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Shayne Anne Louise O.

John Kate Ragus

The Goal Digger

An enthusiastic educator named Christian Jos Obana who happened to be born
on Christmas evening, inspires many students. No wonder where his name originated.
A lot of the people knows him or maybe everybody because he is currently the adviser
of Marialis Pons, the official publication of Senior High Department.
“What’s your biggest achievement as of now?” Someone asked curiously
because a lot of questions were waiting.
“I was able to make a name for Marialis Pons in journalism.” A genuine smile
was seen while he was talking.
“Because I don’t have any background for journalism.” He continued.
The man behind the words of the school’s newspaper didn’t have any background
for such thing but surprisingly it is the best publication winning several awards in the
“Maybe it was meant for me that’s why God gave it to me.”
Sir Jos is one of the popular teachers in the department but only few knew the
story of this inspiring and jolly teacher.
“Are you an open book?” Someone asked as the interview goes on. Many are
close to him but never had the courage to ask some personal questions.
“No, my life is not an open book because I believe that there must be reservation
or privacy for myself.” Sir Jos replied as he shook his head.
Christian Jos smiled again, but now it is his different personality that makes him
looked serious. The face that made the students wonder what he’ll be saying next.
“Everyone of us has a dual personality”.
That was him. A hard to understand mood. A whole new different Jos. Like a
weather changing rapidly.
“It’s just that certain situations demand us to be extrovert or introvert.” But before
ending his response, he decided to say that he’s more an extrovert.
Christian Jos himself is an epitome of complex personality and epitome of the
reality that overshadowed the struggles before becoming a teacher.
It was revealed that teaching is not in his list of choices. His mother wanted him
to be sitting in the bank counting other people’s money. “It was my mother’s choice.”
“I am contented but I have to look into my personal goals”. As a literature teacher,
he was inspired to put up a library because it takes big amount of money and
knowledge before making it to happen.
With reasons he’ll soon stop teaching. “There are dreams that have to forgo in
order to reach for other dreams”.
In the first place, Jos only took teaching profession for income.
A surprising statement was heard when Jos said that he wanted to be a lawyer but
his father didn’t want him to be because he’ll have many enemies in that profession.
Despite of shifting course, he is now a very effective teacher that students look up to
him because of his intelligence and happy personality.
“I think my strength is that I can connect to people”.
That’s a fact and everybody knows it. Jos is very good in connecting to his
students and also to his colleagues. The strategy he uses in classroom that eases the
tension of student-teacher relationship will not be felt for more active discussion.
The story of Christian Jos turns up interesting facts and inspiration that people
never expected.
“So do you consider yourself successful right now?” A voice heard from the back
while the shocking informations are still sinking.
People have different definition of success. “Being success is determined later
on”. Indeed, he is literature teacher. The words coming out is always WOW, Words of
“One of my ultimate goal is to put up a library”. He is an ambitious teacher and
with great confidence the people around him trust his abilities.
He inspires many aspiring teachers to pursue their dream whatever happens.
‘’Be patient and always look in the uniqueness of every student.” He ended with a
curve in his lips that stretches up to his ears.
There’s real hard-earned legacy in his story. He’s a happy go lucky teacher who
teaches the hidden messages behind every text. He is an inspiration and soon his
students will remember him. And If you’re one of the lucky ones, you became one of his
students who were molded to be creative writers.

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