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Assignment 3: Lesson Plan

Based on Permendikbud No. 22 2016

Prof. Dra. Luh Putu Artini, MA, Ph. D

I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika




School :_
Subjects : English
Class/Semester : X/I
Topic : Simple oral and written text, to expose, inquire, and respond to the
exposure of identity and family relationships.
Time allocation : 2x90 minutes (360 minutes)

 Core Competencies
KI-1: Internalising and practise the religious teachings believed.
KI-2: Demonstrating honesty, discipline, civility, caring, responsible, responsive, and pro-active in
interacting effectively in accordance with the development of children in the family, schools,
communities, regional areas, nations, countries, and international areas.
KI-3: Understanding, implementing, and analysing factual, conceptual, procedural, and meta-
cognitive knowledge based on their curiosity about science, technology, art, culture, and humanities
with the insight of humanity, nationality, state, and civilization related to the causes of phenomena
and events, as well as applying procedural knowledge to specific fields of study according to their
talents and interests to solve problems.
KI-4: Processing, reasoning, and presenting in the concrete and abstract spheres related to the
development of what have been independently learnt, acting effectively and creatively, and able to
use methods according to the scientific rules.

 Basic competencies and Grade Point Average

Basic Competencies Grade Point Average
3.1 Implement social 3.1.1. Identifying the text structure and the linguistic
functions, text element in the text of self-introduction in accordance
structures, and the with the context of its use
linguistic elements of 3.1.2. Mentioning social functions and phrases to display self-
oral and written identity
transactional 3.1.3. Distinguishing phrases used in self-introduction in
interactions that accordance with the context of its use.
involve giving and
requesting information
about identity and
family relationships, in
accordance with the
context of their use.
(Note the pronoun:
subjective, objective,
4.1 To compile the text of 4.1.1. Create letters and e-mails related to self-identity.
short and simple verbal 4.1.2. Demonstrate conversations about self-introduction.
and writeback
interactions involving
the act of giving and
requesting information
about identity, with
respect to social
functions, text
structures, and the
correct and context-
based elements of the

 Learning Objectives
Through Discovery Learning learners are able to:
a. Implement social functions, text structures, and the linguistic elements of oral and
written transactional interactions that involve giving and requesting information about
identity and family relationships, in accordance with the context of their use (Note the
pronoun: subjective, objective, possessive);
b. as well as To compile the text of short and simple verbal and writeback interactions
involving the act of giving and requesting information about identity, with respect to
social functions, text structures, and the correct and context-based elements of the
In writing or other forms, with full of gratitude, curiosity, responsibility, discipline during the
learning process, being honest, polite, confident, and never giving up and having a responsive
thinking and pro-Active (creative), as well as being able to communicate and cooperate well.

 Learning materials
Verbal and written text about self-descriptions as part of family and community

 Social functions
Mengenalkan, menjalin hubungan interpersonal dengan teman dan guru
 Text structure
o Starting
o Responding (expected/unexpected)
 The linguistic element
o Vocabularies of family, colleges, and other close ones; Hobbies, habits
o Verbs: be, have, go, work, live (in simple present tense)
o Subjective pronoun: I, You, We, They, He, She, It
o Possessive adjective: my, your, his, dsb.
o Question Words: Who? Which? How? Dst.
o Singular and plural noun with or without: a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
o Pronunctiation, words stressing, intonation, spelling, punctuation, and hand writing.

 Learning methods
Approach : Scientific Approach
Learning Model : Discovery Learning
Method : Lecturing, Discussion, Questioning.

 Media and tool

 Media:
 Students Worksheet
 Assessment sheet
 Tool:
 Ruler, marker, whiteboard
 Laptop & Projector
 PowerPoint Presentation
 Learning Resources:
 Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. 2014. Teacher's book of Grade
10 English subjects. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture
 Ministry of Education and Culture of the Republic of Indonesia. 2014. Student's book of Grade
10 English subjects. Jakarta: Ministry of Education and Culture
 Internet

 Learning steps
1st meeting

No Stage Activities Estimated


1 Pre-Activity  Teachers greet students 10 mins

 Teachers ask students to pray before learning
 Teachers examine student Attendance
 Teachers Deliver learning indicators
 Teachers provide an apperception by questioning simple question
such as: what are the things that we should tell in introducing our
personal identity?

2 Whilst-Activity  Observing 70 mins

• Teacher displays relevant pictures/photographs then explain
the phrases of giving and asking for information regarding
identity and family relationships

 Questioning
Students ask questions about the images they have viewed; the
questions would be like:
1. What’s Her name?
2. How old is She?
3. What does She like?
4. Where does She live?
5. Is she a teacher?

 Experimenting
 Students are divided into groups (each group consists of 4
 Students write down the phrases about giving and requesting
information relating to self-identity and family relationships
that have been acquired in notebooks with neat writing and
using good and correct English language
 Teachers guide the course of discussion while conducting

 Associating
• Learners process information from the material about phrases
to provide and solicit information regarding identity and family
• Learners create monologues and dialogues based on phrases
to give and request information regarding identity and family
• Students communicate orally or present material with
confidence about the phrases of giving and requesting
information regarding identity and family relationships

 Communicating
• Students give conclusions about the phrases giving and
requesting of information relating to identity and family
• Teachers affirm the concept of giving and asking for
information regarding identity and family relationships

3 Post-Activity  Teacher gives appreciation to students for they have worked well. 10 mins
 Teacher provides final evaluation.
2nd meeting

No Stage Activities Estimated


1 Pre-Activity  Teachers greet students 10 mins

 Teachers ask students to pray before learning
 Teachers examine student Attendance
 Teachers Deliver learning indicators
 Teachers provide an apperception by asking about the types
of pronoun and its usage

2 Whilst-Activity  Observing 70 mins

The teacher shows the table about the types of pronoun:

 Questioning
Students ask questions about the table they have viewed; the
questions would be like:
1. What is pronoun?
2. What is the usage of each pronoun?
3. When should we use pronoun?

 Experimenting
1. Students are divided into groups (each group consists of 4-6
2. Teachers distribute worksheets to learners
3. Learners are guided to find answers to their questions with
the help of worksheets and information gathered from other
literatures and learning resources that relate to the types of
pronoun and its use.
4. Teachers guide the course of discussion while conducting

 Associating
1. Students in their group process and analyse information
obtained regarding the types of pronoun and their use.
2. Students work on a few questions about the types of pronoun
as well as its use; and write down the results of the discussion
on the worksheet.

 Communicating
1. Learners present the results of discussions relating to the
types of pronoun and their use
2. Learners conclude about the types of possessive and their use
in giving and asking for information related to self-identity and
family relationships.
3. The teacher confirms the concept of the types of pronouns
and their use in giving and asking for information related to
self-identity and family relationships.
3 Post-Activity  Teacher gives appreciation to students for they have worked well. 10 mins
 Teacher provides final evaluation.
 Teachers give assignments about the types of pronouns and their

 Assessment
• Assessment techniques
a. Attitude Assessment : Observation
b. Knowledge Assessment : Written test (test items attached)
c. Skills Assessment : Presentation of Monologue and or dialogue
• Form of assessment:
a. Observation : Student activity Observation Sheets
b. Form of written tests : essay
c. Practice (presentation) : assessment sheet of monolog/dialogue presentation
• Assessment Instrument (attached)

Acknowledged by Denpasar, 25th May 2020

Principal, Teacher,

____________________ I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd


No Time Name Events/Behaviors Attitude items Positive/Negative Follow-up

Appendix 2 (Knowledge Assessment)

Number of
No Basic Competencies Material Indicator Questions Answer Key Aspects
1. Implement social functions, Create a monologue that contains self-
Self-description as
text structures, and the introduction and family relationships 1. Please make a monolog about your
part of the family 1 Attached C3
linguistic elements of oral personal identity!
and community.
and written transactional
interactions that involve
giving and requesting
information about identity
and family relationships, in
accordance with the context
of their use. (Note the Create a dialogue containing sentences
pronoun: subjective, that ask and provide information related
2. Please make a dialog with your friend
objective, possessive) to identity exposure and family
about asking and giving information 2 Attached C3
regarding personal identity!

Acknowledged by Denpasar, 25th May 2020

Principal, Teacher,

____________________ I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd

The monologue and dialogue depend on the students’ creativity regarding introducing self.

1. My Personal Identity (Monologue) 10
Good morning all.

On this occasion, allow me to make an introduction to who I

am. My name is I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika. I am the
first of two children. I was born in Kupang, June 15th 1996.
Currently, I live in Peguyangan, North Denpasar.

Speaking of a hobby, music is one of my hobbies. I can play

the guitar since 4th grade and now I have created 4 songs. I
have a dream to make a band and will share a stage with
Coldplay. Hopefully, my dream can come true.

I have only one sibling who is currently pursuing his degree

in medical science. My father works as a police officer and
my mother works in the hospital as midwife. I guess that’s
all I can say about this introduction. Thank you very much
for your attention.

2. Dialog 10
Arga: Excuse me, I don’t think we have met. I’m Arga. May I
know your name?
Aletta: Hello, sure my name is Aletta. How do you do Arga?
Arga: How do you do Aletta. How old are you?
Aletta: I’m 17 years old how about you?
Arga: I am 18-year-old. Where are you from?
Aletta: I am from Buleleng and you?
Arga: I am from Denpasar. Where do you live?
Aletta: my family and I live at Jl. Imam Bonjol and you?
Arga: oh, that’s not really far from my house I live at Nusa
Dua, next time I will visit your house Aletta.
Aletta: That’s a good plan of you Arga. So now where are
you going?
Arga: I want to go to Gramedia to buy some books, well glad
to know you Aletta
Aletta: take care Arga, glad to know you too. See you again
Arga: I’ll see you soon Aletta.
Score 10

Total Score 20

Earned Score
Essay Score = x100
Total Score

Number of
No Basic Competencies Material Indicator Questions Answer Key Aspects
1. Implement social Grammar: The types Specify a pronoun (subject, Fill in the blanks with the right pronoun! 1 Attached C2
functions, text of pronouns and their object, possessive adjective 1. Mr Obama buys a new car. …. Car is very expensive 2 C2
structures, and the use and possessive pronoun) 3 C2
linguistic elements of with its use 2. Mira has some pens. The pens on the table are…. 4 C2
oral and written 5 C2
transactional interactions 3. I love Chintya. …. Is beautiful
that involve giving and
requesting information 4. My brother and I went to Solo yesterday. …. visited
about identity and family our rand parents
relationships, in
accordance with the 5. Do you know Irfan Bachdim? I like …. Very much
context of their use.
(Note the pronoun:
subjective, objective,

Acknowledged by Denpasar, 25th May 2020

Principal, Teacher,
____________________ I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd

1. Mr Obama buys a new car. His Car is very expensive 2
(Possessive adjective)
2. Mira has some pens. The pens on the table are Hers 2
(Possessive pronoun)
3. I love Chintya. She Is beautiful (Subject pronoun) 2
4. My brother and I went to Solo yesterday. We visited 2
our rand parents (Subject pronoun)
5. Do you know Irfan Bachdim? I like her very much 2
(Object pronoun)
Score per item 2

Total Score 10

Earned Score
Essay Score = x100
Total Score

Education Unit : Reference curriculum : K13

Class :X Time allocation :
Subjects : English Form : Multiple choice and Essay
Program/Department : Author : I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd

A. Multiple choice

Nu Aspec
Basic Key
Materia For m ts
Competenci Question Indicator Questions Answe
l m be (C1 –
es r
r C6)
Implement Self- Expressing phrases to provide 1. Tata is a new member of Teratai English MC 1 A C2
social indroduc information regarding identity Club. She introduced herself
functions, tion and family relationships Tata: Ladies and gentlemen..................
text A. Allow me to introduce myself.
structures, B. I am happy to meet you.                     
and the C. Let me introduce you to the audiences.
linguistic D. May I introduce you to the audiences.
elements of E. Nice to meet you
oral and
that involve
giving and 2. Ega was at a party. There were a lot of guests MC 2 B C2
requesting there that Ega didn’t know.
information Ega: Excuse me, my name is Ega Rustandi.
about Guest: Hello, Ega. I’m John. How do you do?
identity and Ega: ...........................
family A. Nice to see you.
relationships B. How do you do?
, in C. Fine, thanks
accordance D. I'm glad to know you.
with the E. Good bye
context of
their use.
(Note the
Mentioning synonyms 3. May I introduce myself? MC 3 A C1
The underlined word has the same meaning
A. Acquaint
B. Deduce
C. Contest
D. Annoy
E. Dedicate
Determining the expression 4. Yana : Jia, this is my new friend, his name MC 4 A C2
requesting personal is Dika. He is a company director.
information in accordance Jia : Hi Dika.
with the context of its use Dika : Hello, Jia.................? Nice to meet
Jia : Everything is alright, Nice to meet
you, too.
A. How are things with you
B. What are you.
C. May I help you
D. How are you
E. How do you do

Defining phrases to provide 5. Jannete     :  Mr. Dodi, ………. my father. MC 5 A C2

personal information in Mr. Dodi      :  How do you do, Mr. Hendy.
accordance with the context of Mr. Hendi :  How do you do, Mr. Kevin.
its use A. I’d like to introduce
B. I want to invite
C. I like you to visit
D. I’m glad to help
E. I want to go

Linking the phrase of responding6. Gita     :  This is Mrs. Ina, an old friend of MC 6 A C1
to the Information of self-identity mine.
In accordance with the context Gilang :  ……………..
of its use A. Pleased to meet you
B. How are you getting on?
C. May I know your name
D. You’re welcome
E. What’s the news?
Stating the phrase of giving 7. Ratu :  Deti, ......................... MC 7 C C2
Information regarding Deti :  Pleased to meet you.
Self-identity and Iman     :  Pleased to meet you too.
Family relationships A. Iman wants to meet you
B. Don’t you Iman is my friend
C. I’d like you to meet my friend
D. Please introduce yourself to Iman
E. Iman wants to leave you now
8. ………. , My name is Budi. MC 8 B C2
Hello. I’m Asep. Pleased to meet you.
A. Do you know my name
B. I don’t think we have met
C. I’m very happy to meet you
D. Do you want to know me
E. Do you love me
9. Ladies and gentlemen, I’d like to introduce MC 9 A C2
my self. ………. I am a lecturer at UPI.
A. I am Nunu.
B. I want you to call me Nunu.
C. Call me Nunu.
D. Nunu is good name, isn’t it.
E. Nunu is my friend.

Determining the phrase of 10. How do you do? It’s nice to meet you. MC 10 E C2
giving self-identity ……………………
information in accordance A. Me too
with the context of its use B. I should be nice
C. Do you?
D. Am I nice?
E. How do you do? Nice to meet you too.
Total correct answer
MC Score= x100

No Basic Competencies Material Question Indicator Questions Form Number
1. Implement social functions, Grammar: Specifying the type of 1. Sofia told … (I/me) that you would like to have more pen pals
1 Attached C2
text structures, and the Pronoun pronoun that corresponds from Netherlands
linguistic elements of oral to sentence 2 C2
and written transactional 2. I have several pen pals from UK. I write to … (they/them) via
interactions that involve email every week Attached
giving and requesting
information about identity
3. Alia often tells Hannah about Rehearsal. … (She/Her) joins a
and family relationships, in 3 Attached C2
choir club in her school
accordance with the context
of their use. (Note the 4. As for hobbies, we are really into sport music. So, we can
pronoun: subjective, shre … (my/our) experience about football players and songs 4 Attached C2
objective, possessive) 5. Hannah said, “This is my favorite book and I want to give it to
… (yours/you). Now it’s …(yours/you).”
5 Attached C2

Earned Score
Essay Score = x100
Total Score

Acknowledged by Denpasar, 25th May 2020

Principal, Teacher,

____________________ I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd


A. Multiple choice

1. A 6. A
2. B 7. C
3. A 8. B
4. A 9. A
5. A 10. E

B. Essay


1. Sofia told me that you would like to have more pen pals from 2
2. I have several pen pals from UK. I write to them via email every week
3. Alia often tells Hannah about Rehearsal. She joins a choir club in her 2
4. As for hobbies, we are really into sport music. So, we can share our 2
experience about football players and songs
5. Hannah said, “This is my favourite book and I want to give it to you. Now 2
it’s yours.”
Item Score 2
Total Score 10
Earned Score
Essay Score = x100
Total Score

Final Score = MC Score + Essay Score

Acknowledged by Denpasar, 25th May 2020

Principal, Teacher,

____________________ I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd

Appendix 3 (Skill Assessment)


Subjects : English
Class/Semester :
Competence : Writing an email and letter about introducing self

Aspect to be assessed Score

Organization/ text
No Student name Writing ideas structure and Grammar Vocabulary
(A) contents (C) (D)

Acknowledged by Denpasar, 25th May 2020

Principal, Teacher,

____________________ I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd

Portfolio Assessment Guide

Aspect to be Skor
assessed 4 3 2 1

An original
chosen idea, the
idea fits perfectly Only 1 in 4
Only meet 3 Only meet 2 of
with the chosen preset
Writing ideas of the 4 the 4 conditions
genre, the idea is conditions or not
conditions set set
flown even meet at all
and directed

The text
corresponds to
the selected
genre, the
characteristics of
Only fulfill 1 or
Organization/ text the chosen genre Only meet 3 Only meet 2 of
not even meet
structure and are perfectly of the 4 the 4 conditions
all predefined
contents applied, writing conditions set set
ideas and
presented is
highly relevant,
Text content is
very easy to

There are
Grammatical A lot of
No significant grammatical
errors are often grammatical
grammatical errors, but
found, but the mistakes so that
errors, meanings they barely
Grammar meaning and meaning and
and text content affect the
content of the text content are
can be clearly meaning of
text can still be difficult to
understood sentences
understood understand
and text

Vocabulary The sentences Only meet 3 Only meet 2 of Only fulfill 1 or

used are very
effective, using
lexical variations
not even meet
mastering the of the 4 the 4 conditions
all predefined
word class and conditions set set
idioms correctly
and effectively,
Terms are used

Acknowledged by Denpasar, 25th May 2020

Principal, Teacher,

____________________ I Wayan Endra Setiawan Suastika, S. Pd

No Questions Comments
1 Is your lesson plan good? Yes, it is.
2 What are your reasons for stating that your lesson plan is I can say my lesson plan is good
good or not? since the requirements and
characteristics of a good lesson
plan based on PERMENDIKBUD
NO.22 2016 are embodied in it.
Moreover, my lesson plan is
arranged systematically as well
as chronologically hence it can
easily be understood even by
other teachers. The assessment
sheets and the gratings are also
attached as the appendices.
3 Is your lesson plan practical (easy to implement)? Yes, it is.
4 What are your reasons for easy or not easy to implement? Since it is arranged
chronologically with easily
understandable sentences and
instructions, it will surely be
easy to implement. The teacher
will only have to follow the
instructions and steps provided
in this lesson plan, even for the
assessing part there is also the
prepared sheet as the guidance
for the teacher to do the
assessment. The students will
also be more productive since
the lesson plan is designed to
help them acquire and develop
the knowledge they are
learning, one step at a time and
systematically, hence they will
not feel rushed.

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