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NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: ___________

1. is a collection of interrelated data and a set of different application programs use to access those data.

2. It is a unit of data – is a symbol or a set of symbols which is used to represent something.

3. This is the term generally used to describe what was done by the large computers in the late 1940’s until


4. This refers to an expansion of data processing where the raw data that fed into programs that update a

master file,

5. The computer system in the earliest business were used to process and manage business records and

produced information.

6. It is one of the characteristics of a database system that allows several users to access the database

concurrently and simultaneously.

7. One of the fundamental features of the database approach is that the database system does not only

contain the data but also the complete definition, structure and description of these data.

8. As the structure and describe data is described through metadata which is also stored in the database.

9. It is a mean of quality and the reliability of the data of a database system.

10. It is a group of actions which are done within a database to bring it from one consistent state to a new

consistent state.

11. It means that in a database management system all data is maintained as long as it is not deleted

explicitly in the database.



NAME: ____________________________________ DATE: ___________

1. It is an application programs should be as independent as possible from details and structure of data

representation and storage.

2. Database Management System utilizes a variety of sophisticated techniques to store and retrieve

data efficiently.

3. If data is always accessed through the Database Management System, the DBMS can enforce

integrity constraints on the data.

4. The professional operation of a database system requires fully trained staff.

5. Having a database management system means new costs are generated for the system itself but also

for additional hardware and the more complex handling of the system.

6. A database system is a multi-use software or also known as generic software which is often less

efficient than specialized software which is produced and optimized exactly for one problem.

7. The group of information stored in the database at a particular moment

8. It is a collection of different objects, called entities, and of relationships among these objects.

Two types of Database Schema:



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