Structural Dominance Analysis and Theory Building in System Dynamics

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Systems Research and Behavioral Science

Syst. Res. 25, 505^519 (2008)

Published online in Wiley InterScience
( DOI:10.1002/sres.909

& Research Paper

Structural Dominance Analysis and

Theory Building in System Dynamics
Christian Erik Kampmann 1 and Rogelio Oliva 2*
Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Mays Business School, Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, USA

We provide a review of different approaches to linking model structure to observed

behaviour with a particular view towards using models for theory building. We argue that
theory building cannot be based upon pure simulation and model building alone: the
inference from system dynamics models invariably uses concepts and analogies from
simple feedback systems and models. Strengthening the analytical foundation for this
inference will therefore have a direct impact on the strength of system dynamics as a
theory-building tool. We identify four approaches to establish this link (traditional,
pathway participation, eigenvalue and eigenvector), assess the strengths and weaknesses
of each approach, and point to challenges and tasks ahead. We find that the eigenvalue
and eigenvector approaches carry significant potential but that a more solid theoretical
foundation of the method is required. However, since a ‘grand unified theory’ will never
be possible, all tools will be based on approximations and it is only in their practical use
that we can discover their real value. Copyright # 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Keywords system dynamics; linear model analysis; loop eigenvalue elasticity analysis;
structural dominance analysis

INTRODUCTION obviously of great importance to both prac-

titioners and theorists. For the former group, an
In recent years, there has been a growing interest understanding of the link between system
among system dynamics researchers in devel- structure and observed behaviour is the key to
oping methods for formal quantitative tools to finding leverage points for policy initiatives. For
help modellers understand the relationship the theorist, the system dynamics paradigm
between observed model behaviour and the builds on the notion that structure causes
elements of the model structure influencing this behaviour, that is, a system dynamics theory of
behaviour in large models. This process is a particular phenomenon is an account of how
certain feedback loops cause certain dynamic
patterns of behaviour to appear. This qualitative
* Correspondence to: Rogelio Oliva, Mays Business School, Texas understanding is often at least as important as the
A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-4217, USA.
E-mail: particular numerical predictions obtained, even

Submitted February 2008

Copyright # 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. Accepted March 2008

in applied studies. Yet the rigor of such an in ways not anticipated by the modeller in the
account depends directly on the rigor with which original dynamic hypothesis. Thus, there is a
the structure–behaviour link can be made in a danger that observed behaviour is falsely attrib-
given model. uted to certain feedback mechanisms when in fact
The purpose of this paper is to give an another set of feedbacks is driving the outcome.
overview of the different approaches taken to Clearly, a more rigorous theory for the link
the structure–behaviour problem, to outline the between feedback structure and behaviour in
apparent strengths and weaknesses of each general large-scale systems would be of great
approach with a view towards using system value. By way of introduction, the following
dynamics for theory building, and to point to section of the paper discusses what constitutes an
some main challenges and tasks ahead in order to ‘explanation’ of the link between structure and
make the methods useful for a wider audience of behaviour and the fundamental analytical limits
system dynamics practitioners and researchers. to this ideal, given that the systems are usually
Understanding model behaviour is closely nonlinear. It is important to recognize that these
related to the process of model testing and limits exist, that is, that we cannot hope to
validation, for which there is a well established completely ‘automate’ the model analysis. There-
tradition and an extensive literature in the field fore, the system dynamics modelling process will
(e.g. Forrester and Senge, 1980; Barlas, 1989). always involve critical inquiry and interaction
Indeed there is no sharp line between model with the model. The goal of analytical tools must
building, testing, validation and analysis – in be to support the modeller’s intuition and insight
system dynamics practice, these phases overlap with rigorous mathematical methods. We then
(Forrester and Senge, 1980). The present paper is proceed to discuss four main approaches used
focused exclusively on the tools used in linking in system dynamics to explain the link between
structure to behaviour, that is, how behaviour structure and behaviour, which we have termed
patterns may be attributed to feedback loops (or the traditional approach, the pathway participation
external driving forces) and how the relative approach, eigenvalue elasticity analysis, and eigen-
importance of different feedback loops may shift vector analysis, respectively. The paper is intended
over time (shifting ‘loop dominance’). to give an overview of the strategies adopted by
Traditionally, system dynamicists have relied various researchers. For a detailed description of
on trial-and-error simulation, changing para- how to perform and interpret the various
meter values or switching individual links and analyses we point the reader to the citations we
feedback loops on and off, to discover important provide in each section. In a subsequent section,
system elements. The tradition is well developed we provide a brief example of how a formal
and includes a set of principles for partial model analytical tool can reveal errors of feedback loop
formulation (Homer, 1983; Oliva, 2003). The inference. The paper concludes with a discussion
intuition guiding this effort relies on simple of the most important tasks ahead and speculates
feedback systems with one or a few state variables, on the prospects for more widespread use of
where the behaviour is fully understood. analytical tools in the future.
In large-scale models with perhaps hundreds of
state variables, however, the traditional approach
shows significant limitations. In practice, model CHARACTERIZING LINEAR
building and analysis is often done using a AND NONLINEAR SYSTEMS
‘nested’ partial model testing approach where
one goes from the level of small pieces of structure A system dynamics model can be represented
to entire subsystems of the model, with frequent mathematically as a set of ordinary differential
re-use of known formulations and partial models. equations
Although this approach does carry a long way, it
can be very difficult to discover feedback dxðtÞ
_ ¼ fðxðtÞ; uðtÞÞ;
 xðtÞ (1)
mechanisms that transcend model substructures dt

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506 Christian Erik Kampmann and Rogelio Oliva


where xðtÞ is a column vector of n state variables Although the term ‘behaviour’ may appear
(levels) ðx1 ðtÞ; . . . ; xn ðtÞÞ; uðtÞ is a column vector rather loose, experience and reflection tells us
of p exogenous variables or control variables that there is a limited number, perhaps a dozen or
ðu1 ðtÞ; . . . ; up ðtÞÞ; fðÞ is a corresponding vector so, of relevant behaviour patterns that dynamical
function, and t is simulated time. In this paper, systems can exhibit. Some of these behaviours,
we restrict our attention to the state variables like exponential growth, exponential adjustment,
(levels) of the model for notational convenience, and damped or expanding oscillations, are
ignoring the auxiliary variables. Mathematically, typical of linear systems. Others, like limit cycles,
a model can always be brought to the reduced quasi-periodic motion, mode-locking, and chaos,
form (1), but in practice, the auxiliary variables can only be exhibited by nonlinear systems.
give a more intuitive account of the analysis. In Common to the approaches considered in this
general, f is a nonlinear function of its arguments, paper is that they are based on tools from linear
and we speak of a nonlinear system. Conversely, if systems theory, that is they approximate the
f is a linear function, we speak of a linear system. nonlinear model (1) with a linearized version,
Given the model structure (1), knowledge of using as a first-order Taylor expansion around
the initial conditions xð0Þ, and the path of the some operating point xðt0 Þ ¼ x0 ; uðt0 Þ ¼ u0 ;
input variables uðtÞ, the behaviour of the model is that is
completely determined. It is in this sense that the
model structure (1) constitutes a ‘theory’ of the @f
_  fðx0 ; u0 Þ þ
xðtÞ ðxðtÞ  x0 Þ
time behaviour xðtÞ (Forrester, 1961; Sterman, @x
2000). But we are interested in methods that yield @f
a more compact explanation, short of having to þ ðuðtÞ  u0 Þ; (2)
simulate the entire model structure.
In its ultimate general form, however, this or, by redefinition of the variables
dream is beyond reach: Since the days of x ! x–x0f(x0,u0) (t–t0) and u ! u–u0,
19th century mathematician Henri Poincaré, we
have known that it is impossible to find general _  AxðtÞ þ BuðtÞ;
xðtÞ (3)
analytical solutions to nonlinear systems.
Furthermore, the development of nonlinear where A is an n  n matrix of partial derivatives
dynamics and chaos theory has proven that such @fi =@xj and B is an n  p matrix of partial
systems, even when they have very few state derivatives @fi =@uj ; taken at the operating point
variables, can produce highly complex and f(x0,y0).
intricate behaviour that would be impossible to For the linear system (3), there is a well-
anticipate, let alone analyse, directly from their developed and extensive theory of the system
structure (e.g. Richardson, 1988; Ott, 1993). Thus, behaviour as a function of its structure, expressed
in the absence of a ‘grand unified theory’ of in the matrices A and B. One may broadly
dynamical systems, we shall always have to rely distinguish two parts of the theory, named
on simulation to discover the dynamics implied classical control theory (e.g. Ogata, 1990) and
by the structure. modern linear systems theory (e.g. Chen, 1970;
What we can aim for is a set of tools that will Luenberger, 1979). We return to the classical
guide intuition and help identify dominant control theory in the next section.
structure in the model. By dominant structure Modern control theory or linear systems theory
we mean particular feedback loops, or possibly (LST) is concerned with the dynamical properties
external drivers, that are in some sense ‘import- of the system as a direct function of the system
ant’ in shaping the behaviour of interest. To the matrices A and B. A key element in this theory is
extent that we can both rigorously define and the notion of the system eigenvalues, that is the
identify such dominant structures, we choose to eigenvalues of the matrix A. If, for simplicity, we
say that we have found a ‘theory’ of the observed restrict ourselves to the endogenous dynamics of
behaviour. the system (set u ¼ 0), we can write the solution

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Structural Dominance Analysis in SD 507


to (3) as loop, and the behaviour then ‘disappears’, one

would say that the element in some sense ‘causes’
xi ðtÞ ¼ ci;1 expðl1 tÞ þ ci;2 expðl2 tÞ þ    the observed behaviour. This notion underlies
the traditional trial-and-error simulation
þ ci;n expðln tÞ; i ¼ 1; . . . ; n: (4)
approach. This approach can be refined by
where l1 ; . . . ; ln are the n eigenvalues of the instead considering marginal (infinitesimal)
matrix A and ci,j are constants that depend upon changes in structure, for example in the strength
the eigenvectors and the initial condition of the of a particular link. It is then possible to derive
system. In other words, the resulting behaviour is rigorous analytical results for the resulting
a weighted sum of distinct behaviour modes, change in behaviour expressed as the eigen-
expðltÞ. If an eigenvalue is real, the correspond- values of the linearized model. One would then
ing behaviour mode is exponential growth (if say that if a change in a system element has a
l > 0) or exponential adjustment (if l < 0). Com- relatively large effect upon the behaviour pattern
plex-valued eigenvalues come in complex con- of interest, this element is ‘significant’ in ‘caus-
jugate pairs l ¼ t  iv which give rise to ing’ the behaviour. This refinement is what
oscillations of frequency v that are either underlies the last two approaches we describe
expanding (if t > 0) or damped (if t < 0). In this below.
manner, the eigenvalues serve as a compact and
rigorous characterization of the behaviour (of
At any point in time, any system, linear or APPROACHES
nonlinear, may be approximated by the expres-
sion (4). Whether it remains a good approxi- The first set of methods, which we call the
mation depends upon how much and how traditional approach, has been used for decades
quickly the eigenvalues change due to the and is part of the standard curriculum in system
nonlinearities in the function f. If they are more dynamics teaching at the graduate level. It
or less constant for significant periods of time, involves using the concepts from classical control
we may speak of quasi-linear systems that are well theory (Ogata, 1990) to very simple systems with
approximated by the linear system. In some only a few state variables.
cases, however, the eigenvalues change so The starting point is the simple first- and
rapidly that it makes little sense to characterize second-order positive and negative feedback
the behaviour by Equation (4). (See Kampmann loops found in any introductory treatment of
and Oliva, 2006 for further discussion.) system dynamics. The advantage of the approach
The concept of dominant structure, on the other is its simplicity. Although it serves at a guide to
hand, is less clear. To even claim that certain intuition, however, the obvious shortcoming is
parts of the model are more important than that it applies rigorously only to simple systems.
others is perhaps to go too far. Richardson (1986) There have been some attempts to treat higher-
suggested a taxonomy of approaches to the order systems by adding a few feedback loops
notion of dominant structure, where he classified (Graham, 1977), but the step to large-scale
the approaches along three dimensions, model models is beyond this method given its inherent
reduction versus structure contribution, time limitations.
graphs versus frequency response versus eigen- In a way, Graham’s objective was the opposite
values, and linear versus nonlinear. The focus of what seems to be the ideal pursued by the
here will be on Richardson’s loop contribution or, other methods: he sought to derive a set of
more generally, structure contribution approaches. ‘principles’ based on simple feedback structures,
The structure contribution approach reflects the as an intuitive guide or metaphor for under-
intuitive idea that if one removes the structural standing behaviour. Thus, the goal is to create an
element under consideration, for example by intuitive understanding of the mathematical
weakening a link or switching off a feedback results of classical control theory rather than to

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508 Christian Erik Kampmann and Rogelio Oliva


develop a new formal theory that can explain metaphors to guide the analyst rather than as full
behaviour. analytical tools. Indeed, it is the authors’
Graham distils a number of principles that are impression that they are rarely used outside
based on the metaphor of a ‘disturbance’ the classroom.
travelling along the chain of causal links in a
feedback loop and getting amplified, damped,
and possibly delayed in the process. For major PATHWAY PARTICIPATION METRICS
negative feedback loops, which are known to
tend to produce oscillation, adding minor The pathway participation method (Mojtahedza-
negative loops and cross-links, or shortening deh, 1996; Mojtahedzadeh et al., 2004) represents
the delay times, increases the damping. Con- a further development of an original suggestion
versely, adding positive loops in to the oscillatory by Richardson (1984/1995) to provide a rigorous
system tends to lengthen the period of oscillation definition of loop polarity and loop dominance.
whereas the effect on the damping depends upon Richardson motivated this with the common
the delays in the positive loop. Using the confusion associated with positive feedback
metaphor of pushing a child on a swing, where loops, which may exhibit a wide range of
the timing of the push affects whether the swings behaviours (Graham, 1977), as Barry Richmond
are amplified or attenuated, it becomes clear that noted with his characteristic humour:
the timing of the propagation of a disturbance
‘‘Positive loops are . . . er, well, they give rise to
has as much importance for its effect on the
exponential growth . . . or collapse . . . but only
damping as its strength. For analyzing the
under certain conditions. . .Under other con-
behaviour of positive feedback loops, Graham
ditions they behave like negative feedback
suggested calculating the open-loop steady-state
loops . . .’’ (Richmond, 1980).
gain, a measure of the amplification around the
loop. A gain greater than unity will result in Richardson proposed that the polarity of a loop
exponential growth while gains less than 1 will be defined as the sign of the expression
give exponential adjustment (levelling off or
decay). @x_ i @fi ðx; uÞ
¼ ; (5)
In the context of oscillating systems, system @xi @xi
dynamics has also employed concepts from
classical control theory, in the form of the in the model (1), with a positive sign indicating a
frequency response methods. The frequency positive loop and vice versa. When several loops
response is determined from the transfer function operate simultaneously, the sign of the expres-
of the system, G(iv), which is a complex-valued sion indicates whether the positive or negative
function that specifies how an input signal u(t) loops dominate. Note, however, that the defi-
with frequency v results in an output signal x(t) nition only applies to minor loops (i.e. loops
that may be phase shifted (delayed), and either involving a single level). Put differently, it only
amplified or attenuated. For linear systems, G can considers the diagonal elements of the matrix A
be calculated directly from the system matrices in the linearized system (3). Richardson (1984/
in (3) – the transfer function (matrix) is GðivÞ ¼ 1995) demonstrates how even with this limita-
Bðiv I  AÞ1 , where I is the identity matrix (see, tion, analyzing the system with this metric can
e.g. Chen, 1970). (sometimes) yield insights into behaviour of
The approach nicely demonstrates the higher-order systems.
‘endogenous viewpoint’ that behaviour (oscil- The expression (5) hints that it is relevant to
lations) is generated internally by the system. As consider the curvature, that is the second time
an analytic tool for large-scale systems, however, derivative, x€, of a variable when looking for
the method does not seem to produce any dominant structure. Although he does not define
additional insights. Thus, we may conclude that it as such, this is effectively the focus of
the classical approaches serve mostly as intuitive Mojtahedzadeh’s pathway method. The sign of

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Structural Dominance Analysis in SD 509


the expression x€=x, _ which Mojtahedzadeh numerically demanding task), and the intuitive
denotes the total pathway participation metric or and direct connection it makes between the
PPM, indicates whether the behaviour appears observed behaviour and the influencing struc-
dominated by positive or negative loops, much in tural elements. Unlike the other approaches that
line with Richardson’s definition of dominant operate in the ‘frequency domain’, the method
polarity. A zero curvature indicates a shift in loop considers the time path of a specific variable
dominance. directly.
Mojtahedzadeh’s method proceeds by decom- There are, however, some important outstand-
posing the PPM into its constituent terms ing issues that remain to be clarified. First, the
separating the influence of each of the system’s method is not suitable for oscillatory systems.
state variables on the behaviour of xi. By The problem is easy to recognize when one
explicitly considering auxiliary variables y in considers how the PPM measure will vary over
the model, one may further decompose each the course of a sinusoidal outcome from a linear
term @fi =@xj into a sum of terms corresponding system: the sign of the PPM will shift twice
to a causal chain or pathway. Mojtahedzadeh during each cycle, indicating that the behaviour
then considers each possible pathway and is alternately dominated by positive and negative
defines the dominant pathway as the one with loops, even though the relative strength of the
the largest numerical value and the same sign system loops, and hence the loop dominance,
as PPMi. Having selected this dominant path- remain constant all the time. Richardson (1984/
way, which originates in the state variable xj, 1995) already alluded to this problem by noting
the procedure is repeated for that state variable that the measure only considers the diagonal
xj, and so forth, until one either reaches one of elements in the system matrix in (3). This is a
the already ‘visited’ state variables (in which significant limitation, given the prevalence and
case a loop has been found) or an exogenous importance of oscillation in system dynamics
variable (in which case an external driving analysis.
force has been found). Thus, the procedure A second limitation of the current implementa-
may result in three alternative forms of domi- tion of PPM is that it uses a depth-first search for
nant structure: a ‘pure’ minor or major feedback the single most influential pathway for a variable.
loop, a pathway from a feedback loop elsewhere This strategy does not capture the situation
in the system, or a pathway from an exogenous where more than one structure may contribute
variable. By dividing the observed model significantly to the model behaviour and,
behaviour into different phases according to through the depth-first algorithm, may miss
the sign of the first and second derivatives and alternative paths that could prove to yield a
then applying the method just described at larger total value of the metric. This problem
different points in during these phases, one could likely be addressed by modifying the
identifies how the dominant structure changes search algorithm and is most likely of minor
over time. importance.
The PPM method is still mostly used at an A third limitation is the emphasis on identify-
early explorative stage on rather simple models, ing a single ‘dominant’ structure. In reality, of
where it does appear to aid insight into the course, many loops and pathways influence a
dynamics (e.g. Oliva and Mojtahedzadeh, variable’s behaviour simultaneously. Reducing
2004). The method has been implemented in a the consideration to a single one of these may
software package, Digest (Mojtahedzadeh et al., miss important features of the structure–beha-
2004), yet its use by practitioners still seems viour relationships. It is more appropriate to
limited. consider the relative importance of alternative
From the studies performed so far, it is clear pathways, yet the method does not address how
that the main strength of this method is its one would partition the behaviour among path-
relative computational simplicity (it does not ways – only among individual links. Thus, while
require computing eigenvalues, which is a the notion of pathways seems an interesting and

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510 Christian Erik Kampmann and Rogelio Oliva


useful idea, ultimately it may be more effective to feedback loops containing that link. We have
use a list, ranked in order of magnitude, of the chosen to name this approach loop eigenvalue
pathways that influence a variable. elasticity analysis (LEEA).
Finally, the method shares a weakness with the Kampmann (1996) provided a rigorous defi-
traditional method in that it considers primarily nition of LEEA and also pointed to the fact that
partial system structures rather than global feedback loops are not independent. In other
system properties. In contrast, the two eigen- words, given the possibly very large number of
value methods to which we now turn are based loops in a given model (Kampmann demon-
on a rigorous characterization of the entire strated how the theoretical maximum number of
system (at a given point in time). loops grows combinatorically with the number
of variables), it only makes sense to speak of
individual contributions of a limited set of loops,
EIGENVALUE ELASTICITY ANALYSIS which Kampmann termed the independent loop set
(ILS). He proved that a fully connected system
The third method may be termed eigenvalue (where there is a feedback loop between any pair
elasticity analysis (or EEA for short) and builds of variables – the typical case in system dynamics
upon the tools from ‘modern’ linear systems models) with N links and n variables has a total of
theory (LST), applied to the linearized model (3). Nn þ 1 independent loops and provided a
The method is concerned with the structural procedure for constructing this set and calculat-
elements that significantly affect the system ing the loop elasticities.
eigenvalues or behaviour modes – the values li Kampmann’s analysis points to a fundamental
in (4). Specifically, it measures influence by the issue relating to the notion of feedback loops as a
elasticity of an eigenvalue l with respect to some way to explain behaviour: the significance
parameter g in the model, defined as assigned to a particular loop depends upon the
" ¼ ð@l=@gÞðg=lÞ, that is the fractional change context (the chosen ILS). In other words, feed-
in the eigenvalue relative to the fractional change back loops are derived and relative concepts
in the parameter. The advantage of this fractional rather than fundamental independent building
measure is that it is dimensionless, that is blocks of systems. Oliva (2004) further refined the
independent upon the choice of units, including definition of independent loop sets by introdu-
the time scale unit. Sometimes, the influence cing the shortest independent loop set (SILS) along
measure is used instead, defined as m ¼ ð@l=@gÞg, with a procedure for constructing the set.
which has dimension [1/time] and so depends Although a SILS is not generally unique,
upon the choice of is time unit, but it is generally experience seems to suggest that it is easier to
easier to interpret for complex-valued eigen- interpret (Oliva and Mojtahedzadeh, 2004). Yet,
values and avoids numerical problems with very the issue remains that feedback loops are relative
small or zero eigenvalues (see Kampmann, 1996; concepts.
Saleh et al., 2008). The EEA/LEEA method has been applied in a
The idea behind EEA was first introduced in number of contexts (e.g. Gonçalves et al., 2000;
system dynamics by Forrester (1982) in the Saleh and Davidsen, 2001a,b; Gonçalves, 2003;
context of economic stabilization policy. Though Abdel-Gawad et al., 2005; Güneralp, 2006;
the criteria for behaviour stabilization are not Kampmann and Oliva, 2006; Saleh et al., 2008),
new, the EEA method is unique in its attempt to but remains a tool employed only by specialists
use them to gain qualitative intuitive under- and in fundamental research, not least because it
standing of the system. A significant step in this has not been incorporated into standard software
direction was first suggested by Forrester (1983) packages. Its potential for widespread practice
with the notion that the elasticities of any link in remains unexplored.
the model (corresponding to elements of the One might be sceptical that a method derived
matrix A in the linearized system (3)), can be from linear systems theory may have any use for
interpreted as the sum of elasticities of all the nonlinear models found in system dynamics.

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Structural Dominance Analysis in SD 511


Kampmann and Oliva (2006) considered the influence of the entire feedback structure on all
question of what types of models the method behaviour modes.
would be particularly suited for. They defined An emerging challenge is the computational
three categories of models, based upon the intensity in calculating eigenvalues and elasti-
behaviour they are designed to exhibit: (1) linear cities. This is not so much an issue of computer
and quasi-linear models, (2) nonlinear single-transient time and memory space as of the stability of
models and (3) nonlinear periodic models. The first numerical methods. Kampmann and Oliva
category encompasses models of oscillations, (2006) found that the numerical method used
possibly combined with growth trends, with sometimes proved unstable, yielding meaning-
relatively stable equilibrium points (e.g. the less results. Clearly, there is a need to explore this
classical industrial dynamics models in Forrester, issue further, possibly building upon the devel-
1961). Nonlinearities may modify behaviour opments in control engineering.
(particularly responses to extreme shocks) but A more fundamental weakness is the difficulty
the instabilities and growth trends can be in interpreting the results: eigenvalues do not
analysed in terms of linear relationships. Kamp- directly relate to the observed behaviour of a
mann and Oliva concluded that LEEA showed particular variable. The concepts of eigenvalues
the most promise and potential for this class of and elasticities are rather abstract and unintuitive
models because the analytical foundations are (Ford, 1999). There is a need for tools and
solid and valid, and because the method has methods that can translate them into salient,
the ability to find high-elasticity loops even in intuitive and parsimonious measures. A possible
large models very quickly without much inter- route may be to use (linear) filtering in the
vention on the part of the analyst. In single frequency domain to define a behaviour of
transient behaviour pattern models (e.g. Forrester, interest. For example, an analyst may be
1969, 1971; Sterman, 1981), nonlinearities usually concerned with structures causing a typical
play an essential role in the dynamics, but it is business cycle (3- to 4-year oscillation) and, by
possible to divide the behaviour into distinct specifying a filter that ‘picks out’ that range of
phases where certain loops tend to dominate the fluctuation, could obtain measures for structures
behaviour. In this class of models, LEEA also that have elasticities in that range. Because filters
shows promise by measuring shifts in structural are linear mathematical operators, all the ana-
dominance by the change in elasticities; yet it lytical machinery of the LEEA method will also
requires more input from the analyst (e.g. in apply in this case – a significant advantage.
defining the different phases of the transition) Using filters will also solve an issue that
and it has no obvious advantage over other appears in large-scale models, namely the
methods, such as PPM. The third class, nonlinear presence of several identical or nearly identical
periodic models, are those that exhibit fluctuating behaviour modes. Saleh et al. (2008) do consider
behaviour in which nonlinearities play an the analytical problems associated with repeated
essential role, such as limit cycles, quasi-periodic eigenvalues, where it becomes necessary to use
behaviour, mode-locking and interactions among generalized eigenvectors, and where new beha-
cyclical modes, or chaos (see, e.g., Richardson, viour modes appear that involve power functions
1988). Here the utility of the method is much less of time. A filter essentially constitutes a weighted
clear and depends upon the specifics of the average of behaviour modes and in this fashion
model in question. avoids the ‘identity problem’ of non-distinct
Compared to the former two methods, the eigenvalues.
EEA/LEEA is mathematically more general and The most serious issue, in our view, is how the
rigorous, though many of the mathematical results are interpreted using the feedback loop
issues in the method remain to be addressed, concept. As mentioned, the concept is relative (to
as we summarize below. This rigor is also the a choice of an independent loop set). Moreover,
main strength of the method, since it provides an practice reveals that the number of loops to
unambiguous and complete measure of the consider is rather large and that the loops

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512 Christian Erik Kampmann and Rogelio Oliva


elasticities often do not have an easy or intuitive is a one-to-one correspondence between eigen-
explanation. A lot of care must be taken when values and loop gains, whereas the eigenvectors
interpreting the results. For instance, Kampmann arise from the remaining ‘degrees of freedom’ in
and Oliva (2006) found that ‘phantom loops’ – the system. The observed behaviour of the state
loops that cancel each other by logical necessity variables in the model is then the combined
and are essentially artefacts of the equation outcome of the behaviour modes (from the loop
formulations used in the model – could none- gains) and the weights for each mode (from the
theless have large elasticities and thus seriously eigenvectors) in the respective state variable.
distort the interpretation of the results. These A number of researchers have attempted to
kinds of problems may not be intractable, but develop EVA methods. Some emphasize the
their resolution will require careful mathematical curvature (second time derivative) of the beha-
analysis. viour, similar to the starting point of the PPM
Finally, a problem with EEA and LEEA is that method (Saleh and Davidsen, 2001a,b; Saleh,
they only consider changes to behaviour modes, 2002; Güneralp, 2006). The slope or rate of change
not the degree to which these modes are _ of a given variable x in the linearized system
expressed in a system variable of interest. This may be written by
issue is addressed by also considering the
eigenvectors of the system, which is the founda- _  t0 Þ ¼ w1 expðl1 ðt  t0 ÞÞ þ   
tion for the analysis in the next section.
þ wn expðln ðt  t0 ÞÞ; (6)
where the weights wi are related to the eigen-
vectors. Then, differentiating with respect to
EIGENVECTOR (EVA) AND DYNAMIC time, one finds that the curvature at time t0 is
ANALYSIS x€ðt0 Þ ¼ w1 l1 þ    þ wn ln : (7)
One may therefore interpret (7) as the sum of
The last set of methods, which are still in early contribution from individual behaviour modes.
development, we have termed the eigenvector- Güneralp (2006) suggested using the terms on
based approach (EVA). EVA attempts to improve the right-hand side of (7) as weights to combine
the EEA/LEEA method by considering how elasticities of individual behaviour modes ei with
much an eigenvalue or behaviour mode is respect to some system element (like a link gain
expressed in a particular system variable. The or a loop gain) into a weighted sum as a measure
logic of the method and how LEEA and EVA of the overall significance of that system element.
complement each other is presented in Figure 1. He further normalized the elasticity measure by
As shown by Kampmann (1996), in a sense there the sum of elasticity measures for other system
elements creating a measure that varies between
þ1 and 1. His results shed an alternative light
on the behaviour of these models, though in our
opinion, there is no dramatic improvement in
intuition. In particular, the mathematical mean-
ing, consistency and significance of the doubly
normalized measure needs to be clarified. It is
still too early to tell what the most useful
approach will be, but one may note that the
emphasis on the curvature shares the basic
weakness of the PPM approach in dealing with
Figure 1. Schematic view of eigenvalue and eigenvector Other researchers have looked directly at the
analysis approach dynamic decomposition weights (DDW), the wi’s in

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Structural Dominance Analysis in SD 513


(6 and 7). Thus, the focus is on the relative weight desired capital stock, leading to further orders
of the modes for a particular variable, from a from the capital-producing sector to itself.
policy criterion perspective, similar to Forrester’s Furthermore, the model includes a ‘hoarding’
original focus and the starting point for the EEA loop: capital orders are adjusted according to the
analysis (Gonçalves, 2006; Saleh et al., 2006, 2008). variable delivery delay for capital. If the current
Saleh et al. (2008) explore using the method for delivery delay is longer, the capital sector orders
stabilization policy in two simple business cycle more capital, which creates a positive feedback
models. They explore the policy design space by loop: as orders for capital go up, this bloats the
assessing the influence of model parameters on backlog, lengthening the delivery delay, leading
wi and identify leverage points by focusing on to still further increases in capital ordering (Loop
parameters that most affect the weights of the 15). If one were to follow the intuitive guidelines
behaviour modes for the variable of interest. suggested by Graham (1977), the presence of this
Their analysis highlights the fact that changes in feedback loop should exacerbate the cycle:
parameters affect both the eigenvalues them- increasing the amplitude and lengthening the
selves and their relative presence in the beha- period.
viour of a given system variable. Hence, while it Performing loop eigenvalue elasticity analysis
is still ‘early days’ as far as eigenvector-based (LEEA), however, reveals a more subtle expla-
methods are concerned, it is clear that tools for nation for the observed dynamics. Figures 4 and 5
policy analysis will need to consider both show, respectively, the behaviour of the three
eigenvectors and eigenvalues. eigenvalues of the linearized system and the
gains of selected loops from the SILS in Figure 2.
The strong nonlinear effects in the model are
evident in large changes in both the eigenvalues
AN EXAMPLE1 and the loop gains of the system. During the
initial few years of the upswing of the cycle
To illustrate briefly the significance of using (Phase I in Figures 3–5) and during the first few
formal analytical tools for theory building, we years of the downturn (Phase III), the behaviour
provide an example from a well-known model in is dominated by two large real positive eigen-
the field: the simple long wave model, as values of roughly the same magnitude (see
originally published by Sterman (1985). The Figure 4). During the later part of the upturn
model has only three state variables (capital, (Phase II), the two large real eigenvalues change
capital supply line and order backlog), yet it is into a complex conjugate pair, with a positive real
highly interconnected and its ILS contains 16 feed- part of roughly the same magnitude as before.
back loops (see Figure 2 for a stock and flow Finally, during the long decay of capital (Phase
diagram and the SILS used in this analysis). The IV), the dominant eigenvalue is the one corre-
model shows surprisingly intricate dynamics and sponding to the decay time of the capital stock
quickly settles into a limit cycle with a period of (labelled z3 in Figure 4).
approximately 50 years (Figure 3 shows the The self-ordering loop is indeed involved in
behaviour of few key variables). generating large fluctuations, but only during the
In the original paper, Sterman emphasized the relatively brief Phases I and III. At all other times,
role of capital self-ordering (Loop 16) in generat- the loop is shut off by nonlinearities in the
ing this economic long wave. Self-ordering system, as seen in Figure 5. During Phase II
occurs because orders for capital bloat the capital orders continue to grow, as mirrored in
backlog, raising desired production and thus the large real part of the complex eigenvalues,
but driven by other positive loops than self-
The example is in large part a reproduction of Kampmann’s original
analysis of the same model (Kampmann, 1996), but using the SILS
ordering. Phase IV constitutes a long decay of the
method to construct the independent loop set. The model, as well capital stock once it exceeds its desired capacity,
as the computations to identify the SILS and perform the LEEA, is
available for independent analysis and inspection at: http://iops.
where behaviour must be dominated by the negative loop controlling capital decay.

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514 Christian Erik Kampmann and Rogelio Oliva


Figure 2. Flow diagram and shortest independent loop set – long wave model

The analysis of the loop influence on the on the loops most influential in the mode of
relevant behaviour modes reveals further interest (the largest absolute value on the x-axis)
insights. Figure 6 shows, for a point in time while informing about the direction of the loops’
during each of the four phases of the cycle, a influence in the y-axis (a negative influence
scatter plot of the absolute value and real part of measure implies a stabilizing influence). The
the influence measures on the largest eigenvalue figure clearly reveals the significance of the self-
for a subset of the independent loops (loops with order loop (16) during Phases I and III, and
very small influence measures have been shows how it drops from view during the other
removed to simplify the figure). We find this two phases. Further, it reveals that during Phase
representation to be useful in focusing attention II, which lasts approximately 8 years, the growth

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of capital orders is mainly determined by three

positive loops: the ‘Capital Expansion’ loop (3)
arises because, when orders are limited by the
nonlinear function g(), the order rate is anchored
in depreciation d and, consequently, on the
capital stock itself; the ‘Economic Growth’ loop
(9) reflects the standard physical capital accumu-
lation in a growing economy; and the ‘Delivery
Delay’ loop (11) reflects the effect of the depletion
of the backlog, thus accelerating the delivery time
for capital orders and further increasing the
capital available to fill orders. During Phase IV,
Figure 3. Behaviour of selected variables – long wave the plot reveals that the Capital Decay loop (1)
model dominates the gradual fall in the capital stock.
In this manner, the analysis qualifies the role of
self-ordering in the model: though it is significant
for powering the swings of the cycle, it is
surrounded by other feedback mechanisms
and, one is tempted to say, paradoxically the
self-ordering loop is absent from the model most
of the time, a significant fact that was not
revealed in Sterman’s original analysis.
As mentioned in the description of the model
above, it contains a ‘hoarding’ loop that one might
expect will further exacerbate the cycle. However,
in his thorough analysis in the original paper,
Sterman (1985) showed that the hording mechan-
ism makes virtually no difference to the behaviour
of the system. A less careful analyst might easily
have made the false inference that the loop must be
Figure 4. Evolution of eigenvalues – long wave model
important but not thinking of testing the hypoth-
esis explicitly. In the LEEA, by contrast, the result
follows automatically, as evidenced in Figure 6,
where the loop never has a significant influence
measure. Furthermore, while Sterman simply
notes the fact that hoarding does not affect
behaviour in the model, the LEEA tool points to
an intuitive explanation: much of the time, it is shut
off by the nonlinearities that also deactivate the
self-ordering loop, as seen in Figure 5. And during
the brief periods when both loops are free to
operate, the power of self-ordering is so strong that
it overshadows any effect of the hoarding loop.
This brief example hopefully demonstrates
how the formal tools can both provide a more
rigorous analysis, catching errors of inference
and deepening the understanding of exactly
what parts of the structure lead to the observed
Figure 5. Selected feedback loop gains – long wave model behaviour.

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516 Christian Erik Kampmann and Rogelio Oliva


Figure 6. Loop influence on eigenvalue 2 – long wave model loop influence of a loop gain g on eigenvalue l is equal to

FUTURE DIRECTIONS understanding of the mathematical meaning of

the measures used, one is vulnerable to arbitrary
As mentioned above, we cannot hope for a ‘grand interpretations. All of the tools described in this
unified theory’ that will automatically provide article would benefit from further mathematical
modellers with ‘the’ dominant structure. Given understanding and development before one
the analytical intractability of nonlinear high- invests the effort of turning them into polished
order systems found in our field, the most we can software packages. Understanding how and why
hope for is a set of tools that will guide the the tools work the way they do is crucial. This
analysis and aid the development of the mod- will require further work in at least the following
eller’s intuition. areas:
This is not to say that formal methods should
not be pursued. On the contrary, we have the (1) fundamental questions, such as the signifi-
view that any analysis tool must be based upon a cance of the independent loop set and how
solid mathematical foundation. Without a clear loop elasticity measures depend upon this

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