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Project Report

(Submitted for the Degree of B.Com Honours in

Accounting & Finance under the University of Calcutta)
Title of the Project
Corporate Social Responsibility -- A Comparative Study
on Bharti Airtel Limited and Vodafone India
Submitted by
Name of the candidate: Aakash Shaw
Registration No.: 017-1121-0105-16
CU Roll No.:1017-61-0009
Name of the College: The Bhawanipur Education Society
Supervised by
Name of the College: The Bhawanipur Education Society
Month & Year of Submission:
February, 2019

Supervisor’s Certificate
This is to certify that Mr. AAKASH SHAW a student of
B.Com Honours in Accounting & Finance Applications in
Business of The Bhawanipur Education Society College
under the University of Calcutta has worked under my
supervision and guidance for his Project Work and
prepared a Project Report with the title Corporate Social
Responsibility -- A Comparitive study on Bharti Airtel
Limited and Vodafone India
The project report which he is submitting in his genuine
and original work to the best of my knowledge.

Place: Signature:

Date: Name:


Name of the College: The

Bhawanipur Education Society


Student’s Declaration
I hereby declare that the Project Work with the title
submitted by me for the partial fulfilment of the degree of
B.Com. Honours in Accounting and Finance under the
University of Calcutta is my original work and has not been
submitted earlier to any other University/Institution for the
fulfilment of the requirement for any course of study.
I also declare that no chapter of this manuscript in whole or in
part has been incorporated in this report from any earlier
work done by others or by me. However, extracts of any
literature which has been used for this report has been duly
acknowledged providing details of such literature in the
Date: Name: Aakash Shaw
Address: 52D JODHPUR

Registration No.: 017-1121-0105-16

I respect and thank Mr. Kushal Kanti Majumder and our
Principal for providing me an opportunity to do the
Commerce project and giving me all the support and
guidance which made me complete the project duly.
This project has helped me in doing a lot of research. I
would also like to thank my parents and friends who
have helped me with their valuable suggestions and
guidance, which has been very helpful in completion of
the project. All that I have done is only due to such
supervision and assistance for which I would not forget
to thank all of them.

Chapter Name of the Chapter Topic Page no.

1. Introduction 1.1 Background of the study 7-8

1.2 Need of the study 8
1.3 Literature Review 9
1.4 Objectives of the study 10
1.5 Research Methodology 11
1.6 Limitations of the study 12
1.7 Chapter Planning 13
2. Conceptual Framework/ 2.1 Provision of Companies Act 15-16
National Scenario 2017 On CSR
2.2Objective of Corporate Social 17
2.3National Scenario 18

3. Presentation of Data 3.1 Company Profile 20-22

Analysis and Findings 3.2 CSR Activities of Bharti Airtel
Limited and Vodafone India 22-25
3.3 Comparitive Study Of Bharti
Airtel Limited and Vodafone India 26-27

3.4 Data Analysis and Findings 27-30

4. Conclusion & 4.1 Conclusion 32

Recommendations 4.2 Recommendations 33

References / Bibliography 34

Chapter 1:- Introduction

1.1 Background of the study

The concept of social responsibility was traced back to the ancient times.
The first stage of the CSR development happened thousand years BC
where authorities introduced different rules and regulations where the
workers were severely punished for being careless and injured someone
during their work. During the industrial revolution the concept grew to a
whole new level and the significance of business in society started to
increase exponentially. By the 1920s the new stage began that social
responsibility was not seen as an ethic but became a whole new concept,
however the magnitude of the concept was undervalued.

The ideology of corporate social responsibility (CSR) has emerged as a

response to pressure from the business side of growing leftist sentiment
and the trade union movement in the last third of the XIX century.
Incurred if the institutions of civil society demanded from businesses
providing social guarantees to the workers and to ensure protection of
their labour and the decline of trade unions in the mid XX century for
business owners updated the task of preserving and maintaining the
loyalty of motivation of subordinates, which again forced them to turn to
CSR. It was then that the concept has become firmly established in the
theory and practice of corporate governance in the U.S.

However the effect of globalization cannot be under estimated as it played

a significant role in CSR, which forced companies to look for more creative
ways of positioning information in a crowded world. Thus, CSR was the
result of deep transformation of relations of private business and society
in a post-industrial economy.

1.2 Need of the study

 Better Public Image

 Conversion of Resistances Into Resources

 Long Term Business Interest

1.3 Literature Review

The author conducted a content analysis, which is a scientific and systematic method
for observing and analysing information (Budd et al. 1967).Although content analysis
is primarily a qualitative method of analysis, it has some advantages which allow a
quantitative element to be included using techniques such as frequency analysis.
Thus, content analysis can be considered superior to those purely qualitative
methodologies, such as literary interpretation, which are mainly based on authors’
perception (Cascio and Aguinis 2008).
It is particularly suited to the formulation of a literature review in the CSR area for
several reasons. To begin with, content analysis is a replicable methodology (Cascio
and Aguinis 2008). This helps to summarise the intrinsic value of information,
without the disadvantage of bias. Second, it assesses the effects of corporate context
(Kolbe and Burnett 1991), as CSR strategy and the consequences of CSR activities
have significantly different motivations (e.g. due to different institutional, industrial,
and organisational environmental effects).
Content analysis is highly flexible (Cascio and Aguinis 2008), which makes it more
efficient as CSR involves various fields (e.g. marketing, human resource management,
and stakeholder management) and these are not easy to categorise unless one uses
content analysis.
In addition, utilising content analysis, this CSR review overcomes weaknesses evident
in previous CSR literature reviews in the following way.
The author selected several key words concerning CSR in order to provide a
comprehensive literature review of CSR. Secondly, based on the empirical work of
content analysis, the author examined the underlying trend of the literature on CSR
development, something which has not been done in previous studies

1.4 Objectives of the study

The main objectives of Comparative study are as follows :-

 To make a review of CSR initiatives of two companies for the last

three years(2016, 2017, 2018).

 To make a comparative study on CSR with respect to Bharti

Airtel and Vodafone India for the last 3 years.

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1.5 Research Methodology
To make a comparative study on Bharti Airtel and Vodafone India I have used
the following methodology:-

 I have used secondary data while collecting data for the project mass
media was the main source which includes studying and collecting data
from esteemed newspapers like The Business Standards, Economic Times
and Internet.

 The sample of CSR policies adopted by both Bharti Airtel Limited and
Vodafone India has been thoroughly studied and requisite data has been
included in the project.

 Time frame of the project has been taken for 3 years from 2015-2018.

 The Annual Reports, CSR Reports, CSR Policies as signed by the Managing
Director and various other data have been collected that indicate about
how the companies practice Corporate Social Responsibility.

 Both statistical and theoretical data have been collected. The theoretical
data has been analyzed and expressly written. The statistical data and
analysis has been done using bar charts and column charts along with a
combination of colors and graphics.

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 This project is completely based on secondary data due to lack of

primary data
 We have used last 3 years data only since we cannot collect all
the information before 3 years.
 Time was the main factor for the limitation of the study

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1.7 Chapter Planning:

My project has been divided in the following chapters:-

 Chapter 1: Introduction

 Chapter 2: Conceptual Framework/National Scenario

 Chapter 3: Presentation of Data Analysis and Findings

 Chapter 4: Conclusion & Recommendations

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Chapter 2:- Conceptual Framework,
National Scenario

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2.1Provision Of Companies Act on CSR 2015


Following companies to constitute CSR committee

Net Profit of Rs.5

Net worth of rs.500 crore or Turnover of Rs.1000 crore
crore or more
more or more


CSR rules shall come into force on the date of their publication in the
official gazette and shall be applicable from the financial year 2016-17.

CSR Committee

CSR Committee should consist of at least 3 directors out of which at least 1

director should be independent director. Some companies may not be
mandatorily requires to appoint independent directors as per provisions of
Companies Act 2013 but CSR applicability may be there for those
companies. How will this criteria of independent director be met in case of
those companies need to be clarified?

Responsibility of the Board of Directors

 To ensure that at least 2% of average net profit of last 3 preceding

years is spent on CSR activities every year.
 ‘Net Profit’ shall mean net profit before tax as per books of accounts
and shall not include profits arising from branches outside India.
 2% CSR spending would be computed as 2% of the average net profits
made by the company during every block of three years. For the purpose
of First CSR reporting the Net Profit shall mean average of the annual net

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profit of the preceding three financial years ending on or before 31 March
 To approve the CSR Policy after considering recommendations of CSR
 To disclose CSR policy and initiatives in Boards’s report and Company’s
 To ensure that acitivites reflected in CSR policy are actually
undertaken by company.
 If the company does not spend 2% of net profits as required,then
Board to report the reasons in the Boards’s report.

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The objectives that we set out in the corporate social responsibility of business is to
support the company’s strategic objectives, in particular the impact on society and
minimize the negative influence on the environment and JSW image as a credible and
reliable business partner for suppliers and customers.



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The concept of corporate social responsibility is not new in India.It emerged from the
Vedic period when history was not recorded in India. In that period,kings had an
obligation towards society and merchants displayed their own business responsibility
building places of worship,education,inns and wells.

CSR activities started in India by late 1990’s and today have become a medium for
most Indian corporate to contribute to inclusive growth of Indian society. E-Choupals
of ITC group that leverages the power of internet to empower the small farmers with
knowledge of best practices,timely and relevant weather information,transparent
discovery of prices and much more.Similarly, Jaipur Rugs have been into developing
weaving skills amaong people of remote villages so that they can earn a self-
sustainable livelihood for themselves.These intiatuves have resulted in upliftment of
under-privileged sections and distribution of wealth. When AIRTEL is making
software that aids an illiterate start reading and writing by 40 days. Infosys has been
helping students get computer literate by designing course circular for them. Aviva a
life insurance firm have launched street school to educate the under privilege

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Chapter 3 - Presentation of Data,
Analysis and Findings

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3.1 Company Profile
Bharti Airtel Limited

Bharti Airtel Limited is an Indian global telecommunications services
company based in New Delhi,India. It operates in 16 countries across South
Asia and Africa. Airtel provides GSM, 3G, 4G LTE and VoLTE mobile services,
fixed line broadband and voice services depending upon the country of
operation. Airtel had also rolled out its VoLTE technology across seven
telecom circles namely Mumbai, Maharashtra and Goa, Madhya Pradesh,
Chhattisgarh, Gujarat, Andhra Pradesh & Telangana, Karnataka and Chennai
in India and should roll out the technology in rest circles by end of March
2018. It is the largest mobile network operator in India and the third largest in
the world with over 386 million subscribers. Airtel was named India's second
most valuable brand in the first ever Brandz ranking by Millward
Brown and WPP plc.
Airtel and Its Journey
In 1984 Sunil Mittal started assembling push-button phones in India,which he
earlier used to import from a Taiwan company, Kingtel, replacing the old
fashioned, bulky rotary phones that were in use in the country then. Bharti
Telecom Limited (BTL) was incorporated and entered into a technical tie up
with Siemens AG of Germany for manufacture of electronic push button
phones. By the early 1990s, Bharti was making fax machines, cordless phones
and other telecom gear. He named his first push-button phones as 'Mitbrau'.
In 1992, he successfully bid for one of the four mobile phone network licences
auctioned in India. One of the conditions for the Delhi cellular license was that
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the bidder have some experience as a telecom operator. So, Mittal clinched a
deal with the French telecom group Vivendi. He was one of the first Indian
entrepreneurs to identify the mobile telecom business as a major growth area.
His plans were finally approved by the Government in 1994 and he launched
services in Delhi in 1995, when Bharti Cellular Limited (BCL) was formed to
offer cellular services under the brand name AirTel. Within a few years Bharti
became the first telecom company to cross the 2 million mobile subscriber
mark. Bharti also brought down the STD/ISD cellular rates in India under brand
name 'Indiaone'.

Vodafone India

Vodafone India was the Indian subsidiary of UK-based Vodafone Group
plc and was a provider of telecommunications services in India with its
operational head office in Mumbai. As of March 2018, Vodafone India had a
market share of 21% with approximately 223 million subscribers and was
the second largest mobile telecommunications network nationally after Airtel.

Hutchison Max Telecom Ltd. (HMTL), a joint venture between Hutchison
Whampoa and the Max Group, was established on 21 February 1992. The
licence to operate in Mumbai(then Bombay) circle was awarded to Hutchison
Max by the Department of Telecommunications (DoT) in November 1994. The
cellular service branded "Max Touch" was launched the same year. Hutchison

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Max entered into the Delhi telecom circle in December 1999, the Kolkata circle
in July 2000 and the Gujarat circle in September 2000. Licences for these
circles had initially been awarded by the DoT in 1994, 1997 and 1995
respectively. Between 1992 and 2006, Hutchison acquired interests in all 23
mobile telecom circles of India. HMTL was renamed Hutchison Essar Limited
(HEL) in August 2005.

3.2 CSR Activities by Bharti Airtel Limited and Vodafone

Bharti Airtel

Airtel Delhi Half Marathon

The Airtel Delhi Half Marathon(ADHM) has created an impressive platform to bring
together corporates, individuals, employees and students of schools and colleges to
raise awareness about the Satya Bharti School Program, raise funds and also enjoy
the marathon run. Bharti Foundation’s theme for ADHM 2015 was centred on
celebrating 10 successful years of the Satya Bharti School Program. Over the last
eight ADHMs, as many as 6,325 employees comprising 217 teams from 77
corporates have run for us, with many of them consistently supporting us. Rs 7.61
Mn Total contribution towards Satya Bharti School Program
Disaster Relief

The unprecedented rains and consequent floods in Chennai caused unimaginable

destruction, depriving a huge proportion of the population of even bare essentials of
life. Team Kerala and Tamil Nadu (KTN) rose to the occasion and protected
employees. They also contributed to bring Chennai and Cuddalore back to normalcy.
The rescue team worked with local support groups, police action groups and
community volunteer groups to help save lives. Our Bihar and Jharkhand Circles
donated Rs. 958,735 to the Chief Minister’s Relief Fund on behalf of Bharti Airtel
for the rehabilitation of victims of Nepal’s earthquake. Airtel also initiated 48 hours of

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free network usage for all calls made to Nepal, to facilitate relief work and
communication in the disaster hit area.


The increasing volume of waste generated by the telecommunication sector has been
a matter of grave concern. Airtel, as one of the leading companies of
telecommunication sector, manages both physical and e-waste, generated from its
premises. The Company has adopted a proactive approach by ensuring end-to-end
traceability and recycling of waste. Airtel continuously monitors the waste generation
at each stage, and track the procedure of waste disposal. The Company ensures that
all electrical and electronic components and even highly inflammable fuels are
handled and disposed of responsibly, by registered and licensed recyclers. In FY 2014-
15, over 1,700 tons of e-waste was recycled as per Waste Electrical and Electronic
Equipment (WEEE) norms.

Blood Donation

Periodic blood donation camps are also organised, wherein circle employees donated
their blood; and helped save lives. In FY 2017-18, our Gujarat team organised two
camps; and was able to collect 50 units each. Besides, this initiative has helped our
employees count on blood banks in their hour of need.

Swachh Bharat

At Bharti Airtel, we are committed to translate the vision of Swachh Bharat into an
everyday reality. Airtel employees participated in a cleanliness drive at Chandigarh
Technology Park office under Swachh Bharat Abhiyaan in FY 2017-18. We will
continue to undertake more such initiatives for a cleaner, prosperous India

Total CSR Spend By Bharti Airtel in last three Financial years(2017-18)

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Education Disaster Relief Swaach Bharat Others
149,95,65,889 50,34,59,480 14,50,56,793 2,51,17,838

Vodafone India
The financial year 2016-17, was a preparatory year for the implementation of the CSR
policy. Being the initial year, the Company was in the process of evaluating the
various focus areas for its CSR activities. The Company initiated some pilot projects
through NGOs, created awareness among the employees for social cause and also
encouraged employees to participate and contribute to the social initiatives
undertaken by NGOs / institutions. As the activities were undertaken on an
experimental basis, the expenditure for these initiatives and projects was not booked
under the CSR expenditure. Most of these initiatives were funded through company
donations or employee contributions.


Solar Lamp to School Children: Vodafone India under its Solar Lamps initiative in
partnership with IIT Bombay is providing a clean source of light to students for
studying during the night. It also fosters skill development through learning
assembling, distribution and repair of the lamps. During FY 2015-16, 3,25,000 school
children benefitted and 100,000 students will be benefitted during the FY 2016-17.
The project extends to six States viz., MP, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Odisha, Bihar and

Water Supply

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Marathwada region known for its routine and severe droughts witnessed a severe
drought in 2016. Given the context of the problem it was essential to take measures
which address the immediate needs of the people. The Company in line with ABG
philosophy, provided drinking water in four districts namely, Latur, Aurangabad, Jalna
and Beed which were most affected and reeling under an acute shortage of water.
Overall 49,45,080 ltrs. of drinking water was distributed to more than 11,415


To ensure the non-recurrence of polio, Vodafone India in collaboration with Rotary

Foundation (India) organises health camps, awareness rallies, administers pulse polio
vaccination to children upto 5 years of age under the Polio Non-reoccurrence CSR
project. It's a pan India initiative and 17 crore children are covered in each round.
The initiative is tied up with the National Pulse Polio Programme


In Jammu & Kashmir sanitation is one of the grave issues because of lack of
resources, lack of sensitization, and circumstances prevailing in the State etc. To
address the issue, Vodafone India in partnership with the Rural Development
Department, Government of Jammu & Kashmir is supporting the construction of
2010 individual household toilets in 10 Gram Panchayats.

Total CSR Spend By Vodafone India in last three Financial years(2015-18)

Education Water Healthcare Sanitation Others

10,56,89,323 4,65,78,461 4,20,23,447 2,42,10,125 1,65,88,644

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3.3 Comparative study on CSR with respect to Bharti Airtel
and Vodafone India for the last three years.


A) Education initiatives implemented Company partners with Government,

include scholarships, infrastructure and NGO’s and other organizations for the
facility improvement to allow greater welfare of the society especially
access to quality education, underprivileged people. The company
implementing extra-curricular activities also runs an volunteering programme
for overall development of students called e-Parivartan and operates two
and teacher training programs. schools.

B) Various initiatives have been The company is also involved in

undertaken within the broad frame of community development services
Environment and Climate Change to around the Manesar unit and has taken
address the conservation of natural responsibility for four villages in
resources and energy, minimize waste Manesar. One of the many initiatives it
generation and recycling of material has undertaken is complete
and develop eco-friendly process and infrastructure upgradation of primary
systems. and middle schools in these villages.

C) A partnership with Smile Train The Company enhances skills of youth

empowers surgeons to provide free studying automobile trade to enhance
corrective surgery for children with their employment opportunities in
cleft lip and palette deformities. automobile service workshops. The
Further, AIDS awareness campaigns project includes upgradation of training
were conducted for truck drivers. facilities, training of trainers, provision
Preventive and curative healthcare of study material and practical training.
facilities are provided through small
Mobile Health Clinics, awareness
camps, hospitals and clinics.

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D) They regularly organize awareness Depending on local needs and in
sessions to help educate people on the consultation with the community, the
importance of various aspects of the Company has undertaken projects to
Environment. They have also planted improve availability of clean drinking
more than 67,000 trees on wastelands water, upgrade solid and liquid waste
in an attempt to increase the green management facilities, create useful
cover. rural assets, and support economically
weaker households in construction of
domestic toilets to minimise open

3.4 Data Analysis

Bharti Airtel
As one of the world’s leading providers of telecommunication services, we
are committed to conducting our business responsibly and sustainably,
with engagement and dialogue with all key stakeholders. Airtel’s network
is touching and transforming the lives of millions of people across South
Asia and Africa also; and they are happy and honoured to partner the
progress of such a huge proportion of the global population.

2015-16 2016-17 2016-17

Corporate Social Responsibility 41.1 76.6 99.6

Average profit after taxes for three 6181.067 5808.833 8299
immediately preceeding Financial
CSR spends as % of Average profit 0.7% 1.3% 1.2%
after taxes for three immediately
preceeding FYs
Source : Company website

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CSR Spends
5000 Avg profit after taxes for three
immediately preceeding financial
years (FYs)
CSR spends as % of average
profit after taxes for three
3000 immediately preceeding Fys



2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Vodafone India

Vodafone's CSR vision is to actively contribute to the social and economic

development of the communities where we operate. In so doing build a better,
sustainable way of life for the weaker and marginal sections of society and raise the
country's human development index. The focus areas are Education, Health care,
Sustainable livelihood, Infrastructure development, and espousing social causes.

The financial year 2016-17, was a preparatory year for the implementation of the
CSR policy. Being the initial year, the Company was in the process of evaluating the
various focus areas for its CSR activities. The Company initiated some pilot projects
through NGOs, created awareness among the employees for social cause and also
encouraged employees to participate and contribute to the social initiatives
undertaken by NGOs / institutions. As the activities were undertaken on an
experimental basis, the expenditure for these initiatives and projects was not
booked under the CSR expenditure. Most of these initiatives were funded through
company donations or employee contributions.

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2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

Corporate Social Responsibility 5.04 0 18.469

Average profit after taxes for three 746.4667 1028.037 1772.47
immediately preceeding Financial
CSR spends as % of Average profit 0.7% 0.0% 1%
after taxes for three immediately
preceeding FYs
Source : Company Website





1200 CSR Spends

Avg profit after taxes for three
1000 immediately preceeding
Financial Years (FY)
800 CSR spends as % of average
profit after taxes for three
immediately preceeding FY's



2015-16 2016-17 2017-18

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3.4 Findings:
 Bharti Airtel follows the philosophy of building sustainable businesses that are
rooted in the community and demonstrate care for the environment.
 AIRTEL uses ‘basket weave’ methodology, as part of which social, economic, and
environmental issues are addressed both inside AIRTEL as well as outside.
 The company believes that corporate sustainability extends to the triple bottom
line of people, planet, and profit.
 AIRTEL enables an environment of greater consciousness through a process of
collaboration with employees, suppliers, customers, and the community at
 This is the third year in a row that AIRTEL has received the top accolade and a
reflection of the firm’s holistic approach to CSR across environmental
sustainability, labor practices, business operations and responsible &
sustainable procurement & supply chain processes.
 Major focus of the company is on education sector.

 They scale their existing programs and initiatives to achieve maximum
 They empower their employees to exercise their "well developed skills" to
make a measurable impact on communities and develop their skills.
 VODAFONE integrates corporate citizenship and social responsibility into
our business strategy overall, which includes our environmental policies,
supply chain
 VODAFONE holds frequent awards for its industry leading employment
practices and policies.
 VODAFONE has developed a system that aligns the company’s values with
social responsibility initiatives and maximizes its impact as a global

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Chapter 4 - Conclusion and

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4.1 Conclusion

The Indian Companies are suggested to come up with

better Corporate Social Responsibility policies referring to
policies followed by the companies worldwide. In the light
of above analysis and findings, Bharti Airtel does more
social responsibility than Vodafone India, though both the
companies haven’t spend 2% of their average profit after
tax of the last preceding years. Vodafone India has
mentioned the reason for not spending any money for
corporate social responsibility in FY 2016-17, but there
seems to be no explanation from Bharti Airtel for not
following the csr policy. So comparing both the
companies Bharti Airtel does more corporate social
responsibility than Vodafone India.

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4.2 Recommendations

In light of the above analysis my findings of Bharti Airtel and Vodafone

India are as follows:

 Innovation should essentially be a matter of concern of AIRTEL; be

it searching the untouched areas and scope of CSR or the
formulation of CSR strategy or the implementation thereof.
 VODAFONE should also Partner with select non-government and
civil society organizations and other government bodies.
 VODAFONE should conduct Periodic review of the CSR activities by
every business entity so as to identify the pitfalls and the areas left
 AIRTEL & VODAFONE are suggested to come up with better
Corporate Social Responsibility policies referring to the policies
followed by other companies worldwide.
 AIRTEL and VODAFONE are recommended to develop innovative
solutions to address large-scale societal problems by utilizing IT
core competence.
 AIRTEL and VODAFONE should encourage NGOs to act in
collaboration for the CSR activities under different schemes and
projects as they play a crucial role in the upliftment of the masses.

33 | P a g e
 Lee, Nancy. (2008). Switched on to Energy: A Guide to Sparking Behavioural
Change.Retrieved February 23, 2009.
 Lockwood, N. (2004). Corporate Social Responsibility: HR's Leadership Role.
HR Magazine, Retrieved December 23, 2008.
 Melcrum. (2006). Engaging Employees in Corporate Responsibility: How the
World’s Leading Companies Embed CR in Employee Decision-making.
London, UK: Author.
 Melcrum. (2008). Special Report on Internal Branding. London


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