Rizal SA1

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Suguitan, Shannel C.

My original idea of Rizal's law was that it is another boring law that needs to be understood and
remembered. I think this is a law that regulates all technical aspects and regulations. I also believe that the
purpose of the Rizal Law is to immortalize the names and work of our national heroes. But I'm wrong.
When I read Rizal's Law, my understanding of the regulations and technical details was correct.
At the same time, I proved my own self wrong because my assumptions about Rizal's law are
meaningless, and I have a better understanding of what it means to be a nationalist. My mind changed at
the beginning, I don’t care, this is everything to me, it’s specially designed for students. The law is related
to Rizal's work and life Who works in school and who benefits from Rizal's Law? Of course the students.
Suddenly, my heart changed, it changed, because the purpose of this document was to talk to us,
to instill Filipino nationalism, to open the eyes of colonial Filipinos, and to make the students proud of
this story. This makes me rethink and reflect on my own nationalist consciousness. In the module, I was
able to find out the use of Rizal's law. The law aims to rekindle nationalism among the people of the
country. This is not just a typical law it explains that everyone should know something about national
heroes and their works.
Yes, its main goal is to allow all Filipinos to learn from the past, just like in the novel. Jose Rizal,
yes, he encourages us to know at least some knowledge about it to the students. Jose Rizal came to learn,
but not only that. He himself is a beacon of hope and faith. The law itself means the hard work of our
compatriots, mainly José P. Laurel and Claro M. Recto and some other minorities, in Defend this when
studying these novels and the lives of our national heroes. It will revive the nationalism that we once
Of course, every law of the Republic has its origins. I learned that Republic Act 1425 is actually a
revised version of the law. This bill is called the NoliFili bill. There are similarities, but you can see a lot
of differences. First, the bill and law are designed to promote nationalism in the country. The purpose is
to spread the ideology of Rizal. Rizal's works are extremely important in the lives of the Filipino people.
Because it reflects the situation from the past to the present.
He provided us with answers to difficult questions. Reading materials, especially Noli Me
Tangere and El Filibusterismo, must be provided in unrefined versions, that is, the text must conform to
the original beliefs or religious beliefs of the Filipinos. This is done because, according to the Catholic
Church, an unrefined version of the text may hinder the development of people’s faith. Since there are
similarities, there are also differences between bills and laws.
One notable difference lies in the specific sanctions specified in the Rizal law, while there are no
specific provisions in the Rizal Law. Basically, the stricter of the two is the Rizal law. We can think of
Rizal's law as a softer version. The Rizal Act proves financial transparency. The second is to require all
libraries to have enough books to help students in case they want to read Rizal's books.
This is necessary so that those who don't have books or just want to read books can access the
text and can also provide support for students' learning. It is Created for the Filipino people. This is in
everyone's best interests, and there is no other reason. The purpose of the bill and the law is the same, but
the enforcement of the clause is different. This gave me an idea that even if these two are related, they are
still two different things. I realize that you can't please everyone. What you have, no matter how good the
argument is, how logical, and how necessary, that is, there will always be people who will refute it,
because in the struggle to implement the bill, it took so long to edit and approve it. Senator Rector and
Rodrigo proved that not everyone has the same opinion on the bill. Claro M. Recto was able to refute all
the arguments of Senator Rodrigo. For example, Senator Rodrigo said: "There is no need to read Rizal's
novels to worship him. Rizal will be a hero even if he has not written his book.
They have the same purpose and position, but in general, they are really different. The law is
stricter and requires reading Noli Me Tangere and El Filibusterismo. The law applies to everything
related to Rizal. There are always advantages and disadvantages. Some things may not satisfy everyone.
Therefore, the people on the side have no help. The question is what will prevail. Regarding Rizal's Law,
the professionals won. They found a way to stop the Catholic Church from hindering them, and their
solution was to make a revised version of the bill.

The revised provisions of the bill no longer hinder the opinions of the church, so the bill passed smoothly.
After all, the law is aimed at nationalist citizens of the Philippines.As a Filipino, you must love your
country wholeheartedly and be proud of it. Don't let anyone step on your neck and say that it is low and
one is not high. We should respect other countries. The best. We are the same. We have the same
opportunities as others. What matters is our own performance, which we should be proud of.

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