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What are major differences in the goals and design elements of qualitative and quantitative
methods? Be sure to use and accurately define key ideas and terms.
Qualitative research methods use numbers and statistics in their methodology. It uses
measurable data and often have patterns in their findings. Usually quantitative research has larger
sample size than qualitative research. On the other hand, qualitative research method uses focus
groups, interviews and observation in their methodology.
Qualitative research is endlessly creative and interpretive. The researcher does not just
leave the field with mountains of empirical data and then easily write up his or her findings.
Qualitative interpretations are constructed, and various techniques can be used to make sense of
the data, such as content analysis, grounded theory (Glaser & Strauss, 1967), thematic analysis
(Braun & Clarke, 2006) or discourse analysis.
What are the strengths and weakness of each approach?
Quantitative research method has proven to be beneficial in the following ways. First, it
provides an allowance on the formulation of statistically sound. Second, Quantitative data
provides a macro view with all the required details and comparatively larger samples. Lastly,
larger sample sizes enable the conclusion to be generalized. While the weaknesses of quantitative
data are the following: Quantitative Method reveals what and to what extent but often fails to
answer more on why and how. This type of research requires the model performance to be
monitored on constant basis in order to ensure its compliance with the original hypotheses. The
impression of homogeneity in a sample may turn out to be fake in this method.
Qualitative can be beneficial in the following ways. First, all the problems and the topics
covered under this research are in detail. Second, this method majorly focuses on small groups
which ultimately do not require more expenses when compared to quantitative research. Third,
On the emergence of new developed information and findings, the revision, direction and
framework of the data can be done easily quickly. While the weakness of quantitative research
are; As the data is collected for a small group, due to which assumptions cannot be made beyond
the small group of people. It becomes difficult to demonstrate, maintain and assess the rigidity of
the data. Collection of statistical data is not easy and cannot be done solely by using this method.
How do qualitative and quantitative research methods complement one another?
They complement each other since using them both at the same time will give better
results for most of the researches. Qualitative research would explain and give in depth
description while quantitative research provides all the statistical analysis which makes the
research more better.
Can you cite 2 examples of Qualitative & Quantitative research designs?
Snowball method
Convenience Method
Can you cite one example of Qualitative & Quantitative research instruments?
Qualitative design: Focus Groups, Interviews
Quantitative design: Survey- Likert Scale, observation

What specific quantitative or qualitative questions will your study address?
-What are the factors why students did not meet the targeted scores during the National
Achievement test?
-What are the problems encountered by the students while taking the examination?
- Are there possible solution to improve the student’s performance the next examination?
- What are the ways to enhance their knowledge- do we need to make a comprehensive review?
Who are the participants? And how will you select the respondents or participants?
The participants are all the students who will be taking the National Achievement test and
also the teachers involved in the examination and those related to the students. We will select all
the candidates for the examination as much as possible to have better results.
What are the predictors/independent variables and outcome/dependent variables?
Independent variable: Student’s study habits, student’s attitude towards their education, hours of
studying, student’s willingness
Dependent variable: Students Score and knowledge on the topics
What data are you using? How are you collecting it? What are you measuring? How are
you measuring?
Data will be collected by making a survey to the students, ask them to rate and answers
the questions about their poor performance on the national achievement test. Measuring using
correlation method and likert scale on the surveys.
What ethical issues may be raised in this research?
Due to pressure, the principal might choose to give the answer key to the students for
them to have a good performance in their national achievement test which is also currently
happening in most public schools.
Research Title:
Teacher commitment: A Study on the Professional Commitment of Teachers in the Tertiary level
in this New Normal
Teachers in this new normal learning set-up entails a lot of efforts to incorporate adequate
information to students. Colleges adopted to online classes scheduled on week days with
additional materials given to the students. This is why it is very challenge for teachers to have
professional commitment towards their work since they are working at home. An effective
educator needs to be committed not only to their students, but to the teaching profession as a
During this challenging times, teachers have the difficulty to commit in their work for
many reasons such as low internet access, power interruptions, lack of materials, limited
technologies and many more. These inherent problems often discourage them to attend their
classes or would lead them to cancel their classes most of the time. Also since there are working
at home, they would have the discretion to make efforts or not since there will be no evaluations
on their performance.
Research Problems:
1. How committed are they in attending their online classes?
 Do they start their classes on time?
 Are they willing to reschedule their class in case of fortuitous events?
2. Do Teachers have professional commitment by learning different online platforms?
 What online platforms are they using?
 Are they making efforts to learn about the different educational online platforms?
3. Do teachers make sure students are able to learn much as possible?
 Do they provide enough learning materials for their students?
 Are they devoting their time to make assessments every week to make sure
students study?
4. Do teachers have proper communication or information dissemination to their students?
 Are teachers making efforts to reach out to their students every week?
 How many times would they follow up their students?
Alternative Hypothesis: Tertiary Level teachers do practice and exercise professional
commitment in their attitude towards work in this New Normal.
Null Hypothesis: Tertiary Level teachers do not practice and exercise professional commitment
in their attitude towards work in this New Normal.
Conceptual Framework
Dependent Variable
Teacher’s Work
Time Management

Independent Variable Moderating Variable

Online Platforms Teacher’s Health
Available Technology
and Resources

Data to be used
The researchers will be conducting research on the colleges and universities by
evaluating the performances of their teachers through their students. Research will choose 5
college universities on where they will conduct their research. College Universities includes
Ateneo de Zamboanga University, Western Mindanao State University, Universided de
Zamboanga, Zambaonga City State Polythecnic College, and Southern City Colleges.
Instruments to be used
The researchers will use both qualitative and quantitative research instruments since we
will use online survey method and likert scale method in conducting the research. The research
do believe this is the best research instrument in this new normal.
Sources of Data
The sources of Data used is “Teachers’ commitment focuses:a three-dimensioned view”
(Karakus and Aslan, 2007). Another source is “Teachers Professional Commitment towards
Students Learning, their Profession and the Community in Eastern Ethiopian Secondary
Schools” (Hussen, Tegegn and Teshome 2016).
Statistical Analysis
Researcher will use descriptive statistical methods specifically correlation method in
conducting this research. By using correlation method we will be able to infer the relation of the
independent and dependent variables.
Conceptual Framework- provide the relationship of variables in the research. A theoretical
framework is a broad and established set of rules, truths, or principles on which the study is
founded. The theoretical framework leads into the conceptual framework, which is a specific
exploration of an aspect of the theoretical framework. In other words, the conceptual framework
is used to arrive at a hypothesis.
Random Sampling Methods- Random sampling refers to a variety of selection techniques in
which sample members are selected by chance, but with a known probability of selection. Most
social science, business, and agricultural surveys rely on random sampling techniques for the
selection of survey participants or sample units, where the sample units may be persons,
establishments, land points, or other units for analysis. Random sampling is a critical element to
the overall survey research design.
-Simple Random Sampling
-Stratified Random Sampling
-Cluster Random Sampling
-Systematic Random Sampling
Independent Variable- the variable that is stable and unaffected by the other variables you are
trying to measure. It refers to the condition of an experiment that is systematically manipulated
by the investigator. This variable cannot be changed or it stand alone for example respondents
age, height, weight which cannot be changed as the research goes on this is why they are called
independent. They might vary from one research to another.
Evaluative Research- it seeks to assess or judge in some way, providing useful information
about something other than might be gleaned in mere observation or investigation of
relationships. Summative evaluation seeks to understand the outcomes or effects of something,
for example where a test in of children in school is used to assess the effectiveness of teaching or
the deployment of a curriculum. The children in this case are not direct beneficiaries - they are
simply objects that contain information that needs to be extracted. Formative evaluation is used
to help strengthen or improve the person or thing being tested.
Action Research- It is applied in order to improve specific practices. Action research is based
on action, evaluation and critical analysis of practices based on collected data in order to
introduce improvements in relevant practices. This type of research is facilitated by participation
and collaboration of number of individuals with a common purpose. Such a research focuses on
specific situations and their context. The stages of action research is Planning, Acting, Observing
and reflecting.

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