure of a current to
household 220 In, frequency of 50 Hz, to direct to houses on wires or cables, to pass through the counter of energy
and only then to bring to sockets and switches. On all this long way of transfer of an electricity it is lost to half of the
energy developed by power station which in turn loses more half of energy of fuel.

Done by Russayev Timur
• Topic Sentence: It follows from this that the solar power is very actual for development in our
Part I

Part J
Continue the search:
 International Scientific Journal for Alternative Energy and Ecology

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