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[Q]1: Consider the following statements:

1. It is the second law of thermodynamics which provides criterion as to the probability of

various processes.
2. Heat and work are completely interchangeable forms of energy.
3. Work is high grade energy.
4. The complete conversion of low grade energy into high grade energy in a cycle is impossible.
Which of the above statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 2, 3 and 4
(d) all of the above

[Q]2: Select the Kelvin-Plank statement of the second law:

(a) An engine cannot produce heat from a low-temperature reservoir to a high temperature
reservoir without work.
(b) A refrigerator cannot transfer heat from a low-temperature reservoir to a high
temperature reservoir without work.
(c) An engine cannot produce work without discharging heat.
(d) An engine discharges heat if the work is less than the heat it receives.

[Q]3: According to the Clausius Statement of the second law:

1. Heat flows from cold surface to hot surface.
2. Heat flows from hot surface to cold surface.
3. Heat can flow from cold surface to hot surface with the the aid of external work.
Which of the above statements is are correct?
(a) 2 only
(b) 1 and 3
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 3 only

[Q]4: Perpetual motion machine of second kind violates the

(a) First law of thermodynamics
(b) Kelvin-plank statement
(c) Clausius statement
(d) Third law of thermodynamics
[Q]5: Which of the following represents Carnot cycle





[Q]6: In a carnot engine, when working substance gives heat to the sink
(a) Temperature of sink increases
(b) Temperature of sink remains same
(c) Temperature of source decreases
(d) Temperature of both the sink and source decrease

[Q]7: For a given temperature T1 , as the difference between T1 and T2 increases, the COP of
carnot heat pump
(a) Increases
(b) Decreases
(c) Does not change
(d) First decreases, then increases

[Q]8: An engine working on Carnot cycle reject 40% of absorbed heat from the source, while
the sink temperature is maintained at , then the source temperature is

[Q]9: Efficiency of a Carnot engine is 75%. If the cycle direction is reversed, COP of the
reversed Carnot cycle is
(a) 1.33
(b) 0.75
(c) 0.33
(d) 1.75

[Q]10: A refrigeration unit has a COP of 4 and extracts 10 kJ of heat from the cold reservoir. If
this machine works as a heat pump, how much heat will it deliver to the environment?
(a) 2kJ
(b) 2.5 kJ
(c) 12.5 kJ
(d) 25 kJ

[Q]11: Assigning the basic dimensions to mass, length, time and temperature respectively as
M, L, T and (Temperature),what are the dimensions of entropy?

[Q]12: Which one of the following statements applicable to a perfect gas will also be true for
an irreversible process? (Symbols have the usual meanings)
(a) dQ = du + pdV
(b) dQ = Tds
(c) Tds = du + pdV
(d) None of these

[Q]13: Consider the following Statements: When dry saturated steam is throttled from a
higher pressure to a lower pressure, the
1. Pressure decreases and the volume increases.
2. Temperature decreases and the steam becomes superheated.
3. Temperature and the dryness fraction increases.
4. Entropy increases without any change in enthalpy.
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1 and 4
(b) 1, 2 and 4
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 2 and 4

[Q]14: One kg of air is subjected to the following processes.

1. Air expands isothermally from 6 bar to 3 bar.
2. Air is compressed to half the volume at constant pressure.
3. Heat is supplied to air at constant volume till the pressure becomes three fold.
In which of the above processes, the Change in entropy will be positive
(a) 1 and 2
(b) 2 and 3
(c) 1 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 3

[Q]15: Which one of the following is correct on the basis of the second law of
(a) For any spontaneous process, the entropy of the universe increases.
(b) at constant temperature
(c) Efficiency of the Stirling cycle is more than that of a Carnot cycle
(d) Δ E = Q + W
(The symbols have their usual meaning)

[Q]16: The slope of constant pressure line on T-S diagrams given by




[Q]17: The slope of constant volume line on T-S diagram given by





[Q]18: One kg of water at room temperature is brought into contact with a high temperature
thermal reservoir. The entropy change of the universe is
(a) equal to entropy change of the reservoir
(b) equal to entropy change of water
(c) equal to zero
(d) always positive

[Q]19: High pressure steam is expanded adiabatically and reversible through a well insulated
turbine which produces some shaft work. If the enthalpy change and entropy change across
the turbine are represented by ΔH and ΔS respectively, for this process:
(a) ΔH 0 and Δ S 0
(b) ΔH and Δ S 0
(c) ΔH 0 AND Δ S 0
(d) ΔH 0 AND Δ S 0

[Q]20: A system undergo a state change from 1 to 2, according to second law of

thermodynamics for the process to be feasible, the entropy change ( S2  S1 ) of the system
(a) is positive or zero
(b) is negative or zero
(c) is zero
(d) can be positive, negative or zero

[Q] 21: A cycle of pressure-volume diagram is shown in the given figure

Same cycle on temperature-entropy diagram will be represented by





[Q]22: Match List-I (Process index ‘n’) with List-II (T-s traces) and select the correct answer
using the codes given below the lists:




[Q]23: A Carnot engine operates between and . If the engine produces 300 kJ of
work, what is the entropy change during heat addition?
(a) 0.5 kJ/K
(b) 1.0 kJ/K
(c) 1.5 kJ/K
(d) 2.0 kJ/K

[Q]24: Neglecting changes in kinetic and potential energies, the identify =

for the shaft work during a steady flow process is valid for
(a) constant volume process
(b) reversible isothermal process
(c) reversible adiabatic process
(d) reversible polytropic process

[Q]25: An ideal gas undergoes an isothermal expansion from state R to state S in a turbines
shown in the diagram given below:
The area of shaded region is 1000 N-m. The amount of turbine work done during the process is
(a) 14,000 N-m
(b) 12,000 N-m
(c) 11,000 N-m
(d) 10,000 N-m

[Q]26: For a real thermodynamic cycle, which one of the following is correct ?




[Q]27: Second law of thermodynamic Defines

(a) Heat
(b) Work
(c) Enthalpy
(d) Entropy

[Q]28: Consider the following statements:

1. Availability is the maximum theoretical work obtainable.
2. Clapeyron’s equation for dry saturated steam is given by

3. A gas can have any temperature at a given pressure unlike a vapour which has a fixed
temperature at a given pressure.
4. Joule Thomson coefficient is expressed as = ( s/ )n
Which of these statements are correct?
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1, 3 and 4
(c) 2 and 3
(d) 1, 2 and 4

[Q]29: The irreversibility is defined as the difference of the maximum useful work and actual
work: I = . How can this be alternatively expressed?
(a) I =
(b) I =
(c) I =
(d) I =

[Q]30: Which of the following processes are irreversible?

1. Heat transfer through a finite temperature difference
2. Free expansion
3. Transfer of electricity through a resistor
(a) 1, 2 and 3
(b) 1 and 2 only
(c) 2 and 3 only
(d) 1 and 3 only


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