Effect of Manure On Melon

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1.1 Background of the Study

The egusi melon, Colocynthis citrullus L is a member of the cucurbitaceae family.

It has been referred to in some texts as Citrullus vulgaris (Okoli, 2014) and

Citrullus lanatus (Ogunremi, 2018). It is an important food crop in many sub

saharan African countries. It is grown for its seed, which is used in preparing

assorted foods, especially soup and stew. The seed is also roasted and eaten as

snacks. The seed is rich in oil and protein and contains good quantities of most of

the essential amino acids (Oyolu and Macfarlene, 2012; Oyenuga and Fetuga,

2014, and Okigbo, 2015).

Egusi is an important crop in Nigeria and most other African countries. It is a

native of Africa where it has been in cultivation for many centuries (Cobley, 2017).

It is grown for the seed which is used in preparing various dishes. The egusi soup

is the most popular among these dishes. The seed is an excellent source of dietary

oil (53.1%), high in protein (33.8%), containing higher levels of most amino acids

than soyabean meal (Nwokolo and Sim, 2017).

In southeastern Nigeria, melon is usually grown mixed with other crops like yam,

cassava, maize, etc. in the typical mixed cropping system practiced by farmers in
West Africa (Barden, et al., 2019). In such crop combination, the egusi melon is

regarded as a minor crop receiving lesser attention of the farmer. In some cases, it

serves as a cover crop to smoother weeds in the farm (Akobundu, 2017).

Reports on the relevance of compost manure in tropical agriculture have been

presented by various researchers. The use of compost can reduce over-dependence

on chemical fertilizers. The hazardous environmental consequences and the high

cost of inorganic fertilizers make them not only undesirable but also uneconomical

and beyond the reach of peasant farmers, who still dominate the Nigerian

agricultural sector. The addition of compost improves the structure, texture, and

tilth of the soil. A good soil should have an organic matter content of more than

3%. The application of compost provides an alternative to the current methods of

waste disposal and reduces the quantity of water and fertilizer applied to crops

(Ojeniyi, 2010). Poultry manure is rich in nitrogen and phosphorus, which can

promote a good growth of plants (Agboola and Omueti, 2012). Dileep (2015) has

earlier reported the use of organic materials such as rice hull, wood shavings, and

kola husks as soil amendment in maize. The use of organic manures has been

reported to have a comparatively higher advantage over inorganic fertilizers

(Denton and Swarup, 2010). Many traditional farmers who cannot afford

commercial fertilizers have resorted to the use of organic materials. Besides

increasing soil fertility status, organic materials also help to improve physical

condition, which in the long run increases crop productivity.

The quantity of soil organic matter in the soil has been found to depend on the

quantity of the organic material which can be introduced into the soil either by

material returns through root stubble, root exudates or by artificial application in

the form of organic manure. The use of poultry manure to improve crop production

was necessitated by the declining soil fertility, as a result of increased frequency of

cultivation of the land as demand for food production. The nutrient requirement of

crops depend upon soil texture, types of previous vegetation cover, soil moisture

and cropping intensity (Denton and Swarup, 2010). Poultry manure contains 3.6%

N, 13% H2 O, 1.3% K2 O and 3.5% P2 O5 (Stafan, 2013). Dileep (2015) reported

a significant increase in plant height and number of fruit per plant of chill on

application of different organic manures. It seems more economical to apply a

combination of organic and inorganic fertilizers for egusi” melon fertilization

especially with the present high cost of inorganic fertilizer. Literature available

showed that more studies are still required on the effect of different fertilizers on

“egusi” melon. This study will therefore examine the effect of compost manure on

the growth and yield of egusi melon (Colocynthis citrullus L).

1.2 Statement of the Problem

Increase in human population has resulted in increased pressure on land and soil

resources due to increase in cultivation of crops to meet the ever growing food

demand. Increase in pressure on the soil from intensive tillage coupled with

unsustainable methods of farming such as continuous cropping results in higher

outflow of nutrients which could lead to depletion of soil fertility. Soil-nutrient

capital is gradually depleted when farmers are unable to sufficiently compensate

losses by returning nutrients to the soil via crop residues, manures and mineral

fertilizers. Depletion in soil fertility results in low production of food which could

be a threat to the food security of the nation and a drawback to the attainment of

the Millennium development goal one; eradicate extreme poverty and.

According to MoFA (2018) soils in Nigeria are inherently low in fertility and

require external inputs to improve their fertility. The use of mineral fertilizer is the

most effective and convenient way to improve soil fertility (MoFA, 2018).

Nigerian soils have consequently shown a negative balance in nutrient budget

which poses a great threat to sustainable soil management for increase in growth

and crop yield (FAO,


To achieve sustained soil productivity and subsequent increase in crop growth and

yield calls for the exploitation of varied alternative sources of soil fertility
improvement and management strategies. Soil fertility replenishing strategies that

are conventionally employed are the application of nutrients in the form of either

organic or inorganic manure. In Nigeria, many farmers resort to the use of

inorganic fertilizers than is the case with organic manure.

Over decades since the practice of agriculture, many African farming systems have

been employing the application of crop residues as source of nutrients and soil

organic matter amendment. These soil management practices have recently

changed dramatically including an increased use of synthetic fertilizers and

pesticides to help improve crop yields. These plant nutrients can be provided by

applying inorganic fertilizer or organic manure or both.

Farmers are now showing interest in organic farming because they are more aware

about the residual effect of chemical substances used in the crop field and their

degrading impact on the environment. Besides, the excess application of inorganic

fertilizer also causes hazard to public health. But the application of composite

manure, can increase the yield as well as keep the environment sound (MoFA,


Not much research has been conducted on the extent to which composite manure

affects the growth and yield of melon (Colocynthis citrullus L), hence the need for

this study.
1.3 Aim and Objectives

The main objective of the study was to assess the effect of composite manure on

the growth and yield of melon (egusi).

Specific objectives

1. To assess the performance of melon (egusi) cultivated with composite


2. To assess the quality of melon (egusi) harvested from soils of the different


3. To assess the effect of composite manure on the growth and yield

performance of melon (egusi).

1.4 Research Questions

The study sought to find answers to the following questions:

1. What is the performance of melon (egusi) when cultivated with composite


2. What is the seed quality of melon (egusi) harvested from soils of different


3. What are the effects of composite manure on the growth and yield of melon

1.5 Significance of Study

Findings obtained from this study would provide information to farmers,

agriculture extension officers and other stakeholders on the effects of composite

manure on the growth, yield and quality of melon. Also the level at which organic

and inorganic fertilizer should be applied to melon so as to reduce the level of

pollution these fertilisers leached to water bodies creating environmental

imbalance. This would equip them with the requisite knowledge to help increase

their production levels to meet the food demand of the nation hence ensuring food

security to meet the Millennium Development Goal 1(i.e. to eradicate extreme

poverty and hunger).



2.1 Introduction

Colocynthis citrullus (L.) is another type of melon seed which is commonly called

Egusi in West Africa. It is a member of the family Curcubitaceae and has 119

genera with about 925 species. It is one of the most important vegetable crops in

the tropical, subtropical and Mediterranean zones of the world (Schippers, 2010). It

is a native of Africa, which has perhaps been introduced to Asia, Iran and Ukraine

(Schippers, 2010). Its common names include Egusi in Yoruba, agushi in Hausa,

epingi or paragi in Nupe and eashi in Gwari. Melon seeds have been classified into

different types according to the thickness of the seed coat and the flatness of the

edges. They have also been divided into three groups based on oil extraction

characteristics (Oyolu, 2017a). The seeds usually are white or cream color and can

be of different sizes (Oyolu, 2017b). In Nigeria the seeds are boiled in salted water,

or the roasted seed are ground and added to meal. The vegetable oil extracted from

the seeds is expensive and nutritious; this oil is used for cooking and cosmetics

purposes and of interest to pharmaceutical industries (Ayodele and Shittu, 2013).

The residue from the oil extraction is made into balls that are fried to produce local

snack in Nigeria, or is used as cattle feed Schipper (2012). In many parts of Africa,
where farmers lack access to meat or dairy, the high oil and protein content can

make an excellent dietary supplement (Jacob, Etong and Tijjani, 2015). Egusi is a

very good alternative to baby food, it used to avert malnutrition. Mixing of the

powdered seeds with honey gives a milky substance that is used as substitute to

breast milk.

2.2 Origin and Distribution of Melon

In West Africa, the name Egusi is applied to members of the gourd family having

seeds of high oil content. The Egusi Melons described here (Nigerian Ibara) are a

subspecies of the watermelon species. Both Egusi Ibara and the watermelon are of

tropical African origin.

C. colocynthis is a desert viney plant that grows in sandy, arid soils. It resembles

the watermelon, which is in the same genus. It is native to the Mediterranean Basin

and Asia, and is distributed among the west coast of northern Africa, eastward

through the Sahara, Egypt until India, and reaches also the north coast of the

Mediterranean and the Caspian Seas. It grows also in southern European countries

and on the islands of the Grecian archipelago. On the island of Cyprus, it is

cultivated on a small scale; it has been an income source since the 14th century and

is still exported today.

It is an annual or a perennial plant in the wild in Indian arid zones, and survives

under extreme xeric conditions (Karanja, Mugendi and Khanis, 2013). In fact, it

can tolerate annual precipitation of 250 to 1500 mm and an annual temperature of

14.8 to 27.8 °C. It grows from sea level up to 1,500 metres (4,900 ft) above sea

level on sandy loam, subdesert soils, and sandy sea coasts with a pH range between

5.0 and 7.8 (Etong, Ayeni and Ajayi, 2013).

2.3 Cultivation

Egusi Melon plants closely resemble watermelon plants; both have a non climbing

creeping habit and deeply cut lobed leaves. The pulp of the watermelon fruit,

however, is sweet and edible while the Egusi Melon has bitter and inedible fruit

pulp. Egusi Melon seeds are larger than watermelon seeds, and they are light

colored. Plant 2-3 seeds per hole, 1.5-2 cm (0.5-0.75 in) deep, in holes 1 m (3 ft)

apart. Recommended planting time is in the month of May in Nigeria. Emergence

occurs in 4-7 days. Four weeks after planting, flowering occurs and vines form a

nearly complete ground cover, suppressing weed growth. Effective ground cover

using Egusi Melon for crop interplanting may be achieved with 20,000 Egusi

Melon plants per hectare. Weedings in primary crops like maize have been reduced

from 2-3 weedings, to one, when interplanted with Egusi Melon. Yields are best on

fertile humus rich loose soil. Egusi Melon tolerates dry to wet growing conditions
but fruits mature only in dry conditions 4-5 months after sowing (Ardabili,

Farhoosh and Khodaparast, 2011).

C. colocynthis, a perennial plant, can propagate both by generative and vegetative

means. However, seed germination is poor due to the extreme xeric conditions, so

vegetative propagation is more common and successful in nature. In the Indian arid

zone, growth takes place between January and October, but the most favorable

period for the vegetative growth is during summer, which coincides with the rainy

season. Growth declines as soon as the rains and the temperature decrease and

almost stops during the cold and dry months of December and January. Colocynth

prefers sandy soils and is a good example of good water management which may

be useful also on research to better understand how desert plants react to water

stress (Alege and Mustapha, 2013). To enhance production, an organic fertilizer

can be applied. Colocynth is also commonly cultivated together with cassava

(intercropping) in Nigeria.

Cultivated colocynth suffers of climatic stress and diseases such as cucumber

mosaic virus, melon mosaic virus, Fusarium wilt, etc. as any other crop. To

improve it, a relatively new protocol for regeneration has been developed with the

aim of incorporating disease and stress resistance to increase yield potential and

security avoiding interspecific hybridization barriers (Gado, Falusi and Adebola,

2.4 Properties of Egusi Seed Proteins

Egusi seed flours: Egusi seed flours had good quantities of sulfur, calcium,

potassium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus and manganese. The mineral content was

comparable to that of peanuts (Woodroof, 2019). The Total difference (TCD)

values of 13.24 (a = 7.2, b = 8.4) and 13.93 (a = 1.4, b = 8.1) were obtained from

the hull-free and 10% hull flours, respectively. Unsaturated fatty acids accounted

for most of egusi seed oil with oleic and linoleic acids representing 15.9 and

62.81%, respectively. The saturated fatty acids were essentially palmitic (10.43%)

and stearic (9.84%) acids. Higher carbon number fatty acids were not detected.

(Girgis and Said, 2018). The essential amino acid that compare favorably with

those of other oilseeds, especially sunflower and safflower meals (Sosulski and

Sarwar, 2013). Unlike most oilseeds, egusi seed contains higher amounts of

arginine, tryptophan and the sulfur containing amino acids.

Protein solubility, extractability and precipitability: Resuspension of the flour

in 0.015 N NaOH (pH approximately at 10.5) readily ruptured the membrane and

released all of the proteins. More different types of proteins in the alkaline soluble

extracts are precipitated at pH 6.0 than 8.0. More water-soluble proteins are
precipitated at pH 4.5 than 5.5. These results paralleled those of cottonseed water-

soluble proteins precipitated at pH 4.0 and the alkaline-soluble components

precipitated at pH 6.0, 5.0 and 4.0 (Akobundu et al., 2012).

Water and oil-holding capacity: The water-holding capacity for both hull-free

and 10% hull-containing flours was 0.7 mL g-1. The level of hull present in the

flour had no influence on its water-holding capacity. The oil-holding capacity for

the hull-free flour was 2.6 mL g-1 and that of the low-hull flour was slightly higher

or 2.7 mL g-1 (Akobundu et al., 2012).

Emulsion capacity and viscosity: Basically suspensions of egusi seed flour

formed two types of emulsions with in the pH range 2.5-10.5. Thin (salad dressing

type) emulsions were formed at pH 2.5 and 5.0 (the latter was very thin). As the

pH was increased from 6.5 to 10.5, progressively thicker (mayonnaise-type)

emulsions were formed. At pH 5.0, which was around the isoelectric point of the

proteins, very thin emulsions were formed with just 80 mL of oil. Thick emulsions

formed at the point of high protein solubility (pH 10.5) and required 201 mL of oil.

The viscosity of the foam was highest at pH 5.0 (Akobundu et al., 2012).

Foam capacity, stability and viscosity: Suspensions of 10% hull-containing egusi

flour formed very thin foams between pH 5.0 and 6.7. Foams at other pH levels

varied from thin at pH 2.5 to thick at 10.5. Foam volume increase was low between
pH 5.0 and 6.7 but increased as more protein became soluble in the acid and

alkaline pH ranges. Consequently, large amounts of foam were formed at pH’s 2.5,

8.0 and 10.5. Although foam increase in pH 5.0 was the lowest, its stability was

highest. In the alkaline pH region where more storage proteins were soluble, both

foam capacity and stability were progressively enhanced. Similar observations

were reported for cotton seed proteins.

Nutritional properties: The content of essential amino acids in the proteins of the

flour makes it a good vegetable protein ingredient. The fiber in the 10% hull flour

contributes nutritionally to it. Significant growth improvement was reported when

egusi flour supplemented traditional West African diets either alone or with other

plant proteins (Sanchez et al., 2012). Feeding studies were not performed in this

study but an investigation conducted elsewhere indicated that the biological indices

of protein quality for egusi were lower than values obtained for soybean (Oyenuga

and Fetuga, 2015). The first and second limiting amino acids in the flour are

lysine and threonine, respectively. This partly supports the results of Oyenuga and

Fetuga (2015) who noted that lysine and methionine were the first and second

limiting amino acids, respectively of watermelon seeds, a close relative of egusi.

Histidine has been known to be an essential amino acid for infants (Young and

Scrimshaw, 2018) and the possibility that histidine is equally essential for a normal

adult has also been suggested (Kopple and Swendseid, 2014). Thus the low content
of histidine in egusi seed should be considered in the use of this product in food

formulations, especially if the foods are intended for infants. Egusi seed flour

contains several micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) that could contribute

significantly to the diet. The potential for egusi seed flour as sources of calcium

and niacin is encouraging to the low milk-consuming regions of lower West Africa

where egusi cultivation thrives. These results further support the contention that

ingredients of egusi seeds have the potential of being used in a number of food


Characteristics of crude oil: The freshly extracted oil was dark yellow in color

with a greenish tint and had a mild odor and flavor. No extremely bitter taste in the

oil was detected as was reported by  Meena and Patni (2018) on the oil of Citrullus

colocynthis in Egypt. The yield of oil extracted from Citrulls colocynthis whole

seeds was found to be 24.86 and 26.1% on fresh and dry weight basis respectively.

This is comparable to other oil seeds such as sunflower and safflower and in some

what higher than that of cotton seeds and soybean (Desai, 2015). However, the

yield of oil obtained here was much less than that obtained by Jayaraman and

Cloft, (2019) in India, who reported a fat content in Citrullus colocynthis seeds

that ranged between 30.12-35.66% with a mean of 34.38%. The oil had a relatively

high iodine value thus reflecting a high degree of unsaturation, a fair acid value

and average values for the refractive index, unsaponifiable matter, Hehner

number and Reichert-Meissl number when compared to other commonly

consumed vegetable oils (Desai, 2015). TLC analysis of the crude oil showed that

the major constituents were mainly the triglycerides (Rf = 0.74), free fatty acids

(Rf = 0.37), phospholipids (Rf = 0.22) and sterols (Rf = 0.16) were also detected in

addition to other minor undefined constituents. GLC analysis of the fatty acids

methyl esters in conjunction with GLC-MS showed that the degree of unsaturation

was over 75%. Linoleic acid was found to be the dominant fatty acid, 50.6%

followed by oleic 25%, palmitic, 13.5%, stearic 10.5% and myristic acid 0.4%

(Sawaya et al., 2013). The linoleic acid content was higher than that of cotton seed

and close to that of sunflower, soybean and corn (Anonymous, 2011). There fore

the Citrullus oil, like some other cucurbit seed oils might have a god potential use

as a cooking oil in spite of the fact that the degree of unsaturation as well as its

linoleic acid content are less than those of other known cucurbits seed oil such

as Cucurbita foetididsima which was reported to have over 86% degree of

unsaturation and 61-63% linoleic acid content (Bemis et al., 2015; Khoury et al.,

2012). The absence of linolenic acid from the Citrullus oil might contribute

positively to the stability of the oil upon storage.

Oxidative rancidity: Both the temperature and light had an adverse effect on the

stability of the oil in terms of the formation of oxidative rancidity as evident from

the higher peroxide values. Oil samples stored at a temperature of 32°C under both
dark and indoor light conditions showed high peroxide values (5.5 and 7.6 meg kg -
, respectively) than those stored at the lower temperature of 25°C (4.4 and 6.6 meg

kg-1), with the lowest values obtained for the oil samples stored at 7°C (1.0 meg kg-
). However, at the end of the 5 months period of storage, no increase in the

peroxide values was observed at 25°C for both samples stored in the dark and

under indoor light conditions. Since, most consumable vegetable oil are stored

either at room temperature, 20-25°C or even lower and usually in opaque

containers, then the peroxide values obtained here for both groups, whether they

were stored under indoor light conditions or in the dark, are still below the

recommended standards of the Codex Alimentarius Commision (2010) for all the

edible vegetable oils and hence can be relatively stable upon storage for at least

several months.

2.5 Sources of Nutrients for Melon (Egusi) Production

Diverse materials can serve as sources of plant nutrients. These can be natural,

synthetic, recycled wastes or a range of biological products including microbial

inoculants. Nutrient sources are generally classified as organic, mineral or

biological. Supply of mineral and organic nutrient sources is present in soils, but

these often have to be supplemented with external applications for better plant

growth (Hanson et al., 2010).

Prof. Neil Curtis of Victoria University writing on the topic Plant nutrition and

soils chemistry in the garden, noted that plants need water, carbon dioxide and a

range of trace minerals known as 'nutrients' to grow. They obtain these nutrients,

and most of their water, from the soil. The nutrients available in a given soil

ultimately depend on the rock from which the soil was made. If the plants grown

from this soil die and decay where they have grown then their nutrients are

recycled (Naika et al., 2015).

Sainju et al. (2013) argued that melon (egusi) requires at least twelve nutrients,

also called “essential elements”, for normal growth and reproduction. According to

them without these nutrients, melon (egusi) cannot grow properly or bear fruits.

These are nitrogen (N), phosphorus (P), potassium (K), calcium (Ca), magnesium

(Mg), sulfur (S), boron (B), iron (Fe), manganese (Mn), copper (Cu), zinc (Zn),

and molybdenum (Mo). They contended that because the soil cannot supply

adequate amounts of N, P, and K for optimum growth and production of melon

(egusi), these nutrients are added as amendments in the form of manures and

fertilizers to the soil. Nutrients, such as Ca and Mg, are applied when liming is

done in acidic soils. Some soils contain abundant amount of Ca and Mg. Sulfur is

usually supplied by N, P, and K fertilizers because many of these fertilizers contain

S compounds. In contrast, micronutrients are usually supplied in adequate amounts

by the soil unless deficiency in plant occurs. In the greenhouse melon (egusi)
production where soil is not generally used for growing melon (egusi), the growth

medium, however, needs to be fortified with all of these nutrients (Sainju et al.,


2.6 Factors that affect growth, yield and shelf life of melon (egusi)

The growth, yield and shelf life and/or quality of melon (egusi) are affected by

physical, environmental and cultural factors. These include but not limited to soil,

water, nutrition, climatic factors. Adekiya and Ojeniyi (2012) observed that

among the factors that contribute to low melon (egusi) yield in Nigeria is low soil

fertility and unfavourable soil physical properties such as bulk density.

Low soil fertility and physical limitations affect melon (egusi) production

especially in Nigeria where there is often constraints of compaction, shallow depth,

supra optimal temperature and nutrient deficiency (Akanni and Ojeniyi, 2017).

Major causes of post-harvest losses are decay of fruits, external injury during

harvesting, handling and storage of melon (egusi) fruits. In addition, environmental

factors such as soil type, temperature, frost and rainy weather during harvest can

cause severe effect on storage life and quality of melon (egusi). Field management

practices also affect post-harvest quality. Melon (egusi) that has been stressed due

to more or less irrigation application can cause high rate of nitrogen and
mechanical injury in the form of scrapes, bruises and abrasion and is particularly

susceptible to post harvest diseases (Shahnawaz et al., 2011).

2.7 Effect of Organic Manure and Inorganic Manure on Growth, Yield and

Shelf Life

Vegetable growers, especially commercial growers, depend on either chemical

fertilizers or organic manure or both to improve on plant growth and increase

yield. Fertilization is one of the ways by which nutrient status of soils can be

improved to meet crop needs and in so doing maintaining the fertility of the soil

and increasing its productivity. Fertilization could have both negative and positive

impacts on the state of the soil and its ability to provide the sound environmental

conditions necessary that influence growth, yield and quality of vegetables. The

amount and type of nutrients supplied to melon (egusi) can influence not only its

yield but also its nutrient content, taste, and post-harvest storage quality (Sainju et

al., 2013).

Dupriez and De Leener (2019) in their publication on Africa Gardens and Orchards

reported that chemical fertilizers lower plant resistance to pest and disease attack

and also reduce the quality of taste and shelf life of vegetable crops. Split

application of fertilizers has been reported to be the most beneficial mode of

nutrient supply to melon (egusi) for optimum growth and yield (Jones, 2019).
2.7.1 Growth

Plant growth can be defined as the progressive development of the plant.

Frequently, the term growth is expressed as the amount of biomass in the plant or

plant part. Heavy doses of nitrogen fertilizers like Ammonium sulphate or

Ammonium nitrate can cause toxicity in water melon and muskmelon and as a

result retard the growth of the plants (Sinnadurai, 2012).

John et al. (2014) indicated that extensive use of inorganic fertilizer had a

depressing effect on the yield of watermelon. It causes reduction in the number of

fruits, delayed and reduced fruit setting leading to delayed ripening. It also leads to

heavy vegetative growth due to its supply of nitrogen. They also reported that

poultry manure is effective as a good source of Nitrogen for sustainable crop

production associated with high photosynthetic activity, vigorous vegetative

growth and a dark green colour of the leaves. According to the findings of a study

conducted by Hector et al. (2013), they observed that low nitrogen restricts growth,

modifies the length-to-diameter ratio of fruit, reduces fruit set and colour


2.7.2 Yield

The yield of a crop is determined by the total biomass production, biomass

partitioning and fruit dry matter content. According to Sainju et al. (2013) mineral
nutrition of melon (egusi) from application of fertilizers and manures has proven to

increase melon (egusi) yield and nutrient uptake by several folds compared with no

fertilization. Williams et al. (2011) in a study on organic fertilizer responses of

cucumbers on peat in Brunei reported that cucumber can be grown on almost any

soil but for good yields in the tropics, the crop requires a deep soil with higher

organic manure. Quansah et al. (2018) reported a significant increase in crop yields

when a combination of organic and mineral fertilizers was applied compared with

sole application of organic or mineral fertilizer. Melon (egusi) plants should be

fertilized with organic (animal manure) and/or chemical fertilizers to produce high

yields (Hanson et al., 2010).

Sendur et al. (2018) observed superior performance with respect to growth and

fruit yield of melon (egusi) due to application of organic manures in combination

with recommended dose of inorganic fertilizers over their individual application.

2.7.3 Shelf life or quality of melon (egusi) fruit

Shelf life is a period of time which starts from harvesting and extends up to the

start of rotting of fruits (Mondal, 2010). High quality melon (egusi) fruits have a

firm, uniform and shiny colour, good appearance, without signs of mechanical

injuries, shriveling and bruises (Shahnawaz et al., 2011). Magkos et al. (2016)

reported that consumers have much preference for foods produced with organic
substrates compared to foods conventionally produced by application of synthetic

fertilizers because they perceive organic foods as healthier and safer. Cucumber

requires magnesium to help obtain a deep-green colouration of its fruit. Hector et

al. (2013) found out that cucumber fields which received high NPK (15-15-15)

fertilizer rates (>2,500kg ha-1) resulted in a high deficiency of magnesium, causing

fruits to develop light green colour and thus reduced quality of fruits.

Tindall (2010) noted that it is an established fact that use of inorganic fertilizer for

crops is not so good for health because of residual effect but in the case of organic

fertilizer such problem does not arise and on the other hand it increases the

productivity of the soil as well as crop quality and yield. The reduction in melon

(egusi) fruit shelf life is influenced by the percentage fruit calcium by fertilizer

application at transplanting. Brady (2017) reported that high nutrient Nitrogen and

Phosphorus availability depresses fruit calcium concentrations which consequently

results in shortened shelf life.

Munson (2015) found that with proper potassium nutrition the fruit is generally

higher in total soluble solids, carotenoids, sugars and acids and has a longer shelf

life. Tucker et al. (2014) stated that supply of potassium nutrition resulted in thin

skinned fruit promoting fruit spoilage, even though extra potassium is not always

correlated with thick skinned fruit with increased shelf life; there should be

appropriate dose of potassium.



3.1 Study Area

The experiment was conducted in 2017 at the Research Farm Complex of Federal

College of Agriculture, Ishiagu. The area lies within latitude 05° 56´ N and

longitude 07° 41´ E in the Derived Savannah Zone of southeastern Nigeria. The

mean annual rainfall for the area is 1350 mm, spread from April to October with

average air temperature being 29°C. The underlying geological material is Shale

formation with sand intrusions locally classified as the ‘Asu River’ group. The soil

is hydromorphic and belongs to the order Ultisol. It has been classified as Typic

Haplustult (FDALR, 2015).

3.2 Methodology

3.2.1 Treatment and Experimental Design

The experiment was laid out in a 3 x 5 factorial in a randomized complete block

design (RCBD) with four replications. Three rates of compost manure, 0, 5 and

10t/ha, were combined with five planting dates of April 2, 16, 30 and May 14 and

28, to give 15 treatment combinations. Each block was divided into 15 plots,

measuring 6m x 3m. Soil samples to the depth of 15cm were collected from the

plots before treatment application. These were bulked together and a sub-sample
taken to the laboratory for chemical and physical analysis. The treatments were

randomly assigned to the plots in each block. Seed was planted at 1.0 x 1.0 metre

spacing at two seeds per hole.

3.2.2 Sowing

The Egusi melon seeds were sown during the 2021 planting season at a plant

spacing of 1.0m x 1.0m at one plant/stand.

3.2.3 Weed Control

Weed control was done twice manually. The first was done three weeks after

seedling emergence by hoeing. The second was done at the 5 th week after seedling

emergence by hand pulling.

3.3 Data collection

Plant growth and development records taken included; days to 50% seedling

emergence, days to 50% flowering, vine length at 30days after emergence (DAE),

number of branches 30DAE. The yield records included; number of fruits/ha, fruit

yield (t/ha), average fruit weight (kg), 1000–seed weight (g), seed to fruit ratio,

kernel to seed ratio and seed yield (kg/ha).

3.4 Data analysis

The data were subjected to a one way Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) to

determine the differences in growth and for the various treatments. Least

Significant Difference (LSD) was carried out using SPSS Version 20 to determine

difference from control and between the treatments (p≤ 0.05).


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