Method Statement For Granular Sub Base

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1. Scope:

This work shall consist of laying and compacting well-graded material on prepared
Subgrade conforming to grading I of table 400-1 of MORT&H and Technical Specification.
The compacted layer thickness shall be 200mm conforming to the lines, grades and cross-
sections shown on the drawing or as directed by the Engineer.

2. Reference:

1. MORT&H section 401 and 900.

3. Materials:

The materials used for GSB construction shall be crushed material and confirm to MORT&H
Table 400-1, Grade- I and as per Technical Specification clause 401.2.

IS Sieve Designation Percent by weight

Mm Passing the IS Sieve
75.0 100
53.0 80-100
26.5 55-90
9.5 35-65
4.75 25-55
2.36 20-40
0.425 10-15
0.075 <5
CBR Value Minimum 30 %

The material shall be jointly checked for conformation to gradation requirement. M.D.D &
OMC shall be determined for the material as per IS 2720 part (8).

Materials shall confirm to the following physical requirement.

Name of Test Specification

(1) Aggregate Impact Value (AIV) Maximum 40 %
(2) Water Absorption of coarse Aggregate Not more than 2 %
(3) Liquid limit Not more than 25 %
(4) Plasticity Index Not more than 6 %
(5) CBR Minimum 30 %


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4. Preparation of Subgrade: Immediately prior to the laying of Granular Sub-base, the
subgrade already finished to clause 301 or 305 as applicable shall be prepared by removing
all vegetation and other extraneous matter, making the surface good if any damages
observed, lightly sprinkled with water if necessary and rolled with two passes of 80-100 KN
smooth wheeled roller

5. Spreading & Compacting:

I. Approved Granular sub-base material from the stockyard (final product from GSB
screening plant) shall be carried to the work site by means of dumpers/tractors, shall be
spread on the prepared sub-grade with the help of motor grader of adequate capacity,
it’s blade having hydraulic controls suitable for initial adjustments and for maintaining
the required slopes and grade as per approved drawing during the operation in such a
way to avoid segregation. Loose thickness of sub-base shall be maintained as established
from the trial run so that after compaction of layer, final thickness of GSB bed will be
200mm only.

II. Moisture content of loose material shall be checked in accordance with IS: 2720(part -2)
and suitably adjusted by sprinkling additional water from a truck mounted water tank
and suitable for applying water uniformly and at controlled quantities to ensure that the
mix is at it’s specified moisture content of +1% to -2% of OMC corresponding to IS: 2720
(Part-8) at the time of compaction. While adding water, due allowance shall be made
for evaporation losses. After adding water the material shall be processed by mechanical
or other approved means like disc harrows, rotovators until the layer is uniformly wet.

III. Immediately there after, compaction shall be done with the help of a vibratory roller of
minimum 80-100 KN Static weight with plain drum. The speed of the roller shall be
maintained less that 5 kmph. Rolling shall commence at the lower edge and proceed
towards the upper edge longitudinally for portion having unidirectional cross fall and
super elevation and shall commence at the edge and proceed towards the center for
portions having cross fall on both sides.

Each pass of the roller shall uniformly overlap not less than one third of the track
made in the proceeding pass. During rolling, the grade and cross fall (Camber) shall be
checked by fixing batter pegs on both sides to assure the surface level with the help of
grid stick and threads.

Rolling shall be continued till the density achieved is at least 98 % of the Maximum
Dry Density for the material determined as per IS: 2720 (part -8). The surface of the
layer on completion of compaction shall be well closed, free from movement under
compaction equipment and from compaction planes, ridges, cracks or loose materials.
All loose, segregated or otherwise defective areas shall be made good to the full
thickness of layer and re-compacted.

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IV. Thickness of loose layer, rolling pattern and all quality control criteria shall be
established by constructing a trial stretch length of 60m over an approved sub-grade bed
on the main carriageway.

6. Quality Control:
I. Control of alignment, level and surface regularity shall be in accordance with clause 902
of MORT&H specifications.

II. The types of tests and their frequencies for the Granular sub-base shall be as giver in
Table 900-3 of MORT&H specifications. The evaluation of density results and acceptance
criteria for compaction control shall be on lines similar to those set out in clause 903.2.2
of MORT&H specifications.

Sr. No Type of Test Frequency (min)

1 Gradation One test per 400 Cum.
2 Atterberg limits One test per 400 Cum.
3 Moisture Content prior to compaction One test per 400 Sqm.
4 Density of Compacted Layer One test per 1000 Sqm.
5 Deleterious Content As required
6 CBR As required

7. Plant, Machineries and Equipment:

Following sets of plant, machineries and equipment shall be deployed for the construction
of granular sub-base.

1. Screening Plant – 1 No.

2. Excavators – 2 Nos.
3. Loaders - 1 No.
4. Dozers - 1 No.
5. Tippers / Dumpers. - 4 Nos.
6. Motor grader - 1 No.
7. Tractor with disc harrows / Spreading blade / Ploughs - 1 No.
8. Water tanker with sprinklers. - 1 No.
9. Vibratory rollers. - 1 No.
10. Total Station. - 1 No.
11. Auto Levels. - 1 No.
8. Manpower:

Sr. Engineer

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Site Engineer
Material Engineer
Skilled Labour
Unskilled Labour

9. Safety Arrangements:

During construction activities proper safety measures will be taken for the safety of both
workers as well as plying traffic.

1. To control dust pollution both at screening plant and work site, water will be
sprinkled, as and when required.

2. Temporary barricades painted alternate black and white strips shall be erected on
either side of the carriage way / portion of the carriage way closed to traffic where

3. On both side, suitable regulatory / marking signs as approved by the Engineer shall be
installed for the guidance of road users.

4. Helmets, safety jackets shall be provided to the workers.

5. All the equipments engaged for construction will be attached with back horn.

6. Safety cones, sand bags, red flags and safety ribbon will be placed wherever

7. Safety officer shall be available at all time.

8. Site Engineer will be briefed and be well versed with all site safety measures.

9. First Aid facility will be provided, both at screening plant and worksite.

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