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TEST-1 2021-22

Subject: English Core MM:30MM
Time: 1 hour

Q-1 As the principal of National Public School, Ramnagar, write

a notice in about 50 words informing the students that with
effect from 20 January 2021, the school shall start at 9 AM
instead of 8 AM. Give reasons for the change.
Your club is going to organize an inter-class singing
competition. Write a notice Inviting the names of the students
who want to participate in it. Give all necessary details. You
are Navita, secretary, music club, Akash Public school, Agra.

Q-2 Public taps are always leaking Due to which a lot of water
is wasted. Design a poster in not more than 50 words to
make people aware of the need of saving water.
As an educationist, you have noticed that the present ha
generation lost the habit of reading. Design a poster s
highlighting the importance of reading and the value of books.

Q-3 Write a speech in 125-120 Words on “Benefits of early

rising” to be delivered in the morning assembly of your school.
On the occasion of international Museum Day, prepare a speech
the role of museums in preserving history and heritage. Alson
mention how students can benefit from visiting museums.
Q-4 Answer the following in about 30 words ( any 7 )
1. What is the theme of the poem an “elementary
school classroom in a slum”? 2*7=14 MARKS
2. Which factors led Douglas to decide in favour of the A
Y.M.C. pool?
3. How does Charley describe Galesburg, Illinois, 1894?
4. What were Kamala Das ’fear as a child?
5. What surprises awaited Franz as he entered the classroom?
6. How is Sahib’s name full of irony?
7. Why did Charley run back from the third level?
8. What was the order put up on the bulletin board?
9. How does Douglas develop an aversion to water at the
age of three or four?

Q-5 “Practice makes a man perfect”. Douglas tried hard to

reach to the level of the perfection by press the mains.
Do you think that the third level was the medium of
escape for Charley?

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