Do The Following On 1 Page As It Is:: RD TH

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Do the following on 1st page as it is:

I CA was founded in 1999, and began its journey with the sole mission to provide high
quality services at affordable prices to the masses. As part of our mission, we have
already shaped thousands of careers and changed peoples' perception on Accounts &
Finance education. As a result, today we are considered as the pioneer in Accounts &
Finance training nationwide, with our top-notch training centres across the country offering
the widest range of practical skill building training programs. With the experience of having
trained and placed over 3.5 lakh+ students, ICA has been recognized as India's Best
Vocational Training Institute.
2. Do the following Column break on First page as it is:

ICA was founded in 1999, changed peoples' offering the widest range
and began its journey perception on Accounts & of practical skill building
with the sole mission to Finance education. As a training programs. With
provide high quality result, today we are the experience of having
services at affordable considered as the pioneer trained and placed over
prices to the masses. As in Accounts & Finance 3.5 lakh+ students, ICA
part of our mission, we training nationwide, with has been recognized as
have already shaped our top-notch training India's Best Vocational
thousands of careers and centres across the country Training Institute.
3. All text from last line of the first question Bering to the next page by using Page break.
4. Add 3page on this document and Give page number but not in the First page.
4. Open a new document by the name “Your name_Chapter 3” and add 7 page
5. In the new document give a different border in the first 2page, another type of border
in only 3rd page, another type of border on only 7 th page. And give a header as per your
choice in fifth & Sixth page only.

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