SAD Lab Task

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Course code: CSE-416

Course title: System Analysis and Design Lab

Project name: Inventory Management System.

Submitted To
Mustafa Hasan
Head of CSE Department

Submitted By
MD. Jahidul Islam
ID: 183-028-042

1. Define the stakeholders of your project.

 Customers.
 Employees.
 Investors.
 Suppliers and Vendors.
 Communities.
 Governments.

2. Define the business requirement (Based on open-up).

Inventory Tracking
Tracking inventory is important at every stage. Many systems allow to track inventory by serial
numbers, barcodes and other IDs. These tools make it easy to quickly process inventory data
when it first makes its way into our warehouse. They provide an audit of all inventory
movement. This is especially important for industries that deal in perishables or consumables.
Transfer Management
Enterprise businesses that manage multiple sites have the advantage of moving our product to
where it’s most valuable. Bundling our products can be attractive to customers, especially during
certain times of the year. In order to do this most effectively, we want a system equipped with
transfer management.
Purchasing is an incredibly important feature to any warehouse that heavily relies on vendor
goods to produce. This feature mainly works to help users create and manage purchase orders.
Many systems include templates that automatically populate with existing data from other parts
of the system. Users may also find it helpful to email suppliers directly from our inventory
control system, which reduces the amount of time spent switching screens.
Having good shipping capability is extremely important to overall order fulfillment and customer
satisfaction levels. It’s good to choose a system that can automate much of the process to reduce
any errors your customers may experience, such as late deliveries or incorrect packages.
Reporting and Analytics
Analytics and reporting are excellent tools to have on hand as our plan to grow our business.
Analytics tools evaluate patterns in our processes to forecast future demand and sales. Predicting
demand is a way to reduce safety stock and carrying costs. Keeping inventory around simply for
safety’s sake is no longer necessary when we have great insights into how much we’ll actually

3. Product vision (based on open-up).


For The Mass Market

Who  Customers.
 Employees.
 Investors.
 Suppliers and Vendors.
 Communities.
 Governments.
Product name Inventory Management System
That Our system will ensure secure and fair communication
between the customers and the employers. Our system
provides a way to store, organize, manage,
analyze inventory data and helps lower inventory holding
costs. An easy-to-use interface that doesn't require advanced
training, support and documentation.

Unlike Our system accurately tracks inventory stock in real time and
easy to maintain, analyze data, stock review.
Other systems, they delay to track their inventory stock in real
time and takes more time to analyze the data and stock
4. Identify the methods you are going to use in elicitation techniques (user/independent) and
Answer: We will use User elicitation techniques methods for our system because we can upgrade
by taking requirements from the customers, the customer wants and needs.
User elicitation techniques methods we are going to use in our inventory management system. In
this method, we need to add various features and we can upgrade our terms and services by
taking requirements from the customers or users or stakeholders etc. and can upgrade our
management system user friendly. In this system, we always need to update and have to perform
according to the need of the customers. We have to focus on what actually the customer wants or
what type of services is needed to satisfy a customer. We can upgrade our system according to
our customer requirements by using the user elicitation technique.
Other, if we use the independent elicitation technique then there is a possibility that the system
will not be as user friendly as customer wants and then the business will fall down. We cannot
provide customer the services they wants.
For these reasons, we use user elicitation techniques to make our inventory management system
more user friendly for customer can get maximum satisfaction.

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