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25 September 2020 10:03 AM

口试 ( 0ral () 50 Marks { 五十分} ) ( 10 Min preparation )

朗读 ( read aloud ) ( 10 Marks { 十分 } ) :

Passage has been given on Google Classroom ; either one of the

passages will be tested . HanYuPinYin will be given , however on the
day of examination , NO HanYuPinYin will be given .

Use 3 Min for 朗读 ( Read aloud ) ; Passage MUST be read clearly , all 6
Passages must be read for more than 5 times in preparation for exam .

会话 ( Conversation ) ( 40 Marks { 四十分} ) :

Use 7 minutes to watch video , MUST watch AT LEAST 4 times , while

watching video , MUST capture ( 主题 ) ( Theme ) , ( 注意旁白 )
( voiceover ) ( 注意画面 ) ( scene ) , 找出 ( find ) 六合法 ,
( 5W1H ) ( who , where , when , what , why , how ) , 动作 ( actions ) ,
表情 ( emotions )

个人看法 ( Personal Opinion ) :

你喜欢。。。吗 ? 有什么感受 ?/ 请举出 一/二/三 个 例子

( Do you like … ? What do you feel about it ? Please give 1/2/3
examples )

Or any Personal opinion Question , Must Ans based on Personal

Experience , Must make sense

P EX + EL L ( 原因 ,例子【录像短片+个人经验】, 解释 , 联系回论

建议类 ( Suggestions ) :
- 如何 。。。 ?( How ? )
- 应该如何 。。。 ?( What ? )
- 我们应该。。。,因为。。。( We should … , because / as .. )

分折类 ( Why ) :
- 为什么 。。。?( Why … ? )

原因 ,例子 ,解释 ,联系回论点 ( P EX EL L ) 两个到三个原因 ( 2

to 3 reason )

个人经验分享类 ( Sharing of Personal experience ) :

你曾经参与过类似的活动吗 ? ( Have you had any similar activities

like that in the past ? ) :
- 有什么感受 ?( feelings )
- 我曾经参与过类似的活动 。。。( 提供细节 )。能参
与。。。这个活动 , 我觉得 。。。 因为这个活动对我的帮
助很多,让我学会了 。。。 ( I had partcipated in similar
activities in the past … ( Provide details ) Being able to participate
in that activity , makes me feel … as this activity has contributed
in helping me a lot , has taught me … )

分享个人经验最好真实 ( sharing of personal experience best to be

realistic ) :
- 有说服力 ( persuasive ) / 如果没有经验 ,尽量诚实跟考官说
没有参加过 ,然后 讨论朋友的经验:但是我的朋友曾经参
加过 。/ 虽然我没有参加过 , 但是我觉得 。。。( If did not
participate before , tell the examiner honestly that you did not
participate before , after that , share your friend’s personal
experience ; but my friend / I know of a friend which participated
in similar kinds of activities before / Even though I didn’t
participate before , but I feel that … )

口试范围 :
- 学校
- 家庭

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