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Pece é nuéronmertt 4) ssignment = classmate oo ee —— beans oss An ecocyster is a _commerity af lining Onpanizns of Conjuctor, with +he non- Bain Components of their _enuironmert , interactin Yas a dysier)- These biotic and ghiokie components ave regarded then sles outs nukient cycle A as eed - (rs: 7 ah ecos 2g aue defined by the _retesorl. 4 | trtesoxetraes =e oxganiens and betmeern Orgarisyns — ee emutronmen? _, th Cag come ~n any ize but usually encompass Apecific, limite spaces althovgh some ocientists ey drat the entire planet 2 en ecasysier). e ve Deponorton Oe Dawn Ecosystelf Sa E bates certainly __ pup rts: mar tives. Moreover the. i so _ore aquatic Organisms rohich survive _in anisras + Gorthesmore , athe defence! __on Atproducton A 6 [oodles ft ret fool, oo ponent other fife activities. in der , such as lekes , boncls, rivers S. reams» wellends , Swamps , ete Whereas marine habiteds include oceans inderticlel zene, Aeefs , Aeabed a en» Lorthermore , Ihe aguahic ecosysiem is lithe habital for paler dependent apecies Like Animals, plerts A microbes - Z | diuin orgarvsrg in a articular enuérenment i cue certdginiy Affected § by Charactessties Avth es _nutvens cencenttations , teriperatere woates flows ame shelters . Furthermore , only those oxrgamiom can _uruive sohick arb _ J able to “jive in jhe oomditions of a parbieulop Aabitai A use pe gwailabie sebources - Priterachions _behseer) tiwag Orgorisms also Offeet _ -the pe of organisms thet. Can be fond 27 an Aaqatic ecosystem - therefore thé -mdecstending the __besie _Cormborrerrts (A te jpeleded "“snttractiens cum lead do : better Moma gener! eerie impoets on = these eysternd : Bee Stearic Ae ke ee The _aqatic _ ecosystem definstiers fpitates 4 <3 2 waters buseY enuirerrmerr! , herweed , rang interac? puth bodw hysica of | Organist chemical features of he onus vmyort: yao oo Rowore Organse a Nurevents LaTteR soscan o “ PauytopianK ten (pp) ¢———— Nu TR 2E Ts (02) O24 1045 (PP) Cy Powo Ween (PP) Rorx Peas (2) ieee > —"— Notezemts (02) streigepack re. moe ae INVERTEBRATES (5°) ea *___ resus (08) PP- Primary Productivi SP- See Produc wiry Pe - Predatory ot- eras ‘fu pers: BacterzA SEDIMENTS FIND (hROUNDIATERS CIASSMAtE Pa Types OF Fleonnse Lape 3 aquatic [Dy genetol hee are +0 +4, “ecerten ,Mamely ecosystems AX pesheater sy tem. oth Deine G Pier Sosy sie Lone fortes dividecl encles clifjeren4 equate ecasysier] « Aa B aoa awe rine bates Ecosystem a 2. Fresh Later Keasy ster) ae 4 arine Latex Leasystem his perticoley cccxysierg is the largest aqueric eLcey. fern covers oves O07. the Curtins ote) Aorface. This ecosysiera 22 _aeletvely more corxen Hated in sexms of set Wonedie lees i the bod Gqwotic Sagano: powell sade ee poates ", Ab they moy find '+ challengin fo aoruive iy radhscated a hese follorsing _calegories comprise fhe _mosiné ecory.steml « zi : : Siuoaye = Daas ‘Pncigic Cheon, Ailentia Deon . Gedinn. Cleon Tre 2 4. Indian. Chee Hic Ceeer) of -the “eesti ase dhe a pper Oceans on eerth . Wolably ,the Posific Otten 42 the lergeat A cleep hese fie, while Fitabsre EE a ae | on perms ize. Hho, the Lwthesy ! | Cream horbrsrs the largeot _populatren | #4 krill ameng them. I % = Gr 4ytles , Crustaceans »plenktens, Covals Abellfish blue hale sharls _,Aobe borms, 4teptiles, ete - e eae ni GY ts the meeting (posi Q Jee Of rire bIhich makes the wales wore ' saline ah —_‘ompored _to__frcshisales A mere _olipted then _| cempayec| to the marine ecosysiers. 34 stimulates pemony production A Aap "bland nutrient - — 4 Tal —mershes , Alves mowdy of costal bas y 3 e Covel Keefe Tene cove ford s0fered to as a the ‘Kain forest of Cheans as frag a a pole divewity of aqwehe f bra A favre “ia a © Coastal Ecosystem . ¢ T+ ts ome of the mojor aquakc ecesysiem PS 4 _qutte _elistinel “vis deud of 20h dveraity + Cocustal ecosystert 2 fobmec! xi the Union ef lancl of caaterr I Gr Algae, anails , shuimps , crabs; lobsteed I A Yishes 2. bE resh Tales Creonyslerng This _ecesysiem Covers less then 17 4 Coath's Arrfae A 2 hedlly clivided into — Welland's , lentie _S lotic ecosystem - a e disamps of Wetlands These__are avects iahuth dre Oflen covered un_pates of harbew a vorlery 4 flora A fours Wetland cue Known 40 be a home +o Later Willies marshes , Aeamps Vothen Pikes, dragem{ lies , Creen Hesens ek: e lente _ Ecosystems _ | : ; | Oy ncludes Atoocling _ poutes bodies Ike peels lakes omd «<1 home to _bolh floating dooted plants , algae a inveatebraies + Glamander 095 )wates pnakes A alligartors cue minor fone! in lente eeesyster?: @ Loke Ecos ysier7 These aqwahe ecosystems ore characteuse! by Aapic! ep puter mowing gn ene directiog a are hub +o veri inseets like Nes , moyflies 4 dHeneflties , among checs- Miso + Adbewrs Apecres Like fiver dol Phins; beavers) of'e, et! , minnow Hout * 2 Loneluseon Yosatic Geosysiem Come yn many Baws 7 . 0 3 = z pnapes 6 forms: 7 blooming" pote life, hers is fe imple that = fake ood Core f deel je» One _in terestin 9 a. rs faodt fore animes = ers Zoalru or polar bees = live behseen Cgeatte [4 feurestig! _ ecosysienss 1 demetimes 74 pe on the pear A. _pemetimes th One _ a ane ae ae _ | eae ee —_—— a et gaat ~paleai | yo ae |

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