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Graduation Message

To our beloved Division Superintend/ Nelson C. Lopez/ our dear PUBLIC

sCHOOLS District Supervisor Susan M. Obenza, / our school principal dAHLIA V.
Relampago,/ barangay officials headed by our barangay captain Hon. Bobby
Lonzaga/ teaching force of Catalino G. Tampipi Elementary School/, PTA Officials,/
loving parents, /friends, /my fellow graduates / a grace-filled morning to all.//

 I was lucky enough to be chosen to speak today and reflect on our collective journey in this
school, and if I were to think of one word to describe this journey, it would be:

EXTRAORDINARY is defined as unusual, never done or known before, and I’m sure all of you
have heard this word countless times over the last year, being normalised into a word that
correlates directly with COVID-19. But here, my intention is to connect this word with all
of you; you are extraordinary, you are an elementary school class that has done something
never known before. You see, all of us have had a roller coaster ride; from home quarantines
to distance learning, burning our eyebrows independently learning from our modules, did self-
researches to be able to understand the lessons and answer quarterly exams. All of our
experiences of sudden and extreme changes have been extraordinary, never seen before in
the history of Philippine education. Living in this extraordinary times made us cherish the
small yet important aspects in life.

We were thrown into this thunderstorm of uncertainty and irregularities throughout the year,
but we fought through it through ways we could have never imagined. Learning from these
experiences, I’m sure all of us will remember the families of friends we created amongst
ourselves that looked out for each other at every step of the way. If there is one sentiment I
want you to take away from this speech, it’s this: You are all capable of taking on any obstacle
that may lie in your life in any country in the world at any time of the year. You have all faced a
challenging elementary school experience that has never happened before, and you overcame
it, made it worthwhile . . . something that I would like to call: EXTRAORDINARY

For my fellow graduates,/ may I invite you to please hold the hand of the
person beside you/ and to close your eyes for a while./ Correct./ Please do that,/
close your eyes and try to reminisce/ and clearly picture the happy moments that
we experienced together in Catalino G. Tampipi Elementary School./ This would be
the best way to remember our Alma Mater./ Also please take a glance at where
your parents/ and teachers /are and given them a short of prayer- a prayer of
gratitude (pause for a while) this is the best gift of gratitude that we could offer
them,/ not only for this day but for the rest of our life -/-- the gift of prayer/. To
our family/, words are not enough to express our gratitude/. You are always with/
us not only during highest of our highs/ but more importantly during THESE TIMES
OF PANDEMIC..// You serve as our safety net and our protector from the storm of
our life.// Thank you// from bottom of our hearts. //

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