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“Jnana Sangama”, Belagavi 590 018

Technical Seminar report on


Submitted in partial fulfilment for the award of degree of



Under the Guidance of
Assistant Professor

Department of Mechanical Engineering

AMC Engineering College, Bengaluru - 560 083.

Department of Mechanical Engineering

18 K.M. Bannerghatta main road, Bengaluru – 560 083 2019 – 2020


Certified that the Technical Seminar Report entitled “SOLID WASTE

MANAGEMENT” presented by Mr. YESHWANTH K L bearing USN
1AM16ME190. Bonafied Student of Mechanical Engineering in AMC
Engineering College of the Visveswaraya Technological University,
Belagavi during the year 2020-2021. It is certified that all
corrections/suggestions indicated for Internal Assessment have been
incorporated. The report has been approved as it satisfies the partial
fulfillment of the course requirements for the award of degree of
Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering of Visveswaraya
Technological University, Belagavi

Signature Signatur Signature

Guide HO Principal


. I, YESHWANTH K L, student of 8 semester B.E., Mechanical Engineering in
AMC Engineering College, hereby declare that the Technical Seminar Report
entitled “SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT” has been presented by me at AMC
Engineering College, Bengaluru and submitted in partial fulfillment of the course
requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical
Engineering of Visveswaraya Technological University, Belagavi, during the
academic year 2020-2021. I also declare that ,to the best of my knowledge and
belief, the work reported here does not from part of any other dissertation on the
basis of which a degree or award was confirmed on an earlier occasion on this by
any other student

Place: Bengaluru 1AM16ME190

I thank the Almighty for his presence and guidance throughout every venture
of my life and for showering me with His blessings.
Words are short for expressing my deepest sense of gratitude and sincere
thanks to my guide Prof. Umashankar, AMC Engineering College, Bengaluru.
They have been my greatest source of inspiration right from instilling the very idea of
this research work into my mind. From the beginning till now they have provided me
valuable help, guidance, constant encouragement and support in all the stages of the
I take this opportunity to thank Dr. A G Nataraj, Principal and Head of the
Research Centre, AMC Engineering College, Bengaluru for providing valuable
suggestions and opportunity to undergo this research.
I am grateful to Dr. Anantha Keshava Murthy, Professor and Dean of
Academics, AMC Engineering College, Bengaluru, for his support and for
providing necessary facilities to carry out the research.
I am grateful to Dr. Girisha C, Professor and Head, Department of
Mechanical Engineering for his support and for providing necessary facilities to
carry out the research.
I am indebted to my friends, all the faculty and staff members of the department for
providing me with the relevant information and helped me in different capacities in
carrying out this Report.


Solid waste management is one among the basic essential

services provided by municipal authorities in the country to
keep urban centres clean. However, it is among the most
poorly rendered services in the basket. The systems applied
are unscientific, outdated and inefficient; population coverage
is low; and the poor are marginalized. Waste is littered all
over leading to insanitary living conditions. Municipal laws
governing the urban local bodies do not have adequate
provisions to deal effectively with the ever- growing problem
of solid waste management. With rapid urbanization, the
situation is becoming critical. The urban population has
grown fivefold in the last six decades with 285.35 million
people living in urban areas as per 2010 Census.

Sl. No Contents Pg No

1 Introduction  

2 Literature Review  

3 Nature Of Solid Waste  

4 Advantages or Benefits of waste management  

5 Limitations  

6 Methods Of Waste Management  

7 Composting  

8 Vermi Composting  

9 Anaerobic Digestion and Bio-methanation  

10 Incineration  

11 Drawbacks in present solid waste management  

12 No storage of water at source  

13 No system of primary collection at door step  

14 Irregular street sweeping  

15 Waste storage depots  

16 Transportation of waste  

17 Processing waste  

18 Disposal of waste  

19 Application  

20 Some Major Example  

21 Future scope  

22 References  

The improper disposal of municipal waste has a serious and
dangerous impact on a wide range of areas. Garbage thrown in the
street or in open spaces creates a public health hazard, while waste
dumped near rivers, lakes and streams contaminates the water
supply. Rubbish that is burned in the open rather than disposed of
properly creates pollution and releases toxic fumes into the
environment. Non- biodegradable materials thrown into open drains
make their way into the sewerage system, clogging pipelines and
damaging infrastructure. The hazards posed by the dumping of
untreated hospital and industrial waste are even greater, with the
release of pathogens and toxic compounds posing a grave threat not
just to human life but also to plants and animals. Garbage dumped in
the countryside is not simply an eyesore; entire landscapes are
ruined and unique habitats for flora and fauna are lost. All of these
problems are common in India, where vast quantities of solid waste
remain uncollected in the streets, along major roads, in empty plots
of land downhill slopes and in illegal dumps.

Various reports of NEERI (National Environmental Engineering

Research Institute), CPCB (Central Pollution Control Board), ISWA
(Indian Solid Waste Act), JNNURM (Jawaharlal Nehru National
Urban Renewal Mission), World Bank, NGOs (Non-Governmental
Organizations) to understand practice of waste management across
the world and within India, economics of the sector, its impact on
livelihoods, principles of zero waste management and decentralized
systems, role of formal and informal sectors, and linkages between
various institutions and stakeholders.
Per capita waste generation ranges between 0.2 kg and 0.6 kg per day in the
Indian cities amounting to about 1.15 lakh MT of waste per day and 42 million
MT annually. Also, as the city expands, average per capita waste generation
increases. Waste Generation per Capita in Indian cities the waste generation
rates in India are lower than the low-income countries in other parts of the
world and much lower compared to developed countries. However, lifestyle
changes, especially in the larger cities, are leading to the use of more
packaging material and per capita waste generation is increasing by about 1.3
per cent per year.
With the urban population growing at 2.7 per cent to 3.5 per cent per
annum, the yearly increase in the overall quantity of solid waste in the cities
will be more than 5 percent. The Energy and Resources Institute (TERI) has
estimated that waste generation will exceed 260 million tons per year by 2047
more than five times the present level. Cities with 100,000 plus population
contribute 72.5 per cent of the waste generated in the country as compared to
other 3955 urban centres that produce only 17.5 per cent of the total waste
and practices continue to be outdated and inefficient.
No serious efforts are made to adapt latest methods and technologies of
waste management, treatment and disposal. Though a large portion of the
municipal budget is allotted for solid waste management, most of it is spent on
the wages of sanitation workers whose productivity is very low. There are no
clear plans to enhance their efficiency or improve working conditions through
the provision of modern equipment and protective gear. Unionization of the
workers, politicization of labor unions and the consequent indiscipline among
the workforce are all results of bad working conditions and inept handling of
labor issues.

Nanotechnology (or) molecular technology deals with manipulation and control

of atoms and molecules for creation of useful products. The concept of
nanotechnology was developed by physicist Richard Feynman. But it was K.
Eric Drexler's 1986 book, Engines of Creation: The Coming Era of
Nanotechnology, which really put the idea of Nano robots. Nanorobotics is an
emerging technology creating machines or robots in the scale of a nanometre
(10 meters). More specifically, nanorobotics refers to the technology in which
the bot will be made of components that are in Nano scale, thus known as
Nano robot.
The techniques used for producing the objects in atomic and molecular level
are Dip Pen Lithography (DPN), Nano tweezers, Nanomanipulator, scanning
probe microscopy (SPM), Atomic force microscopy (AFM). This technology
has become a next big technology to almost all technology at present.
Because of the molecular level operation, it is used to produce our own DNA
artificially in genetic engineering. Due to its nano-sized structure it takes off the
knife from the doctor’s hand and doesn’t allow the doctor’s hand to touch the
patient’s body. Computer chips with protein based, molecular size circuits are
still a fantasy. Yet a transistor manufactured in atomic level. We get the Pc
equal to (or) smaller than our hand size. The research on nano powders and
nanomaterials are going in advance to produce the parts of human being .
Robots which are used in medical are gaining wide appreciation and use in
surgery because of advantages such as speed, precision, endurance and
access to operation. Medical robots are routinely used in cardiovascular
medicine for minimal invasive cardiovascular surgery such as coronary
grafting artery bypass and repair of mitral valve.


History of Nanorobotics The history of the nanorobotics as an integrated circuit

for medicine is highlighted as an advanced CMOS nanoelectronics device. The
practical experimental nanorobot invention comprises an engineered based
prototyping device with applied approach using manufacturing methodologies
with current and emerging technology trends. Nanorobots can provide enormous
impact for the development and implementation of advanced biomedical
instrumentation with remarkable improvement to common clinical practice. It
offers a cutting-edge technology for diagnosis, drug delivery, laparoscopic nano
surgery, and health care, with therapeutic applications for cancer, diabetes, brain
aneurysm, contagious diseases, and cardiology.


Blood vessels play an important role in supply a blood to all parts of the
body. Due to the fatty deposition on the walls of blood vessels blood will
not move freely to all parts of the body these leads to heart attacks and
damage the vital organs.
In general, the most common methods of surgery used for heart attacks

By-Pass surgery

Coronary bypass surgery redirects blood around a section of a blocked or
partially blocked artery in your heart. The procedure involves taking a
healthy blood vessel from your leg, arm or chest and connecting it below
and above the blocked arteries in your heart. With a new pathway, blood
flow to the heart muscle improves.
Coronary bypass surgery doesn't cure the heart disease that caused
the blockages, such as atherosclerosis or coronary artery disease.
However, it can ease symptoms, such as chest pain and shortness of
breath. For some people, this procedure can improve heart function and
reduce the risk of dying of heart disease

Angioplasty is a procedure used to open blocked coronary arteries caused
by coronary artery disease. It restores blood flow to the heart muscle
without open-heart surgery. Angioplasty can be done in an emergency
setting such as a heart attack. Or it can be done as elective surgery if your
healthcare provider strongly suspects you have heart disease. Angioplasty
is also called percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI).
For angioplasty, a long, thin tube (catheter) is put into a blood vessel and
guided to the blocked coronary artery. The catheter has a tiny balloon at its
tip. Once the catheter is in place, the balloon is inflated at the narrowed
area of the heart artery. This presses the plaque or blood clot against the
sides of the artery, making more room for blood flow .
Both of the above methods are risky and number of side effects. As a
result, patient becomes very weak.
But a surgery-using nanorobot is very simple one. Doctors do their
treatment even without touching the body.


Manufacturing approaches
Manufacturing nanomachines assembled from molecular components is a
very challenging task. Because of the level of difficulty, many engineers and
scientists continue working cooperatively across multidisciplinary
approaches to achieve breakthroughs in this new area of development.

3D printing
3D printing is the process by which a three-dimensional structure is built
through the various processes of additive manufacturing. Nanoscale 3D
printing involves many of the same process, incorporated at a much smaller
scale. To print a structure in the 5-400 µm scale, the precision of the 3D
printing machine needs to be improved greatly. A two-step process of 3D
printing, using a 3D printing and laser etched plates method was
incorporated as an improvement technique. To be more precise at a
nanoscale, the 3D printing process uses a laser etching machine, which
etches the details needed for the segments of nanorobots into each plate.
The plate is then transferred to the 3D printer, which fills the etched regions
with the desired nanoparticle. The 3D printing process is repeated until the
nanorobot is built from the bottom up. This 3D printing process has many
benefits. First, it increases the overall accuracy of the printing process.
Second, it has the potential to create functional segments of a nanorobot

Nanobots can be produced using organic materials such as proteins and
polynucleotides, or inorganic materials such as metals or diamond. In the
case of diamond, this stands out for its high strength and high performance.
Metals could have double purposes, for example silver. It can be the base of
a nanobot and to have an antibacterial effect. In some cases, they can act
as a virus causing irreversible cell damage. The surface properties of the
nanobots are a key factor to define the solubility and interactions with other
macromolecules or cell surfaces. Size or shape of a nanobot will affect
directly their motion, permeabilization and reactivity .

The above figure shows the structure of the nanorobots. It is constructed

with various nano components and Nano sensors like
• Molecular sorting rotors
• Propeller
• Fins/Swimming Tail
• Sensors
• Nano Bearings/Gears
• Payload
• Micro-Camera
• Electrode
• Laser
• Ultrasonic Signal Generator
• Nano Computers


A class of nano mechanical device capable of selectively binding (or
releasing) molecules from (or to) solution, and of transporting these bound
molecules against significant concentration gradients. It is made up of
carbon nanotubes. Simply a sheet of
carbon atom forms a carbon nanotube. A roll having only one sheet of
carbon atoms thickness is known as single walled carbon nanotubes
(SWNT). Thus, the electrical properties of SWNT’s can be used to
generate mechanical motion from electrical energy. One of the main
advantages of these SWNT’s are, operating at the molecular level.
Nanotube substitutes with nanogears with axle used for changing the
direction of movement.
A propeller is a device with a rotating hub and radiating blades that are
set at a pitch to form a helical spiral, that, when rotated, exerts linear
thrust upon a working fluid, such as water or air. Propellers are used to
pump fluid through a pipe or duct, or to create thrust to propel a boat
through water or an aircraft through air. The blades are specially shaped
so that their rotational motion through the fluid causes a pressure
difference between the two surfaces of the blade by Bernoulli's principle
which exerts force on the fluid.
The word propeller in ship is used to drive forward the
device against water. Like that in nanorobots it is used to drive forward
against the blood stream, Fins are fitted along with the propellers
which are used to propel the device.
Sensors are one of the most important parts in nanobots. Mechanical,
thermal, optical, magnetic, chemical and biological sensors have been
tested in nanobots applications. Any sensor that uses a nanoscale
phenomenon for its operation is classified as a Nano sensor .

Types of Sensors
1.Chemical sensors : To find the fatty deposit.
2.MicroWave generated sensing : To generate movement.
3.Chemotactic sensors : To find cancer cells.
4.Acoustic sensors : To guide the nanorobots

Nano bearings and nanogears:

Bearings and gears are manufactured by either ball and stick or space
filling representation or both. The bearing is made up of 206 carbon
atoms, silicon, oxygen and hydrogen. It contains a small shaft which
has 2.2nm diameter rotate in ring. The combination of ring and shaft
gives low resistance in shaft rotation. Molecular gear assembly is
4.4nm long, 4.3 nm in diameter and has molecular weight 51009.84 Da
and has 12 moving parts. The gear is made up of silicon shell with
sulphur atom termination.

It is a void section which holds the drug. Nanorobot when inside the
body releases the drug through payload on the site of action

It helps the controller to navigate the path of nanorobot in the circulatory
system. It helps in monitoring the working of nanorobots.
Electrodes could have the ability to make battery with ions present in the
biological fluid. This control may be protruding which can be used to kill
tumour by producing electric current and inflaming the surface control can be
obtain which can be used to kill tumour.
Laser embedded nanorobots are used in the case of destruction of plaques
in arteries and blood clots.
Ultra-sonic signal generator:
Ultrasonic sounds are often utilized with the help of nanorobots which would
irradicate kidney stones.
Swimming tail:
Function to provide mean of propulsion to travel inside the body against the
flow of blood.
Nano computers:
For the efficient activity nanorobots essentially requires onboard computers.
This is a helpful tool to control nanorobot for the physicians . For activity,
nanorobots are embedded with the swarm intelligence. Swarm intelligence is
a technique embedded for the artificial intelligence. The three types of
swarm intelligence are ant colony optimization (ACO), artificial bee colony
(ABC) and swarm optimization (PSO).


The nuclear power is carried onboard to supply required amount of energy
for the operation of the device. This would be relatively easy to shield given
the amount of fuel involved, and it has other advantages as well
. The same radioactive material could be used for power and tracking,
since the casing must be hotter than body temperature to produce power
and there would be no worries about running out of power, or insufficient
power to get the job done. At the micro scale, shielding and power
conversion are relatively easy, making this method extremely practical.


In bloodstream the nanorobots are administered through larger diameter

blood vessel. The artery should be such that it will be travel to get access
to most areas in minimum time.
The suitable choice for this is the femoral artery in the leg. The artery is the
easy access point to the systemic circulation and helps in the operation
that requires connection to bloodstreams

Introducing Nano robots from the Femoral Artery

6.Movement of nanorobots in the circulatory system
Active propellors embedded into the structure are used for movement inside
the body. Electric motors with shrouded blade structure are utilized to avoid
damage to the surrounding tissue during inevitable collisions .
In order to move the nanorobots in blood flow, following things are
very important
Speed of blood
Get through the heart without stuck
React with changes in blood flow rate
Able to change the direction according to the blood stream
To satisfy the above consideration we have to make the nanorobots
with electric motors turning propellers.

Navigation of nanorobots into blood vessels

Movement towards the site of plaque

To differentiate between the healthy and unwanted cells, long range and
short-range sensors are incorporated into a structure. The long-range
sensors give the site of plaque closely and hence these are used.
Radioactive fluid is incorporated into the bloodstream which follows the
same path as that of nanobot. This can be used to trace the exact location
of nanorobots inside the circulatory system. The path is tracked by
fluoroscope or any other radiosensitive imaging system is utilized. This
information is used to generate the 3D map of track followed by nanorobot .
At the target location, internal sensors are used to trace and monitor the
plaque. TV camera gives a more precise location. The change in temperature
is sensed by arterial thermometers associated with short-range sensors. The
maximum temperature variation limit is set into nanorobot. When temperature
more than the limiting range is sensed by sensors, the nanorobots start
working. The particular area will be destroyed by the rotating needle attached
to the nanobots.

Targeting the plaque

As the nanorobot senses the location of plaque activation of the rotating
needle and diamond chipped burr will take place. This will grind the plaque
into microparticles. Cutting procedure is continuously monitored by a camera
so as to observe that blade will not harm the neighbouring tissue. These
microparticles then travel through the circulation without producing harm.
Then these are excreted out of body.

Nanorobot removing the fatty deposit

Production of power is very important for every operation to most efficient one
in magnetic induction. Our body is full of magnetic field. Rotation of
nanorobots cuts this magnetic field, produce power based on faraday’s law

Recovery from the body
After the nanorobot is done with its activity, it is supposed to be removed
from the body. For this purpose, the nanorobot is guided to such blood
vessel which is easily accessible from outside. These can be removed by
performing small surgery.

In Emergency conditions
In some emergency condition where surgeon has to stop the nanobot
system, the magnetic switch is given. This magnetic switch serves as an on-
off system. When the magnet is slid over the nanobot for 1st time, the
system will be switched on i.e., nanorobots activates. This movement of the
magnet in one direction only switch on the system. If in the operation of
removing plaque one has to stop the working of nanorobot, shutting down of
the system is the only option by moving the magnet bar. This will terminate
all the running functions of this nanomachine.

7.Characteristics of Nanorobots
The size of nanorobot is approximately 2µm. Hence the nanorobots are free
to move in blood circulation. The nanorobot design includes integrated
nanoelectronics. Nanosensors can be useful for therapeutic treatments and
medical instrumentation. The nanorobot is not attacked by the white blood
cells as it is biocompatible with the system. The outer structure is made up of
diamondoid material which is covered with the glycocalyx surface.
Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor as nano-bioelectronics protocol
is used in the system. Chemo sensors incorporated in the system is required
for the modification of hSGLT3 protein gluco-sensing activity. The system
can indicate if a person needs any injection (insulin) or any other medication.
The image obtained from NCD shows inside view of blood capillaries, BBC’s
and nanobots. Nanorobots flows with the RBCs through the bloodstream and
detect the glucose levels
At a typical glucose concentration, the nanorobots try to keep the glucose
levels ranging approximately 130mg/dl as a target for the Blood Glucose
Levels (BGLs). A variation of 30mg/dl can be adopted as a displacement
range. If the significant change in glucose level is detected by nanorobots,
the collected information is transmitted to cell phones using RF signals.
Nanorobot transmit the signal and gives alarm when the patient’s blood
glucose level reaches the critical value. Nanobots enables a more effective
diabetes treatment and helping patients to achieve a healthier and more
comfortable lifestyle.


The main advantage of using nanorobots is the safety and reliability of the
procedure. Nanorobots will overcome the following problems associated with
conventional methods
1. Incisions on body takes long time to heal
2. Anaesthesia – allows the long-term unconsciousness in patient. Not
suitable for
short term therapy.
3. Success rate of critical surgeries is less.
4. A simple mistake in critical surgery leads to serious effects or may be
death of patient.

The advantages of using nanorobotic method:

1. No tissue injury or trauma
2. Less recovery time
3. Post operational care is less
4. Continuous throughout body monitoring
5. Quick response to the therapy
6. Saving monitored data and recognise the pattern.
7. Pattern helps to identify the onset of ailment.
8. Delivery of drug from payload


The major challenge in manufacturing of this is the size of nano-device and the
physics at the nano scale. As the size is reduced, the surrounding environment
and forces will affect the activity of nanorobot. These nanorobots behaves like
pseudo molecules as they are as small as molecules. The surrounding like fluid
effect, viscosity and some electrostatic forces would affect the activity. The
motion of nanorobots may get affected by the thermally triggered collision in
Brownian motion. The forces acting on nanorobots may lead to the deformation
of device. This changes the characteristics of a nanorobot. Also inserting the
artificial intelligence in such a small system is a difficult task. For this the
nanodevice should be enough rigid. The self-assembly of the parts overcome
this problem and make the system rigid. Another challenge associated with
manufacturing of nanorobots is power generation and power storage.


As per our aim we have proposed the usage in heart surgery. Due
to this, number of risks and side effects are reduced. The same
technique is used in various treatments like cancer, breaking kidney
stones, breaking liver stones, parasite removal only with slight
modification. Automated robots used in medicine delivery has
evolutionary characteristics such as mutation, crossover,
chromosome selection and combination of these automated robots
with genetic engineering takes over world to new revolution. Within
ten years several advancement technologies should be made by
researchers from this nanorobotics.


1)Sharayu Govardhane and Mansi Waghchaure. / International Journal of Research in

Pharmaceutical and Nano Sciences. 8(5), 2019, 209-229.
2)Nano Robots In Bio Medical Application R.B. Durairaj1, Shanker.J2, and Dr.M. Sivasankar
PhD (IIT G)3 , 1,2 MTech , Department of Mechanical Engineering , SRM University,
Chennai 3 Professor and Director , Centre for bio Medical Research , Arunai engineering
college , Tiruvannamalai.
3) Nano Robots for treatment of damaged blood vessels and heart holes Athira Sathyan1 and
S.G.Prashanth2 1UG Student, Department of ECE, MVJ College of Engineering, Bangalore,
India. Email: 2Assistant Professor, Department of ECE MVJ
College of Engineering, Bangalore, India. Email:
4) NANO-ROBOTS : THE HEART SURGEON Z. Raihana Anjum &A. Sajitha
E.C.E. – III Yr.M A M College of Engineering Siruganur, Trichy-621-105.
5)Replacement of Heart Bypass Surgery Using Nanorobots: A Review
1S. Lukeman Hakkim, 2A. Ranjitha Department of Electronics and Instrumentation, Sri
Ramakrishna Engineering College, Coimbatore, India.
6)Use of Robot Devices in Percutaneous Coronary Interventions & Nanobots which are
future Devices in Treatment of Heart Diseases Challagulla Kethanvee 1,2 , Liu Lin1,2*
1Department of Interventional Radiology, Jilin University, PR China 2China-Japan Union
Hospital of Jilin University, PR China.
7)Recent Trends in Nanotechnology Applications in Surgical Specialties and Orthopedic
Surgery N. Mariappan Department of Hand Surgery, Sri Ramachandra Medical College and
Research Institute, Sri Ramachandra University (deemed), Porur, Chennai, India.
8) Nanorobotics: A Step into New Medical Era K R N Aswini PG Scholar, Dept. of Electronics
and Communication Engineering S A Engineering College, Chenna


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