Mini Review ROS Inflammación 2018

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ISSN 0096-3925, Moscow University Biological Sciences Bulletin, 2018, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 199–202.

© Allerton Press, Inc., 2018.

Original Russian Text © M.A. Chelombitko, 2018, published in Vestnik Moskovskogo Universiteta, Seriya 16: Biologiya, 2018, Vol. 73, No. 4, pp. 242–246.


Role of Reactive Oxygen Species in Inflammation:

A Minireview
M. A. Chelombitko
Department of Biology, Moscow State University, Moscow, 119234 Russia
Received May 29, 2018; in final form, September 5, 2018

Abstract—Inflammation is a protective response of a multicellular organism to injury in order to localize,

eliminate, and remove harmful stimuli as well as to recover (or replace) damaged tissues. There recently has
been increasing evidence that reactive oxygen species (ROS) are involved in the initiation, progression, and
resolution of the inflammatory response. Furthermore, ROS act as microbicidal agents and second messen-
gers in the intracellular signaling. The latter function is performed via posttranslational modification of pro-
tein-associated redox-sensitive cysteine residues that can undergo oxidation. At the same time, there is clear
evidence that overproduction of ROS may result in cell and tissue injury and contribute to chronic inflam-
mation underlying many neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and metabolic diseases. This review has focused
on the role of ROS in the key inflammatory events (increased vascular permeability and leukocyte extravasa-
tion, respiratory burst and phagocytosis, and angiogenesis) and some events leading to the resolution of
inflammation. In addition, the pathological function of ROS in oxidative stress is discussed.

Keywords: reactive oxygen species, inflammation, oxidative stress, NADPH-oxidase, respiratory burst, mito-
DOI: 10.3103/S009639251804003X

Reactive oxygen species (ROS) are free radicals sitive proteins, including various receptors and chan-
(molecules or molecular fragments with one or more nels, kinases and phosphatases, caspases, and tran-
unpaired electrons in atomic or molecular orbitals) scriptional factors. Redox-sensitive proteins comprise
derived from molecular oxygen. ROS include super- proteins that contain functionally significant residues
oxide anion (O2− ), hydroxyl (HO•), and hydroperoxyl of cysteine that can undergo oxidation. Thus, H2O2
can oxidize sulfhydryl groups of cysteine (Cys–SH)
(HOi2 ) radicals; hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), nitric with the formation of sulfenic (Cys–SOH) and then
oxide (NO), hypochlorous acid (HOCl), and singlet sulfinic (Cys–SO2H) and sulfonic (Cys–SO3H) acids.
oxygen (1O2) [1]. These modifications alter the protein activity and
The main source of ROS in many cell types is mito- affect the protein functioning in the pathway of signal
chondria where ROS are generated by the electron transduction [3].
transport chain (from complexes of the mitochondrial Considerable data have now been accumulated that
respiratory chain: complex I—NADH dehydrogenase indicate that ROS participate in the initiation, pro-
complex; complex III—cytochrome bc1complex) as gression, and resolution of inflammation. We further
well as dehydrogenases in the mitochondrial matrix, discuss the involvement of ROS in the critical events
p66shc protein in the intermembrane space, and of this process.
monoamine oxidase in the outer membrane. ROS can
be also produced by other enzymes in the cell, such as
xanthine oxidase, cyclooxygenases, myeloperoxidase, Vascular Permeability and Leukocyte Extravasation
NADPH oxidase, cytochrome P450 enzymes, lipoxy- In the initial stage of an inflammatory process, the
genases, and oxidoreductase 1α [2]. cells of innate immunity (mainly macrophages and
High levels of ROS incur damage to DNA, lipids, mast cells) activated by injurious agents produce vari-
and proteins. However, at low concentrations, ROS ous inflammatory mediators leading to increased vas-
act as important mediators involved in the regulation cular permeability and leukocyte migration towards
of cell growth, cell adhesion, differentiation, cell the site of injury [4].
death, etc. ROS are involved in intracellular signaling Numerous data confirm the important role of ROS
through posttranslational modification of redox-sen- in the regulation of this stage of inflammation. Thus,


ROS regulate expression of the intercellular adhesion somes but also into the surrounding tissues. They
molecules (such as ICAM-1, VCAM-1, P- and mainly act as bactericidal agents [12]. It should be
E-selectin) on the endothelial surface that ensures its noted that, depending on the pathogen size, NADPH
interaction with blood leukocytes and further transen- oxidase is assembled either at the plasma membrane or
dothelial migration of leukocytes [5]. Overexpression at the membrane of neutrophil phagosomes. Thus,
of the antioxidant enzyme superoxide dismutase microbes of small size trigger ROS intracellularly, sup-
decreases leukocyte binding to endothelium at the site pressing the interleukin IL-1β expression and limiting
of inflammation by reducing the expression of adhe- the recruitment of new neutrophils. Large pathogens
sion molecules [6]. trigger ROS extracellularly, amplifying the IL-1β
A gradient of H2O2 generated at the site of injury is expression that leads to the formation of neutrophil
one of the early factors of leukocyte recruitment [7]. clusters around pathogens [13]. NADPH oxidase plays
Such cytokines as tumor necrosis factor (TNF), an important role in the progression of the inflamma-
angiopoietin-1, platelet-derived growth factor tory response not only because of its involvement in
(PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), the respiratory burst. This enzyme is also required for
and a number of components of the extracellular the formation of neutrophil extracellular traps [14].
matrix stimulate cell migration and adhesion, which is
accompanied by activation of NADPH oxidase [8].
Neutrophils with a deficient NADPH oxidase activ- Angiogenesis
ity exhibit impaired migration to the site of injury in Angiogenesis is a process of the growth of new ves-
mice [9]. sels and is an important stage in the proliferative phase
Furthermore, ROS act upon the endothelial per- of inflammation. There are evidences of the key role of
meability by affecting cell–cell contacts. Thus, occlu- NADPH oxidase-derived ROS in this phase of the
dins, proteins of tight junctions, are redox sensitive, inflammatory response. It has been shown in human
and oxidative stress reduces the occludin expression. umbilical vein endothelial cells (HUVECs) that
We also know that occludin oligomerization is affected NADPH oxidase is localized at the leading edge of
by the antioxidant function of glutathione in the cell. migrating cells and is linked to actin and IQGAP1 pro-
Under conditions of inflammation, the balance tein (Ras GTPase-activating-like protein). The dis-
between reduced and oxidized glutathione shifts in ruption of this binding leads to the NADPH oxidase
favor of the oxidized form, which results in progres- translocation from the leading edge and the impaired
sion of oxidative stress and the impaired assembly of migration of endothelial cells [15]. The effect of ROS
occludins that increases the permeability of tight junc- on cell migration is apparently mainly mediated
tions [10]. through the redox sensitivity of small Rho GTPases
Moreover, ROS affect another type of inter-endo- involved in cytoskeleton rearrangements. Thus, in the
thelial junctions—adherens junctions. This is mainly HUVECs, VEGF induced migration of endothelial
mediated by phosphorylation of key serine and tyro- cells, accompanied by increased production of ROS in
sine residues of the relevant proteins (VE-cadherin, mitochondria. The targeted mitochondria delivery of
β-catenin, and p120 catenin), which induces junc- the vitamin E-based antioxidant (Mito-Vit-E), as well
tional disassembly [5]. An important role in the dis- as overexpression of mitochondrial catalase, inhibited
ruption of adherens junctions is played by a small VEGF-mediated production of mitochondrial ROS,
GTPase Rac1 from the RhoGTPase family. Thus, it activation of GTPase Rac1, and cell migration. The
has been shown that treatment of human pulmonary use of Mito-Vit-E did not affect cell migration in the
microvascular endothelial cells (HMVECs) with experiments with constitutively active GTPase Rac1.
cytokine VEGF induces the Rac1-mediatiated gen- These results provide strong evidence that mitochon-
eration of ROS that leads to phosphorylation of dria-derived ROS regulate cell migration via Rac1
VE-cadherin and β-catenin and loss of adherens [16].
junction integrity [11].
Resolution of Inflammation
Respiratory Burst and Phagocytosis
There is increasing evidence of ROS involvement
The most well-known role of ROS in inflamma- in a number of processes that contribute to the natural
tion is their participation in the phenomenon of resolution of inflammation. One of the key events pre-
″respiratory burst.″ Once neutrophils and macro- ceding inflammation resolution is massive death of
phages have arrived at the site of inflammation, they neutrophils. Signaling pathways regulating the apop-
phagocytize pathogens and cellular debris. This pro- tosis of granulocytes, and other cells are ROS-depen-
cess induces the NADPH oxidase assembly and acti- dent. Thus, in a model of antigen-induced arthritis in
vation at the phagosome membrane. This enzyme mice, H2O2 has been demonstrated to induce the neu-
reduces O2 to O2− that triggers other ROS. Respiratory trophil apoptosis and resolution of the inflammatory
burst-derived ROS are released not only into phago- response [17].



Another important event contributing to transition start to adversely affect different components of the
to the resolution phase of inflammation is phagocyto- cell. Lipid peroxidation of ω-3 and ω-6 polyunsatu-
sis of apoptotic cells by M2-polarized macrophages rated fatty acids of membrane phospholipids causes
exhibiting anti-inflammatory activity. There is evi- damage to cell membranes. Furthermore, lipid perox-
dence that the interaction of macrophages with apop- idation generates such relatively stable end-products as
totic cells leads to destabilization of the NADPH oxi- 4-hydroxy-2-nonenal and malondialdehyde, which
dase mRNA by the RNA-binding protein SYNCRIP may themselves exhibit cytotoxic effects. Oxidation of
(Synaptotagmin binding, cytoplasmic RNA interact- tyrosine, serine, and cysteine residues in proteins
ing protein). This consequently decreases ROS pro- results in disturbance of protein functions. Progres-
duction and activates macrophages toward an M2-like sion of oxidative stress results in single and/or double-
phenotype [18]. At the same time, the formation of stranded breaks in DNA. Mitochondrial damage
ROS plays an important role in the differentiation of M2 caused by oxidative stress is followed by a decrease in
macrophages. Thus, inhibition of the NADPH- the transmembrane potential, changes in the mem-
dependent production of O2− by butylated hydroxy- brane permeability, and accelerated release of apop-
anisole specifically blocks the differentiation of M2 totic factors. All of the above factors impair cell func-
macrophages without affecting the differentiation of tionality, which leads to cell death [3, 23].
proinflammatory M1-macrophages [19]. It is worth
noting that the microbicidal function of macrophages Therefore, the currently available information
M1 requires continuous production of ROS by the about the ROS-induced effects on inflammation indi-
inducible NO synthase, NADPH oxidase, and by cate their multifaceted but still understudied role in
mitochondria. ROS play an important role in main- this process. At the same time, ROS are known not
taining the proinflammatory phenotype of macro- only as microbicidal agents but they are also involved
phages also due to the activation of the NF-κB signal- in intracellular signaling transduction, and their over-
ing pathway (Nuclear factor kappa-light-chain- production may contribute to chronic inflammation.
enhancer of activated B cells) involved in the expres- Considerable data have now been accumulated
sion of proinflammatory cytokines [20]. demonstrating the success of antioxidant therapy in
the complex treatment of inflammatory diseases [24].
It is known that ROS have both activating and Moreover, in recent years, the number of research and
inhibiting roles in NF-κB signaling. ROS activate the development studies related to the anti-inflammatory
transcription factor NF-κB mainly through inactivat- properties of mitochondria-targeted antioxidants has
ing phosphorylation of its inhibitory protein IkBα. increased. The use of such compounds in the treat-
Thus, H2O2 affects the phosphorylation of IkBα on ment of inflammatory diseases is highly promising,
tyrosine residues, which leads to IkBα degradation since mitochondria are one of the main sources of
and NF-κB activation. At the same time, the direct ROS generation contributing to increased oxidative
action of ROS on the NF-κB heterodimer inhibits its stress and playing a key role in the pathogenesis of
DNA binding ability. In turn, the NF-κB signaling inflammatory diseases [1, 25]. Studying the role of
pathway may affect intracellular levels of ROS via ROS that originated from different sources in the
increased expression of various antioxidant proteins inflammatory response regulation is important for
(superoxide dismutase, catalase, thioredoxin-1 and
gaining a better understanding of the ROS involve-
thioredoxin-2, etc.). Furthermore, NF-κB also acti-
vates the transcription of a number of enzymes ment in biological processes as well as for providing
involved in ROS production, such as NADPH oxi- insights into the mechanisms of protective action of
dase, inducible NO synthase, cyclooxygenase-2, and therapeutic agents with antioxidant properties, which
5- and 12-lipoxygenases [21]. would eventually form the basis for the development of
more effective anti-inflammatory drugs.

Oxidative Stress
Although ROS are important regulatory mole-
cules in almost all stages of the inflammatory pro- The work was financially supported by the Russian
cess, ROS overproduction by mitochondria and Science Foundation (project no. 14-50-00029).
NADPH oxidase of leukocytes and endothelial cells,
which is not compensated by the antioxidant sys-
tems, may result in serious cellular and tissue damage COMPLIANCE
and promote chronic inf lammation underlying many WITH ETHICAL STANDARDS
neurodegenerative, cardiovascular, and metabolic
diseases [22]. The authors declare that they have no conflict of
Progression of oxidative stress in the cell results in interest. This article does not contain any studies
the disturbance of cellular redox status, which shifts involving animals or human participants performed by
towards oxidation processes. At the same time, ROS any of the authors.



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