Financial Times Europe February 252021

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The Spac race Rays of light Defiance in Myanmar

london should resist listing change why optimism about the economy is no quick road back to democracy
to favour latest craze — Ft View, Page 16 vital for recovery — oPinion, Page 17 after the coup — big read, Page 15

McKinsey to Premier league Modi renames India’s

colossal cricket stadium after himself

ditch Sneader
i J&J Covid jab effective against variant
The US regulator has confirmed data showing that
the group’s single-shot jab is safe and also found that
it performs well against the South Africa variant.

as head after
i Facebook sets aside $1bn to pay for news
Facebook has pledged at least $1bn to pay for news
over three years, matching Google’s plans, in a move
that aims to contain the fallout from its earlier ban

string of crises
on news in Australia.— PAGE 6; LETTERS, PAGE 16

i Bottlenecks boost eurozone inflation

Inflation has hit its highest level for almost a year as
shortages of materials and soaring shipping costs
are passed on to manufacturers’ customers. Cars,
chemicals and mining were worst hit.— PAGE 2

3 Smit or Sternfels in line to succeed i Bullish Lloyds seeks to double profits

Lloyds has said it will aim to
3 Final vote within next two weeks more than double profitability
this year, after it became the
ArAsh mAssoudi ANd ANdrEw hiLL but admitted no guilt. McKinsey veter- latest big UK lender to report
ANdrEw EdgEcLiffE-johNsoN
ans noted that such payouts had eaten more resilient results than
new York into profits, threatening the profit- expected.— PAGE 6; LEX, PAGE 18
sharing incentives that have boosted
McKinsey partners have voted to senior partners’ income as McKinsey’s i Pandemic fires Reckitt to best ever sales
replace Kevin Sneader as global manag- growth accelerated in recent years. Reckitt Benckiser posted the highest annual revenue
ing partner in a historic rebuke over his McKinsey was already dealing with growth in its history as the Covid-19 hygiene boom
handling of a string of crises, say several the costly fallout of a government cor- fuelled sales for its Dettol and Lysol disinfectants.
people with knowledge of the matter. ruption scandal in South Africa and Sales last year rose 11.8 per cent to £14bn.— PAGE 5
The vote means the next head of the other reputational crises when Sneader
influential global consulting firm will be was appointed in 2018. He responded by i Biden to order supply chain reviews
either Bob Sternfels or Sven Smit, two emphasising ethics, values and closer Joe Biden will sign an executive order for 100-day
senior partners based in San Francisco supervision from the centre of the firm. reviews of critical supply chains to cut US
and Amsterdam respectively, who have One retired partner said: “An incum- dependence on China and other rivals for everything
made it through to the last round of the bent managing partner has so many from rare earths to semiconductors.— PAGE 3
leadership election. A final vote is advantages [over challengers] that
expected in the next week or two. clearly a substantial group [of partners] i Italy’s Mafia makes lockdown gains
Some alumni and insiders said that felt very unhappy.” The Mafia sharply increased its “welfare” to ailing
the vote was a rejection of Sneader’s Smit was head of McKinsey in Europe small businesses in the first months of the lockdown,
efforts to reform the private firm by and is now co-chair of the McKinsey says the first report by Italy’s interior ministry on
tightening the scrutiny of which clients Global Institute, the firm’s think-tank. organised crime since the pandemic began.— PAGE 2
its partners took on. Each of Sneader’s An ex-leader of McKinsey’s strategy and
five predecessors served a second three- corporate finance practice, he was Prime minister Narendra Modi at a rally in Dhekiajuli, Assam, this month — AP Photo/Anupam Nath
year term, with some serving three or described by the former partner as a Datawatch
four terms, so the 54-year-old Scot’s fail- “classic old-school McKinsey strategist”.
ure to get through to the second round Sternfels created and has been leading BENjAmiN PArKiN Modi’s political home town in The renaming of the stadium
shocked some McKinsey veterans. some of the firm’s ventures out of San ahmedabad
Gujarat. The venue has been drew praise from Modi’s follow- Stolen years Overall life
Amy KAzmiN — new delhi
The vote by the firm’s 650 senior part- Francisco. He was runner-up to Sneader rebuilt for 110,000 spectators. ers and bemusement from his US life expectancy at birth expectancy in
ners was seen as a referendum on in the last run-off for global managing Narendra Modi has renamed Modi has sought to use signa- critics. “World’s largest stadium Women Men the US fell to 77.8
2019 2020 years in the first
Sneader’s handling of crises, including partner to succeed Dominic Barton. the world’s largest cricket sta- ture projects — such as building dedicated to the world’s largest
Hispanic 84 half of 2020 — a
US litigation over the firm’s advice to McKinsey said: “Every three years, dium after himself, in a rare the world’s tallest statue — to personality!” Preeti Gandhi, Hispanic 83 drop of a full year
opioid manufacturers and its work in McKinsey’s senior partners elect one of move by a living leader to project himself as India’s most who is in charge of social media White 81 — fuelled by the
autocratic countries around the world. their colleagues to serve as the firm’s champion projects designed to powerful leader in decades. for the women’s wing of Modi’s White 81
Hispanic 79 rising coronavirus
McKinsey earlier this month agreed global managing partner. The election, celebrate themselves. “It’s quite stunning,” said ruling Bharatiya Janata party, Black 78 Hispanic 77 pandemic. Black
to pay $574m to settle lawsuits brought which is conducted by an independent Ronojoy Sen, a senior research wrote on Twitter. White 76 Black 76 men suffered the
by 49 US states over its advice to Purdue third-party firm, is now under way and The renaming of the site over- fellow at the National Univer- Gaurav Pandhi, who runs White 75 biggest fall, with
Pharma and other opioid manufactur- we will announce the result after the shadowed the inaugural India- sity of Singapore, who said “the social media for the opposition Black 71 life expectancy
ers accused of fuelling an epidemic of election concludes.” England match that began yes- symbolism — the largest, the Congress party, called it the dropping by
prescription drug addiction. Letters page 16 terday at the world’s largest biggest, the best” was central to “height of narcissism”. Source: CDC Black 68 three years.
The consultancy expressed “regret” Lex page 18 cricket ground in Ahmedabad, Modi’s brand. Notebook page 16

Goldman and Blackstone chiefs add to

chorus of support for $1.9tn US stimulus
jAmEs PoLiti — washington American Rescue Plan,” they added. highlighting the problems still afflicting
The support for Biden’s plan from the US recovery. The signatories
A group of senior Wall Street execu-
some of the top names in the US finan- included Larry Fink of BlackRock and
tives, including David Solomon of Gold-
cial sector comes despite strong opposi- Ken Jacobs of Lazard.
man Sachs and Stephen Schwarzman
tion from Republicans who believe the “More than 10m fewer Americans are
of Blackstone, have backed Joe Biden’s
h&m refashions stores $1.9tn stimulus plan ahead of crucial
level of new spending is excessive. working today than when the pandemic
for new retail challenge votes on the package in Congress.
Some economists — including Larry began, small businesses across the
Summers, Barack Obama’s economic country are facing bankruptcy, and
interview i PAGE 7 In a letter to congressional leaders from adviser and Bill Clinton’s Treasury sec- schools are struggling to reopen,” they
both parties yesterday, more than 150 retary — have also expressed doubts wrote.
business leaders based in New York City about Biden’s package, saying it could The endorsement comes as the House
austria €3.90 malta €3.70
bahrain din1.8 morocco dh45 called for “immediate and large-scale stoke unwanted inflationary pressures of Representatives prepares to vote on
nkr40 federal legislation” to tackle the fallout later this year. Biden’s package this week.
Croatia kn29 oman or1.60 from the pandemic. “Previous federal Other large business lobby groups in With few or possibly even no Republi-
Cyprus €3.70 Pakistan rupee350
Czech rep kc105 Poland Zl 20 relief measures have been essential, but Washington have expressed broad sup- cans supporting the plan, Democrats
more must be done to put the country port for a fiscal stimulus package but need near-unanimous backing within
Finland €4.70 romania ron17 on a trajectory for a strong, durable argued that it could be targeted at their ranks.
France €3.90 russia €5.00
germany €3.90 serbia newd420 recovery,” they wrote. Americans struggling the most, which Biden’s stimulus plan includes direct
slovak rep
“Congress should act swiftly and on a would bring down the overall price tag. payments worth $1,400 each to Ameri-
hungary Ft1200 spain €3.70 bipartisan basis to authorise a stimulus The Wall Street chief executives had cans earning up to $75,000 per year and
india rup220 sweden skr39
italy €3.70 switzerland sFr6.20 and relief package along the lines of the no such reservations, offering a full- $350bn in funding for states and local
Biden-Harris administration’s proposed throated endorsement of the plan and governments.
north macedonia den220 Uae dh20.00

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2 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES thursday 25 february 2021


iHs markit data employment rights

Eurozone inflation hits highest level in a year EU explores

full-time staff
Rising prices for many “As we go into the recovery in the sec- exception of April 2020, when global that is an area where we are hearing out was not possible in lockdown, con- benefits for
gig workers
ond half of this year, this inflation at the factory closures wrecked supply lines. companies say they are having short- sumers instead spent money on goods
non-energy industrial factory gate will increasingly be passed Shortages of many products such as ages,” said Ralph Wiechers, chief econo- and improving life at home,” he said.
goods are biggest factor through to the consumer,” said Katha- steel have again caused manufacturers mist at the VDMA, which represents Manufacturers are also facing rising
rina Utermöhl, economist at Allianz. to cut production, leaving them scram- Germany’s engineering sector. energy and commodity prices, after oil
martin arnOld — frankfurt Eurostat data released yesterday bling to rebuild stocks and to meet ris- “It takes some time to realise this is rose to its highest levels since early in
valentina rOmei — london showed overall eurozone inflation ing demand. happening because they usually have a the coronavirus pandemic, with Brent Javier espinOza — Brussels
jumped to 0.9 per cent in January, “Steel is used a lot in our industry and certain amount in stock and orders have crude above $61 a barrel this week.
The European Commission is examin-
European manufacturers are passing breaking a five-month spell of falling only recently been improving,” he said. Copper prices hit a nine-year high this
ing giving gig workers the same
higher input costs on to their customers, prices. Higher prices for non-energy Eurozone manufacturing Rolf Habben Jansen, chief executive month, the price of hot rolled steel in
employment rights as those of staff in
sending eurozone inflation to its highest industrial goods were the biggest factor, of German container shipping group Europe reached its highest level since
level for almost a year as shortages of contributing more than 40 per cent of input prices soared in January Hapag-Lloyd, said last week all its ships 2008 and the cost of polymer resins
more secure jobs, including the ability
Purchasing managers’ input price to bargain for wages and working con-
materials and soaring shipping costs the year-on-year increase in inflation. were at sea and idle capacity in the sec- used to make plastic rose by a quarter
sub-index, below 50=a majority ditions as part of a collective.
disrupt supply chains. Input prices for eurozone manufac- tor was “virtually down to zero”, fore- since December to a six-year high.
of businesses reporting a contraction
Efforts to cushion rising costs are turers rose this month at a rate not seen casting this “perfect storm” would last So far, higher raw material costs are The move comes days after a landmark
driven by the sentiment that supply for 10 years, according to the IHS Markit Germany France 70 at least a few more months. only partially being passed on by manu- ruling against Uber by the UK Supreme
chain bottlenecks are unlikely to ease in purchasing manager survey. The impact Italy Spain The cost of transporting a 40ft con- facturers raising prices to customers Court, which said the ride-hailing app’s
the short term, according to industry was felt hardest in the car, chemicals, 60 tainer from China to Europe rose from and they are not being matched by cost employees were workers rather than
and shipping executives. More expen- metal and mining, resources and basic 50 about $1,400 in March 2000 to almost inflation in other sectors. self-employed.
sive manufactured goods are in turn materials sectors. $8,000 this month, container freight The PMI index for eurozone services It was the latest in a series of legal
fuelling expectations of a further surge As demand for goods outstripped 40 data by Freightos shows. input prices was modest compared with decisions on the responsibilities plat-
in inflation, which Germany’s central supply and exhausted the capacity of The Hapag-Lloyd boss said many of those in manufacturing, despite rising form companies should bear towards
bank is already warning will reach its shipping companies, delivery times 30 its containers were full of computers, fit- in February to the highest since August, their workers; last year, a court in Spain
2019 20 21
highest level since the 2008 financial lengthened to the greatest extent since ness equipment, power tools and games while most services businesses contin- ruled workers for food delivery app
Source: IHS Markit
crisis by the end of this year. survey data started in 1997, with the consoles. “As travelling, dining, going ued to report falling output prices. Glovo were employees.
Announcing a consultation yesterday,
the executive body of the EU singled out
a number of areas where an improve-
foreign trade. diplomacy ment in workers’ rights was needed,
including the employment status of gig
workers, their ability to engage in col-

Turkey’s Uighurs fear betrayal over China lective bargaining and their access to
social benefits.
The consultation will last six weeks
and is the start of a process likely to end
later this year with legislative proposals,
Erdogan walks a fine line
between defending Muslims
‘Platform work is here to
stay and it’s important
and securing vaccines [that] we can secure
laura pitel — ankara sustainable models’
For five days this month, Jevlan according to Margrethe Vestager, the
Shirmemmet and other Uighur activists EU’s executive vice-president in charge
protested outside the Chinese embassy of digital.
in Ankara, where they demanded to A second part of the consultation will
know the whereabouts of missing fam- consider how to enact possible new
ily members in China’s Xinjiang prov- laws. Vestager said the pandemic had
ince. But on the sixth day, Turkish boosted platforms’ business models and
police stepped in. made it even more imperative to exam-
They prevented the activists from ine their working conditions.
gathering outside the diplomatic mis- “Across Europe people who work with
sion, positioned themselves outside platforms risk [being] left without
their hotel and accompanied them income and they are not always eligible
wherever they went. for national support measures during
The stand-off reflects the difficult bal- lockdowns,” she said. “Even those who
ancing act that Turkey, which is home to have work . . . sometimes have poor
tens of thousands of exiled Uighurs, working conditions with long [hours] or
must perform with Beijing, not least little or no social protection should they
because it wants closer ties and invest- fall ill, no pension scheme [and] no
ment and is reliant on China for supplies access to skills development.”
of coronavirus vaccines. The consultation will explore whether
President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, who platform workers should be treated in
casts himself as a champion of the same way as more securely
oppressed Muslims around the world, employed staff, said Nicolas Schmit, the
has been a vocal critic of China’s actions EU’s commissioner for jobs and social
in Xinjiang, the north-western region rights. “Are the workers of the platforms
where the Chinese Communist party self-employed or normal employees?
has interned more than 1m Uighurs, This is a crucial question, but not an
Kazakhs and other Muslims. Making a stand: concerning the Uighurs — they are seen agreement with China’s central bank Turkey has Turkish health minister, he demanded easy one,” he said. “We don’t have just
“On the one hand, Turkey wants to Uighur activists in Turkey as part of a broader global that helped to boost the appearance of to know if Ankara had faced pressure to one solution . . . There is a need for clar-
stand up for us, we know that, we feel it,” hold photos of family of Turkic peoples whose rights Turkey’s depleted foreign currency struggled to ratify the deal to speed up the delivery ification.”
said Shirmemmet, 29, whose mother relatives they Ankara has a responsibility to defend. reserves by an estimated $2bn. procure of the vaccines. Turkish foreign minis- Schmit told the Financial Times the
has been detained in Xinjiang since have not heard But opposition parties have accused The pandemic has added an extra ter Mevlut Cavusoglu reacted angrily to EU’s goal was that “we want that plat-
early 2018. “But they aren’t able to. We from in years, Erdogan’s government of toning down complexity to the relationship. While European such suggestions. “We don’t use Uighurs form workers have access to the same
feel like their hands are tied.” during a protest its criticism to avoid upsetting Beijing. Turkey has struggled to procure vaccines for political purposes,” he said. “We rights as all other workers”, regardless
Analysts say the plight of China’s near the Chinese Some figures in Erdogan’s government European-made vaccines, it has a deal defend their human rights.” of their status.
Uighurs poses a problem for Erdogan, embassy in have advocated stronger ties with Bei- in place for 100m doses of the Corona- but it has a In response to questions from the Vestager said: “Platform work is here
who is seeking alternative global part- Ankara jing in order to lure Chinese capital. Vac jab made by Chinese drugmaker deal in Financial Times, the Chinese embassy to stay and it’s important [that] we can
ners at a time when relations with the this month Investment so far has been limited, Sinovac Biotech. Delays to the ship- in Ankara said the recent protests had secure sustainable models for this type
west are deeply strained. “They are Burhan Ozbilici/AP
with the value of Chinese investment in ments in December coincided with a place for sought to “smear” China and that their of work.”
Muslims, they are Turks, and Turkish Turkey standing at $1.2bn in 2019 in decision by China’s parliament to ratify 100m actions had threatened the safety of the In response to the consultation
voters are sensitive about the issue,” terms of equity capital, according to an extradition treaty between the two diplomatic mission. It strongly rejected launch, Uber said it welcomed the bid to
said A Merthan Dundar, director of the central bank data, compared with more countries. Turkey has yet to ratify it. doses from the notion it had used Turkey’s need for improve the conditions of platform
Asia-Pacific Research Centre at Ankara than $100bn from Europe. Yildirim Kaya, a member of parlia- Sinovac vaccine doses as political leverage as work. “Any legislative initiative should
University. “The government cannot Ankara is eager for more. The coun- ment from the opposition Republican “absolutely unfounded conjecture and be grounded in what platform workers
establish very close relations with try’s sovereign wealth fund has been People’s party, said the ratification of malicious misinterpretation”. value most: flexibility and control over
China. But it doesn’t want to cut all ties.” courting Chinese investment, and plans the treaty by Beijing had created “a Still, the episode has left many mem- their work, transparent and fair earn-
In years past, Erdogan was one of the to open an office in China in the first half great deal of panic among Uighur bers of the Uighur diaspora deeply nerv- ings, access to benefits and protections
most outspoken global Muslim leaders of this year. Ankara also has a swap Turks”. In a set of questions posed to the ous about their place in Turkey. and meaningful representation,” it said.

Organised crime legal first

Subscribe to the FT today at Italian Mafia uses lockdown German court jails former
FRIDAY 31 MARCH 2017 WORLD BUSINESS NEWSPAPER UK £2.70 Channel Islands £3.00; Republic of Ireland €3.00
to control small businesses member of Syrian intelligence
Trump vs the Valley A Five Star plan? Dear Don...
Tech titans need to minimise Italy’s populists are trying to woo May’s first stab at the break-up
political risk — GILLIAN TETT, PAGE 13 the poor — BIG READ, PAGE 11 letter — ROBERT SHRIMSLEY, PAGE 12

HMRC warns Lloyd’s of Brussels Insurance market

to tap new talent pool with EU base
UK £3.80; Channel Islands £3.80; Republic of Ireland €3.80

customs risks THE END

i US bargain-hunters fuel Europe M&A

miles JOHnsOn — rome entrepreneurial activities “will be swal- Guy CHazan and erika sOlOmOn up 30 protesters in the autumn of 2011,
Europe has become the big target for cross-border
dealmaking, as US companies ride a Trump-fuelled
equity market rally to hunt for bargains across the

being swamped i Report outlines longer NHS waiting times

A report on how the health service can survive CHANGING AN
ROAD Berlin
more austerity has said patients will wait longer for

lowed up in the medium term by crime, during the early days of the Syrian
non-urgent operations and for A&E treatment while

by Brexit surge
some surgical procedures will be scrapped.— PAGE 4 Censors and sensitivity
i Emerging nations in record debt sales Warning: this article may be

Developing countries have sold record levels of upsetting — LIFE & ARTS

The provision of Mafia “welfare” to

government debt in the first quarter of this year,
taking advantage of a surge in optimism toward
emerging markets as trade booms.— PAGE 15

Credit Suisse
3 Confidence in IT plans ‘has collapsed’ Art of persuasion Mystery deepens

becoming an instrument for money uprising, and sending them to “Branch

i London tower plans break records
3 Fivefold rise in declarations expected
A survey has revealed that a
record 455 tall buildings are
over disputed painting of Jane Austen How To Spend It

A German court made legal history yes-

planned or under construction

engulfed in
JAMES BLITZ — WHITEHALL EDITOR adjust its negotiation position with the in London. Work began on

Italy’s struggling small businesses

EU, a Whitehall official said. “If running almost one tower a week
A computer system acquired to collect our own customs system is proving during 2016.— PAGE 4
duties and clear imports into the UK much harder than we anticipated, that
may not be able to handle the huge ought to have an impact on how we i Tillerson fails to ease Turkey tensions

fresh tax probe

laundering and recycling illicit capital”. 251”, a feared section of the General
surge in workload expected once Britain press for certainoptions in Brussels.” The US secretary of state has failed to reconcile
leaves the EU, customs authorities have
admitted toMPs.
In a letter to Andrew Tyrie, chairman tensions after talks in Ankara with President Recep
Chic new lodgings

terday by sentencing a Syrian man to

of the Commons treasury select com- Tayyip Erdogan on issues including Syria and the
HM Revenue & Customs told a parlia- mittee, HMRC said the timetable for extradition of cleric Fethullah Gulen.— PAGE 9
mentary inquiry that the new system delivering CDS was “challenging but in Scotland

increased sharply during the first

needed urgent action to be ready by achievable”. But, it added, CDS was “a i Toshiba investors doubt revival plan
March 2019, when Brexit is due to be complex programme” that needed to be In a stormy three-hour meeting, investors accused MAGAZINE
completed, and the chair of the probe linked to dozens of other computer sys- managers ofhaving an entrenched secrecy culture
said confidence it would be operational tems to work properly. In November, 3 UK, France and Netherlands swoop
and cast doubt on a revival plan after Westinghouse

The warning comes as Italy’s Mafia Intelligence Unit.

in time “has collapsed”.
Setting up a digital customs system
HMRC assigned a “green traffic light” to
CDS, indicating it would be delivered on 3 Blow for bid to clean up Swiss image
filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection.— PAGE 16

i HSBC woos transgender customers

four and a half years in prison, the first

has been at the heart of Whitehall’s time. But last month, it wrote to the
Brexit planning because of the fivefold committee saying the programme had TheRALPH
bank hasATKINSunveiled
— ZURICHa range of gender-neutral it followed “a strategy offull client tax
increase in declarations expected at DUNCAN
titles such asROBINSON — BRUSSELS
“Mx”, in addition to Mr, Mrs, Misscompliance”
or but was still trying to

been relegated to “amber/red,” which

months of the Covid-19 lockdown,

British ports when the UK leaves the EU. means there are “major risks or issues Ms, in a move to embrace diversity and cater togather the information about the probes.
About 53 per cent of British imports apparent in a number ofkey areas”. Credit
needs Suisse hascustomers.
of transgender been targeted by
— PAGE 20 HM Revenue & Customs said it had
come from the EU, and do not require HMRC said last night: “[CDS] is on sweeping tax investigations in the UK, launched a criminal investigation into

28821, Coslada, madrid. legal deposit number

checks because they arrive through the track to be delivered by January 2019, France and the Netherlands, setting suspected tax evasion and money laun-

groups adjust operations to compensate The judge found him guilty of facili-
single market and customs union. But and it will be able to support frictionless back Switzerland’s attempts to clean up dering by “a global financial institution
Theresa May announced in January that international trade once the UK leaves
its image as a tax haven. and certain ofits employees”. The UK
The Swiss bank said yesterday it was tax authority added: “The international

time a former member of Syrian intelli-

Brexit would include departure from the EU . . . Internal ratings are designed
both trading blocs. HMRC handles 60m
declarations a year but, once outside the
to make sure that each project gets the Terror attacks inwith
co-operating western Europe after
offices in London, Paris and Amsterdam
Recent reach
— of this investigation sends a clear
notably the message that there is no hiding place for
The lure of the exotic
focus and resource it requires for suc- 2011

according to the first comprehensive

Robin Lane Fox on the flair

(deposito legal) m-32596-1995;

customs union, the number is expected cessful delivery.” were contacted
Highlighted attack byOthers local officials
massacre bythose seeking to evade tax.”

Bracken House, 1 friday street, london eC4m 9Bt.

“concerning client tax matters”. Anders BreivikDutch in prosecutors, who initiated the
to hit 300m.
The revelations about the system,
HMRC’s letters to the select commit-
tee, which will be published today, pro- AFP Dutch authorities said their counter- action, said they seized jewellery, paint-
Norway, the of foreign flora — HOUSE & HOM E
called Customs Declaration Service, are vide no explanation for the rating Lloyd’s of London chose Brus- insurers to follow. Most of the EU, with Dublin and Luxem- parts in Germany wereBrussels attacks in Paris
also involved, ings and gold ingots as part of their

for a fall in other criminal opportunities tating torture, given, as a security

while Australia’s revenue department and Nice, and the while French officials said their
likely to throw a sharper spotlight on change, but some MPs believe it was sels over “five or six” other business written in Brussels bourg thought to be more likely Norway Brussels suicide
whether Whitehall can implement a caused by Mrs May’s unexpected deci- cities in its decision to set up an will be reinsured back to the homes for the industry. But said it was investigating
Paris a Swiss
Nice bank. investigation had revealed “several

Publishing director, roula khalaf;

bombings — have
The inquiries threaten to undermine thousand” bank accounts opened in

gence has been convicted of a crime

host of regulatory regimes — in areas sion to leave the EU customs union. EU base to help deal with the syndicates at its City of London Mr Nelson said the city won on bucked the trend
ranging from customs and immigration Timetable & Great Repeal Bill page 2 expected loss of passporting headquarters, pictured above. its transport links, talent pool efforts by the country’s banking sector Switzerland and not declared to French
of generally low
to agriculture and fisheries — by the rightsafterBrexit. The Belgian capital had not and “extremely good regula- to overhaul business models and ensure tax authorities.

report by the country’s interior minis-

Scheme to import EU laws page 3 fatalities from
time Britainleaves the EU. Editorial Comment & Notebook page 12 John Nelson, chairman of the been seen as the first choice for tory reputation”. customers meet international tax The Swiss attorney-general’s office
Sources: Jane’s Terrorism and Insurgency Centre terror incidents in
requirements following a US-led clamp- western Europesaid it was “astonished at the way this
Problems with CDS and other projects Philip Stephens & Chris Giles page 13 centuries-old insurance mar- London’s specialist insurance Lex page 14
down on evaders, which resulted in operation has been organised with the

Publishing Company, the financial times limited,

essential to Brexit could force London to JPMorgan eye options page 18 ket, said he expected other groups after the UK leaves the Insurers set to follow page 18
billions of dollars in fines. deliberate exclusion of Switzerland”. It

subscriptions & Customer service

after imposition of a national lockdown. officer, he was likely to have known this
The probes risk sparking an interna- demanded a written explanation from
tional dispute after the Swiss attorney- Dutch authorities.

City watchdog sends a clear message as

general’s office expressed “astonish- In 2014, Credit Suisse pleaded guilty

under international law.

ment” that it had been left out of the in the US to an “extensive and wide-
actions co-ordinated by Eurojust, the ranging conspiracy” to help clients THE the
Escape RISE OF
taper ECO-GLAM

registered office as above. local representative office; try on organised crime since the pan-
banker loses job over WhatsApp boast
subscription offers:
EU’s judicial liaison body. evade tax. It agreed to fines of $2.6bn.
Credit Suisse, whose shares fell 1.2 per Additional reporting by Laura Noonan in How high earners can evade
cent yesterday, identified itself as the Dublin, Caroline Binham and Vanessa
subject ofinvestigations in the Nether- Houlder in London, and Michael Stothard a pension headache — FT MONEY
lands, France and the UK. The bank said in Paris Austen’s descendants insist the Rice portrait depicts her as a girl — see magazine

Italy has suffered its worst economic would be the protesters’ fate.
Bridgeman Art Library

C/ infanta maria teresa 4, bajo 2, 28016, madrid. issn

Berrys after discussions with regulators.

Contact: +44 207 775 6000,

LAURA NOONAN — DUBLIN media at work, but banks are unable to
Christopher Niehaus, a former Jeffer- ban people from installing apps on their

Brussels takes tough stance on Brexit

A boastful WhatsApp message has cost ies banker, passed confidential client private phones.

demic began.
a London investment banker his job information to a “personal acquaint- Andrew Bodnar, a barrister at Matrix
and a £37,000 fine in the first case of ance and a friend” using WhatsApp, Chambers, said the case set “a precedent

with Spain handed veto over Gibraltar

Shutdown risk as border

regulators cracking down on commu- according to the FCA. The regulator said in that it shows the FCA sees these mes- 390_Cover_PRESS.indd 1 19/01/2017 13:57

manage your personal account:

wall bid goes over the top nications over Facebook’s popular Mr Niehaus had turned over his device saging apps as the same as everything
chat app. to his employer voluntarily. else”.

contraction since the second world war Eyad A was tried on the basis of German “This is a historic moment for every
Congressional Republicans seeking to The FCA said Mr Niehaus had shared Information shared by Mr Niehaus
avert a US government shutdown after The fine by the Financial Conduct confidential information on the messag- included the identity and details of a
April 28 have resisted Donald Trump’s Authority highlights the increasing ing system “on a number of occasions” client and information about a rival of ALEX BARKER — BRUSSELS ambitious trade and airline access deals. mise. If Britain wants to prolong its

uae: masar Printing & Publishing, P.o. Box 485100,

attempt to tack funds to pay for a wall problem new media pose for companies last year to “impress” people. Jefferies. In one instance the banker GEORGE PARKER — LONDON Gibraltar yesterday hit back at the status within the single market after

on the US-Mexico border on to that need to monitor and archive their Several banks have banned the use of boasted how he might be able to pay off STEFAN WAGSTYL — BERLIN clause, saying the territory had “shame- Brexit, the guidelines state it would
stopgap spending plans. They fear staff’s communication. new media from work-issued devices, his mortgage if a deal was successful. The EU yesterday took a tough opening fully been singled out for unfavourable require “existing regulatory, budgetary,
that his planned $33bn increase in Several large investment banks have but the situation has become trickier as Mr Niehaus was suspended from Jef- stance in Brexit negotiations, rejecting treatment by the council at the behest of supervisory and enforcement instru-
defence and border spending could banned employees from sending client banks move towards a “bring your own feries and resigned before the comple- Britain’s plea for early trade talks and Spain”. Madrid defended the draft ments and structures to apply”.
force a federal shutdown for the first information over messaging services device” policy. Goldman Sachs has tion of a disciplinary process. Living wage rise to pile clause, pointing out that it only reflected Mr Tusk wants talks on future trade

dubai. editor in Chief: roula khalaf. The report by the anti-Mafia investiga- after it led the way in Europe in impos- laws that recognise universal jurisdic- Syrian and for the families of more than
explicitly giving Spain a veto over any
time since 2013, as Democrats refuse including WhatsApp, which uses an clamped down on its staff’s phone bills Jefferies declined to comment while pressure on care services “the traditional Spanish position”. to begin only once “sufficient progress”

tel: +44 20 7873 4000,

arrangements that apply to Gibraltar.
to accept the proposals. encryption system that cannot be as iPhone-loving staff spurn their work- Facebook did not respond to a request Senior EU diplomats noted that has been made on Britain’s exit bill and
US budget Q&A and accessed without permission from the issued BlackBerrys. forcomment. About 2.3m people will benefit from European Council president Donald Mr Tusk’s text left room for negotiators citizen rights, which Whitehall officials
Trump attack over health bill i PAGE 8 user. Deutsche Bank last year banned Bankers at two institutions said staff Additional reporting by Chloe Cornish today’s increase in the national living Tusk’s first draft of the guidelines, to work with in coming months. Prime believe means simultaneous talks are
WhatsApp from work-issued Black- are typically trained in how to use new Lombard page 20 wage to £7.50 per hour. But the rise which are an important milestone on minister Theresa May’s allies insisted possible if certain conditions are met.
the road to Brexit, sought to damp Brit- that the EU negotiating stance was Boris Johnson, the foreign secretary,

France: Publishing director, Jonathan slade, 46 rue la

will pile pressure on English councils,
which will have to pay care workers a ain’s expectations by setting out a largely “constructive”, with one saying it reassured European colleagues at a
lot more. Some 43 per cent of care “phased approach” to the divorce proc- was “within the parameters of what we Nato summit in Brussels that Mrs May
Subscribe In print and online World Markets staff — amounting to 341,000 people ess that prioritises progress on with- were expecting, perhaps more on the had not intended to “threaten” the EU

tion directorate (DIA) said there was a ing a lockdown to halt the spread of the tion for war crimes, crimes against 130,000 people detained and disap-
aged 25 and over — earn less than the drawal terms. upside”. when she linked security co-operation The decision to add the clause giving British officials admitted that the EU’s
STOCK MARKETS CURRENCIES INTEREST RATES new living wage and the increase is after Brexit with a trade deal.
Tel: 0800 298 4708

Boetie, 75008 Paris, tel. +33 (0)1 5376 8256; fax: +33 (01)
expected to cost councils’ care services Spain the right to veto any EU-UK trade insistence on a continuing role for the Reports & analysis page 3

letters to the editor

Mar 30 prev %chg Mar 30 prev Mar 30 prev price yield chg
£360m in the coming financial year. deals covering Gibraltar could make the European Court of Justice in any transi- Jonathan Powell, Tim Harford &
For the latest news go to S&P 500 2365.93 2361.13 0.20 $ per € 1.074 1.075 € per $ 0.932 0.930 US Gov 10 yr 98.87 2.38 0.00
Analysis i PAGE 4 300-year territorial dispute between tion deal could be problematic. Man in the News: David Davis page 11 Nasdaq Composite 5902.74 5897.55 0.09 $ per £ 1.249 1.241 £ per $ 0.801 0.806 UK Gov 10 yr 100.46 1.21 -0.03
Madrid and London an obstacle to Brussels sees little room for compro- Henry Mance page 12
Dow Jones Ind 20703.38 20659.32 0.21 £ per € 0.859 0.866 € per £ 1.164 1.155 Ger Gov 10 yr 98.68 0.39 -0.01
© THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD 2017 FTSEurofirst 300 1500.72 1493.75 0.47 ¥ per $ 111.295 111.035 ¥ per € 119.476 119.363 Jpn Gov 10 yr 100.45 0.06 0.00
No: 39,435 ★

5376 8253; Commission Paritaire n° 0919 C 85347; issn

Euro Stoxx 50 3481.67 3475.27 0.18 ¥ per £ 139.035 137.822 £ index 76.705 76.951 US Gov 30 yr 100.14 2.99 0.01
Subscribe In print and online World Markets significant threat organised criminals Covid-19 virus, which has killed more humanity and genocide. peared,” said Wafa Mustafa, an activist
Printed in London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, FTSE 100 7369.52 7373.72 -0.06 € index 89.046 89.372 $ index 104.636 103.930 Ger Gov 2 yr 102.58 -0.75 0.00
Frankfurt, Brussels, Milan, Madrid, New York, FTSE All-Share 4011.01 4011.80 -0.02 SFr per € 1.069 1.072 SFr per £ 1.244 1.238 price prev chg
Chicago, San Francisco, Washington DC, Orlando, CAC 40 5089.64 5069.04 0.41 COMMODITIES Fed Funds Eff 0.66 0.66 0.00
Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Dubai Xetra Dax 12256.43 12203.00 0.44 Mar 30 prev %chg US 3m Bills 0.78 0.78 0.00 Tel: 0800 298 4708
Mar 31 prev %chg Mar 31 prev Mar 31 prev price yield chg
19063.22 19217.48 -0.80 Oil WTI $ 50.22 49.51 1.43 Euro Libor 3m
Nikkei -0.36 -0.36 0.00
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S&P 500 2367.10 2368.06 -0.04 $ per € 1.070 1.074 € per $ 0.935 0.932 US Gov 10 yr 98.63 2.41 -0.01
Hang Seng 24301.09 24392.05 -0.37 Oil Brent $ 52.98 52.54 0.84 UK 3m 0.34 0.34 0.00

executive appointments
Nasdaq Composite 5918.69 5914.34 0.07 $ per £ 1.251 1.249 £ per $ 0.800 0.801 UK Gov 10 yr 100.35 1.22 0.02
FTSE All World $ 297.99 297.73 0.09 Gold $ 1248.80 1251.10 -0.18 Prices are latest for edition Data provided by Morningstar
Dow Jones Ind 20689.64 20728.49 -0.19 £ per € 0.855 0.859 € per £ 1.169 1.164 Ger Gov 10 yr 99.27 0.33 -0.01
© THE FINANCIAL TIMES LTD 2017 FTSEurofirst 300 1503.03 1500.72 0.15 ¥ per $ 111.430 111.295 ¥ per € 119.180 119.476 Jpn Gov 10 yr 100.36 0.07 0.00
No: 39,436 ★ Euro Stoxx 50 3495.59 3481.58 0.40 ¥ per £ 139.338 139.035 £ index 77.226 76.705 US Gov 30 yr 99.27 3.04 0.01

would take advantage of the country’s than 95,000 people in the country since Campaigners hope that principle can and journalist based in Berlin, whose
Printed in London, Liverpool, Glasgow, Dublin, FTSE 100 7322.92 7369.52 -0.63 € index 88.767 89.046 $ index 104.536 104.636 Ger Gov 2 yr 102.57 -0.75 0.00

turkey: dunya super Veb ofset a.s. 100. Yil mahallesi

Frankfurt, Brussels, Milan, Madrid, New York, FTSE All-Share 3990.00 4011.01 -0.52 SFr per € 1.071 1.069 SFr per £ 1.252 1.244 price prev chg

tel: +44 20 7873 4909

Chicago, San Francisco, Washington DC, Orlando, CAC 40 5122.51 5089.64 0.65 COMMODITIES Fed Funds Eff 0.66 0.66 0.00
Tokyo, Hong Kong, Singapore, Seoul, Dubai Xetra Dax 12312.87 12256.43 0.46 Mar 31 prev %chg US 3m Bills 0.78 0.78 0.00
Nikkei 18909.26 19063.22 -0.81 Oil WTI $ 50.46 50.35 0.22 Euro Libor 3m -0.36 -0.36 0.00
Hang Seng 24111.59 24301.09 -0.78 Oil Brent $ 53.35 53.13 0.41 UK 3m 0.34 0.34 0.00
FTSE All World $ 297.38 298.11 -0.24 Gold $ 1244.85 1248.80 -0.32 Prices are latest for edition Data provided by Morningstar 34204, Bagcilar- istanbul, tel. +90 212 440 24 24.

sweden: responsible Publisher - Christer norlander economic crisis to take over small busi- the outbreak began. be applied to prosecute other, more sen- father was arrested in 2013 and has not
published by: the financial times limited,
Bracken House, 1 friday street, london eC4m 9Bt. © Copyright the financial times 2021.
nesses after initially providing them The country has one of the highest ior figures in the Assad regime who have been heard of since.
tel: +44 20 7873 3000; fax: +44 20 7407 5700. reproduction of the contents of this newspaper in any with assistance. weightings of small and medium-sized so far escaped justice. “We should be witnessing Assad on
editor: roula khalaf. manner is not permitted without the publisher’s prior
consent. ‘financial times’ and ‘ft’ are registered trade
Mafia groups offer “companies in dif- businesses in the EU. The 44-year-old worked for Syria’s trial at the International Criminal Court
Germany: demirören media, Hurriyet as-Branch
Germany, an der Brucke 20-22, 64546 morfelden-
marks of the financial times limited. ficulty a form of social welfare as an There was a decrease in crimes such loathed General Intelligence Unit but but this is the first step towards true
Walldorf, +49 6105 327100. responsible editor, roula the financial times and its journalism are subject to a alternative to [public and private sec- as handling of stolen goods, counterfeit- later defected and fled the country. He accountability and justice.”
khalaf. responsible for advertising content, Jon slade.
italy: monza stampa s.r.l., Via michelangelo Buonarroti,
self-regulation regime under the ft editorial Code of tor] institutions, but then adopt the tra- ing and robberies, in line with freedom was convicted by the higher regional The trial against A’s co-defendant,
153, monza, 20900, milan. tel. +39 039 28288201 ditional intimidatory conduct aimed at of movement restrictions at the start of court in the western German city of Anwar R, a much more senior figure in
owner, the financial times limited; rappresentante e
direttore responsabile in italia: Provasi -
reprints are available of any ft article with your
company logo or contact details inserted if required
acquiring control of their economic the lockdown, the report said. Cases of Koblenz of aiding and abetting a crime Assad’s intelligence apparatus, is con-
Via G. Puecher, 2 20037 Paderno dugnano (mi), italy. (minimum order 100 copies). activities”, the DIA said. fire damage to buildings, an indicator of against humanity. tinuing, with a verdict not expected
milano n. 296 del 08/05/08 - Poste italiane spa-sped. in
abb.Post.dl. 353/2003 (conv. l. 27/02/2004-n.46) art. 1
one-off copyright licences for reproduction of ft articles
are also available.
The report, which covers the period possible protection racketeering and A, whose surname cannot be dis- until October this year. R is charged with
.comma 1, dCB milano.
spain: Bermont impresion, avenida de alemania 12, CtC,
for both services phone +44 20 7873 4816, or email from January to June last year, said there false insurance claims, remained stable closed under German law, was specifi- 4,000 counts of torture, rape and
was a risk small and medium-sized compared with the same period in 2019. cally convicted for his role in rounding assault as well as 58 counts of murder.
thursday 25 February 2021 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 3


Chip shortage
Critical sectors

Biden to order
shines light on review of vital
trade links
fragility of US demetri SevaStopulo and
aime WilliamS — Washington

supply chain
Joe Biden will order a review of critical
supply chains to reduce US dependence
on China and other rivals for every-
thing from rare earths and drug ingre-
dients to semiconductors.
The US president was expected to sign
Lay-offs at carmakers due to a lack of an executive order yesterday requiring
federal agencies to conduct 100-day
semiconductors spur political crisis reviews of supply chains for semicon-
ductors, pharmaceuticals, electric vehi-
cle batteries and critical minerals used
aime WilliamS — Washington from the Kansas City GM plant would be in manufacturing products such as cars
Claire BuShey — chicago
bad at the best of times, but that during and weapons.
What started out as “temporary” lay- a pandemic “it’s fairly devastating”. “We’re going to get out of the business
offs earlier this month at General Brian Deese, President Joe Biden’s top of reacting to supply chain crises as they
Motors’ plant in Kansas City soon economic adviser, has asked Taiwan to arise and get into the business of getting
became “indefinite”. Across town, Ford help, but it remains unclear whether ahead of future supply chain problems,”
slowed production of its F150 pick-up diplomacy can exhort private compa- a senior US official said.
truck, the company’s cash cow, and did nies to divert more of their products to The Financial Times reported this
the same at another facility in Michigan. US buyers. month that Biden was preparing to issue
The carmakers were responding to a The carmakers have been partly hit the order. During the presidential cam-
shortage of the chips for vehicles. The by a lift in demand for chips from con- paign, he pledged to reduce the kind of
shortages have shone a light on a cyclical sumer electronics groups, which started supply chain shocks that emerged at the
corner of the electronics industry where building inventories when carmakers start of the pandemic because of a lack
there is often too much or too little sup- were cutting orders to prepare for a pan- of masks and protective gear for health-
ply, a problem that has been exacer- demic sales dip that did not materialise. On the line: Energy and the National Science Foun- of the chips needed for high-end com- ‘It’s events care workers.
bated by unpredictable demand for US trade policies may also play a part. Ford’s facility dation. In a letter to Biden, the Semicon- puting and most likely for military pur- The order will also require separate
semiconductors during the pandemic. Export controls on SMIC, China’s largest in Dearborn, ductor Industry Association, along with poses, but it would not solve the short- like this that one-year reviews for six sectors includ-
In Washington, the crunch has led to
heightened scrutiny of semiconductor
chipmaker, have further cut supply by
forcing many customers to look else-
other trade groups, argued that chips
fuelled the economy. It said making
age of the chips carmakers need.
Boosting US manufacturing to secure
expose the ing defence, public health, biological
preparedness, IT, transport, and energy
supply chains, illustrated by the extent where for chips. The threat of more lay-offs at more at home would enhance national the supply of chips for the military shared risk and food production.
to which parts of the US manufacturing trade controls as the US tries to limit plants have security by making sure the US was not would require investing in “the bleeding companies The official said Washington was “not
base are reliant on Taiwan’s TSMC, the China’s access to critical technology has become cut off from the supply of chips critical edge” of technology, said Peter Hanb- singling out any country” but would
world’s largest chip foundry and a sup- caused further anxiety, with many com- ‘indefinite’ as to sectors such as the military. ury, a partner at Bain, whereas cars use have’ look at where the US was “excessively
plier to companies from Apple to VW. panies hoarding chips. carmakers “The absence of US incentives has older tech and different-sized chips. dependent” on a rival.
“It’s events like this that expose the The US semiconductor sector has respond to a made our country uncompetitive and Also, the factors that led to the crunch “We’re looking at the risks posed by
shared risk companies have,” said Kris- seized on the crisis to bolster its cam- shortage of America’s share of global semiconduc- for carmakers were unrelated to where dependence on competitor nations,” the
tin Dziczek, vice-president at the Center paign for more taxpayer dollars, which chips for tor manufacturing has steadily declined the chips were made, said Chad Bown of official said, citing the example of being
for Automotive Research. “It’s when we it says it needs to stay competitive ag- vehicles as a result,” the groups wrote. the Peterson Institute. too reliant on China for rare earths.
have a disruption and find, ‘Holy cow, ainst subsidised rivals overseas, includ- Jeff Kowalsky/AFP/Getty
While there has always been some Clete Willems, a former Trump trade The move comes as the White House
we’ve got all these eggs in this basket’.” ing in China. It also argues it needs state support for boosting funding in US Con- official, said: “It’s not as much a ques- rushes to address a shortage in semicon-
The problem has quickly become a support to boost domestic chip manu- gress, the car plant lay-offs have alerted tion of reliance as a question of main- ductors for the car industry after several
domestic crisis, leaving the White facture, which has fallen behind Asia. a wider range of lawmakers. Earlier this taining an innovation edge over time,” US plants were forced to temporarily
House scrambling to lessen the impact Last week, industry groups renewed month, about 15 senators representing referring to US competition with China. stop manufacturing.
on the blue-collar workers that Demo- lobbying the new administration to get car manufacturing states such as Michi- He argued firmer ties with allies Tai- Jake Sullivan, US national security
crats courted in the election campaign. money authorised by Congress in the gan, Ohio, Tennessee and Illinois began wan, South Korea and Japan, where adviser, and Brian Deese, head of the
Clarence Brown, president of a local Chips Act as part of last year’s defence agitating for billions of dollars of extra many chips are made, would be better White House National Economic Coun-
chapter of the United Auto Workers spending bill, which provides $10bn for cash for domestic chip manufacturing. than the US “trying to do everything”. cil, have been working with the car
union, said the financial blow to the new chip plants in the US, as well as Yet most analysts say protecting Additional reporting by Kathrin Hille in industry and US allies to try to identify
more than 1,500 workers sent home funding research at the Department of national security refers to making more Taipei chokepoints in the supply chain.
4 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES thursday 25 February 2021


US regulator Escape from Japan

J&J vaccine performs well against variant Turkish pilots

and airline
First single-shot jab could after vaccination. The vaccine was less Anthony Fauci, the White House’s more likely to be widely adopted in the hundreds of millions of doses through executive
convicted in
effective at preventing moderate to chief medical adviser, said when J&J developing world. the African Vaccine Acquisition Task
receive authorisation as severe illness in the South African first released its phase 3 data it was a Ghana has become the first country in Team, buying from AstraZeneca, Pfizer
early as this weekend group, at 64 per cent, compared with 72 “wake-up call” about the need to adjust the world to receive coronavirus vac- and J&J, as well as 300m doses of Rus-

HANNAH kUCHlEr — New York

and 78 per cent at the sites in the US and
in Brazil.
The FDA’s vaccine advisory group will
to new variants. This week, the FDA
urged vaccine makers to start studies on
cines under the World Health Organiza-
tion-backed Covax facility for low- and
middle-income countries, marking the
sia’s Sputnik V jab.
The FDA also suggested in their
report the J&J vaccine may have an
Ghosn plot
US Food and Drug Administration staff meet tomorrow to discuss the shot, beginning of what has been called the impact on transmissibility of the virus,
have confirmed data showing Johnson & which could receive its first emergency
It was found to be 82% largest vaccine procurement pro- even by asymptomatic carriers. But AYlA JEAN YACklEY ANd YilMAz AkiNCi
Johnson’s single-shot Covid-19 vaccine use authorisation as early as the week- effective at preventing gramme in history. they cautioned there is not yet enough istANbul
is safe and effective, and found it end. J&J said on Tuesday it would have Covax, which is backed by Gavi, the evidence for this finding to be statisti-
worked nearly as well at preventing 4m shots to ship immediately after
severe or critical disease at UN-backed vaccine alliance, and the cally significant.
Three employees of a Turkish airline
have been convicted for their involve-
severe disease caused by the variant approval in the US, which has registered a trial site in South Africa Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness While a main goal of vaccinations is to ment in former Nissan chairman Car-
first discovered in South Africa. more than 500,000 Covid-19 deaths. Innovations, is designed to cover at least prevent hospital stays and death, public los Ghosn’s dramatic escape from
Scientists at the US regulator found in The report will offer some relief to reformulated vaccines or boosters to 20 per cent of citizens in participating health experts are watching closely to Japan.
a report yesterday the J&J jab was 82 per public health experts who have been tackle the new variants. countries by the end of the year, with a see if any can also reduce the spread of
cent effective at preventing severe or concerned vaccines are proving less As the first single-shot vaccine, J&J’s chance it could raise that to 27 per cent if the disease, which would pave the way The Istanbul court sentenced two pilots
critical disease at its trial site in South effective against the 501.V2 variant. J&J jab will be an important contribution to supplies and funding allow. for the removal of measures such as and a manager of the private charter
Africa, where the 501.V2 variant was and Novavax’s vaccines worked less the global race to inoculate people Last week, G7 leaders increased their social distancing and wearing masks. company MNG Jet to four years and two
prevalent. This compares with 86 per well in South African trials, while lab around the world. The vaccine is easy to funding to the facility and discussed Additional reporting by Neil Munshi in months in prison for human smuggling.
cent efficacy in participants in the US tests have shown reduced efficacy for transport and store, and is being pro- schemes to donate surplus doses. Lagos and David Pilling in London They are likely to avoid prison sen-
and 88 per cent in Brazil, from 28 days several other shots. duced on a non-profit basis, making it The African Union has also secured See Opinion and Notebook tences after already serving six months
in pre-trial detention.
The court acquitted four other
employees — two other pilots and two
stewardesses — for aiding the execu-

South Africa tive’s daring escape from Osaka, Japan,

to Beirut. The defendants had faced up

Budget flags
to eight years in prison.
Japanese authorities detained Ghosn
in November 2018 on charges he had

pain ahead under-reported tens of millions of dol-

lars in compensation and misused com-
pany funds while serving at the helm of
the country’s second-biggest car manu-
South Africa is pushing ahead with Ghosn jumped bail in December 2019
plans to shore up its public finances by hiding in a box that was loaded on to a
as officials warn the economy is private jet that eventually brought him
“dangerously overstretched” despite
a recent boom in commodity prices.
Finance minister Tito Mboweni
‘While Ghosn is
hailed “significant improvement” as comfortably living his life
he delivered the annual budget
yesterday but said state debts would
in Beirut . . . my life has
hit 80 per cent of gross domestic been totally disrupted’
product this year and peak below 90
per cent by 2025, lower than initially to his childhood home of Lebanon,
feared. As protesters against social which does not have an extradition
welfare cuts clashed with police treaty with Japan. Ghosn has denied the
outside parliament in Cape Town charges and said he fled because he
yesterday, right, he warned that would not have received a fair trial in
President Cyril Ramaphosa’s Japan.
government was not “swimming in Those found guilty in Turkey are free
cash” and made clear spending pending an appeal of their conviction.
cutbacks would be necessary. Even if the verdict is upheld, the men
Joseph Cotterill in Johannesburg are not expected to go to jail after spend-
ing time in prison ahead of the trial and
Nic Bothma/EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
because they had no previous criminal
record, said lawyer Erem Yucel.
Noyan Pasin, a pilot on the Osaka-Is-
Jabs glut. Humanitarian aid tanbul flight, said he believed his con-
viction was an attempt to “save face for

Israel uses excess virus shots for global diplomacy

Japan and Turkey” and to avoid a diplo-
matic incident. He denied knowing
Ghosn was hiding in the plane’s cargo.
“We are the only ones in the world
who have been blamed and convicted in
expecting 5,000 doses from Israel. Russia to fly an unspecified amount of line healthcare workers, and a smaller, shipments of the vaccines to the Gaza connection with [Ghosn’s escape],” he
Honduras and Czech Republic Flight trackers showed a Honduran mil- its Sputnik V vaccine to the Syrian unspecified number to the Gaza Strip, Strip to press Hamas to release the bod- said.
among first to receive doses, as itary jet landing on Tuesday at Israel’s regime, the senior Israeli politician said. according to a defence ministry official. ies of two Israeli soldiers and two civil- “No one working security, customs or
closed Ben Gurion airport. Israel is in the enviable position of “Not only does Israel deny Palestini- ians held by the militant group. immigration at the Japanese airport has
Palestinians await own supply The Israeli government has yet to offi- having access to unused vaccine, espe- ans access to vaccines, Israel is also The Israeli military advised against been tried. While Ghosn is comfortably
cially confirm the deliveries, though in a cially as back-up deals with Moderna doing this to extract political points at using access to vaccines as leverage after living his life in Beirut . . . my life has
MEHUl SrivAStAvA — tel Aviv
statement on Tuesday it said: “In light of and AstraZeneca mean that millions of the expense of Palestinians,” said Diana ministers in Netanyahu’s rightwing been totally disrupted.”
the successful vaccination campaign in vaccine doses are either on the way or Buttu, an Arab-Israeli lawyer who has camp publicly demanded that access to The trial of the Turkish flight crew is
Israel will wield some of its excess sup- Israel, the leading country in the world worked with the Palestinian Authority vaccines be conditional on the release of just one of the international cases stem-
ply of coronavirus vaccines as interna- in inoculating the population, Israel has in its negotiations with Israel. “This isn’t the bodies and prisoners. ming from Ghosn’s tenure at Nissan and
tional humanitarian aid, using its glut of received many requests from the coun-
‘The optics are terrible just that there’s a convenient trade Defence minister Benny Gantz his escape. In Tokyo, former Nissan
jabs to pursue diplomatic goals while tries of the world to assist with the sup- given the global vaccine arrangement between Israel and the responded to news reports of deliveries director Greg Kelly, an American who
Palestinians wait for aid shipments for ply of vaccines.” Honduras, it is because Honduras is to other countries by saying it was a was arrested on the same day as Ghosn,
their own supplies. The decision to use Israel’s leftover
supply shortage. It’s even moving their embassy to Jerusalem and “trade in vaccines paid for by Israeli tax- stands trial for allegedly helping Ghosn
The first three countries to receive doses of the Moderna vaccine comes worse public health policy’ that’s why they are getting the vaccine.” payers”, and Netanyahu had made the conceal his pay.
thousands of doses will be Honduras, after the Jewish state struck a data-shar- Some have criticised the move as poor decision without consulting the rest of In the US, US Army special forces vet-
the Czech Republic and Guatemala, all ing deal with Pfizer that resulted in already in cold storage in the Jewish public health policy. “It’s unclear why the government. eran Michael Taylor and his son Peter
of whom recently agreed to strengthen unrestricted supplies, fuelling the state. Netanyahu thinks stronger diplomatic The talks to release the Israeli are battling extradition to Japan. They
their diplomatic presence in Jerusalem, world’s fastest vaccination campaign. But it has rejected any suggestions support abroad is a priority in the midst woman, mediated by Russian president are accused of masterminding the
bolstering Israel’s claim to the contested The policy could also be extended to that it is obliged under international law of a pandemic, when Palestinians right Vladimir Putin, also included the return escape plot.
city. help speed up talks with Muslim major- to provide vaccines for the Palestinians next door — in the same epidemiological of two Syrian shepherds who had MNG Jet admitted that two of its jets
The news was first reported by the ity states considering warming their that live under its occupation. Israel ecosystem — aren’t yet vaccinated,” said crossed into Israel, and were made eas- were used to bring Ghosn from Osaka to
Kan public broadcaster, and a senior diplomatic ties with Israel, another says the 1993 Oslo Accords, which pro- Neri Zilber, a fellow at The Washington ier after Syrian authorities were given Istanbul, then on to Lebanon. But the
Israel politician later confirmed the Israeli official said. vided for limited self-rule in heavily Institute for Near East Policy. “The an assurance the woman was neither a Istanbul-based company accused its
plans to the Financial Times. “It’s hap- Benjamin Netanyahu, Israel’s prime populated areas in the West Bank and optics are terrible given the global vac- spy nor a threat. Netanyahu later operations manager, Okan Kosemen, of
pening,” he said. The Czech Republic minister, has already had success with the Gaza Strip, transferred that respon- cine supply shortage, but it’s even worse ducked journalists’ questions on arranging the contract without the
said it had received a small Israeli ship- the new policy. Over the weekend, an sibility to the Palestinian Authority. public health policy.” whether vaccines were used to speed up knowledge of senior management.
ment, Reuters reported, and the gov- Israeli woman who had crossed over Israel has sent fewer than 5,000 doses Separately, Netanyahu decided not to her release, saying only that no “Israeli” Kosemen was among the men sen-
ernment of Honduras has said it is into Syria was released after Israel paid to the Palestinian Authority for front- delay the transfer of international aid vaccines had been traded. tenced yesterday.

Contracts & tenders infrastructure finance

China focuses on Africa as Belt and Road lending decreases

tHOMAS HAlE ANd JAMES kYNgE the coronavirus pandemic, coincided mainly developing countries around the lending to BRI projects. During the coro-
HoNg koNg
with mounting challenges to China’s world. But in the past two years, Chinese navirus pandemic, they have helped
Chinese overseas energy finance ambitious Belt and Road Initiative, lending to the BRI has slowed dramati- boost activity on the Chinese mainland.
collapsed to its lowest level since 2008 which has since 2013 sought to cally, analysts said. Several important BRI countries, such
last year, with its struggling Belt and build infrastructure across dozens of The country’s two big state develop- as Venezuela, Ecuador and Pakistan,
Road ambitions in the sector relying countries. ment banks, the China Development have also run into financial trouble,
more heavily on projects in African Lending from China’s policy banks, Bank and the Export-Import Bank of raising concern in Beijing over the
countries. which are distinct from its state-backed China, have been obliged to support financial sustainability of its largesse to
commercial lenders and play a big role more projects at home, reducing their the developing world.
More than half of China’s $4.6bn in over- in financing official projects both within capacity to maintain a blistering pace of Last year, Zambia became the first
seas energy lending went to projects in and outside of China, fell sharply last African country to default on its debts
Africa in 2020, data from Boston Uni- year. during the pandemic. It has borrowed
versity’s Global Energy Finance data- “I think the story has changed very heavily from Chinese lenders and
base show. China’s policy banks funded significantly [over recent years],” said reached a deal in October to defer
a gas pipeline in Nigeria, which drove Chen Long, a partner at Plenum, a con- repayments to China Development
most of the more than $3bn of financ- sultancy, in Beijing. “We don’t have a lot Bank.
ing, and smaller projects in Lesotho, of outflows . . . and a lot of places don’t China’s overseas lending to energy
Rwanda and the Ivory Coast. want Chinese capital,” he added, while projects specifically has declined stead-
Overall overseas energy finance fell suggesting countries in Africa were still ily in recent years. It provided $49bn of
by 43 per cent compared with 2019 and more receptive than other markets. financing in 2017-20, compared with
was far below its level in recent years. Energy financing has always been a $73bn in 2013-2016. Lending to Africa
Elsewhere, China lent towards projects big part of the BRI, conceived by Xi Jin- made up 37 per cent of the total in the
in Bangladesh, Serbia and Pakistan. ping, China’s president, as the “project former period, higher than its 21 per
The wider drop in activity, antici- of the century”. China has promised to Niger Delta: Nigeria received most of cent share of the total in the years
pated in part because of the impact of spend $1tn on building infrastructure in China’s lending in Africa last year 2013-16.
thursday 25 february 2021 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 5

ignore the tantrums fed should take its cue from a baby sleep training technique and let longer rates rise y MARKets iNsiGHt, PAGe 9

Reckitt cleans Aiming high Flying taxi start-up to go public

in deal with LinkedIn and Zynga founders
banker quits
up with record after Wirecard
sales in Covid oLaF storbEcK — fRANKfuRt
oWEN WaLKEr — LoNdoN

hygiene boom
A senior investment banker who acted
as a financial adviser to former Wire-
card boss Markus Braun has left her job
at UniCredit following revelations
about the business relationship.
Jana Hecker has left UniCredit, the Ital-
ian bank told the Financial Times, con-
3 Dettol and Lysol fly off the shelves firming a staff memo sent late on Tues-
day that said Luca Falco, head of global
3 Last year a ‘turning point’, says chief syndicate and capital markets, was tak-
ing on her role as head of equity capital
markets on an interim basis “with
Judith EvaNs 2021 to be a year of further strategic immediate effect”.
progress and we remain confident that Hecker declined to comment. She had
Reckitt Benckiser reported the highest we will meet our medium-term targets.” previously worked at Goldman Sachs
annual revenue growth in its history as The chief executive is seeking to move and Deutsche Bank and joined
the Covid-19 hygiene boom fuelled sales beyond a period of slow growth and mis- UniCredit last March.
for its Dettol and Lysol disinfectants. haps that marred the final years of Last year, Hecker helped to arrange
The company, which also makes Rakesh Kapoor, his predecessor. loans on behalf of Braun’s family office
Nurofen painkillers and Durex con- The company’s share price has in the run-up to Wirecard’s collapse.
doms, said yesterday that sales last year returned to pre-Covid levels after a peak The work was separate from her job at
rose 11.8 per cent on a like-for-like net in July as investors worried over longer- UniCredit.
basis to £14bn, the strongest figure since term growth prospects beyond the Details of the arrangement were
it was formed through a merger in 1999. immediate hygiene boom and ques- reported by the FT on Friday. Between
The company based in Slough, south- tioned whether consumers’ changed February and May 2020, she advised the
ern England, also announced a series of cleaning habits would last. former Wirecard chief executive on the
portfolio changes in an attempt to show Reckitt is betting on a continued focus refinancing of €110m in loans that Deut-
an overhaul by Laxman Narasimhan, on cleanliness with its new business-to- sche Bank wanted to terminate. In this
chief executive, would lead to enduring business hygiene division, which yester- capacity, she interacted with Wall Street
growth beyond the pandemic windfall. day announced a partnership between banks and private equity firms on
Reckitt will review its Chinese baby Dettol and the England’s Football Asso- Braun’s behalf, billing a total of 156
ciation to provide hygiene advice and hours of work.
to disinfect venues such as Wembley Hecker charged Braun a day rate of
Portfolio changes are Stadium in London. Spac age: Joby says its electric aircraft has completed more than 1,000 hours of test flights — Bradley Wentzel/Joby Aviation €5,000 and a success-related payout,
intended to show Laxman The group is also seeking to shift its according to documents reviewed by
portfolio into higher-growth areas. Yes- are betting on which groups might Cruz company has approval from the the FT. Her work led to two loans with
Narasimhan’s overhaul terday it announced the sale of Scholl to
New YoRK
one day operate commuter flights. US Air Force to fly its vertical take-off tiny German lender Oldenburgische
will bring enduring growth Yellow Wood Partners, the private
PatricK McGEE — sAN fRANcisco
Asher, a rival of Joby, merged this and landing aircraft, it says, and has Landesbank and an investment fund
equity group, for an undisclosed sum. It Joby Aviation has agreed to merge month with a Spac backed by Ken tested it for more than 1,000 hours. controlled by German entrepreneur
formula division, which accounts for said it had bought Biofreeze following with a blank cheque company Moelis, a US investment banker, giv- It plans to start making aircraft this Oliver Samwer, chief executive of
about 6 per cent of sales and has been a the acquisition last month of Queen V, launched by Reid Hoffman and Mark ing it a public valuation of $3.8bn. year on a 450,000 sq ft facility it Rocket Internet.
burden for the company, with revenues the female sexual wellness brand. Pincus, the entrepreneurs, in a deal Blade, which operates helicopters, designed with Toyota. Last year, the In an email to Braun’s sister Marlies
falling since it was acquired from Mead Reckitt’s strategic review of its Chin- that values the flying taxi developer has also listed via a Spac and plans to Japanese carmaker led a $620m Braun on June 1 last year after the suc-
Johnson four years ago. It has also ese baby formula business comes as it at $6.6bn after a new fundraising. expand into electric air taxi services. investment round in Joby, which fos- cessful refinancing, Hecker pointed to
agreed to sell Scholl footcare and buy struggles to compete with local brands In Europe, Lilium, the German elec- tered co-operation between engineers her contractual agreement with the
the Biofreeze pain relief brand. and has faced a blow from the closure of The electric aircraft maker confirmed tric aviation start-up backed by Baillie of both companies. family office that entitled her to some
As the pandemic took hold in 2020, cross-border trade to Hong Kong in the yesterday it would go public via a Gifford, the UK private investment In December, Joby bought Uber Ele- €100,000 in fixed pay and a perform-
hygiene sales grew a fifth as the com- pandemic. The company took a £985m merger with Reinvent Technology manager, is also looking to go public vate, the flying taxi arm of the ride- ance-related bonus of between
pany introduced Dettol and Lysol to 41 impairment charge on that business in Partners, the special purpose acquisi- by merging with a Spac. Baillie Gifford sharing group, and Eric Allison, the €510,000 and €870,000.
new markets to capitalise on higher 2020, it said yesterday, following tion company created last year by is also an investor in Joby. former head of Uber Elevate, is now An email Marlies Braun sent to her
demand for branded cleaning products. another £5bn writedown a year ago. Hoffman, co-founder of LinkedIn, The deal with Reinvent provides Joby’s head of product. brother two days later suggested a pay-
Immunity supplement brand Airborne “We are pleased to see new manage- and Pincus, founder of Zynga, the Joby with $1.6bn in cash to pursue its Joby, Archer and Lilium all say they ment to Hecker of around €790,000 for
more than doubled sales. ment move swiftly on the issue, which video games maker. development work, $690m from the hope to begin deployment of their fly- the work carried out.
Growth is not likely to continue at the has been a problem for some years,” said Plans for the deal were first pot raised last year by the Hoffman- ing taxis between 2023 and 2025. She never received that fee due to
same levels, however. Reckitt expected Alicia Forry, an analyst at Investec. reported by the Financial Times ear- Pincus Spac plus $910m in new The US “air mobility market” could Wirecard’s collapse weeks later, accord-
sales growth of 0 to 2 per cent in 2021, a The company plans to pay out a full- lier this month. money from investors that include be worth up to $115bn in annual reve- ing to people briefed on the details.
sign of its battle to reach its target of an year dividend of 174.6p for 2020, Joby, whose backers include Uber Baupost, the hedge fund, and funds nue by 2035, creating 280,000 jobs Braun had previously worked with
enduring mid-single-digit level. unchanged from a year earlier. Shares in and Toyota, is the latest electric air- managed by BlackRock and Fidelity. along the way, according to a report by Hecker while she was employed by
Last year was a “turning point” for the the group were up 0.64 per cent to craft maker to go public via a Spac. Joby was founded in 2009 and has Deloitte, the consultancy, and the Deutsche Bank, where she helped set up
company, said Narasimhan. “We expect £60.08 in morning trading. Veteran and first-time investors alike more than 500 employees. The Santa Aerospace Industries Association. his margin loan from the lender.

Legal Notices
Danone tests shareholders’ willingness to embrace green culture
new, more responsible form of capital- gas emissions. It also began reporting
inside business ism that has been backed by everyone so-called climate-adjusted earnings per
from BlackRock’s Larry Fink to the US share last year.
europe Business Roundtable. The moves mirror initiatives across
However, with Danone’s share price the consumer goods industry, which has
Leila trading at a historically wide discount to
Nestlé and Unilever, its larger peers, the
been among the more enthusiastic
adopters of the “multi-stakeholder”
Abboud company has come under pressure from
Just think back to Paul Polman at Uni-
Sarah Kaplan, a University of Toronto lever in 2010 telling his shareholders
professor, predicts there will be more not to invest in the group if they did not

conflicts such as the one between share- like his focus on sustainability goals that
hen Danone sharehold- holders and management at Danone included cutting water usage and
ers approved a change given the depth of the changes under improving the lives of its suppliers.
in the French com- way. Nestlé, the sector leader, has also
pany’s legal status last “We are in the early stages of develop- jumped on the green bandwagon, pledg-
year to enshrine its ment of a new more responsible capital- ing last year to spend €3bn in the next
social mission, its chief executive ism. People may want to run businesses five years on measures to cut its green-
declared they had “toppled the statue of differently but they still do not know house gas emissions to net zero by 2050.
Milton Friedman”. how to do it,” she said. “You need Yet the biggest foodmaker in the world
However, now the company manage- to identify the trade-offs and address has not been criticised for this addi-
ment is facing heat from the market them head-on with tional spending because Mark Schnei-
forces once championed by the econo- employees and Investors broadly support der, chief executive, has executed a suc-
mist as necessary for capitalism. shareholders.” cessful turnround since joining in 2017.
Dissatisfied shareholders have been The dissident tackling environmental The upshot seems to be that investors
agitating for change at the maker of shareholders seem problems as long as it does support a broader role for business in
Evian bottled water and Activia yoghurt to have sensed that tackling environmental problems as
attacking the com- not distract from the main

Businesses For Sale

for months. They have called for the long as it does not distract from the
replacement of Emmanuel Faber, chief pany directly for its show of growing earnings main show of growing earnings
executive and chairman of the board, green pledges was and returning money to sharehold-
after what they see as a prolonged not the best tactic, so they have taken ers. Unilever also co-opted shareholders
period of underperformance. pains in public to say their beef with by offering them a vote every three
It is a tussle for power that could have the company is over performance, not years on its plans to tackle climate
repercussions for the wider business philosophy. change.
world and the approach to a more stake- Activist Bluebell Capital walked a nar- Faber admitted in a Financial Times
holder-based capitalism. row line in its letter to the board, saying interview last week that it was not
Danone last year became the first big it supported the group’s “dual economic always easy to know if the company was
listed French company to become a so- and social project” even as indicated striking the right balance between
called enterprise à mission, or purpose- that “under the leadership of Mr Faber, short-term business needs and its long-
driven company. Danone did not manage to strike the term approach. “We are adjusting the
The status requires it not only to gen- right balance between shareholder balance constantly,” he said.
erate profit for its shareholders but to do value creation and sustainability”. Danone did win over one prominent Business for Sale, Business Opportunities, Business Services,
so in a way that it says will benefit its In practice, Danone’s pledges on sus- ally recently — none other than Polman, Business Wanted, Franchises
customers’ health and the planet. Its tainability have included committing to the former Unilever boss, who tweeted Runs Daily
progress on this front is assessed annu- spend billions on efforts to cut its plastic his support for its way of doing business. Classified Business Advertising
ally by an independent board. use, help farmers who produce milk for UK: +44 20 7873 4000 | Email:
Faber is a passionate advocate of a its products and reduce its greenhouse
6 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 February 2021


Technology Banks

Facebook pledges $1bn to pay for news Lloyds aims to

double profits
Scale of three-year budget to temporarily restrict Australian news Facebook on Monday agreed to restore a backlash, especially after access to tent, together reaching deals in more after beating
forecasts for
because of a draft law that would have news in Australia after the government emergency services and health pages than a dozen countries.
revealed as platform seeks allowed big media firms to demand a proposed amendments to a bill that was mistakenly cut off. Clegg said Facebook spent $600m on
to contain Australia fallout “blank check” from the platform. sought to make Big Tech pay for news Clegg said it was “legally necessary” news since 2018.

aLex BarKer — LONDON

“Many people are rightly asking: what
on Earth was all that about?” wrote Clegg
in a Facebook post. “At the heart of it,in
by bolstering the bargaining power of
“It is understandable that some
for the ban to be imposed before the leg-
islation came into force, so Facebook
“erred on the side of over-enforcement.
But the negotiated value of these pub-
lishers rose sharply in Australia as the
government pushed reforms that
last quarter
Facebook has pledged at least $1bn to Facebook’s view, is a fundamental mis- media conglomerates see Facebook as a In doing so, some content was blocked granted media groups the right to seek
pay for news over the next three years, understanding of the relationship potential source of money to make up inadvertently. Much of this was, thank- binding arbitration in disputes with NIChoLaS Megaw — LONDON
matching Google’s spending plans in a between Facebook and news publishers.” for their losses,” Clegg wrote. “But does fully, reversed quickly”. Facebook or Google.
Lloyds Banking Group has said it will
move that aims to contain the fallout The $2bn in funding from Google and that mean they should be able to Facebook has in the past said news Google last week agreed a deal with
aim to more than double profitability
from the social media group’s shortlived Facebook reflects the shift in commer- demand a blank check? That’s what the brings “negligible” value to its platform. Rupert Murdoch’s News Corp, Aus-
this year, after it became the latest
ban on news in Australia. cial power to struggling news groups. Australian law, as it was proposed, But against the backdrop of threats to tralia’s biggest publisher, for an undis-
major British lender to report fourth-
Nick Clegg, Facebook’s vice-president But it is unclear if the sums will satisfy would have done.” tighten regulation, Google and Face- closed sum.
quarter results that were more resilient
of global affairs, disclosed the budget publishers’ demands or avoid poten- Facebook’s abrupt decision to block book over the past three years started The Financial Times has commercial
than expected.
in a post defending last week’s decision tially more costly action by regulators. the sharing of news in Australia caused paying some publishers for news con- deals with both Facebook and Google.
The UK’s largest retail bank set a target
return on tangible equity of between
5 per cent and 7 per cent for 2021,
Automobiles. Supply chain comparable to its 2019 level and far
higher than the 2.3 per cent it achieved
in 2020.

Metals price surge speeds Nissan’s electric car plans Chief financial officer William Chalm-
ers said Lloyds’ and the wider econ-
omy’s recovery would be helped by the
fact that the UK’s Covid-19 vaccination
programme and the lifting of coronavi-
rus restrictions were both progressing
Increase in raw material costs faster than the bank had projected.
comes at a critical phase in The improved outlook came as Lloyds
reported a pre-tax profit of £792m for
manufacturer’s turnround the final three months of 2020, com-
pared with the average analyst forecast
of £471m.
KaNa INagaKI — TOKyO
All four of Britain’s largest retail
First it was the coronavirus pandemic, banks, Lloyds, HSBC, Barclays and Nat-
then the semiconductor shortage. Now, West, outperformed analysts’ expecta-
Nissan is wrestling with a surge in the tions in the fourth quarter thanks to a
prices of precious metals that threatens sharp drop in provisions for future loan
to stall the global car industry’s rebound defaults.
from Covid-19. Lloyds set aside £128m for new
The rise in the prices of metals such as impairments in the fourth quarter,
rhodium and palladium, which are criti- bringing its total for the year to £4.2bn,
cal components in catalytic converters which is below its previous guidance.
for petrol and hybrid vehicles, is fore- Revenues were £3.6bn, down 12 per
cast to cost the global industry $48bn cent year on year.
this year, Citigroup estimates. That
compares with $18bn in 2019, which
pinched industry cash flows 15 per cent.
‘I think we can go a long
“[In addition to the coronavirus crisis way in terms of digitising
and the global chip shortage,] the third
risk which is coming in front of us is raw
processes and making
materials, especially the precious met- products more accessible’
als,” Ashwani Gupta, Nissan’s chief
operating officer, said in an interview. The bank followed its main rivals in
“That’s a key point for us as to how we announcing the maximum full-year
are going to manage that.” dividend payout allowed under the
The increase in raw material costs Bank of England’s current restrictions
comes at a critical phase in the Japanese designed to preserve banks’ capital.
carmaker’s turnround plan. Following Unlike Barclays and NatWest, Lloyds
three straight quarters of losses, job cuts did not provide an explicit figure for
and plant closures, Nissan unexpectedly how much money it would return to
managed to eke out an operating profit shareholders, but Chalmers said it had
in the final three months of 2020. “a very strong capital position” and it
But its profit margin, at 2.5 per cent, would consider whether to resume
remains low at a time when the car New Leaf: Nissan’s Ariya electric sport utility vehicle on display at the Japanese carmaker’s pavilion facility in Yokohama — Kiyoshi Ota/Bloomberg share buybacks at the end of the year.
industry is facing forced plant closures The results marked Lloyds’ final full-
because of a global shortage of semicon- year figures under outgoing chief execu-
ductor components. On a full-year analyst, said the cost of precious metals tive António Horta-Osório, who will
basis, Nissan expects a net loss of $5bn. Electrical fires cost of the battery replacement. The Hyundai has been criticised over the alone was unlikely to accelerate the leave the company at the end of April
Following a multiyear bull run, the Hyundai racks up $900m recall is Hyundai’s second for the Kona adequacy of previous voluntary recalls. transition because electric vehicles con- after a decade in charge to become
price of rhodium is roughly 38 times after more than a dozen caught fire due concerns over the safety of its electric tain other materials such as copper and chairman of Credit Suisse.
higher than five years ago, while palla-
bill over battery recall to battery problems. The carmaker said vehicles also mounted after an electric lithium, which are themselves becom- He will be replaced by HSBC execu-
dium prices have quadrupled. in October that it would recall 77,000 bus manufactured by the carmaker ing increasingly expensive. tive Charlie Nunn, however Lloyds said
A global shift towards stringent stand- Hyundai Motor is embarking on the Konas to upgrade their battery caught fire this month. How Nissan handles raw material costs yesterday Nunn will not begin until mid-
ards on car emissions and air pollution, world’s most expensive electric vehicle management software. Hyundai, together with affiliate Kia, is will be critical in its efforts to change its August. Chalmers will serve as acting
particularly in China and Europe, has recall to replace almost 82,000 The new recall came after a Kona the fourth-largest electric vehicle spending habits as it shifts from pursu- chief executive in the interim.
driven up demand for the metals that go batteries globally following a string of caught fire even after having its maker, with a combined 7.2 per cent ing volume to quality of sales. Horta-Osório said: “I feel I will be
into making catalytic converters. The electrical fires. software upgraded. Hyundai and LG market share as of September last year, Gupta, who was put in charge of turn- leaving the bank in a better position
converters turn toxic emissions such as The South Korean carmaker said the decided to replace the batteries according to industry tracker SNE round efforts in late 2019, said changing than it was in when I joined, which
carbon monoxide and nitrogen oxide recall would cost about Won1tn because the companies could not Research. The pair aim to sell 1m the corporate mindset and instilling dis- should be the purpose of any CEO.”
into carbon dioxide, water and nitrogen. ($900m), which analysts said would be completely prevent fire risks by electric vehicles annually by 2025. cipline had been a challenge. Lloyds did not present a detailed
Gupta said the rising costs of metals the costliest ever. The impact would be upgrading battery management The decision to replace the batteries As part of the transition, he sold Nis- three-year strategic plan after reaching
could make electric vehicles more com- reflected in earnings for the final software alone, the transport ministry is likely to set a precedent in the fast- san’s corporate jets, a legacy of the Carlos the end of its last strategy in 2020.
petitive than petrol and hybrid cars, quarter of 2020, Hyundai said. said. “It will be the most expensive growing electric vehicle industry, where Ghosn era; shut down the executive can- But the bank did outline a number of
since electric vehicles did not contain “Our priority is to dispel potential recall in the EV industry so far because carmakers including GM, Ford and teen to make space for employees who priorities, such as strengthening its
rhodium or palladium. “I think the risks against customer safety despite other EV makers have just upgraded BMW have made a series of recalls, all were relocated from rental offices that focus on recent efforts to expand its
increase in the raw material price is also the low possibility of fires and high their software for battery management of which cited fire risks. were closed to save costs; and banned insurance and wealth division and
an opportunity for us to pull ahead the financial burden,” it said yesterday. systems, which is a relatively small General Motors said in November non-essential use of colour printers. invest in digitisation. It also said it would
tipping point from internal combustion The recall applies to almost 76,000 cost,” said Lee Hang-koo, an adviser at that it would recall nearly 69,000 “Changing from volume to value is strengthen its investment banking unit.
engines to electrification,” he said. vehicles of its best-selling electric Korea Automotive Technology Institute. chevrolet Bolt electric vehicles not easy and it’s not done yet. It’s just the Chalmers said Lloyds would focus on
Nissan has said that all of its vehicles model, the Kona, as well as some Ioniq The ministry is looking into the cause worldwide following several reported beginning,” Gupta said. foreign exchange and sterling rates
launched in Japan, the US and China models and electric buses built of the Kona fires and has not yet fires. Shares in Nissan have risen more than products for its existing corporate
would be either electric or hybrid by the between November 2017 and March completed its probe, but said yesterday “GM is suffering a similar problem, so 20 per cent over the past year on early clients to attract the “large number of
“early 2030s”. The producer of the Leaf, 2020, that use battery cells made by LG that it had found defects in some Hyundai’s decision will intensify signs of a recovery and a boost for stocks our clients who transact away from us”.
one of the world’s best-selling electric chem’s factory in Nanjing, china. battery cells produced at LG’s Nanjing wrangling between EV makers and linked to electric vehicles. “I think we can go a long way in terms
vehicles in 2018 before Tesla displaced Hyundai and LG Energy Solution, LG factory. LG, the largest electric vehicle battery producers over who should be But “investors are sceptical whether of digitising processes, making products
it, plans to launch the Ariya, an all-elec- chem’s wholly owned battery division, battery producer, said it would co- held responsible,” said chung Sung- the company can continue improving more accessible and improving our
tric sport utility vehicle, this year. are in talks about how to divide the operate with the recall and probe. yop, an analyst at Daiwa. profit margins once the new vehicle share of business with them,” he added.
However, Arifumi Yoshida, Citigroup launches run their course”, Yoshida said. See Lex

Travel & leisure aerospace & defence

Hotel chain Accor to buy vaccine jabs for staff FAA orders Pratt & Whitney engine inspection
aLICe haNCoCK aND harry DeMpSey which operates more than 5,100 hotels, to secure supplies. It was “open- CLaIre BuShey — cHIcAGO showed signs of “metal fatigue”, which Saturday’s incident above Colorado
reported in 2019. It has slashed annual minded” about which it would take and appeared to have caused it to snap off at was not the first involving the engine.
Accor, Europe’s largest hotel chain, has US aviation regulators have ordered
costs by €200m, bringing monthly cash was willing to buy the Russian Sputnik V the root. The severed blade hit a second Fan blades broke off a turbine in Decem-
said that it plans to pay for all of its airlines to inspect certain Pratt & Whit-
burn down to €40m from €80m in the vaccine or the Sinovac vaccine from blade, cutting it in half. ber on a Japan Airlines flight, and in
employees to be vaccinated by late ney engines on Boeing jets for fan blade
first half of 2020, and said it had €3.9bn China, he added. The FAA order called for aircraft 2018 on a United flight to Hawaii.
summer as it tries to recover its busi- cracks before the planes fly again.
of liquidity following the sale of half its The company, which is among the operators to carry out a thermal acous- NTSB investigators found in the
ness amid various national lockdowns.
stake in Huazhu, the Chinese hospitality first to commit to funding a staff vacci- The US Federal Aviation Administra- tic image inspection of the titanium fan Hawaii incident, in which no one was
“We are not going to wait for govern- group. nation scheme, has already vaccinated tion issued an emergency airworthiness blades at the front of each engine. The injured, that fatigue had made a tiny
ment. We will be buying our own vac- Companies have been wary about some in Singapore and Dubai. directive related to the PW4000-112, an “technology can detect cracks on the crack inside the hollow core fan blade.
cines if we can get them but we don’t committing to vaccinations for employ- Meanwhile, it faces lockdowns across engine used in about 8 per cent of Boe- interior surfaces of the hollow fan The crack was noted during a check in
want to do it [taking] from existing gov- ees amid concerns that making them its key European market — about 400 of ing’s 777 aircraft. The order came after blades or in areas that cannot be seen 2010 and in 2015, when it was larger.
ernment programmes,” said Sébastien mandatory would be against employ- its hotels are currently closed. an engine on a 777 broke apart four min- during a visual inspection”, it said. “The inspectors attributed the indica-
Bazin, the French group’s chief execu- ment laws. But Norwegian Cruise Line Analysts expect it to benefit from the utes after take-off, scattering debris Regulations require the engine to be tion to a defect in the paint that was used
tive. “It should be not be taking away has said it will require jabs for its crew, rebound in tourism in the second half of over a Denver suburb. inspected every 6,500 flight cycles — or during the [thermal acoustic imaging]
from fragile people.” while some businesses, including Aldi, the year after restrictions are lifted. No one aboard United Airlines flight one take-off and one landing. The FAA process and allowed the blade to con-
Accor, which owns the Novotel and the German supermarket, and Insta- About 40 per cent of Accor’s business 328 or on the ground was hurt, but said it might establish a shorter inspec- tinue the overhaul process and be
Ibis brands as well as the luxury Raffles cart, the grocery delivery service, have comes from leisure travel. planes using the engines from P&W, a tion interval based on the results from returned to service,” the NTSB said.
hotel chain, swung to a €2bn net loss in said they would offer financial incen- To offset what Bazin expects to be a unit of Raytheon Technologies, were in airlines’ initial engine checks. It found that inspectors primarily
2020, underlining the devastation the tives to encourage staff to be vaccinated. 6 to 7 per cent permanent drop in busi- effect grounded after the incident. The PW4000-112 debuted in 1995 as received on-the-job training, which
pandemic has caused in the industry. Bazin said Accor would not insist staff ness travel, Accor plans to offer co- Investigators from the National the launch engine for the 777, but has “could adversely impact the inspection.
It was a sharp reversal from the were vaccinated but that the company working spaces on a subscription basis Transportation Safety Board said on not been used in the Boeing wide-body P&W has advised that it was working to
€464m net profit that the company, was in talks with pharmaceutical groups to corporate customers. Monday that a fan blade in the turbine jets since the mid-2000s. correct those issues.”
thursday 25 February 2021 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 7


H&M puts its innovation on display at stores

Chief experiments in effort to strengthen customer ties amid threat from Zara owner and online rivals such as Asos
richard MilNE Helmersson, a former head of sus-
NordiC aNd BaltiC CorrespoNdeNt
tainability at H&M, said that the hardest
The Hennes & Mauritz flagship on task for the retailer was decoupling its
Stockholm’s main square is trying to growth from its use of natural resources.
break the mould. A woman sewing a The trials in repairing and renting
patch on trousers, party dresses for hire, clothes as well as selling second-hand
and a beauty salon are not standard fare garments through the website Sellpy, in
for most fast-fashion outlets. which H&M is the majority owner, were
But the services could be a taste of important but difficult to gauge how big
things to come as H&M, the second- they could become.
largest clothes retailer, works out what “We have such a size that we can to
to do with its network of 5,000 stores some extent influence customer behav-
after a pandemic that has pushed more iour. But we will also see how willing
shoppers online. The Swedish chain’s they are.”
ideas extend as far as examining Critchlow said H&M deserved “full
whether its shops could play a role in the credit” for the trials but that they were
logistics of online selling. unlikely to lead to soaring profit mar-
For Helena Helmersson, appointed gins. The vital questions were how fast
last year and one of the few H&M chief H&M returned to pre-pandemic sales
executives to come from outside the and profit levels and whether it could go
group’s founding Persson family, it is further.
about boosting relationships and “It requires H&M to manage the costs
engagement with customers. of the stores,” she said, adding that rene-
She said: “The physical store network gotiated leases during the pandemic had
that we have is one of our strengths. only helped a little.
It’s the different roles the stores can
play, the different formats. What kind
of experiences are there in a store?
On sustainability,
Could they be part of an online supply a target has been set
chain? There are so many things to
explore . . . it’s almost thrilling.”
for using 30% recycled
Helmersson, 47, has had a tough first materials by 2025
year as chief executive. At the height of
the first wave of the pandemic, four- Window-dressing: at the height of the first pandemic wave, four-fifths of H&M’s stores were shut and a big push online was unable to offset the hit — David Thunander
fifths of H&M’s physical stores were There is also a debate about how
closed and a big push online was unable Battle with Inditex much increasing online sales —
to offset the hit. expected to rise from 28 per cent of
Ebit margins (%) Total sales growth (%) Share prices (rebased)
Sales declined a fifth in H&M’s finan- H&M’s total last year to about 43 per
cial year until the end of November to 30 40 400 cent in 2025, according to Critchlow —
SKr187bn ($22.6bn) while pre-tax prof- Forecast* Inditex helps given that it comes with additional
its fell 88 per cent to SKr1.2bn, inter- 300 costs such as delivery and returns as
H&M 20
rupting a nascent recovery after years of well as in logistics.
decline. 20 Helmersson is unbowed, arguing that
Inditex 200
Sales plunged in March and April, H&M will offer multiple ways for cus-
before rebounding strongly in the sum- tomers to engage with the retailer
100 through various store formats offering
H&M different services, online, and its own
The pandemic has forced Inditex
0 club.
speedier decision-making H&M
Forecast* “The customer journey is constantly
0 -40 -100 evolving,” she said. “We will follow, and
and greater flexibility at 2010 15 20 22 2010 15 20 22 2010 15 21 influence. Before it was about transac-
the No. 2 clothes retailer * Reported figure for year to Nov 2020 for H&M, all others forecast. For 2010-20, H&M is year to end Nov, while Inditex year to end Dec tions, now it’s about relationships with
Sources: Société Générale; S&P Capital IQ customers.”

mer and then receiving a hit again

around Christmas. the retailer in 1997 as an economist, said really fast decisions” at the start of the
But as the pandemic has forced H&M she started to see “light at the end of the pandemic on how it bought garments,
into speedier decision-making and tunnel” after a “very demanding” worked with its supply chain, and
increased flexibility, and with Helmers- period. “I have super-high expectations moved to selling more online. She
son forecasting a wave of demand when on myself. Adding a crisis on top of that, pointed to how tech allowed designers,
Covid-19 comes under control, the chief it’s been a really tough year.” suppliers and the production office to
executive is emboldened. “Overall, we Now, however, her focus is moving to work together at the same time to pro-
will come out of the pandemic stronger.” a critical question for H&M: “Where do duce new clothes, rather than waiting
Anne Critchlow, analyst at Société we need to move faster?” for one to send a garment to another.
Générale, said that relatively small Despite being in fast fashion, critics “It sounds really basic but if you do
increases in sales at H&M could lead to said H&M had become slow, outpaced that in many processes, you can be
bigger rises in profits. “Potential recov- by nimbler Inditex and online retailers much faster. You also have data to give
ery is part of the attraction of H&M to such as Zalando and Asos. Inditex could you more customer insight, which
investors at the moment: it’s very highly get new clothes to Zara stores in weeks means you can act much quicker.”
operationally geared. H&M should be from nearby manufacturing sites in Accessories could now go from con-
the fastest to recover.” Europe while H&M, with more sourcing ception to store in a few weeks, T-shirts
But she argued that Inditex, the Span- in Asia, took longer. in six weeks, and trousers in eight.
ish owner of Zara that overtook H&M as Opening new stores gave the group an H&M is also trying to increase its
the biggest fashion retailer by sales a easy path to sales growth but did not speed on sustainability, bringing in a
decade ago, was a “better quality com- help profit margins, which have been on target of using 30 per cent recycled
pany” and the Swedish group might be a a downward path for the past decade. materials by 2025.
“bit slower” at returning to its pre-pan- Helmersson said H&M took “really, Critchlow said it led the sector in its
demic profit levels as some customers attempts to become circular, though
steered clear of its stores. many voice concern over how much
H&M shares fell consistently from 88% 50% fast-fashion groups encourage excess
2015 to 2018 before treading water Decline in pre-tax Share price consumption. Strong investor demand
since, though they are up 50 per cent profit at H&M increase since this month led to H&M reducing the
since their Covid low in March last year. in 12 months to Covid low in rate for its maiden sustainability-linked
Helmersson, a H&M lifer who joined end November March 2020 bond, which was 7.6 times subscribed.


Iberdrola to tap €750bn EU recovery fund

daNiEl doMbEy — Madrid markets including Spain and the UK. whole of the Spanish economy that
NaThaliE ThoMas — ediNBurgh
Iberdrola, which continued with takes on these green and digital transi-
Iberdrola has submitted 150 projects international acquisitions last year, esti- tions,” Nadia Calviño, deputy prime
for financing under the EU’s €750bn mated its profits would have been 10 per minister for the economy, said last
recovery fund in one of the clearest cent higher than 2019 were it not for the week.
signs yet of how the programme could coronavirus crisis. “Big companies have a part to play
transform Europe’s energy sector. Nevertheless, profits were helped by but small and medium enterprises also
the disposal last year of the group’s 8 per have to participate in this recovery
Ignacio Galán, the Spanish company’s cent stake in Siemens Gamesa, the wind plan,” she added.
chairman, said Madrid was expected to turbine manufacturer, for more than Iberdrola now forecasts annual prof-
approve most of the schemes by June or €1bn. its of €7bn by 2030, by which time it
July, in line with its efforts to disburse its The Spanish government insists the plans to invest €150bn worldwide.
share of the funds rapidly to boost the EU recovery funds will not favour big Among the Iberdrola proposals con-
stricken economy. domestic companies disproportionately tending for the EU funds, Galán high-
The projects, which range from but is seeking to share out the money lighted €2.5bn in green hydrogen
“green hydrogen” to electric charging quickly. It has already budgeted €27bn schemes, €3.35bn for hydro electricity
points, have a total price tag of €21bn, of it for this year and expects to receive a storage, €4.25bn for electrification of
part of which would be financed by EU total of €140bn over the next six years, heating in homes and factories and
funds. Iberdrola is also participating in a evenly divided between grants and €1.2bn for floating offshore wind farms.
further 20-30 schemes led by other loans. On green hydrogen alone, the group
companies. “We have to make sure that it is the has submitted 53 projects for recovery
“This is a historic opportunity for funds. Green hydrogen, made using
Spain, and we can’t miss this train . . . renewable electricity, would replace
We have to act now,” Galán told the highly polluting “grey hydrogen”, com-
Financial Times. The 150 projects could monly made using natural gas and
contribute 1.5 per cent to Spain’s eco- widely used in processes such as ammo-
nomic growth, support up to 350 com- nia production for fertiliser.
panies and generate 45,000 jobs, he Some commentators including
said. Patrick Pouyanné, Total’s chief execu-
The company yesterday reported a tive, have argued that renewable assets
4.2 per cent rise in net profit to €3.61bn, are in a “bubble” after an auction in the
in line with analysts’ expectations, UK — the world’s biggest offshore wind
despite a drop in electricity demand market — attracted what analysts
of more than 5 per cent because of coro- Power plant: Iberdrola’s East Anglia described as “staggering” prices for
navirus restrictions in important ONE offshore wind farm in the UK seabed rights to build turbine arrays.
8 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES thursday 25 February 2021


equities. Volatility strains Equities

Ex-LSE chief
US clearing house seeks quicker says London
settlements after GameStop saga must be at
heart of Spac

The City of London should strive to

become a global centre for Spacs to fend
off rivals in the wake of Brexit, said
Xavier Rolet, former London Stock
Exchange head, and Matthew Elliott,
Vote Leave co-founder.
Special purpose acquisition compa-
nies — which raise money from inves-
tors and list on a stock market, then
look for an acquisition target to take
public — have become one of the hottest
areas of finance over the past year. New
York has dominated the market.
“The UK needs to promptly consider
the Spac revolution,” wrote Rolet and
Elliott, together with broker Shore
Capital’s head of research Clive Black, in
a paper submitted to the government’s
Future Regulatory Framework review,
which is considering how the UK’s
financial rules should change now that
the country has left the EU.
Easing UK rules around these blank-
cheque vehicles could help channel
capital to British and European entre-
preneurs and allow London to grab
some of the equity-raising deals that
have so far gone elsewhere, they argue.
“Spacs represent a financial instru-
ment that should not be overlooked and
where agility could realise considerable

‘New York has taken the

bulk of Spac issuance.
London’s out of the
race at the moment’
benefits to credible British and Euro-
time when they are already under pres- DTCC’s equities clearing house. January GameStop was “That puts the choice back on the pean entrepreneurs and dealmakers,”
DTCC proposes one-day sure. “The most logical way to reduce 28 was one of the highest transaction at the centre of customer,” he said. they wrote.
the risks . . . is to shorten the settlement volumes days in its history and the a retail trading The DTCC also pushed back on The investment structure has proven
process following calls cycle,” the DTCC said in its white paper. 474m deals the NSCC processed furore involving Tenev’s suggestion to move to instant popular with institutional investors,
from broker Robinhood Tenev’s suggestion has been sup- exceeded the peak last March by more Robinhood and settlement. It would mean that banks who can park cash in Spacs while they
ported by some of the US’s biggest than 100m. users of Reddit and market makers could not net down wait for a deal to be done.
pHiLip StaFFord
market makers, including Ken Griffin, The clearing house’s demands for Dado Ruvic/Reuters
their positions at the clearing house, a Since the start of last year, 421 such
principal shareholder of Citadel Securi- margin rose from $26bn to $33.5bn. process that compresses the amount of vehicles have been listed globally,
The clearing house at the centre of the ties, and Virtu Financial. Robinhood’s own requirements cash required to fund daily transactions raising $127bn, according to Refinitiv.
GameStop trading frenzy has proposed Charles Cascarilla, chief executive of increased 10-fold. It needed to find $3bn at the NSCC by more than 98 per cent. Of these, 405 were listed in the US,
cutting the time it takes to settle share Paxos, a financial technology company, within hours — a figure it negotiated Real-time settlement would mean raising $125bn.
deals, following complaints from broker argues that the current system is anti- down to $700m. funding all trades in advance. Shares Amsterdam, which recently attracted
Robinhood that the two-day process quated and that the daily margin calcu- The part of the margin call calculation would not be as easily available for the listing of a Spac launched by LVMH
was a critical factor in its decision to lations for the industry are opaque. that caught out Robinhood, known as lending, or borrowing for shorting, the founder Bernard Arnault and former
restrict some share trading. “It’s a total black box for market the volatility component, could be DTCC added. UniCredit chief Jean Pierre Mustier, is
The Depository Trust & Clearing participants,” he said. “It’s the clearing reduced by up to 41 per cent by moving “Real-time settlement could have starting to emerge as Europe’s centre for
Corporation, which runs the biggest US and settlement technology that’s hold- to single-day settlement, the DTCC significant ramifications to overall these blank-cheque companies, thanks
securities clearing house, set out plans ing back our markets.” estimated. market liquidity,” said Charley Cooper, to its more flexible listing rules.
yesterday to halve the time it takes to Paxos settles some equity trades for But shortening that timeframe is a managing director of R3, a blockchain UK regulations mean a Spac may have
settle millions of equities trades to one Credit Suisse, Société Générale and long road. Previous white papers on the software company and former chief of to suspend trading in its shares when a
day by 2023. Instinet on blockchain technology, and issue have had little traction. “In order staff at the Commodity Futures Trading deal is announced, which is widely seen
The move comes three weeks after is preparing to ask US regulators for per- for us to come up with a formalised Commission. as a barrier to the adoption of the
Vlad Tenev, chief executive of Robin- manent approval. timeline, we need close to 100 per cent “Calls from Robinhood and others to vehicle.
hood, claimed that the long-established The DTCC, which last year settled industry alignment,” said Pozmanter. introduce real-time settlement feel like The UK has appointed former EU
two-day period to reconcile deals and $2,150tn of US securities deals, said its Some remain suspicious of Robin- a knee-jerk reaction to a far more commissioner Jonathan Hill to conduct
legally transfer assets from seller to proposal followed discussions with hood. Its efforts to blame the settlement nuanced challenge,” he said. a review into factors that may be
buyer had affected its customers and more than 100 institutions and could be cycle or the clearing house are a Ultimately, the cost of upgrading the hindering UK listings.
the US financial system. done on existing technology. “smokescreen”, said the American back-office systems to process these Rolet, Elliott and Black wrote that the
The current system “exposes inves- It has been exploring the topic since Securities Association, which repre- ‘To come deals would fall on brokers and asset review represents “a golden opportu-
tors and the industry to unnecessary the market gyrations last March, which sents small and regional US financial managers, not the brokers and market nity” and said making tweaks such as
risk and is ripe for change”, Tenev told meant customers had to post more services companies. up with a makers leading the calls, said Virginie permitting the disclosure of forward-
lawmakers in Washington last week, margin. “It’s not in direct response to “The system was designed to identify formalised O’Shea, founder of Firebrand Research, looking statements by the company to
and called for deals to be settled the ‘meme stocks’ issue,” said Murray inadequately capitalised members. It’s a capital markets consultancy. investors during a Spac transaction
instantly. Pozmanter, head of clearing at the due to the mismanagement we saw that timeline, we Many institutions send spreadsheets Our global could “draw a lot of business to the UK”.
In volatile periods, the clearing house, DTCC. “Our position is one we arrived at the clearing house had to take action,” need close to counterparts, and people have team gives you Rolet, who is a board director at New
which stands between a buyer and seller after ongoing conversations with the said Chris Iacovella, chief executive. several days to resolve issues. “It’s not as market-moving York-listed Spac Golden Falcon, said:
and oversees the transfer, may demand industry.” While he welcomed a move to reduce to 100% easy for them to settle deals in one day,” news and views, “New York has taken the bulk of Spac
more margin, or insurance, to cover any The fevered trading centred around risk, he noted that other broker-dealers industry she said. “People think of it as a highly 24 hours a day issuance and Amsterdam has just
deal failures. GameStop broke records at the National faced the same call from the DTCC and electronic market but that’s only for started listing a few. London’s out of the
That can put a strain on brokers at a Securities Clearing Corporation, the asked customers to post more margin. alignment’ trading.” race at the moment.”

Commodities Currencies

Chinese brokerage fuels copper rally Pound set for best month since July on
after placing $1bn bet on prices vaccine rollout and hopes over economy
NEiL HumE Copper, used in everything from the London Metal Exchange traded Eva SzaLay — lONdON The broader global government bond the rapid vaccination programme and
NatuRal ResOuRces editOR
household goods to wind turbines, has above $9,000 a tonne for the first time market has also been under pressure improving infection numbers.
The pound is on track for its best
A Chinese brokerage has helped fuel risen almost 100 per cent from its since 2011. but the UK move has been sharper than Economic data from the UK have
month since July, buoyed by a sharp
the rally in the price of copper since the pandemic lows in March on the back of a However, some analysts are worried regional peers such as France and made for gloomy reading with unem-
rise in UK government bond yields
end of the Lunar Year Holiday by resurgence in industrial activity in copper and other commodities have Germany. Stronger economic growth ployment rising to 5.1 per cent in the
prompted by the brightening economic
amassing a $1bn bet in less than a week. China and the prospect of a global post- risen too far, too fast and are due a and inflation expectations dent the three months to December.
outlook and swift vaccine rollout.
Covid economic recovery. correction. allure of bonds, which typically pay Retail sales figures for January also
Shanghai Dalu has increased its holding Goldman Sachs reckons the copper Shanghai Dalu could not immediately Sterling has risen more than 3 per cent fixed interest payments. disappointed last week but investors are
of Chinese copper futures to almost market could be heading for the biggest be reached for comment. It is not clear if against the dollar since the start of “Whilst the UK’s handling of the pan- choosing to look beyond the impact of
24,000 lots from 2,500, since Thursday, supply deficit in a decade as production the brokerage is holding the position — February to trade near a three-year high the lockdown to anticipate a sharp
according to data from the Shanghai fails to keep pace with demand. This first reported by Reuters — on behalf of at $1.4237, making the pound one of the rebound in activity.
Futures Exchange. The figure is equiva- week the benchmark copper price on one or a number of clients. best performing developed market
‘Our economists believe The economy is expected to grow
lent to 120,000 tonnes of the metal. Each lot is worth five tonnes of cop- currencies this year. that the UK is well 4.6 per cent this year and 5.5 per cent in
Dalu has also built a $200m copper per. At current prices, its position is The pound has also marched about 2022, according to a Bloomberg poll.
position on the Shanghai International worth more than $1bn and in terms of 3 per cent higher against the euro to
positioned for a That would represent a stark contrast to
Energy Exchange, a subsidiary of the physical metal it is just below the total trade at €1.1707. Since the end of last near-term rebound’ 2020 when the UK recorded its sharpest
futures exchange. level of SHFE inventories. year, the UK currency has strengthened fall in output in more than 300 years.
During Dalu’s buying frenzy, the price Ole Hansen, head of commodities more than 4 per cent against the euro. demic in 2020 was lacking, it is in stark “Our economists believe that,
of the copper futures contract for strategy at Saxo Bank, said the position As the currency rallied, UK govern- contrast to the highly effective vaccine considering the current vaccine rollout
delivery in April climbed 13 per cent to a amassed by Dalu raised questions about ment bonds have suffered the sharpest rollout in 2021,” said Kamal Sharma, and the decrease in infection rate and
nine-year high above Rmb68,000 the extent to which speculative buying monthly sell-off since 2016 as confi- analyst at Bank of America. “We see potential for an expansionary March
($10,050) a tonne. had boosted prices. “We have seen a few dence among investors increased about little reason why sterling cannot con- budget, the UK is well positioned for a
“The dominant long (position) on big whales in the past,” he said. “The lat- the economy’s future. The 10-year gilt tinue to extend the current rally.” near-term rebound,” said analysts at
the SHFE continues to garner the est leg up in copper looks as much to yield, which moves in the opposite Vasileios Gkionakis, head of currency Goldman Sachs.
attention,” said Michael Cuoco, head of do with speculative buying as from direction of prices, has risen more than strategy at Lombard Odier, said Tentative signs that UK equities are
metal fund sales at StoneX Financial, in A resurgence in industrial activity in physical demand.” 0.4 percentage points in February, currencies had come under “brutal returning to favour with asset managers
a note to clients. China has boosted copper demand Additional reporting by Thomas Hale reaching 0.76 per cent yesterday. pressure” against sterling as a result of have also bolstered the pound.
Thursday 25 February 2021 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 9


The day in the markets Fed must brush aside

What you need to know
investor tantrums and
3 Wall St stocks reverse course as Powell
let yield curve steepen
Worst day for Hong Kong stocks in nine months
stays supportive
3 Yields on US Treasuries climb back Hang Seng index (daily % change)
from one-year high
3 Biggest drop in Hong Kong equities
since May last year
4 Richard Bernstein
Stocks on Wall Street reversed morning
losses after Jay Powell, the Federal
Markets Insight
Reserve chair, reiterated the central

bank’s desire to stick with 0
accommodative policies during he Ferber Method, a sleep in this cycle have been unique. As US ise bond investors. Banks’ willingness to
his second day of testimony to Congress. training technique, teaches short-term interest rates are near zero, lend is starting to improve as the curve
The tech-heavy Nasdaq Composite -2 babies to self-soothe and the Fed has attempted to further stimu- begins to steepen but some economists
was up 0.3 per cent at lunchtime in New fall asleep on their own. It’s late the economy by buying longer are suggesting the central bank should
York, having fallen almost 1 per cent at as much a training dated bonds and lowering long-term continue its current strategy of lower
the opening bell. The S&P 500 climbed technique for new parents to ignore interest rates. long-term interest rates because of the
0.9 per cent, putting the blue-chip -4 their baby’s crying as it is for the child to Those actions have indeed lowered potential for a disruptive “taper
benchmark on track for its second learn to cope by themself. long-term borrowing costs but banks’ tantrum” by bond investors.
consecutive rise after five sessions of The US Federal Reserve should con- willingness to lend has been constrained The Fed needs to ignore investors’
back-to-back losses. -6 sider Ferberising bond investors and because lending margins have been nar- tantrums and allow them to self-soothe.
A morning sell-off in US Treasuries May 2020 Feb ignore future “taper tantrums” like the row and risk premiums small. The investment implications of the
faded after the yield on the 10-year note 2021 market disruption that occurred when Banks in past cycles might have been Fed allowing longer term interest rates
climbed as much as 7 basis points to
Source: Refinitiv
the central bank signalled tighter mone- willing to lend despite a relatively flat to rise seem clear. Much of the specula-
slightly less than 1.43 per cent, its highest tary policy in 2013. yield curve because they could enhance tion within the US markets is in assets
since February last year, before settling at The long-term health and competi- narrow lending margins by using lever- such as venture capital, special purpose
1.38 per cent. “When bonds yield close to zero, you record pace, selling a net HK$20bn tiveness of the US economy may depend age. However, regulations after the acquisition vehicles, technology stocks
Treasuries, which yielded more than 0.5 are not losing out by investing in those ($2.6bn) yesterday. China’s CSI 300 index on bond investors’ self-soothing ability and cryptocurrencies.
per cent as recently as August, have been companies whose cash flows could be fell 2.6 per cent. Japan’s Topix slipped 1.8 to cope with reality. These are “long-duration” invest-
hit by expectations that US president Joe years into the future,” said Nick Nelson, per cent, dragged down by tech stocks. The slope of the yield curve is a simple Policymakers should ments that have longer time horizons
Biden’s $1.9tn stimulus plan will stoke head of European equity strategy at UBS. European equity markets closed higher, model of the profitability of lending. be concerned that factored into their valuations.
inflation, which erodes the cash value of “[But] as bond yields start to rise, that with the Stoxx Europe 600 index rising Banks pay short-term rates on deposits They underperform when longer
the debt instruments’ interest payments. cost of waiting [for companies’ earnings 0.5 per cent and London’s FTSE 100 and other sources of funds and receive monetary policy is term rates rise because investors
Such yields determine equity growth] increases.” index up 0.5 per cent. longer-term rates by issuing mortgages, fuelling speculation demand higher returns over time. Capi-
valuations by affecting the price-to- Investors’ retreat from growth stocks UBS’s Nelson said European equities corporate loans, and other lending tal would be likely to be redistributed to
earnings multiples investors are willing to rippled into Asia. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng were less vulnerable to rising yields agreements. A steeper curve, therefore, more tangible productive assets.
pay for companies’ shares. A higher yield, index sank 3 per cent, its worst daily because European stocks generally is a simple measure of better bank profit financial crisis now limit their ability to Investors and policymakers should be
analysts say, makes fast-growth performance in nine months. Chinese traded at lower valuations than in Asia margins and has in past cycles spurred use leverage. concerned that monetary policy is fuel-
companies whose earnings represent a investors using market link-ups with and the US. “We have fewer big greater willingness to lend. This policy mix has fuelled some of ling speculation rather than supporting
slim proportion of their stock market bourses in Shanghai and Shenzhen technology companies here.” Historically, the Fed’s Survey of the growth in private lending. Private the lending facilities needed to rebuild
value less attractive in comparison. dumped Hong Kong-listed shares at a Naomi Rovnick and Hudson Lockett Senior Bank Lending Officers shows lenders are not subject to regulated lev- the US’s capital stock and keep the coun-
banks have been more willing to make erage constraints and can accordingly try’s economy competitive.
loans to the real economy when the lend profitably despite a flat curve. This Like a new parent to a baby, the Fed
Markets update yield curve has been steeper. has meant liquidity destined for the real should not rush to coddle bond
With that simple model of bank economy has largely been trapped in investors’ tantrums and should let the
profits in mind, textbooks highlight the the financial economy. financial markets soothe themselves.
Fed’s control of short-term interest rates The yield curve has started to steepen Short-term financial market volatility
US Eurozone Japan UK China Brazil as a tool to control lending. and the Fed should freely allow long- might cause some sleepless nights but
Stocks S&P 500 Eurofirst 300 Nikkei 225 FTSE100 Shanghai Comp Bovespa The Fed reduces banks’ cost of term interest rates to increase for mone- the Fed could unleash the lending
Level 3906.04 1590.09 29671.70 6658.97 3564.08 115995.78 funding and stimulates lending when it tary policies to benefit the real economy capacity of the traditional banking
% change on day 0.64 0.40 -1.61 0.50 -1.99 0.67 lowers interest rates. But it increases more fully. Allowing long-term rates to system by letting the yield curve
Currency $ index (DXY) $ per € Yen per $ $ per £ Rmb per $ Real per $ funding rates and curtails lending when increase would not only begin to steepen further.
Level 90.258 1.212 105.935 1.410 6.453 5.426 it raises short-term rates. restrain financial speculation as risk-
% change on day 0.099 -0.329 0.780 -0.071 -0.115 0.092 Coupling lower short-term rates with free rates rise but could simultaneously Richard Bernstein is chief executive officer
Govt. bonds 10-year Treasury 10-year Bund 10-year JGB 10-year Gilt 10-year bond 10-year bond a steeper yield curve can be a powerful foster bank lending to the real economy. and chief investment officer of Richard
Yield 1.385 -0.305 0.118 0.731 3.261 8.009 fillip to bank lending. However, policies Thus, the need for the Fed to Ferber- Bernstein Advisors
Basis point change on day 2.560 1.200 0.310 1.400 0.000 -6.000
World index, Commods FTSE All-World Oil - Brent Oil - WTI Gold Silver Metals (LMEX)
Level 444.69 67.11 63.23 1799.65 27.97 3939.10
Contracts & Tenders
% change on day 0.08 2.99 3.13 -0.43 1.89 0.19
Yesterday's close apart from: Currencies = 16:00 GMT; S&P, Bovespa, All World, Oil = 17:00 GMT; Gold, Silver = London pm fix. Bond data supplied by Tullett Prebon.

Main equity markets

S&P 500 index Eurofirst 300 index FTSE 100 index
4000 1640 6880

3920 6720
1560 6560
| | | | | | | | |
3680 || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 1520 || | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | 6400 | | | | | | | | | | |

Dec 2021 Feb Dec 2021 Feb Dec 2021 Feb

Biggest movers
% US Eurozone UK
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 9.47 Telecom Italia 9.16 Bp 5.40
United Airlines Holdings 9.27 A.p. Moller - Maersk B 6.85 Rolls-royce Holdings 4.92

Marathon Oil 8.60 Solvay 5.76 Land Securities 4.13

Occidental Petroleum 8.21 Airbus 3.81 Int Consolidated Airlines S.a. 4.02
American Airlines 6.68 Royal Dutch Shell 3.55 Royal Dutch Shell 3.78
Verisk Analytics -8.07 Red Ele. -5.88 Vodafone -3.42
Lowe's Companies -4.45 Atlantia -2.03 Rentokil Initial -2.43

Home Depot -4.36 Ageas -1.79 Experian -2.22

Discovery -3.48 Unilever -1.75 Unilever -2.07
Roper -3.45 Inditex -1.68 Ocado -2.06
Prices taken at 17:00 GMT Based on the constituents of the FTSE Eurofirst 300 Eurozone
All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted.

Wall Street Europe London

Fisker revved higher on news that the Entra tumbled on news that SBB’s Metro Bank fell after reporting a pre-tax
electric car company had signed an attempt to buy the Norwegian real estate loss of £271.8m for 2020, worse than
agreement with Apple assembler group was set to collapse. £11.7m posted a year earlier and 5 per
Foxconn to collaborate on a new vehicle. The bid from Swedish peer SBB, which cent off estimates made by Liberum.
Annual volumes for the car will be was subject to a 90 per cent minimum “The pandemic has clearly impacted
more than 250,000 with target markets acceptance condition, offered Entra performance, leading to significant
being North America, Europe, China and shareholders NKr190 per share. Entra expected credit losses,” said Daniel
India, according to the California-based shares closed at NKr191.8 on Tuesday Frumkin, chief executive, “but our
group. before yesterday’s slide. transformation strategy is on track.”
“The collaboration between our firms “As several large shareholders of Entra The broker assigns the challenger bank
means that it will only take 24 months to has stated that they not will accept the a “sell” rating, noting it would continue to
produce the next Fisker vehicle — from offer, it is expected that the conditions for be under net interest margin pressure
research and development to production, the offer will not be fulfilled and that the despite improving deposit costs.
reducing half of the traditional time offer will not be completed,” said SBB. Haydale Graphene, the
required to bring a new vehicle to The Stockholm group, which also nanomaterials group, slid after reporting
market,” said Young-way Liu, Foxconn slipped, said there remained promising revenues of £1.3m for the final six months
Technology Group chairman. growth opportunities within the Nordic of 2020, down 5 per cent on the first half
Clinical research group PRA Health region and it had “several active of the same year.
Sciences rallied after announcing that it dialogues regarding potential “While these results reflect a
was being acquired by outsourced drug transactions in all markets”. challenging period, the operational and
and device developer Icon in a German sportswear group Puma fell strategic progress made since 2019 and
cash-and-stock transaction that after warning that its business would accelerated through the last nine months
valued PRA at $12bn. continue to be “negatively impacted by have put the group in a stronger position
The deal was expected to be highly the Covid-19 pandemic despite a strong to manage the impact of Covid-19,” said
accretive, delivering double-digit growth order book and high demand from our Keith Broadbent, chief executive.
in the first full year, said the companies. retail partners and consumers”. The trading update pointed to
Printing group RR Donnelley soared Nevertheless, RBC Europe maintained Haydale’s deal with Qinhuangdao ENO
after forecasting net sales in its first Puma’s “outperform” recommendation, High-Tech Material Development to act
quarter of between $1.09bn and $1.15bn, arguing it had strong brand momentum as a sales representative for its ceramic
at the upper end of analysts’ estimates. and product innovation, and had made and silicon carbide products in China.
Uber fell following a Bloomberg report incremental market share gains. Reports that the UK stamp duty
that states that Chinese rival Didi was Dutch software group Wolters Kluwer holiday would be extended lifted
making plans to enter the European sank after posting results, described by housebuilders. Persimmon, Barratt
market. Ray Douglas Citi as “unflashy but solid”. Ray Douglas and Taylor Wimpey gained. Ray Douglas
10 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 February 2021



Change during previous day’s trading (%)
S&P 500 Nasdaq Composite Dow Jones Ind FTSE 100 FTSE Eurofirst 300 Nikkei Hang Seng FTSE All World $ $ per € $ per £ ¥ per $ £ per € Oil Brent $ Sep Gold $

-1.61% -2.99% -0.329% -0.071% -0.232% -0.43%

0.64% 0.36% 0.82% 0.50% 0.40% 0.08% 0.780% 0.21%
Stock Market movements over last 30 days, with the FTSE All-World in the same currency as a comparison
Jan 25 - - Index All World Jan 25 - Feb 24 Index All World Jan 25 - Feb 24 Index All World Jan 25 - Feb 24 Index All World Jan 25 - Feb 24 Index All World Jan 25 - Feb 24 Index All World

S&P 500 New York S&P/TSX COMP Toronto FTSE 100 London Xetra Dax Frankfurt Nikkei 225 Tokyo Kospi Seoul
3,905.91 13,976.00 29,671.70
3,855.36 17,906.02 6,654.01 6,658.97 13,870.99 3,140.31
Day 0.64% Month 1.70% Year 21.10% Day 0.74% Month 3.46% Year 5.13% Day 0.50% Month -0.47% Year -6.89% Day 0.80% Month 0.48% Year NaN% Day -1.61% Month 3.67% Year 26.92% Day -2.45% Month -4.64% Year 38.47%

Nasdaq Composite New York IPC Mexico City FTSE Eurofirst 300 Europe Ibex 35 Madrid Hang Seng Hong Kong FTSE Straits Times Singapore
45,438.91 1,590.09
13,635.99 13,513.38 45,126.51 1,573.47 29,718.24 2,973.65
7,964.90 29,391.26 2,924.58

Day 0.36% Month -0.20% Year 46.57% Day 0.38% Month 1.62% Year 3.63% Day 0.40% Month 0.94% Year -0.90% Day 0.21% Month 2.90% Year -12.80% Day -2.99% Month 0.87% Year 8.77% Day 1.17% Month -2.05% Year -7.89%

Dow Jones Industrial New York Bovespa São Paulo CAC 40 Paris FTSE MIB Milan Shanghai Composite Shanghai BSE Sensex Mumbai
31,796.70 5,797.98 23,098.15 50,238.50
30,960.00 116,464.06 115,995.78 5,523.52 21,987.00 3,566.38 3,564.08 48,347.59

Day 0.82% Month 2.55% Year 13.69% Day 0.67% Month -1.26% Year 1.95% Day 0.31% Month 4.29% Year 0.11% Day 0.69% Month 4.58% Year -1.39% Day -1.99% Month -1.18% Year 17.25% Day 0.98% Month 2.78% Year 22.03%

Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous Country Index Latest Previous
Argentina Merval 49407.13 47856.68 Cyprus
CSE M&P Gen 68.46 68.68 Italy FTSE Italia All-Share 25133.31 24977.71 Philippines Manila Comp 6755.95 6814.67 Taiwan Weighted Pr 16212.53 16443.40 Cross-Border DJ Global Titans ($) 453.88 452.92
Australia All Ordinaries 7049.40 7110.80 PXCzech Republic 1053.06 1042.16 FTSE Italia Mid Cap 40214.15 40027.87 Poland Wig 57536.61 57029.17 Thailand Bangkok SET 1491.11 1500.61 Euro Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3705.23 3689.10
S&P/ASX 200 6777.80 6839.20 Denmark
OMXC Copenahgen 20 1425.09 1428.56 FTSE MIB 23098.15 22939.38 Portugal PSI 20 4734.57 4729.51 Turkey BIST 100 1483.02 1517.86 Euronext 100 ID 1146.63 1145.04
S&P/ASX 200 Res 5472.60 5585.90 Egypt
EGX 30 11435.43 11416.74 Japan 2nd Section 7370.37 7403.94 PSI General 3526.92 3532.67 UAE Abu Dhabi General Index 5629.53 5670.92 FTSE 4Good Global ($) 9567.23 9541.27
Austria ATX 3070.46 3039.43 Estonia
OMX Tallinn 1457.38 1456.10 Nikkei 225 29671.70 30156.03 Romania BET Index 10188.98 10231.45 UK FT 30 2600.40 2584.30 FTSE All World ($) 444.69 444.34
Belgium BEL 20 3856.79 3826.95 Finland
OMX Helsinki General 11306.11 11282.86 S&P Topix 150 1619.72 1650.75 Russia Micex Index 3385.48 3433.93 FTSE 100 6658.97 6625.94 FTSE E300 1590.09 1583.81
BEL Mid 8697.40 8681.79 France
CAC 40 5797.98 5779.84 Topix 1903.07 1938.35 RTX 1445.91 1455.33 FTSE 4Good UK 6260.12 6232.36 FTSE Eurotop 100 2997.00 2983.35
Brazil IBovespa 115995.78 115227.46 SBF 120 4581.50 4566.63 Jordan Amman SE 1747.45 1749.92 Saudi-Arabia TADAWUL All Share Index 9115.76 9151.71 FTSE All Share 3795.06 3771.34 FTSE Global 100 ($) 2546.85 2536.30
Canada S&P/TSX 60 1098.71 1090.58
Germany M-DAX 31758.67 31643.84 Kenya NSE 20 1883.64 1888.47 Singapore FTSE Straits Times 2924.58 2890.70 FTSE techMARK 100 6310.65 6249.72 FTSE Gold Min ($) 2135.79 2164.64
S&P/TSX Comp 18465.63 18330.09 TecDAX 3367.31 3373.57 Kuwait KSX Market Index 6633.44 6603.51 Slovakia SAX 357.65 358.10 USA DJ Composite 10523.52 10432.98 FTSE Latibex Top (Eur) 4440.00 4432.20
S&P/TSX Div Met & Min 858.64 868.12 XETRA Dax 13976.00 13864.81 Latvia OMX Riga 1177.60 1177.22 Slovenia SBI TOP - - DJ Industrial 31796.70 31537.35 FTSE Multinationals ($) 2798.51 2801.09
Chile S&P/CLX IGPA Gen 23150.09 22709.56
Greece Athens Gen 774.80 773.52 Lithuania OMX Vilnius 850.11 851.87 South Africa FTSE/JSE All Share 66200.76 65921.60 DJ Transport 13644.15 13403.11 FTSE World ($) 787.41 785.56
China FTSE A200 14507.18 14895.31 FTSE/ASE 20 1839.89 1836.52 Luxembourg LuxX 1399.00 1390.88 FTSE/JSE Res 20 66735.02 66149.43 DJ Utilities 829.04 835.85 FTSEurofirst 100 (Eur) 4132.74 4114.75
FTSE B35 9000.71 8988.96
Hong Kong Hang Seng 29718.24 30632.64 Malaysia FTSE Bursa KLCI 1557.55 1565.05 FTSE/JSE Top 40 60747.41 60493.97 Nasdaq 100 13189.54 13194.71 FTSEurofirst 80 (Eur) 5070.04 5051.38
Shanghai A 3735.95 3811.79 HS China Enterprise 11509.73 11909.63 Mexico IPC 45438.91 45268.33 South Korea Kospi 2994.98 3070.09 Nasdaq Cmp 13513.38 13465.20 MSCI ACWI Fr ($) 674.03 673.77
Shanghai B 245.95 247.99 HSCC Red Chip 4096.79 4226.34 Morocco MASI 11381.91 11453.61 Kospi 200 407.16 415.82 NYSE Comp 15497.52 15362.69 MSCI All World ($) 2789.21 2788.11
Shanghai Comp 3564.08 3636.36
Hungary Bux 43183.45 42945.11 Netherlands AEX 664.54 664.06 Spain IBEX 35 8269.60 8252.10 S&P 500 3906.04 3881.37 MSCI Europe (Eur) 1653.15 1659.01
Shenzhen A 2456.31 2507.30
India BSE Sensex 50238.50 49751.41 AEX All Share 961.84 962.58 Sri Lanka CSE All Share 7371.86 7329.21 Wilshire 5000 41598.86 41284.11 MSCI Pacific ($) 3305.61 3290.22
Shenzhen B 1099.53 1121.35 Nifty 500 12455.20 12263.70 New Zealand NZX 50 12282.42 12388.84 Sweden OMX Stockholm 30 2037.25 2016.83 Venezuela IBC 2024784.50 2014488.60 S&P Euro (Eur) 1713.09 1706.48
Colombia COLCAP 1368.49 1383.59
Indonesia Jakarta Comp 6251.05 6272.81 Nigeria SE All Share 40164.86 40154.09 OMX Stockholm AS 818.17 811.76 Vietnam VNI 1162.01 1177.64 S&P Europe 350 (Eur) 1644.54 1637.12
Croatia CROBEX 2013.05 2011.29
Ireland ISEQ Overall 7515.42 7412.89 Norway Oslo All Share 1017.37 1006.88 Switzerland SMI Index 10727.70 10609.03 S&P Global 1200 ($) 3098.09 3092.84
Israel Tel Aviv 125 1607.67 1647.71 Pakistan KSE 100 45362.58 45728.75 Stoxx 50 (Eur) 3193.44 3180.08
(c) Closed. (u) Unavaliable. † Correction. ♥ Subject to official recalculation. For more index coverage please see A fuller version of this table is available on the research data archive.


AMERICA LONDON EURO MARKETS TOKYO Feb 24 %Chg %Chg Feb 24 %Chg %Chg Feb 24 %Chg %Chg Feb 24 %Chg %Chg
ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's ACTIVE STOCKS stock close Day's FTSE 100 price(p) week ytd FTSE 250 price(p) week ytd FTSE SmallCap price(p) week ytd Industry Sectors price(p) week ytd
traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change traded m's price change Winners Winners Winners Winners
Apple 68.0 124.52 -1.34 Bp 225.9 298.80 15.30 Asml Holding 398.2 473.45 0.55 Softbank . 1275.4 9982.00 -548.00 Int Consolidated Airlines S.a. 188.90 18.7 - Tui Ag 449.00 27.5 - Amigo Holdings 11.46 59.2 - Travel & Leisure 8985.28 6.2 10.9 44.8 3151.55 -42.95 Astrazeneca 210.0 7120.00 -16.00 Royal Dutch Shella 356.6 17.39 0.60 Fast Retailing Co., 802.2 107000.00 2100.00 British Land 520.00 10.7 - Rank 174.60 24.7 - Kkv Secured Loan Fund 20.80 33.8 13.2 Industrial Metals 5843.60 4.9 18.1
Microsoft 26.3 231.97 -1.30 Unilever 183.6 3839.00 -81.00 Ericsson, Telefonab. L M Ser. B 334.1 10.31 -0.05 Sony 729.8 11325.00 -655.00 Rolls-royce Holdings 111.90 9.4 - Easyjet 989.00 22.8 - Card Factory 44.70 32.2 10.8 Aerospace & Defense 3589.20 4.7 -0.8
Boeing 26.2 223.98 11.86 Royal Dutch Shell 180.4 1428.80 52.00 Total 311.3 38.98 0.67 Tokyo Electron 715.3 45030.00 -1270.00 Informa 550.80 7.9 - Wh Smith 1970.00 20.6 - Saga 377.00 29.8 - Oil & Gas Producers 5198.03 4.3 14.8
Home Depot 19.2 255.58 -11.66 Lloyds Banking 167.7 39.34 0.12 Allianz Se Na O.n. 308.1 200.45 2.19 Toyota Motor 517.7 7891.00 -169.00 Land Securities 682.60 7.3 - Cineworld 94.98 18.0 - Funding Circle Holdings 131.00 26.4 - Real Estate Investment Trusts 2833.76 3.3 3.4
Facebook 18.6 263.04 -2.82 Reckitt Benckiser 130.9 5882.00 -88.00 Airbus 303.8 102.72 3.77 Mitsubishi Ufj Fin,. 392.7 560.50 -2.80 Entain 1439.00 6.8 - Carnival 1645.50 17.7 - Capital & Regional 75.00 23.2 1.4 Food Producers 7493.85 3.2 6.4
Nvidia 18.2 562.30 -3.38 Rio Tinto 117.9 6355.00 43.00 Unicredit 266.6 8.74 0.23 Sumitomo Mitsui Fin,. 346.4 3765.00 2.00 Evraz 564.80 6.7 - Hammerson 25.60 16.9 - Restaurant 111.90 21.6 - Mining 25607.47 3.0 18.2
Advanced Micro Devices 16.3 84.67 -0.07 Barclays 116.8 164.58 5.40 Intesa Sanpaolo 249.5 2.13 0.02 Daikin Industries, 335.3 21230.00 -870.00 Antofagasta 1828.50 6.6 - Babcock Int 268.70 16.5 - Newriver Reit 102.00 21.4 - Life Insurance 7714.14 2.7 7.2
Walt Disney (the) 16.0 199.36 2.27 Vodafone 108.8 125.50 -4.44 Telecom Italia 227.8 0.41 0.03 Takeda Pharmaceutical 324.9 3605.00 -82.00 Barclays 164.58 6.6 - Capita 45.19 15.1 - On The Beach 397.50 20.6 - Oil Equipment & Services 5546.03 2.0 -1.1
Paypal Holdings 14.0 265.45 0.45 Glaxosmithkline 98.6 1213.00 -1.80 Linde Eo 0,001 208.3 212.10 2.20 Fanuc 322.8 26300.00 -1285.00 Bp 298.80 6.5 - Greencore 153.80 14.8 - Hostelworld 92.00 18.4 - Banks 2800.91 1.3 11.9
Whitbread 3565.00 5.9 - Ssp 343.20 14.6 - Enquest 20.50 14.5 - Construction & Materials 7087.87 1.2 3.1
BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's BIGGEST MOVERS Close Day's Day's
Associated British Foods 2437.00 5.6 - Wizz Air Holdings 5395.00 11.6 - Tullow Oil 40.43 13.8 - Fixed Line Telecommunication 1575.36 0.4 -2.1
price change chng% price change chng% price change chng% price change chng%
Ups Ups Ups Ups Losers Losers Losers Losers
Norwegian Cruise Line Holdings Ltd 31.33 2.71 9.47 Tui Ag 449.00 50.90 12.79 Telecom Italia 0.41 0.03 9.16 Isetan Mitsukoshi Holdings 770.00 38.00 5.19 Ocado 2287.00 -11.8 - Indivior 128.20 -14.0 - Batm Advanced Communications Ld 103.00 -13.1 - Health Care Equip.& Services 6272.41 -6.8 -3.9
United Airlines Holdings 55.30 4.69 9.27 Hammerson 25.60 2.89 12.73 Telecom Italia R 0.46 0.04 8.49 Takashimaya , 1104.00 52.00 4.94 Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust 1213.00 -11.5 - Fidelity China Special Situations 439.00 -11.8 17.1 Jpmorgan China Growth & ome 744.00 -12.9 9.7 Index - Technology Hardware & Equipment 1877.15 -5.9 -
Marathon Oil 12.12 0.96 8.60 Carnival 1645.50 156.00 10.47 A.p. M__ller - M__rsk B A/s 1856.29 119.00 6.85 J.front Retailing Co., 1059.00 47.00 4.64 Experian 2330.00 -10.7 - Tbc Bank 1100.00 -11.1 - Baillie Gifford China Growth Trust 548.00 -11.9 3.4 Automobiles & Parts 4740.91 -5.8 3.5
Occidental Petroleum 28.20 2.14 8.21 Capita 45.19 3.26 7.77 A.p. M__ller - M__rsk A A/s 1707.71 98.16 6.10 Ihi 1986.00 87.00 4.58 Aveva 3506.00 -8.7 - Baillie Gifford Us Growth Trust 340.00 -10.3 2.1 Aberdeen New Dawn Investment Trust 324.50 -9.6 1.9 Food & Drug Retailers 4317.97 -5.3 0.2
American Airlines 22.04 1.38 6.68 Rank 174.60 11.40 6.99 Solvay 104.05 5.67 5.76 Mitsui Fudosan Co., 2501.00 106.00 4.43 Rentokil Initial 470.00 -8.6 - G4s 242.80 -9.6 - Pacific Horizon Investment Trust 826.00 -8.8 9.9 Mobile Telecommunications 2869.19 -5.2 3.8
Smith & Nephew 1434.00 -8.5 - Ao World 281.50 -8.9 - Keystone Investment Trust 319.00 -8.6 -6.4 Pharmaceuticals & Biotech. 15019.72 -4.3 -4.8
Downs Downs Downs Downs
Just Eat N.v. 6956.00 -8.0 - Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings 2001.00 -8.5 - Pacific Assets Trust 318.00 -8.4 -1.1 Electronic & Electrical Equip. 10016.91 -4.1 0.5
Verisk Analytics 170.41 -14.95 -8.07 Ssp 343.20 -25.40 -6.89 Red Ele. 13.85 -0.87 -5.88 Screen Holdings Co Ltd 8690.00 -680.00 -7.26
B&m Eur Value Retail S.a. 553.00 -8.0 - Herald Investment Trust 2215.00 -8.3 -2.4 Asia Dragon Trust 542.00 -8.1 3.0 Equity Investment Instruments 12873.19 -4.1 0.2
Lowe's Companies 161.08 -7.51 -4.45 C&c 260.50 -11.50 -4.23 Atlantia 15.92 -0.33 -2.03 Sharp 1991.00 -149.00 -6.96
Intertek 5470.00 -7.0 - Allianz Technology Trust 2930.00 -7.4 -1.0 Spire Healthcare 148.00 -7.7 - Gas Water & Multiutilities 4628.01 -3.8 -2.6
Home Depot 255.58 -11.66 -4.36 Jpmorgan Japanese Investment Trust 672.00 -28.00 -4.00 Ageas 46.56 -0.85 -1.79 Trend Micro orporated 5310.00 -330.00 -5.85
Imperial Brands 1400.00 -7.0 - Hg Capital Trust 325.00 -6.9 6.6 Foxtons 62.60 -7.4 20.4 Software & Computer Services 1923.26 -3.6 0.5
Discovery 51.11 -1.85 -3.48 Aston Martin Lagonda Global Holdings 2001.00 -79.00 -3.80 Unilever 51.84 -0.92 -1.75 Taiyo Yuden Co., 5510.00 -330.00 -5.65
Reckitt Benckiser 5882.00 -6.4 - Jpmorgan Emerging Markets Investment Trust 141.00 -6.6 8.1 Augmentum Fintech 140.00 -7.1 2.8 Personal Goods 33001.24 -3.3 -
Roper 374.47 -13.37 -3.45 Kainos 1312.00 -50.00 -3.67 Inditex 26.99 -0.46 -1.68 Nec 5940.00 -350.00 -5.56
Spirax-sarco Eng 10925.00 -6.4 - Edinburgh Worldwide Investment Trust 383.00 -6.6 3.7 Bank Of Georgia 1050.00 -7.1 - Tobacco 27236.30 -2.9 -5.2
Based on the constituents of the S&P500 Based on the constituents of the FTSE 350 index Based on the constituents of the FTSEurofirst 300 Eurozone index Based on the constituents of the Nikkei 225 index
Based on last week's performance. †Price at suspension.

Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's Closing Day's
Feb 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Feb 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Feb 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change Feb 24 Currency Mid Change Mid Change Mid Change
Argentina Argentine Peso 89.6275 0.0873 108.6512 -0.2255 126.3569 0.0608 Indonesia Indonesian Rupiah 14085.0000 -7.5000 17074.6075 -61.2386 19857.0688 -20.3669 Poland Polish Zloty 3.7194 0.0147 4.5089 0.0042 5.2436 0.0182 ..Three Month 0.7094 0.0004 0.8597 -0.0022 - -
Australia Australian Dollar 1.2629 -0.0017 1.5309 -0.0067 1.7804 -0.0032 Israel Israeli Shekel 3.2638 -0.0051 3.9565 -0.0183 4.6012 -0.0095 Romania Romanian Leu 4.0209 0.0112 4.8743 -0.0013 5.6686 0.0130 ..One Year 0.7095 0.0004 0.8593 -0.0022 - -
Bahrain Bahrainin Dinar 0.3771 - 0.4571 -0.0014 0.5316 -0.0003 Japan Japanese Yen 105.9350 0.8200 128.4201 0.6051 149.3473 1.0829 Russia Russian Ruble 73.8325 0.0275 89.5037 -0.2397 104.0891 -0.0126 United States United States Dollar - - 1.2123 -0.0037 1.4098 -0.0007
Bolivia Bolivian Boliviano 6.9100 - 8.3767 -0.0256 9.7417 -0.0048 ..One Month 105.9350 0.8199 128.4201 0.6052 149.3472 1.0828 Saudi Arabia Saudi Riyal 3.7508 - 4.5469 -0.0139 5.2879 -0.0026 ..One Month - - 1.2122 -0.1983 1.4098 -0.0007
Brazil Brazilian Real 5.4259 0.0050 6.5776 -0.0140 7.6495 0.0033 ..Three Month 105.9349 0.8198 128.4202 0.6054 149.3472 1.0827 Singapore Singapore Dollar 1.3201 0.0003 1.6003 -0.0045 1.8611 -0.0005 ..Three Month - - 1.2120 -0.1983 1.4098 -0.0007
Canada Canadian Dollar 1.2566 -0.0034 1.5233 -0.0088 1.7715 -0.0057 ..One Year 105.9345 0.8190 128.4205 0.6060 149.3472 1.0824 South Africa South African Rand 14.5988 0.0456 17.6974 0.0015 20.5814 0.0542 ..One Year - - 1.2113 -0.1983 1.4100 -0.0007
Chile Chilean Peso 705.1650 -1.1850 854.8387 -4.0499 994.1423 -2.1622 Kenya Kenyan Shilling 109.8000 0.1000 133.1054 -0.2846 154.7961 0.0646 South Korea South Korean Won 1112.2500 1.6000 1348.3291 -2.1696 1568.0511 1.4827 Venezuela Venezuelan Bolivar Fuerte - - - - - -
China Chinese Yuan 6.4532 -0.0074 7.8229 -0.0329 9.0977 -0.0149 Kuwait Kuwaiti Dinar 0.3027 0.0001 0.3669 -0.0010 0.4267 -0.0001 Sweden Swedish Krona 8.3110 0.0207 10.0750 -0.0056 11.7168 0.0234 Vietnam Vietnamese Dong 23022.5000 - 27909.1056 -85.2395 32457.2052 -16.0207
Colombia Colombian Peso 3576.5500 -13.0700 4335.6862 -29.1247 5042.2236 -20.9266 Malaysia Malaysian Ringgit 4.0425 -0.0010 4.9005 -0.0162 5.6991 -0.0042 Switzerland Swiss Franc 0.9091 0.0088 1.1021 0.0073 1.2817 0.0117 European Union Euro 0.8249 0.0025 - - 1.1630 0.0030
Costa Rica Costa Rican Colon 610.3450 0.0100 739.8929 -2.2460 860.4650 -0.4107 Mexico Mexican Peso 20.4675 -0.1007 24.8118 -0.1982 28.8551 -0.1564 Taiwan New Taiwan Dollar 27.8465 -0.0420 33.7570 -0.1541 39.2580 -0.0786 ..One Month 0.8248 0.0025 - - 1.1629 0.0030
Czech Republic Czech Koruna 21.4444 0.1714 25.9960 0.1290 30.2323 0.2268 New Zealand New Zealand Dollar 1.3532 -0.0108 1.6404 -0.0181 1.9077 -0.0162 Thailand Thai Baht 30.0425 0.0200 36.4191 -0.0868 42.3539 0.0073 ..Three Month 0.8247 0.0025 - - 1.1628 0.0030
Denmark Danish Krone 6.1347 0.0187 7.4369 0.0001 8.6488 0.0222 Nigeria Nigerian Naira 411.7500 1.2500 499.1454 -0.0035 580.4855 1.4765 Tunisia Tunisian Dinar 2.7102 0.0051 3.2854 -0.0038 3.8208 0.0053 ..One Year 0.8239 0.0025 - - 1.1624 0.0030
Egypt Egyptian Pound 15.6804 0.0312 19.0086 -0.0201 22.1062 0.0331 Norway Norwegian Krone 8.4462 -0.0344 10.2390 -0.0730 11.9075 -0.0543 Turkey Turkish Lira 7.2102 0.1452 8.7405 0.1498 10.1649 0.1997
Hong Kong Hong Kong Dollar 7.7545 0.0008 9.4005 -0.0277 10.9324 -0.0042 Pakistan Pakistani Rupee 158.8250 0.0300 192.5362 -0.5511 223.9116 -0.0682 United Arab Emirates UAE Dirham 3.6732 - 4.4528 -0.0136 5.1784 -0.0026
Hungary Hungarian Forint 296.5478 1.6343 359.4910 0.8900 418.0733 2.0988 Peru Peruvian Nuevo Sol 3.6516 -0.0010 4.4267 -0.0147 5.1480 -0.0039 United Kingdom Pound Sterling 0.7093 0.0003 0.8599 -0.0022 - -
India Indian Rupee 72.3463 -0.1125 87.7020 -0.4045 101.9938 -0.2090 Philippines Philippine Peso 48.6125 -0.0375 58.9307 -0.2255 68.5339 -0.0867 ..One Month 0.7093 0.0004 0.8598 -0.0022 - -
Rates are derived from WM Reuters Spot Rates and MorningStar (latest rates at time of production). Some values are rounded. Currency redenominated by 1000. The exchange rates printed in this table are also available at
Produced in conjunction with the Institute and Faculty of Actuaries Feb 24 Feb 23 Feb 22 Feb 19 Feb 18 Yr Ago High Low Year to date percentage changes Closing Day's Closing Day's
£ Strlg Day's Euro £ Strlg £ Strlg Year Div P/E X/D Total FT 30 2600.40 2584.30 2558.10 2548.90 2534.80 0.00 3314.70 1337.80 Industrial Transport 19.35 Technology 3.68 Real Est Invest & Tr -0.24 FTSE 100 Price Change FTSE 100 Price Change
Feb 24 chge% Index Feb 23 Feb 22 ago yield% Cover ratio adj Return FT 30 Div Yield - - - - - 0.00 3.93 2.74 Mining 17.58 Beverages 3.55 Gas Water & Multi -1.29 3I Group PLC 1142 9.50 Land Securities Group PLC 682.60 27.10
FTSE 100 (100) 6658.97 0.50 6026.38 6625.94 6612.24 7017.88 3.30 1.40 21.63 14.60 6378.31 P/E Ratio net - - - - - 0.00 19.44 14.26 Industrial Metals & 16.60 Financial Services 3.50 Nonlife Insurance -1.45 Admiral Group PLC 3091 2.00 Legal & General Group PLC 274.30 6.10
FTSE 250 (250) 21312.65 1.21 19287.98 21057.72 20981.09 20715.97 1.96 1.34 37.94 33.04 16944.23 FT 30 since compilation: 4198.4 high: 19/07/1999; low49.4 18/02/1900Base Date: 1/7/35 Basic Materials 16.53 Equity Invest Instr 3.42 Fixed Line Telecomms -1.52 Anglo American PLC 2841.5 41.00 Lloyds Banking Group PLC 39.34 0.12
FTSE 250 ex Inv Co (183) 22057.25 1.37 19961.84 21759.77 21600.49 21947.93 1.84 1.11 48.98 24.78 17879.23 FT 30 hourly changes Banks 8.84 Food & Drug Retailer 3.20 Health Care Eq & Srv -1.76 Antofagasta PLC 1828.5 -9.50 London Stock Exchange Group PLC 9580 68.00
FTSE 350 (350) 3817.69 0.63 3455.01 3793.86 3784.94 3965.90 3.05 1.40 23.48 7.92 7286.77 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 High Low Mobile Telecomms 8.29 Industrial Eng 3.15 Utilities -2.26 Ashtead Group PLC 4057 90.00 M&G PLC 190.55 1.10
FTSE 350 ex Investment Trusts (281) 3719.58 0.62 3366.23 3696.64 3684.15 3908.43 3.11 1.25 25.75 7.64 3663.66 2584.3 2581.6 2594.4 2530.5 2399.1 2395.8 2394.3 2414 2426.7 2439.2 2366.1 Automobiles & Parts 7.21 Electronic & Elec Eq 3.14 Tech Hardware & Eq -3.38 Associated British Foods PLC 2437 -17.00 Melrose Industries PLC 176.30 3.45
FTSE 350 Higher Yield (145) 3100.65 1.08 2806.10 3067.50 3052.84 3325.08 4.18 1.26 19.05 11.05 6518.62 FT30 constituents and recent additions/deletions can be found at Chemicals 7.15 Consumer Services 2.91 Health Care -3.67 Astrazeneca PLC 7120 -16.00 Mondi PLC 1802 35.00
FTSE 350 Lower Yield (205) 4270.85 0.17 3865.12 4263.62 4264.07 4316.19 1.90 1.71 30.79 2.35 5056.37 Oil & Gas Producers 7.06 FTSE 250 Index 2.67 Pharmace & Biotech -3.89 Auto Trader Group PLC 578.00 -7.40 Morrison (Wm) Supermarkets PLC 171.65 -0.35
FTSE SmallCap (253) 6529.19 0.65 5908.93 6486.94 6496.71 5769.53 2.41 -0.71 -58.43 20.58 10415.97
FTSE SmallCap ex Inv Co (137) 5314.23 0.94 4809.39 5264.69 5226.11 4768.77 1.93 -0.78 -66.23 9.21 8850.44 FX: EFFECTIVE INDICES Oil & Gas
FTSE All{HY-}Share Index
FTSE 100 Index
Household Goods & Ho
Consumer Goods
Avast PLC 471.80 9.40 National Grid PLC 828.60 -8.20
Aveva Group PLC 3506 -25.00 Natwest Group PLC 186.55 0.75
FTSE All-Share (603) 3795.06 0.63 3434.53 3771.34 3762.96 3921.63 3.03 1.34 24.65 8.01 7317.63 Life Insurance 4.96 Support Services 2.52 Electricity -4.99
Feb 23 Feb 22 Mnth Ago Feb 24 Feb 23 Mnth Ago Aviva PLC 372.90 -1.80 Next PLC 7688 74.00
FTSE All-Share ex Inv Co (418) 3660.25 0.63 3312.53 3637.47 3624.90 3835.52 3.09 1.22 26.44 7.49 3661.61 Food Producers 4.86 NON FINANCIALS Index 1.98 Oil Equipment & Serv -5.69 B&M European Value Retail S.A. 553.00 -4.00 Ocado Group PLC 2287 -48.00
FTSE All-Share ex Multinationals (534) 1235.74 0.74 926.91 1226.71 1224.96 1218.31 2.30 1.52 28.58 1.85 2480.40 Australia - - - Sweden - - - Travel & Leisure 4.86 General Retailers 1.81 Tobacco -6.12 Bae Systems PLC 496.00 10.50 Pearson PLC 752.60 -3.60
FTSE Fledgling (88) 11286.69 0.05 10214.47 11281.34 11334.47 9481.38 2.08 1.43 33.62 21.34 23284.90 Canada - - - Switzerland - - - FTSE SmallCap Index 4.50 Industrials 1.20 Aerospace & Defense -7.72 Barclays PLC 164.58 5.40 Pennon Group PLC 884.00 -15.20
FTSE Fledgling ex Inv Co (42) 14192.73 0.31 12844.44 14148.64 14223.15 11282.88 1.68 6.14 9.69 20.44 28578.19 Denmark - - - UK 81.79 81.53 79.29 Software & Comp Serv 4.50 Construct & Material 0.96 Personal Goods -10.03 Barratt Developments PLC 694.80 10.80 Pershing Square Holdings LTD 2585 40.00
FTSE All-Small (341) 4534.58 0.62 4103.80 4506.76 4514.36 3996.13 2.40 -0.60 -69.01 13.97 9280.23 Japan - - - USA - - - Financials 4.45 Media 0.62 Leisure Goods -11.11 Berkeley Group Holdings (The) PLC 4317 48.00 Persimmon PLC 2764 39.00
FTSE All-Small ex Inv Co (179) 3979.14 0.91 3601.13 3943.09 3916.32 3553.23 1.92 -0.53 -99.29 6.85 8394.31 New Zealand - - - Euro - - - Real Est Invest & Se 0.07 Oil & Gas Producers -40.36 Bhp Group PLC 2324 30.50 Phoenix Group Holdings PLC 721.00 5.40
FTSE AIM All-Share (719) 1188.26 0.37 1075.37 1183.88 1200.63 929.82 0.72 0.29 482.17 1.28 1366.10 Norway - - -
BP PLC 298.80 15.30 Polymetal International PLC 1506.5 9.00
FTSE 100 (100) 6658.97 0.50 6026.38 6625.94 6612.24 7017.88 3.30 1.40 21.63 14.60 6378.31 Source: Bank of England. New Sterling ERI base Jan 2005 = 100. Other indices base average 1990 = 100. British American Tobacco PLC 2584.5 -21.50 Prudential PLC 1431 11.00
FTSE Sector Indices Index rebased 1/2/95. for further information about ERIs see British Land Company PLC 520.00 18.80 Reckitt Benckiser Group PLC 5882 -88.00
Oil & Gas (12) 5396.88 4.14 4884.19 5182.30 5151.33 6978.24 4.29 0.77 30.15 48.54 6128.85 Bt Group PLC 130.65 -1.65 Relx PLC 1713.5 -17.50
Oil & Gas Producers (9) 5229.60 4.16 4732.80 5020.91 4990.75 6751.10 4.36 0.76 30.16 47.77 6159.09 FTSE GLOBAL EQUITY INDEX SERIES Bunzl PLC 2260 -1.00 Rentokil Initial PLC 470.00 -11.70
Oil Equipment Services & Distribution (3) 5654.92 3.14 5117.71 5482.83 5460.98 8053.77 0.20 17.16 29.25 0.00 4874.88 Burberry Group PLC 1851.5 -26.50 Rightmove PLC 615.20 -0.60
Feb 23 No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total
YTD Gr Div Feb 23 No of US $ Day Mth YTD Total YTD Gr Div Coca-Cola Hbc AG 2294 -10.00 Rio Tinto PLC 6355 43.00
Basic Materials (23) 8380.78 0.74 7584.62 8319.06 8348.04 5656.70 3.02 2.61 12.69 1.88 10070.49
Chemicals (8) 15980.69 0.43 14462.54 15912.68 16171.26 12720.93 1.58 1.86 34.19 31.52 15393.80 Regions & countries stocks indices % % % retn
% Yield Sectors stocks indices % % % retn % Yield Compass Group PLC 1493.5 -15.50 Rolls-Royce Holdings PLC 111.90 5.25
Industrial Metals & Mining (4) 6294.49 1.70 5696.52 6189.41 6271.24 3646.96 4.77 2.12 9.88 9.37 8481.85 FTSE Global All Cap 8938 762.20 0.0 1.3 4.74.9 1.8 Oil Equipment & Services
1176.79 26 212.79 0.5 0.5 12.4 364.16 13.4 5.3 Crh PLC 3193 58.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1428.8 52.00
Mining (11) 24514.20 0.74 22185.38 24334.48 24378.90 16169.16 3.11 2.67 12.05 0.00 15550.71 FTSE Global All Cap 8952 740.29 0.0 2.8 1.71.8 1.8 Basic Materials
1141.62 352 655.02 0.2 0.2 7.4 1113.60 7.4 2.5 Croda International PLC 6270 -32.00 Royal Dutch Shell PLC 1481.6 47.80
FTSE Global Large Cap 1725 677.05 0.1 0.8 3.94.1 1.8 Chemicals
1076.75 163 896.43 0.1 0.1 3.0 1508.99 3.1 2.3 Dcc PLC 5930 -32.00 Rsa Insurance Group PLC 675.40 -0.20
Industrials (97) 6067.29 1.04 5490.91 6004.78 6007.73 5815.58 1.55 0.91 71.07 4.73 6755.38
Construction & Materials (16) 7487.12 1.65 6775.85 7365.43 7355.07 6901.34 1.79 0.14 407.35 0.00 8649.90 FTSE Global Mid Cap 2226 972.14 0.0 3.0 6.06.2 1.8 Forestry & Paper
1411.82 20 340.25 -0.7 -0.7 7.6 648.77 7.8 2.5 Diageo PLC 2945 3.00 Sage Group PLC 574.00 -5.80
Aerospace & Defense (9) 3799.49 2.73 3438.54 3698.59 3623.75 5165.46 2.61 -2.35 -16.33 1.94 4436.09 FTSE Global Small Cap 4987 1086.19 -0.3 2.5 7.98.0 1.5 Industrial Metals & Mining
1516.00 92 532.16 0.8 0.8 13.6 914.45 13.6 2.5 Entain PLC 1439 27.50 Sainsbury (J) PLC 229.30 0.20
General Industrials (9) 5324.12 1.70 4818.33 5235.25 5243.42 4737.91 1.99 1.32 38.25 0.00 6669.30 FTSE All-World 3951 444.34 0.0 1.2 4.34.5 1.8 Mining
726.09 77 983.25 0.2 0.2 11.7 1706.97 11.7 2.8 Evraz PLC 564.80 9.00 Schroders PLC 3624 56.00
Electronic & Electrical Equipment (8) 11809.14 -0.09 10687.29 11819.93 11991.77 10126.34 0.98 2.33 43.67 0.00 11345.37 FTSE World 2562 785.56 0.1 1.2 3.84.0 1.8 Industrials
1723.20 738 545.68 -0.2 -0.2 4.2 841.85 4.3 1.5 Experian PLC 2330 -53.00 Scottish Mortgage Investment Trust PLC 1213 10.00
Industrial Engineering (9) 16661.85 1.85 15078.99 16358.52 16497.38 13279.08 1.16 2.57 33.53 0.00 21784.43 FTSE Global All Cap ex UNITED KINGDOM In 8649 805.70 0.0 1.3 4.74.8 1221.54
1.7 Construction & Materials 142 634.41 0.2 0.2 3.0 1026.54 3.0 1.8 Ferguson PLC 8774 98.00 Segro PLC 942.40 -17.80
Industrial Transportation (7) 5082.13 0.45 4599.33 5059.22 5137.13 3404.10 0.33 4.22 72.28 1.73 5164.47 FTSE Global All Cap ex USA 7195 594.59 0.0 1.5 5.55.6 1001.51
2.2 Aerospace & Defense 36 747.37 1.4 1.4 1.9 1134.49 2.0 2.0 Flutter Entertainment PLC 14020 250.00 Severn Trent PLC 2223 -9.00
Support Services (39) 9552.55 0.21 8645.07 9532.27 9547.93 9074.38 1.27 2.36 33.42 16.00 10636.23 FTSE Global All Cap ex JAPAN 7545 786.27 0.0 1.2 4.74.8 1225.45
1.8 General Industrials 71 262.55 0.1 0.1 3.7 445.67 4.2 2.1 Fresnillo PLC 965.80 -11.80 Smith & Nephew PLC 1434 24.50
FTSE Global All Cap ex Eurozone 8303 803.74 0.0 1.3 4.95.1 1215.42
1.8 Electronic & Electrical Equipment 139 714.50 -0.4 -0.4 6.8 999.11 6.8 1.2 Glaxosmithkline PLC 1213 -1.80 Smith (Ds) PLC 384.00 12.20
Consumer Goods (41) 17353.13 -0.76 15704.61 17486.88 17281.07 19705.67 3.96 1.43 17.69 23.80 14766.81
FTSE Developed 2131 717.79 0.0 1.2 3.73.9 1117.65
1.8 Industrial Engineering 145 1110.27 -0.2 -0.2 8.3 1704.80 8.4 1.4 Glencore PLC 302.50 -1.05 Smiths Group PLC 1522 32.50
Automobiles & Parts (2) 4765.20 -2.39 4312.51 4881.99 5051.43 4234.93 0.75 -3.32 -40.15 35.65 4911.13
FTSE Developed All Cap 5599 756.38 0.0 1.3 4.24.4 1161.05
1.8 Industrial Transportation 123 926.45 -0.2 -0.2 1.0 1438.36 1.1 1.6 Halma PLC 2364 -11.00 Smurfit Kappa Group PLC 3484 60.00
Beverages (6) 23264.71 -0.02 21054.59 23270.03 23242.39 23694.40 2.43 0.75 55.00 3.46 17878.56
FTSE Developed Large Cap 830 668.69 0.0 0.7 3.13.4 1059.74
1.8 Support Services 82 662.68 -1.0 -1.0 3.1 963.76 3.1 1.1 Hargreaves Lansdown PLC 1545 2.50 Spirax-Sarco Engineering PLC 10925 140.00
Food Producers (10) 7585.98 -0.27 6865.33 7606.20 7519.86 7692.38 1.43 3.03 23.13 0.00 7055.92
FTSE Developed Europe Large Cap 224 401.80 -0.2 0.3 2.32.5 2.5 Consumer Goods
752.44 531 613.88 -0.2 -0.2 0.5 992.79 0.5 2.0 Hikma Pharmaceuticals PLC 2417 37.00 Sse PLC 1385 6.50
Household Goods & Home Construction (13)13929.27 0.00 12606.01 13928.94 13794.72 15682.43 2.62 2.14 17.89 0.00 11224.83
FTSE Developed Europe Mid Cap 343 723.60 -0.3 1.8 3.63.7 1184.22
2.0 Automobiles & Parts 129 641.52 -1.3 -1.3 4.7 1009.59 4.8 1.4 HSBC Holdings PLC 429.30 1.30 St. James's Place PLC 1228 -3.50
Leisure Goods (2) 24734.66 0.59 22384.90 24588.68 24734.49 17736.72 1.82 1.62 33.86 0.00 25998.00
FTSE Dev Europe Small Cap 686 1005.97 -0.3 2.3 4.44.4 1586.12
1.6 Beverages 67 710.60 0.2 0.2 -3.8 1158.88 -3.8 2.4 Imperial Brands PLC 1400 - Standard Chartered PLC 509.40 2.00
Personal Goods (6) 28579.51 -1.96 25864.49 29149.61 28494.12 32221.25 3.46 1.42 20.35 1.34 21408.12
FTSE North America Large Cap 224 852.93 0.0 0.6 2.73.0 1248.12
1.6 Food Producers 132 702.82 -0.4 -0.4 -2.1 1159.27 -2.0 2.4 Informa PLC 550.80 -4.40 Standard Life Aberdeen PLC 326.70 5.50
Tobacco (2) 27236.35 -0.68 24648.93 27421.52 27119.73 33555.20 8.45 1.36 8.71 170.67 22499.56
FTSE North America Mid Cap 410 1132.94 0.0 3.4 6.87.0 1528.26
1.6 Household Goods & Home Construction 61 561.53 0.7 0.7 -2.5 904.04 -2.2 2.4 Intercontinental Hotels Group PLC 5150 -76.00 Taylor Wimpey PLC 166.60 2.65
Health Care (15) 10755.19 0.03 9733.46 10751.72 10770.70 12053.41 3.89 0.75 34.23 66.75 9416.54
FTSE North America Small Cap 1287 1252.84 -0.3 2.6 9.59.6 1629.21
1.2 Leisure Goods 44 354.08 -0.2 -0.2 7.3 488.84 7.3 0.9 Intermediate Capital Group PLC 1901 25.00 Tesco PLC 227.80 3.30
Health Care Equipment & Services (6) 6385.47 1.50 5778.86 6290.97 6314.39 8092.41 1.90 1.01 52.13 7.73 5890.29
FTSE North America 634 560.46 0.0 1.1 3.53.8 837.96
1.6 Personal Goods 84 1037.83 0.3 0.3 -1.5 1548.80 -1.5 1.4 International Consolidated Airlines Group S.A. 188.90 7.30 Unilever PLC 3839 -81.00
Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology (9) 14966.57 -0.13 13544.76 14986.58 15009.73 16523.04 4.12 0.74 32.93 101.46 11780.51
FTSE Developed ex North America 1497 304.95 0.0 1.3 4.14.2 553.31
2.3 Tobacco 14 932.54 0.3 0.3 2.7 2376.72 2.9 6.6 Intertek Group PLC 5470 12.00 United Utilities Group PLC 883.60 -17.40
Consumer Services (79) 5296.22 0.57 4793.08 5266.44 5249.97 5270.78 1.56 0.87 73.56 0.03 5418.94 FTSE Japan Large Cap 178 478.97 0.0 3.0 5.65.6 1.9 Health Care
672.86 309 683.85 -0.4 -0.4 -0.3 1055.87 -0.2 1.8
Food & Drug Retailers (5) 4485.51 0.27 4059.40 4473.57 4494.39 4042.69 3.30 1.33 22.74 0.00 5708.93 Jd Sports Fashion PLC 850.80 2.80 Vodafone Group PLC 125.50 -4.44
FTSE Japan Mid Cap 335 688.20 0.0 3.9 6.86.8 916.67
1.9 Health Care Equipment & Services 113 1382.80 0.0 0.0 -0.6 1667.46 -0.6 0.7 Johnson Matthey PLC 3190 77.00 Whitbread PLC 3565 66.00
General Retailers (26) 2420.37 0.74 2190.44 2402.63 2399.08 2196.27 0.51 4.47 43.62 0.00 3028.45
FTSE Global wi JAPAN Small Cap 880 731.94 0.0 2.2 2.62.7 1010.07
2.0 Pharmaceuticals & Biotechnology 196 443.91 -0.7 -0.7 -0.2 729.31 0.1 2.4 Just Eat Takeaway.Com N.V. 6956 -76.00 Wpp PLC 872.60 6.00
Media (13) 8210.23 -0.60 7430.27 8259.49 8218.73 8841.16 1.68 2.67 22.28 0.18 5533.58
FTSE Japan 513 198.03 0.0 3.2 5.95.9 311.39
1.9 Consumer Services 440 716.10 0.1 0.1 3.8 1004.20 3.9 0.9 Kingfisher PLC 266.30 -0.10
Travel & Leisure (35) 8869.18 1.34 8026.62 8752.05 8703.94 9249.56 1.44 -1.51 -46.12 0.00 9102.42
FTSE Asia Pacific Large Cap ex Japan 923 960.62 0.3 1.1 9.89.9 1665.33
1.9 Food & Drug Retailers 69 305.14 -0.3 -0.3 2.1 464.61 2.5 2.5
Telecommunications (6) 1832.71 -2.72 1658.60 1883.95 1887.05 2121.15 4.68 0.91 23.40 0.00 2534.98 FTSE Asia Pacific Mid Cap ex Japan 893 1096.62 0.4 2.3 6.86.9 1826.21
2.4 General Retailers 148 1298.76 -0.4 -0.4 2.6 1750.02 2.6 0.6
Fixed Line Telecommunications (3) 1633.16 -1.19 1478.01 1652.83 1645.35 1866.83 0.41 27.51 8.84 0.00 1792.04
Mobile Telecommunications (3) 2864.84 -3.26 2592.69 2961.46 2972.79 3329.53 6.22 0.28 57.93 0.00 3601.38
FTSE Asia Pacific Small Cap ex Japan
FTSE Asia Pacific Ex Japan
2.1 Media
1.9 Travel & Leisure
84 495.70
139 531.54
5.6 699.45
6.7 762.13
Utilities (8) 6850.42 -0.50 6199.64 6884.61 6814.37 8238.63 5.24 1.16 16.50 30.41 9614.47 FTSE Emerging All Cap 3339 969.83 0.1 1.5 9.09.1 1596.59
2.0 Telecommunication 89 158.40 0.2 0.2 2.9 346.98 3.4 4.1 Feb 24 Feb 23 Feb 22 Feb 19 Feb 18 Yr Ago
Electricity (3) 8269.48 0.59 7483.89 8220.81 8228.55 9106.36 5.65 1.03 17.12 128.41 15382.97 FTSE Emerging Large Cap 895 939.73 0.1 1.0 9.59.6 1556.82
1.9 Fixed Line Telecommuniations 38 117.64 0.3 0.3 1.2 290.34 2.0 5.2 - - - - - -
Gas Water & Multiutilities (5) 6116.39 -0.87 5535.35 6169.94 6083.55 7570.36 5.09 1.20 16.30 3.68 8463.60 FTSE Emerging Mid Cap 925 1103.11 0.5 3.1 5.35.4 1816.11
2.6 Mobile Telecommunications 51 193.18 0.1 0.1 4.9 368.65 5.0 2.9 Order Book Turnover (m) 105.91 164.09 80.38 80.38 80.38 48.03
Financials (306) 4680.34 0.83 4235.72 4641.96 4642.61 4834.69 2.90 1.59 21.71 6.15 4891.74 FTSE Emerging Small Cap 1519 922.98 0.0 4.2 8.38.4 1457.28
2.2 Utilities 190 308.95 0.6 0.6 -3.7 680.76 -3.3 3.4 Order Book Bargains 1257149.00 1096070.00 894771.00 894771.00 894771.00 1019327.00
Banks (11) 2762.19 0.85 2499.79 2738.78 2721.20 3309.50 3.40 1.39 21.11 0.00 2276.68 FTSE Emerging Europe 76 383.75 0.3 2.1 3.63.8 728.92
4.8 Electricity 130 347.71 0.5 0.5 -3.7 755.87 -3.3 3.4 Order Book Shares Traded (m) 2043.00 1669.00 1645.00 1645.00 1645.00 1584.00
Nonlife Insurance (7) 3713.93 0.58 3361.11 3692.42 3674.19 3590.44 2.96 1.73 19.51 0.00 7366.00 FTSE Latin America All Cap 244 783.10 2.6 -1.1 -4.7
-4.6 1344.52
2.5 Gas Water & Multiutilities 60 309.02 0.8 0.8 -3.6 701.70 -3.4 3.3 Total Equity Turnover (£m) 5676.41 5109.81 7264.10 7264.10 7264.10 4755.68
Life Insurance/Assurance (6) 7841.43 0.88 7096.50 7773.01 7770.61 7866.35 3.43 1.98 14.75 0.00 8914.33 FTSE Middle East and Africa All Cap 321 692.52 -0.6 1.9 6.06.2 2.9 Financials
1198.56 866 270.44 0.8 0.8 7.2 492.55 7.4 2.7 Total Mkt Bargains 1564732.00 1450633.00 1204019.00 1204019.00 1204019.00 1387837.00
Real Estate Investment & Services (17) 2494.43 0.66 2257.47 2478.04 2477.96 2960.50 1.02 3.06 32.22 0.87 7189.67 FTSE Global wi UNITED KINGDOM All Cap In 289 336.25 0.7 2.7 6.16.3 3.1 Banks
643.84 271 206.14 1.1 1.1 11.8 412.45 12.2 3.0 Total Shares Traded (m) 9619.00 10230.00 12586.00 12586.00 12586.00 12209.00
Real Estate Investment Trusts (40) 2538.16 1.20 2297.03 2508.10 2453.13 2904.36 2.62 -2.03 -18.88 6.78 3622.44 FTSE Global wi USA All Cap 1743 978.45 0.0 1.2 4.24.4 1.5 Nonlife Insurance
1381.41 74 309.42 0.6 0.6 3.4 487.41 3.7 2.7 † Excluding intra-market and overseas turnover. *UK only total at 6pm. ‡ UK plus intra-market turnover. (u) Unavaliable.
General Financial (40) 10691.12 0.87 9675.48 10598.79 10628.66 10673.04 3.11 1.11 29.02 17.76 13866.94 FTSE Europe All Cap 1404 484.13 -0.2 0.8 2.82.9 2.4 Life Insurance
871.45 53 253.88 1.3 1.3 9.2 456.80 9.5 3.1 (c) Market closed.
Equity Investment Instruments (185) 12976.89 0.66 11744.10 12891.70 13080.27 10893.38 2.21 3.54 12.81 38.97 7792.46 FTSE Eurozone All Cap 635 476.48 -0.2 1.4 2.83.0 2.0 Financial Services
854.33 209 438.62 0.4 0.4 4.4 646.78 4.6 1.6
Non Financials (297) 4497.90 0.56 4070.61 4472.98 4459.22 4647.09 3.08 1.25 25.92 10.80 7626.34 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient All-World 3951 493.91 0.1 2.0 4.64.8 2.0 Technology
745.78 309 551.56 -0.5 -0.5 6.0 708.38 6.1 0.8
Technology (16) 2051.62 0.42 1856.72 2043.11 2072.66 2119.28 1.87 1.02 52.55 11.99 2879.72 FTSE EDHEC-Risk Efficient Developed Europe 567 382.49 -0.3 0.7 2.42.5 2.0 Software & Computer Services
638.67 166 900.07 -0.4 -0.4 7.1 1078.67 7.2 0.5 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed
Software & Computer Services (13) 2213.27 0.00 2003.02 2213.35 2240.60 2318.70 1.95 0.84 60.90 14.34 3289.11 Oil & Gas 127 295.45 1.3 6.6 14.5
15.4 556.76
4.3 Technology Hardware & Equipment 143 446.47 -0.5 -0.5 4.7 612.18 4.8 1.2 accurate at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar or the FT. The FT does not warrant nor
Technology Hardware & Equipment (3) 4802.54 4.38 4346.31 4600.97 4760.85 4116.57 1.23 3.47 23.47 0.00 5961.58 Oil & Gas Producers 90 281.29 1.7 8.3 16.4
17.4 4.3 Alternative Energy
541.66 11 245.96 -2.8 -2.8 -8.4 349.58 -8.4 0.7 guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. The FT does not accept responsibility and will not be
Real Estate Investment & Services 162 374.25 0.7 0.7 4.3 690.46 4.3 2.6 liable for any loss arising from the reliance on or use of the listed information.
Hourly movements 8.00 9.00 10.00 11.00 12.00 13.00 14.00 15.00 16.00 High/day Low/day Real Estate Investment Trusts 97 468.14 0.7 0.7 3.0 1034.46 3.2 3.5 For all queries e-mail
FTSE 100 6594.79 6590.75 6615.74 6611.72 6631.14 6641.38 6603.96 6606.18 6643.90 6669.20 6572.42 FTSE Global Large Cap 1725 659.57 0.0 0.0 1.3 1047.63 1.3 1.9
FTSE 250 21098.01 21126.97 21244.71 21258.66 21328.14 21302.00 21211.75 21184.04 21246.78 21329.61 21064.18 The FTSE Global Equity Series, launched in 2003, contains the FTSE Global Small Cap Indices and broader FTSE Global All Cap Indices (large/mid/small cap) as well as the enhanced FTSE All-World index Series (large/
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FTSE SmallCap 6497.36 6495.80 6504.09 6515.17 6523.62 6528.74 6523.49 6518.74 6521.04 6537.20 6488.15
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Amount Latest Company Turnover Pre-tax EPS(p) Div(p) Pay day Total Issue Issue Stock Close Mkt
Issue paid renun. closing Athelney Trust Pre 0.013L 1.081 0.600L 50.100 7.70000 9.30000 Apr 6 9.400 9.300 date price(p) Sector code Stock price(p) +/- High Low Cap (£m)
price up date High Low Stock Price p +or- Georgia Capital Pre 0.000 1473.437 330.334 608.899 8.230 16.448 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.000 0.000 02/23 600.00 ATG Auction Technology Group PLC 800.00 0.00 839.00 734.63 0.0
There are currently no rights offers by any companies listed on the LSE. Haydale Graphene Industries Int 1.277 1.347 1.933L 2.724L 0.000 1.000L 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.000 0.000 02/16 100.00 CORD Cordiant Digital Infrastructure Ltd 99.60 -0.20 101.00 97.75 36852.0
HSBC Holdings Pre 63074.000 71024.000 8777.000 13347.000 0.190 0.300 15.00000 0.00000 Apr 29 15.000 39.600 02/16 7.00 AIM CUSN Cornish Metals Inc 9.35 -0.35 13.00 8.55 2497.8
Keras Resources Pre 0.000 0.000 1.242L 0.471L 0.040L 0.022L 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.000 0.000 02/09 1.48 MXC MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd 4.82 -0.51 9.30 2.00 10742.9
Lloyds Banking Group Pre 29167.000 42356.000 1226.000 4393.000 1.200 3.500 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.000 1.120 02/01 134.00 AIM SUP Supreme PLC 180.00 0.00 188.00 140.00 20970.0
Metro Bank Pre 432.600 415.600 311.400L 130.800L 175.000L 123.900L 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.000 0.000
N4 Pharma Pre 0.000 0.000 1.566L 0.949L 0.960L 0.870L 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.000 0.000
Netcall Int 13.351 12.267 0.963 0.136 0.910 0.030 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.249 0.200
Power Metal Resources Pre 0.009 0.000 1.414L 1.586L 0.250L 0.550L 0.00000 0.00000 - 0.000 0.000
Reckitt Benckiser Group Pre 13993.000 12846.000 1873.000 2107.000L 167.000 519.700L 0.00000 101.6000 - 73.000 174.600
Seneca Growth Capital VCT Pre 1.297 0.715L 12.800 6.700L 5.00000 0.00000 Oct 30 13.000 8.000
Town Centre Securities Int 11.737 17.367 3.518L 0.241L 6.600L 0.500L 0.00000 3.25000 - 1.740 11.750

Figures in £m. Earnings shown basic. Figures in light text are for corresponding period year earlier. §Placing price. *Intoduction. ‡When issued. Annual report/prospectus available at
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Thursday 25 February 2021 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 11



52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week 52 Week
Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m Stock Price Day Chg High Low Yld P/E MCap m
Australia (A$) Finland (€) Japan (¥) Sweden (SKr) AT&T 29.47 0.29 38.51 26.08 7.70 17.90 210003.22 Lowes 161.08 -7.51 180.67 60.00 1.52 20.81 118027
ANZ 26.63 -0.18 26.95 14.10 3.89 22.25 60003.63 Nokia 3.29 0.00 4.95 2.08 - 23.51 22607.97 AstellasPh 1762 -17.00 1982 0.00 2.55 21.41 30966.81 AtlasCpcoB 417.80 1.10 436.70 223.20 1.61 33.68 19616.71 AutomData 174.38 2.32 179.46 103.11 2.28 27.76 74624.22 Lyondell 106.88 3.88 107.29 33.71 4.29 27.61 35689.27
BHPBilltn 48.86 -1.57 50.51 24.05 4.16 21.60 113973.96 SampoA 36.95 0.15 40.37 21.34 4.28 16.14 24822 Bridgestne 4176 -23.00 4498 2861.5 3.41 34.22 28134.27 Ericsson 103.85 -0.50 114.10 59.54 1.46 23.63 38391.31 Avago Tech 472.57 0.67 495.14 155.67 3.00 68.47 192902.33 Marathon Ptl 56.79 1.02 57.01 15.26 4.36 -3.40 36950.46
CmwBkAu 82.78 -0.51 89.20 53.44 5.17 20.61 116290.44 France (€) Canon♦ 2340 1.50 2839.5 0.00 5.61 36.21 29461.53 H&M 197.20 1.70 197.80 98.13 2.50 108.58 34658.43 BakerHu 22.08 0.09 31.26 20.09 3.24 -1.40 11412.93 Marsh&M 119.33 1.00 120.97 74.34 1.67 27.49 60641.9
CSL 267.96 - 332.68 242.67 1.08 40.17 96542.9 Airbus Grpe 102.72 3.77 127.36 48.12 - -12.19 97644.37 CntJpRwy 17820 220.00 19860 0.00 0.86 119.09 34652.57 Investor 632.40 4.60 656.20 370.10 2.08 6.06 34658.88 BankAm 36.28 0.76 36.30 17.95 2.16 16.47 313850.65 MasterCard 362.83 12.41 367.25 199.99 0.46 49.96 357440.85
NatAusBk 24.90 0.05 26.80 13.20 4.48 22.86 65009.56 AirLiquide 129.30 -1.05 144.45 94.86 2.21 25.64 74247.01 Denso 6428 -244.00 6978 0.00 2.38 -42.43 47811.49 Nordea Bk 76.43 0.31 83.53 48.00 - 12.84 37244.57 Baxter 77.76 -0.38 95.19 69.10 1.30 40.29 39279.25 McDonald's 211.33 0.01 231.91 124.23 2.58 29.59 157464.38
Telstra 3.13 -0.10 3.65 2.66 3.17 20.62 29477.3 AXA 20.31 0.22 23.75 11.84 3.80 16.58 59529.91 EastJpRwy 7686 61.00 8959 0.00 1.89 -10.42 27420.48 SEB 97.62 0.84 100.45 59.80 - 12.75 25488.94 BectonDick 246.35 -1.35 284.97 197.75 1.40 83.36 71579.45 McKesson 179.50 -1.08 187.67 112.60 1.00 12.79 28570.55
Wesfarmers 50.38 -0.55 56.40 29.75 3.01 35.44 45232.58 BNP Parib 50.17 0.72 52.02 24.51 - 8.61 76011.2 Fanuc 26300-1285.00 29700 0.00 0.80 75.19 50130.28 SvnskaHn 90.10 1.66 107.15 71.70 - 11.29 21083.56 BerkshHat 375559.61 4504.61 376315 239440 - 15.62 243807.29 Medtronic 118.98 0.98 120.53 72.13 2.05 41.81 160149.45
Westpc 24.05 -0.11 25.13 13.47 3.28 38.25 69864.37 ChristianDior 460.00 -1.40 470.00 252.40 1.10 43.08 100657.6 FastRetail 107000 2100 108450 0.00 0.48 113.57 107140.05 Swedbank 149.08 1.82 165.90 99.14 - 12.87 20305.67 Biogen 283.80 4.72 363.92 223.25 - 8.58 43232.12 Merck 75.10 0.56 87.80 65.25 3.54 15.20 190005.59
Woolworths 39.50 0.41 42.28 32.12 2.59 43.18 39577.98 Cred Agr 11.66 0.30 12.80 5.70 - 8.10 41227.04 Fuji Hvy Ind 2041 6.00 2861.5 1671.5 3.00 13.24 14819.35 Telia Co 34.25 -0.21 41.15 30.29 6.15 45.10 16853.66 BkNYMeln 44.35 0.52 46.84 26.40 3.05 8.96 39300.12 Metlife♦ 59.03 1.60 59.07 22.85 3.33 8.82 52206.09
Belgium (€) Danone 57.96 0.34 70.30 46.03 - 18.84 48244.11 Hitachi 4962 28.00 5100 0.00 2.21 29.09 45335.79 Volvo 221.50 8.20 221.90 95.00 - 26.51 42323.76 BlackRock 706.91 3.75 788.00 323.98 2.19 21.54 107811.34 Microsoft♦ 231.97 -1.30 245.92 132.52 0.93 33.521749589.66
AnBshInBv 53.19 0.05 65.31 29.03 2.44 -38.06 109179.85 EDF 10.06 0.04 13.61 5.98 1.58 17.96 37804.41 HondaMtr 2989 11.50 3176 0.00 3.15 19.07 51110.21 Boeing 223.98 11.86 321.74 89.00 2.00 -26.07 130579.64 Mnstr Bvrg 87.96 -0.37 95.11 50.06 - 36.33 46432.92
Switzerland (SFr)
KBC Grp 61.20 0.78 68.22 33.44 1.72 15.53 30914.53 Engie SA 12.65 -0.03 16.40 8.63 - -26.58 37330.34 JapanTob 1929 -7.50 2234 0.00 8.74 10.78 36418.56 Booking Holdings 2430.21 70.84 2445 1107.29 - 67.12 99528.83 MondelezInt 54.69 -0.11 60.00 41.19 2.33 23.66 77227.13
ABB 26.78 0.53 27.52 14.11 3.08 117.45 63868.68
EssilorLuxottica 136.95 0.50 140.20 86.76 - -4318.30 72883.15 KDDI 3375 -16.00 3439 2604 3.89 10.67 73409.22 BrisMySq 62.27 1.55 67.16 45.76 3.15-190.35 139518.2 Monsanto - - - - - - -
Brazil (R$) CredSuisse 13.25 0.29 13.29 6.18 1.13 8.03 35675.56
Hermes Intl 937.80 -5.40 1018 516.00 0.51 84.01 120016.72 Keyence 53140-3610.00 59310 28905 0.41 64.04 121999.87 CapOne 124.92 2.38 124.92 38.00 1.13 55.61 57138.04 MorganStly 79.04 1.54 79.13 27.20 1.93 12.24 142999.03
Ambev 14.71 0.02 16.91 10.36 3.50 25.60 42658.69 Nestle 96.75 0.05 112.62 83.37 3.05 18.93 306607.37
LOreal 307.20 -4.50 321.40 196.00 1.32 50.28 208498.69 MitsbCp 3020 37.50 3045 0.00 4.89 10.96 42355.08 CardinalHlth 52.65 0.67 59.46 39.05 4.01 15.18 15461.6 MylanNV 15.86 0.31 23.11 12.75 - 29.73 8586.21
Bradesco 21.53 0.06 25.73 14.05 1.22 6.63 17598.37 Novartis 79.37 1.03 93.07 65.09 3.60 24.05 215389.54
LVMH 532.80 -6.60 545.20 278.70 0.95 57.34 326017.03 MitsubEst 1893 43.50 2107 0.00 1.73 15.46 24862.27 Carnival 27.95 1.49 39.75 7.80 1.89 -2.01 26062.97 Netflix 553.11 6.96 593.29 290.25 - 81.94 244969.8
Cielo 3.79 -0.02 7.47 3.23 1.84 19.51 1897.7 Richemont 89.38 1.42 90.00 44.64 1.20 195.14 51321.48
Orange 9.77 -0.02 13.40 8.63 5.41 9.43 31498.5 MitsubishiEle 1581.5 -20.00 1734 0.00 2.49 17.33 32055.51 Caterpillar 226.42 6.24 226.51 87.50 1.98 34.38 123467.7 NextEraE 73.54 -1.17 87.69 43.70 2.02 34.06 144129.18
ItauHldFin 24.51 -0.44 29.38 19.46 3.58 12.35 22397.49 Roche 302.55 2.60 357.85 265.75 3.26 18.49 233814.04
PernodRic 160.50 - 166.45 112.25 2.05 120.50 50952.45 MitsuiFud 2501 106.00 2845 1538 1.93 17.60 22789.16 Celgene 108.24 0.11 110.70 58.59 - 12.71 77035.98 Nike 134.49 -1.64 147.95 60.00 0.79 71.95 171001.18
Petrobras 23.93 0.45 32.34 10.50 2.32 -6.32 32823.38 Swiss Re 86.62 2.18 102.95 52.68 7.25 -17.96 30251.48
Renault 36.97 0.26 40.94 12.77 - -1.13 13251.6 MitUFJFin 560.50 -2.80 573.00 380.00 4.88 14.14 71862.06 CharlesSch 65.24 2.57 65.41 28.00 1.19 27.70 117250.13 NorfolkS 262.35 4.46 262.46 112.62 1.56 31.00 71420.47
Vale 97.15 0.20 103.35 32.45 4.74 32.84 94616.94 Swisscom 468.20 0.70 571.80 446.70 5.07 13.56 26678.77
Safran 121.00 2.35 141.45 51.10 - 73.37 58758.86 Mizuho Fin 1581 -7.50 1619 1084 2.86 14.48 37896.4 Charter Comms 613.06 10.29 681.71 345.67 - 44.72 118768.72 Northrop 301.83 3.15 365.85 263.31 2.00 18.87 50320.61
Canada (C$) Syngent 453.40 0.90 471.20 402.50 - 28.99 43035.76
Sanofi 76.63 0.01 95.82 67.65 4.35 8.19 116952.15 Murata Mfg 9300 -582.00 10835 0.00 1.24 28.29 59327.46 Chevron Corp 102.69 3.06 106.96 51.60 5.37 -15.34 191755.44 NXP 181.51 0.43 200.19 58.41 0.90-320.09 50777.35
BCE 54.84 -0.08 64.36 46.03 6.15 21.21 39472.07 UBS 14.44 0.31 14.48 7.00 2.48 9.58 61275.39
Sant Gbn 43.41 0.55 43.99 16.41 3.02 17.07 28031.92 NipponTT 2794 -24.50 2913.5 2127 3.82 11.02 102881.98 Chubb 170.73 1.98 171.14 87.35 1.95 31.06 77062.49 Occid Pet 28.20 2.14 40.55 8.52 6.19 -1.62 26260.11
BkMontrl♦ 108.07 3.17 108.57 55.76 4.03 13.93 55641.1 Zurich Fin 379.50 6.40 424.30 248.70 5.69 16.69 62808.97
Schneider 123.60 -0.10 130.70 61.72 2.18 29.60 84966.45 Nissan Mt 586.00 -1.20 664.50 311.20 - -1.96 23347.69 Cigna 213.16 0.49 230.90 118.50 0.02 13.70 77007.73 Oracle 64.74 0.24 66.20 39.71 1.57 18.63 190596.76
BkNvaS 76.61 2.51 76.68 46.38 4.83 14.07 73911.49 Nomura 628.50 -3.60 662.20 367.40 4.35 7.59 19184.34 Taiwan (NT$) Cisco 45.48 -0.03 49.34 32.40 3.43 16.89 192006.81 Pepsico 131.57 -1.21 148.77 101.42 3.28 23.89 181512.35
SFR Group 34.50 - 34.56 21.87 - -23.02 17905.81
Brookfield 54.60 0.24 59.13 31.35 1.17-1086.80 68475.48 Nppn Stl 1566.5 15.00 1591.5 0.00 5.46 4.78 14052.75 Chunghwa Telecom 109.50 - 117.00 103.00 4.05 24.51 30504.38 Citigroup♦ 68.27 1.53 74.05 32.00 3.26 12.23 142124.98 Perrigo 41.62 -0.88 63.86 40.01 2.32-763.23 5680.77
SocGen 20.38 0.26 30.43 10.77 - -23.56 21083.17
CanadPcR 457.39 -0.53 482.74 252.00 0.77 26.45 48516.17 NTTDCMo 3880 - 3928 2678 3.25 19.99 120882.79 Formosa PetChem 100.50 -1.50 104.00 66.10 3.03 213.51 34379.86 CME Grp 202.11 3.36 225.36 131.80 1.78 30.89 72554.96 Pfizer♦ 33.83 -0.09 43.08 26.41 4.84 20.01 188012.76
Total 38.98 0.67 43.69 21.12 6.99 -19.26 124253.56
CanImp 117.48 0.78 117.57 67.52 5.09 13.91 41873.45 Panasonic 1424.5 -17.00 1520 691.70 1.92 17.49 32992.9 HonHaiPrc 110.50 -2.00 125.00 65.70 3.99 14.22 55010.84 Coca-Cola 50.61 0.07 59.80 36.27 3.51 24.05 217493.17 Phillips66 87.03 1.50 89.79 40.04 4.51 -12.89 38014.72
UnibailR 190.00 0.35 236.45 177.35 2.94 -7.05 22215.04
CanNatRs 37.70 1.32 38.58 9.80 4.49 -75.00 35567.55 Seven & I 4275 73.00 4373 2937.5 2.47 19.63 35772.3 MediaTek 940.00 -8.00 1010 273.00 1.17 43.69 53678.79 Cognizant 73.66 0.78 82.73 40.01 1.27 25.02 39085.05 PhilMorris 87.47 1.03 89.18 56.01 5.87 16.24 136230.31
Vinci 87.90 0.28 103.35 54.76 2.45 29.07 63030.67
CanNatRy 137.45 0.60 149.11 92.01 1.69 28.09 77847.96 ShnEtsuCh 17925 -815.00 19710 8751 1.34 23.54 70502.48 TaiwanSem 625.00 -2.00 679.00 235.50 1.68 30.92 581993.66 ColgtPlm 76.79 -0.70 86.41 58.49 2.47 22.50 65161.13 PNCFin 178.47 5.25 178.73 79.41 2.81 22.21 75617.93
Vivendi 29.40 -0.24 32.35 16.60 2.16 18.32 42276.71
Enbridge♦ 44.82 0.02 54.65 33.06 7.25 45.51 72247.45 Softbank 9982 -548.00 10630 2609.5 0.48 -66.22 196918.17 Thailand (THB) Comcast 53.38 0.04 53.60 31.71 1.84 21.95 244011.29 PPG Inds♦ 136.75 1.78 153.81 69.77 1.65 27.62 32380.88
GtWesLif 32.15 0.13 33.75 18.88 5.51 11.42 23739.93 Germany (€)
Sony 11325 -655.00 12545 0.00 0.48 13.82 134813.72 PTT Explor 39.50 -1.00 45.00 23.60 5.71 26.35 37554.63 ConocPhil 53.69 1.59 56.94 20.84 3.41 -44.36 72735.71 Praxair 164.50 -0.99 169.75 140.00 2.29 39.25 47306.22
ImpOil 29.33 0.77 31.52 10.27 3.08 -47.65 17134.59 Allianz 200.45 2.19 227.90 117.10 5.06 11.84 100185.67
SumitomoF 3765 2.00 3861 2507.5 5.67 16.77 48834.29 United Arab Emirates (Dhs) Corning 38.27 0.62 39.16 17.44 2.45 134.96 29401.6 ProctGmbl 127.43 -0.09 146.92 94.34 2.52 23.36 313785.69
Manulife 25.23 0.79 25.38 12.58 4.43 9.28 38962.06 BASF 69.40 1.08 69.63 37.36 5.02 -30.60 77271.97
Takeda Ph 3605 -82.00 4216 2894.5 5.47 92.74 53644.95 Emirtestele 19.88 -0.06 20.80 11.04 4.39 17.70 47069.01 Costco 340.37 -1.78 393.15 271.28 0.85 33.09 150767.56 Prudntl 88.51 3.14 89.56 38.62 5.30-270.55 35138.47
Nutrien 71.01 0.46 73.23 34.80 3.47 304.83 32176.11 Bayer 55.11 1.77 73.63 39.91 5.36 -3.21 65633.09
TokioMarine 5252 -99.00 6181 4167 4.06 16.35 34803.45 United Kingdom (p) CrownCstl 160.92 -0.72 180.00 114.18 3.25 92.23 69406.7 PublStor 242.08 -0.26 246.21 155.37 3.60 34.21 42320.94
RylBkC 112.39 0.22 113.39 72.00 3.92 13.99 127375.88 BMW 70.39 1.07 77.31 36.60 3.75 12.59 51368.56
Toyota 7891 -169.00 8497 0.00 3.05 13.11 243057.65 CSX 93.04 1.35 97.54 46.81 1.20 23.70 70943.47 Qualcomm 138.47 1.35 167.94 58.00 2.00 28.09 157298.97
Suncor En 27.29 0.95 39.30 14.02 4.91 -6.33 33123.53 Continental 120.50 2.05 126.55 51.45 2.63 -15.56 29216.18 AscBrFd 2437 -17.00 2560 1554 1.41 42.31 27199.43
Mexico (Mex$) CVS 69.96 0.32 77.23 52.04 3.12 10.60 91742.39 Raytheon 116.96 -5.47 233.48 103.00 2.98 10.60 32566.46
ThmReut 110.26 -1.89 115.66 75.91 1.86 21.46 43621.17 Daimler 65.84 0.51 67.61 21.02 1.442080.64 85388.83 AstraZen 7120 -16.00 10120 5871 3.05 48.45 127123.39
AmerMvl 13.46 -0.06 16.82 12.33 2.70 12.46 30028.29 Danaher 224.93 1.08 248.86 119.60 0.34 48.19 159785.2 Regen Pharm 466.64 -1.39 664.64 386.84 - 15.69 49129.23
TntoDom 79.48 1.45 79.49 49.01 4.02 12.03 114905.93 Deut Bank 10.19 0.26 10.22 4.45 - -13.05 25520.54 Aviva 372.90 -1.80 398.50 205.70 2.55 6.79 21098.21
FEMSA UBD 143.95 1.47 172.00 112.72 2.11 276.84 15199.78 Deere 344.47 7.06 345.49 106.14 0.96 36.36 108308.72 S&P Global 326.94 1.76 379.87 186.06 0.86 30.04 78694.46
TrnCan 55.86 -0.03 75.62 47.05 5.84 11.51 41790.6 Deut Tlkm 14.77 0.05 16.40 10.41 4.29 21.21 85253.82 Barclays 164.58 5.40 174.64 73.04 - 14.58 39592.2
WalMrtMex 62.03 -0.72 68.25 47.76 0.90 33.53 52919.57 Delphi 17.02 0.31 18.51 5.39 - -7.42 1469.67 Salesforce 238.34 2.70 284.50 115.29 - 57.37 218081.1
ValeantPh 30.80 -1.06 36.02 14.01 - -4.20 8158.48 DeutsPost 41.82 0.38 43.84 19.11 2.90 19.72 62686.49 BP 298.80 15.30 461.30 188.52 9.41 -3.61 83957.69
Delta 49.88 1.54 55.38 17.51 1.76 -2.76 31830.82 Schlmbrg♦ 29.18 1.44 31.99 11.87 3.09 -3.74 40628.07
E.ON 8.56 -0.09 11.27 7.60 5.67 17.64 27402.28 Netherlands (€) BrAmTob 2584.5 -21.50 3380.2 2362.5 5.96 9.33 67933.69
China (HK$) Devon Energy 21.95 0.36 22.50 4.70 1.99 -3.06 14774.55 Sempra Energy 122.69 -0.87 158.23 88.00 3.65 17.34 35392.41
Fresenius Med 57.86 -0.16 79.96 53.50 2.19 12.22 20542.65 Altice 5.34 0.00 6.86 2.26 - -4.03 9137.97 BSkyB 1727.5 1.50 1740 893.50 0.76 36.60 38843.72
AgricBkCh 2.88 -0.08 3.30 2.38 7.85 4.38 11416.09 DiscFinServ♦ 96.75 1.45 100.96 23.25 1.98 27.22 29672.42 Shrwin-Will 686.02 -10.57 758.00 325.43 0.82 30.58 61468.67
Fresenius SE 35.43 -0.20 48.85 24.25 2.50 10.33 19424.29 ASML Hld 473.45 0.55 502.60 177.52 0.53 56.46 240766.98 BT 130.65 -1.65 155.32 94.68 3.54 8.60 18275.15
Bk China 2.76 -0.03 3.19 2.33 8.62 4.04 29762.84 Disney 199.36 2.27 200.60 79.07 0.48-116.44 361891.01 SimonProp 120.21 5.09 141.05 42.25 4.99 25.05 39444.25
HenkelKgaA 74.55 0.05 86.10 54.65 2.59 17.33 23478.66 Heineken 85.82 0.32 101.85 68.82 2.07 50.42 59924.77 Compass 1493.5 -15.50 1926 865.80 1.80 186.69 34627.46
BkofComm 4.51 - 5.22 3.66 8.69 4.13 20362.55 DominRes 71.19 -0.85 90.89 57.79 5.73 24.45 58078.16 SouthCpr 77.88 -1.39 83.15 23.43 1.96 43.02 60206.95
Linde 212.10 2.20 226.40 130.45 1.60 56.41 134950.61 ING 9.22 0.11 9.67 4.23 - 19.41 43578.78 Diageo 2945 3.00 3125.1 2050.6 2.37 60.72 104520.91
BOE Tech 0.85 -0.03 1.10 0.47 - -5.40 21.81 DowDupont 30.52 -0.65 48.38 30.06 3.83 -7.69 68559.76 Starbucks♦ 103.18 1.81 107.75 50.02 1.68 175.51 121473.81
MuenchRkv 241.30 3.90 268.70 141.10 4.28 26.23 40981.29 Unilever 44.58 -0.80 53.66 38.42 - 21.79 165226.62 GlaxoSmh 1213 -1.80 1772.51 1196 6.60 9.60 84099.71
Ch Coms Cons 3.87 -0.08 6.40 3.21 7.48 3.28 2205.08 DukeEner♦ 87.61 -1.43 103.79 62.13 4.73 29.32 64477.33 StateSt 75.47 1.41 81.08 42.10 3.01 11.02 26549.32
SAP 103.22 0.32 143.32 82.13 1.61 23.92 153721.26 Norway (Kr) Glencore 302.50 -1.05 310.55 2.44 2.64 -14.95 61516.47
Ch Evrbrght 3.29 -0.08 3.97 2.40 8.05 4.57 5379.21 Eaton 132.21 1.35 133.62 56.42 2.39 35.66 52698.91 Stryker 247.40 0.84 248.69 124.54 1.01 49.21 93072.11
Siemens 130.92 1.30 137.52 53.02 3.14 25.54 134901.99 DNB 168.45 -1.60 176.05 94.26 - 13.86 30920.11 HSBC 429.30 1.30 558.80 281.50 1.81 -50.45 121349.02
Ch Rail Cons 5.07 -0.16 9.99 4.07 5.10 3.12 1357.5 eBay 59.43 -1.94 64.85 26.02 1.14 16.37 40438.89 Sychrony Fin 39.75 1.27 40.69 12.15 2.41 16.57 23209.3
Volkswgn 195.10 3.00 195.70 99.16 2.60 22.89 69791.88 Equinor♦ 164.15 3.45 170.40 95.20 4.95 -17.65 63096.23 Imperial Brands♦ 1400 - 1758 1142 13.27 8.86 18824.11
Ch Rail Gp 3.92 -0.10 4.85 3.33 5.30 3.07 2126.88 Ecolab 214.35 3.19 231.36 124.60 0.96 47.95 61185.17 T-MobileUS 118.15 -1.07 135.54 63.50 - 40.89 146646.22
Hong Kong (HK$) Telenor 140.50 0.70 163.80 130.75 5.89 18.32 23279.42 LlydsBkg 39.34 0.12 59.94 23.59 - 23.14 39966.53
ChConstBk 6.24 -0.13 6.66 4.93 6.37 5.18 193461.41 Emerson 88.44 1.64 88.66 37.75 2.47 25.03 53066.62 Target♦ 187.01 0.65 199.96 90.17 1.55 22.75 93649.59
AIA 101.40 -4.00 109.30 60.05 1.42 25.43 158155.79 Natl Grid 828.60 -8.20 1068.6 789.13 5.86 19.54 39210.12
China Vanke 29.90 -0.60 32.70 21.65 4.20 6.73 7301.1 Qatar (QR) EOG Res 71.31 3.46 71.87 27.00 2.03-123.38 41600.72 TE Connect 129.57 0.53 132.65 48.62 1.58-152.33 42873.26
BOC Hold 25.10 -0.15 27.30 20.05 6.99 7.71 34222.08 Natwest Group 186.55 0.75 189.55 90.54 - 29.15 31470.31
ChinaCitic 3.68 -0.06 4.18 2.93 8.12 3.66 7062.48 QatarNtBk 16.85 0.04 19.50 15.71 3.67 13.73 42744.81 EquityResTP 69.21 0.69 87.19 45.43 3.74 24.89 25792.02 Tesla Mtrs 727.66 28.82 900.40 70.10 - 1268.57 698447
Ch OSLnd&Inv 18.66 -0.40 28.50 14.92 6.24 4.01 26338.95 Prudential 1431 11.00 1473 682.80 2.59 35.22 52196.51
ChinaLife 16.76 -0.16 21.90 11.64 5.46 7.44 16082.69 Russia (RUB) Exelon 40.69 -0.12 50.47 29.28 4.05 15.35 39691.17 TexasInstr 176.38 3.53 181.80 93.09 2.23 30.58 162311.79
ChngKng 45.95 0.05 50.55 33.40 5.22 7.31 21885.43 ReckittB 5882 -88.00 8020 5130 2.97 -15.21 58395.83
ChinaMBank 62.70 -3.65 69.45 29.80 2.38 14.07 37120.1 Gzprm neft 185.71 -3.02 272.68 158.17 - -71.33 58976.64 ExpScripts 92.33 -3.47 101.73 66.93 - 11.10 52061.19 TheTrvelers 150.88 1.55 152.29 76.99 2.41 15.83 38052.84
Citic Ltd 6.71 -0.03 9.42 5.20 7.91 3.61 25171.8 RELX 1713.5 -17.50 2044 1382.86 2.67 26.12 46679
ChinaMob 54.80 -1.10 65.70 39.00 6.80 8.49 144696.55 Lukoil 4745.5 -157.00 6810 3663 10.47 32.79 44107.51 ExxonMb 56.63 1.58 57.80 30.11 6.70 66.57 239423.76 ThrmoFshr 460.62 1.81 532.57 250.21 0.20 34.62 182557.93
Citic Secs 17.06 -0.46 21.45 12.60 3.64 12.16 5012.32 RioTinto 6355 43.00 6553 2954 4.81 17.82 120163.48
ChinaPcIns 38.20 -3.25 42.75 17.90 3.94 11.61 13671.52 MmcNrlskNckl 20150 -66.00 23656 13352 11.57 14.96 42774.79 Facebook 263.04 -2.82 304.67 137.10 - 27.47 632729.15 TimeWrnr 98.77 0.82 103.89 85.88 1.54 15.09 77269.69
CK Hutchison 59.10 1.00 69.30 45.05 6.12 5.78 29389.69 RollsRoyce 111.90 5.25 223.40 0.90 1.41 -1.08 2934.03
ChMinsheng 4.70 -0.09 6.06 3.85 9.79 3.90 5042.93 Novatek 973.20 -3.20 1382.2 682.80 3.05 46.54 39639.58 Fedex 259.54 4.91 305.66 88.69 0.79 26.74 68795.1 TJX Cos♦ 70.15 -0.08 71.06 32.72 0.71 105.47 84224.28
CNOOC 9.64 -0.76 11.62 6.24 9.27 8.38 55503.04 RylDShlA 1481.6 47.80 1899.37 878.10 6.50 -8.91 96023.18
ChMrchSecs 21.58 -0.14 28.18 13.41 - 18.91 24819.78 Rosneft 324.00 -11.00 489.90 229.80 9.45-126.68 46063.6 FordMtr 12.04 0.42 12.15 3.96 2.72-275.91 47030.89 Truist Financial Corp♦ 60.22 1.49 60.24 24.01 3.26 19.11 81188.4
HangSeng 149.10 -3.40 163.70 110.00 6.05 12.52 36759.8 Shire# 4690 111.00 4780 2944 0.58 11.63 56567.13
Chna Utd Coms 4.36 -0.02 6.16 4.01 1.43 23.97 20631.89 Sberbank 188.91 -2.03 270.80 172.15 9.07 5.92 54705 Franklin 27.48 0.41 28.59 14.91 4.29 15.85 13888.5 UnionPac 210.82 3.86 221.28 105.08 2.01 24.63 141213.43
HK Exc&Clr 509.00 -49.00 587.00 206.00 1.50 59.77 83219.4 StandCh 509.40 2.00 616.20 334.25 - 25.43 23675.94
ChShenEgy 14.88 -0.28 16.32 11.94 10.61 6.00 6521.44 Surgutneftegas 35.13 -0.76 54.89 24.06 1.70 1.55 16833.73 GenDyn 167.86 0.51 185.65 100.55 2.75 13.96 48052.39 UPS B 161.51 0.70 178.01 82.00 2.69 28.10 116204.42
MTR 46.15 -0.15 47.50 36.20 3.04 40.83 36785.92 Tesco■ 227.80 3.30 329.33 220.10 4.02 21.53 26295.1
ChShpbldng 4.17 -0.04 5.44 3.94 - -106.10 11814.88 GenElectric 13.27 0.68 13.29 5.48 0.33 31.21 116385.66 USBancorp 52.58 0.97 53.60 28.36 3.48 15.97 79208.53
SandsCh 37.45 -1.10 40.00 25.15 3.01 136.97 39070.67 Saudi Arabia (SR) Vodafone 125.50 -4.44 153.70 92.76 6.51 16.18 47193.96
ChStConEng 4.94 -0.01 6.02 4.68 3.87 4.73 31031.21 GenMills 56.40 -0.42 66.14 46.59 3.71 13.69 34485.02 UtdHlthcre 329.61 0.10 367.95 187.72 1.54 17.36 312736.05
SHK Props 121.00 -3.30 124.30 87.60 4.67 13.05 45216.21 AlRajhiBnk 89.20 1.30 90.50 51.00 1.83 20.92 59453.98 WPP 872.60 6.00 950.28 450.00 2.60 -4.69 15575.6
ChUncHK 5.10 -0.20 6.70 3.84 3.63 10.20 20123.77 GenMotors 51.89 0.78 57.05 14.33 1.60 21.34 74771.42 UtdTech 86.01 -5.36 158.44 69.02 2.69 144.88 74498.84
Tencent 687.00 -20.00 775.50 325.20 0.20 51.23 850009.1 Natnlcombnk 45.80 -0.20 46.65 30.50 2.86 11.41 36632.19 United States of America ($)
CNNC Intl 5.18 0.06 5.68 4.02 2.43 14.92 12494.4 GileadSci 63.80 0.12 85.97 56.56 4.56 59.70 79974.47 ValeroEngy 77.78 1.97 80.10 31.00 5.38-1188.77 31717.85
SaudiBasic 105.20 0.20 106.40 61.90 3.84-106.01 84142.05 21stC Fox A 33.91 -0.22 40.73 19.81 1.48 11.73 11336.18
CSR 3.78 0.02 5.32 2.53 4.93 8.95 2130.72 India (Rs) GoldmSchs 327.08 7.87 328.00 130.85 1.67 17.28 113102.42 Verizon 57.00 -0.03 61.95 48.84 4.73 11.83 235871.38
SaudiTelec 115.00 -2.20 120.00 72.30 3.79 19.68 61320.26 3M 177.38 1.21 187.27 114.04 3.60 19.07 102721.86
Daqin 6.53 -0.07 7.40 6.32 7.60 8.90 15043.71 Bhartiartl 572.95 7.40 623.00 361.75 0.37 -13.07 43205.56 Halliburton 22.12 1.18 22.23 4.25 2.22 -4.08 19656.56 VertexPharm 218.30 1.86 306.08 197.47 - 19.61 56749.28
Gree Elec Apl 0.13 0.00 0.21 0.07 - -0.04 5.58 HDFC Bk 1606.45 77.30 1641 738.75 - 29.52 122331.74 Singapore (S$) AbbottLb 122.62 1.82 128.54 61.61 1.25 59.81 217224.93 HCA Hold 177.34 2.27 181.01 58.38 0.51 16.46 60279.27 VF Cp 81.45 1.73 89.68 45.07 2.57-311.20 31903.12
GuosenSec 12.22 -0.21 16.14 10.39 1.69 15.98 15527.77 Hind Unilevr 2178.85 -0.40 2614.3 1757.3 1.76 67.18 70761.52 DBS 26.40 0.74 27.47 16.65 4.55 12.46 50822.64 Abbvie 108.19 1.92 113.41 62.55 4.65 21.38 191046.68 Hew-Pack 27.84 0.46 27.96 12.54 2.76 12.76 34699.07 ViacomCBS 64.89 0.52 67.20 10.10 1.61 27.68 36661.53
HaitongSecs 7.11 -0.10 9.42 5.79 - 6.22 3126.17 HsngDevFin 2707.75 79.15 2896 1473.45 0.83 27.41 67442.12 JardnMt US$ 53.72 1.77 59.89 37.37 3.65 -90.54 38669.44 Accenture 258.05 1.86 271.18 137.15 1.34 30.09 170602.61 HiltonWwde 124.64 2.69 124.78 44.30 0.26 -99.38 34599.65 Visa Inc 217.41 5.30 220.39 133.93 0.60 40.77 368749.85
Hngzh HikVDT 56.06 -2.30 70.48 27.00 1.29 38.98 70906.23 ICICI Bk 641.10 24.80 679.40 268.30 - 28.54 61249.71 JardnStr US$ 26.07 1.30 31.36 17.81 1.55 -28.92 28896.21 Adobe 470.12 2.32 536.88 255.13 - 41.11 225525.49 HomeDep 255.58 -11.66 292.95 140.63 2.50 20.26 275157.52 Walgreen 49.00 0.59 55.49 33.36 3.99 -58.74 42338.04
Hunng Pwr 2.67 -0.02 4.12 2.24 6.46 19.41 1618.39 Infosys 1274.3 7.95 1392.8 509.25 1.68 28.95 75033.28 OCBC 10.85 0.22 11.04 7.80 4.27 12.29 36765.87 AEP♦ 77.20 -0.89 102.30 65.14 3.96 18.34 38321.1 Honywell 209.29 4.25 216.70 101.08 1.88 27.54 145561.85 WalMartSto 133.15 -2.32 153.66 102.00 1.76 17.62 376719.42
IM Baotou Stl 1.41 -0.04 1.51 1.04 - -131.34 6921.47 ITC 208.85 0.35 239.20 134.60 5.20 17.50 35523.24 SingTel 2.38 0.02 3.13 2.00 5.43 22.15 29439.68 Aetna - - - - - - - HumanaInc 380.01 1.72 474.70 208.25 0.70 11.16 48968.82 WellsFargo 38.00 0.86 46.95 20.76 4.68 89.35 157110.6
In&CmBkCh 5.17 -0.10 5.51 3.96 6.32 5.27 57866.46 L&T 1526.6 40.30 1593 661.00 1.20 70.22 29633.29 UOB 23.88 0.28 25.47 17.28 4.97 10.32 30260.45 Aflac♦ 49.74 0.48 50.70 23.07 2.43 7.16 34937.52 IBM♦ 122.61 1.90 148.05 90.56 5.78 12.73 109252.51 Williams Cos 24.07 0.23 24.08 8.41 7.16 116.17 29211.01
IndstrlBk 25.71 -0.70 28.07 14.93 3.06 8.58 78148.53 OilNatGas 113.60 1.40 115.50 50.00 4.71 41.18 19753.93 South Africa (R) AirProd 262.50 -0.83 327.89 167.43 2.15 28.15 58085.18 IllinoisTool 202.86 1.33 224.69 115.94 2.34 28.23 64238.11 Yum!Brnds 104.09 -0.56 110.66 54.95 1.92 27.83 31232.76
Kweichow 2189 -118.00 2627.88 960.10 0.80 59.69 426116.87 RelianceIn 2061 37.55 2369.35 867.40 0.32 31.31 192637.78 Firstrand 50.67 0.67 60.05 31.13 5.64 17.41 19469.58 Alexion 154.69 1.76 162.60 72.67 - 33.14 34008.28 Illumina 463.98 -0.56 555.77 196.78 - 98.72 67695.19 Venezuela (VEF)
Midea 0.65 -0.03 0.93 0.52 - -1.78 25.23 SBI NewA 406.25 10.65 427.70 149.45 - 14.45 50114.91 MTN Grp 71.47 -0.76 84.20 26.25 7.38 8.17 9224.65 Allergan 193.02 0.03 202.22 114.27 1.54 -25.19 63659.11 Intcntl Exch 111.32 -0.10 119.02 63.51 1.15 28.12 62529.18 Bco de Vnzla 100000 9000 107000 1701 415.37 - 202.45
New Ch Life Ins 31.65 -0.40 37.30 20.45 5.48 6.28 4220.68 SunPhrmInds 601.45 -2.60 654.40 312.00 0.71 91.61 19946.85 Naspers N 3565.33 -29.86 3888 1843.8 - 32.93 106360.84 Allstate 108.23 0.22 122.37 64.13 2.14 6.99 32779.99 Intel♦ 61.70 0.58 65.11 43.61 2.21 12.11 250666.79 Bco Provncl 2359000-1000.00 2849000 127000 - -12.49 141.20
PetroChina 2.81 -0.08 3.22 2.16 5.69 22.41 7645.61 Tata Cons 2948.1 -32.10 3339.8 1506.05 1.39 34.68 150735.86 Alphabet 2060.67 0.55 2145.14 1008.87 - 36.54 619719.88 Intuit 410.27 11.18 423.74 187.68 0.58 50.51 107796.73
South Korea (KRW) Mrcntl Srvcs 3419000 569000 3419000 120000 0.02 -3.39 118.58
PingAnIns 95.10 -1.20 103.60 69.00 2.74 11.08 91335.37 Altria 44.78 0.49 45.69 30.95 8.23 105.29 83220.01 John&John♦ 162.76 2.32 173.65 109.16 2.63 23.47 427843.93
Indonesia (Rp) HyundMobis 310000-15000.00 405000 126000 1.00 17.94 26493.1
PngAnBnk 22.16 0.23 25.31 11.91 - 17.30 66638.58 Amazon 3151.55 -42.95 3552.25 1626.03 - 84.501587008.21 JohnsonCn 56.42 0.44 56.83 22.78 2.01 61.59 40598.41
Bk Cent Asia 22300 200.00 24700 16800 - - 38879.26 KoreaElePwr 23150 -500.00 30050 15550 - 155.01 13361.63 Closing prices and highs & lows are in traded currency (with variations for that
Pwr Cons Corp 3.89 -0.01 4.88 3.40 1.06 8.16 6717.85 AmerAir 22.04 1.38 26.11 8.25 0.99 -1.46 14098.45 JPMrgnCh 153.44 2.83 153.55 76.91 2.56 18.37 467716.28
Israel (ILS) SK Hynix 136000-2500.00 143500 65800 0.76 31.26 89016.25 country indicated by stock), market capitalisation is in USD. Highs & lows are
SaicMtr 21.31 -0.56 28.80 16.90 4.27 11.23 38581.59 AmerExpr 140.74 3.80 140.74 67.00 1.00 31.95 113380.61 Kimb-Clark 130.95 -1.04 160.16 110.66 3.53 17.43 44308.76
TevaPha 34.94 -1.48 46.45 24.30 - -2.67 11720.36 SmsungEl 82000 - 96800 42300 1.79 21.59 440118.82 based on intraday trading over a rolling 52 week period.
ShenwanHong 0.07 -0.01 0.10 0.03 - -0.23 79.09 AmerIntGrp 45.72 1.35 47.69 16.07 3.05 -7.20 39538.23 KinderM 15.59 0.30 22.02 9.42 7.17 285.89 35302.78
Italy (€) Spain (€) AmerTower 224.39 1.22 272.20 174.32 2.10 48.64 99674.81 ♦ ex-dividend
ShgPdgBk 10.60 -0.18 12.69 9.22 5.85 6.29 48213.83 Kraft Heinz 37.21 0.09 39.22 19.99 4.69 -85.29 45508.25 ■ ex-capital redistribution
Enel 7.92 -0.06 9.05 5.15 4.37 17.88 97610.8 BBVA 4.63 0.04 5.00 2.13 5.92 -48.77 37425.05 Amgen♦ 229.72 -2.74 276.69 177.05 2.97 16.97 132678.55
Sinopec Corp 4.43 -0.12 4.63 2.95 5.37 11.26 14575.32 Kroger 32.64 -0.39 42.99 27.06 2.20 7.98 24850.37 # price at time of suspension
ENI 9.58 0.15 12.40 5.73 6.06 -3.34 41860.05 BcoSantdr 2.96 0.01 3.53 1.44 3.41 -7.17 59680.63 Anadarko 72.77 0.56 76.23 40.40 1.50 -63.37 36563.54
Sinopec Oil 2.03 -0.07 2.45 1.67 - 89.25 4268.52 L Brands 52.37 1.29 52.41 8.00 1.25 -63.20 14564.55
Generali 15.57 0.06 17.86 10.20 3.40 12.69 29738.1 CaixaBnk 2.42 0.01 2.66 1.50 3.06 13.49 17511.2 Anthem 304.31 -0.27 340.98 171.03 1.31 14.39 74527.25
Denmark (kr) Iberdrola 10.40 0.14 12.57 7.76 4.06 17.83 80019.47 LasVegasSd 64.44 0.06 64.94 33.30 2.64 -59.69 49222.04
IntSPaolo 2.13 0.02 2.42 1.31 - 5.86 50112.52 Aon Cp 233.79 2.51 234.93 143.93 0.82 27.63 52832.88 LibertyGbl 25.04 -0.25 26.66 15.24 - -7.76 4540.23
DanskeBk 114.20 0.90 116.30 68.04 - 11.40 16049.8 Inditex 26.99 -0.46 30.85 18.51 1.36 50.61 101972.86
Unicred 8.74 0.23 12.79 6.01 - -7.33 23712.13 Apple 124.52 -1.34 145.09 53.15 0.70 34.812090453.71 Lilly (E)♦ 204.94 2.46 218.00 117.06 1.52 30.81 196419.76
MollerMrsk 13805 885.00 15400 4976 1.07 27.15 21226.02 Repsol 10.32 0.18 11.72 5.04 9.36 -1.93 19615.03 ArcherDan♦ 58.32 1.30 58.33 28.92 2.67 18.96 32566.71 Lockheed 346.50 0.27 424.20 266.11 3.02 13.57 97055.84
NovoB 441.45 4.25 467.90 331.70 2.05 23.67 130430.15 Telefonica 3.64 0.02 6.11 2.71 11.39 69.02 24385.93

Close Prev Day Week Month Close Prev Day Week Month Day's Mth's Spread Day's Mth's Spread
price price change change % change change % change % price price change change % change change % change % Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs Red Ratings Bid Bid chge chge vs
IM Baotou Stl 1.41 1.45 -0.04 -2.76 0.26 22.6 19.49 Petrobras 23.93 23.48 0.45 1.92 -5.75 -19.4 -13.81 Feb 24 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US Feb 24 date Coupon S* M* F* price yield yield yield US
AmerAir 22.04 20.66 1.38 6.68 4.05 22.5 39.49 Kweichow 2189.00 2307.00 -118.00 -5.11 -412.00 -15.8 5.24 High Yield US$ US$
Carnival 27.95 26.46 1.49 5.63 4.75 20.5 38.16 Hngzh HikVDT 56.06 58.36 -2.30 -3.94 -9.94 -15.1 -16.00 HCA Inc. 04/24 8.36 BB- Ba2 BB 113.75 4.24 0.00 0.12 - FleetBoston Financial Corp. 01/28 6.88 BBB+ Baa1 A- 129.00 2.54 -0.01 -0.05 -
ShenwanHong 0.07 0.08 -0.01 -10.26 0.01 14.8 9.38 BOE Tech 0.85 0.88 -0.03 -3.41 -0.13 -13.3 8.75 High Yield Euro The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 02/28 5.00 BBB+ A3 A 117.21 2.47 0.00 0.32 -
ChinaMob 54.80 55.90 -1.10 -1.97 6.95 14.5 15.23 Keyence 53140.00 56750.00 -3610.00 -6.36 -5940.00 -10.1 -7.60 Aldesa Financial Services S.A. 04/21 7.25 - - B 71.10 28.23 0.00 0.64 25.98 NationsBank Corp. 03/28 6.80 BBB+ Baa1 A- 127.69 2.72 -0.01 0.06 -
ValeroEngy 77.78 75.81 1.97 2.60 9.66 14.2 30.71 WalMartSto 133.15 135.47 -2.32 -1.71 -14.05 -9.5 -8.94 GTE LLC 04/28 6.94 BBB+ Baa2 A- 128.27 2.80 0.00 -0.11 -
Suncor En 27.29 26.34 0.95 3.61 3.11 12.9 20.99 Fanuc 26300.00 27585.00 -1285.00 -4.66 -2700.00 -9.3 -2.75 Emerging US$ United Utilities PLC 08/28 6.88 BBB Baa1 A- 130.43 2.62 -0.07 -0.22 -
ChUncHK 5.10 5.30 -0.20 -3.77 0.58 12.8 6.29 Lowes 161.08 168.59 -7.51 -4.45 -16.05 -9.1 -6.73 Peru 03/19 7.13 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 104.40 2.60 - - 0.34 Barclays Bank plc 01/29 4.50 A A1 A+ 96.46 5.02 0.00 0.02 -
Delta 49.88 48.34 1.54 3.19 5.49 12.4 24.73 HomeDep 255.58 267.24 -11.66 -4.36 -25.34 -9.0 -10.21 Colombia 01/26 4.50 - Baa2 BBB- 111.25 1.97 0.00 0.27 1.55
Brazil 04/26 6.00 - Ba2 BB- 117.00 2.44 -0.03 0.18 2.02 Euro
EOG Res 71.31 67.85 3.46 5.10 7.77 12.2 29.82 NextEraE 73.54 74.71 -1.17 -1.57 -7.14 -8.8 -12.62 Electricite de France (EDF) 04/30 4.63 A- A3 A- 137.45 0.82 -0.01 0.10 -
Caterpillar 226.42 220.18 6.24 2.83 24.12 11.9 17.69 Tesla Mtrs 727.66 698.84 28.82 4.12 -70.49 -8.8 -14.10 Poland 04/26 3.25 - A2 A- 112.01 0.85 0.00 -0.03 0.43
Mexico 05/26 11.50 - Baa1 BBB- 148.50 1.74 0.00 0.12 1.32 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 02/31 3.00 BBB+ A3 A 124.42 0.68 0.00 -0.11 -
GenElectric 13.27 12.59 0.68 5.43 1.41 11.9 19.42 Tencent 687.00 707.00 -20.00 -2.83 -58.00 -7.8 -0.87 The Goldman Sachs Group, Inc. 02/31 3.00 BBB+ A3 A 121.70 0.93 0.00 0.02 -
HiltonWwde 124.64 121.95 2.69 2.20 13.21 11.9 18.83 ChMrchSecs 21.58 21.72 -0.14 -0.64 -1.82 -7.8 -17.88 Turkey 10/26 4.88 - B2 BB- 101.13 4.64 0.04 -0.17 4.22
Turkey 03/27 6.00 - Ba2 BB+ 101.26 5.82 0.00 0.17 3.07 Finland 04/31 0.75 AA+ Aa1 AA+ 111.08 -0.27 0.00 -0.05 -0.87
LasVegasSd 64.44 64.38 0.06 0.09 6.45 11.1 18.83 Wesfarmers 50.38 50.93 -0.55 -1.08 -4.22 -7.7 -5.67
Peru 08/27 4.13 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 103.50 3.66 0.01 -0.02 0.80 Yen
SimonProp 120.21 115.12 5.09 4.42 11.98 11.1 25.90 ThrmoFshr 460.62 458.81 1.81 0.39 -37.85 -7.6 -10.37
Russia 06/28 12.75 - Baa3 BBB 169.00 2.42 0.02 -0.04 - Mexico 06/26 1.09 - Baa1 BBB- 98.50 1.39 0.00 -0.17 0.97
Deere 344.47 337.41 7.06 2.09 32.39 10.4 12.82 MitsubishiEle 1581.50 1601.50 -20.00 -1.25 -128.50 -7.5 -3.12
ChngKng 45.95 45.90 0.05 0.11 4.30 10.3 12.64 Denso 6428.00 6672.00 -244.00 -3.66 -506.00 -7.3 6.50 Brazil 02/47 5.63 - Ba2 BB- 106.25 5.18 -0.03 0.32 - £ Sterling
ImpOil 29.33 28.56 0.77 2.70 2.64 9.9 14.49 HyundMobis 310000.00 325000.00 -15000.00 -4.62 -24000.00 -7.2 -11.43 Emerging Euro innogy Fin B.V. 06/30 6.25 BBB Baa2 A- 137.45 2.19 -0.03 0.02 -
OilNatGas 113.60 112.20 1.40 1.25 9.85 9.5 22.48 HK Exc&Clr 509.00 558.00 -49.00 -8.78 -39.00 -7.1 -0.10 Brazil 04/21 2.88 BB- Ba2 BB- 103.09 0.05 0.01 -0.09 -1.19 innogy Fin B.V. 06/30 6.25 BBB Baa2 A- 128.68 3.20 0.00 -0.01 0.40
AmerExpr 140.74 136.94 3.80 2.78 12.18 9.5 11.38 Imperial Brands 1400.00 1400.00 0.00 0.00 -105.00 -7.0 -99.15 Mexico 04/23 2.75 BBB+ A3 BBB+ 107.76 0.76 0.00 -0.07 -1.56 Interactive Data Pricing and Reference Data LLC, an ICE Data Services company. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all other London
Mexico 04/23 2.75 - Baa1 BBB- 106.50 -0.26 0.00 -0.21 -0.34 close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M - Moody’s, F - Fitch.
Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency Based on the FT Global 500 companies in local currency
Bulgaria 03/28 3.00 BBB- Baa2 BBB 117.04 1.00 0.02 -0.15 -1.42
Interactive Data Pricing and Reference Data LLC, an ICE Data Services company. US $ denominated bonds NY close; all
other London close. *S - Standard & Poor’s, M - Moody’s, F - Fitch.

Feb 24 Rate Current Since Last Mnth Ago Year Ago Day's Month's Year Return Return Feb 24 Day Chng Prev 52 wk high 52 wk low Red Change in Yield 52 Week Amnt
US Fed Funds 0.00-0.25 15-03-2020 1.00-1.25 1.50-1.75 1.25-1.50 Index change change change 1 month 1 year VIX 22.49 -0.62 23.11 85.42 19.51 Feb 24 Price £ Yield Day Week Month Year High Low £m
US Prime 4.75 30-10-2019 5.25 5.25 4.25 Markit IBoxx VXD 20.32 -0.31 20.63 71.05 7.84 - - - - - - - - -
US Discount 2.65 30-09-2019 2.75 2.75 1.75 ABF Pan-Asia unhedged 223.50 0.10 -1.05 -1.70 -1.27 7.75 VXN 30.47 -0.15 30.62 84.67 24.96 - - - - - - - - -
Euro Repo 0.00 16-03-2016 0.00 0.00 0.00 Corporates( £) 394.96 -0.36 -2.37 -3.39 -2.63 1.76 VDAX 22.63 -1.66 24.29 93.30 - - - - - - - - - -
UK Repo 0.10 19-03-2020 0.25 0.75 0.25 Corporates($) 333.29 -0.38 -1.37 -2.41 -1.37 -2.41 † CBOE. VIX: S&P 500 index Options Volatility, VXD: DJIA Index Options Volatility, VXN: NASDAQ Index Options Volatility. - - - - - - - - -
Japan O'night Call 0.00-0.10 01-02-2016 0.00 0.00--0.10 0.00--0.10 Corporates(€) 242.82 -0.12 -0.41 -0.55 -0.58 0.80 ‡ Deutsche Borse. VDAX: DAX Index Options Volatility. Tr 8pc '21 102.26 -0.07 0.00 0.00 75.00 -112.07 102.75 100.21 24.59
Switzerland Libor Target -1.25-0.25 15-01-2015 -0.75--0.25 -1.25--0.25 -1.25--0.25 Eurozone Sov(€) 257.90 -0.30 -1.53 -2.12 -1.39 -0.06 Tr 4pc '22 104.16 -0.05 0.00 -16.67 150.00 -111.63 107.79 104.16 38.77
Gilts( £) 354.48 -0.66 -4.95 -6.52 -4.90 -2.46 BONDS: BENCHMARK GOVERNMENT Tr 5pc '25 119.46 0.15 0.00 87.50 650.00 -63.41 124.55 119.42 35.84
INTEREST RATES: MARKET Global Inflation-Lkd 306.21 0.27 -1.90 -2.64 -1.40 7.42 Red Bid Bid Day chg Wk chg Month Year Tr 1.25pc '27 105.07 0.45 7.14 60.71 181.25 9.76 109.23 104.27 39.34
Over Change One Three Six One Markit iBoxx £ Non-Gilts 382.04 -0.35 -2.37 -3.26 -2.56 1.27 Date Coupon Price Yield yield yield chg yld chg yld Tr 4.25pc '32 136.02 0.89 5.95 28.99 89.36 39.06 148.26 136.02 38.71
Feb 24 (Libor: Feb 23) night Day Week Month month month month year Overall ($) 277.39 -0.25 -1.54 -2.55 -1.54 -2.55 Australia 11/22 2.25 103.70 0.11 0.00 0.03 0.04 -0.53 Tr 4.25pc '36 143.18 1.12 5.66 25.84 67.16 38.27 160.46 143.18 30.41
US$ Libor 0.08050 -0.001 0.001 0.003 0.11763 0.18750 0.20375 0.28463 Overall( £) 358.13 -0.58 -4.25 -5.64 -4.26 -1.65 05/32 1.25 95.76 1.67 -0.04 0.25 0.45 0.65 Tr 4.5pc '42 159.99 1.32 6.45 22.22 55.29 38.95 186.37 159.99 27.21
Euro Libor -0.58629 -0.001 -0.001 0.001 -0.57614 -0.55000 -0.52743 -0.49143 Overall(€) 249.73 -0.23 -1.21 -1.67 -1.18 0.01 Austria - - - - - - - Tr 3.75pc '52 160.62 1.37 6.20 21.24 53.93 47.31 198.36 160.62 24.10
£ Libor 0.04088 0.000 0.003 0.002 0.04100 0.06138 0.07813 0.13013 Treasuries ($) 254.97 -0.18 -1.75 -2.82 -1.75 -2.82 02/47 1.50 126.78 0.41 0.04 0.05 0.31 0.13 Tr 4pc '60 180.90 1.33 6.40 22.02 54.65 52.87 231.12 180.90 24.12
Swiss Fr Libor 0.000 -0.79240 -0.74900 -0.70060 -0.59020 FTSE Belgium 09/22 1.00 102.43 -0.59 0.01 0.01 -0.01 -0.03 Gilts benchmarks & non-rump undated stocks. Closing mid-price in pounds per £100 nominal of stock.
Yen Libor 0.001 -0.06000 -0.07733 -0.04567 0.04717 Sterling Corporate (£) - - - - - - Canada 11/22 2.00 103.19 0.15 0.00 0.00 -0.01 -1.22
Euro Euribor
Sterling CDs
-0.49600 Euro Corporate (€) 104.47 -0.05 - - 0.54 -1.73 06/30 1.25 100.68 1.17 0.03 0.14 0.34 -0.11 GILTS: UK FTSE ACTUARIES INDICES
Euro Emerging Mkts (€) 688.16 -9.21 - - -0.43 20.17 Denmark 11/22 0.25 101.33 -0.52 0.01 0.01 0.07 0.14
US$ CDs - - - - Eurozone Govt Bond 110.04 -0.19 - - -0.34 -0.64 11/30 0.10 115.16 -1.35 -0.01 0.06 0.14 0.21 Price Indices Day's Total Return Return
Euro CDs - - - - Fixed Coupon Feb 24 chg % Return 1 month 1 year Yield
CREDIT INDICES Day's Week's Month's Series Series Finland 04/23 1.50 104.63 -0.65 0.02 0.03 0.06 -0.05
04/31 0.75 108.88 -0.12 0.04 0.06 0.23 0.05 1 Up to 5 Years 88.93 -0.02 2477.55 -0.54 0.57 0.13
Short 7 Days One Three Six One Index change change change high low 2 5 - 10 Years 180.78 -0.25 3703.41 -3.10 -0.61 0.60
Feb 24 term notice month month month year Markit iTraxx France 05/23 1.75 105.39 -0.63 0.00 0.02 0.03 -0.02
3 10 - 15 Years 212.70 -0.53 4644.59 -5.49 -2.42 0.99
Euro -0.74 -0.44 -0.73 -0.43 -0.69 -0.39 -0.64 -0.34 -0.67 -0.37 -0.66 -0.36 Crossover 5Y 251.23 -3.36 4.72 -13.06 277.03 236.32 11/26 0.25 103.88 -0.41 0.02 0.03 0.14 -0.02
4 5 - 15 Years 187.74 -0.33 3934.41 -3.77 -1.11 0.74
Sterling 0.45 0.55 0.70 0.80 0.78 0.88 0.82 0.97 0.89 1.04 Europe 5Y 48.58 -0.73 0.69 -2.30 66.97 45.31 Germany - - - - - - -
5 Over 15 Years 351.68 -1.60 5803.70 -11.03 -7.53 1.32
Swiss Franc - - - - - - - - - - - - Japan 5Y 46.59 -0.26 -0.82 -4.33 70.43 46.51 08/23 2.00 106.76 -0.71 0.01 0.01 0.04 -0.05
7 All stocks 180.51 -0.80 3878.31 -6.22 -3.47 1.14
Canadian Dollar - - - - - - - - - - - - Senior Financials 5Y 59.92 -0.66 2.05 -1.68 86.20 54.75 02/27 0.25 105.08 -0.58 0.02 0.02 0.13 0.00
US Dollar 0.11 0.31 0.02 0.22 0.06 0.26 0.12 0.32 0.14 0.34 0.20 0.40 08/50 0.00 94.59 0.19 0.03 0.03 0.29 0.15 Day's Month Year's Total Return Return
Markit CDX Greece 02/27 3.65 120.35 0.81 0.01 0.15 0.07 -0.29
Japanese Yen -0.15 0.00 -0.15 0.00 -0.20 0.00 -0.20 0.10 -0.20 0.10 -0.15 0.15 Index Linked Feb 24 chg % chg % chg % Return 1 month 1 year
Emerging Markets 5Y 170.98 -4.18 7.41 1.32 245.71 150.45
Libor rates come from ICE (see and are fixed at 11am UK time. Other data sources: US $, Euro & CDs: Ireland 10/22 0.00 100.91 -0.55 0.01 0.03 0.07 -0.03 1 Up to 5 Years 302.65 0.04 0.37 -1.14 2509.44 0.37 0.52
Nth Amer High Yld 5Y 297.30 -5.60 10.22 -12.79 421.26 283.37
Tullett Prebon; SDR, US Discount: IMF; EONIA: ECB; Swiss Libor: SNB; EURONIA, RONIA & SONIA: WMBA. 05/30 2.40 123.08 -0.09 0.04 0.06 0.21 0.01 2 Over 5 years 757.96 -1.02 -7.39 -6.52 5734.20 -7.39 -6.18
Nth Amer Inv Grade 5Y 52.78 -0.90 2.28 0.14 65.62 49.59
05/30 2.40 123.08 -0.09 0.04 0.06 0.21 0.01 3 5-15 years 496.82 -0.20 -2.82 -2.43 3964.99 -2.82 -1.71
Websites:, All indices shown are unhedged. Currencies are shown in brackets after the index names.
Italy 08/22 0.90 101.80 -0.35 0.02 0.04 -0.09 -0.25 4 Over 15 years 977.83 -1.35 -9.15 -8.13 7199.14 -9.15 -7.93
02/25 0.35 101.74 -0.09 0.03 0.08 -0.10 -0.38 5 All stocks 679.17 -0.92 -6.71 -6.06 5234.28 -6.71 -5.60
05/30 0.40 107.15 -0.36 0.01 0.11 -0.18 -0.59
COMMODITIES BONDS: INDEX-LINKED 03/48 3.45 143.44 1.49 0.06 0.11 -0.05 -0.34 Yield Indices Feb 24 Feb 23 Yr ago Feb 24 Feb 23 Yr ago
Japan 04/23 0.05 99.92 0.09 0.00 0.02 0.02 - 5 Yrs 0.28 0.26 0.30 20 Yrs 1.35 1.28 0.96
Energy Price* Change Agricultural & Cattle Futures Price* Change Price Yield Month Value No of
04/25 0.05 99.79 0.10 0.00 0.02 0.05 - 10 Yrs 0.83 0.79 0.56 45 Yrs 1.30 1.21 0.85
Crude Oil† Mar 62.07 0.13 Corn♦ Mar 557.50 3.50 Feb 23 Feb 23 Prev return stock Market stocks
12/33 1.60 116.91 0.26 0.00 0.04 0.08 0.19 15 Yrs 1.18 1.12 0.84
Brent Crude Oil‡ 67.11 1.95 Wheat♦ Mar 669.25 2.50 Can 4.25%' 26 132.26 -1.150 -1.150 -0.12 5.08 76190.99 7
12/49 0.40 92.38 0.69 0.00 0.02 0.05 0.34
RBOB Gasoline† Feb 1.87 0.00 Soybeans♦ Mar 1419.75 14.25 Fr 1.10%' 22 104.78 -2.192 -2.192 0.09 19.85 249906.48 16
Netherlands 07/23 1.75 105.83 -0.67 0.01 0.02 0.06 -0.03 inflation 0% inflation 5%
Heating Oil† - - Soybeans Meal♦ Mar 431.00 4.50 Swe 0.25%' 22 111.07 -1.339 -1.339 0.94 26.51 207947.82 7
07/26 0.50 105.61 -0.52 0.02 0.03 0.13 -0.03 Real yield Feb 24 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago Feb 24 Dur yrs Previous Yr ago
Natural Gas† Mar 2.83 -0.03 Cocoa (ICE Liffe)X Mar 1837.00 2.00 UK 1.875%' 22 109.46 -3.354 -3.354 0.30 15.74 741462.83 28
Ethanol♦ - - Cocoa (ICE US)♥ Mar 2558.00 0.00 New Zealand 04/25 2.75 108.33 0.70 -0.01 0.09 0.30 -0.33 Up to 5 yrs -2.94 2.66 -2.92 -2.37 -3.40 2.66 -3.39 -2.95
UK 2.50%' 24 356.23 -2.912 -2.912 0.04 6.82 741462.83 28
Uranium† - - Coffee(Robusta)X Mar 1448.00 0.00 05/31 1.50 98.71 1.64 -0.01 0.20 0.55 0.21 Over 5 yrs -1.90 23.27 -1.94 -2.13 -1.92 23.33 -1.97 -2.16
UK 2.00%' 35 286.14 -2.284 -2.284 -4.32 9.08 741462.83 28
Carbon Emissions‡ - - Coffee (Arabica)♥ Mar 137.00 1.10 05/31 1.50 98.71 1.64 -0.01 0.20 0.55 0.21 5-15 yrs -2.45 9.28 -2.47 -2.50 -2.55 9.28 -2.58 -2.60
US 0.625%' 23 106.11 -2.151 -2.151 0.30 47.03 1622555.36 43
Diesel† - - White SugarX 481.10 3.80 Norway 08/30 1.38 100.33 1.34 0.06 0.06 0.30 -0.04 Over 15 yrs -1.83 28.58 -1.87 -2.09 -1.84 28.60 -1.89 -2.10
US 3.625%' 28 136.29 -1.225 -1.225 -1.24 16.78 1622555.36 43
Sugar 11♥ 17.07 0.10 08/30 1.38 100.33 1.34 0.06 0.06 0.30 -0.04 All stocks -1.91 21.40 -1.95 -2.13 -1.94 21.48 -1.98 -2.17
Base Metals (♠ LME 3 Months) Representative stocks from each major market Source: Merill Lynch Global Bond Indices † Local currencies. ‡ Total market
Aluminium 2194.50 40.50 Cotton♥ Mar 91.48 0.00 Portugal 10/22 2.20 104.70 -0.64 0.01 -0.01 -0.01 -0.18 See FTSE website for more details
value. In line with market convention, for UK Gilts inflation factor is applied to price, for other markets it is applied to par
Aluminium Alloy 2130.00 250.00 Orange Juice♥ Mar 110.50 0.10 02/26 3.30 117.68 -0.21 0.02 0.04 0.10 -0.14 ©2018 Tradeweb Markets LLC. All rights reserved. The Tradeweb FTSE
Copper 9458.50 208.50 Palm Oil♣ - - Spain 10/22 0.45 101.59 -0.49 0.00 0.02 0.04 -0.07 Gilt Closing Prices information contained herein is proprietary to
Lead 2137.50 11.50 Live Cattle♣ Apr 121.50 -1.40 BONDS: TEN YEAR GOVT SPREADS 11/30 1.00 118.59 -0.82 0.02 0.13 0.14 -0.03 Tradeweb; may not be copied or re-distributed; is not warranted to be
Nickel 19730.00 345.00 Feeder Cattle♣ Mar 134.88 - Sweden 06/22 0.25 111.07 -1.32 0.00 0.06 -0.43 -0.08 accurate, complete or timely; and does not constitute investment advice.
Tin 26865.00 350.00 Lean Hogs♣ Apr 86.55 1.43 Spread Spread Spread Spread 06/26 0.13 119.11 -1.72 0.03 0.03 -0.14 -0.08 Tradeweb is not responsible for any loss or damage that might result from the use of this information.
Zinc 2865.00 14.50 Bid vs vs Bid vs vs 06/30 0.13 118.25 -1.60 -0.02 0.03 -0.04 0.08
% Chg % Chg Yield Bund T-Bonds Yield Bund T-Bonds Switzerland 05/22 2.00 103.51 -0.79 0.00 -0.01 -0.03 0.04 All data provided by Morningstar unless otherwise noted. All elements listed are indicative and believed accurate
Precious Metals (PM London Fix)
Gold 1799.65 -7.80 Feb 23 Month Year 05/30 0.50 107.71 -0.32 0.02 0.01 0.17 0.42 at the time of publication. No offer is made by Morningstar, its suppliers, or the FT. Neither the FT, nor
Australia 1.67 - 0.42 Netherlands -0.52 - -
Silver (US cents) 2796.50 52.00 S&P GSCI Spt 488.68 14.35 25.55 United Kingdom - - - - - - - Morningstar’s suppliers, warrant or guarantee that the information is reliable or complete. Neither the FT nor
Austria - - - New Zealand 1.64 - 0.39
Platinum 1251.00 -17.00 DJ UBS Spot 87.53 10.62 16.84 Canada 1.17 - -0.08 Norway 1.34 - 0.09 07/23 0.75 101.71 0.04 0.00 0.02 0.12 -0.42 Morningstar’s suppliers accept responsibility and will not be liable for any loss arising from the reliance on the
Palladium 2363.00 -32.00 TR/CC CRB TR 206.80 12.60 14.29 Denmark -1.35 - -2.60 Portugal -0.21 - - 07/26 1.50 106.47 0.29 0.01 0.08 0.27 -0.13 use of the listed information. For all queries e-mail
Bulk Commodities M Lynch MLCX Ex. Rtn 231.14 -9.84 -33.05 Finland -0.12 - -1.37 Spain -0.82 - -2.07 07/47 1.50 104.34 1.31 0.07 0.09 0.42 0.31
Iron Ore 172.50 -0.25 UBS Bberg CMCI TR 13.20 4.85 -4.74 Germany - - - Sweden -1.60 - -2.85 United States 03/22 0.38 100.33 0.08 -0.01 -0.01 -0.03 - Data provided by Morningstar |
GlobalCOAL RB Index 86.25 1.75 LEBA EUA Carbon 37.78 12.64 32.05 Ireland -0.09 - -1.34 Switzerland -0.32 - -1.57 03/25 0.50 100.33 0.42 -0.01 0.01 0.08 -
Baltic Dry Index 1709.00 -18.00 LEBA CER Carbon 0.29 0.00 52.63 Italy -0.36 - -1.61 United Kingdom - - - 02/30 1.50 102.07 1.25 -0.01 0.07 0.24 -0.22
LEBA UK Power 2062.00 308.32 64.96 Japan 0.26 - -0.99 United States 1.25 - 0.00 02/50 0.25 105.44 0.06 0.02 - - -0.16
Sources: † NYMEX, ‡ ECX/ICE, ♦ CBOT, X ICE Liffe, ♥ ICE Futures, ♣ CME, ♠ LME/London Metal Exchange.* Latest prices, $ Interactive Data Pricing and Reference Data LLC, an ICE Data Services company. Interactive Data Pricing and Reference Data LLC, an ICE Data Services company.
unless otherwise stated.
12 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 February 2021


Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield Fund Bid Offer D+/- Yield

Mir. - DiscEur D Cap GBP £ 184.65 - -1.83 0.00 Rubrics Global Fixed Income UCITS Fund $ 180.71 - 0.06 0.00 Data Provided by

Aberdeen Standard Capital (JER) GAM

PO Box 189, St Helier, Jersey, JE4 9RU 01534 709130,
FCA Recognised Regulated
Aberdeen Standard Capital Offshore Strategy Fund Limited LAPIS GBL TOP 50 DIV.YLD-Na-D £ 99.41 - 0.00 3.29
Data as shown is for information purposes only. No
Bridge Fund £ 2.2097 - 0.0006 1.45 LAPIS GBL F OWD 50 DIV.YLD-Na-D £ 99.57 - 0.16 0.72
offer is made by Morningstar or this publication.
Global Equity Fund £ 3.1718 - -0.0108 0.89
Global Fixed Interest Fund £ 0.9747 - -0.0011 4.21
Income Fund £ 0.6439 - 0.0013 2.35
Sterling Fixed Interest Fund
UK Equity Fund
£ 0.8920
£ 2.0273
-0.0031 2.93
0.0124 2.15
Guide to Data
Ashmore Investment Management Limited (LUX) Dragon Capital Polar Capital Funds Plc (IRL)
2 rue Albert Borschette L-1246 Luxembourg Regulated The fund prices quoted on these pages are supplied by
New Capital UCITS Fund PLC (IRL) Slater Investments Ltd (UK)
Genesis Investment Management LLP the operator of the relevant fund. Details of funds
FCA Recognised Fund Leconfield House, Curzon Street, London, W1J 5JB Automation & Artificial Intelligence CL I USD Acc $ 18.86 18.86 -0.10 0.00; Tel: 0207 220 9460
published on these pages, including prices, are for the
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Debt Fund $ 89.90 - -0.14 4.51 Other International Funds Other International Funds Asian Financials I USD $ 488.17 488.17 0.03 0.00 FCA Recognised purpose of information only and should only be used
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Frontier Equity Fund $ 172.68 - -0.64 0.50 Vietnam Equity (UCITS) Fund A USD $ 27.84 - -0.33 0.00 Emerging Mkts NAV £ 7.21 - -0.16 1.31 FCA Recognised Biotechnology I USD $ 41.63 41.63 -0.67 0.00 Slater Growth 712.01 712.01 3.57 0.00 as a guide. The Financial Times Limited makes no
Ashmore SICAV Emerging Market Total Return Fund $ 80.43 - 0.11 3.91 New Capital UCITS Funds Emerging Market Stars I USD Acc $ 16.83 - -0.02 0.00 Slater Income A Inc 134.40 134.40 0.95 5.22 representation as to their accuracy or completeness
and they should not be relied upon when making an
Ashmore SICAV Global Small Cap Equity Fund $ 237.38 - -0.18 0.00 New Capital China Equity Fund $ 339.64 - -3.30 0.00 European Ex UK Inc EUR Acc € 11.61 11.61 0.00 0.00 Slater Recovery 334.39 334.39 1.92 0.00
investment decision.
Aegon Asset Management UK ICVC (UK) EM Active Equity Fund Acc USD $ 178.41 - 1.29 0.00 New Capital Dynamic European Equity Fund € 132.45 - -0.76 0.00 Financial Opps I USD $ 15.32 - 0.10 1.71 Slater Artorius 305.01 305.01 1.18 0.00
3 Lochside Crescent, Edinburgh, EH12 9SA EM Equity Fund Acc USD $ 166.52 - -0.67 0.00 New Capital Dynamic UK Equity Fund £ 119.31 - -0.11 0.00 GEM Income I USD $ 14.08 - 0.02 0.00 The sale of interests in the funds listed on these pages
0800 358 3009 may, in certain jurisdictions, be restricted by law and
EM Mkts Corp.Debt USD F $ 92.33 - 0.02 5.23 New Capital Global Alpha Fund £ 118.38 - -0.24 0.00 Global Convertible I USD $ 17.64 17.64 -0.11 0.00
Authorised Funds the funds will not necessarily be available to persons
EM Mkts Loc.Ccy Bd USD F $ 77.84 - 0.47 4.86 New Capital Global Equity Conviction Fund $ 222.47 - -1.71 0.00 Global Insurance I GBP £ 7.14 - 0.02 0.00 in all jurisdictions in which the publication circulates.
Global Equity GBP B Acc £ 3.33 - -0.03 0.00
EM Short Duration Fund Acc USD $ 120.91 - 0.05 0.00 New Capital Global Value Credit Fund $ 161.99 - -0.09 0.00 Global Technology I USD $ 92.31 - -0.58 0.00 Persons in any doubt should take appropriate
Ennismore Smaller Cos Plc (IRL) HPB Assurance Ltd New Capital Japan Equity Fund ¥ 1769.56 - 15.36 0.00 Healthcare Blue Chip Fund I USD Acc $ 16.19 16.19 0.02 0.00
professional advice. Data collated by M orningstar. For
Anglo Intl House, Bank Hill, Douglas, Isle of Man, IM1 4LN 01638 563490 other queries contact +44
5 Kensington Church St, London W8 4LD 020 7368 4220 New Capital US Growth Fund $ 453.27 - -1.08 0.00 Healthcare Opps I USD $ 64.79 - -0.52 0.00 (0)207 873 4211.
FCA Recognised International Insurances New Capital US Small Cap Growth Fund $ 254.02 - -3.30 0.00 Income Opportunities B2 I GBP Acc £ 2.43 2.43 0.00 0.00
Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV £ 129.36 - -0.66 0.00 Holiday Property Bond Ser 1 £ 0.48 - 0.00 0.00 New Capital Wealthy Nations Bond Fund $ 154.64 - -0.27 0.00 The fund prices published in this edition along with
Japan Value I JPY ¥ 120.83 120.83 -1.03 0.00
Ennismore European Smlr Cos NAV € 150.05 - -0.47 0.00 Holiday Property Bond Ser 2 £ 0.62 - 0.00 0.00 additional information are also available on the
North American I USD $ 33.42 33.42 0.15 0.00 Financial Times website, The
UK Val Opp I GBP Acc £ 12.41 12.41 0.16 0.00 funds published on these pages are grouped together
by fund management company.
Atlantas Sicav (LUX)
Regulated Prices are in pence unless otherwise indicated. The
change, if shown, is the change on the previously
American Dynamic $ 7122.50 7122.50 -136.96 0.00 quoted figure (not all funds update prices daily). Those
American One $ 6676.99 6676.99 -116.94 0.00 designated $ with no prefix refer to US dollars. Yield
Bond Global € 1502.45 1502.45 -6.66 0.00 percentage figures (in Tuesday to Saturday papers)
Ennismore European Smlr Cos Hedge Fd allow for buying expenses. Prices of certain older
Eurocroissance € 1275.31 1275.31 -41.84 0.00 Intrinsic Value Investors (IVI) LLP (IRL)
insurance linked plans might be subject to capital
Far East $ 1371.60 - -36.95 0.00 Other International Funds 1 Hat & Mitre Court, 88 St John Street, London EC1M 4EL +44 (0)20 7566 1210
Polar Capital LLP (CYM) Stonehage Fleming Investment Management Ltd (IRL) gains tax on sales.
NAV € 535.68 - -0.30 0.00 FCA Recognised
IVI European Fund EUR € 24.58 - -0.02 0.00 Guide to pricing of Authorised Investment Funds:
European Forager A EUR € 190.59 - -2.64 0.00
IVI European Fund GBP £ 28.21 - -0.13 0.00 (compiled with the assistance of the IMA. The
Investment Management Association, 65 Kingsway,
Aegon Asset Management Investment Company (Ireland) (IRL) SF Global Best Ideas Eq B USD ACC $ 250.50 - 0.51 0.00 London WC2B 6TD.
1 North Wall Quay Dublin 1, Ireland +35 3162 24493 SF Global Best Ideas Eq D GBP INC £ 269.44 - -0.48 0.00 Tel: +44 (0)20 7831 0898.)
FCA Recognised
Absolute Return Bond B GBP Acc 1163.64 - 0.13 1.61 OEIC: Open-Ended Investment Company. Similar to a
unit trust but using a company rather than a trust
High Yield Global Bond A GBP Inc 514.76 - 0.07 4.49
High Yield Global Bond B GBP Inc 1103.60 - 0.19 5.23 Oasis Crescent Management Company Ltd
Equinox Fund Mgmt (Guernsey) Limited (GSY)
Other International Funds
Global Equity Income B GBP Acc 2106.74 - -13.99 0.00 Regulated Different share classes are issued to reflect a different
Oasis Crescent Equity Fund R 11.62 - 0.03 0.20 Private Fund Mgrs (Guernsey) Ltd (GSY) currency, charging structure or type of holder.
Global Equity Income B GBP Inc 1455.44 - -8.32 3.19 Equinox Russian Opportunities Fund Limited $ 184.57 - -5.85 0.00 Janus Henderson Investors (UK)
lobal Equity Market Neutral Fund - B Acc GBP £ 12.58 - -0.07 0.00 PO Box 9023, Chelmsford, CM99 2WB Enquiries: 0800 832 832
Monument Growth 23/02/2021 £ 508.21 513.36 -18.97 0.84 Selling price: Also called bid price. The price at which
Global Sustainable Equity B Acc GBP £ 29.66 - -0.16 0.00 units in a unit trust are sold by investors.
Global Sustainable Equity C Acc GBP £ 30.10 - -0.17 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds
Janus Henderson Instl UK Idx Opps A Acc £ 0.98 - 0.01 1.85 Buying price: Also called offer price. The price at
Inv Grd Gbl Bond A Inc GBH 614.33 - -0.92 1.81 which units in a unit trust are bought by investors.
Short Dated High Yld Bd B Acc GBP £ 11.15 - 0.00 0.00 Includes manager’s initial charge.
Short Dated High Yld Bd C Acc GBP (Hdg) £ 11.27 - 0.00 0.00
Single price: Based on a mid-market valuation of the
Strategic Global Bond A GBP Inc 1323.13 - -2.24 2.70
Brooks Macdonald International Fund Managers Limited (JER) OGM Oasis Crescent Global Investment Funds (UK) ICVC (UK) underlying investments. The buying and selling price
Strategic Global Bond B GBP Inc 750.67 - -1.26 3.45 5 Anley Street, St Helier, Jersey, JE2 3QE Euronova Asset Management UK LLP (CYM) for shares of an OEIC and units of a single priced unit
Regulated trust are the same.
+44 (0) 1534 700 104 (Int.) +44 (0) 800 735 8000 (UK) OGM Oasis Crescent Global Short Term Income Fund USD Class A Shares (Dist) $ 0.99 - 0.00 1.81 Prusik Investment Management LLP (IRL)
Brooks Macdonald International Investment Funds Limited Smaller Cos Cls One Shares € 57.95 - -0.72 0.00 Enquiries - 0207 493 1331
OGM Oasis Crescent Global Equity Fund USD Class A Shares (Dist) $ 36.72 - 0.03 - Treatment of manager’s periodic capital charge:
Smaller Cos Cls Two Shares € 37.61 - -0.42 0.00 Regulated
Euro High Income € 1.5389 - 0.0002 2.50 OGM Oasis Crescent Variable Fund GBP Class A Shares (Dist) £ 9.62 - 0.00 - The letter C denotes that the trust deducts all or part
Smaller Cos Cls Three Shares € 18.95 - -0.21 0.00 M & G Securities (1200)F (UK)
High Income £ 0.8533 - -0.0031 3.77 Prusik Asian Equity Income B Dist $ 193.57 - -0.58 4.47 Toscafund Asset Management LLP (UK) of the manager’s/operator’s periodic charge from
PO Box 9038, Chelmsford, CM99 2XF OGM Oasis Crescent Global Income Fund USD Class A Shares (Dist) $ 11.17 - 0.01 2.46
Smaller Cos Cls Four Shares € 24.41 - -0.28 0.00 Prusik Asia Emerging Opportunities Fund A Acc $ 201.35 - -0.04 0.00 capital, contact the manager/operator for full details
Sterling Bond £ 1.5728 - -0.0072 2.06 Enq./Dealing: 0800 917 4472 OGM Oasis Crescent Global Low Equity Fund USD Class D Shares (Dist) $ 12.92 - 0.00 0.68 of the effect of this course of action.
Authorised Inv Funds Prusik Asia Fund U Dist. £ 239.81 - -5.58 0.00 Authorised Funds
Brooks Macdonald International Multi Strategy Fund Limited OGM Oasis Crescent Global Medium Equity Fund USD Class A Shares (Dist) $ 14.24 - 0.00 0.18
M&G Charibond Charities Fixed Interest Fund (Charibond) Inc £ 1.24 - 0.00 2.24 Aptus Global Financials B Acc £ 4.09 - -0.02 2.96 Exit Charges: The letter E denotes that an exit charge
Cautious Balanced Strategy £ 1.3445 - -0.0038 0.00 OGM Oasis Crescent Global Property Equity Fund USD Class A Shares (Dist) $ 8.47 - 0.04 -
M&G Charibond Charities Fixed Interest Fund (Charibond) Acc £ 42.67 - -0.01 2.20 Aptus Global Financials B Inc £ 2.81 - -0.01 5.62 may be made when you sell units, contact the
Growth Strategy £ 1.9801 - -0.0037 0.00
manager/operator for full details.
High Growth Strategy £ 2.7408 - -0.0087 0.00 M&G Charity Multi Asset Fund Inc £ 0.84 - 0.01 4.19
US$ Growth Strategy $ 1.9901 - -0.0019 0.00 M&G Charity Multi Asset Fund Acc £ 93.48 - 0.20 4.02 Time: Some funds give information about the timing of
Dealing Daily. Initial charge up to 2% price quotes. The time shown alongside the fund
manager’s/operator’s name is the valuation point for
FIL Investment Services (UK) Limited (1200)F (UK) their unit trusts/OEICs, unless another time is
Beech Gate, Millfield Lane, Lower Kingswood, Tadworth, KT20 6RP indicated by the symbol alongside the individual unit
Purisima Investment Fds (CI) Ltd (JER) trust/OEIC name.
Callfree: Private Clients 0800 414161 Regulated
Broker Dealings: 0800 414 181 Omnia Fund Ltd PCG B 308.22 - -3.22 0.00 The symbols are as follows: ✠ 0001 to 1100 hours; ♦
Toscafund Asset Management LLP
OEIC Funds Other International Funds 1101 to 1400 hours; ▲1401 to 1700 hours; # 1701 to
PCG C 301.01 - -3.14 0.00
Fidelity American Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 53.12 - -0.14 0.31 Estimated NAV $ 637.20 - -22.70 0.00 midnight. Daily dealing prices are set on the basis of
Algebris Investments (IRL) Tosca A USD $ 342.33 - -8.95 0.00
Fidelity Cash Fund Y-ACC-GBP £ 1.02 - 0.00 0.66
MMIP Investment Management Limited (GSY) the valuation point, a short period of time may elapse
Regulated Regulated Tosca Mid Cap GBP £ 207.48 - 5.16 0.00 before prices become available. Historic pricing: The
CCLA Investment Management Ltd (UK)
FID Emerg Europe, Middle East and Africa Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 2.50 - -0.01 3.94
Algebris Financial Credit I EUR € 190.85 - -0.25 0.00 Tosca Opportunity B USD $ 316.13 - 14.37 0.00 letter H denotes that the managers/operators will
Senator House 85 Queen Victoria Street London EC4V 4ET Multi-Manager Investment Programmes PCC Limited
Fidelity Global Enhanced Income Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 1.99 - 0.01 3.67 normally deal on the price set at the most recent
Algebris Financial Credit R EUR € 165.93 - -0.22 0.00 Authorised Inv Funds Pegasus Fund Ltd A-1 GBP £ 49.26 - 6.12 0.00
UK Equity Fd Cl A Series 01 £ 2662.89 2697.04 -63.47 0.00 valuation. The prices shown are the latest available
Algebris Financial Credit Rd EUR € 110.46 - -0.15 4.79 Fidelity Global Focus Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 35.57 - -0.19 0.19
Diversified Income 1 Units GBP Inc £ 1.53 1.53 0.00 0.77 Diversified Absolute Rtn Fd USD Cl AF2 $ 1670.86 - -68.41 0.00 before publication and may not be the current dealing
Algebris Financial Income I EUR € 165.58 - 1.03 0.00 Fidelity Global High Yield Fund Y-ACC-GBP £ 15.79 - 0.04 3.58 levels because of an intervening portfolio revaluation
Diversified Income 2 Units GBP Inc £ 1.47 1.47 0.00 0.77 Diversified Absolute Return Stlg Cell AF2 £ 1566.59 - -63.63 0.00
Fidelity Japan Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 5.21 - -0.05 0.55 or a switch to a forward pricing basis. The
Algebris Financial Income R EUR € 153.10 - 0.94 0.00 Diversified Income 3 Units GBP Inc £ 1.48 1.48 0.00 0.75 Global Equity Fund A Lead Series £ 1616.40 1621.62 -29.28 0.00
Fidelity Japan Smaller Companies Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 4.14 - -0.08 0.35 managers/operators must deal at a forward price on
Algebris Financial Income Rd EUR € 100.35 - 0.62 3.57 request, and may move to forward pricing at any time.
Fidelity Select 50 Balanced Fund PI-ACC-GBP £ 1.15 - 0.00 0.89 Oryx International Growth Fund Ltd
Algebris Financial Equity B EUR € 123.73 - 0.60 0.00 Forward pricing: The letter F denotes that that
Fidelity Special Situations Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 35.33 - 0.31 3.33 Other International Funds managers/operators deal at the price to be set at the
Algebris IG Financial Credit B EUR € 111.22 - -0.04 0.00
Short Dated Corporate Bond Fund Y ACC GBP £ 11.10 - 0.00 3.84 NAV (Fully Diluted) £ 9.10 - -0.52 0.00 next valuation.
Algebris IG Financial Credit R EUR € 110.28 - -0.04 0.00
Algebris Global Credit Opportunities I EUR € 131.96 - -0.22 0.00 Fidelity Sustainable Water & Waste W Acc £ 1.08 - 0.00 0.05 Troy Asset Mgt (1200) (UK) Investors can be given no definite price in advance of
Fidelity Sustainable Water & Waste W Inc £ 1.08 - 0.00 0.06 65 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7NQ the purchase or sale being carried out. The prices
Algebris Global Credit Opportunities R EUR € 129.90 - -0.22 0.00
Fidelity UK Growth Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 3.34 - -0.05 - Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 608 0950 appearing in the newspaper are the most recent
Algebris Global Credit Opportunities Rd EUR € 129.90 - -0.22 0.00
Authorised Inv Funds provided by the managers/operators. Scheme
Algebris Core Italy I EUR € 132.15 - -1.10 0.00 CG Asset Management Limited (IRL) Fidelity UK Select Fund W-ACC-GBP £ 3.25 - 0.02 2.30
Marwyn Asset Management Limited (CYM)
Authorised Corporate Director - Link Fund Solutions particulars, prospectus, key features and reports: The
Algebris Core Italy R EUR € 122.86 - -1.08 0.00 25 Moorgate, London, EC2R 6AY Institutional OEIC Funds Regulated most recent particulars and documents may be
Dealing: Tel. +353 1434 5098 Fax. +353 1542 2859 Europe (ex-UK) Fund ACC-GBP £ 6.90 - 0.01 0.55 Marwyn Value Investors £ 340.40 - -14.66 0.00 Trojan Investment Funds obtained free of charge from fund
Algebris Allocation I EUR € 108.04 - 0.05 0.00
FCA Recognised managers/operators. * Indicates funds which do not
Ram Active Investments SA Trojan Ethical O Acc 116.76 - 0.09 0.07
price on Fridays.
CG Portfolio Fund Plc Trojan Ethical O Inc 116.53 - 0.09 0.06
Absolute Return Cls M Inc £ 129.85 129.85 -0.20 1.34 Other International Funds Charges for this advertising service are based on the
Capital Gearing Portfolio GBP P £ 35810.65 35810.65 -49.68 0.84 RAM Systematic Emerg Markets Eq $ 232.55 232.55 0.90 - number of lines published and the classification of the
RAM Systematic European Eq € 488.01 488.01 -5.89 - fund. Please contact or
Capital Gearing Portfolio GBP V £ 174.16 174.16 -0.24 0.84
call +44 (0)20 7873 3132 for further information.
Dollar Fund Cls D Inc £ 158.33 158.33 -0.69 1.46 RAM Systematic Funds Global Sustainable Income Eq $ 137.80 137.80 0.22 0.00
Dollar Hedged GBP Inc £ 104.45 104.45 -0.05 1.30 RAM Systematic Global Eq Sustainable Alpha $ 105.55 105.55 -0.25 -
Real Return Cls A Inc £ 195.04 195.04 -0.80 1.63 Findlay Park Funds Plc (IRL) RAM Systematic Long/Short European Eq € 132.01 132.01 -0.88 -
The Antares European Fund Limited
Other International 30 Herbert Street, Dublin 2, Ireland Tel: 020 7968 4900 RAM Systematic US Sustainable Eq $ 363.77 363.77 -1.22 -
FCA Recognised RAM Tactical Global Bond Total Return € 155.16 155.16 -0.06 - WA Fixed Income Fund Plc (IRL)
AEF Ltd Usd $ 547.37 - 2.00 0.00
American EUR Unhedged Class € 132.80 - -0.08 - RAM Tactical II Asia Bond Total Return $ 156.96 156.96 0.03 - Regulated
AEF Ltd Eur € 511.41 - 1.83 0.00
American Fund USD Class $ 161.47 - 0.19 0.00 Orbis Investments (U.K.) Limited (GBR) European Multi-Sector € 124.36 - -0.28 3.16
American Fund GBP Hedged £ 81.26 - 0.10 0.00 28 Dorset Square, London, NW1 6QG
American Fund GBP Unhedged £ 114.46 - -0.31 0.00 0800 358 2030
Orbis OEIC Global Cautious Standard £ 10.46 - 0.00 0.02
Chartered Asset Management Pte Ltd
Orbis OEIC Global Balanced Standard £ 15.94 - 0.01 2.56
Other International Funds
Orbis OEIC Global Equity Standard £ 19.83 - -0.01 2.12
CAM-GTF Limited $ 356265.92 356265.92 -3355.54 0.00 Milltrust International Managed Investments ICAV (IRL) Orbis OEIC UK Equity Standard £ 8.67 - 0.06 2.93
Arisaig Partners CAM GTi Limited $ 812.88 - -9.88 0.00, +44(0)20 8123 8316 Ruffer LLP (1000)F (UK)

Other International Funds RAIC VCC $ 1.64 1.64 0.03 2.06 Regulated 65 Gresham Street, London, EC2V 7NQ Zadig Gestion (Memnon Fund) (LUX)
Order Desk and Enquiries: 0345 601 9610 FCA Recognised
Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund Class A (Ex-Alcohol) shares $ 134.29 - -0.46 0.00 British Innovation Fund £ 121.92 - 2.89 0.00
Foord Asset Management Authorised Inv Funds Memnon European Fund - Class U2 GBP £ 196.58 - -1.00 0.00
Arisaig Asia Consumer Fund Limited $ 134.06 - -0.51 0.00 MAI - Buy & Lease (Australia) A$ 102.95 - -0.80 0.00
Website: - Email: Authorised Corporate Director - Link Fund Solutions
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer Fund $ 18.09 - 0.03 0.00 MAI - Buy & Lease (New Zealand)NZ$ 97.26 - -0.02 0.00
FCA Recognised - Luxembourg UCITS LF Ruffer European C Acc 879.62 - -5.16 0.05
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS € 12.85 - -0.01 - Milltrust Global Emerging Markets Fund - Class A $ 122.93 - -3.20 0.00
Foord International Fund | R $ 47.26 - 0.06 - LF Ruffer European C Inc 160.52 - -0.94 0.08
Arisaig Global Emerging Markets Consumer UCITS STG £ 14.50 - -0.10 - The Climate Impact Asia Fund (Class A) $ 124.20 - 11.52 -
Foord Global Equity Fund (Lux) | R $ 19.05 - 0.03 - LF Ruffer European O Acc 857.33 - -5.07 0.00
Arisaig Latin America Consumer Fund $ 27.13 - 0.00 0.00
Regulated LF Ruffer Equity & General C Acc 514.83 - -0.32 0.17
Foord Global Equity Fund (Sing) | B $ 23.31 - 0.03 0.00 LF Ruffer Equity & General C Inc 470.84 - -0.30 0.18
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds (IRL)
48-49 Pall Mall, London SW1Y 5JG. Foord International Trust (Gsy) $ 47.07 - 0.06 0.00 LF Ruffer Equity & General O Acc 501.82 - -0.34 0.00 020 3713 7664 LF Ruffer Equity & General O Inc 464.60 - -0.32 0.00
FCA Recognised LF Ruffer Gold C Acc 263.21 - -8.60 0.00
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc - Global Bond Fund LF Ruffer Gold C Inc 159.30 - -5.21 0.00
EUR Accumulating Class € 14.96 - 0.01 0.00 LF Ruffer Gold O Acc 256.46 - -8.40 0.00
Milltrust International Managed Investments SPC
EUR Accumulating Class (H) € 11.63 - 0.00 0.00, +44(0)20 8123 8316, LF Ruffer Japanese C Inc 172.39 - -9.10 0.08
Artemis Fund Managers Ltd (1200)F (UK)
EUR Distributing Class € 11.65 - 0.01 3.44 Regulated LF Ruffer Japanese C Acc 370.43 - -19.57 0.08
57 St. James's Street, London SW1A 1LD 0800 092 2051
EUR Distributing Class (H) € 9.01 - 0.00 3.43 Milltrust Alaska Brazil SP A $ 71.34 - 2.15 - LF Ruffer Pacific & Emerging Markets C Acc 392.03 - -12.99 0.80
Authorised Inv Funds
GBP Distributing Class £ 12.24 - -0.04 3.45 Franklin Templeton International Services Sarl (IRL) Milltrust Laurium Africa SP A $ 107.91 - -1.63 - Platinum Capital Management Ltd LF Ruffer Pacific & Emerging Markets C Inc 106.84 - -3.54 0.80
Artemis Corporate Bond I Acc £ 1.12 - 0.00 2.09
GBP Distributing Class (H) £ 9.51 - 0.00 3.45 JPMorgan House - International Financial Services Centre,Dublin 1, Ireland Milltrust Marcellus India Fund $ 121.27 - 0.09 - Other International Funds LF Ruffer Pacific & Emerging Markets O Acc 381.75 - -12.68 0.51
Artemis Target Return Bond I Acc £ 1.07 - 0.00 1.98
USD Accumulating Class $ 13.11 - 0.00 0.00 Other International Funds Milltrust Singular ASEAN SP Founders $ 178.58 - 1.16 - Platinum All Star Fund - A $ 142.07 - - - LF Ruffer Total Return C Acc 527.16 - 0.78 0.80
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-Global Stock Fund Franklin Emerging Market Debt Opportunities Fund Plc Milltrust SPARX Korea Equity SP A $ 167.49 - -1.46 - Platinum Global Growth UCITS Fund $ 14.19 - -0.29 0.00 LF Ruffer Total Return C Inc 341.14 - 0.50 0.80
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp CHFSFr 14.59 - 0.07 9.05 Milltrust VTB Russia Fund SP $ 125.94 - -1.43 - Platinum Essential Resources UCITS Fund SICAV USD Class E $ 8.84 - 0.10 0.00 LF Ruffer Total Return O Acc 513.78 - 0.73 0.80
USD Accumulating Share Class $ 27.32 - 0.07 0.00
Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp GBP £ 9.38 - 0.00 6.01 Milltrust Xingtai China SP A $ 154.05 - -0.34 - Platinum Global Dividend UCITS Fund $ 55.36 - -0.20 0.00 LF Ruffer Total Return O Inc 332.30 - 0.47 0.81
GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 31.84 - -0.04 0.00
GBP Distributing Share class £ 21.92 - -0.03 0.95 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp SGD S$ 20.82 - 0.02 4.33
EUR Accumulating Share Class € 33.77 - 0.10 0.00 Franklin Emg Mkts Debt Opp USD $ 16.65 - 0.02 6.16
GBP Distributing Class (H) £ 13.25 - 0.04 0.47
Dodge & Cox Worldwide Funds plc-U.S. Stock Fund
USD Accumulating Share Class $ 34.07 - 0.08 0.00
GBP Accumulating Share Class £ 37.55 - -0.05 0.00
GBP Distributing Share Class £ 22.81 - -0.03 1.22
EUR Accumulating Share Class € 36.37 - 0.09 0.00 Mirabaud Asset Management (LUX) Rubrics Global UCITS Funds Plc (IRL),
GBP Distributing Class (H) £ 14.05 - 0.03 0.95
Conviction based investment vehicles details available here Regulated
Regulated Rubrics Emerging Markets Fixed Income UCITS Fund $ 141.62 - 0.49 0.00
Mir. - Glb Strat. Bd I USD $ 122.66 - -0.02 0.00 Rubrics Global Credit UCITS Fund $ 17.80 - -0.01 0.00
Thursday 25 February 2021 ★ 13
14 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 February 2021


Story of a football great is an open goal

film Ben Nicholas, David Tryhorn
Leigh The United States vs Billie Holiday
Lee Daniels

To Olivia
or just a moment in the new John Hay
documentary Pelé, the picture AAAEE
freezes. It is June 1970, the
venue the Jalisco Stadium, IWOW: I Walk on Water
Guadalajara, Mexico. On Khalik Allah
screen, the subject is in possession. Half AAAEE
the England team are in place around
him, all channels blocked. The archive
unpauses. Like an optical illusion, the is twinkling mischief. “Mr Dahl, you are
ball has vanished. A heartbeat later: 1-0 a big kid,” says Neal (Keeley Hawes),
Brazil. Sixteen years later, similarly sur- which is one way of putting it.
rounded at another Mexican World Cup, The film opens in 1961, by which point
Diego Maradona famously made both Dahl and Neal had already lived
bystanders of yet more English hope- lives of high drama. The backstories
fuls. It is — as ever — hard to watch the (RAF heroism, Hollywood swank) are
one greatest footballer of all time with- whipped through in an animated
out thinking of the other. credits sequence another movie would
In 2019, director Asif Kapadia made have made into the movie. Hay has
the epic documentary Diego Maradona — other ideas.
part sports doc, part crime thriller. Pelé Eventually we will get to Neal’s profes-
can’t help but feel safer by comparison. sional comeback from Metroland
The man himself is interviewed exten- housewifery. To begin, even this PG-
sively; a sweet reunion is staged with old rated Dahl claims the spotlight — his
teammates. And early on at least, the wife at the Aga while he toils over his as
story is cartoonishly wholesome. We yet unsuccessful children’s fiction. Too
learn that the young Pelé lived for kick- twisted for kids has been the verdict so
abouts, that his father told him to far. The film’s own aversion to anything
believe in himself. These are titbits that twisted is only underlined by casting
might have come from a TV puff piece at Happy just to be here: into two decades of dictatorship. Once Bonneville, an inescapably jolly actor
the 1958 World Cup in Sweden, the first ‘Pelé’ is a documentary more, he smiled silently throughout, a Dahl himself might have said was the
international glimpse of the prodi- profile of the Brazilian star. choice the film deals with in depth. wrong shape to play him. (Hawes is
giously gifted 17-year-old. Right: Andra Day steals the Some observers say there is nothing to good, if variously accented.)
The image he conveyed back then — show in ‘The United States forgive; other are scathing. The movie And then comes unknowable sorrow:
happy just to be here, letting his feet do vs Billie Holiday’ wanders into fascinating, uneasy areas. the death of the couple’s daughter Olivia
the talking — would last a lifetime. Sport, it concludes, is never really free of from measles encephalitis. To its credit,
Eventually, Pelé’s co-directors Ben politics. (By 1970, could ordinary Brazil- the film finds a note of something stark
Nicholas and David Tryhorn attempt to ians even support their team without for the tragedy. And if the aftershock is
give their portrait light and shade. But also endorsing the generals?) twee once more (Dahl retreats to his
what lies behind the mask is often not so But the football goes missing more butter beans), you feel the chill from the
different from the mask itself. The film than you imagine was the plan. Watch- Home Counties briskness of supporting
widens its lens instead, turning to the ing him in 1958, Pelé is already dragging characters, reminding the couple they
role the golden number 10 played in the the sport into the colour age. Commer- do, after all, have other children.
psyche of his country. cially too, he straddled two eras, mod- On Sky Cinema in the UK now
Which leads — unexpectedly and ern enough to be merchandised No one releases a three-hour-plus
admirably — to awkward questions. Pelé (“What’s that coffee? Café Pelé!”) while record of urban decay and the minutiae
was in his pomp in 1964 when Brazil fell staying with one club in Brazil — Santos of their personal life without a touching
faith in audience attention spans — or
complete indifference to them. With
— for almost his whole career. You wish Every time the film loses focus, Day Khlaik Allah’s experimental documen-
the film looked harder at the industry of reminds us what it is there for — captur- tary IWOW: I Walk On Water, it may well
football. So too the actual game. ing the outrage of the situation, the eter- be both.
Pelé and Maradona each suffer nal power of one unflinching song. Lee The simplest description of the film
from having their talent over-mytholo- Daniels’ Billie Holiday? The thought would be that much of it unfolds in
gised and under-analysed. What ele- might bring a ghostly wail. Andra Day, scuffed East Harlem on the corner of
vated Kapadia’s film wasn’t just the you suspect, the woman herself could Lexington Avenue and 125th Street
exposé of the Camorra but the cliché- live with. (yes, where Lou Reed waited for the
busting insights into professional self- On Sky Cinema in the UK from February 27 man). Now a shuttered Pathmark
improvement. Here, Pelé only does and on Hulu in the US now supermarket is the backdrop as Mag-
what comes naturally — and the movie Like untold other parents within num photographer and film-maker
fluffs an open goal. striking distance of Great Missenden — Allah shoots hardcore city life on lus-
On Netflix now 40 minutes by train north-west of Lon- trous 16mm film. (Filming ended just
Lee Daniels’ last project as a director don — I once spent a wet half-term Tues- before the pandemic.) Prominent
was called Lee Daniels’ The Butler. The day at the Roald Dahl Museum and among the street people passing
title came out of a copyright wrangle but Story Centre. The writer’s hut was through is Frenchie, a Haitian-born
somehow also captured the essence of a impressive, the café glum (I believe muse Allah has been photographing for
film-maker, whose operatic work on the there has since been a revamp). John a decade. (He believed his subject was
likes of Precious and The Paperboy made Hay’s To Olivia would fit right in, a fault- dead for a time: “I went to Florida,” is
his name a brand — guaranteeing a cer- lessly polite drama set mostly in the the explanation.)
tain outsize quality. His new film is more marital home in the village Dahl shared But the film involves much, much
conventionally christened: The United with movie actress Patricia Neal. This more than the corner, doubling as a
States vs Billie Holiday. Even Daniels version of the author would surely tut at sprawling self-portrait. There are vexed
couldn’t upstage those two. The hint of the less savoury behaviour of his real- exchanges with Allah’s parents, a long-
the courtroom is deliberate. It is 1947, life counterpart (the film narrowly distance relationship with his girlfriend
and the FBI is enraged by Holiday’s missed colliding with an apology from in Brussels, many psychedelic mush-
“Strange Fruit”, its mournful fury at the Dahl’s family last December for his rooms. Whatever else, this camera
lynching of black Americans. The anti-Semitic comments). Here, as never sleeps. Get comfortable.
movie illustrates the stakes: at a packed played by Hugh Bonneville, his default On digital platforms from February 26
concert hall, Holiday gets as far as
“Southern trees . . . ” before the cops Left: ‘IWOW: I
rush the stage. Walk On Water’
Those words alone are potently deliv- is an epic
ered by the starring Andra Day. All document of
credit to Daniels for the casting, but he East Harlem
should still say a prayer of thanks for street life.
her, a full-time singer in — implausibly Below: Hugh
— her first major role as an actress. The Bonneville as
voice is perfect, emotionally elastic, Roald Dahl and
laced with a rasp. But the performance Keeley Hawes as
is a league beyond karaoke. Away from Patricia Neal in
the mic, this Holiday is a fireball of con- ‘To Olivia’
tradiction, a self-made woman with
fateful, complex weaknesses for heroin
and violent partners. But others are two
things at once as well. Soon, Hoover’s
G-men resolve to silence “Strange Fruit”
by imprisoning its singer — and doing
that with a drugs bust. The order comes
from bigoted Harry Anslinger (Garrett
Hedlund, panto broad) of the Federal
Bureau of Narcotics. It is to be executed
by Jimmy Fletcher (Trevante Rhodes),
a black undercover agent with whom
Holiday later begins a romance, even
after discovering his line of work.
If that has you squinting, your
instincts are right. Fletcher and the fed-
eral hounding of Holiday were real. The
affair is a speculative riff on the record.
Journalism never could match melo-
drama. Stylistically, the movie is just as
rum. Framing devices are picked up and
tossed away, as if to say “bored now”.
Scenes flicker in and out of faux-news-
reel. The film veers between being over-
awed and, well — Danielsian. One
moment, the script is a parody of fact-
based drama: “People are calling the
song a starting gun for the so-called Civil
Rights movement.” The next, Holiday is
weeping at a funeral for a handbag dog.
But the director is savvy enough to
know a good thing when he has one.
Thursday 25 February 2021 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 15


In the shadow of rivalry between the US and China, the south-east Asian nation is caught in a growing
confrontation between the junta and a pro-democracy campaign that shows no sign of backing down.
By John Reed

t a press conference last
week, the first by Myan-
mar’s junta since General
Min Aung Hlaing grabbed
power on February 1 and
declared a year-long “emergency” after
alleging electoral fraud, a spokesman
claimed that 40m of the country’s 54m
people supported the coup.
“Our objective is to hold an election
and hand power to the winning party,”
Brigadier General Zaw Min Tun said at
the event, which was sparsely attended
as many reporters chose to boycott the
new regime.
In the days since then, people across
Myanmar furious at the generals’ nulli-
fication of election results and arrest of
Aung San Suu Kyi, their popular leader,
have taken to the streets in huge num-
bers to prove him wrong. On Monday,
crowds of government employees,
workers, tradespeople and others that
local media said exceeded 1m joined a
self-described “five twos revolution”,
meant to mark the date 22/2/2021 and
to echo the 8888 uprising against the
former military regime of Ne Win that
ruled what was then Burma. Crowds

People power
carrying placards saying “Free our
leader” or “We don’t accept military
coup” gathered across Myanmar, from
Myitkyina in northern Kachin state to
the military-built capital Naypyidaw in
the centre and Dawei in the south.

defies the
The display of people’s power was the
biggest yet by a civil disobedience move-
ment that has proved tenacious in the
face of everything from internet black-
outs to night-time arrests and security

forces’ firing of live rounds, which killed

‘This is a coup where

pre-existing institutions
are remade and the state
is shaped to conform to
the Tatmadaw’s desires’
a woman in Naypyidaw last week and a
man and a teenage boy in Mandalay on
Above: a riot
police officer
modern history, ruling directly or
through governments it controlled from
Russia and China are the military’s
two largest arms suppliers, according to
Ishak Institute in Singapore. Even with
its lock on key ministries and constitu- $2.6bn to Min Aung Hlaing with the broad back-
ing of the international community, he
Saturday. stands guard 1962 to 2011. It has no civilian oversight, the Stockholm International Peace tional reform, the military’s Union Soli- Allocation to defence might be forced to compromise in a way
The protesters are confronting a famil- close to as the defence ministry is staffed by mil- Research Institute. A UN report in 2019 darity and Development party was in Myanmar’s that his army predecessors did not.”
2020-21 budget,
iar, yet implacable old foe: the Burmese barricades as itary appointees. The International found at least 14 companies had been soundly defeated by the NLD in 2015 equal to about 10%
Myanmar’s Asian neighbours will
military, or Tatmadaw, one of south-east protesters Institute for Strategic Studies puts the supplying the Tatmadaw with fighter and again last November, dashing hopes of total government soon face tough choices on whether and
Asia’s biggest standing armies and a state gather in number of its active duty troops at jets, armoured vehicles, warships, mis- of winning the presidency or further spending how to engage with the new junta, dur-
within a state, which ruled the country Yangon last 406,000 — making it the second biggest siles and missile launchers since 2016, government ministries into which it ing a year in which it is promising to
for nearly five decades, is back. week. Below: army in south-east Asia behind Viet- including from Ukraine, North Korea, might rotate retiring officers. rerun an election it clearly lost. Some
With Aung San Suu Kyi in detention
and facing what many analysts consider
hold a portrait
nam. The number does not include an
estimated 107,000 paramilitary forces,
the Philippines, Singapore and Israel.
In 2015-17, during Myanmar’s demo-
“The military genuinely believed they
did a good job and they were shocked
406,000 ousted NLD MPs held an online virtual
“parliament” session a few days after
Active duty troops in
to be trumped-up criminal charges, the of Myanmar’s including police, who have also been cratic interlude and before the Rohingya when they couldn’t win 50 per cent of Myanmar, according the coup, and have appointed their own
world is coming to grips with Myanmar’s arrested civilian blamed for killing civilians both in past crackdown, Min Aung Hlaing visited seats,” says Gerard McCarthy, a postdoc- to the IISS, the envoys to the UN and for international
new de facto leader: Min Aung Hlaing, leader Aung San and current conflicts. In Myanmar’s Belgium, Germany, Austria and Israel, toral fellow at the Asia Research Insti- second biggest army relations, raising the prospect that the
whom the UN and human rights groups Suu Kyi during 2020-21 budget, defence claimed 3.4tn where he met President Reuven Rivlin. tute, National University of Singapore. in south-east Asia world will be dealing with parallel emis-
want prosecuted for war crimes for the another protest kyat ($2.6bn), or about 10 per cent, of UN researchers and human rights “After being wiped out a second time in behind Vietnam saries and representative bodies.
Tatmadaw’s atrocities against Rohingya in the former total government spending. groups have since the Rohingya crisis November, they realised they were irrel- Tellingly, one of Min Aung Hlaing’s
capital on Soldiers and paramilitaries took part evant in the electoral system they had first communications with a foreign
Muslims and other minorities. been pressuring governments and com-
Given the limited access to the coun- Monday — Lynn Bo Bo/ in the 2017 “clearance operations” tar- panies to stop supplying the Tatmadaw developed.” leader after seizing power was an over-
try and scarce reliable information, ana- EPA-EFE/Shutterstock
geting Rohingya in Rakhine state, where and sever ties with its companies. Min The USDP began making accusations Additional ture to neighbouring Thailand’s Pray-
lysts are wary of making predictions eyewitnesses and human rights investi- Aung Hlaing and other military officers of electoral fraud even before the vote. paramilitary soldiers uth Chan-ocha asking for advice. Pray-
about the military’s ability to hang on to gators say troops carried out killings, control two conglomerates: Myanmar These grew louder after the scale of the in the country uth led his own coup in 2014, overturn-
power. But the outcome will depend on rapes, arson and forced about 750,000 Economic Holdings and Myanmar Eco- NLD’s landslide became clear. A cease- ing a democratic election then transi-
both the intensity of domestic opposi- people into exile. These set the wheels of nomic Corporation, and work with what fire in November with the rebel Arakan tioning to prime minister under a new
tion and the extent to which it comes international justice in motion, includ- campaigners call “crony conglomerates” Army group in Rakhine and the move- constitution that gave the military pre-
under concerted international pressure. ing an International Court of Justice that help generals win further business. ment of troops back towards main cities, rigged advantages at the polls.
The new stand-off between the pro- genocide case against Myanmar that “By staging the coup, Min Aung Hlaing including Naypyidaw and Yangon, start- But with hundreds of thousands still
democracy movement and the military opened in 2019, and US and EU targeted ing in January, were hints a coup to top- taking part in civil disobedience pro-
is taking place under the shadow of a
great power rivalry as the US and China
sanctions against Min Aung Hlaing and
others blamed for the bloodletting.
‘The rollout of plans for ple the NLD government was under way,
analysts say. “The rollout of plans for the
tests, Myanmar people’s voices will
arguably matter most for what comes
jostle for influence in the region. The military has since Burma’s inde- the junta, including . . . junta, including preparations for an next for the economy, governability and
In the US, the main foreign sponsor of pendence from Britain in 1948 styled internet shutdown, appears to have been the response from the outside world.
Myanmar’s shortlived democratic itself as a champion of “non-disintegra- an internet shutdown, thought out,” says Gwen Robinson, sen- Protesters have in recent days pick-
experiment, the coup has brought a
firm response from Joe Biden’s adminis-
tion of the union”, and Buddhist, Bamar
(ethnic Burmese) religious nationalism
appears to have been ior fellow with the Institute of Security
and International Studies in Thailand.
eted China’s embassy in Yangon, claim-
ing, so far without evidence, that Beijing
tration, which announced sanctions permeates its ranks. Experts say some thought out’ As speculation about a military take- was secretly helping the coup set up a
against 12 junta leaders and military- senior Tatmadaw figures, including over rose in January, an assurance from “great firewall” to block the internet, or
owned companies involved in ruby and members of the new junta, espouse the has extended and expanded his rule,” Min Aung Hlaing two days before the was tipped off about the coup.
jade mining and gemstones — part of a “race and religion” chauvinism of Bud- says Yadanar Maung, spokeswoman for coup that he intended to obey the con- China’s ambassador to Myanmar
military business network atop which dhist extremist clerics who in recent Justice for Myanmar, a campaign group. stitution appears to have fooled NLD rejected this, saying Beijing had no fore-
Min Aung Hlaing sits. Canada and the years inflamed anti-Muslim hatred in “He is enabled by senior generals he is in lawmakers. They were all in Naypyidaw knowledge of the coup and dismissing
UK have also imposed sanctions. Rakhine and the Burmese-speaking business with who are using their posi- in the early hours of February 1 for the speculation about secret Chinese flights
But western countries’ leverage is heartland. tions for personal profit.” opening of parliament, and thus easy for or assistance to the Tatmadaw on a fire-
smaller than that of Asian countries, who “The Tatmadaw is an overwhelm- the military to find and arrest. Soldiers wall as “ridiculous”. Analysts note that
are Myanmar’s biggest trading partners ingly Bamar institution both in terms of Takeover speculation barged into telecoms companies’ data China had solid relations with Aung San
and investors. While calling for Aung San rank and file and the officer corps,” says Until recently, many analysts, including centres and ordered them to cut service. Suu Kyi’s ousted government and would
Suu Kyi’s release, they may be more will- Anthony Davis, a Bangkok-based secu- in Myanmar, assumed the military were Within hours, the acting president — a be unlikely to welcome the social and
ing to deal with the new regime. China’s rity analyst with IHS-Janes. “To that happy making money and letting Aung military appointee — had handed the economic turmoil the coup has caused in
stance in particular is the subject of extent, it sees itself as a vehicle which is San Suu Kyi’s civilian government take general power under an “emergency a growing regional market for its goods.
intense speculation among protesters. defending the nation in terms of extend- international flak for their human powers” constitutional clause. “The Tatmadaw was not predictable
For those who wish to see a swift return ing central rule over a fragmented rights abuses. Under the 2008 constitu- and I don’t think it’s in China’s interest to
to democracy, the days ahead look bleak. nation and Burmanising it.” tion negotiated during Myanmar’s dem- Coherent response have a volatile government in place,”
Min Aung Hlaing, 64, who was due to Since 2017, as international outrage ocratic transition, the Tatmadaw was The coup has revived diplomatic dynam- says Enze Han, an associate professor of
retire this year and who many believe grew over the Tatmadaw’s atrocities guaranteed three government minis- ics last seen in the final years of Myan- politics at Hong Kong university.
aspires to the presidency, has little to lose against the Rohingya, pressure built on tries, including defence, and 25 per cent mar’s previous military regime, when On Tuesday, Indonesia’s foreign min-
personally from holding on to power. its arms suppliers and business partners. of seats in parliament — enough to block the US led the west in trying to isolate the ister Retno Marsudi said whatever hap-
He has moved quickly to appoint a This is now intensifying after the coup. lawmakers from Aung San Suu Kyi’s Tatmadaw financially. The sanctions in pened next must be “according to the
new government and other institutions, National League for Democracy from fact hurt Myanmar’s broader popula- wishes of the Myanmar people”, after
including an electoral commission. amending the constitution. tion, while alienating Asian neighbours, protesters gathered outside Indonesia’s
“The commander-in-chief has shown Aung San Suu Kyi travelled in 2019 to which mostly did not follow suit. embassy in Yangon after a report that
us that this is not an emergency where at The Hague to defend Myanmar against Compared with Myanmar’s past cycles Jakarta would recognise a new junta-or-
some point power transitions back to the ICJ case alleging genocide under Min of military repression, the response from ganised election.
the elected government,” says Melissa Aung Hlaing’s command, reinforcing the outside world has been more coher- It is also possible the protests could
Crouch, professor of law specialising in the growing international perception ent so far and, say analysts, could lead to wane under economic pressure, a new
south-east Asia at the University of New that political expedience had led her to different outcomes. The week the Tat- wave of coronavirus or a loss of momen-
South Wales. “This is a coup where pre- become a defender of the military. But madaw seized power, China and Russia tum, as seems to have happened with the
existing institutions are remade, new relations between the commander-in- took the unusual step of endorsing a UN protests in Thailand last year.
people are brought in and the state is chief and the state counsellor were cur- Security Council statement calling for Many in Myanmar are worried the
shaped to conform to the desires of the dling amid distrust over what the mili- Aung San Suu Kyi’s release, though they military could crush them violently as
military.” tary saw as NLD high-handedness and vetoed an earlier draft that would have the Tatmadaw did in 1988, at the cost of
its inability to win elections. condemned the coup. “There is a level of thousands of lives. But even if the mili-
A familiar foe “There was less dialogue between the unity on Myanmar in the international tary wins the latest battle against its own
Myanmar’s military spent most of the two leaders in 2016-2020 than there community that we haven’t seen before,” people, it may find them harder to con-
80 years since its founding in battle with was in 2011-16”, during Myanmar’s last says Aaron Connelly, head of a pro- trol than before. “They will, I believe,
ethnic armed organisations. It has dom- government before the NLD took office, gramme on south-east Asian politics and secure victory,” Davis says. “The ques-
inated politics throughout the country’s says Moe Thuzar of the ISEAS-Yusof foreign policy at IISS. “If an envoy can go tion is to what extent it will be Pyrrhic.”
16 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 February 2021

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Japan’s growing shareholder community is good for the Nikkei

The sight of the Nikkei 225 above even though the data invariably in the likes of GameStop poses for the people have some shares). And it has
30,000 will, as Leo Lewis suggests, be a suggest that in aggregate they have investment industry is whether been getting broader.
Proustian experience for Japanese been net sellers. speculative day traders can be In the five years to March 2020, the
market watchers of a certain age This time, Lewis suggests it is transformed into long-term investors share of the Japanese market owned by
(“Nikkei 30,000 brings back memories different. He may be right. However who will not lose interest in the market individual investors fell from 17.3 per
of 1980s mania”, Opinion, February the most recent figures we have for when the initial enthusiasm fades and cent to 16.5 per cent. However, the
22). investor activity in Japan show that in profits evaporate. In this respect, Japan number of individual shareholders rose
THURSDAY 25 FEBRUARY 2021 It has long been traditional to the week to February 12, individuals is well placed. from 45.8m to 56.7m, well over double
attribute any dramatic rise in the main were net sellers to the tune of ¥430bn. The equity culture may not be very the number we saw at the Nikkei’s
Tokyo Stock Exchange index (and The largest net buying was, as usual, in deep (only a small proportion of peak.
there have been many over the years) a rising market, from foreigners. household wealth is held in shares) but Jonathan Allum
to the activity of individual investors The question that the recent frenzy it is commendably broad (a lot of Amersham, Buckinghamshire, UK

Why London should Big Tech’s Australia deal Georgians must ignore The ‘schadenfreude’ over
resist the Spac craze imperils democracy
Politicians should be very worried
Russia’s siren call
I read Henry Foy’s article “Georgia PM
McKinsey has gone too far
Your one-pager denouncing McKinsey
about events in Australia (“Facebook quits amid political crisis” (Report, is timely, fair and accurate (“Is
Any changes to UK listing rules will require careful consideration restores news in Australia truce”, February 19) with interest, having McKinsey losing its mystique?”, Big
Report, February 24). Reporting news visited the country in 2019 as president Read, February 24). But this is
Rarely has a single investment trend means of channelling large volumes of costs money; but for years Google and of the Nato parliamentary assembly probably the umpteenth article on the
attracted such a widely disparate band ready growth capital into the economy. Facebook have plundered news (Nato PA) with members of the same subject. Can we please move on
of promoters. The mania for special In addition, at a time when many asset content without paying for it while at Georgia-Nato interparliamentary now?
purpose acquisition companies, which managers are sitting on large sums of the same time extracting ever greater council. McKinsey screwed up. It has agreed
transformed capital markets last cash earning ultra-low interest rates, profits from advertising markets they There is no doubt that Georgia faces it screwed up. It has paid a massive fine
year, has already swept up sports Spacs promise a higher return, theoret- dominate. huge problems on its difficult and at that has punished the partners
coaches, former US politicians and ically without much extra risk, at least News publishers and governments times painful movement towards monetarily. What else do we want?
ex-investment bankers. pre-deal. They also offer investors the have worked together to fight for fair democracy. It is a hard road, one we in I spent six years at McKinsey from
The latest crop of disciples features a benefit of speed — they do not have to treatment. In the UK, a new digital the west can underestimate, to throw 1992-98 and still have many friends
former magazine editor and the co- comply with all the rules that govern regulator is being set up; in Australia, off corruption, embrace a free press, there. It’s a great institution and its
owner of an ice hockey team. Even traditional flotations. Listing fees are parliament has been debating a law to independent judiciary, free elections people are among the best
Adam Neumann, the ousted chief exec- also low until a deal is found. force platforms to pay for content. and parliamentary oversight of defence professionals on this planet. I think the
utive of WeWork, could finally see his But there are significant risks that The platforms responded with and security forces. media schadenfreude is now crossing the
company listed on the public markets regulators in the UK should blackmail. Google threatened to The siren calls of Russia are loud and line.
thanks to a Spac. consider before jumping on the band- withdraw search in Australia; attractive for those who seek to enrich McKinsey does not even make the
Blank-cheque companies raise wagon. The sheer number of Spacs has Facebook cancelled news. A nation was themselves rather than build the new list of the 100 most penalised
money through a public listing with the raised concerns they now constitute an held to ransom — and it surrendered. law (Report, February 23). Why does Georgia. companies in the US. Numero uno is
promise of finding a lucrative invest- asset bubble. The boom might fizzle As long as the platforms persuade he feel obliged to offer to testify? This is Georgia is fortunate to have US Bank of America with $82bn in fines.
ment target. They raised close to $80bn out once interest rates start to rise. enough desperate news publishers to every citizen’s duty. congressman Gerald Connolly as a Rank 100 belongs to Siemens at
in the US last year and demand this A Financial Times analysis last sum- sign take-it-or-leave-it deals, there will Is it the arrogance of a young passionate new Nato PA president $829m.
year has accelerated; so far 161 Spacs mer showed that the majority of Spacs now be no fair, independent politician who, until the Covid-19 crisis, eager to find a way of overcoming the I don’t remember reading pages after
have launched in the US, raising arranged between 2015 and 2019 were arbitration. commanded both large domestic political impasse that Georgia faces. pages of hand-wringing at Reckitt
$47.2bn and eclipsing the $42bn raised trading below the $10 standard Spac In Facebook’s own words: “The support plus the admiration of Now is the time for all of the political Benckiser’s fine of $1.4bn for opioid
through initial public offerings. listing price. And while there is little [Australian] government has clarified international politicians and media, parties to seek a united way forward treatment sales or AT&T’s $1.5bn fine
So it is no surprise that in the UK, risk to the financial system if the we will retain the ability to decide if but who has recently lost lustre as a with the active support of Georgia’s for consumer-protection, environment
where regulators are reviewing listing bubble pops, the reality is that retail news appears on Facebook . . . to crisis manager? Or is it that the many friends. and other egregious offences. Unlike
rules to help shore up London’s post- investors who backed the less sensible support the publishers we choose.” In corruption investigation into alleged Madeleine Moon these companies where public
Brexit position as a global financial schemes will be the ones who get most other words, Facebook has won the bribery linked to Austria’s powerful Past President, Nato Parliamentary shareholders have paid the price for
centre, pressure is growing for it to badly burnt. battle. It decides what news is read on gambling lobby involving his closest Assembly, Bridgend, South Wales, UK the incompetence or corruption of
embrace the Spac revolution. The City The structures of Spacs also need to social media and how much, if ally and finance minister Gernot managers, McKinsey has penalised its
faces competition from Amsterdam, change. Most are skewed in favour of anything, it pays for it. Blümel is hitting home? Dispensing with juries own partners heavily by paying a
which has already picked up some of their sponsors. A recent academic Meanwhile, Google has signed a To then equate media attention penalty.
London’s share and derivatives trad- paper laid bare the embedded costs. global deal with one its most vociferous aroused by the corruption probe with would ease trials backlog As an investor, I detest predictions of
ing. Xavier Rolet, the former chief Some high-profile backers have prom- critics. News Corp, owner of The “reputational damage for the republic” We are deeply concerned about the any kind but let me stick my neck out
executive of the London Stock ised fairer deals for retail punters. One Times, has announced it has won means that the chancellor takes all of current crisis of the criminal justice on this one: the firm will continue to be
Exchange, is among those urging the fundamental selling point is also an “significant payments” and “the Austria hostage for the purported (so system (“Trial backlogs hit criminal loved by its clients, it will continue to
UK capital to open its doors to blank- intractable problem: Spacs exist in part sharing of ad revenue via Google’s ad far unproven, thus deemed innocent) barristers’ finances”, Report, be among the top recruiters on
cheque companies. to skirt the normal IPO disclosure technology services”. What does it give misdeeds of one of his friends. We February 5). university campuses globally and it will
UK listing rules mean a Spac may requirements that are themselves in return? Will it continue to fight for Austrians do not deserve such The current backlog of crown court continue to be a role model for its
have to suspend trading in its shares designed to protect investors’ interests. fair terms of business for all publishers, misbehaviour. trials, which now stands at 53,000 peers. This storm, too, will pass.
when a deal is announced, which has UK regulators should tread carefully or are two of the world’s most ruthless Kurt Bayer cases, is imperilling the delivery of Pulak Prasad
been widely seen as discouraging Spac before changing listing rules to allow a companies now locked in an unholy Vienna, Austria justice and will take many years to Managing Director, Nalanda Capital
listings. Spac investors who do not sup- rush of Spacs to London. A comprehen- alliance, giving rise to unfair clear. Something fundamental has to Singapore
port the takeover, and wish to sell their sive approach that considers financial competition unless its terms are made Blame Brexit for Northern change. Justice delayed is justice
shares, can have their money locked up rules in the round is needed to ensure public?
Ireland’s customs regime denied. An economist’s wry take
for some time. the City retains its appeal. Spacs may Politicians everywhere have watched Trial by jury is the major cause of
Fans of Spacs argue they serve a use- be today’s hot fashion but they are not events in Australia with increasing Differential treatment for Northern this backlog. In order to introduce on first lesson of politics
ful purpose. With public markets new and few are likely to prove alarm. Now they must ask themselves, Ireland to ensure no hard border with more flexibility we should follow Professor Joseph Joyce presents a
shrinking, the surge in listings offers a enduringly special. who makes the rules? Do the platforms the Irish Republic is the very essence of reforms successfully introduced in succinct description of how economists
decide what news the public can read the Brexit negotiations. That Boris most of Canada, Australia and New can differ over economic policies
in secret deals with the publishers they Johnson’s Northern Ireland Protocol is Zealand during the 1990s. There the (“Politicians have a fickle attitude to
favour? Or will governments and causing tensions should be no surprise. accused is given the right to choose economists”, Letters, February 23).
regulators act with genuine resolve, to Yet Professor Vernon Bogdanor their mode of trial, either by a jury that Thomas Sowell, the American
ensure fair and transparent treatment (Letters, February 18) seems surprised decides their fate without giving economist, social theorist and senior

SNP feud risks its hopes for all?

Lord Rothermere
Chairman, Daily Mail and General Trust
that movement of goods across the
Irish Sea to Northern Ireland is now
subject to customs declarations.
reasons, or by judge-only who delivers
a reasoned judgment.
The record from these countries
fellow at Stanford University’s Hoover
Institution, offers an equally succinct
description of how economists and

for Scots’ independence London W8, UK

Kurz loses his lustre as

The protocol now has the status of
settled international law. It is true that
the Northern Ireland Assembly can
shows that especially in the more
complex cases, when given a choice,
defendants and their lawyers opt for a
politicians differ over economic
The first lesson of economics is
vote on it in 2024. But in what universe judge. scarcity, he says. “There is never
Rift between Salmond and Sturgeon casts harsh light on institutions Austria’s chancellor is it conceivable that the Irish David Corker enough of anything to satisfy all those
Austrian chancellor Sebastian Kurz’s nationalist bloc would vote to disapply Partner, Corker Binning who want it. The first lesson of politics
The extraordinary breakdown of rela- continued infighting will cast the SNP letter to prosecutors offering to it, thus effectively erecting a hard London WC2, UK is to disregard the first lesson of
tions between Scotland’s former first in a bad light. It might serve to refocus personally testify in a high-level border on the island of Ireland? Charles Kuhn economics.”
minister Alex Salmond and his succes- attention on the party’s patchy record corruption probe betrays a more than Richard Collins Partner, Clyde & Co Khalid Ikram
sor and one-time protégée Nicola Stur- on health and education, recently curious understanding of the rule of London W2, UK London EC3, UK Potomac, MD, US
geon has elements of Shakespearean obscured by perceptions that Sturgeon
drama. Salmond, acquitted on 13 has handled the pandemic well.
charges of sexual offences last March, That in itself might not undermine
has alleged he is the victim of a “mali-
cious and concerted attempt to damage
the independence cause in Holyrood
elections in May. Even if the SNP vote India turns to I first arrived in India in the mid-
1990s at the tail-end of its socialist-
But the vaccination drive looks set
to gain new momentum after
infrastructure for vaccine distribution
was a major bottleneck in a country

private sector
my reputation and remove me from splintered, Scotland’s proportional style “Licence Raj”. New Delhi was Narendra Modi’s government decided where 75 per cent of all outpatient
public life” by his former colleagues in system means it together with other relaxing control over the country’s yesterday to let private hospitals start healthcare, and 55 per cent of
the Scottish National party. His asser- pro-independence forces might economic life, but basic amenities — providing the jabs to those who can inpatient care is typically provided by
tions are unproven, and Sturgeon and
her associates vigorously reject them.
Yet the affair has potentially serious
nonetheless achieve a majority at
Holyrood. Sturgeon could still use that
to demand a second independence
to boost long the monopoly of the state
providers — were still in short supply.
Getting a phone line installed into
pay for them.
From next week, Indians over age
60, and those over 45 with health
the private sector.
Indians have also expressed anger
as New Delhi approved the export of
implications for the party, for its leader
and, in the near term, for its cherished
But the Salmond case is also casting a vaccine drive my New Delhi apartment — in an
upscale neighbourhood in the heart of
problems that raise risks of severe
Covid, can go to up to 20,000 private
33.5m locally-made vaccine doses to
nearly 30 countries, even as the pace
cause of Scottish independence. harsh light on Scottish institutions — the capital — took about four months hospitals or 10,000 government-run of domestic inoculation crawled.
Beyond Salmond’s assertions lies a on which the country would rely as an and an all-cash “facilitation” fee. If my vaccination centres. While the “There are many elderly people
second issue: the conduct of two inves- independent state. That should matter cooking gas cylinder was empty, government will give out jabs free, who have not stepped out of their
tigations — by an Irish QC and a Scot- to all Scots. The parliament probe has replacing it could take days. Airline those vaccinated privately in hospitals home for a year because of the fear
tish parliament committee — into so far done a dubious job of holding the capacity was far below demand, but will be charged, with New Delhi to fix they will get Covid,” says Sushila
whether Sturgeon breached Scotland’s Scottish government to account. Holy- my travel agent “knew people” at the the price in the coming days. Kataria, who oversees the Covid-19
ministerial code, and how the Scottish rood more broadly has appeared to be monopolistic state carrier, and could The decision follows urgent appeals treatment programme at Medanta
government acted on sexual miscon- dictated to this week by the Crown sometimes get a seat “released” if my from the Confederation of Indian Hospital. “The only bottleneck to
duct allegations against him. A written Office, making it look weak and raising work required travel on short notice. Industry, and other business faster vaccination should be
submission to the committee, in which
Salmond alleged Sturgeon had misled
questions over the separation of pow-
ers. The Lord Advocate, James Wolffe New Delhi I’ve been reminded of these years
while watching the first phase of
luminaries. They warned of the risk of
a disruptive new wave of cases unless
production of vaccines.”
India has recorded a precipitous
parliament and breached the code, was
published on the parliament’s website
QC, who leads the Crown Office and is
also a member of Sturgeon’s cabinet, Notebook India’s sluggish Covid-19 vaccine
rollout, which began in mid-January.
private players were allowed to help
accelerate the rollout.
drop in daily new confirmed cases
from nearly 100,000 a day in mid-
on Monday. The Crown Office, Scot- has faced questions over his role. So far, India’s chronically Unlike many developing countries, September to 11,000 per day in mid-
land’s prosecution service, intervened There can be no crowing over this by by Amy Kazmin overstretched and underfunded India does not lack vaccines. The February. Indicators point to
with “grave concerns” over the submis- Westminster, whose ample dysfunc- public health machinery has given just Serum Institute of India, the world’s economic normalisation, with
sion being published — saying it could tion was exposed in the aftermath of 12.3m jabs, or around 0.8 doses for largest vaccine-maker, has stockpiled manufacturing activity now back to
breach a court order intended to pro- the Brexit vote. But the independence every 100 residents. tens of millions of doses of its locally pre-pandemic levels.
tect the anonymity of complainers case rests in large part on the argument At the current pace of around manufactured version of the Oxford/ Yet as Indians abandon masks and
against Salmond — after which Holy- that Scots, and Scottish institutions, 400,000 jabs a day, India would need AstraZeneca jab — and can produce social distancing, cases have begun to
rood republished a redacted version. could run their own affairs better. four years to cover the first batch of 50m more doses a month. tick up, with the seven-day moving
Salmond pulled out of appearing Even pro-independence Scots should 300m Indians — health workers, Other large Indian pharma groups average of new cases rising more than
before the inquiry yesterday as a result. not allow their convictions to blind frontline workers and the elderly — have tie-ups with multinational 18 per cent in the last 10 days. Seeing
As yet, the affair has had little effect them to the SNP’s flaws after 13 years in targeted for vaccination by August. drugmakers to make their vaccines, this data, many fear that India could
on poll support for the SNP and for power. The current battle demon- Most states offer Covid-19 which are now undergoing trials to be poised for a new surge.
independence. Sturgeon denies she strates a need for the party to get its inoculations only a few days each assess their local efficacy. Bharat Modi’s decision to step up the pace
breached the code and says Salmond house in order and provide capable week. Overloaded state health Biotech, which has developed the of the vaccine drive with private help
must present proof. Yet the possibility government. Many independence par- workers have so much else to do, indigenous Covaxin, is expected to gives the country a fighting chance to
of her being found to have committed a ties elsewhere have become so preoc- including catching up on routine release efficacy data in two weeks. stay ahead of the pandemic curve.
breach, which could force her to resign, cupied with the struggle as to fall down childhood immunisations, which But Modi’s initial decision to rely
cannot for now be wholly excluded. on governing competence. The SNP came to a halt in last year’s lockdown. exclusively on government health
Even if that does not happen, should beware of repeating that error.
Thursday 25 February 2021 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES 17

Why optimism about the economy is so important Rich countries
should reassign
economic decisions, and the evidence is
that it has a long reach. For example, the
stimulus, and the EU is deploying a
€750bn recovery fund.
But the availability of money will not
alone determine post-pandemic spend-
make massive investments in zero-
carbon energy, transport and buildings;
funds to Africa
road network built by the Roman
empire explains much of Europe’s cur-
Perhaps it is also why some policy-
makers have been so positive in their
ing. The challenge is to make people feel
upbeat without being an overly optimis-
in agriculture and food sectors that
restore biodiversity and secures sup- to beat Covid
Coyle rent economic geography and patterns
of trade. Similarly, a history of populism
growth forecasts. Andy Haldane, chief
economist at the Bank of England has
tic Pollyanna.
Unfortunately, for all the emphasis on
plies of healthy food; in integrated
health systems and supply chains
in a country is a strong predictor of a said breakthroughs on vaccines could the role of expectations, economics does resilient to the next pandemic.
populist future. Given such patterns, offset “excess caution and excess not have great insights into how these Then there is the challenge of levelling Vera

what are the chances of changing cur- gloom”. Many companies and house- are formed, either in individuals or up. In the UK, the Roman road network
conomists think people’s rent trajectories? holds in developed economies have when choices are aggregated taking into covered most of England so the histori- Songwe
expectations are important The economist Paul Krugman argued account the influence people have on cal roots of the economic imbalance that
in shaping their decisions, some years ago that the balance each other. There is some interesting we see now between London and else-

from whether to invest in
expanding a business to buy-
between looking back to the glories of
the past and feeling optimistic about the
At a time of radical research into the role of narratives in
shaping people’s economic expecta-
where do not run quite so deep. But the
inequalities between parts of many ovid-19 is akin to an
ing a house or spending years studying future would determine how fast an uncertainty, which has the tions, but this is not reflected in most countries — southern and northern unwanted house guest
to gain a qualification. Keynes labelled
the role of expectations “animal spirits”.
economy could grow. Expectations
about the economy, whether rational or
stronger influence — the standard economic policy analysis.
Now is the time for this to change. In
Italy, say — are entrenched, worsened
by years of public service “austerity”.
whose departure is unpre-
dictable but whose cost
Mainstream economics has often animal, are self-fulfilling. past or the future? the UK, when the Victorians built so The scale of the task that govern- keeps rising and creating
assumed “rational expectations”, So which has the stronger influence, much of the infrastructure that is still ments in Europe and the US have set tension. Collective action is needed to
whereby people do not make systematic the past or the future? It is a critical piled up their aggregate savings these being used, they were feeling pretty themselves is vast. They will have to solve the problem. Coronavirus has
errors in foreseeing what will happen. question when the outlook is one of rad- past 12 months and have a lot of bot- optimistic. Look not only at their grand sound convinced if they are to convince exposed serious shortcomings in global
Whichever theory applies, what we ical uncertainty. Looking back to how tled-up intent to spend, goes this cheer- town halls but also at the vast Italianate anybody else. And they will need to con- public health systems, leading to rela-
think will happen to the economy in the things were before this pandemic will ful outlook. It is evidently true that sav- northern mills or the 150 years’ worth of vince private sector investors, and the tively high death rates.
future determines what we decide today lead to belt-tightening and gloom. Gov- ings have increased enormously for capacity Joseph Bazalgette built for Lon- public, that spending will be worthwhile Africa is no exception. It took 146
— and thus shapes the future. That is ernments need people to feel optimistic some people. The UK household savings don’s sewers. How did they do that? if recovery is to succeed. It is a challenge days for Africa to register its first 20,000
especially important in 2021 as much of so there will be something for them to be ratio shot up and remains elevated at As countries grapple with the pan- of narrative as well as action. deaths in January 2020, but it is now
the developed world prepares for a vac- optimistic about. That is why, for exam- nearly 17 per cent; the equivalent US fig- demic’s economic fallout and plot a path recording that same number of deaths
cinated reopening of their economies. ple, US Treasury secretary Janet Yellen ure is 14 per cent. Others have lost to recovery, we will all have to be per- The writer is a public policy professor at the every 15 days. Many economies are back
Yet history also plays its part in has urged G7 countries to go big on fiscal income or revenues and run up debts. suaded that it is exactly the right time to University of Cambridge into lockdowns, inflation has been ris-
ing — although the World Bank expects
it to ease in 2021 and 2022 — and civil
unrest is adding to the already combus-
tible mix.

Politicians are
The US has an opportunity to support
Africa’s efforts to tackle its problems in a
way that saves lives and delivers a
return on investment. It can help solve a
global public goods problem and actu-

failing the
ally do well by doing good.
The new US administration is work-
ing to bring the pandemic under control
and has proposed a $1.9tn stimulus
package to support the US economy.
President Joe Biden has addressed Afri-

tech challenge
can leaders and put an Africa expert at
the UN, in signs of stronger partnership.
But the continent now needs a similar
jab in the arm and boost to its economy.
In 2020, many African countries sus-
pended corporate tax payments and
provided social transfers to their citi-
zens amounting to a combined 2 per
legislators, raising questions about con- cent of gross domestic product. Some 35
britain trol of systemically important services. have received external support from the
In Britain, Uber lost a court case over IMF and 31 have participated in debt-
Robert the employment status of its drivers.
Shrimsley But the defeat masked the broader issue
of platforms creating a sharp rise in gig
employment, an issue that goes to work-
The US can support
ers rights, economic security and a new the continent in a way

he online game Minecraft
revenue challenge for governments. In
both cases the state prevailed but they
that saves lives and delivers
has two modes. Players can show that the fight is ferocious and on all a return on investment
either create their own dig- fronts of society. Complicating matters
ital landscapes or simply is that these services are wildly popular. ministerial focus has suddenly switched While colleagues are pushing Face- limits and crumple zones. While the suspension programmes, potentially
try to survive within some- The UK is raising its game. Its compe- from child abuse and disinformation to book on free speech, the home focus for now is on strengthening saving $9.2bn through to June 2021.
one else’s land. It is a choice which tition regulator will gain a new digital free speech. secretary, Priti Patel, is fighting a losing regulators, ministers do see a case for Africa’s buffers in 2021 are thinner
should resonate with policymakers as unit to tackle the tech giants, an online Shocked by both the social media ban battle against its plans for end-to-end new thinking. One idea gaining atten- than pre-pandemic. As the health crisis
they grapple with a rapidly altering dig- harms bill imposing a new duty of care on Donald Trump, and, in the UK, encryption on messaging which she tion in government is a plan mooted by a continues, the economic fallout brings
ital terrain too often designed by others. to users and there is a digital services tax YouTube’s brief removal of Rupert Mur- fears will frustrate law enforcement. Lords committee for an overarching mounting joblessness, rising hunger
One has only to imagine Covid-19 hap- aimed at huge multinationals such as doch’s TalkRadio, ministers plan to use Then there is the ownership of data, digital authority, comprising the exist- and the spectre of more unrest. An
pening 20 years ago to appreciate Google, Facebook and Amazon. the online harms bill to stop tech firms the gig economy, the shift to online ing regulators and other experts, to ambitious, differentiated response is
that, from cloud services to communi- But even while getting tougher, the acting as sole arbiter of what can be retail, new forms of transport, an ethical oversee all regulation but also to look for needed, and the G20’s debt suspension
cations, from retail to finance, the UK, rightly, does not want to be seen as a published. Platforms will be told to set framework for artificial intelligence and gaps and potential conflicts and identify initiative — which should be
digital realm is now the architecture of hostile environment for tech. Post- up a rapid appeal or redress mechanism so on. And this is to say nothing of the future trends. There is no imminent extended into 2022 — and the G20 com-
modern society. Brexit, it hopes to attract business by for content taken down, under rules challenges of mass communications to plan for this but one official notes “a mon debt framework are a good start.
In part, this merely magnifies existing differentiating itself from the EU regula- overseen by the regulator Ofcom. democratic stability. growing recognition of the need to look As it rallies Congress behind a stimulus
issues. Benedict Evans, the tech analyst, tory regime. Oliver Dowden, the culture A common thread is disruption from And what of sites of systemic social at regulation in the round”. package at home, the US administration
argues “when software becomes part of secretary, is looking to scale back parts iconoclastic supranational actors, importance, from search to the cloud The UK is starting to ask the right could do the same for the developing
society, all of society’s problems get of the EU’s data protection regime with- whose compass is set largely in the services which power most businesses. questions but policymakers everywhere world by supporting the creation of
expressed in software”. But innovation, out jeopardising a data-sharing deal. US. As one minister puts it “these are Do they need to be seen and regulated as must stop compartmentalising digital $500bn worth of new liquidity for the
while a force for good, is also reshaping Yet even this more muscular just early skirmishes with people who essential public utilities? issues and look at the wider picture. global economy through the IMF.
our lives. Businesses, communications, approach misses the scale of the societal think they are more important than Evans sees a parallel in the auto They must anticipate change and claim By issuing special drawing rights, the
cities, even political systems are being challenge. Britain, like many nations, is governments”. industry. The first laws set rules for a role in designing the architecture global economy approves the printing of
altered and destabilised in ways beyond still using a whack-a-mole approach of vehicles and manufacturers. But the which is altering their societies. money. This was last done in 2008/2009
the control of nations. discrete regulators tackling issues second phase was about policy for a In the real world the choices are not as during the financial crisis. It proved
Two recent events illustrate the point.
In Australia, Facebook purged all news
piecemeal. And tech firms are skilled at
playing off rival regulatory imperatives,
Many nations are still using society reshaped by almost every family
owning a car. If cars created the
binary as Minecraft’s. But when it comes
to the shaping the landscape of society,
effective, especially because those who
needed it most got the lion’s share based
content from its site rather than comply such as data protection versus antitrust a whack-a-mole approach suburbs, computers are changing cities. politicians are still spending too much on a quota system. With the pandemic,
with legislation requiring it to pay news
providers. Facebook ultimately
The speed with which issues shift can
of discrete regulators Governments are heading into that
second phase where the thinking must
time in survival mode. the needs are greater and all nations —
especially middle and frontier markets
compromised but its hubris shocked be seen in social media where the tackling issues piecemeal go beyond digital equivalents of speed — require more liquidity support.
Under the allocation formula, all of
Africa would receive $25bn of the
$500bn SDR, and the G7 countries
a total of $217bn, of which the US would

The west is too obsessed with its colonial guilt receive $87bn. But G7 and G20 countries
could voluntarily reallocate their SDRs
to an interest-bearing facility to support
low-income countries, such as the IMF’s
Poverty Reduction and Growth Trust.
But it stopped short of apologising for The west sees the world through its so often distorted by “liberators” look- sives, secularists and conservatives may This could be used for a market re-entry
Kamel France’s actions. guilt, as it once saw it through its desire ing to further their own interests? How not agree on most issues, but they are access vehicle that lowers sovereign
When the relationship between a for domination. Guilt may be harmless, should it interact with its former colo- united when it comes to denouncing borrowing costs and brings in the pri-
Daoud former colonial power and its colony is but it prevents understanding, which is nial power? Kill it? Do business with it? France. And it is this reality that the vate sector. In this way, the SDRs can
examined, the focus is almost exclu- needed for both parties to move Demand reparations? Love, or ignore it? Stora report is shaking up. work for good.
sively on repentance — whether the col- forward. Try and destabilise it, or rely on it for As soon as it was published, the text A voluntary SDR reallocation would

oniser has done enough to atone for its There is global interest in the case of economic development? was deliberately misunderstood. Many provide a path for high-income coun-
hen Benjamin Stora, a past and how far it has fallen short. France and Algeria because of the vio- Algeria is closed for business. Entry in Algeria accused Stora of refusing the tries to demonstrate global solidarity
respected French histo- From a moral or historical point of view, lent history of their relationship, the visas are rare and the nation’s image idea of an apology, although he said he while receiving a return on their invest-
rian of Algerian origin, this is legitimate because the coloniser geographic proximity of the two coun- remains frozen, like a museum to the “had no problem” with it. They also ment based on SDR interest rates — and
submitted his long- carries the burden of its often violent glory of a people who took up arms for ignored a recommendation that there US leadership is pivotal on this. But if
awaited report on “the occupation. But if we truly want to freedom. This narrative glosses power- should be another report written by an that were not motivation enough,
memory of French colonisation and the
war in Algeria” in January, reactions in
understand the bond of domination —
which distorts the idea of justice — this
Focusing exclusively on the fully over the present. The world knows
almost nothing of daily life in the coun-
Algerian counterpart, appointed by the
Algerian presidency — which has yet to
remember that if some countries con-
tinue to struggle with new mutations of
both countries were extreme. The pow- approach is shortsighted. sins of the former rulers try and above all, overlooks the way its issue a response. the virus, porous borders mean the
erful Algerian organisation Veterans of
the War of Liberation (ONM) dismissed
Focusing exclusively on the sins of the
coloniser fixes the colonised in a state of
fixes the colonised in a state colonial past is used domestically.
As an Algerian, it is amusing to be
The Stora report has allowed Algeria
to return to war with France over what
whole world will remain vulnerable.
Inaction risks setting back all the
it as a symbolic effort that covered up perpetual victimhood. But this remains of perpetual victimhood asked for an opinion about how France took place decades ago, once again development achievements of two dec-
colonial crimes, and said Stora “showed the approach of western academics, is coming to terms with its legacy of focusing on the eternal enemy and ades and slowing the transition to a
his limits”, while in France, groups intellectuals from former colonies now tries, the sizeable Algerian immigrant occupying my country — and how my mobilising crowds. But underneath, the green economy. We must not stand back
representing Harkis, Algerians who residing in the former colonising state, communities in France and recentji- countrymen and women should react to regime is panicking over what it has as the liquidity crisis morphs into a sol-
supported the French, accused the and of elites in the former colony, who hadist attacks on French soil, when ter- the lack of an apology for the past that always feared — that this chapter will vency crisis. Collectively, we can use
historian of avoiding difficult questions. exploit the colonial past to further their rorists used religion but also colonial- we are assumed to be waiting for. one day be closed and that it will have to SDRs to get the guest out of the room for
Commissioned by President own interests. era injustices suffered by their Algerian But for a regime that has built its legit- begin to acknowledge — and take good, without long-term scars. The G7
Emmanuel Macron, the report is an But being a “victim” prevents us from parents to justify their actions. imacy on a specific narrative of the war responsibility for — its past in order to and the G20 can deliver on this promise.
attempt by the French state to come to seeing how the memory of colonisation But we should not forget that the of independence that cannot be chal- build a powerful and happy nation.
terms with its 132-year, often brutal is manipulated by political and eco- issues of guilt and reconciliation also lenged — and which it is keeping alive at The writer is under-secretary general of the
occupation of Algeria and promote rec- nomic elites in former colonies, who lay concern the former colony. What should all costs — an apology would be disas- The writer is an Algerian author and UN and executive secretary of the UN
onciliation between the two countries. claim to the legacy of the revolution. Algeria do with its own history, which is trous. In Algeria, Islamists, progres- journalist Economic Commission for Africa
18 ★ FINANCIAL TIMES Thursday 25 February 2021

McKinsey: after the fall

McKinsey alumni are spread across the globe and hold senior roles in politics, business and academia. They
make up a significant portion of senior board positions in S&P 500 companies, including giants such as
Google and Facebook. The consultancy’s contract wins include public sector mandates in the UK.

Twitter: @FTLex McKinsey alumni well represented McKinsey leads non-domestic

S&P 500 companies by market value and status of ex-McKinsey employees consultants for UK
Former McKinsey staff:
government contracts
Board or C-suite 2018-20 UK government contract
HK stamp duty: Kong. Neither exact a levy. But HK is
hardly soaring above global norms; the
Other executive awards (£m) Credit markets/inflation:
hardly taxing UK charges 0.5 per cent. Also, Hong
reality resumes
Kong has no capital gains tax. There
Talk about going for the jugular. are plenty of reasons to avoid Hong Apple EY A crashing economy is bad news for
Hong Kong’s decision to raise stamp Kong stocks. This is not one of them. Microsoft Alphabet creditors. But one running too hot may
duty on share dealing takes a swipe at $1.4tn Deloitte not be great news either. Despite a deep
one of the few arteries where abundant KPMG recession in 2020, monetary and fiscal
cash continues to flow. US-China
tensions dented trade. The publishing
Snap: stimulus proved the perfect antidote
for most lenders, bondholders and debt
PA Consulting
of an authoritarian national security camera angles issuers. Falling yields and spreads meant
law, and subsequent arrests of pro- McKinsey fixed income securities soared. No
democracy activists, spooked business. Snap’s turnround is one for the ages. surprise that companies issued trillions
Amazon Facebook BCG
Tourism and retail, already stunted by Three years after TV star Kylie Jenner $0.7tn in bonds and loans across credit ratings.
protests, was kneecapped by the helped crush the social media group’s Bain But fixed income instruments do not
pandemic. stock by telling her followers she no cope well with the threat of inflation.
Hong Kong, like almost every longer used its platform Snapchat, 0 100 200 300 400 500 Ten-year US Treasuries now yield 1.4
FT graphic Sources: S&P Capital IQ; BoardEx; FT Research; Tussell
government on the planet, needs the young users have returned. On per cent. Low historically, though still
cash. It is staring at a HK$257.6bn Tuesday, Snap predicted 50 per cent up from 0.9 per cent in just two
($33bn) deficit this year. Unlike most, sales growth for years to come. Shares The Japanese word amakudari, McKinsey’s 42,000-strong alumni cent of Harvard’s latest crop of months. The year-to-date return on the
it normally runs a tight ship: light hit a new high. meaning descent from heaven, group, spread across 123 countries. graduates opted for the profession. Bloomberg Barclays US bond index is
taxation on people and businesses is In the space of a year, Snap’s market applies neatly to the senior jobs that Evidence of this is seen around the In England, there is a public debate already minus 0.72 per cent after
mirrored by light welfare payments. capitalisation has jumped from $23bn to former McKinsey high-ups often globe, from Sundar Pichai, who heads over emergency awards of public surging 7.5 per cent last year.
Also unusually, it can tap the territory’s $106bn. By equity value, the lossmaking land. Kevin Sneader’s fall from the Google, to Greek prime minister contracts. All told, McKinsey has won More interesting is the effect upon
highly priced real estate market, both company is considered nearly twice as apex of the elite consultancy is more Kyriakos Mitsotakis. £218m worth of UK central equity valuations. A healthier US
via sales of its land bank and levies on valuable as rival platform Twitter. This abrupt: he has been voted out as Lex research shows former government contracts in the past economy should enhance corporate
property transactions. No surprise that despite the fact that Twitter is global managing partner after high- McKinseyites sit on boards or in three years, according to data group profits. But higher interest rates also
Hong Kong generally can balance its profitable, generating more revenues profile crises. C-suites of more than 70 S&P 500 Tussell. That gives it the highest threaten the value of future, uncertain
books. The last slide into the red was in from a smaller user base. McKinsey recently agreed a $574m companies, more than a quarter of the share among the global strategic profits. In the past five days, the Nasdaq
2004, in the wake of the Sars epidemic. Snap’s valuation is a bet on the future settlement with US states for advising index’s market capitalisation of over consultancies. Franchises such as index has fallen more than 2 per cent
The proposed increase, outlined in of social media as a place for visual pharmaceutical groups on opioids $30tn. Encompass all executive roles McKinsey are incredibly robust. The as peak valuations are re-evaluated.
yesterday’s budget, will lift stamp duty advertising and ecommerce — weak strategy. It meanwhile closed an and you get close to half the market risk that scandals will reduce Wall Street, presciently, took full
on share sales from 0.1 per cent to spots for Twitter. Snap deserves credit investment bank research team amid and 128 companies. That is a big sphere recommendations from alumni will advantage of easy conditions until the
0.13 per cent of the transaction value. for constant product innovation, as controversy over data provenance. of influence. fall with time. end. In January $52bn of junk bonds
This should raise HK$12bn. That highlighted by chief executive Evan These events have tarnished The philosophy is simple: hire the A bigger danger is that the firm is was issued in the US, the third-highest
would cover, say, the $9.5bn payment Spiegel at Tuesday’s investor day. McKinsey’s shine. Partners will hope best, train them well and former seen as representing an old elite monthly volume ever recorded.
into the Innovation and Technology Snap cycles through a lot of ideas. removing Sneader will allow the employees will go on to big things. order, not least by potential recruits. Average junk bond yields had cratered
Fund — the government’s faltering bid Some, like the augmented reality consultancy to repair its brand Consulting has long proved a magnet Sneader’s removal is a chance for to about 4 per cent with even highly
to stimulate a homegrown Silicon Spectacles released in 2016, are duds. mystique. An important asset here is for bright young people. About 22 per McKinsey to neutralise that threat. indebted issuers such as cruise
Valley — and sprucing up country Others show more promise. Maps that operator, Carnival, able to tap the
parks, football pitches and hiking let users see where friends are can be markets at coupons below 6 per cent.
trails, with change left over. used to expand local business listings, Most ominously, perhaps, leveraged
The government’s gamble is that a while Minis are third-party apps inside Facebook has been trying to replicate this week chose June 21 as the target tier one equity, therefore, rose to loan issuance used to pay for dividends
rise in fees will raise money without Snapchat. On Chinese messaging app WeChat’s varied revenue streams for date for restrictions to end, drawing 16.2 per cent of risk-weighted assets. to private equity partners had swollen
taking any steam out of the gung-ho WeChat, part of Tencent, mini program years. Snap might just get there first. presumably on complex spreadsheets Allow for software and accounting to $7bn through early February,
stock market. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng transactions for food delivery, rather than back-of-an-envelope charges and that is still some way according to S&P LCD, the second-
index is up by more than a third from shopping and more reached $250bn calculations like ours. above the minimum target, equivalent highest total recorded since 2010.
the March lows; the monopolistic
Hong Kong stock exchange garnered
last year.
Executives at Snap’s investor day did
Lloyds/coronavirus: Lloyds, whose emblem is a black
horse, is cantering out of trouble at
to about 3.5p a share.
No one suggests Lloyds will pay the
The consequences of quickly rising
rates are tricky to predict given years
HK$3.4bn in fees on equity trading last not name Tencent — which has a stake on the mend pace. Loan loss provisions of £4.2bn lot back to shareholders as soon as the of low borrowing costs. Absolute rates
year. Cash equities (and any related in the company — but the mega-tech pushed full-year pre-tax profits down payout cap comes off. But there is will stay low by historical measures but,
data) made up about 30 per cent of conglomerate’s influence is everywhere. Advertising claims a central position 70 per cent to £1.2bn. But fourth- plainly plenty of firepower for returns as the taper tantrum of 2013 showed,
2020 ebitda. If Snap users used Minis for similar- for Lloyds Bank in the financial life of quarter impairments of £128m were and for investment. Lloyds’s net capital markets can overreact to sudden
Thus, it is a calculated risk. HKEX sized transactions, it would be the UK. Other banking services are light. Feeding the improved outlook for interest margin is a stout 2.46 per cent. shifts in borrowing costs. Wall Street
shares tumbled yesterday and the reporting over $50bn in gross annual available. But this domestic retail and the UK into Lloyds’s economic model This suggests the pandemic has should recognise the bigger picture. An
broader market dropped 3 per cent. transactions. business lender is nevertheless a created latitude for £660m in suppressed price competition, as well easing pandemic, after hibernation,
But that is a knee-jerk reaction. Paying Even so, Snap has failed to take a particularly useful window on the impairment releases. as consumer spending. should lead to some rapid economic
an extra $30 on a $100,000 lot of significant share of the US digital nation. The UK now expects to recover Lloyds opted to hold on to a £400m Lex is a notorious bear on Europe’s growth initially. That is no bad thing.
shares is hardly a deterrent, even in a advertising market. Its $2.5bn in annual faster from the pandemic than most “management overlay”, as a buffer. We politicised banks. Lloyds’s stock still
market renowned for its retail sales looks modest next to Facebook’s business planners recently imagined. may surmise a writeback might looks cheap at a price to tangible book Lex on the web
participation. True, the rate compares $86bn. But it may have a better chance In December, Lex proposed otherwise have occurred. value of 0.5 times according to Eikon. For notes on today’s stories
unfavourably with Singapore and the of WeChat-style success in gaming, midsummer for a return to post- A payout cap meant Lloyds’s final But celebrations on June 21 depend on go to
US, the only market bigger than Hong ecommerce and third-party apps. pandemic normality. The government dividend was just 0.57p a share. Core everything going right.

No 16,719 Set by BASILISK
1 Killjoy is mean to exclude student (6)
4 Greek expert on the underworld put to
shame (8)
9 Someone who seeks to relinquish one
  extreme for another in tasting desire (6)
10 Mainly get Kindle when it’s hard to see
 clearly (8)
12 Guards cycling contest with revolutionary
new screen (8)
13 Season with continental football team . . . .
 15 . . . . succeeded immediately, producing this
   16 Miles pens article to secure ancestral home

19 State requiring spiritual and political
liberation? (10)
20 In an institution for people who need help
23 Pit worker’s last person who likes to be
 high (6)
25 Electronic issue containing nothing about
graphic history (8)
27 It’s always Sleepless in Seattle’s opening I
moan about (8)
 28 Kinky cross-dresser procures sex for
nymphette (6)
  29 Study leads to academics rebutting
arguments separately within 24-hour
period (8)
30 Without children present, you have a ball!
1 Native Americans rejected order by those
in favour of war (7)
2 Restrictions in reporting scuppered cuts
3 Referee chooses rounds to repeat again
5 British Island briefly joins American state
6 Steps taken quickly upset doctor, and
cause suffering and delay (8)
7 Special language discovered by thieves
originally (5)
8 Went on stage last, captivating theatre
after removing hat (7)
Solution 16,718 11 Return to old ways is concerning liberal
part of Church (7)
3 + 7 + ( : 6
14 Regularly adopt fashionable clothes all
3 ( / 2 6 , ( 8 3 + 2 5 , $
over the place (7)
( ( 7 : 2 / ( 17 From the outset Britons inhabiting
6 8 6 3 , & , 2 1 ) 2 5 . Australian region displaced her? (9)
9 1 < 6 5 18 He saves judge coming between heads of
- ( 5 % 2 $ * $ 0 ( 3 / $ 1 state meeting face to face (8)
5 8 7 6 ,
19 Food and drink containing energy (7)
& $ 1 ' / ( 6 + $ 1 ' / ( 6
' & / ( <
21 Promote side almost winning final in extra
% , & < & / ( 5 % $ 5 1 ( < time (7)
6 * $ , , 22 Make good theatre company start to
) 2 8 5 8 3 0 $ 1 6 + , 3 understudy parts (6)
% ( 5 6 2 2 ( 24 Violent attack supported by firm (5)
5 $ 1 & + ( 5 2 1 $ 6 6 $ 8 26 Five stopping to help up drama queen (4)
5 2 1 1 , ( 6

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