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Conclusions: This study highlighted restructuring citrus microbiome with native endophytes can be used in citrus eld to
mitigate HLB disease.
Keywords: Citrus, endophytes, citrus greening, pathogen resistance, metabolites

Enhanced production of mushroom using different growth media
Shazia Akram1, Rizwan Khan1, Shahzad Munir1, Owais iqbal1
State Key Laboratory for Conservation and Utilization of Bio-Resources in Yunnan/Faculty of Plant Protection, Yunnan
Agricultural University, Kunming 650201, Yunnan, China
Corresponding Author:

Background: Mushroom cultivation becomes an important source of improving the economic status of all types of
farmers in developing countries. Now a day's Oyster mushroom cultivation become important agribusiness because of
natural abilities to grow under various condition at different temperature .Crop can be successfully harvested with low
input as well as big source of recycling of waste agricultural products
Methods: The mycelium from slants containing PDA medium is used in production of spawn. The different substrate
material included wheat straw, sorghum waste, sawdust, sugar cane leaves, maize leaves were collected from different
eld areas and cotton waste as a by-product from the cotton mill. The substrate materials were soaked in water with
addition of nutrients e.g ammonium, nitrogen and potassium and biological supplements viz rice husk, chicken manure,
wheat bran, mustard cake (MC) and soybean meal (SM) at rate of 10g/l in water were added in moist substrate. The
spawned mushroom mycelia grows on different tested substrates with addition of nutrients by using a method of lamp
spawning on a dry weight basis of substrates. The spawn was amended at 2% (w/w) of substrate in each substrate.
Inoculated bags were placed in control condition at 25°C temperature for spawn running. Humidity and water contents
were regularly checked. The chemical and biological efciencies were compared by calculating yield (means) of
mushroom in three ushes
Results: On wheat straw substrate total yield after 3 ushes of Pleurotus ostreatus (strain PK 505) with addition of
nitrogen, ammonium, and potassium, yield were 351, 388, 361 gm while in control it was 344 gm respectively. On cotton
waste with addition of N, P, K nutrients, total yield was 381, 377, 381 gm as compared to control it was 357 gm. While On
Sorghum waste substrate less yield was obtained as compared to other two substrates. Yield in 3 ushes on sorghum
straw were 343, 345, 356 while in control it was 338 gm. Addition of biological supplements to substrate signicantly
increased yield except in addition to chicken manure to wheat straw, cotton wastes, sugar cane and maize leaves
substrates. The obtained yield on these four substrates fortied with chicken manure resulted in low yields as 342, 347,
330, 339 grams while in control the obtained yield was high as 344, 347, 333 and 341 grams respectively. The yield of
Pleurotus ostreatus on wheat straw substrate with addition of rice husk, chicken manure, and wheat bran were 350, 342,
367 gm, as followed to mustard cake and soybean, obtained yield after three ushes were 350, 367 gm respectively while
in control obtained mean yield was 344 gm
Conclusions: Addition of N, P, K and biological supplements to tested substrates signicantly enhanced mushroom
cultivation with increasing yield. Our result clearly indicated that wheat straw, cotton waste, sorghum waste substrate,
sawdust, sugarcane leaves with addition of these nutrients signicantly increased crop yield. Addition of these nutrients
to tested substrates positively affected oyster mushroom cultivation properties.
Keywords: Pleurotus ostreatus, Spawn production medium, Oyster mushroom


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