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You can do all kinds of unexpected things with flour,like make your own
pizza,pandesal,pancake,cupcake etc., But did you know that you can also use it to make your
own glue?

Whether you’re fixing things around the house or making school projects,there are
chances that you use paste time to time to make sure everything is held together. If you find
yourself without this household staple and you’re in need of some adhesive,there’s no need to
worry. Science found a really easy way to make paste using flour.

Students nowadays spend too much money on making projects effortly. We thought
students can lessen their expenses with our instant paste. When you needed it and you don’t have
the time to buy glue for your project,you can do it yourself in just a few minutes. Here’s more, it
is a fun paste to make because you can see the chemical reactions happening while you make it!

This is a great experiment to try,plus it doesn’t hurt that it’s all natural and really works.
And since it’s made with things you already have in the house,it’s relatively free. Simply mix the
ingredients,heat it and voila you have paste.


1. Will it be strong enough to stick papers together?

2. How long will it be expired(cannot use anymore)?


Raw Materials:

 ½ cup of flour
 1/3 cups of water

Other Materials:

 Measuring cup
 Bowl
 Spoon
 Pan

I.Prepare all the materials.

Water and Measuring Cup Pan and Bowl Flour Spoon and Spatula

Use the measuring cup and measure ½ cup of flour and 1/3 cup of

water in a bowl.

½ cup of flour 1/3 cup of water

II. Mix the flour and water in a bowl with a spoon. Blend the mixture until it is thick as a

Note: The paste should not be too thick or too drippy.

Note: If you need more glue,simply double the recipe. If you need less glue,start with the
amount of flour you will use,then add water, a teaspoon at a time,until it reaches the right

III. Cook the paste over medium heat until it boils.

Pour the paste in a pan and stir constantly until the mixture bubbles. Take it off immediately
when the paste starts bubbling,and wait until the mixture cools before you put it on a sealed

IV. Keep the paste in a tightly sealed container in the refrigerator.

After a few minutes,you can now use it. Use your finger to apply the glue to your craft.

Note: The paste can become moldy over time. To prevent mold,you should dry your craft
project. And if there is excess put it in the refrigerator so you can use it later.


After we produced the paste made of flour and water, we asked somebody to rate how strong the
paste will be in joining papers.

Rating Description
1 Very Weak
2 Weak
3 Strong
4 Very Strong
5 Extremely Strong



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