SFTP Server Project: PHASE - 1: Creating Backup File For TFMS Data and Critical Events

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SFTP Server Project

PHASE -1: Creating Backup file for TFMS data and Critical Events.

 There will be a Table in TAS Database with name “TFMS”, which contains the
entire data of TFMS from the start. Backup of this table needs to be created on
daily basis automatically by TAS Vendor under name BACKUP_XXXX , where
XXXX represents plant code. This backup file will consist of only last 30 days
from the current date.
 Everyday this file needs to be created under same name as mentioned above and
the file should get replaced.
 Location of the file in LRC to be known and noted down by respective IOCL
Automation Officer.
 Possible extension of the file as per Database software being used at location are :
 There should be one more Table in TAS Database with name “Critical Events”,
which should contain a data for the list of 21 critical events, which have been
identified by HO.
 Every log/event of the equipment listed in 21 Critical events list, should be added
into the TAS database under table “Critical Events”.
 If the Table is not present in the database, then same needs to be created by the
respective TAS Vendor.
 Once the table is created and data is getting added into this table by the TAS
software, a backup of this table needs to be created on daily basis automatically
by TAS vendor under name BACKUP1_XXXX, where XXXX represents plant
code. This backup file will only consist of last 30 days from the current date.
 Everyday this file needs to be created under same name as mentioned above and
file should get replaced.
 Location of the file in LRC to be known and noted down by respective IOCL
Automation Officer.
 Both the files should be saved to same Location in LRC.
 Possible extension of the file as per Database software being used at location are :
 .DMP
 .BAK
 .CSV
 These files need to be created in both the servers. If one server fails then other
server will be used for retrieving the backup file which is getting created.
PHASE 2:- Copying the Backup Files to SFTP Server at HO.

 Once the files are created in both the LRCS, HO IS ( Mr Shubham Khabia,
Assistant Manager(Information Systems)) to be contacted for making necessary
modification in Firewall for allowing the connection from LRCS to SFTP server
 To allow HO IS to take Firewall in Remote, a LAN cable needs to be connected
from “GE MGMT” port of Firewall to IOCL switch.
 Once HO IS confirms the connection establishment, check the same by opening
the command prompt in LRC and enter the below command:
ping tasftp.indianoil.co.in –t
If the connection is established successfully then the above command will result
in below response

 Contact Sodipilli Naveen/Gaurav Kumar for creation of necessary folder in

SFTP server for copying the files.
 After the connection is established, use the below attached files for automating
the SFTP transfer.
 Copy the files to LRC in a folder D:\sftp\SQL. Create the folders if they are not
already created.



 Save the sftp_script with an extension .ftp and backup_sftp with an extension
 Download psftp application (32 bit or 64 bit as required for LRC) from the
below link and copy the same in above mentioned Location (D:\sftp\SQL).


 Modify the files as per the location requirement and add the files to Task
Scheduler in order for it to run on daily basis on a scheduled time.
 Sodipilli Naveen, Rajbandh Terminal can be contacted for any queries in the
modification of above scripts.

The following 21 points have been identified as Critical Alarms and events for
which back up data will be kept in HO data Centre for meeting OISD norms.

1. HIHI Alarms

2. HIHIHI Alarms

3. Process ESD
4. Power ESD

5. Local ESD

6. Compressor Low Pressure

7. Low Water Stock Level

8. RIM Seal Alarms

9. Hydro Carbon Detector Alarms

10. Process PLC Diagnostic events and alarms

11. Safety PLC Diagnostic Events and Alarms

12. Servers Diagnostic Events and Alarms (LRCS & TFMS Considered)

13. MCP and Smoke Detectors Events

14. DG Events

15. FE Events

16. Dyke Valve Events

17. UPS Alarms & Events

18. TLF Earth Relay Fault Alarms

19. Fire Hydrant Pressure Exceed Upper Limit

20. Fire Hydrant Pressure Exceed Lower Limit

21. Product or Jockey Pump Fail to Start Event

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