Over View of Emotional Intelligence

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Over View of Emotional


S. M. Fawwad Hussain Ammar Ali Shaikh

Site Engineer Site Engineer
Our Values
Emotional Intelligence

Willingness to change is strength

Jack Welsh
Topics covered in Last Session
„ Working of human brain
„ Power & change of paradigms
„ Our conditioning
„ High & Low self esteem
„ Change of habits
„ Self awareness & management
„ Relationship management &
social awareness
„ Formula for success
„ Instinctive communication styles
„ Self talk
Human Brain
Neocortex Amygdala
„ The logical part „ The emotional part

„ Slower than Amygdala „ Fast in response

„ Evaluate the condition „ Can lead to ‘emotional

in a rational way hijacking’
„ Fight / Aggression

„ Flight / Escape
Power of Paradigms

Ways of getting conditioned

„ Conditioning of mind in certain way.

„ Same thing - different perceptions
„ We describe what we see
„ We think others are wrong
„ Repeated doings become habits
Emotional Intelligence Proactivity
„ Incitement (activate, influence)

Freedom to choose (Growth / Happiness)

„ Awareness

„ Imagination

„ Conscience values

„ Independent Will

Self Management, Awareness & Talk

„ Management of emotions by self talk

„ Thoughts Æ Words Æ Action Æ Personality

„ Self awareness necessary for self management

„ GIGO (Good In Good Out)

Amygdala Hijack


„ Fight or Flight decisions

„ No involvement of rational
brain, amygdala responds
directly to situation
„ Short time but lasting
„ Certain disturbing past
events play important role
„ Stress to ultimate level,
can’t absorb any more
„ Quality of relationships is affected
„ Negativity is created
„ Manipulation of facts
„ Before time decision making
„ Rational brain is rendered useless
„ Hacking can alter perceptions
„ GOD Æ Angel (Iblees) Æ Evil for ever

„ Consult
„ Communicate
„ Capture
„ Connect
Formula for Success
„ Heart (emotions) +
Head (thoughts)
„ 20 % I.Q
„ 80 % E.Q
Instinctive Communication Styles

Feelings manage us
„ Passive (lose / win)

„ Aggressive (win / lose)

We manage feelings
„ E.Q (win/ win)
Managing Emotions
„ Empathizing with others
„ Self assessment of own
„ Emotional needs
„ Acknowledging feelings
„ Managing your negative
„ Change of thought
Four Dimensions of EQ

„ Self Awareness
„ Self Management
„ Social Awareness
„ Relationship Management
Lesson Learnt

„ We manage our feelings, not they manage

„ Other people’s behaviors can affect our
„ EQ is necessary for success
„ Don’t let amygdala take control
When you are good to others, you are
best to yourself
Benjamin Franklin

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