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I. Introduction:
To fulfill Jaja’s family’s dream, she studied law school that eventually stressed
her. With her journey in law school, she had opened her eyes and realize all the
responsibilities and real harsh events in the world but even with that Jaja still
managed to find joy and opportunity to share with other people.
II. Statement of the Problem:

She studied law school since it was her parent’s dream. She had been
concerning with the inconsistencies in the law system, numerous cases involving
murder and rape, which sometimes involve children, which gives her
disappointment and endless sadness for the lives of other people. With all these
human rights being violated and the stress in studying law school, she find outlets in
which it will lessen the burden in her heart and divert her attention on the brighter
side of life and the hope that every individual has goodness within them.

III. Cases of the Problem:

As for people not participating in volunteerism, it can be a reason in which they
feel they do not have any skill to offer their help to other people and they do not
believe in their selves.

IV. Alternative Solution:

Jaja was passionate in volunteer work. Through numerous events, she found
herself in love in teaching the youth and playing with them. It is not only her pastime
but it keeps her sane amidst all the pressure by studying law.

V. Recommendation/s:
In order for Jaja to fulfill her parent’s dream while pursuing what she wants she
needs to:
1. Remember to use your interest as a tool to find the right career path for
yourself. Just as Confucius said that if you choose a work that you love doing, you
would not have to work for a single day in your life.
2. You might see a huge door of opportunities opened for you but rather than
getting hold of the wrong one, make sure you follow your goals.
3. The world outside is rather competitive, and the survival of the fittest is the only
rule that exists here. So be your own critic and point out your own mistakes
because no one knows it better than you. Being the best in your field makes you
the gem that everybody would want in their ring. You choose your destiny, and
you shape it when you’re excellent. That’s when you learn that success is not all
about money, it is the independence that you feel when you are the best at what
you do, and you become your own master.s

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