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100 Topics of Business Writing

Part 1
Everyday E-mails

Unit 2
Blessings and Condolences
Lesson 8
Birthday and Special Occasions

@2016 Acadsoc limited

100 Topics of Business Writing


A. Suggested answer
B. E-mail example
C. Words and expressions
D. Useful sentences
E. Writing practice

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100 Topics of Business Writing

A. Suggested answer

Subject: Chinese New Year

Valued Employees,
It is time again for the Spring Festival and Chinese New Year celebrations. From all of us at
company headquarters, we send our heartfelt wishes for a holiday filled with fun
memories and happiness. We would like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for
your hard work throughout the year. To show our gratitude for your contributions and to
help you celebrate, we are pleased to provide a special New Year bonus for all employees.
Best wishes for a prosperous and fulfilling new year!
Best wishes!
Hugh Liu, CEO Hengchun Marketing Group

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100 Topics of Business Writing

B. E-mail example

Subject: Happy birthday!

Dear Michelle,
Best wishes for a very happy birthday! I wanted to send you an e-mail to make sure you
knew I was thinking about you on your birthday! I wish I could be there to share in your
special day. Even if I can't be there in person to wish you all the happiness you deserve, I
hope you are having a great day, and enjoying all the celebrations. Enjoy your day, and
also your birthday cake! May this coming year be filled with all the happiness and wishes
you dream of! Have a great day!

@2016 Acadsoc limited 4

100 Topics of Business Writing

C. Words and expressions

share in 分享,参与
in person 亲自
deserve v. /dɪˈzəːv/ 应得,应受

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100 Topics of Business Writing

D. Useful sentences

Birthday wishes:
1. We wish to express our sincerest wishes for a very happy birthday.
2. Congratulations on your 30th birthday.
3. Best wishes for a very happy birthday!
4. I hope you are having a great day.
5. A present is on the way. I hope you like it.
6. I wish I could be there to share in your special day.
7. May all your birthday wishes come true.
8. May your birthday and every other day be filled with happiness.

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100 Topics of Business Writing

D. Useful sentences

Holiday wishes:
9. Best wishes for the holidays.
10. I hope you have a great/super/fantastic time.
11. I wish you a safe/pleasant journey.
12. I was really hoping to catch you to wish you a wonderful trip!
13. I hope you have a chance to see and do many interesting things while there.
14. I hope that your holiday season is filled with joy and laughter.
15. I'm sure that you'll have a great/wonderful/fantastic trip.
16. Anyway, enjoy yourself.
17. Good luck in your new endeavors.

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100 Topics of Business Writing

E. Writing practice

Subject: Bon voyage!

You are Carol Perry. Write an e-mail to your friend Lester who is leaving for Japan tonight to
wish him a wonderful trip. Add details if need be. You can refer to the following Chinese

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100 Topics of Business Writing

See you next class!

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