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Polyclinic ERP Modules and Dashboards

This module provides you with following features

 Health Center Management

 Hospital Buildings Management

 Wards management

 Bed Management

 Operation Room

 Apothecary

 Domiciliary Units

 Patient - OutPatient Admissions

 Patient - InPatient Admissions

 Vaccines

 Call Logs

 Physicians & Appointments

 Physicians Management

 Appointments

 Prescriptions

 Evaluations

 Pediatrics

 Newborns

 Surgeries

 Insurances

 Laboratory

 Lab Tests

 Imaging

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 Imaging Tests

 Configuration

 Physicians

 Specialties

 Degrees

 Laboratory

 Pathology

 Diseases

 Disease Categories

 Health & Products

 Medicines

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Let’s have a look at the screenshot of the Module :

After installation of the module you can see Hospital management main menu which has been
created in Odoo. Below is the image of Healthcare centers that you can manage in Odoo ERP

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You can click on create button to add more healthcare centers

Form for adding new healthcare center (Fields are further customizable as required)

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Managing hospital buildings

Creating wards – you can add all the detailed information from building name number, and the
facilities available in that particular ward.

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Bed management – We have detailed every single aspects where you can management beds for
the patient, including the status for the bed such as free, reserved, occupied or not available.

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Operation Theater or Operation Room Management you can manage it easily with the status
health center and the building name. You can also easily see the list of operation theater with
their status and building name.

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Managing Apothecary or Pharmacies – where you can create new pharmacies as required with
all the required information.

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Domiciliary Units management – You can manage your Domiciliary units including all the other
information such as infrastructure address of the units, and so on . . .

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Patient Management – Out patient management we tried covering as much as details for the out
patients such as after adding all the basic information about the patient,

You can see the list of appointment, prescriptions, Admission etc. We have the following:

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Outpatient Personal information

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Family Members and Insurance, Lifestyle settings

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Medicines and Prescription for every out patient which will be added automatically when added
by the Chemist with the name of the patient.

Lab Test – this field is automatically filled up after the lab test are done.

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OutPatient Surgeries - Once the sugeries are performed based on patient to patient this form part
will be updated.

Call Logs management- Incase there are any call logs or appointments these can be seen here

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Inpatient Admissions

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Vaccines Management

Adding up new Vaccines

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List of call logs with patient name and time, date and all other details

Call logs with patient form view with all the details

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Physician and Appointments Management

Adding up a new Physician with all the details such as degrees, consultancy type, consultancy
charges, Weekly availability and son on . . .

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Patient appointment management – List of appointments

Appointment form with all the details such as date, Phycian name, Appointment id and so on . . .
including the stages of the appointment with the outcome.

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Prescriptions Management :

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Evaulations – Adding up of new Evaluations

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Signs of Evaluation – Vital Signs & Anthopometry

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Symptoms :

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Mental Staus :

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Pediatrics : New borns

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Surgeries Management

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You can check the surgeries with the states including the patient name, center name, building
name, operation theater etc.

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Lab Tests with stages, Test Number, Patient name, Sequences of the test, Test Results etc.

Imaging test – Where you can also add the images with the test

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Configuration & Settings

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