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We have studied the different Ethical principles in our search for the

morality of human acts. These are the following:

1. Cultural Relativism
2. Divine Command Theory
3. Ethical Egoism
4. Utilitarianism
5. Deontology
6.  Social Contract Theory                                              
7. Virtue Ethics
8. Feminism

Your task:
Of all these principles, pick out which of them is:
1. most acceptable to you.
Cultural Relativism – it is the most acceptable principle for me because it teaches
people about the differences of different culture. It provides equality for all cultures,
such as judgements for one another would be based on their culture not on the own
conception of a people. This principle makes us open minded about different culture,
that what is right in other culture is wrong on ours. Thus, the morality of different
culture shall be respect because this principle tells us that we cannot say what is
acceptable or not in different cultures.
Divine Command Theory – this is because I believe in God, I believe that whatever
he commands is morally right, and whatever action that God forbids us is morally
wrong. This theory guide people to do what is right and avoid those actions that is
morally wrong. It is acceptable for me because I believe that the morality comes
from the religion, without this, morality would not exist because no one would guide
people actions.
2. impossible to happen
Utilitarianism – I think it is impossible to happen because happiness is not the basis of
morality. In this principle, it is just focus on the happiness of greatest number of people.
Where if it result in the greatest happiness of greatest number of people, it is morally
right but if it result unhappiness, then the act is morally wrong. For me, the basis of the
morality should be the act, because in utilitarianism, it doesn’t make sense that if it
result happiness then it is morally right. We know that even an act is bad, if it result
happiness then it is right. But this is impossible, because we have a law that guides us
that if we did a bad act which also results happiness, in the eye of the law it is wrong.
This principle is not applicable for us because this will result wrongful actions even it
results happiness.

3. most challenging to learn

Ethical Egoism – It is because it teaches people to act based on their own self-
interest only, it is the most challenging to learn because it made me think that if I act,
is it for the sake of other people or it is just for my pleasure? This principle tells us
that if we did something, it is just for our self-interest and nothing more. It is very
challenging because this is the morality of selfishness, that made me questioned my
self if I apply this principle in my life. Because there is a time that I am pursuing my
self-interest. Also, it is very hard to answer that if we are helping other people such
as giving alms, are we helping because we really want to help or are we helping
because of conscience and having a good public image? Due to this, I have a lot of
questions regarding this principle that’s why it the most challenging to learn for me.
4.  most credible
Kantian Ethics – It is because this theory promotes that we should treat people equally
and right. It teaches us to treat others as end and never as means. I believe in this
principle because it really good to apply in our daily lives. Lots of people nowadays
forget how to value each other and themselves to get what they wanted to achieve.
Because of this Kantian Ethics, it guides us that we should not use other people as well
as our own body to achieve something because we should respect them. Respecting
the worth and dignity of others as yourself is very important that why I believe in this
theory. Moreover, it is focuses on duty which I believe that we have a duty to do the
right thing and avoid doing the wrong actions.
Social Contract Theory – even it is based on historical fiction, I think that social contract
theory is credible because if we want a peaceful living and equality, we must have a
contract that set the rules that people shall follow. The morality is what people agreed
upon that will give benefits to both parties because the morality sets the rules or
conditions that people accept and follow. I believe that if there is no social contract
theory, we will be living in a state of nature that our world will be chaotic because
everyone does what they want to do to achieve something. But because of this contract,
people will be guided and those do such things against the contract shall be punished.
5. mind-boggling?

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