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Name: Eric John N.

Course/Year: BSEE – 3A
Date: 09-20-20
Student ID Number: 0218-4-0012


Q: Write an Essay on how you perceived the PSU Mission and Vision and how you will
contribute to the attainment of the Vision, Mission, Goals, and Objectives as a. students and b.
as professionals in the future.
Our generation are the pioneers of the future and together with the help of our teachers,
we can make the world a better place. As I am here to stay in this university, I continue to set
these vision and mission as my key to success. It helps me to think about the relevance of
academics in building my career and I am hoping that someday I will be able to reach my goals.
It is very important to focus education through vision and mission.
Vision provides the focus for all aspects of organizational life or the reality of career I
assume. Students and Teachers constitutes planning and development of quality learning,
through discovering different opportunities and consistent effort. By pushing through boundaries
in our current situation, at these needed times we now value the education that we have months
ago. It was better before, though even this pandemic happened our journey continues. Our vision
clarifies that our priorities are important to keep us to our studies, we will always remain in
believing where this vision shall take us. Vision is the foundation for actions that will lead to
school improvement and embodies the values of the community.
Our university’s vision is everyone’s goal this is where we hope that everything, we
thought for will happen in the future. The mission gives a summary of the path intended to
accomplish the future. A vision is a concise understanding of our future, whereas a mission is
extended and explains more about behaviors on how things should be within. Our school aims to
determine points toward our vision to measure advancement in direction. Every day we reflect in
developing our school's vision, our mission is that we need to determine plans in knowing our
destination, for us to know how we could get there.

In my own little ways, I believe I can help my school in implementing vision and
mission. I will follow rules and never take them for granted. No matter how little the work is we
must dedicate ourselves in showing a good character, therefore follow the rules with obedience.
As an electrical engineering student, we are aware that electricity is extremely essential. To save
electricity, we must switch off machines and appliances that are not in use. Saving resources
helps our school from paying much invoices. This will also inspire others a concern to save
electricity. Let us always try to give respect and keep good relation with everyone in school,
especially our deans, teachers, and janitors. Greet them with a smile to give them a better day.
Let us also help in maintaining the neatness of our classroom and premises, if we are unable to
clean then avoid littering trashes everywhere, that will do. Participate in various activities, speak
your mind and share ideas to others. I will always do my best and put my innovative ideas to
cooperate with my classmates and schoolmates. I shall not do anything that will put others in
harm. As a student I will follow all the rules that our school planned for us.

If we can give our best always, we can make Palawan State University home of
successful professionals that can upgrade people’s quality of life in different aspects.

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