Social Studies L-18

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LESSON-18 Our Rights and Duties

Q1. What is a constitution?

Ans. A constitution is a set of rules according to which the government

governs the country.

Q2. What are Fundamental Rights? List them.

Ans. The Fundamental Rights are some basic rights which are given to
every Indian citizen for their well- being by the Indian Constitution. A citizen
can move to court if these rights are denied.

The six Fundamental Rights are as follows:

 Right to equality
 Right to freedom
 Right against exploitation
 Right to freedom of religion
 Cultural and educational rights
 Right to constitutional remedies.

Q3.Write any three Fundamental Duties mentioned in our


Ans. Three Fundamental Duties mentioned in our Constitution are as


 We must abide by the constitution.

 We must show respect to the national flag and the national anthem.
 We must take care of the environment.

Q4. What are Directive Principles? Write any two.

Ans. The Directive Principles are guidelines listed by the Constitution for
the government to ensure the welfare of the people to have proper living
conditions. Two Directive Principles mentioned in the Constitution are:

 People to have proper living conditions.

 Every child goes to school.
 Every person gets proper treatment when he/she is sick.

Think & Answer

Q5. Millions of small children in India work in shops, in factories, and

in homes. Is it allowed by the law? Do you think these children know
about their Fundamental Rights? Can we consider the people who
employ small children as good citizens?

 Ans. No, the law does not allow small children to work in shops,
factories or homes. The Indian Constitution prohibits employment of
children below 14 years of age. These working children do not know
about their Fundamental Rights. People who employ small children
are not good citizens.

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