Ass. Phil Lit Week 7 at A Banquet 1

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Philippine Literature

Name: Baura, Jodeian Maris L.

Course and Year: BSA2
Class Schedule: MTW 2:30-4:00PM

Activity: Based on Urbana at Felisa’s At a Banquet, write 10 rules (Do’s and Don’ts in
table manners.

1. While eating, you should avoid coughing, and if this is not possible, you should
get up from the table; the same applies when spitting, expectorating, blowing
one’s nose, or sneezing, and if this cannot be avoided or if at times it comes on
suddenly, it should be made as imperceptible as possible by turning away, and
covering the mouth with a handkerchief.

2. You must eat slowly, with moderate, nor large nor hurried, spoonful, eyes cast
down rather than observing the others at table – these are all signs of good
breeding and refinement.

3. Avoid staining tablecloth and table with soup, wine or water, so as to keep out of
trouble; when holding a glass, spoon or goblet, avoid filling it so that none of the
contents will be spilled.

4. During a toast, do not force another to drink more liquor than he can hold, do not
mock him, so that he may not be the source of ugly words and wrongful acts, if
he loses control of himself.

5. When asking for wine, do not speak so loudly, but rather make the request
known only to the person in charge.

6. The invitation to begin eating should come from the one holding the banquet, not
the one being feted; at the same time, it is but right for the one extending the
invitation to put on cheerful face so that those being invited may not shy away.

7. Tucking sweets into one’s belt or waistband, or putting any kind of food into one’s
pocket, is an embarrassing act of greed; but if an older person offers some to a
child, the latter should accept it and immediately thank the giver.

8. When picking up a glass of water, see first if your fingers are clean, to avoid
soiling the glass; do not put your fingers inside it for this would be disgusting to
fastidious eyes.

9. In drinking, use hands if possible, holding the glass or pitcher with the fingers
towards the base and not resting on the rim, so as not to be abhorrent to others.
10. Upon standing up or before leaving the dining table, give thanks to God; but the
prayer should be led by the owner of the house or the holder of the banquet; and
if a priest is among the diners, then the role is properly his; afterwards, thank the
owner of the house as well.

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