ENGLISH Practical MansimarSingh BCA1 2020412

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( Cource Code :- BTHU104 )

Batch 2020-2023

Submitted To: Submitted By:

Ms. Marvi Mam Branch: BCA Semester 1st
Name: Mansimar Singh
Roll No: 2020412

Chandigarh Group of Colleges

Mansimar Singh

Jhanjeri, Mohali

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 2

Mansimar Singh


S. no. Practicals Pg. no. Signature

1 Introduction 3

2 Role play and dialogues 4

3 Group Discussion 5

4 Communication at Workplace 6-8

5 Formal Presentation 9-10

6 Interviews 11-15

7 Monologue 16-17

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 3

Mansimar Singh

Practical 1st
1. Greet the interviewer

2. Name and current status

3. Native place

4. Hobbies

5. Aim of your life

6. Strengths

7. Do not fake things

8. Be confident and crisp

9. Try to speak clearly

Good Morning!

My name is Mansimar Singh and I am presently persuing BCA

from Chandigarh Group of Colleges, Jhanjeri, Mohali.

I was born in Sri Ganganagar (Rajasthan) born and raised there,

well not practically my whole life spent there, we shifted a few
times too, still most of my time, I was in Sri Ganganagar, but it’s a
long story. I completed my high school education from Sri
Ganganagar too.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 4

Mansimar Singh

Well my hobbies are to listen to Music, to play Video Games, and

to watch Movies. The aim of my life is to become a successful man
not only with academically, but emotionally too, ya know :)

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 5

Mansimar Singh

Practical 2nd
Role play and dialogues

Role play can be classified as one of the communication of foreign

language learning. It allows you to imagine a role of someone else
in a specific situation. So that you can act & behave according by
playing a role of somebody you are into his world it prepares you
for the communication in a different social cultural environment.

• Dialogues: it is a written or spoken conversation exchange

between two or more people and a literary form and a theatrical
form that depicts such an exchange. It is used as practice in variety
of setting form education to business.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 6

Mansimar Singh

Practical 3rd
Group Discussion
It is a get together of about 5 or more participants who come
together for a discussion on a particular topic.

1. Respect the contribution of another person.

2. Speak pleasantly and give courtesty to all members of the group.

3. Listen to the ideas of other speakers.

4. Try to stick to the topic of discussion.

5. Be aware pf your body language when you are speaking.

6. Try to speak clearly.

1. Do not take offence if the other person disagree.

2. Do not insult the other speaker.

3. Do not use a loud or angry tone.

Parameters of good participants of group discussion:

1. He/she should be team player.

2. He/she should’ve reasoning ability.

3. He/she should’ve leadership qualities.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 7

Mansimar Singh

4. Awareness of the topic.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 8

Mansimar Singh

Practical 4th
Communication at Workplace
Workplace communication is the process of exchanging
information and ideas, both verbal and non-verbal between one
person/group and another person/group within an organization. It
includes e-mails, text messages, notes, calls, etc. Effective
communication is critical in getting the job done, as well as
building a sense of trust and increasing the productivity of
employees. These may have different cultures and backgrounds,
and can be used to different norms. To unite activities of all
employees and restrain from any missed deadline or activity that
could affect the company negatively, communication is crucial.
Effective workplace communication ensures that all the
organizational objectives are achieved. Workplace communication
is tremendously important to organizations because it increases
productivity and efficiency. Ineffective workplace communication
leads to communication gaps between employees, which causes
confusion, wastes time, and reduces productivity. Ineffective
communication can also lead to chaos in the organization.
Misunderstandings that cause friction between people can be
avoided by effective workplace communication. Effective
communication, also called open communication, prevents barriers
from forming among individuals within companies that might
impede progress in striving to reach a common goal. For
businesses to function as desired, managers and lower-level
employees must be able to interact clearly and effectively with each
other through verbal communication and non-verbal
communication to achieve specific business goals. Effective
communication with clients plays a vital role in development of an
organization and success of any business. When communicating,
nonverbal communication must also be taken into consideration.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 9

Mansimar Singh

How a person delivers a message has a lot of influence on the

meaning of this one.

Need of effective communicaton:

Effective communication involves knowing how to listen
attentively. It’s the ability to offer empathy, openmindedness, and
helpful feedback based on what you hear.

1. Building trust: Effective communication fosters trust with

others. Your ability to listen attentively and embrace different
points of view helps others trust that you are making optimal
decisions for everyone in the group. As you serve as a role
model, this trust will extend to your team and they will feel as
though they can trust their teammates to fulfill their duties and

2. Preventing or resolving problems: The ability to

communicate effectively plays a large role in resolving conflicts
and preventing potential ones from arising. The key is to remain
calm, make sure all parties are heard and find a solution that is
ideal for everyone involved.

3. Providing clarity and direction: With effective

communication skills, you’re able to deliver clear expectations
and objectives for your team. This involves finding constructive
ways to point out when something isn’t working as well as
providing helpful feedback to get people back on track.

4. Creates better relationships: Good communication also

improves relationships, both with employees and in your
personal life with friends and family members. Listening

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 10

Mansimar Singh

carefully and offering quality feedback helps people to feel heard

and understood. This, in turn, nurtures mutual respect.

5. Increases engagement: With people feeling more

confident in their work and in their understanding of what they
need to do, they become more engaged with their work as a
whole. According to a recent study exploring the psychology of
employee engagement, only 15% of adult employees are engaged
with their employers. By prioritizing effective communication,
you can increase engagement, and thus boost satisfaction, among
your team members.

6. Improves productivity: When team members understand

their roles, the roles of others and your expectations, they can
focus more on their work and less on workplace issues. With
effective communication, conflicts are resolved quickly,
employees can better manage their workload and distractions are
minimized. These benefits contribute to greater productivity for
you and your team.

7. Promotes team building: With improved communication,

team members will be better able to rely on each other. You will
not have one team member feel as though they have to carry the
entire group. This improved division of labor will encourage
positive feelings and relationships between the team members,
which leads to improved morale and work experiences. Good
communication skills can play an important role in nurturing
positive work experiences for your entire team. As people feel
listened to and understood by you, you naturally improve your
work environment. If you want to learn more about how to
improve your leadership skills, including your communication
strategies, take a look at our Effective Communication workshop
at PCC. This condensed workshop will demonstrate the impact
communication skills have on other people, at work and in life.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 11

Mansimar Singh

Practical 5th
Formal Presentation
Formal Presentation Presenting ideas effectively to individuals or
groups when given time to prepare; delivering presentations suited
to the characteristics and needs of the audience.

 Maintains audience attention: Keeps the audience

engaged through use of techniques such as analogies,
illustrations, humor, an appealing style, body language, and
voice inflection.

 Defines clear goals: Establishes an objective that clearly

reflects the needs of the audience.

 Follows a logical sequence: Presents main ideas that

support the objective of the presentation, and presents facts,
evidence, and details that support the main ideas; delivers
information in a logical order to aid understanding.

 Uses nonverbal communication: Uses body language

(e.g., eye contact and gestures) that is consistent with verbal
communication and aids understanding.

 Uses learning aids: Uses audio and visual aids to enhance

the audience’s understanding of content.

 Listens and responds to questions and objections:

Involves the audience by soliciting questions and input;
clarifies as needed to help achieve the goals of the session.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 12

Mansimar Singh

 Summarizes the presentation: Summarizes the main

ideas; calls the audience to take action or make decisions,
where appropriate.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 13

Mansimar Singh

Guidelines to prepare effective communication

Clarity of Purpose: The message to be delivered must be clear
in the mind of sender. The person to whom it is targeted and the
aim of the message should be clear in the mind of the sender.

Completeness: The message delivered should not be incomplete.

It should be supported by facts and observations. It should be well
planned and organized. No assumptions should be made by the

Conciseness: The message should be concise. It should not

include any unnecessary details. It should be short and complete.

Feedback: Whether the message sent by the sender is understood

in same terms by the receiver or not can be judged by the feedback
received. The feedback should be timely and in personal. It should
be specific rather than general.

Empathy: Empathy with the listeners is essential for effective

verbal communication. The speaker should step into the shoes of
the listener and be sensitive to their needs and emotions. This way
he can understand things from their perspective and make
communication more effective.

Modify the message according to the audience: The

information requirement by different people in the organization
differs according to their needs. What is relevant to the middle
level management might not be relevant to the top level of
management. Use of jargons should be minimized because it might
lead to misunderstanding and misinterpretations.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 14

Mansimar Singh

Multiple Channels of communication: For effective

communication multiple channels should be used as it increases the
chances of clarity of message.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 15

Mansimar Singh

Practical 6th
The word interview mean view between or sight between. The
suggest a meeting two persons for the purpose of getting a view of
each or for knowing each other. Importance of personal grooming
for the interview. Good grooming starts before you put on your
clothing. Here are some trips.

Be real your appearenace is important it conservation modest suit

is a good choice of what to wear.

 Take care of your hair, skin, face, hands and your total body.

Hygiene and skin care :

1. Bath or shower daily. Wash your face at least twice a day.

2. Brush and floss daily.

3. Drink plenty of water because this will help to keep your skin

Dressing sense for interview:

 Formal interview dress code for males

Top Wear:

1. Shirts: A light or solid coloured long-sleeved shirt is always a

good idea for interview dressing. You can either go for a plain
shirt or a one with micro checks.

2. Suits and blazers: You can also opt for a formal suit or simply
throw on a blazer over a light or solid coloured shirt. For suits

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 16

Mansimar Singh

and blazers, it is best to go for colours like black, navy blue,

dark grey, dark brown, etc.

Bottom wear:

1. Trouser: Choose a dark-coloured trouser, preferably in black,

grey, or blue color. You can experiment with the fit of the
trouser with a slim, medium, or regular fit. Prefer a plain
trouser over a printed one.


1. Socks: Select a plain pair of cotton socks that match with the
colour of your trousers.

2. Shoes: A pair of formal shoes will complete your look. Choose

a comfortable pair of shoes. It is always a safe bet to go for
colours like black or tan in shoes.


1. Tie: Put on a traditional tie to complete the formal look. For

the tie, it is advisable to select a color and pattern that
complements your shirt. Here is how to tie a tie !

2. Belt: Add a hint of style with a solid textured belt. You can
select colors like black, brown, or dark blue in belts.

3. Watch: Add a finishing touch to your look with a classic watch.

4. Bag: Carry a basic brown or black small laptop bag or

briefcase for your documents.

Points to remember for male interview dressing

Have a look at these key points:

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 17

Mansimar Singh

1. Always wear clean and well-pressed clothes.

2. Avoid loud colors/prints in shirts. Avoid flashy ties.

3. Do remember to wear a mild deodorant.

4. Make sure your shoes are free from stains and dust.

5. Opt for a clean-shaven look or a well-trimmed beard look.

6. Apply a limited amount of aftershave.

7. Maintain neatly trimmed nails.

8. Carry resume and important documents in a briefcase or laptop


Formal interview dress code for females

Traditional wear:

1. Traditional Indian suit: A well-fitted traditional Indian suit is a

good option for female candidates. However, avoid wearing a
tight-fitted suit with glitter, lace, or animal print.

2. Saree: You can also opt for a simple cotton saree in solid or
pastel colors for a formal look.

Western wear:

1. Pantsuit: A dark or pastel coloured pantsuit with light coloured

shirt makes for a classy interview dressing.

2. Shirt/Top: Full-sleeved or half-sleeved shirt or top with a knee-

length pencil skirt is acceptable as professional dress code.
Choose light and pastel shades for shirt/top with minimal print.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 18

Mansimar Singh

3. Formal dress: A well-fitted, knee-length dress in straight style is

also a good option for female candidates.


1. Shoes: Formal women shoes with fairly low-heel look

impressive. Go for colors like black, tan, beige, blue, dusky
pink, etc.

2. Pumps: Pumps look impressive with almost any outfit. They are
also versatile and stay in fashion forever. Make sure to choose a
comfortable heel or go for flats.


1. Handbag: Female candidates can carry a smart and basic hand

bag to keep their documents in place. Go for neutral shades or
basics colours like black, tan, and blue.

Hair and makeup:

1. Minimal make-up. A hint of blush, mascara, and naturalcolored

lip gloss are usually enough while going for an interview. You
can also add a bit of kohl and eyeliner, if you wish.

2. Nail paint: Choose neutral colors for nail paint.

3. Hairstyle: Hair should be neatly styled in a basic manner.

Generally, a low or high ponytail looks good with suits and
skirts. You can also opt for a well-combed straight hair look.
Another formal hairstlye that goes well with msot outfits is a
low and polished bun.

Points to remember for female interview dressing

Have a look at these key points:

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 19

Mansimar Singh

1. Make sure your outfit is neat, clean, and well-pressed.

2. Avoid wearing sleeveless shirts and suits as it imparts causal


3. Wear a mild deodorant or perfume.

4. Make sure your hair is fresh and clean.

5. Avoid hair accessories that are flashy or shiny.

6. Keep your nails clean and well-shaped and avoid very long nails.

7. Avoid gaudy bracelets and dangling earrings. It may spoil the

formal look.

8. Avoid wearing stilettos for an interview; reserve them for


Interview body language: Personal image is more than just clothes.

Warmth, self confidence will also influence the way prespective
employees judge you be positive with positive body language take
care of the following.

Facial expression: Pleasant smile. Meet the interview with a film

friendly handshake. Mention comfortable eye contact with all

Hands: do not keep your hands on interview table.

Eyes: steady, obsenant and frequent eye contact don’t give eye block

Head: It should be straight and steady.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 20

Mansimar Singh

Practical 7th
A monologue is a speech given by a single character in a story. In
drama, it is the vocalization of a character’s thoughts; in literature,
the verbalization. It is traditionally a device used in theater—a
speech to be given on stage—but nowadays, its use extends to film
and television.

Examples of monologue:

A monologue speaks at people, not with people. Many plays and

shows involving performers begin with a single character giving a
monologue to the audience before the plot or action begins. For
example, envision a ringleader at a circus…

Importance of monologue:

Monologues give the audience and other characters access to what

a particular character is thinking, either through a speech or the
vocalization of their thoughts. While the purpose of a speech is
obvious, the latter is particularly useful for characterization: it aids
the audience in developing an idea about what the character is
really thinking, which in turn helps (or can later help) explain their
previous (or future) actions and behavior.

Types of monologue:

1. Soliloquy: A speech that a character gives to himself—as if no

one else is listening—which voices his inner thoughts aloud.
Basically, a soliloquy captures a character talking to himself at
length out loud. Of course, the audience (and sometimes other
characters) can hear the speech, but the person talking to
himself is unaware of others listening. For example, in comedy,

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 21

Mansimar Singh

oftentimes a character is pictured giving themselves a lengthy,

uplifting speech in the mirror…while a friend is secretly
watching them and laughing. The soliloquy is one of the most
fundamental dramatic devices used by Shakespeare in his

2. Dramatic Monologue: A speech that is given directly to the

audience or another character. It can be formal or informal,
funny or serious; but it is almost always significant in both
length and purpose. For example, a scene that captures a
president’s speech to a crowd exhibits a dramatic monologue
that is both lengthy and important to the story’s plotline. In fact,
in TV, theater ,and film, all speeches given by a single character
—to an audience, the audience, or even just one character—are
dramatic monologues.

3. Internal Monologue: The expression of a character’s thoughts

so that the audience can witness (or read, in literature) what is
going on inside that character’s mind. It is sometimes
(depending on the style in) referred to as “stream-of-
consciousness.” In a piece of writing, internal monologues can
often be easily identified by italicized blocks of text that express
a character’s inner thoughts On TV and in films, internal
monologues are usually spoken in the character’s voice, but
without seeing him actually speak; thus giving the feeling of
being able to hear his thoughts.

CGC Jhanjeri, Mohali-140 307 Pg. no. 22

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