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[–]FermatsLastAccount 25 points 9 hours ago*

When it occurred, I agree. It was understandably a massive deal. However, I have seen
Americans 20 years later shocked that other countries don't have some sort of 9/11 remembrance.

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[–]Tommyblockhead20 20 points 9 hours ago*

I mean there’s a bit of a difference between 9/11 remembrance and 9/11 being significant. 9/11
can be/is significant in ways other than memorializing the dead. There’s things like increased
airline restrictions around the world, and things like the varies wars that involve more than just
the US.

Edit: also there are a lot of people from other countries that died so I don’t think Americans
thinking those countries would want to mourn their own citizens is that weird.

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[–]hglman 2 points 9 hours ago

Never underestimate the lack of worldly perspective of the average American.

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[–]piekay 4 points 9 hours ago

I can explain that: I have heard from people that were afraid that my country would go to war,
which would have meant that everybody under 25 would get conscripted immediately.

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[–]sockalicious 2 points 8 hours ago*

I've always been shocked at how much people, worldwide, seem to care about 9/11. I was living
in Europe at the time, and the response of the police, military and everyone else was like nothing
I've ever experienced before

There was a reasonable chance of both a nuclear exchange and a world war. As it happened, only
two countries expressed approval for the attack and condemnation of the United States, and the
US declared war on both of them, Afghanistan after a couple weeks and Iraq a couple years later.
But can you imagine if Russia or China had declared 'measured support for the brave freedom
fighters of the oppressed territories resisting American imperialist oppression,' as China likely
would do if a similar attack occurred today? Xi hasn't yet called us running-dogs but I think it's
only a matter of time.

There was no question about the mood of the US citizenry. A world war or a nuclear exchange
would absolutely have been supported, had our leadership elected to go that route. And as
someone who didn't want to see either of those, I was personally quite relieved when Bush let
Hugh Shelton go - I was afraid he was going to kick it off all by himself.

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[–]Dawidko1200 9 points 8 hours ago

Don't be ridiculous. Russia at the time was just finishing up with its own radical Muslim terrorist
problem in Chechnya. It stood firmly with America in this matter, because it has suffered a
veritable plague of terror attacks in the 90s, and had no reason to condone such things anywhere
in the world.

Not to mention, the attack wasn't against America. It was against the Western world as a whole,
America being its leader. By this point Russia was very much not communist, integrated into the
worldwide economy, and not intending to combat anyone's imperialism in any way. Hell,
Russian citizens were among the victims, there's no possible reason for Russia to take a stance
against America in this matter.

China, while communist in its rhetoric, is inherently dependent on the capitalist market, it's anti-
religion, and again, has no possible reason to support a bunch of terrorists. Even if they are
against America.

There's a difference between opposing American policy and supporting America's enemies. A
massive difference. There was no nuclear threat in this matter, at least not between the major
nuclear powers.

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[–]-jsm- 17 points 8 hours ago*


9/11 is brought up in many, many other entries after “September 11, 2001” on the 2001
Wikipedia page.
I did a rough word count for you and it’s closer to 400.

No idea why I am being downvoted. Go check yourselves.

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[–]A_Polite_Noise 4 points 8 hours ago*

I think this is more generational. The world did care about it, at the time, and in the immediate
years after. Because of course it did, it's not ego to say it changed world politics, the rippling
effects of that.

But yeah, those of us who lived through it probably forget how two decades have created a
whole lot of people both in the US and abroad for whom it is purely historical and so isn't
relevant to their 2021 reality.

When 9/11 led to the Patriot Act and the invasions of Afghanistan & Iraq, and the escalation
between the US and it's allies conflicts, etc., it was pretty relevant to people worldwide and their
realities at the time, though.

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[–]annafirtree 12 points 9 hours ago

9/11 is why 2001 is higher than the ones around it, but that doesn't explain why there's such a
dramatic increase starting in 2018/9.

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[–]ghgh1212 105 points 10 hours ago

Thread MVP award goes to:

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[–]eagereyez 44 points 10 hours ago

Funny how something so simple is much more readable.

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[–]KnightOfSummer 23 points 10 hours ago

I wonder if they get shorter years later due to people cutting out stuff that isn't deemed relevant.

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[–]TheWizardCat_ 14 points 9 hours ago

That's probably it, the articles get written as the year goes by and over the course of the next 4 or
5 years it gets whittled down to what was actually significant

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[–]i_need_more_happy 7 points 8 hours ago

Next chart needs to be page word count over time from year of written to today

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